Module 4 - Community Health Assessment
Module 4 - Community Health Assessment
Module 4 - Community Health Assessment
1. Assessment
2. Diagnosis
3. Planning and outcome identification
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation
Scientific Method
Select/define a problem
Formulate research question/hypothesis
Collect data
Analyze data
Report results
Community as Client
A community-wide group of people as the focus of nursing service.
The community directly influences the health of individuals, families,
groups, subpopulations, and populations who are a part of it.
Provision of most health services occurs at the community level.
Nursing Process in Community Health Nursing
The nursing process directs the CHNs in providing care to meet a clients’ health
needs, whether the client is an individual, a family, group or community.
Description of Nursing Process as an efficient method of organizing thought
process for clinical decision making and problem solving
Community Assessment
Prior to nursing action, client is assessed to determine his/ her health status and
the need for nursing intervention.
Assessment is “the act of reviewing a human situation from a data base in order
to affirm the wellness state and diagnose potential client problems; to affirm an
illness state, diagnosing the client’s prevailing problems, determining the
potential for problems and identifying the wellness aspects of the ill client”.
The definition of assessment indicated: -
Determination of a client’s health problem
Identification of strengths and weaknesses and the clients state of health
Types of data:
Subjective or objective
Current or historical
Data collection methods:
Physical examination
Review of records
Diagnostic reports
Collaboration with colleagues
CHNs collect wider array of data than nurses in other specialty areas
They gather data on groups of people as well as individuals and families
Social systems
Economic, educational, religious, political and legal systems.
Human services, opportunity for recreation, common power systems,
official and voluntary health agencies, stores and industries, safety and
communication dynamics.
Socioeconomic patterns
The high indicates available health facilities
Environmental factors
Condition of houses
Crowding index
Presence or absence of electricity
Water supply
Presence of safety measure
Windshield survey
Equivalent to a simple head –to-toe assessment
Observer drives through a chosen neighborhood and uses the five senses
and observation to assess the neighborhood
Common characteristics about the way people live
Where do they live
Type of housing
Informants interviews
Interviewing community residents: -
Key informants: Individuals in power position, such as leaders in local
government, schools, religion…… etc.
General public: random residents in the community.
- Random telephone or face to face
- Street interviews
Interviews might be structured or unstructured
Participants observation
The CHN observe formal and informal communities to determines signs or
Formal community: Local government, school, board meeting
Informal community: Coffee shop, street
Effective to assess: -
Values, norms and concerns of community
Power system and how decisions are made
Constructed surveys
A set of prepared specific questions given to a random sample in the
It is time consuming and expensive
Nursing Diagnosis
Involves comparison of client-specific data with known norms and
Make inferences based on data (Hypothesis evaluation) which is possible
explanation of client’s condition
Documentation of nursing process Remember Care not written is Care NOT DONE