Lesson Plan 7C

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Turcu Alexandra

Date: June 11th 2019
Class: 7 C
Level: pre-intermediate
Resources: pictures, board, worksheets
Types of activities: whole class, pair work, individual
Types of interaction: Teacher-Student, Student-Student
Type of lesson: Lesson of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and
Topic: Nouns and adjectives of emotion-adjectives to describe behaviour
Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
Strategies: conversation, reading, explanation, elicitation, description
Time: 50 minutes

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. correctly identify adjectives and nouns of emotion;

2. use adjectives to describe behavior and emotions;
3. be able to distinguish shades of meaning among
closely related adjectives;
4. use adjectives in communicative structures ;
5. form nouns from adjectives;

Evaluation: conversation, exercise

Time Skills Activities

5 Speaking The teacher enters the classroom, greets the students
min and starts asking them different questions in order to Students answer the
get acquainted with them and to create a relaxing teacher’s questions

Link between warm-up and presentation

5 Speaking Name of the activity: Look and name the feeling Students look at the
min The teacher shows students a picture representing a picture and try to guess
happy person and asks the students ‘How is she feeling?’ the feeling. They write
trying to elicit the topic of the new lesson. Then, she the date and the title in
their notebooks.
writes the date and the title of the new lesson on the
The teacher shows students some other pictures Students look at the
representing adjectives of emotion, allowing them to pictures and guess the
guess the feelings. Then she writes the words on the feelings. Then they
whiteboard in a column dedicated to adjectives expressing write the new words in
emotion. Then, the teacher shows some pictures their notebooks.
representing adjectives describing behavior and again she
writes them on the whiteboard in a special column.

10 Reading Practice 1 Students perform the

min Writing Name of the activity: Word formation task
The teacher gives students some worksheets. The task
is to match the nouns with their correspondent adjectives.
Then, students have to complete some sentences using a
suitable adjective and its correspondent noun.
The teacher names the students and corrects any possible

10 Practice 2
min Reading Name of the activity: What are they like? Students perform the
Writing The teacher gives students some worksheets. First, task
students read the list of adjectives and the teacher explains
the unknown ones, writing them on the whiteboard. Then,
students have to complete each sentence with an adjective
from the box. Each sentence is in fact a description of a
person. Then, the teacher checks the answers.
Practice 3
Name of the activity: Talk about you
10 Using the same worksheet, students have to complete
min Writing some sentences using adjectives in order to speak about
Speaking the kind of people they like/don’t like and finally to
describe themselves. Then, the teacher checks their Students perform the
choices. task.

5 Speaking Practice 4
min Name of the activity: Describe your deskmate
In pairs, students describe each other, using the
adjectives of emotion and behavior from the previous In pairs, students
activity. perform the task

4 Writing Students pay attention

min Listening Practice 5 to the adjectives said by
Name of the activity: Bingo the teacher
The teacher informs the students they are going to
play Bingo. The students choose nine adjectives from the
previous worksheet. They write them down and every
time they hear an adjective they have chosen, they cross it
out until they cross the entire line and say out loud

min Lesson Closure Students note their
For the next class, students are asked to answer homework and say
to a quiz and find out their personality. Then, the goodbye to the teacher.
teacher says ‘Goodbye’ and wishes them a nice day.

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