Community Oriented Participatory Action Research (COPAR)
Community Oriented Participatory Action Research (COPAR)
Community Oriented Participatory Action Research (COPAR)
Participatory Action
Research (COPAR)
A social development approach
that aims to transform the
apathetic, individualistic and
voiceless poor into dynamic,
participatory and politically
responsive community.
A collective, participatory,
transformative, liberative, sustained
and systematic process of building
peoples organizations by mobilizing
and enhancing the capabilities and
resources of the people.
A process by which a community
identifies its needs and objectives,
develops confidence to take action in
respect to them and in doing so,
extends and develops cooperative and
collaborative attitudes and practices in
the community
Helps the community workers to generate
community participation in development activities
Prepares people/clients to eventually take over the
management of a development programs in the
Maximizes community participation and
involvement; community resources are mobilized
for community services
gets people actively involved in
selection and support of community
health workers
Functions as an alternative for medical
cases that dont require further
medical involvement
Mobilizes community resources
improves both projects effectiveness
during implementation
People have the capacity to change
and are able to bring about change
COPARshould be based on the interest
of the poorest sectors of society
COPARshould lead to a self-reliant
community and society.
Most oppressed, exploited
and deprived sectors
People are open to change, have the
capacity to change and are able to bring
about change
COPARshould be based on the interest of
the poorest sectors of society
COPARshould lead to a self-reliant
community and society.
Community working to
solve its own problem
Direction is established
internally and externally
oDevelopment and implementation
of a specific project less important
than the development of the
capacity of the community to
establish the project
oConsciousness raising involves
perceiving health and medical care
within the total structure of society