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Brendan Vasko

Get Out - Analysis

In this Powerpoint, I will analyze
the film 'Get Out', a film that
creates anunbelievable racial
horrorfrom the perspective of an
AfricanAmerican male named
Chris. His girlfriend of 5 months
Rose brings him up to meet her
family,inhere Chris will face racial
anxiety, hypnosis, and betrayl.
This film is packed with racial
symbolism in different varieties.
Let's break it down..
Director Jordan Peele
Most known for his iconic sketch comedy
show, Key and Peele, Jordan Peele wrote
and directed 'Get Out' (2016).
This is his first film, and he wanted to play
with his strengths and adapt them for this
film. Peele believes there is a thin line
between Comedy and Horror, and the
premise of this film is satirical in a dark
He provided layers of gore, racial anxiety,
thrilling moments all in his first project.
According to Jordan Peele, this film was
written during the Obama administration
and the point of it was to show the world
that we do not live in a post racial society.
Director Jordan Peele
Peele's goal was to show the world
that you can make an elevated
movie about Race with an African
American lead.
Also, to make a movie for all races
to enjoy. Everybody come to the
movies theatre with their own view
on life, but 'Get Out' provides all
viewers with angst through the
character of Chris.
'Get Out'was an extremely
successful film released that
debuted Febuary 24th, 2016.
Opening Credits Imagery
In the opening credits in
'Get Out', you are
immediately introduce to a
hypnotic flush of trees
displaying the title, 'Get
Out' in the foreground.
This is foreshadowing the
hypnosis that takes place
during the rising action in
the plot of this film.
Chris and Rose's relationship is 5 months in and it is almost
time for Chris to meet the parents. Rose insists to Chris that
him being a black man is a non-issue and her father "would
have voted for Obama a third time" if he could.
Finally convincing Chris to go, Rose and him make their way to
her parents estate which was built by her grandfather. They
almost crash due to a ominous deer interference, which is
subsequently followed up with an awkward encounter with a
police officer.
Once they arrive at the house, the first thing Chris notices is
the two African American workers outside as he walks up to
greet Rose's father and family.
Now, Chris has now met the whole family. Dean and Missy
Armitage are her parents, and her filter-less brother Jeremy.
Missy is a psychologistwho specializes in a form of hypnosis
that can prevent addiction, they offer this at no cost to
destroy his cigarette addiction by hypnosis. He reluctantly
declines their mysterious offer. Chris instantly picks up on the
weird vibes from the two workers, Walter and Georgina. Missy
provides context, they basically raised the family as long as
they can remember...
Walter talks to Chris as if he is not that of a common black
man which raise Chris's suspicions along with Georgina's
ferocious cleaning habits.
That night Chris goes out for a
secret cigarette, and comes
across some disturbing actions.
As he is about to light up his
smoke he sees Walter sprinting
at him with a strong stare and
cuts at a 90 degree angle 5
feet in front of Chris. Then, he
peers over his shoulder only to
see a glaring Georgina from a
house window.
Chris walks inside to Missy,
passive aggressively
commenting on his smoking
habit which turns into complete
manipulation. Missy completes
hypnosis in this scene on Chris,
sending him to what is referred
to as the "sunken place".
When Chris wakes up in bed with Rose
the next morning, it was like nothing
had even happened the night before.
Until he realizesthat he was
manipulated and notices no urge to
smoke cigarettes. Rose supports her
boyfriends feeling of being taken
advantage of, and Missy apologizes
just in time for the yearly event for the
community held at the home. Chris
photographs this event and notices
even more odd African Americans.
Chris's friend Lil Rel warned Chris to
be careful, this warning becomes
reality when Chris identifies a black
man he and Lil Relmet at a friends in
the past. When Chris puts down his
Professional Nikon camera and snaps
a flash photo from his cell phone at
the man, the black man snaps out of a
trance and shouts "GET OUT!"
Chris's skepticism hits a peak, during this scene Georgina
even unplugs Chris's phone, he is ready to 'Get Out'
literally.When he is upstairs contacting Lil Rel, there is a
real auction underway. . . For Chris.
Chris expresses his concern and convinces Rose to hit the
road as soon as possible, she kisses him and shows him
that she is there for him. As she gathers her stuff Chris
goes through some stuffin a secret cabinet in the room.
Chris finds picture after picture of relationships Rose had,
he even sees Walter and Rose, and Georgina and Rose,
dont worry it will all make sense soon.
Chris makes his way down the
main staircase while Rose follows
behind him looking for their keys,
he is approached by Jeremy,
Dean and Missy with
falseconfusion on his sudden
need for departure
Then, Rose reveals her ruse. She
says, "You know I cant give you
the keys right babe." Then, Missy
sends Chris into the Sunken place
by hypnosisto begin the process.
Chris wakes up completely bound to a chair, in front of
a TV with a deer head above and avideo providing
him with the context of the procedure he and the
highest bidder are about to undergo.
Chris learns that Dean's father was the first to have
his consciousness implanted in Walter, and he was the
one to curate all of the horror Chris and the other
victims endured by creating a family to follow out his
The Armitage's
Grandpa Armitage developed a
bizarre obsessionafter losing
to an African American in track
and field. He was convinced he
lost because he was
genetically inferior.
So he dedicated his life to
developing a family that can
become eternal through the
process of embedding
aconsciousness into another
The Armitage's
He would have a son that would
only become a neurosurgeon,
and he would have a wife who
would specialize in psychology
for hypnosis. They would have
kids, a daughter to be the bait
and the son to be the braun.
Rose had relationships to then
only lure them back to the
house to be auctioned off to the
locals for a new, stylish body.
Chris becomes face to face with the highest bidder, it is
ironically the blind artist Chris exchanged pleasantries with at
the gathering.
The blind artist who longs for Chris's "eye" the most.
Dean begins surgery on the blind man, as Jeremy goes to get
Chris who should be unconscious. Chris is not at grabs a heavy
object and bashes Jeremy head. Deans hears something then
goes to investigate, as soon as he knows it he has Deer
antlers piercing his internal organs. Chris makes his way
upstairs to find a shocked Missy, she attempts to hypnotize
him one last chance but cant because Chris murders her.
Chris tries to escape but
Jeremy tries to stop him
once last time, but Chris
just ends up stomping his
face with his boot. Chris
tries to drive away but he
hits Georgina, he feels
guilty so he helps her into
the car. Rose finally
unplugs her ears from her
laptop and becomes
aware of the fiasco and
gets a gun and goes
outside searching for
Chris with Walter. Rose
says, "Let's go get him
Georgina as soon as she
wakes and sees Chris
escaping with her as the
passenger, she immediately
goes crazy and causes an
accident. Chris doesnt know it
yet, but Rose and Walter are
on his tail.Chris ends up
photographing Walter,
snapping him back into
consciousness after being in
the sunken place for who
knows how long, Walter shoots
Rose and then kills himself.
Rose then begs Chris to help
and professes true love and
he kills her, and then Lil Rel
pulls up for one of the best "I
told you so" scenes ever.
Deer Symbolism
The scene when they hit the deer, Chris has this
moment with this poor deer. You can see the pain
in Chris's eyes when he looks onto the bleeding
animal. This foreshadows him bleeding in the
forest at the end of the film while the Rose and
Walter events unfold after Georgina's intentional
In the Meet the Parents scene, Rose and Chris tell
Dean how they hit a deer on the way. Dean
proceeds to explain how much he wants to kill all
of the deer if he could, he even has a deer head
mounted on the wall behind him.
Later on, when Chris is strapped to the chair
before the procedure he is starring at Deer head
This symbolizes how Chris feels in this moment of
realization that he is not the only one. That he is
just another useless deer on the wall to the
Armitage family, but he is not he escapes!
Sound/Music - "Redbone"
In Get Out, Jordan Peele searched for the
perfect jam to settle the audience into this
fantasticracial horror film.
In the first scene introducing the twomain
characters, Chris and Rose, you hear the
key phrase from a popular 2016 R&B track
Redbone by Childish Gambino, "Stay
Peele said in a interview onHipHopDW on
youtube, this song is perfect for the
message he wants the audience to receive
before the outcome of the film. He wants
everyone to "Stay woke", notice the
symbolism and the layers of this film, not
just the surface.
Fruit Loop Scene
Favorite Scene
During the intense ending
scenes, when Chris is
murdering the Armitage
family one by one, there is
Rose: everyone's least
favorite character at this
Rose is upstairs with
White headphones in,
eating dryfruit loops
while sipping the milk
separate through a straw.
Fruit Loop Scene
Favorite Scene
All the colors in the fruit
loops are separate from
the white milk.
It is symbolic as much
asit was intentional to
keep the fruit loops from
Rose's milk.
The fruit loops represent
all of the people/races she
has manipulated for the
Armitage family and
community's gain. The
milk symbolizes her, not
compromised by the fruit
loops and their color but
separated from them.
The End.

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