Polygraph (Lie Detector)

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Program Director Criminology
The term "polygraph" literally means "many
writings." The name refers to the manner in
which selected physiological activities are
simultaneously recorded.
Polygraph examiners my use conventional
instruments, sometimes referred to analog
instruments, or computerized instruments.
It is important to understand what a
polygraph examination entails.
A polygraph will collect physiological data
from at least three systems in the body.
Purpose of Polygraph
A polygraph or lie detector determines whether the
person being tested has fabricated his answers.
A polygraph is often used as an investigative
technique, and for some fields such as law
enforcement it is used for pre-employment
A polygraph will indicate changes or a reaction to
stress a body goes through when fabricating an
These reactions are recorded by the machine and
will let the examiner know which question caused
the stress reaction.
Polygraph Examinations

The aim of POLYGRAPH is solely to

determine the truthfulness of a person's
statement with regard to a specific issue
whether criminal, civil or private which
includes, but not limited to:
Criminal Issues

Sexual Abuse / Assault
Theft / Robbery
Insider Trading
Breach of Trust
Civil Issues

Insurance Fraud
Employee Theft
Leak of Information
Industrial Espionage
Workplace Disputes
Loyalty and Reliability issues
Pre-employment screening
Private Issues

Verification of statements regarding

matters of significance.
Personalized polygraph tests crafted to
meet your needs
Who uses the Polygraph
Military/Law Enforcement Agencies
Legal Community
Business/ Private Sector
Basic components of a polygraph machine

Pneumograph - Records breathing of the

Galvanograph - Records electrical current in
the skin. Known as Galvanic skin
responseand Galvanic skin conductance.
Cardiosphygmograph Records the blood
pressure and pulse rate of the subject.
Kymograph is a motor that pulls or drives te
chart paper under a recording pen
simultaneously at the rate of 6 to 12 inches
per minute.
popularly referred to as lie detector.
measures and records several
psychological indices such as blood
pressure, pulse, respiration and skin
conductivity while the subject is asked an
answers a series of questions. literally
means "many writings".
Is also derived from two Greek words
"Poly"- which means many and "Graphos"
which means writing.
Polygraph Examination
The entire environment within which a
qualified polygraphist renders an expert
opinion as to the veracity of an
examinees statements concerning the
primary issue of the matter under
The expert conclusion expressed by a
qualified polygraphist concerning the
veracity of the statements made by
Reactions - changes in blood pressure,
pulse rate, breathing and sweat activity.
Stimuli - is applied to sensory receptor,
it influences a reflex via stimulus
Lie Detection - is the practice of
determining whether someone is lying.
Deception- the act of making someone
believe something that is not true.
Lie- is an intentionally false statement to
a person or group made by another
person or group who knows it is not
wholly the truth.
Polygraph Test

A pretest is conducted similar to an interview in

which the polygraph examiner and the examinee
take an hour to get to know each other.
If the purpose of the polygraph is because of an
investigation, the examiner will ask about the
examinee's side of the story.
The examiner will also profile the examinee
while he is telling his side of the story.
This will give him a better insight when
performing the test.
The examiner will review with the
examinee the questions that were
specifically designed to address the issue
being investigated.
This is done before the actual polygraph
test is performed.
Three Basic Approaches to the Polygraph Test

Control Question Test (CQT) - this

test compares the physiological
response to relevant questions about
the crime with the response to
questions relating to possible prior
misdeeds. This test is often used to
determine whether certain criminal
suspects should be prosecuted or
classified as uninvolved in the crime.
Directed Lie Test (DLT) -
this test tries to detect lying
by comparing physiological
responses when the subject
is told and deliberately lie to
responses when they tell the
Guilty Knowledge Test (GKT) -
this test compares physiological
responses to multiple choice
type questions about the crime,
one choice of which contains
information only the crime
investigators and the criminal
would know about.
Types of Questions

Irrelevant Questions (IR) Question

designed to be emotionally neutral to the
examinee. This type of question should
be answerable with YES. This type of
questions both the examiner and the
examinee know the true answer and it is
intended to established the examinees
physiological norms.
Questions(CQ) Class of
questions that serve to illicit
physiologic response of
innocent examinee.
Non Current Exclusive Control
Question (NCECQ)

Questions formulated in the

same category of offense or
matter as relevant questions.
Separated in time from
relevant issue with the use of
time bar.
Considered as earlier in life
Non Current Control Question
Current Exclusive Control

formulated in the same category of

offense or matter as relevant
However, not separated in time for
the relevant issue with the use of
time bar thus considered a current
control questions.
It exclude specific crime from the
relevant issue.
Non Exclusive Control

formulated in the same

category of offense or matter
as relevant questions issue.
However it is not separated in
the time from the relevant
issue and it excludes the crime
or matter of the relevant
Manner and way of asking
Probable Lie Control Questions this
question is designed to induce the
innocent people to answer in negative,
even though most are lying. Innocent
examinee is expected to experience
concern about these answer that shows
in their physiological response.
Directed Lie Control Questions the
examinee is instructed to respond
negatively and untruthfully.
Expected Answer for the
Questions whether the
comparison is of NCECQ, NECQ
or CECQ regardless whether the
manner of asking is probable or
directed lie, it is expected that
the examinee will give a NO
Relevant Questions(R)
Deals with the true issue of
concern to the investigation.
This question is designed to
pose a threat in the security of
the deceptive or guilty
examinee and elicit his, her
physiological norm.
Primary Issue this question test direct
involvement to the matter under investigation.
Secondary Issue Lesser action of the direct
Evidence Connecting Question the purpose
of the question is to determine the examinees
awareness of the nature, location of various
items of evidence or fruits of the crimes.
Guilty Knowledge Question any knowledge
of who committed the crime under
SKY Questions an optional
questions use to verify previous
Sacrifice relevant
Question(SR) the purpose of
this questions is to introduce
the relevant issue under
investigation which is typically
answerable by YES
Symptomatic Question(SY)
this type of question use to determine
whether the examinee is truly convinced
that the forensic psychophysiologist wil
not asked unreviewed question during
the polygraph verification test and
whether there is something else the
examinee is afraid the forensic
psychophysiologist will asked him the
question about even the FP promised the
exminee he would not.
Inside Issue Control Question
this type of question designed to
elicit a response from the innocent
examinee who is fearful that an
error will be made on test.
Inside issue Relevant
this question is designed to
elicit response from a guilty
examinee who hopes that an
error will be made on the test in
hope that this deception will
not be detected.
Counter Measure(CM)
Use to determine if the
examinee tries to employ
counter measures.
Samples Test Format/ Polygraph Techniques

Single Issue : Zone Comparison Test

Matte Quadri- Tract ZCT Question
Sacrifice Relevant(SR)
Symptomatic Question(SY)
Non-Current Exclusive Control Questions(NCECQ)
Non-Current Exclusive Control Questions(NCECQ)
Inside issue Control Question(IIC)
Inside issue Relevant Question(IIR)
Symptomatic Question(SY)
Multiple Issue: Zone Comparison Technique
Matte Quin Que -Tract ZCT : Question sequence
Irrelevant (IR)
Sacrifice Relevant (SR)
Symptomatic Question (SY)
Non-Current Exclusive Control Questions (NCECQ)
Non-Current Exclusive Control Questions (NCECQ)
Relevant (R)
Non-Current Exclusive Control Questions (NCECQ)
Relevant (R)
Suspicion (Suspect in SKY)
Knowledge (Know in SKY)
Symptomatic Question (SY)
3 Phases of a Polygraph Examination

Pre-Test Phase - the examiner discusses with

the subject the test issue, review the test
questions that will be ask during the test and
assess the subjects emotional and
physiological suitability to undergo the
polygraph test.
Testing Phase - subjects physiological
response are recorded as the subject answers
a set of questions reviewed earlier.
Post Test Phase - examiner reviews test
data obtained and interprets the polygraph
Conclusions that a Polygraph Examiner.

Subject is telling the truth

Subject is not telling the truth
The result is inconclusive
Causes of Polygraph Errors

Failureof examiner to properly

prepare the examinee for the
Misreading of the physiological
data on the polygraph charts.
Defective polygraph machine.

Polygraph test result in the Philippines is
not admissible in evidence as proof of the
guilt of an accused. Polygraph test is
The accuracy of polygraph test is about
90% provided the examiner is competent
and the polygraph machine is in good
working condition.
Polygraph is an investigative tool. A
polygraph test normally lasts between one
and a half hours to two and a half hours.
The principle behind a lie detection test is
that when the subject hears a questions
which he or she intends to lie, the brain
interprets and triggers automatic and
uncontrollable physiological changes
captured by the polygraph.
In a polygraph test, the types of questions
alternates, the test is passed if the
physiological responses during the
probable lie control questions are larger
than those during the relevant question.
The Examining Room
Polygraph examinations should be
conducted in a quiet, private room. Under
normal circumstances only the
polygraphist and examines are permitted
in the examining room.
Pre-Test Interview
The examination actually begins with the
first contact between the examinee and
the polygraphist.
The pre- test interview is vital to a proper
polygraph examination and no
examination will be administered by any
polygraph examiner without an adequate
pre-test interview.
Question Formulation
Should be conducted in accordance with
established standards and techniques.
Unless specifically required by the nature
of the issue being resolved no questions
regarding morals or the intimate details
of a persons personal life will be asked.
Test Construction
The use and placement of test questions
within the question sequence must
adhere to and be in accordance with
those techniques generally recognized
and widely accepted withinthe polygraph
Stimulation Test
The stim test is optional. It may be
conducted either as the first polygraph
chart or inserted between polygraph
The fact that anindividualhas been
previously examined, perhaps even by
the same polygraphist, does not negate
the use of the stim test.
Review of Test Questions
Under no circumstances will any test be
administered without a prior, thorough
review of all test questions with the
examinee. Administering The Polygraph
Chart Interpretation
After applying pressure to theblood
pressurecuff at the time of the test, the
polygraphist should be able to announce the
beginning of the test with minimum delay.
Test questions should be usually spaced at
not less than15 second intervals.
The administering of the polygraph
examination shall beconducted in
accordance with established standards and
techniques which are taught by the
accredited schools.

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