Why Literature Study Matters - 21st Century Learning
Why Literature Study Matters - 21st Century Learning
Why Literature Study Matters - 21st Century Learning
From: Are They Really Ready to
Work: Employers Perspectives on
Basic Knowledge and Applied Skills
What applied skills and basic knowledge
are most important for those you will
hire with a four-year college diploma?
Oral Communication 95.4%
(Foreign Language and English)
Collaboration 94.4%
Professional/Work Ethic 93.8%
Written Communication 93.1%
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving 93.1%
Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2008). Are They Really Ready to Work: Employers Perspectives on
Basic Knowledge and Applied Skills of the New Entrants into the 21 st Century Workforce. Available at:
From: Are They Really Ready to Work:
Employers Perspectives on Basic
Knowledge and Applied Skills
What skills and content areas will be
growing in importance in the next five
GroupingsLife & Learning & Information, Media
Career Innovation and Technology
21st Century Learning = Five C Skills
Uses the Web as Platform
Global awarenessMulti-Lingual
Harnesses Collective Intelligence
Telecommunications Driven
Critical Thinking
Always in Perpetual Beta
Financial, economic, business &
entrepreneurial literacy
Lightweight Programming
Cross-Cultural Awareness
Civic Literacy
Multi-Device Interface
Rich User Experience