Earthquake Awareness AGP

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Earthquake Awareness

C.RameshBabu M.E., PhD (Pursuing)

Assistant Professor (Senior Grade),
Department of Civil Engineering,
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College,

Definition of Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability,

Risk Types Natural disasters (earthquake,
landslides, flood, cyclones, tsunami and
drought) Manmade disasters (Chemical,
nuclear and biological) Disaster impacts
(environmental, physical, social, ecological and
economical) Case studies.
Where do earthquakes occur?

You must know this earthquakes take

place at locations where there are
mountains. If you want to know the exact
locations, take the relief globe from your
drawing room and run your finger along
the mountain line. You now have the
complete data on where most earthquakes
have been occurring in the world.
Now, that is not the end of it. Earthquakes
can and have been occurring at other
locations too, particularly where there are
not necessarily any major mountain
ranges; the 1993 earthquake in Deccan
plateau of Marathwada in central India is a
recent example of this from our country.
This means that in India, virtually over
60% of the area is under the threat of
moderate to strong earthquake shaking.
Why do earthquakes Occur?
There is a large differential pressure and temperature
between the center of the Earth and its surface; the
pressure inside is about 4 million atmospheres and the
temperature about 6000C. So most matter inside the
Earth is in the hot molten form of lava. This gradient
coupled with the presence of magnetic field of the Earth,
generates a circulation of the Earth's mass - from the
North Pole to the South Pole along the axis and from South
Pole to the North Pole along the surface.
Of course, the rate of this motion is very small, on
an average of about 2 inches per year in active
earthquake areas.
The journey of the Earth's mass from the South
Pole to the North Pole is what all of us
participate in.
Understandably, since the pace of motion is not
uniform across the entire Earth, some parts
move faster than the others do. Consequently,
the Earths surface can be visualised to consist
of a number of pieces, called tectonic plates,
which move towards the North Pole.
Also, the motion of these plates is not a smooth
one but happens in fits and starts, thanks to the
limited strength of the Earth's material to resist
the strains generated by these relative motions.
So, every time a tectonic plate moves more than
its neighbour and slips over it, large amount of
strain energy is suddenly released and there is a
tremor of the Earth, which we call as an
earthquake. The junctions of these plates are
named as faults. Again, many of these faults lie
along the mountains that all of us observe.
The Journey of the Plates
What Is Seismology?
Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that
move through and around the earth. A seismologist is a scientist
who studies earthquakes and seismic waves.
What Are Seismic Waves?
Seismic waves are the waves of energy caused by the sudden
breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion. They are the
energy that travels through the earth and is recorded on
Types of Seismic Waves
There are several different kinds of seismic waves, and they all
move in different ways. The two main types of waves are body
waves and surface waves. Body waves can travel through the
earth's inner layers, but surface waves can only move along the
surface of the planet like ripples on water. Earthquakes radiate
seismic energy as both body and surface waves.
Traveling through the interior of the earth, body
waves arrive before the surface waves emitted
by an earthquake. These waves are of a higher
frequency than surface waves.
The first kind of body wave is the P wave or primary wave.
This is the fastest kind of seismic wave, and, consequently,
the first to 'arrive' at a seismic station. The P wave can move
through solid rock and fluids, like water or the liquid layers of
the earth. It pushes and pulls the rock it moves through just
like sound waves push and pull the air. Have you ever heard a
big clap of thunder and heard the windows rattle at the same
time? The windows rattle because the sound waves were
pushing and pulling on the window glass much like P waves
push and pull on rock. Sometimes animals can hear the P
waves of an earthquake. Dogs, for instance, commonly begin
barking hysterically just before an earthquake 'hits' (or more
specifically, before the surface waves arrive).
Usually people can only feel the bump and rattle of these
P waves are also known as compressional
waves, because of the pushing and pulling
they do. Subjected to a P wave, particles
move in the same direction that the the wave
is moving in, which is the direction that the
energy is traveling in, and is sometimes
called the 'direction of wave propagation'.
The second type of body wave is the S
wave or secondary wave, which is the second wave
you feel in an earthquake. An S wave is slower than a
P wave and can only move through solid rock, not
through any liquid medium. It is this property of S
waves that led seismologists to conclude that the
Earth's outer core is a liquid. S waves move rock
particles up and down, or side-to-side--perpindicular
to the direction that the wave is traveling in (the
direction of wave propagation).
Travelling only through the crust, surface waves are of
a lower frequency than body waves, and are easily
distinguished on a seismogram as a result. Though they
arrive after body waves, it is surface waves that are
almost enitrely responsible for the damage and
destruction associated with earthquakes. This damage
and the strength of the surface waves are reduced in
deeper earthquakes.
The first kind of surface wave is called
a Love wave, named after A.E.H. Love, a
British mathematician who worked out the
mathematical model for this kind of wave in
1911. It's the fastest surface wave and
moves the ground from side-to-side.
Confined to the surface of the crust, Love
waves produce entirely horizontal motion.
The other kind of surface wave is the Rayleigh
wave, named for John William Strutt, Lord
Rayleigh, who mathematically predicted the
existence of this kind of wave in 1885. A Rayleigh
wave rolls along the ground just like a wave rolls
across a lake or an ocean. Because it rolls, it moves
the ground up and down, and side-to-side in the
same direction that the wave is moving. Most of the
shaking felt from an earthquake is due to the
Rayleigh wave, which can be much larger than the
other waves.
Measuring an Earthquake

Earthquakes can be measured in

terms of force, duration, and
Many scientific instruments and
comparative scales have been
developed to take these
measurements. Seismographs
measure all three parameters.
The Richter scale describes the force
or intensity of an earthquake.
Naturally, the destruction caused by
earthquakes can be measured in
many other ways: numbers of people
left injured, dead, or
homeless, damage and
reconstruction costs, government
and business expenditures, insurance
costs, school days lost, and in many
more ways.
Himalayan Seismicity
Plate tectonics studies reveal that the Himalayan
mountain ranges were formed when Indo-
Australian plate collided with the Eurasian plate.
The Indian subcontinent, once part of the
supercontinent called Gondwanaland, which
consisted also of present-day Africa and
Antartica, broke away about 100 million years
ago and crawled northwards across the Tethys
Sea before ramming into Asia.
Himalayan Uplift
April 2015 Nepal earthquake

The April 2015 Nepal earthquake (also

known as the Gorkha earthquake) killed
more than 9,000 people and injured more
than 23,000. It occurred at 11:56 NST on
25 April, with a magnitude of 7.8Mw or
8.1Ms[2] and a maximum Mercalli
intensity of IX (Violent).
Itsepicenter was east of the district
of Lamjung, and its hypocenter was
at a depth of approximately 15 km
(9.3 mi). It was the worst natural
disaster to strike Nepal since
the 1934 NepalBihar earthquake.
Indian Seismic Codes

IS 1893 (Part I), Indian

Standard Criteria for Earthquake
Resistant Design of Structures (5th
IS 4326, 1993, Indian Standard Code
of Practice for Earthquake Resistant
Design and Construction of Buildings
(2nd Revision)
IS 13827, 1993, Indian Standard
Guidelines for Improving Earthquake
Resistance of Earthen Buildings
IS 13828, 1993, Indian Standard
Guidelines for Improving Earthquake
Resistance of Low Strength Masonry
IS 13920, 1993, Indian Standard Code of
Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic
IS 13935, 1993, Indian
Standard Guidelines for Repair
and Seismic Strengthening of
Earthquakes: prediction,
forecasting and mitigation
More than 200,000 earthquakes are recorded
each year, though it is estimated that several
million occur globally. Many of these go
undetected because their magnitude is small or
they occur in areas which are not closely
monitored. Most seismic events (earthquakes)
are very minor, and do not cause any damage
they may not even be felt by the local
population. Others cause devastation, much of it
due to collapsing buildings.
Can we predict earthquakes?
Earthquake forecasting and prediction is an
active topic of geological research. Geoscientists
are able to identify particular areas of risk and, if
there is sufficient information, to make
probabilistic forecasts about the likelihood of
earthquakes happening in a specified area over
a specified period. These forecasts are based on
data gathered through global seismic monitoring
networks, high-density local monitoring in
known risk areas, and geological field work, as
well as from historical records.
It is not currently possible to make
deterministic predictions of when and
where earthquakes will happen. For this to
be possible, it would be necessary to
identify a diagnostic precursor a
characteristic pattern of seismic activity or
some other physical, chemical or biological
change, which would indicate a high
probability of an earthquake happening in
a small window of space and time.
So far, the search for diagnostic
precursors has been unsuccessful.
Most geoscientists do not believe
that there is a realistic prospect of
accurate prediction in the
foreseeable future, and the
principal focus of research is on
improving the forecasting of
Why are earthquakes difficult to
Most earthquakes result from the sudden
release of stress in the earths crust, which
has built up gradually due to tectonic
movement, usually along an existing
geological fault. The crusts response to
changing stress is not linear (that is, it is
not directly proportional, making
prediction of behaviour more difficult),
and is dependent on the crust's complex
and highly variable geology.
As a result, it is very difficult to build accurate
simulations which predict tectonic events.
Laboratory experiments which attempt to
reproduce these physical processes can add to
our understanding, but cannot accurately reflect
the complexities of real-world geological
settings. A further difficulty is that earthquakes
originate beneath the ground, often many
kilometres down, so data gathering depends on
remote observation techniques and measuring
effects at the surface. Even measuring the
prevailing stress in the crust is challenging, as it
requires drilling several kilometres into the
Earthquake Awareness for
Individuals and Institutions
Nobody can assure earthquake safety
unless everybody in the community is
aware of earthquake consequences and
gets prepared.
Being prepared alone will not work always
for others. Therefore, a massive
awareness program for making prepared
individuals from all communities and
different stakeholders is a must.
Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment and
First Aid etc. aim to make aware
individuals of the community on the
associated hazards and vulnerabilities;
prepositioning the emergency supplies;
making response plan; and make capable
to cope with disasters using locally
vailable resources.
Many squads, containing 6 responders in
each, are prepared so far in different
communities, who have successfully
responded for saving lives in the real
disasters. However, considering the
national scenario many thousands of such
squads are required.
Earthquake Vulnerability
The Earthquake Vulnerability Tour can be
initiated . It is a guided tour in a defined
route / location to observe different
vulnerability factors. The tour aims to
point out how vulnerable the city's
buildings and critical facilities, such as
schools and fire stations, are to the
Earthquake Vulnerability Tour in
This tour will help to know the
ground reality of our cities which may
help to reduce the level of
earthquake risk in our cities.
Public Education on Earthquakes
Post Disaster Assistance
The immediate impact of an earthquake affects
all sectors of the community and local
authorities should initially emphasize search
and rescue of victims. Secondly,
emergency medical assistance must be
provided especially during the first 72 hours.
Third, a damage and needs assessment
survey, should be conducted to inform
local and international agencies of needs.
Fourth, the survivors will require relief
assistance such as food, water and
emergency shelter. Attention
should be given to reopening roads, re-
establishing communications, contacting
remote areas and conducting
disaster assessments.
The golden rule is that there is no standard
solution to mitigate a disaster risk. The goal is to
minimize the impact of disaster. Possible risk
reduction measures Engineered structures
(designed and built) to withstand ground
shaking. Architectural and engineering inputs
put together to improve building design and
construction practice. Develop earthquake
resistant construction techniques.
Public awareness, sensitization and training
programmes for Engineers, Architects, Structural
designers, Builders, Masons etc.
Reduce possible damages from secondary
effects. e.g., identify potential landslide sites and
restrict construction in those areas.
In earthquake prone areas insurance should be
obtained for buildings under construction and
those in use.
Insurance policies for natural disasters should be
made compulsory and priced specifically on
available scientific data of hazards in the region.
Solution to Vulnerability
India and Natural Disasters
India is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world.

Over 65% land area vulnerable to earthquakes;

70% of land under cultivation prone to drought;
5% of land (40 million hectares) to floods;
8% of land (8,000 km coastline) to cyclones.
A Major Disaster occurs every 2-3 years;
50 million people affected annually
1 million houses damaged annually along with human,social and
other losses
During 1985-2003, the annual average damage due to natural
disasters has been estimated at 70 million USD

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, GOI: BMTPC, Ministry of Urban Development, GOI

The Myths
It Cant Happen to Us.

Natures forces are so
Deadly the Victims will Die

There is Nothing We Can Do.

Definition of Disaster
A Disaster is an event that occurs in most cases
suddenly and unexpectedly, causing severe
disturbances to people, objects and environment,
resulting in loss of life ,property and health of the
population. Such a situation causes disruption in
normal pattern of life, generating misfortune,
helplessness and suffering affecting the socio-
economic structure of a region/country to such an
extent that there is a need for assistance or
immediate outside intervention.
Ingredients of a Disaster
A phenomenon or event which constitutes
a trauma for a population/environment.
A vulnerable point/area that will bear the
brunt of the traumatizing event.
The failure of local & surrounding
resources to cope with the problems
created by the phenomenon.

Types of Disasters
Natural - Manmade
Disasters affecting India


Disaster Management Cycle
Disaster Management Cycle



Prevention& Mitigation
Response measures are usually those which are taken
immediately prior to and following disaster impact.
Typical measures include :
Implementation of plans
Activation of the counter-disaster system
Search and Rescue
Provision of emergency food, shelter, medical
assistance etc.
Survey and assessment
Evacuation measures
Recovery is the process by which communities
and the nation are assisted in returning to their
proper level of functioning following a disaster.
Three main categories of activity are normally
regarded as coming within the recovery


Prevention : Action within this segment is designed to impede
the occurrence of a disaster event and/or prevent such an
occurrence having harmful effects on communities or key

Mitigation : Action within this segment usually takes the form

of specific programs intended to reduce the effects of disaster
on a nation or community. For instance, some countries regard
the development and application of building codes (which can
reduce damage and loss in the event of earthquakes and
cyclones) as being in the category of mitigation.
Preparedness is usually regarded as
comprising measures which enable
governments, organizations,
communities and individuals to
respond rapidly and effectively to
disaster situations.
Examples of Preparedness measures are :
The formulation & maintenance of valid, up-to-date
counter-disaster plans
Special provisions for emergency action
The provisions of warning systems
Emergency communications
Public education and awareness
Training programs, including exercises and tests.
Principles of Disaster
Risk & Hazard Assessment


Resource Utilization

Need for Specialists

Disaster risk will be a combination of the
likelihood of the event and the
vulnerability of a place to that event.
The hazard assessment will aim to deliver
accurate disaster information about
individual locations.
Vulnerability to a particular hazard will include :
Critical products, services, records and operations.

Hazardous materials

Potential effects of damage on stakeholders.

Likely financial costs.

Resources personnel and time available to make

Level of insurance cover.

The combination of hazard and vulnerability

assessments will result in formulating total
risk assessment.
Principles of Disaster Management
Planning :
to have a clear and logical approach to dealing with
to provide common reference for all departments and
authorities with roles.
to assist with information for sitting-up a multi-
functional organizational structure.
to form a basis for coordinated action.
to provide clear allocation of responsibilities.
to form a basis for reviewing and evaluating current
and future disaster management requirements.
to give a focus for disaster related training.
Principles of Disaster Management
Organisation :
the nature of National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA)
Utilization of total governmental structures/
resources i.e. National, State & Local level.
Co-ordination of non governmental resources

Community involvement

Clear lines of Authority and unity of

Special system requirements.
Principles of Disaster Management
Organisation (Contd.) :
Special system requirements.
Emergency Operation Center/Control Center
Direction & Coordinating Authority


Warning Systems

Survey & Assessments

Information Management

Emergency Logistics
Principles of Disaster Management
Resource Utilization :
Identification of resources
Assessment of resources with relation to their
capability & availability
Allocation of appropriate tasks
Level of skill in handling allotted tasks and
Activation time for deployment/availability
Co-ordination with line authorities of resource
Coalition of accurate information for effective
deployment of resources.
Governmental (Including Military
both at National & State Level).
Non Governmental Organizations.

Community groups both social &

International Volunteer organisation.
Principles of Disaster Management

Need for Specialists :

Search & Rescue
Survey & Damage Assessment
First Aid & Triage
Mobile Medical & Health Team
Animal Husbandry/Veterinary
Principles of Disaster Management
Need for Specialists (Contd):
Emergency Welfare
Emergency Shelter
Emergency Logistics
Staff for EOC (Emergency Operating Center)
Information Management including public
information needs.
Specialists from field of disaster studies and
research (Geologists, Meteorologists, etc.)
Principles of Disaster Management

Training :
Identification of Training needs.
Scope of Training programmes.
Training policy.
Implementation of training.
Principles of Disaster Management
Training (Contd.):

Design of training should be compatible to

support tasks required to be performed after
a Disaster at three levels.
Foundational Training
Team Training
Combined Organizational Training.
National Disaster Management Framework
Ministry of Home Affairs - GoI

To make Disaster Management an integral part of National

Development Agenda
To promote Awareness and Education in Disaster Management
To promote Human Resource Development in Disaster Management
(master plan for training and capacity building)
To develop Institutional Frameworks at the National and State levels
for mainstreaming disaster management
To establish multi-hazard preparedness, mitigation and prevention
plans at all levels
To enhance capacities at all levels for multi-hazard preparedness and

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