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One of the big challenges that today's growing cities are coping with is the delivery of

effective and sustainable waste management, together with a good sanitation. This
volume provides a comprehensive presentation and overall picture of municipal
solid waste management, including waste generation and characterization, waste
reduction and recycling, waste collection and transfer and waste disposal. It
analyses how these aspects are practiced in developing and developed countries.
The traditional method of disposal composting at different scales is discussed,
including the benefits of compost. 'Energy-from-waste-technologies' are amply
discussed, with comparisons between developed and developing countries, and
with parameters and conditions for successful operation of these technologies.
Moreover, the construction and operational aspects of landfills to maintain
environmental safety and the health of the residents nearby are described in
depth. In addition to a chapter with case studies of several countries and cities in
every continent, a special chapter is dedicated to municipal solid waste
management in India, including legal provisions, financial resources, private
participation and citizens' rights and obligations, and the status in three major cities.
By presenting different elements that constitute a sustainable procedure, including
the recovery of clean energy, this volume will serve as a guide to students in science
and engineering and to key players in waste management services and policies.


Dr. P. Jayarama Reddy is an energy consultant to the solar photovoltaic industry and has
made it his mission to promote the application of renewable energy initiatives. He serves as a
board member on several international renewable energy companies that work on solar
module fabrication, power generation from biomass, and municipal solid waste. Dr. Reddy is
retired as a professor of Physic and has devoted a large part of his life to crystal physics and
the application of advanced materials in the semi-conductor and thin film industry. He has
worked in the various big research laboratories, under which those at Cornell University (US),
Imperial College (UK), Charles University (Czech Rep.) and Stuttgart University (Germany).
The recipient of several awards and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK), Dr. Reddy has
published a number of books on renewable energy, including 'Science and Technology of
Photovoltaics' (BS Publications / CRC Press).

ISBN: 978-0-415-69036-2
Municipal Solid Waste
Processing Energy Recovery Global Examples
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Municipal Solid Waste
Processing Energy Recovery Global Examples

P. Jayarama Reddy

BS Publications
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
2011 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
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Dedicated to

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The book by Dr. P Jayarama Reddy focuses on issues related to
municipal solid waste treatment and management. It is a compendium of
topics from cradle to grave. To the best of my knowledge this is the first
of its kind effort. The author has addressed all issues related to municipal
solid waste management. It covers in detail topics starting from
characterization of the waste, modes of collection and transfer to
technological advances in composting and landfilling. The methods
related to producing energy from wastes are discussed at length and
provide great insight to the readers.

The best practices followed in developed, developing and

underdeveloped countries provides a truly global experience. Examples
from Nigeria, Tanzania, Chile, Japan, and Thailand along with the Indian
practice have been compiled with utmost care.
The topic of Energy from Municipal Waste is timely and would help
practitioners, research scholars and teachers alike in promoting and
propagating the concept of 4 Rs (Reduce, recover, reuse and recycle). It
was a pleasure for me to read this book and I am sure all the technocrats
would be benefited by this book. I heartily congratulate Dr. P Jayarama
Reddy on this excellent effort by him in bringing out the book on Energy
from wastes and hope to see many more such endeavors from him.

Dr. Valli Manickam

Chairperson, Environment Area,
Administrative Staff College of India,
Hyderabad, India.
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Recovery of energy in the form of heat or electricity and recyclables is an
important benefit resulting from the processing of Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW). Technologies have been developed utilizing principles of
thermal, biochemical or chemical processing of solid waste to derive
energy. These technologies are sensitive to the nature and quality of the
waste collected. Hence the collected waste requires some kind of pre-
assessment as well as treatment to turn into a suitable feedstock. These
technologies are operative in many countries around the world to varying
level of success.
Today, one of the major concerns of many municipal authorities and
urban local bodies responsible for supervising public health and
sanitation is the management of MSW. In developing countries, it is more
complex and challenging due to many factors: inadequate infrastructure
and financing, lack of definite responsibilities and roles of the authorities,
insufficient rules, legal framework and poor enforcement. The
uncollected waste in cities and towns and uncontrolled disposal of waste
at the street corners, public places, city boundaries and the suburbs has
threatened the public health and sanitation in several growing cites of the
world. As a result, it is hard to find many clean and green cities in most
regions of the world. However, the situation has been improving in many
countries due to public awakening, legal interventions and governments
The migration of rural people to urban centres has given rise to growth
of small and large urban settlements and spreading of city suburban limits
resulting in a stressed urban environment. This is particularly visible in
the developing countries of the world primarily due to the increasing
economic/industrial activity. Some of the regions are rapidly
transforming from traditional rural economy to an urbanized one with
increased production capacities of goods and services. Marked changes in
consumption patterns of the people have been witnessed in recent
Increased urban population has enhanced the demands for consumables
resulting in larger generation of wastes both in volume as well as per
(x) Preface

capita with less recovery and reuse of solid wastes. This increasing
volume of waste demands an effective waste management system in
terms of collection capacity, treatment, disposal and aftercare. Thus the
necessity for greater investments of human, technological and financial
resources for waste management is pertinent in order to maintain a
cleaner and sustainable environment. An integrated system of solid waste
management in which the waste from its origin to disposal is considered
is perhaps the answer.
The challenge of delivering effective and sustainable waste
management is an issue which confronts all stakeholders including
central and local Governments, the public and professional (private)
waste managers and even citizens. Improving awareness of the various
waste management options is crucial for the development of a more
sustainable approach to waste management, linking public participation
and the essential infrastructure expansion to recover value from the
residual waste stream.
The process of Composting waste has been the traditional way of
treating solid waste. Composting is now practiced from a simple
inexpensive type to a large and expensive type (centralized) depending on
the waste quantity, composition and other factors.
Energy from Waste has a significant role to play in dealing with the
residual municipal waste stream. An Energy from Waste plant, also
known as Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plant, operates by taking the waste
and converting its hidden energy into a type of usable energy heat,
electricity and transport fuels just as coal, oil and gas are used as fuels
in fossil-fired power stations. WTE can be used with all types of waste
from domestic, commercial, industrial, construction and demolition, to
sewage and agricultural and so on. The only criterion is that the waste
fraction needs to be combustible and/or biodegradable. WTE is now an
essential component of a sustained solid waste management programme.
Energy from Waste is the application of sound proven combustion
engineering principles to a variety of technologies which reduce and
sanitize the residual municipal waste fraction in order to recover energy.
Several waste combustion systems capable of dealing with raw,
processed or sorted fractions of MSW, fluidized-bed combustion systems,
and processed waste energy recovery options such as refuse-derived fuel
(RDF), gasification and pyrolysis are in operation in many countries,
mostly developed countries. Biochemical processing technologies such as
anaerobic digestion, also called biomethanation of waste, wherein
biogas is produced is also a proven technology which is widely used
(xi) Preface

worldwide. The Chemical processing Esterification to derive

biodiesel from waste cooking oils is emerging as viable technology at
commercial scale.
The major objective of this book is to introduce students of Science
and Engineering, the waste managers, decision makers, planners and a
wider audience to these technologies, the main components of the
systems (plants), operational principles and requirements, strengths and
weaknesses, working examples from around the world and so on. The
treatment and uses of the post-combustion/gasification residues are also
In the developed countries as well as in a few developing countries,
the MSW services including resources recovery and energy production,
by and large, are systematized supported by proper legislations and
regulations, pollution control policies and their strict enforcement.
Therefore, these services are better placed in developed countries
compared to developing countries where legislations and policies are
inadequately present. This book covers the status of MSWM both in
developed and developing countries, right from the generation of waste to
the final step of disposal.
The MSW services in India including the Sources of funding, and
Rules, legislation and legal provisions constitute one chapter. The
desirability as well as the necessity of inviting Private Sector to
participate in delivering MSW services along with the accompanying
benefits and issues, the role of NGOs and Resident Welfare Associations
(RWAs) is discussed in a separate chapter.
To set up a WTE plant with an appropriate technology, feasibility
studies covering several issues, and proper Planning and Execution are
essential. These aspects are fully explained to help a planner or an
entrepreneur entering this sector. Initiatives taken by some States and the
MSW services in three major cities of India Chennai, Delhi and Greater
Mumbai - as case studies are included in the book. Similarly, while
briefly elaborating the state of affairs in all the continents - Asia, Africa,
Latin America, Europe and North America - one or two countries/ Cities
in each continent are chosen for detailed exposition.
The information for certain regions of the world are sufficiently
available through survey reports, publications, research documents and
websites of several organizations, for example, UNEP, USEPA, World
Bank but are scanty in other regions. The conclusions drawn by several
researchers are subject to this limitation.
(xii) Preface

The issues, challenges and opportunities are plenty in MSW which

differ from country to country and within a country from city to city. An
integrated solid waste management can address many of these challenges
resulting in the lessening of air, water and soil pollution, and the
associated public health problems. Further, resources of value and clean
energy can be recovered from the waste.
This book is a modest attempt by the author for a comprehensive
presentation of the MSW issues with emphasis on 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle) and recovery of Energy from Waste. Annexure, Glossary
and References are added at the end for the expediency of the reader.

- Author
The author conveys his sincere thanks to Dr. Valli Manickam,
Chairperson, Environment Area, Administrative Staff College of India,
Hyderabad, India for offering valuable suggestions and for writing
The author has drawn/quoted substantial material, photos, tables etc.,
from publications/Survey Reports/Documents released by several
Universities/Institutes/Government departments worldwide, and Organi-
sations such as UNEP, The World Bank, UNDP, and USEPA, and
prominent NGOs in India and abroad. The author expresses his grateful
thanks to the Authors of these references. These are also sincerely
acknowledged at the appropriate places and at the end in the text.
The author is personally indebted to many of his close friends, former
colleagues and students, and members of his family for their warmth,
encouragement and support. He conveys his special love to his grand
daughters, Hitha and Tanvi for their willing assistance in computer work
and for picking up some photos and pictures; and to the little ones, Diya
and Divija, for providing cheer at times of tiredness with their innocent
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the general support given by
BS Publications, mainly, Anil Shah and Nikhil Shah, and the special
technical help by Naresh Davergave and his team to bring this book along
with an awesome cover so nicely.
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Foreword .............................................................................................. (vii)
Preface .................................................................................................. (ix)
Acknowledgement ................................................................................ (xiii)

1. BASICS ............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................... 1
1.2 Types of Solid Waste ............................................................ 4
1.3 Waste Management Concepts............................................. 10
1.4 Health and Environmental Impacts..................................... 11
1.5 Global Warming ................................................................. 13
1.6 Source Reduction ................................................................ 19


2.1 Waste Generation and Composition ................................... 25
2.2 Waste Characterization ....................................................... 34
3. WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYLING............................... 38
3.1 Recycling ............................................................................ 39
3.2 Status in Developing Countries .......................................... 40
3.3 Status in Developed Countries............................................ 44
3.4 Case of Plastics ................................................................... 46
3.4.1 Nature of Plastics................................................. 46
3.4.2 Recycling of Plastic Waste ................................. 48
3.5 Recovery and Recycling of E-waste ................................... 53
3.6 Waste Trading..................................................................... 55
3.7 Waste Picking as a Livelihood ........................................... 55
(xiv) Contents

4. WASTE COLLECTION AND TRANSFER .............................. 58

4.1 Waste Collection in Developing Countries ........................ 58
4.2 Waste Collection in Developed Countries .......................... 63
4.3 Waste Processing and Disposal .......................................... 66

5. COMPOSTING ............................................................................. 67
5.1 Process ................................................................................ 67
5.2 Benefits ............................................................................... 69
5.3 Composting Technologies .................................................. 70
5.3.1 Backyard or a Home Composting ....................... 73
5.3.2 Vermi Composting .............................................. 75
5.3.3 Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting............. 81
5.3.4 Aerated Static Pile Composting .......................... 83
5.3.5 In-Vessel Composting ......................................... 85
5.4 Biowaste Composting in Europe ........................................ 88
5.5 Composting Challenges ...................................................... 89
5.6 Composting in Developing Countries................................. 89
5.7 Composting in Developed Countries .................................. 95

6. ENERGY FROM WASTE ........................................................... 98

6.1 Introduction ........................................................................ 98
6.1.1 Assessment of Energy Recovery Potential ........ 100
6.1.2 Environmental Impacts of the Technologies ..... 102
6.2 Thermal Processing ........................................................... 103
6.2.1 Combustion/Incineration ................................... 103
6.2.2 Pyrolysis ............................................................ 129
6.2.3 Gasification ...................................................... 131
6.2.4 Plasma Arc Gasification .................................... 137
6.3 Biochemical Processing .................................................... 141
6.3.1 Anaerobic Digestion (Biomethanation) ............. 141
6.3.2 Mechanical Biological Treatment ..................... 158
6.3.3 Fermentation ...................................................... 161
(xvii) Contents

6.4 Chemical Processing: Esterification ................................. 161

6.5 Recent Developments in WTE Technologies ................... 167
6.6 Planning and Execution of WTE Technologies ................ 169
6.7 Applications of Important Industrial Wastes .................... 173

7. LANDFILLING ........................................................................... 175

7.1 Introduction ...................................................................... 175
7.2 Environmental Impact Study ............................................ 177
7.3 Landfill Construction ........................................................ 178
7.4 Decomposition in the Landfill .......................................... 182
7.5 Benefits ............................................................................. 184
7.6 Recovery and uses of Landfill Gas ................................... 184
7.7 Associated Activities ........................................................ 186
7.8 Health and Environmental Impacts................................... 186
7.9 An Example ...................................................................... 187
7.10 Landfills in Developing Countries.................................... 191
7.11 Landfills in Developed Countries ..................................... 197

8. MSW MANAGEMENT IN INDIA ............................................ 199

8.1 Introduction ...................................................................... 199
8.2 Analysis of MSW ............................................................. 205
8.3 Storage and Collection of MSW ....................................... 210
8.4 Transfer Stations and Trasporation ................................... 216
8.5 MSW Treatment/Disposal ................................................ 219
8.5.1 Landfilling ......................................................... 220
8.5.2 Composting ....................................................... 221
8.5.3 Anerobic Digestion (Biomethanation) .............. 223
8.5.4 Incineration........................................................ 227
8.5.5 Gasification ....................................................... 228
8.5.6 RDF Plants ........................................................ 228
8.6 Recovery of Recyclables Materials ................................. 230
8.7 Healthcare Waste Treatment............................................. 232
(xviii) Contents

8.8 Hazardous Waste Management ........................................ 233

8.9 E-waste Management........................................................ 234
8.10 Rules, Legislation and Legal Provisions........................... 236
8.11 Financial Resources .......................................................... 245
8.12 Future Scenario ................................................................. 251


9.1 Introduction ...................................................................... 256
9.2 Options in PSP Arrangement ............................................ 258
9.3 Examples of PSP in MSW Services ................................. 261
9.4 Important Contractual Issues ............................................ 264
9.5 Survey on Privatisation of MSW Services ....................... 268
9.6 Role of NGOs and CBOs .................................................. 270
9.7 Initiatives by Some State Governments ............................ 271
9.8 Case Studies ...................................................................... 277


GLOBAL EXAMPLES ............................................................... 304
10.1 Asia ................................................................................... 304
10.2 Africa ............................................................................... 312
10.3 Latin America ................................................................... 328
10.4 Europe ............................................................................... 337
10.5 North America .................................................................. 350

ANNEXURES ...................................................................................... 357

A1 Waste Generation and Management Data by Country ..... 357
A2 Waste-to-Energy Facilities in USA .................................. 363
A3 Waste-to-Energy Plants Operating in India ...................... 370
(xix) Contents

A4 Composting Plants in India ............................................... 377

A5 Waste-to-Energy Status in China...................................... 379
A6 International Agreement and Commnitments to
Environmentally Sound Management of Waste .............. 386
A7 Types of Biogas Plants ..................................................... 389
A8 Zero-waste Approach........................................................ 395
A9 Integrated Solid Waste Management ................................ 397
A10 Door to Door Refuse/Garbage Collection System in
Surat Municipal Corporation City
A Project in Best Practice ................................................. 402
A11 Centralised Co-digestion of Multiple Substrates: (CAD)
Example of Denmark ....................................................... 407
Glossary ................................................................................................ 413
References ........................................................................................... 423


1.1 Introduction
The start of civilization has seen human race generating waste such as
bones and other parts of animals they slaughter for their food or the wood
they cut to make their shelters, tools, carts etc. The advancement of
civilization has witnessed the waste generation getting enhanced, and
becoming more complex in nature. The beginning of industrial era has
had enormous effect on the life styles of people which have started
changing with the availability of many consumer products and services in
the market. The manufacturing and usage of vast range of products as
well as management of the resulting waste give rise to emission of
greenhouse gases. This has led not only to the pollution of air and water
but has affected the Planet Earth through global warming.
Rapid migration of rural populations to urban centres, in search of
better opportunities of livelihood, has resulted in an overwhelming
demographic growth in many cities worldwide. This situation is more
pronounced especially in Asia and Africa. The projected growth rate in
North America is less because it has already recorded a growth rate of
> 70%. Also in Europe, the situation is similar. But in Africa and Asia,
around 35% of the population presently is urban (Fig.1.1). Asian
countries are experiencing an urban growth of approximately 4% per
year. This growth rate is expected to continue for several more years, and
by 2025, 52% of the Asian population is likely to be living in urban

2 Municipal Solid Waste Management

centres. As in Asia, Africas population is mainly rural at present.

However, Africa is also experiencing a high rate of urbanization at 4 to
5 % per annum, and by 2025, urbanization is likely to be similar to Asia.
This high rate of urbanization can lead to serious environmental
degradation in and around several cities.

Fig. 1.1 Projected urban growth in different continents (source: UN 1996)

Cities and towns in India, a developing economy, have generated an

estimated 6 million tonnes of solid waste in 1947. It has risen to about 48
million tons in 1997; and in 2001, to more than 91 million tons (taking
the urban areas only), which comes to 0.12 to 0.6 kilograms per person
per day. In contrast, in 2006, a developed country like US has generated
more than 251 million tons of municipal solid waste which amounts to
approximately 2.1 kilograms of waste/ person/ day. This is in addition to
approximately 7.6 billion tons of industrial solid waste generated by
industrial units annually. On an average, per capita waste generation in
US (a developed country) is very much higher than in India (a developing
Significance of Waste management: Waste is any garbage or refuse or
other discarded material including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained
gaseous material arising from domestic, community, industrial,
commercial, agricultural or human operations. The sludge from a
wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution
control facility is also considered as waste.
Introduction 3

Waste management is a global issue and requires maximum attention.

It is highly obligatory to reduce the pollution of air and water, the
dreadful effects on human health and to maintain a clean environment.
Waste management sector can contribute to greenhouse gas mitigation in
ways that are economically viable and meet many social priorities. The
adverse effects of global warming are witnessed already around the globe
to varying degree in different regions. A safe and sustainable
environment is an absolute necessity for a healthy living. The civic
society has, therefore, exclusive responsibility of considering waste
treatment as a priority issue.
The management of waste involves waste collection, resource
recovery and recycling, transportation, and processing or disposal. Of
these, the most important one is processing/disposal of waste. The
urbanized areas are concerned with the problem of developing cost-
effective environmentally acceptable disposal methods of solid waste.
The major advantages of a planned approach to waste treatment are
(i) reducing pollution and the consequences such as global warming,
(ii) keeping the human habitats ranging from small towns to big cities
clean and green, (iii) recovering resources which can be recycled into
useful products for reuse, and more importantly (iv) processing of wastes
into useful clean energy heat and electric power.
Since the waste can be solid, liquid, gaseous or medical or hazardous
substances, each category is treated with different and appropriate
method(s). Waste management practices differ in developed and
developing countries, in urban and rural areas, and for residential and
industrial producers. Waste management has to be viewed as a central
element in the sustainable development planning of a city or a town or a
Management of non-hazardous residential and institutional waste in
metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local municipal
authorities/urban local bodies, while management for hazardous
commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the
4 Municipal Solid Waste Management

1.2 Types of Solid Waste

(Courtesy Photos: CPREEC website)

Domestic wastes are generated by household activities such as

cooking, cleaning, repairs, interior decoration, and used products/
materials such as empty glass/ plastic/ metal containers, packaging stuff,
clothing, old books, newspapers, old furnishings, etc. Commercial wastes
are the wastes generated in offices, wholesale stores, shops, restaurants
and hotels, vegetable, fish and meat markets, warehouses and other
commercial establishments. Institutional wastes are generated from
institutions such as schools, colleges, hospitals, research institutions. The
waste includes mostly paper, cardboard, etc., and hazardous wastes.
Municipal wastes are wastes generated due to municipal services such as
street sweeping, and dead animals, market waste and abandoned vehicles
or parts; also includes already mentioned domestic wastes, institutional
wastes and commercial wastes.

Garbage includes animal and vegetable wastes due to various

activities like storage, preparation and sale, cooking and serving; these
are biodegradable.
Introduction 5

Ashes: Residues from the burning of wood, charcoal and coke for
cooking and heating in houses, institutions and small industries. Ashes
consist of fine powders, cinders and clinker often mixed with small
pieces of metal and glass.

Rubbish: Apart from garbage and ashes, other solid wastes produced in
households, commercial establishments, and institutions.
Bulky wastes: Bulky wastes are large household appliances such as
cookers, refrigerators and washing machines as well as furniture, crates,
vehicle parts, tyres, wood, trees and branches. The bulky metallic wastes
are sold as scrap metal but some portion is disposed as sanitary landfills.

Street wastes: Street wastes include paper, cardboard, plastic, dirt, dust,
leaves and other vegetable matter collected from streets, walkways,
alleys, parks and vacant plots. Municipal waste includes street waste
6 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Dead animals: It includes animals that die naturally or killed by accident.

It does not include carcass and animal parts from slaughterhouses as these
are considered as industrial wastes.
Construction and demolition wastes: Some quantities of the major
components of the construction materials such as cement, bricks, cement
plaster, steel, rubble, stone, timber, plastic and iron pipes are left out as
waste during construction as well as demolition. About 50% of the wastes
are not currently recycled in India and 70% of the construction industry
in India is not aware of recycling techniques.
Industrial wastes: These are non-hazardous solid material discarded from
manufacturing processes and industrial operations, and are not considered
as municipal wastes. However, solid wastes from small industrial plants
and ash from power plants are frequently disposed of at municipal

Table 1.1 Source and quantum of some major industrial wastes in India.

Waste (Million tonnes Source
per annum)
Steel and Blast
1 35.0 Conversion of steel
2 Brine mud 0.02 Caustic soda industry
By product from smelting of
3 Copper slag 0.0164
4 Fly ash 70.0 Coal based thermal power plants
5 Kiln dust 1.6 Cement plants
Sugar, paper, fertilizer, tanneries,
6 Lime sludge 3.0 soda ash, calcium carbide
7 Mica scraper waste 0.005 Mica mining areas
Phosphoric acid plant,
8 Phosphogypsum 4.5
Ammonium phosphate
Mining and extraction of alumina
9 Red mud / Bauxite 3.0
from Bauxite
10 Coal washery dust 3.0 Coal mines
11 Iron tailing 11.25 Iron Ore
12 Lime stone wastes 50.0 Lime stone quarry
(Source: Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management, CPHEEO, New Delhi)
Introduction 7

Major producers of industrial wastes are the thermal power plants

producing coal ash; integrated iron and steel mills producing blast
furnace slag and steel melting slag; non-ferrous industries like
aluminium, zinc and copper producing red mud and tailings; sugar
industries generating press mud; pulp and paper industries producing
lime, and fertilizer and allied industries producing gypsum. It is
mandatory for the industries that generate wastes to manage by
themselves. It is also mandatory to obtain prior permission from the
respective state pollution control boards to start such industries under
relevant rules. The industrial wastes, and the sources with quantities
generated in India are given in Table 1.1.

Slaughter House Waste: India has the worlds largest livestock

population. According to the Ministry of Food Processing, Government
of India, a total of 3616 slaughter houses exist. They slaughter over
2 million cattle and buffaloes, 50 million sheep and goat, 1.5 million pigs
and 150 million poultry annually, for domestic as well as export
purposes. Slaughtering of animals generates both liquid and solid wastes
consisting of non-edible organs, stomach contents, dung, bones and
sludge from waste water treatment. The large type of slaughter house
generates 6-7 tonnes; the medium type generates 2-6 tonnes; and small
type generates 0.5-1.0 t/day. Central Pollution Control Board in India has
brought out Draft guidelines for sanitation in slaughter houses in 1998.
In broader sense of the term, the Municipal solid waste (MSW) covers
decomposable wastes such as food and vegetable wastes (cooking waste),
and non decomposable wastes such as metals (aluminum, steel, etc.),
glass (clear, colored, etc.), paper (newsprint, cardboard, etc.), natural
polymers (leather, grass, leaves, cotton, etc.), and synthetic polymers
(synthetic rubbers, polyethylene terephthalate, polyvinyl chloride etc.),
8 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Similarly, the Industrial waste is made up of a wide variety of non-

hazardous materials that result from the production of goods and
products. Commercial and institutional, or industrial waste is often a
significant portion of municipal solid waste, even in small cities and
Some of the wastes referred to as Special wastes include (i) Cement
kiln dust, (ii) Mining waste, (iii) Oil and gas drilling muds and oil
production brines, (iv) Phosphate rock mining, beneficiation, and
processing waste, (v) Uranium waste, and (vi) Utility waste (i.e., fossil
fuel combustion waste). These are generated in large volumes and are
believed to cause less risk to human health and the environment than the
wastes specified as hazardous waste.
Medical Waste (or Hospital waste): It refers to the waste materials
generated at health care facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, physician's
offices, dental practices, blood banks, and veterinary hospitals/clinics, as
well as medical research facilities and laboratories. The Medical waste is
defined as "any solid waste that is generated in the diagnosis, treatment,
or immunization of human beings or animals, in related research, or in
the production or testing of biological." For example, the following trash
constitutes medical waste: blood-soaked bandages, culture dishes and
other glassware, discarded surgical gloves, discarded surgical
instruments, discarded needles used to give shots or draw blood, cultures,
stocks, swabs used to inoculate cultures, removed body organs (e.g.,
tonsils, appendices, limbs), and discarded lancets. Several health hazards
are associated with poor management of medical wastes like injury from
sharps to staff and waste handlers associated with the health care
establishments, Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) of patients due to
spread of infection, and Occupational risk associated with hazardous
chemicals, drugs, unauthorized repackaging and sale of disposable items
and unused/date expired drugs. This waste is highly infectious and can be
a serious threat to human health if not managed in a scientific manner. It
has been roughly estimated that of the 4 kg of waste generated in a
hospital at least 1 kg would be infected.
Hazardous waste: The waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful to
human health or the environment is called hazardous waste which can be
in the form of liquids, solids, gases, or sludge. The discarded commercial
products like cleaning fluids or pesticides, or the by-products of
manufacturing processes can also be hazardous.
Introduction 9

Degeneration times for wastes: The approximate times that different

types of garbage take to degenerate are (source: Prakriti, Dibrugarh
Organic waste, i.e., vegetable and fruit peels, leftover foods etc: A week
or two,
Paper: 1030 days,
Cotton cloth: 25 months,
Wood: 1015 years,
Woolen items: 1 year,
Tin, aluminium, and other metal items( such as cans): 100500 years,
Plastic bags: One million years?
Glass bottles: Undetermined
E-waste: Electronic waste or e-waste is referred to the end-of-life
electronic and telecommunication equipment and consumer electronics;
to be specific, computers, laptops, television sets, DVD players, mobile
phones etc., which are to be disposed. UN estimates that between 20 and
50 million tons of e-waste is generated world-wide every year and
approximately 12 million tons of this comes from Asian countries.
(source: Electronic Waste Recovery Business).
Although much of the e-waste comes from developed countries,
considerable quantities also originate from within India. As of March
2009, approximately 400,000 tons of e-waste was produced in India;
19,000 tons of this came from Mumbai, the largest e-waste generator in
the country (source: Toxics Link).
E-waste is the fastest growing segment of the MSW stream. E-waste
equals 1% of solid waste on average in developed countries which grew
to 2% by 2010. In developing countries, like India, E-waste forms 0.01%
to 1% of the total solid waste. Globally, computer sales continue to grow
at > 10% rates annually. Sales of DVD players are doubling year over
year. Yet the lifecycle of these products are shortening, shrinking to 10
years for a television set to 2 or 3 years for a computer. As a result, a high
percentage of electronics are ending up in the waste stream releasing
dangerous toxins into the environment. These are a division of WEEE
(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). The categories under
WEEE are: large household appliances, small household appliances, IT
and telecommunication equipment, consumer equipment, lighting
equipment, electrical and electronic tools, medical devices, monitoring
and control instruments and so on. Most of the equipment is made of
10 Municipal Solid Waste Management

components, some of which contain toxic substances. If proper

processing and disposal methods are not followed, these substances affect
human health as well as the environment. For example, cathode ray tubes
contain large amounts of carcinogens such as lead, barium, phosphor and
other heavy metals. If they are broken or disposed in an uncontrolled
manner without taking safety precautions, it can result in harmful effects
for the workers, and pollute the soil, air and ground water by releasing
Special care is warranted during recycling and landfilling of e-waste
as they are prone to hazards.

1.3 Waste Management Concepts

There are a number of concepts about waste management which vary in
practice between countries or regions as already mentioned. Some of the
most general, widely-used concepts include:
(i) Waste hierarchy: Waste hierarchy proposes that waste should be
managed by different methods according to its characteristics.
The preference of the options represents the hierarchal structure.
Thus, prevention, reuse and recycling are given the highest
preference, while open burning is unacceptable. The hierarchy is
designed to improve the environmental aspects of ISWM.
Practices, which produce serious impacts on the environment, are
the least accepted ones.The waste hierarchy is an accepted key
element of ISWM (see Annexure 9 for ISWM). The waste
management plans are to derive the most useful benefits from
products and to generate the minimum amount of waste, and are
listed according to their desirability in terms of waste
minimization. The Waste hierarchy is schematically represented
in Fig.1.2.
(ii) Extended producer responsibility: PR is a strategy designed to
promote the integration of all costs associated with products
throughout their life cycle (including the end-of-life disposal
costs) into the market price of the product. Extended producer
responsibility is meant to impose accountability over the entire
lifecycle of products. This means that firms which manufacture
and trade in products are required to be responsible for the
products not only during manufacture but after their useful life
Introduction 11

Fig. 1.2 Waste hierarchies.

(iii) Polluter Pays Principle relates to the polluting party paying for the
impact caused to the environment. With respect to waste
management, a waste generator is required to pay for the disposal
of the waste.

1.4 Health and Environmental Impacts

A large number of components in MSW create health and environmental
problems. Health impacts include exposure to toxic chemicals through
air, water and soil media; exposure to infection and biological
contaminants; stress related to odor, noise, pests and visual amenity; risk
of fires, explosions, and subsidence; and spills, accidents and transport
The occupational hazards associated with waste handling according to
UNEP Report (1996) are:
Infections: Skin and blood infections resulting from direct contact with
waste, and from infected wounds; Eye and respiratory infections resulting
from exposure to infected dust, especially during landfill operations;
Different diseases that result from the bites of animals feeding on the
12 Municipal Solid Waste Management

waste; and Intestinal infections that are transmitted by flies feeding on the
Chronic diseases: Workers at Incineration plants are at risk of chronic
respiratory diseases, including cancers resulting from exposure to dust
and hazardous compounds;
Accidents: Bone and muscle disorders resulting from the handling of
heavy containers; infecting wounds resulting from contact with sharp
objects; poisoning and chemical burns resulting from contact with small
amounts of hazardous chemical waste mixed with general waste; burns
and other injuries resulting from occupational accidents at waste disposal
sites or from methane gas explosion at landfill sites. Some common
parasites and pathogens connected with solid waste are given in
Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Common parasites and pathogens associated with waste

Organisms Time and Temperature for destruction

S. Typhosa No growth beyond 46 oC, death in 30 minutes at
55-60o and 20 minutes at 60 oC, destroyed in a
short time in compost environment
Salmonella sp. In 1 hour at 55 oC and in 15-20 minutes at 60 oC.
Shigella sp. In 1 hour at 55 oC.
E. Coli In 1 hour at 55 oC. and in 15-20 minutes at 60 oC.
E. histolytica cysts In few minutes at 45 oC. and in few seconds at
55 oC.
Taenia saginata In a few minutes at 55 oC.
Trichinella spiralis larvae Quickly killed at 55 oC, instantly at 60 oC.
Br. Abortus or Br. Suis In 3 minutes at 62-63 oC and in 1 hour at 55 oC.
Micrococcus pyogenes var. In 10 minutes at 54 oC.
Streptococus pyogenes In 10 minutes at 54 oC.
Mycobactercum tuberculosis In 15-20 minutes at 66 oC. or after momentary
var. hominis heating at 67 oC.
Corynebacterium diptheriae In 45 minutes at 55 oC.
Necator americanus In 50 minutes at 45 oC.
A. lumbricoides eggs In 1 hour at 50 oC.
Introduction 13

The environmental impacts can be pollution and global warming,

photochemical oxidant creation, abiotic resource depletion, acidification,
eutrophication, and eco toxicity to water. The communities, industries,
and individuals have, therefore, found several ways to reduce and better
manage Municipal Solid Waste through a combination of practices not
only to extract reusable components but to generate energy in the form of
heat or electricity. These practices include source reduction, recycling,
and processing/disposal through different technologies such as
composting, combustion/incineration, gasification, anaerobic digestion,
landfill and so on.
There are several factors that influence successful management of the
solid waste, and the vital ones are: Awareness creation among people
about the benefits of proper waste disposal, emphasis on waste reduction,
long range self sustainability as well as technical feasibility, institutional
arrangements, for example, ensuring market for the products, involving
community as well as other stakeholders in the waste management
Several Waste processing/treatment and disposal technologies are
available for environmentally sound management of MSW. These are
broadly grouped as:
Established waste treatment technologies, such as Recycling,
Composting, Landfill, Incineration, and Windrow composting; and
Alternative waste treatment technologies such as Gasification, Pyrolysis,
In-vessel composting, Anaerobic digestion, Mechanical biological
treatment, Mechanical heat treatment, Sewage treatment, Tunnel
composting and Waste autoclave. These technologies enable us to derive
clean energy (heat and/or electricity) and resources recovery from the
waste before its proper disposal.
Before discussing these technologies, let us look at how a successful
waste management system would help to combat global warming. Global
warming is a subject of local, regional, national and international
concern, because of its severe impacts on the humans and the
environment in several ways. These impacts are currently witnessed, and
are projected to affect the future generations as well.

1.5 Global Warming

Majority of climate experts feels that Global warming has been the most
significant environmental issue that mankind has ever faced. It is an issue
with implications for the future generations too. Over the last few
14 Municipal Solid Waste Management

decades, thousands of scientists worldwide have engaged in intensive

research to understand the reasons and the reality of global warming, and
its near- and long-term impacts on the people and the planet Earth. The
scientific studies have led to the conclusion that the global warming is
real and is happening. The 2007 Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has established that the warming is
unequivocal, and the increase in global average temperatures is a result
of pollution caused by human activities such as fossil fuels usage,
agricultural operations, land-use change and deforestation.
What is global warming? The presence of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere from natural and human-made sources is essential because
they trap heat and keep the planet Earth warm enough for the life to
survive. This effect known as natural greenhouse effect sustains life that
includes humans, animals, insects, birds, all ecosystems etc., on the
planet. It has been observed, however, that there have been significant
fluctuations in the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
over the millennium. Their concentrations have been on the rise since the
start of Industrial revolution in the 1700s; and during the most recent two
decades, their increase particularly that of carbon dioxide, methane and
NOx have been significant. This has been happening due to the growth of
cement, paper, steel and other industrial units, power generation plants,
cars, trucks and other vehicles, as well as agricultural activities. In
addition, indiscrininate destruction of forests and trees has aggravated the
problem. Consequently, the greenhouse effect is enhanced and average
surface temperature of Earth and oceans have recorded an increase. This
is referred to as global warming. Industrialised countries, particularly
USA, account for most of the increase of these heat trapping gases. Fast
developing countries like China and India, consequent to their increased
development activities over the last few years to eradicate poverty and to
improve the GDP have joined the group of top emitters of greenhouse
gases. Due to the enhanced concentrations of these gases or enhanced
greenhouse effect, the global average temperatures have risen by
1.30.32F during 1906-2005, most of it occurring since 1975. The rise
in temperatures is continuing at an accelerating pace, with 2008 as the
10th warmest year on record. The global warming is starkly evident not
only in the rise of global average temperature, but also in global sea level
rise, melting of glaciers and thinning of snow cover in the Arctic,
Antarctic and other regions, and permafrost thawing, to mention a few.
The impacts of the global warming on the global climate and the
environment have been extensive and varied (2007 IPCC Reports,
Jayarama Reddy 2011). We are witnessing extreme hot days and cold
Introduction 15

nights, heat waves and wild fires, more frequent and severe storms,
cyclones, and droughts, change in precipitation patterns, spread of disease
to regions previously unknown, migration of birds and plants to cooler
regions, extinction of certain plant and animal species etc., in different
regions of the world. There have been many more early signals observed
as a result of global warming in all the continents during the last two to
three decades. The frequency and severity of these impacts have been
differing over the regions of the globe.
The simulations of the specially developed climate models indicate a
continual warming of the planet if the current rates of greenhouse gas
emissions continue, with the temperatures rising by another 2.7 to 11F
by 2100. This huge rise could trigger a wide range of changes in the
global climate in this century and beyond. The projected climate changes
may occur at an enhanced rate compared to what we have been
experiencing, and affect adversely the ecosystems, agriculture and food
supplies, water resources, coastal regions, human health and settlements,
and in general, the entire environment. The island-states and countries
like Bangledesh are threatened by sea level rise. The observations over
the recent decades point out that many aspects of climate change are
happening faster and with more severity than what climate models have
Both developed and developing countries have recognised that the
increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the resulting climate
change weaken the economies, disrupt the development of the countries,
especially poorer countries which are more vulnerable to climate change,
and adversely affect people and the environment. As early as in 1980s,
very many countries met for the first time and approved an agreement
called Montreal Protocol, to control CFCs which impact the protective
ozone layer. The Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 with the
participation of over 180 countries was a mega event where a full range
of environmental issues were addressed; and an international treaty,
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
was formulated to set a goal of stabilising greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at safe levels. Under the Framework
Convention, an agreement called Kyoto Protocol that set targets for the
industrialized countries (called Annex-1 countries) to curb their
greenhouse gas emissions to an average of 5.2% below their 1990
emission levels came into force in 2005, and began to bind for ratified
countries in 2008. More than 180 countries ratified the Protocol, which
might be considered as the the first multinational step to limit greenhouse
gas emissions. The largest emitter country, US and Australia, though
16 Municipal Solid Waste Management

signatories, did not ratify. The Kyoto Protocol (KP) will expire by 2012,
and some of the countries that accepted the targets are unlikely to fulfill
for two reasons: (i) KP may not provide adequate conformity incentives,
and (ii) The most developed and the largest polluting country, US, is not
bound by KP since it has not ratified.
Three market-oriented mechanisms, Clean Development Mechanism,
Joint implementation, and Emissions Trading, were formulated to help
the Annex-1 countries to reduce the costs of meeting their obligations
under Protocol. The Clean development Mechanism (CDM) is a project-
based mechanism where industrialized countries can purchase carbon
benefits from projects implemented in developing countries to meet their
emission reduction obligations. In the developing countries, these project
investments help to promote projects attuned to sustainable development
such as clean energy projects (examples: solar, wind, biomass, waste-to-
energy, clean coal technology etc). The CDM enjoys solid support in
developing countries; a large number of projects are undertaken in these
countries in the areas of renewable energy generation and solid waste
management. In US, despite non-ratification of the Protocol by the
federal government, many States and several major industries have
voluntarily designed policies and programmes to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. The European Union has unilaterally committed to higher
targets of emission reductions than those specified in the Protocol and has
come up with new green processes and technologies. Despite these
efforts, the global greenhouse gas emissions have been steadily
Today, US and China each contribute 20% of worlds greenhouse gas
pollution, European Union 14%, Russia and India 5% each. The fast
developing economies, China, India, Brazil and Russia currently figure
among the major emitters of greenhouse gases as well as in the worlds
top ten consumers of energy due to the wide spectrum of their economic
activities. If the trend continues, especially in China and India, their
emission levels may exceed those of many developed countries. Yet they
are not inclined to agree to time-bound targets for emission reductions
citing their relatively low emissions per head compared to those of
developed countries. The per capita CO2 emission for different countries,
in metric tons, are: USA: 20.01, EU: 9.40, Japan: 9.87, Russia: 11.71,
China: 3.60, India: 1.02, and World Average: 4.25 (taken from Indias
National Action Plan 2008). With large populations and with no sign of
reverse in the population growth, the per head emissions are likely to
remain low for many more decades for China and India. They are,
however, committed to be a part of international initiative in tackling
Introduction 17

climate change, as reflected in their energy, environmental and climate

policies and actions. The eradication of poverty and human suffering take
priority over the issues of global climate in the developmental plans of
these countries.
Adaptation to the climate change by humans and systems is a way to
reduce the cost and severity of impacts currently as well as in the future.
So, the adaptive measures to climate change were initiated at local,
regional, national and global levels in vital sectors like water resources,
energy, agriculture, coastal communities, buildings, and human health.
Mitigation actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions help to stabilize or
reverse their concentrations in the atmosphere. The mitigation plans are
extensive and mostly sector-dependent; and differ in developed and
developing countries because of dissimilar socio-economic conditions
and other factors such as technology and infrastructure availability and
public awareness. Both the adaptation and mitigation actions are
essential; they are a combined set of actions in an overall strategy to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as to prepare the humanity to
confront the impacts of climate change.
The global population is projected to reach 7.8 to 10.9 billion by 2050.
This growth demands more energy, food, housing, goods and services,
transport, so on. Burning of more fossil fuels to meet the energy needs,
clearing of forests to provide for settlements, and growth in urbanization
will not only affect economic and social development but also the
environmental sustainability. To contain this trend, services such as
family planning, and related health care and education must be
extensively provided, especially in the developing countries. If the global
population is not controlled, stabilisation of global warming may not be
successfully manageable. Deployment of available low-carbon and
energy-efficient technologies for manufacturing goods, increase of clean,
renewable and advanced nuclear energy sources in the energy mix to
reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and energy efficiency practices need to
be undertaken on a greater scale.
The costs of implementing the new clean-coal technologies are
currently high. While many developed countries have the means to
implement clean energy sources and improve energy efficiency, the
developing economies can hardly undertake, especially as a short term
approach. These countries look for serious funding for adoption of these
new technologies. CDM can be one source of funding; but it has to be
remodeled by removing bottle-necks with the experience gained so far
and implemented in the developing countries on a bigger scale.
18 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The energy-intensive life-styles and behavioural trends of people in the

rich countries and of affluent or high-income people in other countries
enhance the carbon footprints. The people therefore have to get
accustomed to low-energy and low resource consumption practices.
Changes that stress on resource and energy conservation may hardly be
achievable over shorter time scale, but can certainly lead to slow down
greenhouse gas emissions, and to low-carbon economy. Global
collaboration and cooperation among the countries which significantly
emit greenhouse gases can ensure a sustainable environment and global
security. The present generation has the obligation to help preserve the
global environment and to promote health, education, and economic
opportunity for everyone on the planet and for the generations that
follow. Therefore, much needs to be done globally by the governments,
organizations, and people to meet the challenges of global warming.
Waste management is perhaps a low-cost mitigation option to reduce
emissions and promote sustainable development. For instance, Landfills
are a major source of greenhouse gases (particularly methane, which
warms the atmosphere more quickly than carbon dioxide), and also
contaminate groundwater. Incinerators and other burning and thermal
treatment technologies such as biomass burners, gasification, pyrolysis,
plasma arc, cement kilns and power plants using waste as fuel, are a
direct and indirect source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and
convert resources that should be reduced or recovered into toxic ashes
that need to be disposed of safely. Hence, all technologies available for
treating waste to avoid emissions, such as Recovery of methane from
landfills, Waste incineration with energy (electric power) recovery,
Composting of organic waste, Biomethanation to produce biogas,
Controlled waste water treatment for reuse of water, and Recycling and
waste minimization need to be effectively deployed. Development of Bio
covers and bio filters to optimize CH4 oxidation would further help to
reduce methane concentrations in the atmosphere.
These are not difficult to deploy; Governments must extend financial
and institutional incentives for improved waste and waste water
management, which may stimulate technology development and diffusion
as co-benefits. The environment policies must include regulations
regarding waste collection and disposal, enforcement strategies, and
effective implementation at national level. The MSW Rules 2000, other
Acts and legal provisions announced by Government of India in the last
one decade are good enough to meet most of these aspects. More
stringent rules and regulations are in place in the developed/
industrialized countries compared to developing countries. Most of the
Introduction 19

poorer countries are yet to develop scientific systems for waste

management that include resource recovery and energy generation.
Waste related mitigation options have tremendous co-benefits in terms
of improved public health and safety, pollution prevention, soil
protection and clean energy supply.

1.6 Source Reduction

Chapter 21 of Agenda 21, a document adopted by the United Nations as a
blueprint on action for environmental protection up to the twenty first
century, unequivocally states that environmentally sound waste
management must go beyond the mere safe disposal and recovery of
waste that is generated (UNCED, 1992). Instead, it must seek to address
the root cause of the problem by attempting to change unsustainable
patterns of production and consumption. The problem of tackling waste
starts with waste reduction at the manufacturing stage itself by going for
innovative technologies and newer materials.
We use many materials and products in our day-to-day activities.
These have specific lifetimes after which they become useless and we
throw them as trash. Part of the trash can be recycled and reused, and the
rest be disposed. The disposed portion can be minimized or prevented at
the stage of product manufacturing or its usage. The change in the design
or manufacturing process or use of products and materials to reduce the
waste prevention is known as "source reduction". Source reduction is the
practice of designing, manufacturing, purchasing, or using materials or
products and packaging in such ways that reduce the amount as well as
the toxicity of the trash created.
Waste generation could be reduced if the local and national
stakeholders (environmental and civic bodies) follow the concept of
product stewardship. This concept would persuade manufacturers to
gear up towards environmental concepts of resource utilization with focus
on costs and benefit of product development, consumption, disposal and
resource recycle. Product stewardship follows the cleaner production
(CP) approach whereby waste generation at the upstream is targeted for
reduction rather than abating downstream. Since all parties responsible
during the life cycle of a product are involved, they have a role to play in
managing the waste generated. The MSWM framework cannot achieve
the adoption of this concept alone but has to coordinate it closely with the
waste generators, manufacturers and the product middlemen until the
consumers end.
20 Municipal Solid Waste Management

What is Product stewardship? It can be defined as a product life cycle

where all parties responsible for the design, production, sale and use of a
product assume responsibility for its environmental impacts throughout
its life cycle. The concept of product stewardship incorporates the
following principles:
1. All parties who have a role in designing, producing, selling or
using a product or product components should assume
responsibility for (a) reducing or eliminating toxic and/or
hazardous constituents in products and/or its components,
(b) reducing the toxicity and amount of waste that results from
manufacture, use and disposal of the products; and (c) developing
products that use materials, energy and water efficiently at every
stage of a products life cycle including manufacture, distribution,
sale, use and recovery.
2. The greater the ability of a party to influence life-cycle impacts of
the product, the greater the degree of responsibility the party
should have to minimize them.
3. Those responsible for the design, production, sale or use of a
product should have flexibility to determine how to reduce toxic
and/or hazardous constituents in it and how to keep materials from
becoming waste.
4. The costs of recovering resources and managing products at the
end of their useful life should be internalized into the costs of
producing and selling them.
5. Government should provide leadership in the area of product
stewardship in all its activities, including, but not limited to,
promoting it when it purchases products, making capital
investments in green buildings and infrastructure, procuring
services, and managing them at the end of their useful life (EPA
2003 at (
Green dot system: Many developed countries and some selected
industries (heavy machinery, electronic and beverages to cite a few) in
the developing countries have a buy-back system for recyclables which
can effectively reduce the volume of waste generated at the consumers
end. Germany has implemented the green dot system which makes it
mandatory for the recycling industries to process the collected
recyclables. Germany issued an ordinance on packaging in 1991 in an
attempt to minimize the quantity of solid waste. The manufacturers are
required to take back the packaging of their goods and reuse or recycle it.
Introduction 21

The green dot system facilitated the industries to comply with waste
management regulations, and its goals were set for collecting the waste
and separating it. These two goals aimed to recycle 72 percent of glass,
tinplate and aluminum packaging waste, and 64 percent of paper, plastic
and composite packaging in Germany. The US, however, reported
recycle rate of only 22 percent of glass and tinplate packaging in 1990.
The regulations to achieve this ambitious goal would create incentives for
the industries to minimize waste during manufacture and packaging. The
green dot system concentrates on three types of packaging: transport
packaging such as pallets and crates; secondary packaging in containers
like boxes for commodities; and primary packaging - actual casing of the
product. Companies/manufacturers were unable to meet the recycling
quotas on their own and the Dual System was created for them with a
membership. Members in the system put the green dot trademark on
their packaging that guaranteed recycling for their packaging if collected.
Drop off and curbside collection for all packaging with the green dot
trademark is also available. These recycling receptacles make it more
convenient for households to recycle, helping the companies with greater
chances to meet the required recycling quotas. As of September 1993,
12000 companies had signed for the green dot programme including 1900
firms based outside Germany.
The green dot system had proved that it could reduce the quantity of
waste. In 1992-1993, the consumption of packaging has decreased by
about 4%. Containers have been reused and the quantity of secondary
packaging has dropped by 80%. The green dot system was responsible
for the collection of 4.6 million tons of recyclables in 1993. But, there are
some concerns with the system such as the oversupply of recyclable
waste, and the necessity for creation of more markets for products made
of recyclables. The success of the programme depends on whether the
collected waste is fully reused/ recycled or not.
Source reduction is also applicable to domestic, commercial, and
institutional sources of waste generation. Source reduction also refers to
the reuse of products or materials. Reuse can help to reduce waste
collection, waste disposal and handling costs, because it avoids the costs
of recycling or municipal composting or landfilling or combustion or
such other processing methods. Source reduction also helps to conserve
resources and reduces pollution. It helps to control emission of
greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, and toxicity of the
material that is created.
22 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The source reduction offers several benefits:

(a) Saves natural resources: Waste is not just created when items are
thrown away after use. Throughout the life cycle of a product,
from extraction of raw materials to transportation to processing
and manufacturing and use, waste is generated. By reusing the
items or by making those with less material, the waste will
substantially decrease. Ultimately, fewer materials will need to be
recycled or sent to landfills or waste combustion facilities.
(b) Reduces toxicity of waste: Selecting nonhazardous or less
hazardous items is another important component of source
reduction. Using less hazardous alternatives for certain items
(e.g., cleaning products and pesticides), sharing products that
contain hazardous chemicals instead of throwing out leftovers,
reading label directions carefully, and using the smallest amount
necessary are ways to reduce waste toxicity.
(c) Reduces costs: Apart from reducing dependence on methods of
waste disposal, preventing waste also can mean economic savings
for communities, businesses, institutions, and individual
(d) Benefits Industry: Industry also has an economic incentive to
practice source reduction. When businesses manufacture their
products with less packaging, they are buying fewer raw
materials. A decrease in manufacturing costs can result in a larger
profit margin, with savings that can be passed on to the consumer.
(e) Benefits Consumers: Consumers can share the economic benefits
of source reduction. For instance, if products are bought in bulk
or with less packaging or that are frequently reusable, then there
will be cost savings. It means what is good for the environment
can as well be good economically.
For example, look at the Source Reduction and Reuse facts in USA in
2000: More than 55 million tons of MSW were source reduced.
Containers and packaging represented approximately 28 percent of the
materials source reduced, in addition to nondurable goods (e.g.,
newspapers, clothing) at 17 percent, durable goods (e.g., appliances,
furniture, tires) at 10 percent, and other MSW (e.g., yard trimmings, food
scraps) at 45 percent. There are more than 6,000 reuse centers around the
country, ranging from specialized programmes for building materials or
unneeded materials in schools to local programmes such as Goodwill and
the Salvation Army, according to the Reuse Development Organization.
Introduction 23

Between two and five percent of the waste stream is potentially reusable
according to local studies in Berkeley, California and Leverett,
Massachusetts. Between 1960 and 2008, the amount of waste each person
creates in USA has almost doubled from 2.7 to 4.5 pounds per day. The
most effective way to stop this trend is by preventing waste in the first
place. Since 1977, the weight of 2-liter plastic soft drink bottles has been
reduced from 68 grams each to 51 grams. That means that 250 million
pounds of plastic per year has been avoided in the waste stream.

Waste Generation and


Municipal solid waste disposal is an intricate issue in most of

the developing countries unlike in developed countries. Poverty,
population growth, and fast urbanization rates common to many developing

Fig. 2.1 Waste thrown on the streets in urban areas

Energy from Waste 25

countries are the major factors for concern. In addition, the Municipalities
or the concerned authorities are not fully equipped to undertake the task
of managing the wastes efficiently due to limited revenues/budget (UNEP
2002, Doan 1998, Cointreau 1982) through collection, transport, storage,
treatment and disposal. As a result, a substantial part of MSW generated
remains unattended and pile up not only at the collection points but at
street corners and public vacant places (Fig. 2.1) creating problem for
public health and environment.

2.1 Waste Generation and Composition

Solid waste generation rates and composition vary from country to
country depending on the economic situation, industrial structure, waste
management regulations and life style. However, there are several other
factors in cities including degree of urbanization that equally influence
the generation rate. MSW generation in the East Asian region has been
increasing at a rate of 3 to 7% per year as a result of population growth,
changing consumption patterns, and the expansion of trade and industry
in urban centers. The average rate of MSW generation in Asian cities
ranges from 0.5 to 1.3 kg/capita/day, which is found to have a direct
correlation with the per capita income of the city. In industrialized cities
where the per capita income is high like the cities in Japan, the average
rate of generation can be as high as 1.64 kg/capita/day, whereas in low-
income cities like in India or Bangladesh or China or Sri Lanka, the rate
is 0.64 kg on a per capita average. For middle-income cities like in
Thailand or Malaysia, average rate is about 0.74 kg/capita/day. The waste
generation rate in rural areas is found to be much lower compared to the
urban areas in many of the countries in Asia. In African cities, the per
capita waste generation rate is also in the same range of 0.45 to 1.3 kg/
capita/ day. The waste generation rate in developed countries varies from
0.8 to 2.0 kg/capita/day.
In developing countries, the volume of waste generated varies from
day to day and season to season. The rate is often less during the
weekends compared to weekdays. This is primarily because a large
number of people come to work in the big or medium cities from the
suburb and nearby residential areas that lie beyond the city limits. For this
26 Municipal Solid Waste Management

reason the rate of generation remains high during the weekday and
decreases during the weekends. Similarly, the quantity of waste
generation increases during the festive days. For example, after a very
popular festival in India, the amount of paper waste generated rises
tremendously due to a huge amount of fireworks and crackers being used
during the festival. Therefore, before a management plan to handle citys
MSW can be adopted, the nature of city and future trends of change need
to be studied in detail to project the future quantity of solid waste likely
to be generated. Fig. 2.2 shows a prediction of quantity of solid waste
expected to be generated during the next 25 years, for high-income,
medium-income and low-income countries. It is clear from the figure that
much attention is required for middle and low-income countries, where a
high rate of increase is expected during the coming years.

Fig. 2.2 Current and projected waste generation in high-, middle- and low-
income countries (source: Martin 1996)
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 provide the waste generation rates in developing
and developed countries. The differences in waste generation between
developed and developing countries interestingly give rise to not only
additional problems but also potential opportunities in waste
Energy from Waste 27

Table 2.1 Waste Generation Rates in Developing Countries

Urban MSW generation

No. Country
Low income 0.64
1. Nepal 0.50
2. Bangladesh 0.49
3. Myanmar 0.45
4. Vietnam 0.55
5. Mongolia 0.60
6. India 0.46
7. Lao PDR 0.69
8. China 0.79
9. Srilanka 0.89
Middle income 0.73
1. Indonesia 0.76
2. Philippines 0.52
3. Thailand 1.10
4. Malaysia 0.81
High income 1.64
1. Korea, Republic of 1.59
2. Hong Kong 5.07
3. Singapore 1.10
4. Japan 1.47
Source: World Bank 1997a

Table 2.2 Per Capita Waste Generation in Developed countries

Country MSW generation rate (kg/capita/day)

USA 2.00
Japan 1.12

Germany 0.99

Mexico 0.85
France 1.29

Turkey 1.09
Italy 0.96

Canada 1.80

Table Contd
28 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Country MSW generation rate (kg/capita/day)

Spain 0.99
Poland 0.93
Australia 1.89
The Netherlands 1.37
Belgium 1.10
Hungary 1.07
Austria 1.18
Greece 0.85
Portugal 0.90
Sweden 1.01
Finland 1.70
Switzerland 1.10
Denmark 1.26
Norway 1.40
Source: OECD (1995), World Bank (1997a)

The composition of solid waste also differs between developing and

developed countries. In developed countries, the composition varies with
the size and affluence of the city. To anticipate changes in the size and
composition of the MSW stream and to make decisions concerning its
management, future projections of the MSW stream are made based on
the impact of (a) demographics and (b) recycling, composting, and source
reduction programmes. Although consumer behaviour and product
composition also affect MSW generation and composition, the impact of
these factors is difficult to predict and can have a vague overall effect.
In North America, some general trends are, however, evident. The
percentage of paper and plastics in the waste stream is expected to
continue increasing. Glass and steel containers are likely to continue to be
replaced by lighter materials, such as aluminum and plastic. In addition,
changes in local industry and commerce will affect the size and
composition of the commercial and industrial waste streams. Over time,
changes in MSW generation due to demographic factors have depended
on population changes as well as on the per-capita generation. Per-capita
generation depends on at least three major factors: household size,
Energy from Waste 29

socioeconomic status, and the degree of urbanization. The effect of

socioeconomic status on MSW generation is uncertain. As North
Americans have become more affluent on average, they have purchased
more of all goods contributing to increase in waste generation. Although
the majority of the population lives in urban areas, the degree of
urbanization has some effect on MSW generation. Rural areas often have
lower per-capita generation rates for at least some components of the
waste stream; for example, fewer newspapers because they are usually
printed weekly rather than daily and are more often burned as fuel.
The European countries are considered more advanced in maintaining
the waste composition and characterization data. Given variations in
economic development, climate, food habits, and culture, it is hardly
surprising that composition varies considerably from country to country
in Europe. Composition of mixed waste also varies due to differences in
source separation methods. However, some generalizations about
composition are possible: (a) the largest waste streams in Europe, by far,
are organics and paper. Depending on climate and country, these two
waste streams combined account for around 50% to 80% of residential
waste. It differs by country which of these two waste streams is the
largest, but in most cases organics account for more waste by weight,
ranging from 25% to 65% of residential MSW, while paper values are
more constant, ranging between 20% and 40% by weight in most cases;
(b) depending on packaging mix, the relative quantities of glass, plastics,
and metals may shift from country to country. These three materials
together may account for as little as 10% and as much as 25% of
residential waste by weight. When textiles, usually in the range of 2 to
5% by weight, are added, these materials plus paper and organics largely
account for the waste stream; (c) household hazardous wastes at 1 to 4%
of residential waste by weight, present in European waste streams are far
more important in terms of environmental implications than their quantity
would indicate; and (d) the waste stream in Eastern European countries
tends to be higher in putrescibles and lower in glass, plastics, and metals
than the Western European stream. This is consistent with the generally
less advanced economic development and status of Eastern European
countries. Table 2.3 provides the physical composition of MSW in
developed countries.
30 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table 2.3 Physical composition of MSW in Developed Countries

Country Organic Paper Plastic Glass Metal Other

Canada 34 28 11 7 8 13
Mexico 52 14 4 6 3 20
USA 23 38 9 7 8 16
Japan 26 46 9 7 8 12
Australia 50 22 7 9 5 8
Denmark 37 30 7 6 9 17
Finland 32 26 0 6 3 35
France 25 30 10 12 6 17
Greece 49 20 9 5 5 1
Luxembourg 44 20 8 7 3 1
Netherlands 43 27 9 4 5 8
Norway 18 31 6 4 5 36
Portugal 35 23 12 5 3 22
Spain 44 21 11 7 4 13
Switzerland 27 28 15 3 3 24
Turkey 64 6 3 2 1 24
Average 38 26 8 6 5 18
(Source: OECD 1995)
Note: Compositon of waste varies with the size of the city, season and income group

In Latin American countries, the data shows that quantities and quality
of wastes are related to the economic conditions of the countries; the
richer ones generating more wastes per inhabitant, and their wastes tend
to contain more paper, glass, and metal containers than in the poorer
countries. Waste quantities generated range between 0.3 and 1.0
kg/inhabitant/day (this includes commercial, market, and street-cleaning
wastes). Densities vary between 150 and 200 kg/m3 (when measured
loosely), and from 400-500 kg/m3 after compaction in the truck. The
wastes are very humid (~ 45-50%) and have a high organics content
(40-50%). Organics content tends to be higher in poorer countries. The
higher consumption of manufactured products with the growth of per
capita GDP is evident in the observed differences in the content of the
waste generated between small towns (where the organics content is
high) and large cities within the same country.
Many Asian cities report data on MSW composition; but it is often
difficult to use the data, as the place and season for the sampling is not
Energy from Waste 31

specified. Cities like Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila, Seoul, and Surabaya,

however, collect and report very useable data. Paper and plastic contents
are generally higher in cities like Tokyo and Singapore. In cities like
Beijing and Shanghai, the ash/soil content is very high due to the burning
of coal for space heating during the cold seasons; the proportion of
papers, textiles, and other light materials is very low, due to recovery and
recycling. In South and West Asia, the countries generally have high
percentages of organic and inert matter in their disposed waste, whereas
the northern and central areas have more synthetic and combustible
materials, metals, glass, and toxic goods such as batteries. The traditional
categories for solid waste analysis, namely, organic, inert, paper, glass,
metal, plastics, textile, wood/garden wastes, food wastes/bones, ash /soil,
are usually not really helpful for understanding the appropriate treatment
systems. The synergistic effects of indiscriminate mixing in MSW are not
yet clear. There is a need to develop appropriate analytic categories and
testing procedures for these countries. National Engineering
Environmental Research Institute in India has been working on these
issues. The Central Pollution Control Board, India has recently
commissioned a national study on solid waste generation and disposal in
India which will be discussed in later pages. Large and bulky waste items
such as abandoned motor cars, furniture, and packaging are found in the
higher-income economies, for example in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and UAE;
but they are not put out for municipal pick-up in the Indian subcontinent.
In the oil-rich countries, used cars are often abandoned on desert roads
outside of cities. The amount of human feces in the MSW is significant in
squatter areas where "wrap and throw" sanitation is practiced or bucket
latrines are emptied into waste piles and containers. The latter is very
common in Kabul, for instance, where sewerage is nominal.
The information regarding waste generation or characterization in
African countries, in general, is meagre. However, in cities of Accra,
Ibadan, Dakar, Abidjan, and Lusaka, the as-delivered MSW (wet basis)
shows generation rates of 0.5-0.8 kg/capita/ per day (compared to 1-2 kg
per person per day in the OECD); putrescible organic content ranging
from 35-80% (generally toward the higher end of this range); plastic,
glass, and metals at less than 10%; and paper at a low teens percentage.
These average figures indicate a waste stream of limited potential
commercial value for the recovery of metals, glass, plastic, and paper.
Since most of the countries have upgraded or plan to upgrade the MSW
systems with international aid, the availability of systematic information
may improve in the coming years. Table 2.4 illustrates the composition of
MSW in the developing countries.
32 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table 2.4 Composition of Solid Waste in Developing Countries,

Compostable Paper Plastic Glass Metal Other
Low income 41 4.6 3.8 2.1 1 47.5
Nepal 80 7 2.5 3 0.5 7
Bangladesh 84.37 5.68 1.74 3.19 3.19 1.86
Myanmar 80 4 2 0 0 14
India 41.8 5.7 3.9 2.1 1.9 44.6
Lao PDR 54.3 3.3 7.8 8.5 3.8 22.3
China 35.8 3.7 3.8 2 0.3 54.4
Sri Lanka 76.4 10.6 5.7 1.3 1.3 4.7
Middle income 57.5 14.9 10.9 2.4 3.1 11.2
Indonesia 70.2 10.6 8.7 1.7 1.8 7
Philippines 41.9 19.5 13.8 2.5 4.8 17.8
Thailand 48.6 14.6 13.9 5.1 3.6 14.8
Malaysia 43.2 23.7 11.2 3.2 4.2 14.5
High income 27.8 36 9.4 6.7 7.7 12.4
Hong Kong 37.2 21.6 15.7 3.9 3.9 17.7
Singapore 44.4 28.3 11.8 4.1 4.1 6.6
Japan 22 45 9 7 6 11
Source: World Bank (1999)

Industrial Waste generation: In some countries, significant quantities of

organic industrial solid waste are generated. Industrial waste generation
and composition vary depending on the type of industry and
processes/technologies in the concerned country. Countries apply various
classifications for industrial waste. For example, construction and
demolition waste can be included in industrial waste, in MSW, or defined
as a separate category. The default categorization used in the 2006 IPCC
Guidelines for National GHG Inventories assumes construction and
demolition waste are part of the industrial waste. In many countries
industrial solid waste is managed as a specific stream and the waste
amounts are not covered by general waste statistics. OECD (OECD 2002)
collects statistical data on industrial waste generation and treatment.
In most developing countries industrial wastes are included in the
municipal solid waste stream; therefore, it is difficult to obtain data of the
industrial waste separately.
Industrial waste generation data (total industrial waste generation and
data for manufacturing industries and construction waste) are given in
Energy from Waste 33

Table 2.5 for some countries. The total amount includes also other waste
types than those from manufacturing industries and construction.

Table 2.5 Industrial waste by country (1000 tons/yr)

Region/Country Total Construction
China 1 004 280
Japan 120 050 76 240
Singapore 1 423.5
Republic of korea 39 810 28 750
Israel 1 000
Australia 14 284 27 500
Belgium 14 144 9 046
Bulgaria 3 145 7
Croatia 1 600 142
Czech republic 9 618 5 083
Denmark 2 950 3 220
Estonia 1 261.5
Finland 15 281 1 420
France 98 000
Germany 47 960 231 000
Greece 6 680 1 800
Hungary 2 605 707
Iceland 10
Ireland 5 361 3 651
Italy 35 392 27 291
Latvia 1 103 422 7
Malta 25 206
Netherlands 17 595 23 800
Norway 415 4
Poland 58 975 143
Portugal 8 356 85
Romania 797

Table Contd
34 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Region/Country Total Construction
Slovakia 6 715 233
Slovenia 1 493
Spain 20 308
Swedan 18 690
Switzerland 1 470 6 390
Turkey 1 166
UK 50 000 72 000
Australia 37 040 10
New Zealand 1 750 NR
(Source: 2006 IPCC)
{Refs: Environmental Statistics Yearbook for China 2003; Eurostat 2005; Latvian
Environment Agency 2004; OECD 2002; National Environment Agency, Singapore 2001;
Estonian Environment Information Center 2005; Statistics Finland 2005;
Milleubalans 2005}

Although significant amounts of industrial waste are generated, the

rates of recycling/reuse are often high, and the fraction of degradable
organic material disposed at solid waste disposal sites is often less than
that of MSW. Incineration of industrial waste may take place in
significant amounts; however this will vary from country to country.
Composting or other biological treatment is restricted to waste from
industries producing food and other putrescible waste. It has to be noted
that the data in the Table 2.5 are based on weight of the wet waste. Also,
the data are default data for the year 2000, although for some countries
the year for which the data are applicable was not given in the reference,
or data for the year 2000 were not available (IPCC 2006).

2.2 Waste Characterization

Solid waste characterization is very important because waste
characteristics depend mainly on the type of source from which it is
generated. We have seen earlier, there are several sources of generation
of solid waste in a municipal area, namely domestic, industrial,
agricultural, institutional, commercial, healthcare etc. The characteristics
of solid waste from each of these sources vary widely. The quantity of
Energy from Waste 35

these components is dependent on various factors that include the number

of residences, industries, commercial and institutional units, hospitals in
the city. There is no general rule by which the proportion of solid waste
from different sources can be accurately estimated. Since each of the
technologies (mentioned earlier) used in MSWM addresses distinct
segments of the waste stream, the characterization data assist
municipalities in (a) determining the best management methods for
different materials; (b) planning recycling and composting programmes
by identifying the amounts of recyclables and organic materials generated
by different sources; (c) sizing WTE facilities based on the amount of
wastes remaining in the waste stream after recycling and composting; and
(d) estimating waste transportation and separation costs using local
estimates of total municipal waste volume and weight (UNEP).
In the design of a WTE facility, it is important to consider the
potential variations in both physical and chemical composition of MSW.
Also, in the design of the furnace/boiler portion of WTE facilities, the
MSW characteristics that are critical are the calorific value, moisture
content, proportion of noncombustibles, and other components (such as
heavy metals, chlorine, and sulfur) whose presence during combustion
will result in the need for flue gas cleanup. The capacity of a WTE
furnace/boiler is roughly inversely proportional to the calorific or heating
value of the waste.
In a country like US where almost all technologies are employed in
MSWM, characterization data is very vital. Proper local waste
characterizations based on actual waste stream studies conducted at
landfills, WTE facilities, materials recovery facilities (MRFs), or transfer
stations can provide information about the amount of specific products
and materials generated by each sector (i.e., residential, commercial, or
industrial), the amount of waste recycled, seasonal variations in the waste
stream, and differences between urban, suburban, and rural areas. Waste
characterization studies should be updated periodically to account for
changes in population density, industrial concentration, and community
affluence. Comprehensive characterization studies are expensive in
America. The commercial waste, on average, accounts for 40% of the
municipal waste stream in North America, but percentages vary by
community. In Los Angeles, wastes from commercial sources were
nearly two-thirds of the city's MSW in 1989.
36 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have reports on

waste quantification and characterization based on research done in
academic institutions. The waste management authorities characterize
waste in order to estimate required landfill space and necessary
infrastructure. University of Chile has recently published a three-year
study on waste characterization which shows that the sampling methods
presently being used in the region need to be reviewed and that available
data may not be reliable. Mexico has an officially approved procedure for
the analysis of wastes (UNEP).
Solid waste programmes in Europe routinely perform these studies in
their development phase. The national statistics offices maintain annual
standard composition figures, which are used as the basis for planning of
the system. Nevertheless, some European composition studies only take a
waste sample from one season, instead of all four seasons. The results of
the waste composition studies are generally used in national and regional
projections and in planning for collection systems and disposal capacity.
In industrialized cities of East Asia, MSW is quantified and
characterized by municipal authorities at regular intervals. Engineering
consultants and professionals from other bodies such as scientific
institutes and the universities also carry out the characterization of MSW.
In South and West Asian countries, the sampling and analysis of waste
streams is not undertaken on a regular basis. Even for such studies as
have been conducted, the methodology is often outdated. The reports do
not record sampling procedures (e.g., from what points in the waste
stream the samples were taken); usually, sampling is at one point only
and is not repeated at different seasons of the year. Sampling at different
points is important when significant amounts of recyclables are picked
out of waste streams, or where animals eat organics.
Waste characterizations data in cities across Africa are not fully
available because they are not commonly compiled. This may change as
cities upgrade their MSWM systems with the aid provided by
international agencies.
Climatic effect: Most Asian countries have tropical climates with high
level of precipitation and humidity. High amount of precipitation adds a
large quantity of moisture to the waste and increases the weight. The
organic portion of the solid waste tends to decompose quickly due to the
hot and humid condition and poses problems in handling and disposal of
waste. Presence of moisture makes the waste unsuitable for incineration.
Energy from Waste 37

Africas climatic zones consist of humid equatorial zone in the

western, eastern and central part, dry zone in the northern and southern
parts away from the equator and humid temperate in between the equator
and the northern and southern parts. Rainfall is more in the central part
and reduces in northern and southern parts. The moisture content in the
solid waste in the central Africa is higher compared to the arid zones. In
many of the countries situated in the central, western and eastern parts
like the Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Madagascar hot and humid climate
poses problems with the organic portion of the solid waste.

Waste Reduction and


Municipal solid waste generation has both pros and cons, but the fact of
the matter is that it is impossible to live without generating some trash.
By using recycling methods, one can minimize the amount of municipal
solid waste generated. Using reusable paper bags or cloth shopping bags,
and taking steps to buy recycled products whenever possible are some of
the desirable practices. These steps will decrease the amount of municipal
solid waste that is generated, as we see in this section, making it a little
easier to manage and dispose of.
Waste reduction and waste recycling are important components in
waste management strategy. MSWM operations are consuming large
fraction of municipal operating budgets; in developing countries, as much
as 60% are for collection and transfer of the wastes for disposal. Recently
in these countries, there is discussion of sustainable development through
an integrated approach to waste management, including minimization of
the production of wastes and maximizing waste recycling and reuse.
Most of the cities have been practicing source separation and recycling
formally and informally.
Recycling is often defined to encompass also waste-to-energy
activities and biological treatment. For practical reasons a more narrow

Waste Reduction and Recycling 39

definition is used here: Recycling is defined as recovery of material

resources (typically paper, glass, metals and plastics, sometimes wood
and food waste) from the waste stream (IPCC 2006).

3.1 Recycling
Recycling of waste provides economic as well as environmental benefits,
and also reduces reliance on virgin materials. Such programmes can
reduce pollution, save energy, mitigate global climate change, and reduce
pressures on biodiversity. Reusing items delays or sometimes avoid at
item's entry in the waste collection and disposal system. Source reduction
coupled with reuse can help to reduce waste handling and disposal costs,
by avoiding the cost of recycling, municipal composting, land filling and
Recycling involves the reprocessing of waste into a usable raw
material or product thus enabling materials to have an extended life in
addition to reducing resource consumption and avoiding disposal costs.
Transportation and collection of recyclable materials involve costs,
resulting in an increased market price of such materials compared to
virgin materials. The collection of materials that could be recycled or
sorting and processing recyclables into raw materials (such as fibers) or
manufacturing raw materials into new products are different steps.
Collecting and processing secondary materials, manufacturing products
with more recyclable content, and buying recycled products constitutes a
cycle that ensures the overall success and significance of recycling.
(i) Collection and Processing: Collecting recyclables varies from
community to community; however, there are four primary
methods of collection: curbside, drop-off centers, buy-back centers,
and deposit/refund programmes. Regardless of the method used to
collect the recyclables, they are sent to a materials recovery facility
to be sorted and prepared into marketable commodities for
manufacturing. Recyclables are bought and sold just like any other
commodity; the prices for the materials alter and fluctuate with the
(ii) Manufacturing: After cleaning and separation, the recyclables are
ready to undergo the next stage of the recycling circle. More and
more of today's products are being manufactured with total or
partial recycled content. Common household items that contain
recycled materials include newspapers and paper towels;
aluminum, plastic, and glass soft drink containers; steel cans;
40 Municipal Solid Waste Management

plastic water bottles, milk sachets, and plastic laundry detergent

and cleaning liquid bottles. Recycled materials also are used in
innovative applications such as recovered glass in roadway asphalt
or recovered plastic in carpeting, park benches, and pedestrian
(iii) Purchasing Recycled Products: Purchasing recycled products
completes the recycling cycle. By buying recycled products,
governments, businesses, institutions and individuals are
contributing significantly in reusing the materials. As consumers
insist more environmentally sound products, manufacturers will
continue to meet that demand by producing high-quality recycled
(iv) Benefits of Recycling waste materials: Recycling process helps to
reduce the need for disposal (landfilling and incineration), to allow
cost benefit to the municipalities, to prevent pollution caused by
the manufacturing of products from virgin materials, to save
energy, to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute
to global warming, to decrease exploitation of natural resources
such as timber, minerals and water, and to help sustain the
environment for future generation.

3.2 Status in Developing Countries

Materials recovery is very prominent in most urban areas/cities in the
developing countries. This practice of materials recovery is done for the
following reasons: (i) economic value of materials, (ii) the prevalence of
absolute poverty, (iii) the availability of unskilled manpower willing to
accept low wages, (iv) the frugal values of even relatively well-to-do
households, and (v) the large markets for used goods as well as for
products made from recycled plastics and metals.
The wastes which are considered uneconomical to recycle or of no use
in affluent societies have a value in developing world, for example,
coconut shells and cow dung are used as fuel. Every useful kind of waste
that include clothes and rags, bottles, plastics of all kinds (especially milk
pouches), metals, toys, and residue from coal fires from household or
shop or institution is reused or traded. Second-hand markets thrive, and
some are very large, such as those in Indian cities, Mumbai, Kolkata and
New Delhi. Food wastes are sold to poultry and pig farmers, and food
wastes from large hotels are auctioned in big cities like New Delhi.
Construction wastes are reused and the residues are taken as fill for road
Waste Reduction and Recycling 41

repairs. In countries such as Vietnam, India and China, if one takes into
account the use of compost from dumps sites as well as materials
recovered, the major portion of municipal wastes of all kinds are
ultimately utilized. Since manufacturers can readily use leftovers as
feedstock or engage in waste exchange, residuals and old machines are
sold to less advanced and smaller industries. In offices and institutions,
paper, cardboard, glass bottles, plastics, and all salable materials are
sorted out and sold, and the rest is sent to dust bins. At the household
level, gifts of used clothes and goods to servants, relatives, charities and
the needy are still significant. In the middle- and low-income cities of the
East Asia/Pacific region, informal source separation and recycling of
materials have always been practiced. Materials separated or picked out
from mixed wastes include ferrous and nonferrous metals, papers/
cardboard, glass, plastics, clothing, leathers, animal bones/feathers, books
and household goods (which are repaired and sold in second-hand
markets). In Bangkok, Jakarta, and Hong Kong there are some very large
industries dealing entirely recyclables such as papers, ferrous metals,
plastics, and glass. In the Pacific islands, repair and reuse are important
and recycling industries are small-scale. In China and Vietnam, waste
recovery and recycling has been organized at the city level and supported
by national ministries. In China, especially, the major cities have large
recovery companies which collect recyclables from offices, institutions,
and factories. There are also neighborhood redemption centers where
people can sell bottles, paper, and clothes.
In South Asia, resource recovery and recycling usually takes place in
all components of the system predominantly by the informal sector,
waste pickers or a section of the solid waste management staff for
extra income. Such work is done for very low incomes in a very labor-
intensive and unsafe way. These items then reach the recycling facilities
through agents. In Cambodia, even though waste separation at the source
is not practiced, the main items such as soft and hard plastics, glass, steel,
paper, cardboard, aluminium and alloys etc., are collected and sent to
Vietnam and Thailand for recycling for lack of such facilities in the
country. Similarly, most of the recyclable wastes collected in Nepal and
Bhutan are sent to India, due to insufficient recycling factories in the
countries (Glawe et al 2006). The importance of recycling activities in
reducing waste volume, recovering resources and its economic benefits is
42 Municipal Solid Waste Management

being amply acknowledged in these countries in recent years. Table 3.1

describes the prevailing 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) activities carried
out by informal and formal sector in South Asian countries.

Table 3.1 3R activities in South Asian Countries:

Country 3 R practice
Afghanistan Informal
Bangladesh Informal
Bhutan Informal
India Formal + Informal
Maldives Informal
Nepal Informal
Pakistan Formal + Informal
Sri Lanka Formal + Informal
(Source: Visvanathan and Norbu 2006)

In West Asia, the Palestinian settlements in Gaza and the West Bank
have been sites of intensive repair, reuse, and recycling since their
inception. Waste separation at the household level and selling the
recyclable materials to roaming buyers still continue. There are also
small-scale recycling industries for plastic, paper, and glass in the region;
scrap metal is recycled locally or transported to re-rolling mills of other
countries. In Israel, the high quantity of recyclables reaching waste
streams has compelled the government to sponsor the recovery and
recycling of the materials due to the decline of the informal sector.
Recycling has been emphasized since 1993 to reduce waste quantities at
landfills. A number of recycling centers (drop-off centers) are running
successfully in Israel, where people can leave textiles, paper, and
cardboard; in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem there is curbside pickup of papers
in boxes supplied by the authorities.
Different experiments in several countries are tried with source
separation of household waste. For example, in Dubai, drop-off centers
accept paper, cardboard, aluminum, and PVC bottles. Incentives are
given to large-scale recycling units for paper and glass. In Saudi Arabia,
an industry has been supported to convert waste paper into egg trays. In
Sharjah (UAE), a company processes plastic into rubbish sacks. The
governments in developing countries support recycling industries in
principle, with financial support such as tax rebates varying from country
to country (UNEP).
Waste Reduction and Recycling 43

In Africa, the informal recovery and reuse of materials from the waste
stream occurs at several levels. At the household level items are reused
before entering the waste stream, thereby extending their useful life.
Waste pickers also recover materials for personal and commercial
purposes. The extent of commercial recycling of paper, metals, glass, and
plastic depends on the presence of industrial or other end uses for these
materials. While such industries may be found in some primary cities,
they are largely absent in secondary cities and in rural areas. Even in
those cases where they are found, they do not consistently stimulate
recycling in their host cities. The official statistics on MSW generation
and recycling, waste reduction or materials recovery in Africa are very
Materials recovery is prevalent in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Recycling occurs in all large cities and in most medium-sized cities.
Paper and cardboard, glass, metals (mostly aluminum) and plastics are
the materials most often recovered and recycled (except plastics) by
large-scale industries. Large scale recycling programs of non-hazardous
industrial solid wastes have been established in Colombia, Mexico, and
Venezuela. In some large cities in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and
Colombia, recycling bins have been set up outside supermarkets, where
glass and paper products can be deposited.
The greatest amount of materials recovery and recycling is achieved
through several networks such as roving buyers, small and medium
traders, wholesaling brokers, and recyclers. Typical examples of the
informal recycling industries are those which recycle broken glass into
bottles, waste plastics to toys and shoes, and waste paper to paper board.
The activities are mainly driven by the scarcity and expense of raw
materials. From the point of view of waste reduction, the traditional
practices of repair and reuse, and the sale, barter, or gift of used goods
and surplus materials, are a benefit to the poorer countries.
Animals also play a significant role in the reduction of organic wastes
in many places, especially smaller cities and towns in the developing
world. Cattle, pigs, goats, dogs, cats, poultry, and crows feed regularly
from garbage piles and open vats; animals such as goats, sheep, and pigs,
kept in squatter areas are fed household vegetable wastes. In cities like
Hong Kong, Bangkok, Manila, Cebu, and most cities and towns of China
and Vietnam, pig and poultry farmers routinely collect food wastes from
households and restaurants for animal feed. In some small Chinese cities,
pigs are released on garbage dumps to reduce organic wastes. It has been
estimated that up to 50% of domestic and restaurant organics are fed to
44 Municipal Solid Waste Management

animals. There is likely to be some kind of opposition to schemes for

"wet-dry" separation and composting in areas where household organics
are needed as animal feed. If the animals population declines with the
modernization of cities, the organic fraction of MSW will increase.

3.3 Status in Developed Countries

The operational aspects of waste reduction and recycling of materials are
different in developed countries. The waste stream and how it is treated in
typical cities of developing and developed countries is shown in Fig.3.1.

Fig. 3.1 Waste reduction and materials recovery in typical cities of developing
and developed countries (Source: UNEP).
Waste Reduction and Recycling 45

In the urban centers of Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and New
Zealand which are economically advanced, a high degree of waste
reduction, separation at source, and recycling is being achieved through
public education, curbside collection, and volume-based collection. In
many European Union (EU) countries, materials recovery and recycling
have been acknowledged as an indispensable aspect of integrated solid
waste management systems. This is reflected in policy documents and is
evident in practice. Nevertheless, there are considerable variations in
European practices in source reduction, materials recovery, and recycling.
European countries often have completely unrelated systems for
collecting different recyclable materials. Paper is often collected curbside
from row- or single-family houses, and in half- or one cubic meter
collection containers from apartments. Glass collection, on the other
hand, is more likely to be performed using closed recycling collection
containers, sometimes called igloos.
In European Union, the concept of producer responsibility
dominates the process of materials recovery; i.e, financial responsibility
for recycling and disposal is placed on the product and/or package
manufacturer, and incentives for recovery, reuse, and recycling through
taxes, fees, and deposits are internalised. In Southern and Eastern Europe
and also in France and the UK, the presence of recycling containers or
collection programmes is more sporadic. Italy, which has made
considerable progress in materials recovery, is an exception.
The rising disposal costs, the difficulty of siting landfills and
incinerators, and the current public concern for the environment have
made recycling a top priority in North America. Volunteer groups
organize neighborhood collection drives for papers, bottles, and cans. A
well-established network of haulers, brokers, and reclaim yards recover
paper and metals from businesses. Waste reduction in North America
includes source reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting, all of which
divert significant quantum of materials from disposal facilities. Source
reduction involves reducing the amount and toxicity of materials before
they enter the waste stream, and can include product reuse, reduced
material volume, reduced toxicity, increased product lifetime, and
decreased consumption. These programmes have been implemented
through education, research, financial incentives and disincentives
(e.g., volume-based fees), regulation, and technological advances. North
American recycling programmes include source separation, curbside
collection, centralized drop-off or buy-back facilities, materials recovery
facilities, and mixed-waste processing facilities. Typical materials
recycled in North America include paper (e.g., cardboard, office paper,
46 Municipal Solid Waste Management

and newsprint), bottles and cans (e.g., steel, glass, aluminum and plastic),
ferrous scrap, batteries, tires, used oil, appliances, and construction and
demolition debris. Composting is often considered a form of recycling in
North America.
Two main collection methods are used: central collection, where
waste generators transport materials to a drop-off or buy-back center; and
curbside collection, where recyclables are collected at the point of
generation (usually households). Central collection centers have been in
place for many years. The local governments in order to achieve higher
recycling rates have started curbside collection also. Central collection
centers accept materials from homes and small businesses. These are
commonly known as drop-off centers and buy-back centers. Both the
centers want waste generators to bring recyclables to a central facility,
but only buy-back centers pay for the material. Both types of centers are
less expensive to operate than curbside collection programmes (UNEP).

3.4 Case of Plastics

3.4.1 Nature of Plastics
Consider plastics, a recyclable material found in fair amounts in
municipal solid waste. The quantity of plastic has exceeded the recovery
capacity of even the high-recycling cities. When plastics were started
using increasingly in packaging in China, any piece of plastic was valued
by waste buyers and pickers. But, currently, the larger cities of China are
experiencing the proliferation of plastic waste that is so problematic in
Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. Even
in Yangon, where non-organic wastes are minimal, increasing numbers of
small plastic bags are found in open drains (UNEP). The situation is
similar in many developing countries in Asia.
Plastic has unique qualities: strong though light, durable, economical,
and can be easily molded and used for different requirements. Plastic
bags are popular with consumers because they are functional, lightweight,
strong, inexpensive and hygienic. In addition, the environmental impact
of plastic bags in landfills is low due to their inert (or un-reactive) nature.
In fact plastic bags may have some benefits to landfills such as stabilizing
qualities, leachate minimization, and minimization of greenhouse gas
emissions (EPHC, 2002) as we see in the later pages. However, the very
problem with plastic bag waste emanates from some of their advantages.
First, because they are cheap there is excessive consumption and a
tendency for misuse. Second, most of the plastic bags produced are too
Waste Reduction and Recycling 47

thin and fragile to be re-used. This characteristic of plastic bags lends

them to inadvertent littering, which has become a serious problem in
urban centres the world over. Simply, it is a multipurpose material due to
its non-biodegradable nature; but is now considered a serious threat to
global envirnmental health. Its environmental impact is extremely wide
ranging: (i) it causes visual pollution that affects such sectors as tourism;
(ii) plastic wastes block gutters and drains creating serious storm water
problems. Bangladesh, for instance, imposed a ban on plastic bags in
March 2002 following flooding caused by blockage of drains
(EPHC 2002), (iii) plastic wastes that enter the sea and other water bodies
kill aquatic wildlife when the animals ingest the plastics mistaking them
for food, (iv) consumption of plastic bags by livestock can lead to death,
and (v) plastics take 20 to 1000 years to break down. Dioxin is a highly
carcinogenic and toxic by-product in the manufacturing process of
plastics. If plastics, especially PVC, are burned dioxin and furan are
released into the atmosphere. Conventional plastics have been associated
with reproductive problems in both wildlife and humans. Studies have
shown a decline in human count and quality, genital abnormalities and a
rise in the incidence of breast cancer. If plastic bags are not properly
disposed, they choke drains, block the porosity of the soil and create
problems for groundwater recharge. Plastic disturbs the soil microbial
activity. Plastic bags can also contaminate foodstuffs due to leaching of
toxic dyes and transfer of pathogens.
In India, the plastic industry is growing phenomenally. Plastics have
use in all sectors of the economy infrastructure, construction,
agriculture, consumer goods, telecommunications, and packaging. But,
along with a growth in the usage, a country-wide network for collection
of plastic waste through rag pickers, waste collectors and waste dealers
and recycling enterprises has sprung all over the country over the last
decade or so. More than 50% of the plastic waste generated in India is
recycled and used in the manufacture of various plastic products. The rest
remains strewn on the ground, littered around in open drains, or in
unmanaged garbage dumps. Though only a small percentage lies strewn,
it is this portion that is of concern as it causes extensive damage to the
environment. India, however, has put plastic waste on a restricted list and
the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Government of India
has been considering ways of reducing plastic wastes; Bangladesh too has
been discussing limits on plastic packaging.
Eco-friendly, biodegradable plastics would, however, be quite useful.
Though partially biodegradable plastics have been developed and are
under use, wholly biodegradable plastics based on renewable starch
48 Municipal Solid Waste Management

rather than petrochemicals are in the early stages of commercialization in

India. More incentives have to be provided for the development of these
useful plastics. If the safety is assured, it is trouble-free as well as
economical to deliver milk in plastic bags rather than in bottles. Safe
plastics have wide range of uses : as carry bags, pet bottles, containers,
and trash bags in the houses; as disposable syringes, glucose bottles,
blood and uro bags, intravenous tubes, catheters, surgical gloves in health
and Medicare; as packaging items, mineral water bottles, plastic plates,
cups, spoons in hotels and catering and travel.
The plastic industry in the developed world has realized the need to
develop environment-friendly methods for recycling plastics wastes, and
has set out targets and missions. Prominent among such missions are the
Plastic Waste Management Institute in Japan, the European Centre for
Plastics in Environment, the Plastic Waste Management Task Force in
Malaysia. Manufacturers, civic authorities, environmentalists and the
public have begun to acknowledge the need for plastics to conform to
certain standards as well as a code of conduct for its use.

3.4.2 Recycling of Plastic Waste

The recycling process of different plastic waste generated in India, a
developing country, and USA, a developed country, are briefly discussed.
(i) Managing Plastic waste in India (source: CPCB): It is estimated
that post-consumer plastic waste constitutes approximately
4-5 percent by weight of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated
in India, compared to 6-9 percent in developed countries.
Thermoplastics constitute about 80 percent and thermoset
approximately 20 percent. A machine was developed for recycling
of plastics in an environmentally sound manner. The aim of green
recycling of plasticwaste was to develop a system which would
have zero adverse impact on the environment. This has been
achieved by assigning right motor of minimum capacity, selecting
optimum L/D ratio, heat sealing and right temperature for the
processes and trapping all the emission in pollution control
equipment and treating the pollutants to produce byproducts. The
Extrusion and Pelletization processes have been redesigned to
reduce the pollution to a minimum and to enhance the process
Another novel approach implemented was reusing plastic waste in
road construction. The plastic waste (bags, cups, thermocole) made
out of Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and Polystyrene
Waste Reduction and Recycling 49

(PS) are separated, cleaned if needed and shredded to small pieces

(passing through 4.35 mm sieve) The aggregate (granite) is heated
to 170C in the Mini hot Mix Plant and the shredded plastic waste
is added, it gets softened and coated over the aggregate.
Immediately the hot Bitumen (160C) is added and mixed well. As
the polymer and the bitumen are in the molten state (liquid state)
they get mixed and the blend is formed at surface of the aggregate.
The mixture is used for laying roads. This technique is extended to
Central Mixing Plant too.
The Indian Council for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE) says
that 1.2 million tones of plastics are recycled. In spite of
recyclables like paper, glass, tin etc., are sorted at homes, 13 to
20 percent of them are again found from MSW collected by the
concerned authorities.
(ii) In America: Plastics constitute about 14 to 22% of the volume of
solid waste. Recycling is a best solution to handle this amount of
waste. However, a major problem in the reuse of plastics is that
during the reprocessing, the properties get degraded and makes it
difficult to reuse for the same application. For example, the 58
gram, 2-liter polyethylene terephthalate (PET) beverage bottle
consists of 48 gm of PET, and the rest 10 gms being a high density
polyethylene (HDPE) cup base, paper label and adhesive, and
molded polypropylene (PP) cap. The cup base, label, adhesive and
cap are therefore contaminants in the recycling of the PET.
The problem of contaminants in plastic recycling are dealt by
designing plastic products as "reuse-friendly" because recyclability can
be a practical means for disposal. Many organizations are reevaluating
the use of recycled plastics. For example, plastic beads are currently used
to remove paint from aircraft employing a "sand blasting" type method.
The use of recycled plastics is limited by the end-users of the plastics.
Other important reason for not discarding plastics is the conservation
of energy. The energy value of polyethylene (PE) is 100% of an
equivalent mass of #2 heating oil. Polystyrene (PS) is 75%, while
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and PET are about 50%. With the energy value
of a pound of #2 heating oil at 20,000 B.T.U., discarding plastics to land
fills results in a waste of energy. Some countries, notably Japan, tap into
the energy value of plastic and paper with waste-to-energy incinerators.
Another factor in the recycling process is the trend of increasing
tipping fees at landfills. In northeastern states of USA, tipping fees have
progressively increased, but in western states the fees have remained low
50 Municipal Solid Waste Management

due to the local government subsidies to landfills. As the cost of land

filling of solid waste increases, the incentive to recycle also increases.
When the cost of land filling exceeds the cost of recycling, recycling will
be a sensible alternative to land filling. These factors have led to the
following recommendations by the US Environmental Protection
Agency: source reduction, recycling, thermal reduction (incineration),
and land filling. Each of these has its problems. Source reduction calls for
the redesigning of packaging and/or the use of less, lighter, or more
environmentally safe materials. This approach could mean reduced food
packaging with the possibility of higher food spoilage rates. There would
be fewer plastics, but more food in solid waste to be disposed. Whatever
disposal method is chosen, the choice is complex, and whatever the costs,
the consumer will bear them.
Recycling of Different Plastics (in USA)
(a) PET (polyethylene terephthalate): In 1989, a billion pounds of
virgin PET were used to make beverage bottles of which about
20% was recycled. Of the amount recycled, 50% was used for
fiberfill and strapping. The reprocesses claim to make a high
quality, 99% pure, granulated PET. It sells at 35 to 60% of virgin
PET costs. The major reuses of PET include sheet, fiber, film, and
extrusions. When chemically treated, the recycled product can be
converted into raw materials for the production of unsaturated
polyester resins. If sufficient energy is used, the recycled product
can be depolymerized to ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid and
then repolymerized to virgin PET.
(b) HDPE (high density polyethylene): Of the plastics that have a
potential for recycling, the rigid HDPE container is the one most
likely to be found in a landfill. Less than 5% of HDPE containers
are treated or processed in a manner that makes recycling easy.
Virgin HDPE is used in opaque household and industrial
containers that are used to package motor oil, detergent, milk,
bleach, and agricultural chemicals. There is a great potential for
the use of recycled HDPE in base cups, drainage pipes, flower
pots, plastic lumber, trash cans, automotive mud flaps, kitchen
drain boards, beverage bottle crates, and pallets. Most recycled
HDPE is a coloured opaque material that is available in a
multitude of tints.
(c) LDPE (low density polyethylene): LDPE is recycled by giant
resin suppliers and merchant processors either by burning it as a
fuel for energy or reusing it in trash bags. Recycling trash bags is
Waste Reduction and Recycling 51

a big business. Their colour is not critical; therefore, regrinds go

into black, brown, and to some lesser extent, green and yellow
(d) PVC (polyvinyl chloride): There is much controversy concerning
the recycling and reuse of PVC due to health and safety issues.
When PVC is burned, the effects on the incinerator and quality of
the air are of great concern. The burning of PVC releases toxic
dioxins, furans, and hydrogen chloride. These fumes are
carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratagenic. This is one of the
reasons why PVC must be identified and removed from any
plastic waste to be recycled. Currently, PVC is used in food and
alcoholic beverage containers with approval from competent
authority. The future of PVC rests with the plastics industry
which has to resolve the issue of the toxic effects of the
incineration of PVC. Interestingly, PVC accounts for less than 1%
of land fill waste. When PVC is properly recycled, the problems
of toxic emissions are minimized. Various recyclers have been
able to reclaim PVC without causing health problems. Recycled
PVC is used for aquarium tubing, drainage pipe, pipe fittings,
floor tile, and nonfood bottles. PVC is combined with other
plastic waste to produce plastic lumber.

(e) PS (polystyrene): PS and its manufacturers has been the target of

environmentalists for several years. The manufacturers and
recyclers are working hard to make recycling of PS as common as
that of paper and metals. One company, Rubbermaid, is testing
reclaimed PS in service trays and other utility items. Amoco,
another large Corporation, currently has a method that converts
PS waste, including residual food, to oil that can be re-refined.
Prospects: Recycling is a viable alternative to all other means of dealing
with consumer plastic waste. Western European companies, especially
the German firms Hoechst and Bayer, have entered the recyclable plastic
market with success. With a high tech approach, they are devising new
methods to separate and handle mixed plastics waste.
52 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table 3.2 Major Plastic Resins and their use

Resin Examples of Recycled

Resin Name Common Uses
Code Products
1 Polyethylene Soft drink bottles, Liquid soap bottles,
Terephthalate peanut butter jars, salad strapping, fiberfill for
(PET or PETE) dressing bottles, mouth winter coats, surfboards,
wash jars paint brushes, fuzz on
tennis balls, soft drink
bottles, film
2 High density Milk, water, and juice Soft drink based cups,
Polyethylene containers, grocery flower pots, drain pipes,
(HDPE) bags, toys, liquid signs, stadium seats, trash
detergent bottles cans, re-cycling bins,
traffic barrier cones, golf
bag liners, toys
3 Polyvinyl Clear food packaging, Floor mats, pipes, hoses,
Chloride or shampoo bottles mud flaps
Vinyl (PVC-V)
4 Low density Bread bags, frozen food Garbage can liners, grocery
Polyethylene bags, grocery bags bags, multipurpose bags
5 Polypropylene Ketchup bottles, yogurt Manhole steps, paint
(PP) containers, margarine, buckets, videocassette
tubs, medicine bottles storage cases, ice scrapers,
fast food trays, lawn
mower wheels, automobile
battery parts.
6 Polystyrene (PS) Video cassette cases, License plate holders, golf
compact disk jackets, course and septic tank
coffee cups, cutlery, drainage systems, desk top
cafeteria trays, grocery accessories, hanging files,
store meat trays, fast- food service trays, flower
food sandwich pots, trash cans

A potential use for recycled materials includes plastic lumber. The

recycled plastic is mixed with wood fibers and processed into a substitute
material for lumber, called Biopaste. The wood fibers would have to go
to land fill if not reused. This is expected to eventually become a multi-
million dollar enterprise. Research and development are continuing to
Waste Reduction and Recycling 53

improve this process and product. Recycling is a cost effective means of

dealing with consumer plastic waste. But the cost of recycling needs to be
brought down through innovation to reach the level of the recycling
processes of paper and some metals. Automatic methods of recycling
need to be developed. InTable 3.2, different types of plastics and their
uses before and after they are recycled are listed.

3.5 Recovery and Recycling of E-waste

In the recent years recovery and recycling of E-waste has become very
significant. The industrialized countries generate tremendous amounts of
E-waste. Most of it is exported to developing countries for disposal.

Fig. 3.2 Flow of e-waste to Asian countries.

According to Financial Express (2005), about 80 percent of the

Electronic waste generated in the US is exported to India, China,
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (Fig.3.2). The reasons are:
54 Municipal Solid Waste Management

availability of cheap labour, no stringent law on imports, and lack of

healthcare awareness. In addition, it offers an easy income. China has
banned the import of E-waste legally, but it is still getting through.
E-waste recycling is done in India and Pakistan, and the same practice is
prevalent in most developing countries.The recent ban on importing
E-waste to China has diverted much of it to Bangladesh and other
neighboring countries due to cheap labour and recycling businesses
Recycling of e-waste is a dangerous process. This waste consists of
components containing hazardous ingredients such as lead, beryllium,
mercury, cadmium, halogenated chlorides and bromides used as flame-
retardants in plastics, and when these are combusted at temperatures, 600
to 800C, release dioxins and furons which are dangerous to human
health. To recover copper and other metals, they burn the electrical
components (including PV sheathing wires) releasing deadly toxins
(Fig.3.3). The other electronic and electric waste are dismantled and
sorted manually to fractions of printed wiring boards (PWB), cathode ray
tubes (CRT), cables, plastics, metals, condensers and other materials like
batteries, LCDs or wood.

Fig. 3.3 E-waste recycling shop in Pakistan

Burning of WEEE to recover metals (Source: Toxics Link).

Burning printed wiring boards in India or Pakistan or Bangladesh

showed shocking concentrations of dioxins in the vicinity of open
burning places reaching 30 times the Swiss guidance level, according to a
study. But, to date, industry, government and consumers have only taken
small steps to deal with this frightening problem.
Especially in developing countries, electronic waste is the highly
sought-after item for scavengers and local recyclers. The informal sectors
Waste Reduction and Recycling 55

in the urban areas of developing countries are now targeting more on the
WEEE issue without realizing the level of toxicity involved in their
actions. In Pakistan, Sher Shah in Karachi is one of the principle
markets for second hand and scrap materials where all sorts of electronic
and electrical spare parts, computers and smuggled goods arrive by sea
and land for sale or further distribution to other cities in Pakistan. Sher
Shah serves as an open informal market, without state controls of any
kind (source: Toxics Link).

3.6 Waste Trading

The waste trading enterprises are not generally regulated, and the extent
of registration is more formal in Latin America and Asia than in Africa.
The system is adaptive to market fluctuations; the casual labour shift to
other work when there is reduced demand for the recovered materials.
The activities of materials recovery, processing, and recycling employ a
large number of people, with the result the governments and social
welfare organizations are often more sensitive to the employment needs
than to environmental considerations, and are prepared to trade off some
environmental and public health risks.
Recyclables are extensively traded, even internationally, particularly
in the Indian subcontinent. Almost all the recyclables of Nepal are
exported to India, and Indians control this trade. Surplus materials from
Kolkata are exported to Bangladesh. The most lucrative cross-border
trade in used war materiel is that from Afghanistan to Pakistan. India
imports large quantities of waste paper from western countries. There are
proposals to expand importing, and such trade is very much wanted by
some western countries. Environmentalists are concerned that this trade
may allow the import of hazardous wastes in violation of the Basel
Convention. Social advocates fear that people who make their living
through picking or trading local wastes would suffer, since the demand
for these materials might decline.

3.7 Waste Picking as a Livelihood

The picking of recyclables from mixed garbage at street bins, transfer
stations, and dumps is very common in many developing countries. In
cities, recovery and recycling is an income generation activity for many
thousands of poor, uneducated and under-privileged people. In societies
with significant levels of absolute poverty, poor people depend upon
wastes for fuel, clothing, building materials, and even some food. In a
56 Municipal Solid Waste Management

study at the Bisasar Road landfill in Durban, South Africa, it was found
that picking of waste supported 200 families, earning the equivalent of
$15,500 per month, or $77 per family per month (Johannessen 1999).
This practice is particularly risky where municipal wastes contain human
excreta, biomedical and industrial wastes, and where pickers do not have
protective clothing or access to washing facilities. It is a matter of great
concern that children and pregnant women are plenty among pickers.
In China, a few decades ago waste pickers used to be relatively low; now
their number is increasing. The influx of rural migrants to the cities has
contributed to this trend. Most of the pickers are from poor families with
little or no formal schooling. They are often illegal immigrants from rural
areas or even foreign countries. The incomes of these pickers range from
as low as US$0.40 to around US$3.00 a day. Some cities in Indonesia
have introduced licensing of waste pickers at dump sites in an attempt to
control the practice. Licensing has met with mixed success, in some cases
being welcomed at first but then encountering resistance (UNEP).
Most municipal authorities do not intend to enforce prohibition of
picking, as it deprives the livelihood of poor people. Any major change to
the waste disposal structure through technology decisions must take into
account the urban poor, many of whom may be dependent on waste
picking for their entire subsistence. Organizations working with pickers
argue for better recognition of the usefulness of waste recovery to
developing societies, and for humane treatment of pickers. In 1989, the
President of Indonesia pleaded for the recognition of the useful role of
waste pickers. Since then in the cities of Java, many schemes were
initiated with international aid to assist pickers in various ways. These
schemes are meant to overcome the social prejudice which restricts
pickers to improve their status, acquire new skills, or simply move up the
ladder to become buyers, dealers, or processors. In order to help the
pickers from health and exploitation risks, NGOs and social activists have
suggested to (i) provide free or subsidize protective clothing to reduce the
health risks, (ii) provide access to basic health care and inoculations
against tetanus, (iii) regulate picking, by the provision of designated
picking areas at transfer stations and dumps, (iv) enable pickers to
organize cooperatives to improve their earnings and working conditions,
and (v) control harassment of street pickers and itinerant buyers.
Certain Cooperatives and NGOs in some developing countries
implement some of these suggestions. NGOs are developing simple
cleaning and processing methods for cleaning materials taken from mixed
garbage to improve the prices that pickers can get for them. NGOs in
these countries such as the Self Employed Women's Association in India
Waste Reduction and Recycling 57

have assisted waste pickers in forming cooperatives to obtain source-

separated wastes. Cooperative organization has helped some pickers to
become buyers of source-separated, clean materials, particularly in the
Andean countries of Latin America. There are several NGOs who assist
picker families in African and Asian cities. The provision of gloves and
boots to pickers, however, in Kolkata and other places failed, as they
preferred to sell them, and continued to work as before. In Mexico City
and Ciudad Juare, conveyer belts are setup to facilitate sorting at dump
sites. The conditions of waste pickers have been improved through their
organization and training particularly in Colombia, and later Argentina,
Brazil, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela have adopted the system. In Seoul,
NGOs have assisted dump-side communities by providing housing,
sanitary facilities, medical care, and education to children. NGOs or
municipal administrations can help picker groups by offering facilities
such as access to water, simple drying and baling machines and other
needs at sorting sites.
Due to severe health risks that the pickers face, the societies should
explore the possibilities to reduce the attractiveness of picking by
creating employment opportunities for low-skilled people and by taking
steps to lessen their poverty.

Waste Collection and


Waste Collection is a key link in the chain of MSWM from the point of
generation to ultimate disposal. In any initiative to strengthen or upgrade
waste management service, sustainable, contextually appropriate
collection should be a major focus of attention. In developed countries,
the system, by and large, is in place and operates satisfactorily. In
developing countries, the approach to collection differs from region to
region. In some countries, collection involves a direct transaction
between generator and collector. The level of service is low, and the
generators often have to bring their wastes long distances and place them
in containers that are sometimes difficult to use.

4.1 Waste Collection in Developing Countries

MSW collection and transfer in the East Asia region is, in general, the
responsibility of the public authority. Both door-to-door collection and
indirect collection are carried out with containers/communal bins placed
near markets, in apartment complexes, and in other appropriate locations
and moved to transfer stations and disposal sites by vehicles. The
collection services are being privatized increasingly in recent years.
Nearly 20% of collection service is now contracted out to private parties
in this region and the practice is gaining momentum in Korea,

Waste Collection and Transfer 59

Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand (Fig.4.1). In all medium

and large cities of the region there are administrative structures for MSW
collection and transfer services.

Fig. 4.1 Men who belong to the Yellow Brigade, move waste from households
to a transfer point in the two-tier collection system of Surabaya, Indonesia
(credit: Antonio Fernandez, source: UNEP)

In the poorer countries of the region, collection rates can be < 50%.
However, in Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, and Shanghai,
more than 80% of the waste generated is collected. There are, of course,
disparities in collection service between rich and poor areas. Shanghai
and Beijing cities in China have well structured systems for collection,
transport, treatment, and reuse of MSW. However, a weak link in
collection and transportation in Chinese cities is the lack of high-quality
transfer stations (UNEP).
There is considerable variation in collection and transport systems in
South and West Asia, not only from country to country, but within
sections of one urban area. But the most important common issue is
irregularity or lack of municipal service for squatter settlements or
congested low-income areas. The frequency of scheduled collection is
partly governed by climate and the system in use. In the Indian
subcontinent, temperatures are high and the system is often open
(i.e., the street containers and transfer points are not covered and waste is
exposed). In such circumstances daily or twice-daily collection is
required. In central and northern areas of the region where there is
curbside or door-to-door collection, collection may be less frequent,
although regular. In many cases in south Asia, municipal authorities
arrange the collection from the bins located at many locations in a
60 Municipal Solid Waste Management

city/town. Fig.4.2 shows the collection efficiency of various capital cities

in South Asia (UNEP 2003; DoE 2004; UNEP 2001a; AIT 2004; UNEP
2001b; WWF-Pakistan 2001; Visvanathan and Glawe 2006).

Fig. 4.2 Collection efficiencies (source: Visvanathan and Glawe, 2006)

The informal sector, groups of poor individuals, sort out valuable

materials from the waste stream. The human-powered vehicles, animal-
drawn carts, or rickshaws, are commonly used for transport from
households to a transfer point. Payment is often done either for service
and/or for materials. The collection is primarily manual and the collection
schedules are not rigid. The transfer stations are generally insufficient in
many cities. From the transfer point, the municipal or private party
transports the waste from there to the ultimate disposal location.
Transport relies on operational vehicles, and frequent breakdowns
coupled with shortage of parts can immobilize collection vehicles for
extended periods of time.
Collection and transfer in the low-income and northern middle-income
economies in South and West Asia is still labor-intensive, although in
certain large cities there are hydraulically lifted or movable containers to
reduce handling. There are a few experiments with curbside and house-
to-house collection in elite areas. In areas of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, the
authority supplies containers to households; these containers are lifted
hydraulically and emptied into compactor trucks. In the larger cities of
countries like Jordan and Syria, waste is generally disposed of in plastic
bags and collected from houses, except in very congested areas.
Waste Collection and Transfer 61

Fig. 4.3 Waste in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

(credit:Romanceor, Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia).

Many major cities in Africa have an established municipal waste

collection system where collection is carried out by human- and animal-
drawn carts (wheelbarrows, pushcarts), open-back trucks, compactor
trucks, and trailers (Fig.4.3). Collection rates across the continent range
from 20-80% with a median range of 40-50%. UNEP (1996) estimates
that in West African cities, up to 70% of collection/transfer vehicles may
be out of action at any one time affecting collection. In most cities
collection is provided by the municipality, though pre-collection is done
by community groups in some areas. Private operators also provide
service on a fee basis to households and commercial establishments. In
Cairo, a private group with experience in MSW collection is authorized
to undertake this service, though it is uncommon in other African cities.
Since the mid-1970s international aid has promoted initiatives to improve
the coverage of MSW collection services, especially vehicular services,
in Africa. In some West African cities, such as Dakar and Cotonou, local
initiatives have focused on service to neglected areas surrounding urban
centers. Street sweeping is also performed by municipal public works
staff manually. In some cities the streets are swept at dawn prior to the
opening of the market place and commercial center and prior to the first
pass of the MSW collection service and in some cities at dusk. Transfer
stations are not common in African cities. One such facility, operated by
the City of Abidjan is shut down. The disposal point of the MSW is
generally located on the perimeter of the city, within easy reach of
vehicles and collection staff. The collection vehicles go directly from
their point of last pickup to the disposal site.
62 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig. 4.4 In Latin America, women are often involved in small-scale collection
enterprises (credit: Alvaro Cantanhede, source: UNEP)

Large cities in Latin America and the Caribbean have fairly efficient
waste collection coverage. Buenos Aires, Santiago, and Havana claim to
collect essentially all of their wastes while So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro,
Bogot, Medell, Caracas, Montevideo, La Paz, and Port of Spain claim
more than 90% coverage. In many cities the collection and transfer are
carried out using conventional equipment and compactor trucks which are
expensive to maintain. By entrusting the collection services to a private
party who can administer funds more efficiently, this problem has been
solved to a large extent. In Latin America, women are often involved in
small-scale collection enterprises (Fig.4.4). The frequency and efficiency
of waste collection in this region is a major problem. Frequency varies
from daily to once a week (not including the many areas of cities which
are not serviced at all), and the frequency of collection in an area is not
determined by technical considerations such as putrefaction rates of the
wastes, weather, vehicle availability, and routing necessities, but rather
by its affluence. In cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Caracas,
and Buenos Aires, more than 50% of the wastes go through a transfer
station, and the need for the transfer stations has grown significantly in
the recent years as the distance between the city and the disposal sites
In areas where collection services which remove waste from
individual households or streets exist, often there are no standardized
containers used to store waste prior to pickup. Headley (1998) states that
in Barbados, there are no containers designated by municipalities or
collection companies to set out waste for collection; the individual
Waste Collection and Transfer 63

residences design some sort of collection container which is quite often,

plastic barrel or discarded oil drum. However the majority of households
simply place shopping bags full of waste on the street and wait for
collection. There may be physical dangers to waste workers in such
situations; weather, animals, and other disturbances prior to collection
may threaten (Zerbock 2003). In a study of these problems in Kenya,
Mungai (1998) has agreed that the first step in sanitary and efficient
waste management must be to ensure that all households use some form
of corrosion-resistant container with lids in order to facilitate collection.
Lidded containers would exclude most animal pests, reduce the amount
of rainfall soaking into garbage and help to reduce trash blowing about on
the street.
In most developing countries and cities, there are many residential
areas where no collection of waste takes place. For example, collection
may miss large extents of poor or squatter settlements; hilly areas;
neighborhoods with unpaved or blocked streets; or whole areas where
houses are too close together for collection vehicles to get through.
The recoverable materials may be separated during the collection
process itself. The waste collection groups, waste pickers, or independent
buyers may be involved in both collection of waste and separation, and
recovery of materials. A common disadvantage of collection in
developing countries is the acute lack of adequate service, particularly in
poorer areas. This weakness combined with the relatively large volume of
human and animal fecal matter means that waste collection process
operates inadequately. Consequently the collection failure leads directly
to human disease and suffering.

4.2 Waste Collection in Developed Countries

There are important technical and institutional differences in the
collection of waste between industrialized (developed) countries and
developing countries. Some countries which are transition economies
like Eastern European and the Balkan countries resemble industrialized
countries more than developing ones in terms of their approach to
collection, the role of the municipal authorities, informal collectors, and
private-sector operators, and demographic and social factors relevant to
collection. The transition countries are therefore generally included in the
discussion of MSWM aspects concerning industrialized countries.
Waste collection in Europe differs considerably among regions and
countries, based on population densities and extent of economic
64 Municipal Solid Waste Management

development. Yet, it is possible to notice a common approach to waste

collection. Most Western European countries organize waste collection in
twice-weekly, weekly, or biweekly routes using 120- or 140-liter rolling
carts. These are collected with semi-automated compactor trucks usually
having dual self-dumping lifts. In more southern European countries,
these compactor trucks may be loaded from ordinary garbage cans and/or
bags. On the other hand, Scandinavian countries collect household waste
in tall 120-liter Kraft paper bags in a stationary metal frame. In Eastern
Europe and in areas where multi-family apartment houses are prevalent,
such as Southern Finland, residents may be offered one- to two-cubic
yard containers for depositing their household waste. These are emptied,
usually by rear-loading compactors, once or twice a week. In certain
housing complexes in Eastern Europe, kitchen wastes are still collected in
open containers and taken away for swine feed. Waste collection vehicles
may go directly to disposal facilities (landfills or incinerators), or they
may go to a transfer facility, where the waste is compacted into larger
vehicles for longer haul distances. In most cases, transfer means that a
compactor truck or other type of collection vehicle (such as an open
truck, pickup truck, or wagon) arrives at the transfer facility and dumps
its load of waste into a pit or onto a tipping floor. A front-end loader or
bulldozer usually loads the waste onto a conveyor or a chute, from which
it goes into a special compacting container. These are usually of large
capacity and have high compaction ratios, and are used to compact the
waste for more efficient long-haul transportation. Bulky waste and/or
recyclables, especially corrugated cardboard, are separated on the tipping
floor, both for their market value and to make the compaction more
efficient. The baling of trash for long-distance hauling is not well
developed in Europe; but long hauls are becoming more common as
companies look to cheaper disposal opportunities in Eastern Europe. In
general, transfer stations dealing in residential waste are run by some
public body, but private operators also have been entering.
Collection and transfer of waste in North America is different and
more systemized. MSW is typically stored by residents or offices in
either metal or plastic trash cans, plastic or paper bags or special
containers designed for mechanized collection to effect collection easy.
Residential waste in America is collected in at least four ways: (a) at the
curbside or passage; (b) from the backyard; (c) from a drop-off collection
point; or (d) it is directly hauled by residents to the disposal site. The
most common method is curbside or passage collection, where the
resident places full waste containers at the curb or in the passageway and
retrieves them after being emptied.
Waste Collection and Transfer 65

Backyard collection is more labour-intensive, more costly, and

therefore less common in America. Collection usually occurs at least
once per week and even more frequently in urban areas where storage
space is limited. Drop-off collection centers are utilized in areas such as
rural where individual collection is impractical and in communities where
cost savings are more important than service provision. Drop-off sites
typically have house dumpsters or even larger roll-off containers, which
may be equipped with a compactor.
Special pick-up dates are usually established for bulky items such as
old appliances, furniture, and tree stumps. Commercial and institutional
waste is usually collected from a dumpster located at the establishment.
These generators often hire a collection company to handle their waste,
but some local governments take on this responsibility.
Several types of trucks such as rear, side, and front loaders, roll-off
and tilt frames, transfer trailers, and vehicles designed for collecting
recyclables are currently used for waste transportation. Rear and side
loaders are the most common collection vehicles for residential collection
and can be loaded automatically or by hand. Front loaders are typically
used to pick up large dumpsters for the collection of commercial or
institutional waste.
Roll-off container collection is more commonly used in rural areas.
The containers are placed strategically throughout the region to allow the
residents to drop off their waste. The containers are then collected and
transported to disposal sites. Much larger transfer trailers, either open-top
or enclosed, are used for bulk transport of compacted waste from transfer
stations to more remote disposal facilities.
Because collection programmes are often the most expensive
component of local waste management systems in America, the design
and management of collection systems have undergone revision and
redesign. One of the main planning decisions is whether the collection
system should be publicly operated or through government contract to
private firms, or by freely operating private firms. Regarding increased
recycling activity, while separate collection of source-separated
recyclables has extended the capacity of regular refuse collection trucks,
it has also demanded the purchase or modification of additional vehicles.
Due to the shortage of acceptable sites, new landfills and waste-to-
energy plants often serve several communities or an entire region.
Regional MSWM facilities in America are thus making transfer stations a
vital component of many waste management systems. Transfer stations
66 Municipal Solid Waste Management

are centralized facilities where waste is unloaded from smaller collection

trucks and loaded into larger vehicles for hauling to waste processing
facilities. Their design typically includes a tipping floor and either
bulldozers for pushing waste into transfer trailers or a compactor for
packing waste into trailers. In addition, more recyclables are now being
sorted and processed at transfer stations.
The longer distance from the place of collection of MSW to regional
waste processing facilities often makes transfer stations cost-effective.
Transfer trailers carry larger volumes of MSW than regular collection
trucks thereby lowering fuel costs, increases labour productivity, and
reduces maintenance costs of collection vehicles. These advantages,
however, must be balanced against the time spent transferring waste from
collection trucks to transfer trailers and the capital costs of purchasing
trailers and building transfer stations.

4.3 Waste Processing and Disposal

The important phase in the MSWM is Waste Processing/ treatment and
Disposal. There have been several methods - traditional and modern -
developed and evolved over time, and the correct choice or choices is
decided by MSW-related factors detailed so far. The interesting aspect,
however, is that this phase offers benefits of economic and societal value
to the communities. Waste is not waste if properly handled and utilized.
Opting the appropriate technology or combination of technologies, the
cooperative involvement of the concerned stakeholders by scrupulously
discharging their obligations, adequate finances, and proper planning and
management ensure the success of this phase of MSWM. The
technologies along with their appropriateness, merits and demerits are
discussed in the next chapters on Composting, Energy from Waste and


5.1 Process
This is an old method of treating solid waste which overtime has evolved
into an environmentally sound system of waste processing.
Natural composting, or biological decomposition, began with the first
plants on earth and has been happening ever since. As vegetation falls to
the ground, it slowly decays, providing minerals and nutrients needed for
plants, animals, and microorganisms. A large range of organisms are
available to start and sustain composting.
Composting is the biological decomposition of organic waste
(biodegradable materials) consisting of complex animal and vegetable
materials into their constituent components. It is a natural process in
which micro organisms consume what they like in warm, moist, aerobic
and/or anaerobic environment. The most common form of composting -
aerobic composting - takes place in the presence of oxygen. The end
product is known as compost which is an organic soil-like stable
material that is dark brown or black, and is earth-smelling (Fig. 5.1).
Compost is a rich nutrient-filled material (Fig. 5.2) which can be used as
a soil amendment or as a medium to grow plants.
Under the action of microorganisms in the presence of adequate
moisture and oxygen, a biodegradable material breaks down into carbon
dioxide, moisture and compost. It may take a very long time for certain

68 Municipal Solid Waste Management

materials to biodegrade depending on the environment, but ultimately

total breakdown happens.

Fig. 5.1 Microbial decomposition organic materials into compost

(source: Vogel 2003)

Among the organic waste, some food products are barred because they
can attract pests or affect the quality of compost. The materials to include
are fruit and vegetable waste, egg shells, tea bags, coffee grounds, leaves,
grass, wool and cotton rags, sawdust, non recyclable paper and yard
clippings; and the materials to exclude are dairy foods, meat, oils and fats,
grease, chicken, lard, fish, mayonnaise, cat manure and dog manure.
Composting is suitable for organic biodegradable fraction of MSW,
garden waste or waste containing high proportion of lingo celluloses
materials which do not degrade under anaerobic conditions, waste from
slaughter houses and daily waste. This method is not suitable for wastes
that may be too wet. In principle, the compost is created by combining
organic wastes in proper ratios into piles, rows, or vessels, and adding
bulking agents such as wood chips to accelerate the breakdown of organic
materials, and allowing the finished material to undergo a curing process
to fully stabilize and mature.
Composting 69

The microorganisms used in composting require an ideal environment

with right quantities of air, water, right food and temperature in proper
conditions which are discussed below.

Fig. 5.2 Handful of Compost (Photo Courtesy: Jepson Prairie Organics)

Asian countries in particular have a long tradition of making and using

compost, and farmers in India have been customarily using compost
made out of cow dung and other agro-waste. In Western Europe, compost
is produced using a range of modern technologies.

5.2 Benefits
Composting Process offers the benefits of resource efficiency and
producing a useful product of economic value from the organic waste,
without sending to a landfill. The compost offers a wide range of
environmental, economic, and other benefits.
(a) Compost enriches soils: Compost is used as a soil amendment
because it regenerates poor soils. This material when added to
soils increases the nutrient content. That is, compost helps to
improve soil texture and in augmenting micronutrient
deficiencies. It helps soils to retain moisture and in maintaining
soil health. Compost helps to control plant diseases and pest
infestation, reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and water, and
promote higher yields of agricultural crops. Compost, if not
adequately matured, may cause chemical burns on plants or
compete with them for use of soil nitrogen.
Fresh compost should not be used for starting sensitive seedlings
such as tomatoes and peppers because they may succumb to
70 Municipal Solid Waste Management

damping-off disease. These seedlings should be started using a

sterilized potting mixture.
(b) Compost helps remediate contaminated soil: The composting
process absorbs odors and degrade volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), including heating fuels, poly aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs), and explosives. It also binds heavy metals and prevents
them from being absorbed by plants or entering into water
resources. The compost process degrades and, in some cases,
completely eliminates wood preservatives, pesticides, and both
chlorinated and non-chlorinated hydrocarbons in contaminated
soils. It provides a less costly alternative to conventional methods
of remediating (cleaning) soils with contaminants.
(c) Compost helps prevent pollution: Composting organic materials
ultimately avoids the generation of methane and leachate
formation in the landfills. Compost prevents pollutants in storm
water runoff from reaching surface water resources. It also
prevents erosion and silting on embankments parallel to creeks,
lakes, and rivers, as well as erosion and turf loss on roadsides,
hillsides, playing fields, and golf courses.
(d) Compost facilitates reforestation: wetlands restoration and
habitat revitalization efforts by amending contaminated,
compacted, and marginal soils
(e) Compost is a low-cost alternative: to standard landfill cover;
Landfill operators use compost to cover landfills and carry out
reclamation projects. Composting also extends municipal landfill
life by diverting organic materials from landfills.
(f) Other uses: Public agencies use compost for landscaping
highway median strips, parks, golf courses, athletic fields,
recreational areas, and other public property, while home owners
use mature compost to enrich gardens, improve the soil around
trees and shrubs, as soil additive for house plants and as
protective mulch for trees.

5.3 Composting Technologies

There are several Composting methods producing the same end-product.
Choosing a proper composting process is very critical. There are five
primary factors that must be controlled during composting process:
(i) Feedstock and nutrient balance: Controlled decomposition
requires a proper balance of green organic materials such as
Composting 71

grass clippings, food scraps, manure etc., which contain large

amounts of nitrogen, and brown organic materials such as dry
leaves, wood chips, and branches which contain large amounts of
carbon but little nitrogen. It requires a lot of experimental trials to
obtain the right nutrient mix which is very critical to the success
of composting process. The carbon-to-nitrogen ratios for different
biodegradable wastes are given in the Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 C: N for different biodegradable materials

Material C:N (by weight)

Materials with high nitrogen values
Vegetable wastes 12-20:1
Coffee grounds 20:1
Grass clippings 12-25:1
Cow manure 20:1
Horse manure 25:1
Horse manure wit litter 30-60:1
Pultry manure (fresh) 10:1
Pultry manure (with litter) 13-18:1
Pig manure 5-7:1
Material with high carbon values
Foliage (leaves) 30-80:1
Corn stalks 60:1
Straw 40-100:1
Bark 100-130:1
Paper 150-200:1
Wood chips and sawdust 100-500:1
(Source: Dickson et al 1991)
(ii) Particle size: Grinding, chipping, and shredding materials
increases the surface area on which the microorganism can feed.
Smaller particles produce a more homogeneous compost mixture
and improve pile insulation to help maintain optimum
temperatures. If the particles are too small, however, they might
prevent air from flowing freely through the pile.
(iii) Moisture content: Microorganisms living in a compost pile
require an adequate amount of moisture to survive. Water helps
transport substances within the compost pile and allows the
72 Municipal Solid Waste Management

nutrients in organic material accessible to the microbes. The

organic material generally contains moisture in varying amounts
and the right moisture content should be between 40 and 60%. If
it is too wet, anaerobic conditions result; if too dry, the
decomposition process will slow down.
(iv) Oxygen flow: Composting is an aerobic process, occuring in the
presence of optimal amount of oxygen. When oxygen is too little,
it will go anaerobic resulting in unpleasant odours.
Actions such as turning the pile, placing the pile on a series of
pipes, or including bulking agents such as wood chips and
shredded newspaper help aerate the pile. Aerating the pile allows
decomposition to occur at a faster rate than anaerobic conditions.
Care must be taken, however, not to provide too much oxygen,
which can dry out the pile and impede the composting process.
(v) Temperature: As the microorganisms start decomposing waste,
heat is generated. When temperatures rise above 140 F, the
organisms start to die. So the pile has to be turned when
temperatures reach this point to prevent overheating, which can
result in drastic population fluctuations and odours. Eventually,
the microorganisms will use up most of the readily decomposable
waste, and the composting process will slow down. The
temperatures drop, and the compost takes on a dark, granular
texture. At this point, the compost can be placed in large
stockpiles for curing, and the curing continues to improve until it
is ready for use.
The optimal composting conditions are: Oxygen: > 10%; Moisture:
40 to 60%; C/N = 30:1; Temperature: 90-140oF.
Pre-processing: Pre-processing is necessary to create the conditions for
bacterial action. Pre-processing involves three types of operations:
(i) separation or removal of oversize, non-compostable, or dangerous
materials; (ii) size reduction through chipping, grinding, or shredding, to
create many small particles suitable to sustaining bacterial action
(mentioned above), and (iii) blending and compounding to adjust the
carbon-nitrogen ratio, moisture content, or structure of the materials to be
composted. Mechanical pre-processing is often the most costly part of a
composting system, as well as the most vulnerable to breakdown.
Therefore pre-processing is minimized to the greatest extent possible by
pre-selecting the waste streams to be composted through source
separation and separate collection. If waste segregation at source is not
properly carried out there is possibility of toxic materials entering MSW,
Composting 73

and the compost produced may be unsafe for use. The time of composting
depends on the process used, the compost ingredients, and how the
system is managed. For example, under optimum conditions,
thermophilic composting with frequent mixing or turning can produce
useable compost within a month or two; a worm bin requires three to six
months to turn food scraps to compost; and an unmanaged leaf pile may
take more than a year to break down. In general, even after it appears
finished, it is advisable to let compost "cure" for several months. During
this additional time, degradation occurs at a slower rate, resulting in a
more chemically stable end product. Stability of compost can be tested
by re-wetting the material and observing if it heats up again, which
indicates that there are still un-composted materials in the pile. If the
composting is completely done, the initial ingredients are no longer
recognizable, and the end product is an earthy-smelling substance similar
to a rich organic soil. These aspects will be seen in the following pages.
Composting technologies are many, from simple and inexpensive
backyard or onsite composting method to more expensive and high-tech
methods such as in-vessel composting. Composting varies as much in
its complexity as in the range of organic materials recovered. The most
common composting methods are listed in the order of increasing costs
and levels of technology required and are described in detail on the
following pages:
(a) Backyard Composting,
(b) Vermicomposting,
(c) Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting and Static Pile
Composting, and
(d) In-vessel Composting.

5.3.1 Backyard or Home Composting

Backyard or Home composting can be practised by residents and others
who generate small quantities of organic waste on their own premises
(Fig.5.3). Through home or onsite composting, homeowners and small
businesses can significantly reduce the amount of waste to be disposed,
and thereby save disposal costs.
This method is suitable for converting yard trimmings and food scraps
into compost, and unsuitable to compost animal products or large
quantities of food scraps. Households, commercial establishments, and
educational institutions, hospitals etc can leave grass clippings on the
74 Municipal Solid Waste Management

lawnknown as grasscyclingwhere the cuttings will decompose

naturally and return some nutrients back to the soil.

Fig. 5.3 Man Digging in Compost Bin.

Since this method is typically suited to small quantities of organic

waste, climate and seasonal variations do not present major challenges.
For example, if a rainy season approaches, the process can be adjusted
accordingly without many problems. The conversion of organic material
to compost can take up to two years, but manual turning can hasten the
process considerably, by 3 to 6 months. The resulting natural fertilizer
can be applied to lawns and gardens to help condition the soil and supply
nutrients. Compost, however, should not be used as potting soil for
houseplants because of the presence of weed and grass seeds.
Backyard/Home composting represents the smallest scale of
composting and is a sound approach when a significant number of
households have individual or collective yards or gardens. This type of
composting is culturally familiar to most people. This composting
process is highly preferable if the waste contains primarily vegetable
matter, because it is easier to control rodents and insects when little
animal matter is present. Backyard composting requires very little time or
equipment. Knowledge and training, however, are the most critical
aspects of backyard or onsite composting. Local communities or
voluntary organisations can organise composting demonstrations and
training programmes to encourage homeowners or businesses to compost
on their own premises.
Backyard composting and mulching programme have been operated
successfully in Northern Europe, North America, Australia, and New
Composting 75

Zealand and have proved to be much less expensive to a community than

centralized compostable collection programmes. They have participation
rates of nearly 30 per cent, with significant results in terms of reduction
of considerable quantities of waste from the municipal waste that has to
be disposed.

5.3.2 Vermi Composting

Vermi composting is a process in which worms are used in the
composting process to produce compost. Vermiculture (also called
sericulture) is worm farming for the production of worms. In recent years,
worm farming has been practiced (Fig.5.4) on both a small and large
scale with multiple goals: waste diversion, vermin composting, and

Fig. 5.4 Dairy Manure Vermicomposting, Worm Power, Geneseo, NY

(Source: Sherman, R 2009)
In sericulture, two main types of earthworm are raised (Eisenia foetida
and Lumbricus rubellis) which are commonly used to produce
vermicompost, as well as for fish bait. Both are referred to by a variety of
common names such as red worms, red wigglers, tiger worms, brandling
worms, and manure worms. These two species are often raised together
and are difficult to sort out, though they are not believed to interbreed.
Several other species have also been successfully bred in recent years.
Worms have been used as a protein and enzyme source for various
products, including animal feed and biodegradable cleansers. Worms
have also been used to manage agricultural wastes such as dairy manure.
They convert waste into worm manure, a nutrient-rich, biologically
beneficial soil product.
76 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The requirements for Vermicomposting are (a) simple and

inexpensive: worms, (b) worm bedding (e.g., shredded newspaper,
cardboard), and (c) a bin to contain the worms and organic matter.
Worms will regulate their own population according to their
environmental conditions that include space, moisture, pH, temperature,
bedding material, and amount of food among others. A typical household
worm bin might start with one pound of worms (approximately 1,000
adults), which would soon multiply to 2,000 to 3,000 under suitable
conditions. Conversely, if one or more of the above conditions are
unacceptable, the worms may crawl out of the bin or die off. Preparing
bedding, burying garbage, and separating worms from their castings are
the aspects to be taken care of. The requirements are briefly described.
Worm Bin: A suitable bin can be constructed using untreated, non-
fragrant wood, or a plastic container can be purchased. A wooden box is
better to keep the worms outdoors, because it will keep the worms cooler
in the summer and warmer in the winter. The bin size depends on the
amount of food produced by the household. The general rule is that one
square foot of surface area is required for each pound of garbage
generated per week. If a plastic container is used, it should be thoroughly
washed and rinsed before the worms and bedding are added.
Red worms (the type generally used for vermicomposting) thrive in moist
bedding in a bin with air holes on all sides. For aeration and drainage,
nine holes of half-inch size in the bottom of the 2 feet 2 feet bin, or
12 holes in the 2 feet 3 feet bin are drilled. A plastic tray under the
worm bin is placed to collect any moisture that may seep out. Drilling
holes on the upper sides of the bin will also help the worms to get needed
oxygen and prevent odours in the worm bin. A lid on the bin is kept as
the worms prefer to work in the dark. The worm bin is located where the
temperature remains between 55 and 77F.
Bedding: The worms need bedding material to burrow and to bury the
garbage. It should be a non toxic, fluffy material that holds moisture and
allows air to circulate. Suitable materials are shredded paper (news
papers, paper bags, card board or computer paper), composted animal
manure (cow, horse, or rabbit), shredded and decaying leaves, peat moss
(which increases moisture retention), or any combination of these. Glossy
paper or magazines are not generally used. Two handfuls of soil are
added to provide fiber for the worms. Crushed eggshells can be added to
provide not only fiber but also calcium for the worms, in addition to
lowering acidity in the bin. About 4 to 6 pounds of bedding is needed for
a 2 feet 2 feet bin, and 9 to 14 pounds of bedding for a 2 feet 3 feet
bin. Since the worms eat the bedding, more of it has to be added within a
Composting 77

few months. The bedding must be kept moist by adding 3 pints of water
for each pound of bedding to enable the worms to breathe. If the bedding
dries out, some water is sprinkled on it with a plant mister. It is very vital
to get the right type of worms such as red worms or "wigglers" (Eisenia
foetida) that thrive in a worm bin.
Organic waste such as vegetables and fruits cut into small bits,
eggshells, tea bags, coffee ground, paper coffee filters, and shredded
garden waste are fed to the worms. Worms specially like cantaloupe,
watermelon, and pumpkin. Citrus fruit waste may be added in limited
amounts to prevent from becoming too acidic. Meat scraps or bones, fish,
greasy or oily foods, fat, tobacco, or pet / human manure should not be
mixed. All this food material has to be covered completely with the
bedding to discourage fruit flies and molds. One pound of worms will eat
about four pounds of food scraps a week. If more food than the worms
can handle is added, anaerobic conditions will set in and cause odour. If
adding food is stopped for a while, the odour dissipates. Red worms can
tolerate temperatures from 50 to 84F, though 55 to 77F is ideal.
Procedure: The first step is choosing a proper location for the worm bin.
The location should ensure the required temperature and humidity. It is
preferable to place worm bin outside in the shade during the hot summer
and indoors in winter to protect from the cold. The preparation of the
bedding is the next step. Commonly available material like newspaper is
soaked in water for a few minutes; then wringed it out like a sponge and
fluffed before adding to the worm bin. The bedding need to be very
damp, but not soaking wet (only two to three drops of water should come
out when you squeeze the bedding material). The bedding is evenly
spread until it fills about three-quarters of the bin. A couple of handfuls
of soil (from outdoors or potting soil) are sprinkled into the bedding to
bring in beneficial microorganisms and aid the worms' digestive process.
The bedding is fluffed up roughly once a week to enable the worms gets
plenty of air and freedom to move.
The worms are then gently placed on top of the bedding. If the bin lid
is not placed for a while, the worms will burrow into the bedding, away
from the light and will not try to crawl out of the bin due to the light
overhead. After the worms have settled in their place, the collected food
wastes are placed in a hole in the bedding, and cover it with at least an
inch of bedding. The next feeding may be done after a week. The worms
78 Municipal Solid Waste Management

are allowed alone during this time to get used to their new surroundings.
The food scraps are buried in a different area of the bin each time. Worms
may be fed any time of the day. Other organisms may be seen in the
worm bin, as they help break down the organic material. Most of the
organisms will be too small to see, but white worms, springtails, pill
bugs, molds, and mites can be easily spotted. In about six weeks, a soil-
like material called worm castings is ready for use. The castings can be
used to boost plant growth. In three or four months, it will be time to
harvest the castings. The castings will be mixed with partially
decomposed bedding and food scraps, in addition to worms; this is called
vermi compost.
The vermi compost may be harvested by one of the two methods:
1. Food scraps may be placed on only one side of the worm bin for
several weeks, and most of the worms will migrate to that side of
the bin. Then the vermin compost can be removed from the other
side of the bin where food scraps are not added. Then, fresh
bedding is added. This process is repeated on the other side of the
bin. After both sides are harvested, food scraps may be added to
both sides of the bin again.
2. The contents of the worm bin are emptied onto a plastic sheet or
tarpaulin in strong sunlight or artificial light. In 20-30 minutes, the
worms will burrow down to escape the light. Then the top layer of
vermicompost can be scrapped off, and more of it can be scrapped
off every 20 minutes or so. After several scrapings, piles of worms
are left which can be returned gently to the bin in fresh bedding.
The harvested castings can be mixed into potting soil soon after
harvest to give best result on indoor plants. For storing or for use
for outdoor plants, curing in an aerobic environment is required to
make it dry and to eliminate the possible introduction of new
How to choose a Vermicomposting system: A variety of methods may
be used to process large volumes of organic residuals with earthworms,
ranging from land and labor-intensive techniques to fully automated high-
tech systems. Types of systems include windrows, beds, bins, and
automated raised bioreactors. Choosing which vermicomposting system
to use will depend upon: (a) Amount of feedstock to be processed,
(b) Funding available, (c) Site and space restrictions, (d) Climate and
weather, (e) State and local regulatory restrictions, (f) Facilities and
equipment on hand, and (g) Availability of low-cost labor (Rhonda
Sherman 2009).
Composting 79

Vermi composting can be ideal for residents of apartments/small

houses or small offices or establishments. Small bins can be placed and
operated in individual homes or schools or offices where food waste is
likely to accumulate. By doing composting, additional benefit of
reduction of solid waste can be achieved. It can be undertaken as a
cottage industry as well.
It is likely that problems arise during the process; the causes and
solutions for the probable troubles are listed in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Problems, causes and solutions in composting

Problems Causes Solutions

Bin smells bad Over feeding, Stop feeding for 2 weeks,
Non-compostables Remove non-compostables,
Food scraps exposed, Bury food completely,
Bin too wet, Mix in dry bedding; leave lid off
Not enough air. Fluff bedding; drill holes in bin
Bin attracts flies Food scrap exposed, Bury food completely,
Rotten food, Avoid putting rotten food in bin,
Too much food; Don't overfeed worms
especially citrus
Worms are dying Bin too wet, Mix in dry bedding; leave lid off
Bin too dry, Thoroughly dampen bedding,
Extreme temperatures, Move bin where temp. between
55 and 77F,
Not enough air, Fluff bedding; drill holes in bin,
Not enough food Add more bedding and food
Worms crawling Bin conditions not See solutions above,
away right Leave lid off and worms will
burrow back into bedding
Mold forming Conditions too acidic Cut back on citrus fruits
Bedding drying out Too much ventilation Dampen bedding; keep lid on
Water collecting in Poor ventilation, Leave lid off for a couple of
bottom days; bin add dry bedding,
Feeding too much Cut back on coffee grounds and
watery scraps food scraps with high water
80 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Health effects: Vermi culture does not necessarily kill all pathogens.
Rather, some viruses and parasites can survive the process. Therefore, if
the input materials contain pathogens, the finished product could still
contain pathogens. This may be of particular concern in developing
countries, where wastes used in vermi composting may not be source-
Effect of Climate: Worms are sensitive to climatic variations. Extreme
temperatures and direct sunlight are not healthy for the worms and may
not keep them alive. In hot, arid areas, the bin should be placed under the
shade. Many of the problems posed by hot or cold climates can be
avoided by vermicomposting indoors and maintaining optimal
Uses of vermin compost: Vermicompost is worm manure. Vermicompost
improves soil structure, reduces erosion, and improves and stabilizes soil
pH. In addition, vermicompost increases moisture infiltration in soils and
improves its moisture holding capacity.
The worm compost can be mulched or mixed into the soil in the
garden and around the trees and plants. It can also be used as a top
dressing on outdoor plants or conditioner on the lawns. For indoor plants,
vermicompost is mixed with potting soil. In horticulture, worm castings
are the very best soil amendment available. The nutrient content of
castings is dependent on the material fed to the worms, and the
wormcastings provide these nutrients in a readily available form to plants.
The biology of the worms gut facilitates the growth of fungus and
bacteria that are beneficial to plant growth. In addition, many chemical
compounds that promote plant growth are found in castings. In essence,
plant growth is significantly increased by vermicompost, whether it is
used as a soil additive, a vermicompost tea, or as a component of
horticultural soilless container media. Vermicompost causes seeds to
germinate more quickly, seedlings to grow faster, leaves grow bigger, and
more flowers, fruits or vegetables are produced (Fig. 5.5). These effects
are greatest when a smaller amount of vermicompost is usedjust 10-40
percent of the total volume of the plant growth medium in which it is
incorporated. Vermicompost also decreases attacks by plant pathogens,
parasitic nematodes and arthropod pests (Rhonda Sherman 2009).
Composting 81

Fig. 5.5 Turnips: 0%, 10%, 20% vermicompost by volume added to field plots,
Biological & Agricultural Engineering, NC State University
(source: Rhonda Sherman 2009)

5.3.3 Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting

Fig. 5.6 Huge Compost Pile (Photo Courtesy: Campaign Recycle Maui
Inc.,/Compost Maui Inc).

In this method, Organic waste is shaped into rows of long piles called
"windrows" (Fig. 5.6) which form the basic environment for compost
bacteria and other organisms to perform decomposition.
The aspects to be considered in planning windrows are:
(i) the size of the windrows must be of ample mass to allow for heat
82 Municipal Solid Waste Management

the windrow size is determined by the composition of the wastes
and the climate ,
(iii) the shape of the windrows is related to the type of aeration that is
used and the kind of equipment used to aerate,
(iv) whether the windrows are open or covered depends on the
climate and the moisture content of the waste, and
(v) the spacing of the windrows is dependent on the size of the site
and type of equipment used.
The ideal height, between 4 and 8 feet, is large enough for a pile to
generate sufficient heat and maintain temperatures, while small enough to
allow oxygen to flow to the windrow's core. The ideal pile width is
between 14 and 16 feet. Active pile systems require manual or
mechanical turning of the windrows. The turning aerates the piles, blends
the materials, brings about additional size reduction, and prevents
excessive buildup of temperature that may lead to spontaneous
combustion. An active pile system has relatively high land use
requirements, and low capital cost and low-to-moderate operating cost. It
can be developed without purchase of specialized equipment because
mechanical turning can be done with loaders or bulldozers, which are
present in almost any municipality; it requires limited site infrastructure,
and imposes very limited requirements for site modification.
Windrow turning machines of different sizes have been developed in
Asia, America, and Europe. The ones built in India are low cost and work
effectively with the waste stream. Windrow turning machines enable
production of more uniform compost. They decrease labour costs but
increase the capital costs of active pile systems. They may increase land
requirements, as the design of turning machines limits the size of the piles
as well as influence pile spacings. Specialized windrow turning machines,
however, are more effective in aerating windrows compared to
bulldozers, and also a cost-effective alternative.
This technique of composting can accommodate large volumes of
diverse wastes, including yard trimmings, grease, liquids, and animal
byproducts (such as fish and poultry wastes); but frequent turning and
careful monitoring are required. Since this method is suited for large
quantities, it is appropriate for entire communities/ local authorities, and
high volume food-processing businesses like restaurants, cafeterias, and
packing plants.
Effect of Climate: In a warm, arid climate, windrows are covered or
placed under a shade to prevent water from evaporating. In rainy seasons,
the shapes of the pile can be adjusted so that water runs off the top of the
Composting 83

pile rather than being absorbed into the pile. Windrow composting can
also work in cold climates; the outside of the pile might freeze, but in its
core, the temperature can reach 140 F. Fig.5.7 shows locally designed
windrow turning machines, like this one in New Delhi (credit: Chris
Furedy, source: UNEP)

Fig. 5.7

Environmental Concerns: Leachate (a liquid contaminant) is released

during the composting process. It has to be collected and treated,
otherwise the local ground-water and surface-water supplies can be
polluted. Samples of the compost should be tested in a laboratory for
bacterial and heavy metal content. The odours released during turning
early in the composting process have to be controlled. A large buffer zone
between the composting plant and neighboring residences is desirable,
especially if the windrows are infrequently turned. This method yields
significant amounts of compost requiring an arrangement to market the

5.3.4 Aerated Static Pile Composting

The operating principle of Static pile composting is same as in the
aerated turned windrow composting. The only difference is that the
organic waste is mixed together in one large pile instead of rows. In these
composting systems, the windrows are not turned. Instead, they are
84 Municipal Solid Waste Management

aerated continuously or periodically. Static piles require a site with

aeration channels built into the pad on which the piles sit. Layers of
loosely piled bulking agents (e.g., wood chips, shredded newspaper) are
added so that air can pass from the bottom to the top of the pile. The piles
can also be placed over a network of perforated pipes that deliver air into
or draw air out of the pile during composting. The installed air blowers
might be activated by a timer or a temperature sensor.
Aerated static piles are appropriate for a relatively homogenous mix
of organic waste and work well for larger quantity generators of yard
trimmings and compostable municipal solid waste (e.g., food scraps,
paper products).

Fig. 5.8 Steam Rising from Compost Pile

(Photo Courtesy: Jepson Prairie Organics)

This method, however, does not work well for composting animal
byproducts or grease from food processing industries. They are used
more frequently in sludge composting than in composting of bio-waste or
yard waste.
This method requires equipment such as blowers, pipes, sensors, and
fans, which might involve significant costs and technical assistance.
Construction of large piles which require less land than the windrow
method is possible if a controlled supply of air is arranged. This method
produces compost relatively fast, within 3 to 6 months.
Effect of climate: The climate affects the process of composting. In a
warm arid climate, aerated static piles are covered or placed under a
shelter to prevent water from evaporating. In the cold climate, the core of
the pile retains its warm temperature. However, the aeration may be more
difficult due to passive air flowing rather than active turning. Some
aerated static piles are placed indoors with proper ventilation.
Composting 85

Environmental Concerns: Since there is no physical turning, this method

requires careful monitoring to ensure that the outside of the pile heats up
as much as the core. Applying a thick layer of finished compost over the
pile which can help maintain high temperatures throughout the pile can
lower bad odours that are emnating. Another method to reduce odour is to
filter the air drawn out of the pile through a bio-filter made from finished

5.3.5 In-Vessel Composting

In-vessel composting is an industrial form of composting biodegradable
waste in enclosed reactors. In-vessel composting represents a higher-
technology sound approach to composting.

Fig. 5.9 In-vessel composting

The reactors generally consist of metal tanks or concrete bunkers in

which moisture, air flow and temperature can be controlled to create the
optimal conditions for composting using the principles of a bioreactor
(Fig. 5.9). Generally mechanical mixing and/or forced aeration are used
to turn or stir up the material for proper aeration. The buried tubes allow
fresh air to be injected under pressure and the air circulation is metered.
The temperature and moisture conditions are monitored using probes in
the mass, to maintain optimum aerobic conditions. A bio filter is attached
to the exhaust.
86 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Almost all in-vessel systems require a residence time (time physically

in the vessel) of 3 to 30 days, followed by a period of 21 to180 days of
active composting in an active or static pile. Once the active composting
is completed, the material is stored in piles or windrows for curing that
may extend up to two years.
Municipalities generally use this technique for organic waste
processing which includes final treatment of sewage bio-solids, to obtain
safe stable compost. In-vessel composting can also refer to aerated static
pile composting with the addition of removable covers that enclose the
piles. This type of systems is extensively used by farmer groups in
Thailand, supported by the National Science and Technology
Development Agency there.
Unpleasant odours are caused by putrefaction (anaerobic
decomposition) of nitrogenous animal and vegetable matter gassing off as
ammonia. This is controlled with a higher carbon to nitrogen ratio, or
increased aeration by ventilation, or using a coarser grade of carbon
material to allow better air circulation. A biofilter is used to prevent and
capture any gases naturally occurring (volatile organic compounds)
during the hot aerobic composting. As the filtering material saturates over
time, it can be used in the composting process and replaced with fresh
In-vessel composting systems vary in size and capacity. In-vessel
systems have several advantages; they offer protection from weather
conditions, better odour control, and shorter periods of active processing.
However, they are expensive to build and operate. The developing
countries, as of now, have to import the equipment and parts.
Variations in In-vessel systems:
(a) Modular in-vessel systems represent the best practice in most
cases where in-vessel composting is desired. These systems have
a series of smaller vessels or divisions within the vessel. The
modules can generally be obtained separately or added on to the
system later. They are also set up to compost more than one waste
stream at a time. Modular systems have moderate capital costs
and low-to-moderate operating costs. Odour and leachate are very
well controlled in these systems. Modular systems are a sound
option in areas where siting is difficult and land is scarce.
(b) In drum systems, compostables are introduced into a rotating
horizontal drum for a relatively short residence time. It is then
followed by a long period of active-pile composting. These
systems are called Dano-type systems after the original Danish
Composting 87

design. The large metal drums are up to 30 meters long and may
be divided into separate chambers. Some have trommel screens in
the first chamber to remove designated materials during
composting. Dano-type systems require a large stretch of land for
the active pile composting.
(c) In tower systems, the compostable material is introduced into a
vertical tower and composted under forced aeration. Some tower
systems also mechanically turn or stir up the material during its
residence. The residence time in tower systems is typically 2 to 5
weeks, and composting is essentially complete when the material
is removed to curing piles. Tower-type systems offer more odour
control during composting and require much less land, since the
period of active composting takes place in the vessel. They
represent a particularly sound practice for sludge composting or
co-composting of sludge and yard wastes.
Types of feedstock: In-vessel composting can process large amounts of
waste without taking up as much space as the windrow method. In
addition, it can accommodate virtually any type of organic waste such as
meat, animal manure, biosolids, food scraps. Some in-vessel composters
can fit into restaurant kitchens while others can be large enough to
accommodate large food processing plants.
Effect of Climate: In-vessel composting can be used year-round in
virtually any climate because the environment is electronically controlled.
This method can even be used in extremely cold weather if the equipment
is insulated or operates indoors.
In this method, very little odour and minimal leachate are produced,
and conversion of organic material to compost takes as little as a few
weeks. However, the compost that comes out of the vessel requires a few
more weeks or months for the microbial activity to stabilize and to cool
the pile. Northern European countries, in particular Denmark, Germany,
and The Netherlands have developed a particularly sound practice in their
system approach to composting of separate kitchen and yard waste, which
they call biowaste.; this practice entails the use of a modular in-vessel
composting system followed by a period of composting, either in aerated
static piles or active windrows. In either case, several months of curing
are needed prior to processing for market. The finished biowaste compost
can be used for agricultural, horticultural, and civil engineering
Health and Environmental impacts: The impacts due to composting
process include noise, odour, and ugliness (Garrod and Willis 1998). In
88 Municipal Solid Waste Management

addition, many of the microorganisms found in compost are known

respiratory sensitizers that can cause a range of respiratory symptoms
including allergic rhinitis, asthma, and chronic bronchitis (Swan et al.
2002). In this aerobic process, the main gas produced is carbon dioxide
which contributes to global warming.

5.4 Biowaste Composting in Europe

Wet waste: Collecting wet waste separately from kitchen waste for
composting was tried in the late 1970s and early80s in Europe. It was
given up in favour of the biowaste systems, which deliver higher quality
compost. To label wet/dry systems for collection is considered an
unsound practice.
Mixed solid waste: Composting of mixed solid waste is a debatable topic.
In industrialized and transition (fast growing economies) countries, the
waste stream is generally too diverse containing much of metal and
plastic stuff; hence, mixed-waste composting may not be a sound practice
to apply. In mixed-waste composting, mechanical pre-processing and
separation systems have to operate effectively. But these have failed to
produce either a clean stream of compostables or marketable recyclables.
In developing countries, the waste stream contains high levels of organic
wastes, since the main non-compostables are not thrown out or are picked
out prior to final disposal. Since the resulting waste stream is highly
compostable, using even a low-technology can be more practical.
Moreover, urban agriculture provides a strong demand for the resulting
Wastewater sludge and human fecal matter: Wastewater sludge,
septage, and human fecal matter are high-nitrogen materials that can be
aerobically composted under certain conditions. They are high in
moisture, sometimes actually liquid, and composting can only work if
they are combined with carbon sources such as wood or paper, and
bulking agents such as chipped wood or rubber which are dry, and
maintain air spaces in the compost piles. Anaerobic digestion of these
materials can also work, and is a sound practice on farms in industrialized
countries. It is operationally more difficult than aerobic composting.
Alternatively, sludges can be left to dry into cakes which may be used as
fertilizer. The main problem with composting of wastewater sludge is that
the wastewater usually includes both industrial and residential discharges.
In most countries, wastewater from urban sources may include metals and
contaminants that affect the quality and safety of the resulting compost.
Such contaminated compost has to be landfilled at a high cost. Sound
Composting 89

practice in composting these materials always includes an industrial

wastewater pre-treatment practice and a careful monitoring of the
compost. Adequate care has to be taken to ensure the health and safety of
the workers and surrounding environment in handling these materials.
Manures and animal wastes: Manures and animal wastes have been
composted for centuries. Manures are high in nitrogen, but most bedding
materials are carbon sources, so manures bedded on straw, wood, plant
wastes, or paper are easy to compost. Most manure composting begins
with a hot aerobic phase, followed by a slow vermicomposting (worm
culture) phase. Manure composting produces excellent fertilizer that is
important for sustainable agriculture.

5.5 Composting Challenges

Centralized composting is a successful, cost-effective, environmentally
sound waste management approach in Europe and increasingly in North
America. In developing countries, however, it has not been very
successful. The reasons are varied and are discussed in later pages.
The composting industry all over the world faces several problems such
as lack of consistent product quality, market research and planning,
investment, accepted national compost specifications, so on. There are
many technical and aesthetic problems to be solved in the composting of
waste. For example, an important privately run vermiculture experiment
in Indonesia failed when toxics in the MSW killed the earthworms.
The role of Government agencies in the promotion of compost products is
also limited. The compost uses range from city and county landscaping to
niche markets such as soil remediation. New technologies allow compost
companies to tailor their products to specific end-uses, increasing the
market value of the material. In fact, more and more compost producers
are producing multiple innovative compost products for applications such
as bioremediation of contaminated soil, erosion control at construction
sites and so on. Some companies use compost to control odours through
new process technologies such as bio filters. Compost is also used as a
filter in water treatment system.

5.6 Composting in Developing Countries

The processes of composting are the same all over the world. The main
differences in developing countries relate to the nature of waste stream to
be composted, the agricultural practices relating to production and use of
compost, and the physical infrastructure of the built and natural
90 Municipal Solid Waste Management

There are three scales at which composting has been implemented: the
residential level, the decentralized community level, and the centralized
large-scale (municipality-wide) level; the larger the undertaking, the more
capital investment is required. Most developing countries have found
success with composting when implemented at the household level, with
some projects doing well at the community level as well. At the
municipal level, certainly overall cost and functionality are the primary
reasons for the success of a given process; the financial commitment
required as well as the effort required to maintain equipment
satisfactorily to keep a large scale operation running, has resulted in
widespread failures in India, Brazil, and elsewhere (Hoornweg, et al
1996). In developing countries, most of the city-based large mixed-waste
compost plants which are designed by outside consultants, have either
failed or operate at less than 30% of capacity. In many urban places,
unreliable collection systems contribute to the inefficient running of the
composting facilities. In India and China, small- and medium-scale
composting facilities operate successfully while many failures are
reported in other countries. Large cities - Bangkok, Hanoi, Shanghai, and
Tokyo - earlier installed imported mechanical composting plants; some of
them are now defunct and the remaining ones are not operating at full
capacity for various reasons. Two industrial composting plants operated
in Dakar (Senegal) and Abidjan (Ivory Coast) during the 1970s. These
were financially unproductive and beset by mechanical problems and had
to be closed. In the suburbs of South African cities, Durban,
Johannesburg, and Pretoria, there are community composting centers
where the garden waste dropped by residents is used. The compost is sold
for household gardens. In the suburbs of urban centers of Africa, NGOs,
community based organizations, and economic interest enterprises also
promote composting of MSW. These projects are generally highly labor-
intensive with a low capital investment. The compost produced is largely
for self consumption or for sale to households or hotels in the city. By
and large, compost systems fail or operate poorly for economic and
technical reasons. The economic reasons relate to (i) the ability to
secure waste and (ii) the need to market the compost that is produced. In
many parts of Asia, where there is a long tradition of successful
composting, the inexpensive disposal of waste in dumps or landfills does
not seem to obstruct composting. In most of Latin American and African
countries, efforts to setup composting have failed because sufficient
waste is not available. The technical failures relate to: (i) failure of the
mechanical systems that control waste streams (i.e., pre-processing), and
(ii) failure to create the right environment for the biological process to
occur successfully. Pre-processing methods based on manual separation
Composting 91

have consistently produced the best compost in developing countries, as

well as in industrialized ones. There are small-scale bio waste composting
facilities in both industrialized and developing countries that are
successfully operating because of the high degree of manual pre-
processing. But in the larger facilities, it is difficult to depend on
mechanical separation because of the diversity in the waste.
Composting and digestion of bones is carried out as a small scale
industry in some developing countries. It can produce ingredients in the
manufacture of fertilizer, animal feed, and glues. The traditional methods
of sun-drying, breaking up bones manually, composting in pits
(sometimes with the addition of household organics), and steam digestion
carry various health risks, and cannot be considered a sound practice.
Small-scale aerobic composting of hide scrapings, and tannery and
slaughterhouse wastes can also produce fertilizers, but carry some
pathogenic risks. These types of small enterprises though profitable and
provide subsistence income, they are associated with poor working
conditions and risks to workers health, due to generation of leachate and
associated bad odours. Introducing technical and health improvements
rather than eradicating the activities themselves could make the practice
In developing countries, the high animal and vegetable waste content
of the waste stream (sometimes as high as 90%), combined with materials
recovery by waste picking, source separation, or pre-processing indicates
that the mixed waste stream is highly compostable to produce good
compost at a small or medium scale.
In developing countries, backyard composting is also practiced. But
the presence of rodents and vectors are a concern in cities with high pest
populations, for example, Bangalore. That is why, municipal authorities
frequently advise against backyard composting, and in some places it is
prohibited by the health code. In African countries, Backyard
composting is limited. Some NGOs promote the practice in Benin,
Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe
but the practice does not have a significant impact on MSWM at the city
level. Backyard composting is used in rural areas and in poorer areas of
cities in Latin American countries and the compost is used in households
and vegetable plots. The open-air windrow process is used in some
countries, especially China. In many Chinese cities and towns the wastes
are delivered directly by collection vehicles to the farmers who are
instructed to compost the waste in windrows or pits for a prescribed
period of time, but they often do not do this.
92 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Since the organic fraction of the waste stream is high in most places in
South and West Asia, there is considerable interest in composting of
MSW in the region, and a long history of experiments with composting.
But, large-scale centralized composting (as distinct from neighborhood
composting) has had little success in this region. Centralized composting
refers to composting of animal and plant wastes transported from
multiple sources to a facility that can receive 10 to 200 tons per day. This
is also referred to as Municipal-scale composting plants. These operations
call for technical and environmental assistance, pre-processing system,
and marketing structure for the finished compost. Centralized regional
composting facilities generally have a capacity of more than 50 tons per
day, and as much as 1,000 tons per day. Centralized composting has not
been successful even in Latin America and the Caribbean, mostly due to
high operating costs; most of the municipalities are unable to subsidize.
For example, the plants installed in Brazil (Sao Polo city) and in Mexico
had to be closed.
Decentralized composting or small scale composting is done using the
wastes of a number of households, shops, or institutions, on unused land
or in parks. These sites usually process less than five tons of waste per
day and generally reduce the need for movement of compostable
materials. This can be extended to village or community scale where the
facility can handle about 2 to 50 tons/ day, depending on the size of the
community and the amount of compostables in the waste stream. Here,
more turning, processing, screening, and storage of the compost may be

Fig. 5.10 Composting Plant in Bangkok, Thailand

Composting 93

Decentralized Community-based Composting through Public-Private-

Community partnership is practiced in Bangladesh as discussed here.
Decentralized Community Based Composting in Dhaka through Public-
Private-Community Partnerships: A research based organization, Waste
Concern, initiated a community based decentralized composting project
in Dhaka in 1995, in order to recover the value from organic portion of
waste (Fig.5.11). The prime goal of this project was to explore technical
and commercial feasibility of labor intensive aerobic decentralized
composting technique and to promote the principle of 4Rs (Reduce, Re-
use, Recycle, and Recovery of waste) in urban areas of Bangladesh.

Fig. 5.11 Decentralized composting Project in Bangladesh

(source: Waste Concern

The project activity includes not only house-to-house waste collection,

composting of the collected waste in a decentralized manner and
marketing of compost, but also recycling of materials, mostly plastics.
During 2004-05, Dhaka has generated 50,214 tons of plastic waste, of
which 51% is recycled (see the Figs).
Barrel Type Composting Project for the Urban Poor: The Barrel Type
Composting model invented by the SEVANATHA of Sri Lanka inspired
Waste Concern to implement the concept in the slums of Dhaka. With
some modification and changes, Waste Concern with the support from
Local Initiatives Facility for Environment (LIFE) of UNDP launched the
barrel type composting units in two slums of Dhaka. After successful
94 Municipal Solid Waste Management

results, this concept is being replicated in a number of slums of Dhaka as

well as other cities of Bangladesh. A specially designed 200 liter 3
bottomless perforated green barrel with a lid was supplied to the slum.
One green barrel is provided to a group of six households and placed on a
raised base with concrete ring. The cost of each specially designed barrel
along with the civil work was around TK. 1800 (US$ 30) (Source:
SAARC, 2004 and Waste Concern).
In Latin American and Caribbean countries, Colombia, Peru and
Cuba, vermi composting (worm culture), which produces humus, appears
to be more successful due to shorter production times (days vs. months)
and the product having wider appeal and market. Successful vermiculture
is not only done at a very small scale, typically with five or six persons,
but also benefits from the public perception that its product comes from
"clean" vegetable waste (market and agricultural wastes), whereas
compost comes from "garbage." Moreover, humus is richer in nutrients
than is compost, and compost suffers from worse quality control
Field composting and using compost from dumps: The most widespread
form of composting and use of compost from urban wastes today is the
delivery of fresh garbage to farms by collection groups, the removal of
compost from dumps by nearby farmers, and the conversion of old dump
land into farms. The best known example of garbage farming is at
Calcuttas Dhapa dump, where the municipality leases out dump land for
vegetable farming. The combination of dirt, dust, organics, human and
animal feces, and ash in Calcuttas garbage produces a fertile growing
medium that requires no additives. The dump is in a wetland and there
are numerous ponds between the ridges of garbage that provide water. At
Beijings main dump, the authority has provided sifting machines to
encourage farmers to remove compost and thereby extend the life of the
dump. In Yangon, Myanmar, the City Development Corporation allows
small enterprises to mine the oldest inner-city dump (now closed) for
metals (materiel dating from World War II) and screen the compost. Both
Ho Chi Minh City and Medan allow the mining of compost from dump
sites for fees. This way, the hill of compost is gradually removed so that
land can be available for redevelopment or farming. These practices
which are largely undocumented and informal in the developing countries
use valuable organic matter, and help in waste reduction. However, they
carry a risk of bacterial, glass, or chemical contamination which can
cause health hazards during the work of gardening or in the consumption
of the crops in some places. At old dumps in cities with low levels of
industry, the subsurface compost probably contains few heavy metals; the
Composting 95

compost therefore needs to be tested for use in farming. If the land,

compost, and crops are monitored and are found safe for use, these
traditional practices of natural composting and garbage farming could be
regarded as sound practices for many places. Unfortunately, these
countries hardly do the testing, because they need assistance for testing
and long-term monitoring for the quality and contaminants. Also, advice
on crops that may be safely grown on old garbage dumps is lacking.
In most developing countries, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to
promote source separation of compostable materials due to lack of
economic and environmental incentives. Nevertheless, since the success
of composting systems and the quality of the compost depend heavily on
the nature of waste that is composted, a separate collection system for
compostable materials would help the production of high-quality
compost. Community collection bins for compostable materials are one
possibility and may, under certain situation, be easier to implement than
household collection of compostable materials.

5.7 Composting in Developed Countries

Centralized composting programs in America and Canada were
insignificant prior to the mid-1980s. Currently more than 5% of the MSW
stream is managed by composting process because around 30 to 60% of a
community's waste stream contains compostable portion. Composting
programmes have been designed for a variety of organic waste streams,
including yard wastes (grass trimmings, leaves, or tree prunings), food
wastes, agricultural wastes, and wastewater treatment sludge. Mixed
waste composting is another process which has been used on a limited
basis in these countries. Mixed waste processing facilities accept unsorted
MSW in the same form as it would be received at a landfill or a waste-to-
energy facility, and separate recyclable materials (These methods will be
discussed in the later pages).The relatively small community of Guelph,
Ontario, has been operating such a facility successfully since mid-1990s.
Large number of waste composting facilities has been in operation in the
US, some of them are relatively small-scale. If the residents are
encouraged to start their own composting activities, the waste quantity
reaching centralized composting as well as the costs of such programmes
would be reduced. To support this plan, the City of Toronto in mid-
1990s, have brought in legislative changes that do not allow lawn
clippings to be landfilled or taken to centralized composting. Residents
can either compost them or leave them on the lawn. About half of the
states in US have enacted similar bans resulting in the growth of yard
96 Municipal Solid Waste Management

waste composting programmes in the US. Canada currently has over 160
composting projects throughout the country (UNEP). Since Backyard
composting and mulching is a source reduction activity that saves money
for both the municipality and the resident, many communities in North
America have developed programmes to encourage backyard
composting, by offering educational materials and by distributing
composting bins. A number of communities buy the bins in bulk and
distribute them free of charge or for a nominal fee. In Vancouver,
Canada, however, they charge $25 for the bin. The City of Seattle in US
funds a backyard composting education programme run by a local
organization of urban gardeners that trains volunteers to be proficient at
composting. Toronto operates a similar programme through the
Recycling Council of Ontario. In 1989, 5% of both Seattles and
Torontos total waste stream was composted by residents. Seattle has also
implemented a sophisticated multi-point composting programme that uses
a combination of curbside pickup, drop-off, and backyard composting
In North European countries, the collection of compostable materials
for transport to centralized composting facilities is vital. Collection of
compostable portion, referred to as bio-waste or green waste (garden
and kitchen organics) from households is generally performed using 120-
liter green rolling carts, and in some urban areas, using smaller, 35-liter
pails or paper bags. The bio waste is collected alternate weeks bringing
the cost and energy usage within acceptable budgetary and environmental
levels in many Northern European countries. Centralized composting has
a long tradition in Western Europe in particular, where some plants still
in operation. Most European compost installations are aerobic systems,
with the compost having a short residency time in a reactor or pre-
composter and a longer time in aerated static piles. Windrow composting
exists but is less common.
Centralized composting installations are designed to compost mixed-
waste. Pre-processing and separation machinery are included to remove
the non-compostable materials before mixing and composting and the
recovered non-compostable materials are sent for recycling. These plants
are under operation in Greece and Spain. Because the waste arrives at the
facility not only mixed but compacted, both compostable materials and
recyclables are exceedingly contaminated, requiring frequent
modifications. Two other approaches - Wet-dry approach and source-
separated collection of compostables approach to centralized
composting are also tried; the later one is favoured in Denmark,
Germany, The Netherlands and other European countries. The current
Composting 97

Centralized composting facilities can be divided into pre-processing

stages (that include removal of non-compostables by magnets, eddy
currents, ballistics separators, and/or vibrating screens); size reduction;
mixing and/or pre-composting; composting; curing; post-processing
(usually consisting primarily of screening); packaging; and marketing.
For the mixing and composting stages, the use of a vessel, usually a large
horizontal drum or tunnel reactor is commonly used. Centralized
composting facilities typically have a design capacity of 50 to 200 tons
per day, and a 100-ton-per-day facility will produce only 30-50 tons of
compost per day because of various steps involved.
Backyard composting is a longstanding tradition in countries like
Australia, Japan, and New Zealand, especially in rural towns. It is now
being promoted by local governments by supplying inexpensive compost
bins. In Europe, even high quality compost has limitation to market
because it is not usually considered as a fertilizer; rather, it is a soil
conditioner, useful for its water-holding capacity (it limits evaporation
and erosion, and functions as a mulch), its slow release of the nutrients
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and its ability to return organic
matter to depleted, excessively mineralized soils. It is especially useful on
slopes, or for reclaiming land degraded by erosion or through mining,
quarrying, or rapid construction and development.
98 Energy from Municipal Waste


Energy from Waste

6.1 Introduction
Recovering recyclable materials and reusing them in the original form or
recycling into new products is one of the economic benefits that the
community could derive from municipal solid waste. Waste processing
offers other benefits depending on the choice of technology. We have
seen that composting the biodegradable component of the municipal
waste provides a product which can be used for enriching the soil and/or
as a fertilizer. The most important benefit is to produce energy from
waste in the form of heat or electricity.
Municipal solid waste-to-energy plants can generate large amounts of
electricity and syngas, and are a great alternative to other waste disposal
methods as well as an alternative to fossil fuel usage which contribute to
global warming and pollution. Waste-to-energy is a clean technology, and
can be a vital component of the future of energy. This method of
disposing of MSW that is generated will become even more important as
the population around the world continues to rise, and even more energy
will be needed and more waste will be generated. Several Waste-to-
energy technologies are available which have potential to produce clean
energy (electricity). Specially designed power plants fitted with pollution
control equipment to clean unwanted emitted gases are in operation
globally. Among renewable energy sources, waste is all the more
attractive since its valorization enables both production of useful energy
Energy from Waste 99

and disposal of waste in environmentally acceptable way. Waste-to-

energy (WTE) has been recognized by the US EPA as a clean, reliable,
renewable source of energy. Worldwide, about 130 million tons of MSW
are combusted annually in over 600 WTE facilities that produce
electricity and steam for district heating and recovered metals for
recycling (Themelis 2003). The recovery of energy from wastes also
offers a few additional benefits: (i) The total quantity of waste gets
reduced by nearly 60% to over 90%, depending upon the waste
composition and the adopted technology; (ii) Demand for land, which is
already scarce in cities, for landfilling is reduced; (iii) Cost of
transporting waste to far-away landfill sites also gets reduced; and
(iv) Reduction in environmental pollution and thereby global warming.
Modern WTE technologies can be broadly classified (Fig. 6.1) as
thermal, biochemical, and chemical processes. These will be individually
discussed in the following pages. Most conversion technologies have
three distinct components: (i) pre-processing to separate recyclables and
to prepare the MSW, (ii) conversion stage where the processed material is
treated by an appropriate technology, and (iii) energy production system
for producing electricity, heat or other useful chemicals. Waste-to-energy
has gained significance mostly because it helps to avoid greenhouse
gases, and thus contributes to the reduction of global warming.

Fig. 6.1 Pathways which waste can be converted to energy or energy related
products (source: The Australian Business Council for Sustainable Energy;
Taken from Wagner 2007)
100 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The energy recovery from waste not only depends on the chosen
pathway but critically on certain physical and chemical parameters of
The important physical parameters requiring consideration are:
(i) Size of constituents (smaller size of the constituents aids in faster
decomposition of the waste),
(ii) Density (wastes of the high density reflect a high proportion of
biodegradable organic matter and moisture whereas low density
wastes indicate a high proportion of paper, plastics and other
combustibles), and
(iii) Moisture content (high moisture content causes biodegradable
waste fractions to decompose more rapidly than in dry
conditions; also makes the waste rather unsuitable for thermal
conversion incineration, pyrolysis/gasification for energy
recovery because the waste must be supplied to remove
The important chemical parameters to be considered for determining
the energy recovery potential and the suitability of waste treatment
through Bio chemical or Thermal conversion technologies include
(a) Volatile solids, (b) Fixed carbon content, (c) Inerts, (d) Calorific
value, (e) Carbon/Nitrogen ratio, and (f) toxicity.
The desirable range of values of these parameters has to be maintained
for technical viability of energy recovery through different treatment

6.1.1 Assessment of the Energy Recovery Potential

A rough assessment of the potential of recovery of energy from MSW
through different treatment methods can be made from knowledge of its
calorific value and organic fraction, as under (chap 15 Efw.pdf):
(i) In thermal processing, all of the organic matter, biodegradable as
well as non-biodegradable, contributes to the energy output:
Total waste quantity: W tonnes
Net Calorific Value: NCV k-cal/kg.
Energy recovery potential (kWh) = NCV W 1000/860
= 1.16 NCV W
Energy from Waste 101

Power generation potential (kW) = 1.16 NCV W/ 24

= 0.048 NCV W
Conversion Efficiency = 25%
Net power generation potential (kW) = 0.012 NCV W
If NCV = 1200 k-cal/kg., then
Net power generation potential (kW) = 14.4 W
(ii) In bio-chemical processing, only the biodegradable fraction of
the organic matter can contribute to the energy output:
Total waste quantity: W (tonnes)
Total Organic / Volatile Solids: VS = 50 %, say
Organic bio-degradable fraction: approx. 66% of VS = 0.33 x W
Typical digestion efficiency = 60 %
Typical bio-gas yield: B (m3) = 0.80 m3 / kg. of VS destroyed
= 0.80 0.60 0.33 W 1000
= 158.4 W
Calorific Value of bio-gas = 5000 kcal/m3 (typical)
Energy recovery potential (kWh) = B 5000 / 860 = 921 W
Power generation potential (kW) = 921 W/ 24 = 38.4 W
Typical Conversion Efficiency = 30%
Net power generation potential (kW) = 11.5 W
In general, 100 tonnes of raw MSW with 50-60% organic matter can
generate about 1-1.5 MW power, depending upon the waste
Electricity from Municipal Solid Waste: Organic wastes come from a
range of agricultural or industrial activities and include crop residues,
forest and wood process residues, animal wastes including human
sewage, municipal solid waste (excluding plastics and non-organic
material), and food processing wastes. Numerous processes have been
developed to produce energy heat and electricity from these wastes
(Fig. 6.1).
Some waste streams produce energy carriers almost directly. For
instance, biogas production by anaerobic digestion occurs naturally in
landfills which can be recovered directly. Similarly, waste oil from the
food industries can be reused as biofuels with some degree of processing.
102 Municipal Solid Waste Management

6.1.2 Environmental Impacts of the Technologies

Although MSW power plants are regulated by laws to protect human
health and the environment, there is a wide range of environmental
impacts associated with power generation technologies.
(a) Air emissions impacts: Burning MSW produces nitrogen oxides
and sulfur dioxide as well as trace amounts of toxic pollutants such
as mercury compounds and dioxins. Although MSW power plants
do emit the major greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, the biomass-
derived portion is considered to be part of the Earth's natural carbon
cycle. The plants and trees that make up the paper, food, and other
biogenic waste remove carbon dioxide from the air while they are
growing, which is returned to the air when this material is burned.
In contrast, when fossil fuels (or products derived from them such
as plastics) are burned, they release carbon dioxide that has not been
part of the Earth's atmosphere for a very long time (i.e., within a
human time scale).
The variation in the composition of MSW affects the emissions
impact. For example, if MSW containing batteries and tyres are
burned, toxic materials can be released into the air. A variety of air
pollution control technologies are used to reduce toxic air pollutants
from MSW power plants. For example, the average air emission
rates in the United States from municipal solid waste-fired
generation are: 2988 lbs/MWh of carbon dioxide (it is estimated that
the fossil fuel-derived portion of carbon dioxide emissions represent
approximately one-third of the total carbon emissions),
0.8 lbs/MWh of sulfur dioxide, and 5.4 lbs/MWh of nitrogen oxides.
(b) Water discharge impacts: Power plants that burn MSW are
normally smaller than fossil fuel power plants but typically require a
similar amount of water per unit of electricity generated. When the
required water is removed from a lake or river, fish and other
aquatic life can be killed, affecting those animals and people who
depend on these resources. These power plants discharge water after
usage which contains pollutants. In addition, the cooling water is
considerably warmer when it is discharged than when it was taken.
These water pollutants and the higher temperature of the discharged
water can adversely affect water quality and aquatic life.
(c) Solid residue impact: While the combustion of MSW reduces the
waste streams, it creates a solid waste called ash that contains any
of the elements that were originally present in the waste. MSW
Energy from Waste 103

power plants reduce the need for large landfill capacity because
disposal of ash requires less land area than does unprocessed MSW.
However, the ash and other residues from MSW treatment may
contain toxic materials; hence the power plant wastes must be tested
regularly to ensure that the wastes are safely disposed to prevent
toxic substances from getting into the ground and water supplies.
Hazardous ash must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Depending
on state and local restrictions, non-hazardous ash may be disposed
of in a MSW landfill or recycled for use in the laying of roads
and/or parking lots. It can also be used for daily covering for
sanitary landfills.
The environmental pollution control methods are briefly mentioned in
later pages.

6.2 Thermal Processing

6.2.1 Combustion/Incineration
A controlled burning process called combustion or incineration is
primarily implemented to reduce the volume of waste. In addition to
reducing volume, the combustors, when properly equipped, can convert
water into steam to fuel heating systems or generate electricity.
Incineration facilities can also remove materials for recycling.
The basic technology for modern waste-to-energy combustion was
developed in Europe during the 1960s and 1970s. This technology has
been modified and improved since its development, and has been widely
implemented in Western Europe and the US. Despite the fact that
incineration of solid waste can decrease its volume ninefold and improve
the final waste disposal into landfills, the full potential of utilizing solid
waste for energy production has not been or is being realized because of
widespread fears regarding environmental pollution. Modern WTE
combustion facility with adequate environmental safeguards and careful
monitoring, however, has been shown to be safe and cost-effective
technology that is likely to gain importance during the coming decades.
Municipal solid waste combustion to the very highest standard is thus
possible with todays combustion and emission control technologies.
MSW can be considered as a biofuel that helps conserve energy sources,
and provides heat and/or electric power at reduced CO2 emission levels
compared with conventional fossil-fuel technologies. The potential
resources saved through EfW combustion processes are given in
Table 6.1.
104 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table 6.1 Energy equivalence of 1 ton of MSW

1 t of MSW is equivalent to 2.5 t of steam

(400 oC, 40 bar)
1 t of MSW is equivalent to 30 t of hot wat
(at 180-130 oC)
1 t of MSW is equivalent to 200 kg of oil
1 t of MSW is equivalent to 500 kWh electricity

Combustion of organic materials and/or substances is the basic

principle involved in incineration/ combustion technology (Knox 2005).
Combustion is the rapid oxidation of combustible substances with release
of heat. Oxygen is the sole supporter of combustion. Carbon and
hydrogen are by far the most important of the combustible substances.
These two elements occur either in a free or combined state in all fuels,
whether solid, liquid or gaseous. Sulfur is the only other element
considered to be combustible. In combustion of MSW, sulfur is a minor
constituent with regard to heating value. However, its presence is a
concern, and has to be considered in the design of the air pollution
control equipment. The only source of oxygen considered here will be the
oxygen in the air around us.
Table 6.2 shows the elements and compounds that participate in the
combustion process. Water occurs as vapour in atmospheric air, and in
the products of combustion, and as a liquid or vapor constituent of MSW
Table 6.2 Elements and compounds encountered in Combustion
(Source: Velzy and Grillo 2007)
Molecular Molecular
Substance Form Density (1b/ft3)
Symbol Weight
Carbon C 12.0 Solid ----
Hydrogen H2 2.0 Gas 0.0053
Sulfur S 32.1 Solid ----
Carbon monoxide CO 28.0 Gas 0.0780
Oxygen O2 32.0 Gas 0.0846
Nitrogen N2 28.0 Gas 0.0744
Nitrogen atmos. N2 atm 28.2 Gas 0.0748
Dry air 29.0 Gas 0.0766
Carbon dioxide CO2 44.0 Gas 0.1170
Water H2O 18.0 Gas/liquid 0.0476
Sulfur dioxide SO2 64.1 Gas 0.1733
Oxides of nitrogen NOx ---- Gas ----
Hydrogen chloride HCl 36.5 Gas 0.1016
Energy from Waste 105

The chemical reactions of combustion are shown in Table 6.3. These

reactions result in complete combustion; that is, the elements and
compounds which are capable of reacting chemically with oxygen
connect with all the oxygen. In reality, combustion is a more complex
process in which heat in the combustion chamber causes intermediate
reactions leading up to complete combustion. Some of the resulting
components are pollutants. These are important for the purpose of
establishing air pollution control requirements in the incinerators.

Table 6.3 Chemical reactions of Combustion (Velzy and Grillo 2007)

Combustible Reaction
Carbon C + O2 = CO2
Hydrogen 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O
Sulfur S + O2 = SO2
Carbon monoxide 2CO + O2 = 2CO2
Nitrogen N2 + O2 = 2NO
Nitrogen N2 + 2O2 = 2NO2
Nitrogen N2 + 3O2 = 2NO3
Chlorine 4Cl + 2H2O = 4HCl + O2

Source: From Hecklinger, R. S. 1996. The Engineering Handbook,

CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL.

The combustion/incineration method is most suitable for high calorific

value waste with a large component of paper, plastic, packaging
materials, certain hazardous and medical wastes etc. As already seen,
incinerators reduce the mass of the original waste by 80% to 85 % and
the volume (already compressed somewhat in garbage trucks) by 95% to
96 %, depending upon composition and extent of recovery of materials
such as metals from the ash for recycling (Ramboll 2006). In many
countries, garbage trucks often reduce the volume of waste in a built-in
compressor before delivery to the incinerator.
Incineration generally entails burning garbage to boil water to convert
to steam that drives generators to produce electricity. Incineration is
carried out both on a small scale and a large scale. It is considered as a
realistic method of disposing certain hazardous, non-metallic organic
wastes and medical wastes because the high temperature breaks down
bacteria and viruses, in addition to being the most common process in
WTE activity. This process is relatively sterile, noiseless and odourless;
the land requirements are minimal.
106 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Incineration may also be implemented without energy and materials

recovery. Incinerators which do not include a materials separation to
remove hazardous, bulky or recyclable materials before combustion cause
great risk to the health of the plant workers and the local environment.
Most of these facilities do not generate electricity.
The major concern with the incineration is the adverse environmental
and public health effects due to the emission of fine particulate matter,
heavy metals, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and
acid gases, in addition to dioxins and furans (see Table 6.3). But the more
modern incinerators are equipped with the pollution control apparatus
that include, in most cases, flue gas cleaners in the form of acid gas
scrubbers, together with either electrostatic precipitators or bag house
filters. Acid gases, SOx, and NOx are removed in flue gas cleaning
systems, which usually consist of either wet or dry scrubbers, or the use
of lime scrubbers on smokestacks. The limestone mineral used in these
scrubbers has a pH of about 8 indicating that it is a base. By passing the
smoke through the lime scrubbers, any acids that may be in the smoke are
neutralized preventing the acid from reaching the atmosphere and
adversely affecting the environment. Heavy metals are more likely to be
removed in post-scrubbing filters, or via the injection of sodium sulfate in
an electrostatic precipitator. This type of pollution control equipment can
also remove dioxins and furans. The other important concern is the
management of toxic fly ash and incinerator bottom ash (IBA).
The designers and engineers, therefore, have to incorporate designs
and systems that provide environmentally sound sustainable incineration
technology reducing and preventing air, ground and water pollution. The
incineration technology is highly expensive requiring large capital as well
as substantial operation and maintenance costs. Incineration System types

The most widely used and technically proven incineration technologies
are mass-burn incineration, and Refuse-derived-fuel Incineration.
Modular incineration and Fluidized-bed incineration have been employed
to a lesser extent and is expanding recently.
Some facilities have also experimented with pyrolysis, gasification,
and other related processes (will be discussed later) that convert solid
waste to gaseous, liquid, or solid fuel through thermal processing. For
example, in the past, some MSW facilities in Japan have used a two-stage
process where pyrolysis is followed by thermal combustion. Majority of
attempts to use these technologies have been unsuccessful and ceased.
Energy from Waste 107

Currently, they are not considered as a reliable and cost-effective

alternative, especially for developing countries. Mass-Burn Technology (MBT)

Mass-burn systems are the predominant type of MSW incineration. The
unprocessed or minimally processed waste is combusted in a mass-burn
system. This feature makes mass-burn facility convenient and flexible.
However, it is desirable to separate household hazardous wastes such as
cleaners and pesticides and also to sort out and recover materials
(example, iron scrap etc.,) to make certain that incineration is
environmentally-sound. It further helps resource conservation.
In the 20th century, the major advance in waste incineration was the
development of moving grates, which allow waste to be fed continuously
into a furnace, initially either by gravity or mechanical means. The
moving-grate unit has been the heart of the so called mass-burn system,
where as received waste is processed at the plant. The grate and furnace
technologies of today are ideally suited to the combustion of black bag
waste as well as the residual waste stream following extensive source
separation for recyclate recovery.

Fig. 6.2 Flow diagram of a Energy-from-Waste Plant, incorporating District

Heating System (source: CIWM 2003)

Fig. 6.2 shows the main operating zones and parameters of furnace-
boiler assembly. The major components of a mass burn facility are:
(a) waste receiving, handling and storage system; (b) the combustion and
108 Municipal Solid Waste Management

steam generation system (boiler); (c) a flue gas cleaning system; (d) the
power generation equipment (steam turbine and generator); (e) a
condenser cooling water system; and (f) a residue handling and storage
system. Mass burn combustion system includes a water wall furnace or
water-cooled rotary combustion furnace or controlled air furnace (Kumar
Sudhir 2000).
The combustion grate and the furnace is the critical part of a WTE
plant. The first task of the combustion system is (i) to ensure the
destruction of all the organic elements and pollutants contained in the
waste by providing the necessary high-temperature profiles through the
system as well as the required burn-out residence times, and (ii) to
minimise the entrained fly ash to prevent the formation of pollutants such
as dioxins and furans. For the plant to achieve the required levels of
performance, fully engineered integration of grate, furnace and boiler are
critical (CIWM 2003). The objective of a mechanical grate in a mass-
burn furnace is to convey the refuse from the point of feed through the
burning zone to the point of residue discharge with a proper depth of fuel
and sufficient retention time to achieve complete combustion. The refuse
bed should be agitated so as to enhance combustion. However, the
agitation should not be so distinct that particulate emissions are unduly
increased. The rate of movement of the grate or its parts should be
adjustable to meet varying conditions or needs in the furnace (Velzy and
Grillo 2007).
Several types of mechanical grates have been used in continuous feed
furnaces burning as-received (unprocessed) MSW. These include
reciprocating grates, rocking grates, roller grates, and water wall rotary
combustors for mass-burn units and traveling grates for RDF units. The
reciprocating grates, rocking grates, and roller grates agitate and move
the refuse material through the furnace by the movement of the grate
elements and the incline of the grate bed. Additional agitation is obtained,
particularly in the reciprocating grate, by drops in elevation between grate
sections. The furnace configuration is largely decided by the type of grate
The most common grate technology developed by Martin GmbH,
Munich, Germany (Fig. 6.3) in the year 2000, has an annual installed
capacity of about 59 million metric tons, worldwide. A second very
popular mass burning technology is provided by Von Roll Inova Corp
(Switzerland) with an installed worldwide capacity of 32 million tons
(Themelis 2003). Both the Von Roll and the Martin grates use a
reciprocating motion to push the refuse material through the furnace.
Energy from Waste 109

However, in the Martin grate, the grate surface slopes steeply down from
the feed end of the furnace to the ash discharge end and the grate sections
push the refuse uphill against the flow of waste, causing a gentle
tumbling and agitation of the fuel bed (Velzy and Grillo 2007).

Fig. 6.3 The Martin Grate Combustion System Mass Burn

(taken from Estevez 2003; originally from Brescia Plant in Italy)

The operation is as follows:

The trucks bring and deposit waste into pits and the cranes mix the refuse
and recover bulky and large non-combustible materials, if any. The refuse
storage area is maintained under pressure less than atmospheric in order
to prevent odours from escaping. The cranes move the refuse to the
combustor charging hopper to feed the boiler. The heat from the
combustion process is used to convert water into steam, which is then
used to run a steam turbine-generator for power generation. The steam is
then condensed via wet-cooling towers and sent back to the boiler. The
residues produced are bottom ash (which falls to the bottom of the
combustion chamber), and fly ash which leaves the combustion chamber
with the flue gas. The combined ash and air pollution control residue
typically is about 20 to 25% by weight of the waste processed. The
composition of the MSW decides whether the ash is hazardous or not.
110 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The incoming residue can be controlled or the ash can be treated to

avoid the hazardous nature of the ash. Non-hazardous ash is mixed with
soils and used for landfill cover and other applications.
There are major issues associated with mass burn facilities. For
example, (a) ability to meet air quality requirements, (b) possible
classification of the ash as a hazardous material, (c) disposal of ash and
other by-products, (d) disturbance to biological resources,
(e) requirement of large quantities of water for cooling, (f) impacts of
transportation from numerous truck trips from the waste source to the
mass burn facility, and (g) likely public opposition due to fears over
health, safety, odour and traffic impacts etc., are some of them. Many of
these issues are successfully addressed while installing modern mass burn
facilities. Modular incinerators

Modular incinerator units are usually prefabricated with relatively small
capacities of about 5 to 120 tonnes of solid waste per day. Typical
facilities have one to four units for a total plant capacity of about 15 to
400 tonnes per day. The majority of modular units generate steam as the
energy product. Due to their small capacity, modular incinerators are
generally chosen and used in smaller communities, commercial and
industrial operations. The modular facilities can be built in short times
due to their prefabricated design. On average, capital costs per tonne of
capacity are lower for modular units compared to other incineration
Modular incinerators utilize a slightly different process than mass-
burn incinerators, typically involving two combustion chambers. Gases
generated in the primary chamber flow to an afterburner, which ensures
more complete combustion. It often serves as the most important means
of pollution control. Smaller-scale plants with capacity less than 50
tonnes per day sometimes operate in a batch process, operating only 8 to
16 hours per day rather than continuously. However, the modular
incineration option is not very common, partly due to concerns over the
reliability and inadequacy of air pollution controls. Fluidized-bed incinerators

A fluidised bed is a bed of solid particles with gas flowing through the
bed to give an expanded, suspended mass that behaves like a liquid. The
fluidised bed therefore exhibits a zero angle of repose. It seeks its own
level and assumes the shape of the containing vessel.
Energy from Waste 111

In a fluidized-bed incinerator, the stoker grate is replaced by a bed of

limestone or sand that can withstand high temperatures which is fed by an
air distribution system. When the bed is heated and the air velocities are
increased the bed starts bubbling. Two types of fluidized-bed
technologies - a bubbling bed and a circulating bed - are in operation. The
differences are reflected in the relationship between air flow and bed
material, and have implications for the type of wastes that can be burned
as well as the heat transfer to the energy recovery system. The major
parts of a fluidised-bed system can be identified as follows
(CIWM 2003):
Fluidisation vessel - comprising a gas distributor (plate or nozzles) below
the bed, a fluidised-bed section and a freeboard section above the bed for
disengaging the bed particles from the flue gases,
Fuel feeder - charging MSW fuel into the top of the bed. The fuel feeder
may also be used to feed additives into the bed such as new sand and
Solids discharge - drawing solid material from below the bed. Material is
constantly drawn from the bottom of the bed and classified to recover the
sand. The smaller particles are returned to the bed with the larger items,
including glass, ceramics and metals rejected as bottom ash.
The fluidized-bed incinerators require fuel preparation. Source
separation is also essential as the presence of glass and metals are
undesirable in these systems. Also, fluidized-bed systems can
successfully burn wastes of widely varying moisture and heat content.
Hence the inclusion of recyclable and burnable materials like paper and
wood is not a critical factor in the operation of these systems. The paper
therefore can be extracted for higher-value recycling. Fluidized-bed
technologies are more compatible with high-recovery recycling systems,
since there might be less competition for waste streams that are both
burnable and recyclable. For this reason, fluidized-bed technology may
be a sound choice for cities with high recycling facilities in developing
countries when they first introduce incineration.
Fluidized-bed systems are more consistent in their operation than
mass-burn and can be controlled more effectively to achieve higher
energy conversion efficiency, less residual ash, and lesser air emissions.
Despite unclear cost-wise comparison with mass-burn facility, fluidized-
bed incinerators appear to operate efficiently on smaller scales than do
mass-burn incinerators. This aspect may make them attractive in some
112 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fluidized-bed incineration of MSW has been most extensively used in

Japan. The Japanese plants are typically of medium scale, processing
around 50 to 150 tonnes per day. The market share of Fluidized-bed
incineration is increasing in the European MSW incineration market,
although mass-burn technology still dominates. Overall, the experience
with fluidized-bed incineration is less compared to mass burn. With the
installation of more incinerators in Europe over the next few years, and as
more experience is gained in Japan, fluidized-bed incineration of MSW
could turn out to be a wholly proven technology commercially. Incineration with Refuse-derived Fuel (RDF)

In contrast to mass burn facility where the unprocessed MSW is
introduced into the combustion chamber, the RDF facilities are equipped
to recover recyclables (e.g., metals/ metal products, iron scrap, glass)
before converting the combustible fraction into a fluff or pellets for
incineration. Using raw unprocessed MSW as a fuel is problematic due to
the heterogeneous nature of the material, which varies with the country
and the season. It also has a low heat value and high ash and moisture
content. This makes it difficult for plant operators to always provide
acceptable pollution-free levels of combustion. Processing of the waste to
refuse derived fuel(RDF) partially overcomes these problems and the
fuel can then be used more successfully in either chain grate water-tube
boilers or in circulating fluidised beds.
The solid waste that has been mechanically processed to produce a
more homogeneous fuel for combustion is called refuse-derived fuel.
The RDF technology processes the MSW not only for incineration but as
a supplementary fuel source by basically altering the physical
characteristics of the material.
RDF systems perform two functions: RDF production and RDF
combustion. RDF production facilities prepare RDF in different forms
fluff or pellets or bricks after separating non-combustible materials,
glass, metals, grit etc., using mechanical means, and size reduction.
Waste with high organic (carbon) content is suitable for briquetting and
pelletizing after non-combustible and recyclable materials have been
separated. Although RDF processing has the advantage of removing
recyclables and contaminants from the combustion stream, the
complexity of this processing has increased the operating costs and
reduced the reliability of the facilities. The capital costs per ton of
capacity for incineration units that use RDF, on average, are higher than
for other incineration types.
Energy from Waste 113

RDF production plants, like mass burn incinerators, typically have an

indoor tipping floor. In the production plant the waste is typically fed
onto a conveyor. The loader doing the feeding sometimes will separate
corrugated and bulky items, like carpets. Once on the conveyor, the waste
travels through a number of processing stages, beginning with magnetic
separation (Fig. 6.4).

Fig. 6.4 Processes in RDF manufacturing

(Source: Wagner 2007)

The processing steps are customized to the desired products (pellets or

bricks) that include (a) one or more screening stages, using trommel or
vibrating screens, (b) shredding or hammer-milling of waste with
additional screening steps, (c) wet separation, drying, and pressing, and
(c) pelletizing or baling. Sometimes, manual separation is also performed.
RDF is also extracted from MSW using other methods such as
mechanical heat treatment, mechanical biological treatment or waste
autoclaves. The permitting issues mentioned for mass burn facilities
apply to RDF combustion systems also.
The SEMASS facility (RDF-type process) in Rochester,
Massachusetts, US (Fig. 6.5(a) and (b)) was developed in 1989 by Energy
Answers Corp. In 1996, it was taken over and operated by American Ref-
Fuel till Coventa acquired it in 2005. It has a capacity of 0.9 million
tons/year and is one of the most successful RDF-type processes. The
schematic representation of the SEMASS facility is shown in Fig. 6.5(a).
114 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig. 6.5(a) Schematic Process diagram at SEMASS facility

(Source: Energy Answers Brochure, 2008)

The process steps are as follows (Fig. 6.5(a)):

1. Trash is delivered to the tipping floor where it is inspected, and
pushed onto conveyors which feed hammermill shredders. Material
which should not be shredded is removed and processed by more
appropriate systems,
2. Trash is shredded to 6 inches or less in size, then passed under
magnets which remove ferrous metals for recycling,
3. This shredded material is called Processed Refuse Fuel (PRF). It
would take 72 gallons of fuel or about one-third ton of coal to create
as much heat as one ton of PRF,
4. The PRF is blown into specially-designed boilers. Light materials
burn in suspension, while heavy portions of the fuel burn on a
traveling grate at the bottom of the boiler,
5. Dry bottom ash is conveyed to the processing facility. Here, the
metals are recovered and recycled through scrap dealers. Boiler
Aggregate TM is also produced, which can be used in asphalt road
construction and in the production of concrete and concrete blocks,
6. Steam produced in the boiler can be used in manufacturing industry
as process heat and to produce electricity. The excess steam is
converted back into water by condensers for re-use in the boilers, and
Energy from Waste 115

Fig. 6.5(b) Schematic process of SEMASS facility (stage 4 in Fig. 6.4(a))

(Source: Estevez 2003)

7. The combustion gases are passed through scrubbers to neutralize

acids, and through other equipment to capture fine particles;
afterwards, the Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) system
measures levels of compounds remaining. Fly ash, collected by the
state-of-the-art air pollution control system, is kept separate from the
bottom ash and conditioned for re-use or disposal (EnergyAnswers
Brochure 2008).
SEMASS provides efficient total combustion of the waste, and
complete recovery of usable or recyclable materials from the ash. The
main objective of the design is to accomplish "zero landfill". When
compared with other municipal solid waste combustion systems in
operation in US, the outcome from SEMASS is excellent because of
highest energy recovery, lowest percentage of ash, highest ferrous
recovery rate, lowest residues requiring disposal, lowest capital costs per
ton, and lowest tipping fees.
This facility was considered to be among the 10 finalists for the
Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) 2006
Industrial Award. It was thus considered to be among the best in the
world on the basis of the following: energy recovery in terms of kWh of
116 Municipal Solid Waste Management

electricity plus kWh of heat recovered per tonne of MSW and as the
percentage of thermal energy input in the MSW feed, level of emissions
achieved, optimal resource recovery and beneficial use of WTE ash, the
aesthetic appearance of the facility, and the acceptance of the facility by
the host community (Psomopoulos et al 2009).
Substantial quantities of heat energy have to be recovered during the
thermal destruction of the combustible portions of MSW. Systems that
have been successfully used to recover this energy include (a) mass-fired
refractory combustion chambers followed by a convection boiler section;
(b) a mass-fired water wall unit where the water wall furnace enclosure
forms an integral part of the boiler system, and (c) an RDF
semisuspension-fired spreader-stoker/ boiler unit. Each system has
perceptible advantages as well as disadvantages (Velzy and Grillo 2007). Environmental Pollution Control Measures for

Incineration Plants
A number of pollutants, in varying concentration, like carbon monoxide,
sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter containing heavy metal compounds
and dioxins can be found in flue gas produced by Incinerators burning
MSW. Many of these pollutants are formed as a result of incomplete/
partial combustion. The generation of these pollutants and their release
into the atmosphere can be effectively reduced or prevented by
incorporating a number of air pollution control devices and by proper
operation of the WTE facility. Concentrations of heavy metals in
particulates, particularly lead, zinc, mercury and cadmium, may be
significant and care must be exercised in their removal and disposal. The
most important of flue gas pollutants are sulphur dioxide (SO2) and
hydrogen chloride (HCl) which cause acid rain. These may be eliminated
by wet scrubbers. Hydrogen fluoride and NOx are produced in low
concentrations but are not generally a problem. The emission of
combustible, carbon-containing pollutants dioxins and furans is also
of serious concern. These can be controlled by optimizing the combustion
Other concerns related to incineration include the disposal of the
liquid wastes from floor drainage; quench water, and scrubber effluents,
and the problem of ash disposal in landfills because of heavy metal
The following gaseous emission control devices are currently used to
remove pollutants from the incinerator load:
Energy from Waste 117

Dry Scrubbers: The particulate matter and gases from the air are
washed by passing them through a liquid. The scrubber removes acid
gases by injecting a lime slurry (a watery mixture) into a reaction tower
through which the gases flow. A dry powder containing salts is produced
and collected along with the fly ash in an electrostatic precipitator or in
filters, and discharged into the ash residue. The lime also causes small
particles to stick together, forming larger particles that are easier to
remove. Ash is stabilized by the addition of lime which enhances its
natural alkalinity.
Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP): They use high voltage to negatively
charge incoming dust particles, and then these charged particles are
collected on positively charged plates, ESPs. These are very commonly
used as WTE air pollution control devices. Nearly 43% of all existing
facilities use this method to control air pollution.
Fabric Filters (Bag houses): These consist of hundreds of long fabric
bags made of heat-resistant material suspended in an enclosed housing
which filters particles from the gas stream. Fabric filters are able to trap
fine, inhalable particles ( <10 microns) and can capture 99% of the
particulates in the gas flow coming out of the scrubber, including
condensed toxic organic and heavy metal compounds.
Stack Height: Stack height is a safety measure to ensure that any
remaining pollutants will not reach the ground in a concentrated area.
When the gases enter the stack they are quite clean due to the controls
explained above. Presently, Stacks built have a height of 200-300 feet
(60-90 m) or more, nearly twice as high as the stacks used on older
municipal incinerators. Stack heights should be determined by calculating
quantity of fuel used and considering local weather conditions. Standard
equations could be used for determining stack heights.
Dioxins and Furans: In recent years, Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
(PCDFs), commonly called dioxins and furans, are of serious concern due
their toxicity, carcinogeecity and possible mutagenicity. These
compounds are found in many foods including fish, poultry and eggs, and
occur in such common products as wood pulp and paper. About 75
different forms have been identified, of which five dioxins and seven
furans are considered to be most toxic. But these compounds can be
virtually eliminated by maintaining very high temperatures during the
combustion process. Also, a combination of scrubbers and fabric
filtration systems can remove up to 99 percent of these large molecules.
Activated carbon injection before the flue gas treatment has also proved
118 Municipal Solid Waste Management

to be effective. Activated carbon reactor and catalytic rectors can be used

for advanced processing.
However, the mechanism of their production and their removal
methods are not completely understood and established.
The liquid wastes of incineration floor drainage, scrubber effluents
and quench water have to be treated before discharging them into the
surface waters and aquifers to avoid polluting them.
Dry ash in the bottom residue and fly ash captured from flue gases in
electrostatic precipitations or bag filters contain heavy metals and will
pollute the land unless treated or disposed of at special hazardous waste
landfills. Incineration in Developed countries

Modern MSW incineration plants operate quite well in cities of
industrialized countries, recovering energy in the form of steam for
heating and for electricity generation. Waste combustion is particularly
popular in countries such as Japan where land is scarce. Energy produced
by incinerators in large cities of Japan is widely used for heating
community swimming pools or for air-conditioning.
European countries vary widely in their dependence on incineration.
In Western European countries, at least 35% and in some cases as much
as 80% of the residential waste stream is disposed of through
incineration. Until relatively recently, mass-burn technology is relied
upon, but there is increasing interest in and growing positive experience
with fluidized-bed technologies. In 2005, waste incineration produced
4.8 % of the electricity consumption and 13.7 % of the total domestic
heat consumption in Denmark (Danish Energy Authority 2007). Denmark
and Sweden are highly reliant on mass-burn incineration, coupled with
energy generation, accompanied by state of the art pollution control
equipment. Other European Countries, particularly Luxembourg, The
Netherlands, Germany and France (Ramboll 2006) rely heavily on
incineration for handling municipal waste. Another reason for relying on
incineration in Europe is that the energy generated by European WTE
plants goes to supply steam to district heating loops.
In Europe, many RDF production units have come up in early 1970s.
They have been producing refuse-derived fuel in the form of pellets or
baled paper and plastic, though their ability to produce marketable
Energy from Waste 119

recyclables has been limited. Producing RDF is another type of energy

recovery system in Europe. RDF has been found useful in power
generating stations that use fluidized-bed (boiler) technology. RDF is also
used in Europe for generating heat required in industrial processes,
particularly paper making, and in the cement kiln industry. The European
Union is enforcing severe emissions standards for all types of
incinerators, along with rigid rules for protecting the health and safety of
workers. Many European countries are phasing out earlier generation of
non-energy-generating incinerators, because these do not comply with
emissions limitations in national and European Community law. In some
cases, the older incinerators are being upgraded and retrofitted with
pollution control equipment. In Eastern Europe, incinerators are older
ones that usually do not have adequate environmental controls, and
incineration is not economically attractive. Of the two byproducts of
incineration, fly ash is often used in bonded asphalt and other road
products, and the bottom ash and slag are used as an aggregate in road
construction or in the production of brick materials. This practice is more
common in a few countries, for example, The Netherlands. In European
countries, where these materials are not put to these uses, they are
generally land filled.
MSW incineration systems currently working in North America
incorporate energy recovery in the form of steam used either to drive a
turbine for generation of electricity or directly for heating or cooling. In
the process, the volume of solid waste is reduced by up to 90% and its
weight by up to 75%. About 10-15% of the MSW stream in North
America is managed by waste-to-energy (WTE) incineration. The amount
of solid waste processed in WTE facilities varies significantly by region.
The northeastern US currently incinerates and recovers energy from over
40% of its solid waste, while many other states incinerate less than 2% of
the solid waste generated. There are more WTE facilities in the US
compared to Canada.
The most widely used and technically proven (a) mass-burn
combustion, (b) modular combustion, and (c) refuse-derived-fuel
production and combustion are used in North America. Over time, local
governments have largely favoured mass-burn systems that recover
electricity over other technologies. Mass-burn systems generally consist
of either two or three combustion units ranging in capacity from 50 to
1,000 tons per day; thus, facility capacity ranges from about 100 to 3,000
120 Municipal Solid Waste Management

tons per day. About 90% of operating mass-burn facilities generates

electricity. These facilities can accept refuse with no preprocessing other
than the removal of oversized items. This versatility makes mass-burn
facilities convenient and flexible; however, local programmes to separate
household hazardous wastes (e.g., cleaners and pesticides) and recover
certain recyclables are necessary to help ensure environmentally
responsible incineration and resource conservation. Modular combustors
are generally used in smaller communities or for commercial and
industrial operations because of their small capacity. On average, capital
costs per ton of capacity are lower for modular units than for mass- burn
and refuse-derived fuel plants. In US, this technology is used to generate
steam. The vast majority of RDF combustion facilities in US generate
electricity. Incineration in Developing Countries

Incineration is not viable for many developing countries except those
with fast growing economies, due to (a) the high capital and operating
costs involved relative to national income levels, and (b) the availability
of comparatively low cost sanitary landfilling. It is also difficult to
incinerate wastes in many developing countries due to their high moisture
and low energy content. Fig. 6.6 shows the calorific values of the waste
generated in a few developing countries. The minimum calorific value
required for sustainable combustion ranges between 5024-5861 kJ/Kg of

Fig. 6.6 Calorific values of waste in some developing countries

(Source: ARPEET 2004)
Energy from Waste 121

In addition, the technical infrastructure required to maintain

incineration facilities such as pollution control equipment, is generally
unavailable in developing countries. The other factors are lack of highly
trained personnel and technologically advanced testing and repair
facilities. Therefore, incineration with or without energy recovery does
not appear to be a sound option in developing countries. That is why;
there are few examples of successful MSW incineration in the developing
countries and several examples of premature attempts to adopt this
technology. For example, Buenos Aires (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico),
New Delhi (India), and Sao Paulo (Argentina) have to shut down
incinerator facilities due to high costs or environmental considerations.
Virtually no incinerators operate in Latin America or the Caribbean
because they are economically not viable. Barbados has one tiny (one
ton/day) incinerator for processing wastes originating in the port with
private financing. The refuse derived fuel (RDF) incinerators that operate
in Mumbai and Hyderabad are questionable regarding their efficiency and
activities. In the African continent, Incineration and WTE presently do
not play significant roles in MSWM. High costs relative to other MSWM
options, a limited infrastructure of human, mechanical and institutional
resources, and the very composition of the waste stream itself, suggest
that incineration is an inappropriate technology for Africa now. However,
some medical waste incinerators, especially in major hospitals of cities in
South Africa are operating. Some experiments have also been tried in
some countries, e.g., Tanzania, Senegal so on.
However, some developing countries Singapore, South Korea,
Taiwan and Hong Kong in South East Asia and Pacific ring do have
considerable technical expertise and the capital necessary to install and
operate incinerators. Some advanced developing countries like Singapore
operates three MSW incinerators that handle about 90% of the MSW
generated. South Korea also has many incinerators. Thailand has two
MSW incinerators of 250 and 70 tons/day capacity at Phuket and Samui
Island municipalities respectively. These incinerators have been in
operation since 1998 and process less than 1% of the total waste
generated in Thailand. Incineration will remain popular in cities like
Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Tokyo as there is lack of landfill
sites. In Sri Lanka, as of now there are no MSW incineration plants
though some locals burn the waste in enclosures, and technical
incineration remains vague to some local bodies. In the cities of Makkah
and Medina in Saudi Arabia, several incinerators are operating as other
disposal options are not available; the plant in Jeddah is abandoned.
122 Municipal Solid Waste Management

In China, the first modern incineration plant with treating capacity of

300 tons per day was installed and operated in Shengzhen in 1989 by
importing Japanese technology and equipments. Since the domestic
manufacturing companies were unable to meet the equipment demand,
incineration plants were constructed using the technologies from
America, Europe and Japan. So far, there are about 36 incineration plants
in the whole country for about 2% of the MSW and this figure would
increase in future. As of now Shanghai (Fig.6.7), Xiamen, Zhuhai,
Nanhai, Beihai, Ningbo, Guangzhou and Beijing have constructed
incineration plants to generate electricity. It has also been observed that
some of the existing operational incineration plants fitted with domestic
equipments are not properly functioning due to poor combustion,
inconvenience in operation with no standard unit for flue gas purification
and so on (ARRPET 2004).

Fig. 6.7 Incineration plant in Shanghai, China

(Source: ARRPET 2004)

Incineration technologies are not fully functional globally as the most

attractive ones; there are arguments for and against utilizing
incineration process for energy production. Reasons for/against Incineration

(a) Reasons for utilizing incineration: (Source: Wikipedia 2010)
(i) The progress in emission control equipment and designs and
stringent governmental regulations, at least in some countries,
have largely reduced the emissions of dioxins and furans.
Energy from Waste 123

Consequently the concerns over the health effects of dioxin and

furan emissions have been significantly lessened.
(ii) The U.K. Health Protection Agency declared in 2009 that
modern, well managed incinerators emit low concentrations of
air pollutants locally. Such small additions could possibly have an
impact on health, if they exist, but are likely to be very little and
undetectable (UK-HPA 2009).
(iii) Electricity and heat generated by Incineration plants can substitute
the power plants run by other fuels at the regional electric and
district heating grid, and can supply steam for industrial customers.
Incinerators and other waste-to-energy plants generate at least
partially biomass-based renewable energy that offsets greenhouse
gas pollution from coal- and oil-fired power plants. The EU
considers energy generated from biogenic waste (waste with
biological origin) incineration as non-fossil renewable energy
under its emissions caps. These greenhouse gas reductions are in
addition to those generated by the avoidance of landfill methane.
(iv) The bottom ash (remaining residue after combustion) is a non-
hazardous waste that can be safely put into landfills or can be used
as construction material. Samples are tested for ecotoxic metals
(Abbott et al 2003). See later section.
(v) Incineration is desirable because finding space for additional
landfills in densely populated cities has become increasingly
(vi) Fine particles can be efficiently removed from the flue gases with
baghouse filters. Even though approximately 40 % of the
incinerated waste in Denmark was incinerated at plants with no
baghouse filters, measurements by the Danish Environmental
Research Institute in 2006 showed that incinerators were only
responsible for about 0.3 % of the total domestic emissions of
particulate, PM2.5, to the atmosphere (Ministry of Env., Denmark
2006; Nielsen et al 2006).
(vii) Incineration of MSW rather than landfill avoids the release of
methane. Every ton of MSW incinerated, prevents about one ton of
carbon dioxide equivalents from being released to the atmosphere
(Themelis 2003).
(viii) Incineration of medical waste and sewage sludge produces an end-
product ash that is sterile and non-hazardous.
124 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(ix) Most municipalities that operate incineration facilities have higher

recycling rates than others who do not send their waste to
incinerators (EIA website). This is in part due to enhanced
recovery of ceramic materials reused in construction, as well as
ferrous and, in some cases, non-ferrous metals that can be
recovered from combustion residue.
(x) Volume of combusted waste is reduced by approximately 90%,
increasing the life of landfills. Ash from modern incinerators is
vitrified at 1000-1100C (1,830F-2,010F), reducing the
leachability and toxicity of residue. As a result, special landfills
are generally no longer required for incinerator ash from municipal
waste, and the life of existing landfills can be considerably
increased by combusting waste. This reduces the need to search
for site to construct new landfills (US EPA website).
(b) Reasons against utilizing incineration:
(i) Report by Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA, 2009)
on health effects did not specify any conclusive evidence of non-
occupational health effects from incinerators; however, admitted
that any small significant effects were virtually impossible to detect.
The report highlighted epidemiological deficiencies in previous UK
health studies and suggested areas for future studies (Health
Protection Scotland 2009).
(ii) The highly toxic fly ash requires safe disposal which involves
additional transport of waste and the need for special type of toxic
waste landfill. The local residents may be concerned otherwise
about the impact (van Steenis 2005).
(iii) People are still concerned about the health effects of dioxin and
furan emissions into the atmosphere from old incinerators.
(iv) Incinerators emit varying levels of heavy metals such as vanadium,
nickel, manganese, chromium, arsenic, mercury, lead, and
cadmium, which can be toxic at very minute levels.
(v) Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) has high levels of heavy metals with
ecotoxicity concerns if not reused properly. Some consider that IBA
reuse is still in its infancy and is not considered to be a desirable
product, despite additional engineering treatments. Following
several construction and demolition explosions in 2010, the UK
Health and Safety Executive has expressed concerns about IBA use
in foam concrete. IBA is currently banned from use by the UK
Energy from Waste 125

Highway Authority in concrete work until these incidents are

investigated (Highways Agency 2009).
(vi) Alternative technologies such as Mechanical Biological Treatment
(MBT), Anaerobic Digestion (AD), Autoclaving or Mechanical
Heat Treatment (MHT) using steam or plasma arc gasification, or
combinations of these treatments are available or in development.
Installation of incinerators competes with the development and
introduction of other emerging technologies. For instance,
WRAP(UK) report, August 2008, found that median incinerator
costs per ton were generally higher than those for MBT treatments
by 18 per metric ton; and 27 per metric ton for most modern (post
2000) incinerators.
(vii) Building and operating waste processing plants such as incinerators
requires long contract periods to recover initial investment costs,
causing a long term lock-in. Incinerator lifetimes normally range
2530 years.
(viii) Incinerators produce fine particles in the furnace. Even with modern
particle filtering of the flue gases, a small part of these is emitted to
the atmosphere. PM2.5 is not separately regulated in the European
Waste Incineration Directive, even though they are repeatedly
correlated spatially to infant mortality in the UK. In June 2008,
several European doctors associations, physicians, environmental
chemists and toxicologists represented to the European Parliament
citing widespread concerns on incinerator particulate emissions and
the absence of monitoring of specific fine and ultrafine particle size,
or in depth industry/government epidemiological studies of these
minute and invisible incinerator particle size emissions.
(ix) Local communities are often opposed to the idea of locating
incinerators in their vicinity. Studies in Andover, Massachusetts,
USA strongly correlated property devaluations by 10% with close
incinerator proximity (Shi-Ling Hsu 1999).
(x) Prevention, waste minimization, reuse and recycling of waste
should all be preferred to incineration according to the waste
hierarchy. Supporters of zero waste consider incinerators and other
waste treatment technologies as barriers to recycling and separation
beyond particular levels, and that waste resources are sacrificed for
energy production (Connett 2006; Friends of Earth 2007).
(xi) A 2008 Report found that under certain conditions and assumptions,
incineration causes less CO2 reduction than other emerging Energy-
126 Municipal Solid Waste Management

from-Waste and CHP technology combinations for treating residual

mixed waste (Hogg et al 2008). CHP incinerator technology without
waste recycling was found to be ranked 19 out of 24 combinations
(where all alternatives to incineration were combined with advanced
waste recycling plants); being 228% less efficient than the ranked 1
Advanced MBT maturation technology; or 211% less efficient than
plasma gasification/autoclaving combination ranked 2.
(xii) Some incinerators are visually undesirable. In many countries they
require a visually intrusive chimney stack.
(xiii) If reusable waste fractions are handled in incinerators in developing
countries, it would reduce practical work for local economies. It is
estimated that there are 1 million people making a livelihood
through collecting waste (Medina 2000).
During 2001 to 2007, the WTE capacity increased by about four
million metric tonnes per annum. Japan and China built several plants
that were based on direct smelting or on fluid bed combustion of solid
waste. Japan is the largest user in thermal treatment of MSW in the world
with 40 million tonnes. Some of the newest plants use stoker technology
and others use the advanced oxygen enrichment technology. There are
also over one hundred thermal treatment plants using relatively novel
processes such as direct smelting, the Ebara fluidization process and the
Thermo- select -JFE gasification and melting technology process. A
Greek company in Patras has developed and tested a system that shows
potential. It generates 25 kwatts of electricity and 25 kwatts of heat from
waste water. Management of Residues

The incineration of MSW gives rise to several forms of residues created
directly by the process i.e., heat energy in the form of high-temperature
flue gas and solid residues (IBA), and the residue(s) created by the
associated flue gas treatment system (fly ash and acid gases).
(i) Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA) is the principal residue stream,
accounting for 8095% of the total weight of residues generated,
with boiler ash, flyash and FGT residue(s) making up the balance.
IBA is a heterogeneous mix of slag, ferrous and non-ferrous metals,
ceramics, glass, minerals and other materials. This mix can contain
up to 20% by weight, of oversized (>10 cm) items, e.g., metal
objects, construction materials, large pieces of slag. When these
Energy from Waste 127

materials are excluded, the particle size distribution is similar in

classification to sand and gravel. The moisture content of bottom
ash which is important in compaction of IBA and, hence, its
properties for utilisation can vary widely and is generally
considered to be a function of the type of quench tank/discharge
system employed. Compacted IBA has good load-bearing capacities
with acceptable durability for a number of commercial applications.
The chemical characteristics of IBA largely influence its interactive
behaviour. IBA is alkaline in nature with pH values ranging from
9.5 to 11.5. The major elements comprising IBA (accounting for
~ 80% by weight) are oxygen, silicon, iron, calcium, aluminium and
sodium. The concentration of certain trace metals found in IBA is
influenced by the type of combustor used and the quality of
combustion. The degree of burnout can affect the quantity of
calcium and silicon found in the IBA, with poor burnout resulting in
higher concentrations of volatile elements such as cadmium, arsenic
and organic carbon in the ash. For treating IBA, chemical and
thermal procedures are also employed. Forced carbonisation of IBA
reduces alkalinity and can significantly reduce release of some trace
metals. Similarly, treatment with selective chemicals can also
achieve reductions in trace metal releases. Thermal treatment of
WTE residues can be carried out to achieve sintering, i.e., melting
to form a slag or a vitrified material. For the utilisation of IBA, pre-
processing of IBA by removal of oversized material, including
ferrous and non-ferrous metal items and screening is important. The
aging process of IBA happens when it is stockpiled for a suitable
period of 3 months and above when a number of beneficial
reactions take place. IBA has been used commercially for different
purposes such as landfill cover (daily and final), road foundations,
wind and sound barriers, lightweight concrete masonry, structural
fill, aggregate in asphalt, shore-line protection and marine reefs
(CIWM 2003).
(ii) Fly ash: If separately removed from the flue gases, fly ash offers
several applications:
(a) Washing of fly ash yields an alkaline water stream that can be
used in a wet scrubber to remove acid gases and provide make-
up water for the water evaporated in quenching the flue gases;
(b) Removal of the soluble constituents, by controlled washing,
128 Municipal Solid Waste Management

benefits the subsequent management of the fly ash, for example,

treated fly ash mixed with IBA produces several civil
engineering products; (c) The processing of fly ash in order to
recover selected metal constituents is also being practised in
certain locations; and (d) Fly ash is vitrified in some instances.
(iii) Acid gases: The principal acid gases found in MSW incinerator flue
gas are, nitrogen oxides (NO + NO2 = NOx), hydrogen chloride
(HCl), and sulphur dioxide (SO2). In addition, there are minor
concentrations of hydrogen fluoride (HF) and sulphur trioxide (SO3)
present. A major pollutant, NOx is not considered for selective
separation here. Separate extraction of HCl and SOx (SO2 + SO3)
offers residue streams for the production of commercial grade
products (Table 6.4).

Table 6.4 Commercial products and markets for acid gases recovered from
MSW incinerator flue gases
Acid gas Product Market
Road treatment (winter)
Secondary aluminium smelting
HCl NaCl
Animal hide treatment
Water softening
Road treatment (winter
A/C dessicant
HCl CaCl2 Soil stabilization
Lightweight concrete
Coal washing
Regeneration of cationic exchangers
HCl for boiler feedwater
Building products
SO2 Gypsum
Blender in cement manufacture
(Source: CIWM 2003)

To obtain a salt product, a dedicated wet scrubber circuit, using either

a calcium or sodium-based reagent is used. A number of European
MSW incineration plants process the hydrogen chloride to produce
hydrochloric acid. The efficiency of the selective separation of SO2,
Energy from Waste 129

by a dedicated wet scrubber circuit using lime or limestone as reagent

to produce gypsum, requires the circuit liquor to be at an optimum
(iv) Heat recovery: The energy content of the exit flue gases from the
(conventional) heat recovery plant used on MSW grate and furnace
WTE plant, is of the order of 3.2-3.5 106 kJ per ton of MSW
combusted; the flue gas energy (FGT energy) is of the order of 20%
of the calorific value of typical MSW. Grate and furnace WTE plant
that operate on a combined heat and power energy concept, recover a
substantial proportion of this FGT Energy by using a hybrid flue
gas treatment system that incorporates a wet scrubber. Wet scrubber
operation can convert sensible heat of gases into latent (water vapour)
heat for the recovery of FGT energy; an additional closed-loop
water circuit, linked to a heat pump, is installed downstream of the
wet scrubber. Plants with this configuration recover around 1.95
106 kJ per ton of MSW, i.e., around 50% of the lost energy. A by-
product of this supplementary energy recovery concept is that around
300-400 kg per ton of water is produced through condensation of flue
gas water vapour. In some regions, this water by-product could be
important (CIWM 2003).

6.2.2 Pyrolysis
Thermal gasification and Pyrolysis are considered advanced thermal
technologies, however, they are yet to be utilised on a large scale like
incineration technologies. These processes involve the thermal
breakdown of solid materials into a synthetic gas or syngas, and in some
cases a solid char and/or liquid (oil). The process energy is provided in a
reactor. One advantage of these technologies is that the syngas can be
utilized both in boilers or low profile reciprocating engines for generating
clean electricity more efficiently compared to conventional incinerators.
Since net energy recovery and proper destruction of the waste are ensured
in these processes, they have an edge over incineration.
These two technologies are related and are established for
homogenous organic matter like wood, pulp, and so on. They are now
being offered as an option for disposal of MSW. Gasification and
pyrolysis have now reached thermal conversion efficiencies of up to
75%; however a complete combustion is superior in terms of fuel
conversion efficiency. Some pyrolysis processes need an outside heat
source which may be supplied by the gasification process, making the
combined process self sustaining.
130 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Reported energy outputs for gasification pyrolysis systems are in the

range 300 to 750 kWhe/ ton of processed feedstock (i.e., sorted and/or
unsorted MSW). This compares to a typical output of 550 kWhe/ ton of
MSW for conventional combustion systems using unsorted waste. Higher
efficiencies should not be expected unless and until proven by long-term
(several years) continuous operation and making due allowance for the
higher calorific value of processed feedstock (CIWM 2003).
In Pyrolysis, thermal decomposition of organic substances occurs at
elevated temperatures in the absence of air or oxygen. It is a special case
of thermolysis related to the chemical process of charring, and is most
commonly used for organic materials. It occurs spontaneously at high
temperatures, above 300C for wood. It produces gas and liquid products
(fuels) and a carbon-rich solid residue (Fig. 6.8). The process does not
involve reactions with oxygen or any other reagents but takes place in
their presence. The liquid products (fuels) typically comprises of 15-25%
water with the remainder (organic) fraction comprising acetic and other
acids, sugars and minor quantities of aldehydes, ketones and alcohols.

Fig. 6.8 Chemistry of pyrolysis (Source: Wikipedia)

Pyrolysis plants typically have a chamber or reactor that is sealed to

prevent air entry. In practice, complete elimination of air is difficult to
achieve and some oxidation is likely to occur. The relative proportions of
produces gas, liquid and char that are produced in the process depend on
the operational temperature, exposure time and type of feedstock. The
production of char (charcoal is produced in this way) will be maximised
with long exposure (hours) at low temperatures, 400500C. Short
exposure (< 1 s) with high temperatures, 5001000C, referred to as
flash pyrolysis, will give a higher proportion of gas or liquid. If a liquid
fuel (pyrolysis oil) is desired, rapid quenching of the gaseous product is
necessary. The liquid fuel can be stored and transported easily for
beneficial use.
Energy from Waste 131

Pyrolysis is used to turn waste into safely disposable substances.

Pyrolysis is the basis of several methods that are being developed for
producing fuel from biomass, which may include either biological waste
products from industries or crops grown for the purpose. In many
industrial applications, the process takes place under pressure and at
temperatures above 430C. For agricultural waste, typical temperatures
are 450 to 550 C. In vacuum pyrolysis, organic material is heated in a
vacuum in order to decrease boiling point and avoid adverse chemical
Plasma Pyrolysis Vitrification (PPV) is a relatively new technology
for disposal of hazardous wastes, radioactive wastes etc. Toxic materials
get encapsulated in vitreous mass, which is relatively much safer to
handle than incineration/gasifier ash. Pyrolysis can be integrated with
other processes such as mechanical biological treatment (MBT) and
anaerobic digestion.

6.2.3 Gasification
Gasification, unlike pyrolysis, is the process of conversion of
carbonaceous materials (coal, petroleum, biofuel, biomass, or solid
waste) into a combustible gas in the presence of a controlled amount of
oxygen or air. The resulting combustible gas is called synthesis gas (or
syngas), and consists of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, carbon dioxide
and methane, hydrocarbon oils, char and ash. Syngas is itself a fuel.
Gasification is an endothermic thermal conversion technology for
extracting energy from different types of organic materials. The
emissions from a gasification plant include nitrogen oxides, sulphur
dioxide, particulate matter, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride,
ammonia, heavy metals, dioxins and furans.
The advantage of gasification is that using the syngas is potentially
more efficient (than direct combustion of the original fuel) because it can
be combusted at higher temperatures, so that the thermodynamic upper
limit to the efficiency defined by Carnot's rule is higher or not applicable.
Syngas may be burned directly in internal combustion engines (IC
engines) or used to produce methanol and hydrogen, or converted via the
Fischer-Tropsch process into synthetic fuel. Materials that are not
otherwise useful fuels, such as organic waste can be used in the
132 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Gasification relies on chemical processes at elevated temperatures

>700C, which distinguishes it from biological process like anaerobic
digestion that produces biogas.
Process: In a gasifier, the material undergoes several different processes.
The pyrolysis (or devolatilization) process occurs as the carbonaceous
particle heats up. Volatiles are released and char is produced, resulting in
weight loss up to 70% for coal. The process is dependent on the
properties of the material and determines the structure and composition of
the char, which will then undergo gasification reactions (Fig.6.9a).

Fig. 6.9 (a) Pyrolysis of carbonaceous fuels (b) Gasification of char

(Source: Wikipedia)
The combustion process occurs as the volatile products and some of
the char reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide,
which provides heat for the subsequent gasification reactions. The basic
reaction here (Fig. 6.8b) is C + O2 CO where C represents the
carbon-contained organic compound.
(i) The gasification process occurs as the char reacts with carbon
dioxide and steam to produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen,
via the reaction
C + H2O H2 + CO (Fig. 6.9b)
(ii) In addition, the reversible gas phase water gas shift reaction
reaches equilibrium very fast at the temperatures in a gasifier.
This balances the concentrations of carbon monoxide, steam,
carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (Fig. 6.9b)
In essence, a limited amount of oxygen or air is introduced into the
reactor to allow some of the organic material to be burned to produce
carbon monoxide and energy, which drives a second reaction that
converts further organic material to hydrogen and additional carbon
dioxide. Table 6.5 shows the typical major components in fuel gas
derived from MSW.
Energy from Waste 133

Table 6.5 Typical composition of fuel-gas from processed MSW

(% volume dry gas)
Fluidised bed gasification (air-blown) Pyrolysis
CO 10 34
CO2 16 19
H2 7 33
CH4 5 6
CxHy 4 3
N2 54 5
Gross CV (MJ m3) 5-7.5 11

Source: NERL 1996: IEA/EU 1997

In addition to these major components, the fuel gas will also contain
trace contaminants such as particulates, acid gases and heavy metals.
These have the potential to cause operational problems in any
downstream energy conversion process (CIWM 2003).
The gasification process is not new; it was originally developed in the
1800s to produce town gas for lighting and cooking, and the first four-
stroke engine was run on producer gas in 1876. Electricity and natural gas
later replaced town gas for these applications, but the gasification process
has been utilized for the production of synthetic chemicals and fuels since
1920s. Wood gas generators, called Gasogene or Gazogne, were used to
power motor vehicles in Europe when there was fuel shortage during
World War II (Fig.6.10). The application to wastes, and in particular to
MSW or products derived from MSW is, however, relatively new and
still in the commercial demonstration stage.

Fig. 6.10 Adler Diplomat 3 with gas generator (1941)

(Source: Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia)
134 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Four types of gasifiers are currently available for commercial use:

(1) counter-current fixed bed (2) co-current fixed bed, (3) fluidized bed,
and (4) entrained flow (Beychok M R 1975, 1974a, 1974b). The working
principles of these gasifiers are not covered in this book.
Applications: Industrial-scale gasification is mostly used to produce
electricity from fossil fuels such as coal, where the syngas is burned in a
gas turbine. In applications where the wood source is sustainable, 250-
1000 kWe capacity new zero-carbon biomass gasification plants have
been installed in Europe. These plants produce tar-free syngas and burn it
in the reciprocation engines connected to a generator with heat recovery.
This type of plant is often referred to as a wood biomass CHP unit in
which seven different processes are involved: biomass processing, fuel
delivery, gasification, gas cleaning, waste disposal, electricity generation
and heat recovery (Wikipedia).
Gasification is also used in the industry to produce electricity,
ammonia and liquid fuels (oil) using Integrated Gasification Combined
Cycles (IGCC), with the possibility of producing methane and hydrogen
for fuel cells.
Gasification technologies have been developed in recent years that use
plastic-rich waste as a feed.
Syngas can be used for heat production and for generation of
mechanical and electrical power. Like other gaseous fuels, producer gas
gives greater control over power levels when compared to solid fuels,
leading to more efficient and cleaner operation.
Gasifiers offer a flexible option for thermal applications, as they can
be retrofitted into existing gas fueled devices such as ovens, furnaces,
boilers, etc., where syngas can replace fossil fuels.
Diesel engines can be operated on dual fuel mode using producer gas.
Diesel substitution of over 80% at high loads and 70-80% under normal
load variations can easily be achieved (Wikipedia). Spark ignition
engines and SOFC fuel cells can operate on 100% gasification gas
(Ahrenfeldt 2007, Hofmann et al 2007). Mechanical energy from the
engines may be used for driving water pumps for irrigation or for
coupling with an alternator for electrical power generation.
Small-scale rural biomass gasifiers have been extensively applied in
India especially in Tamil-Nadu in South India. Most of the applications
Energy from Waste 135

are 9 kWe systems used for water pumping and street lighting operated
by the local panchayats. Despite their technical soundness, the systems
have to face financial and maintenance problems locally. Most of the
systems are not running after 1 to 3 years. Waste Gasification

Several gasification processes for thermal treatment of waste are under
development as an attractive alternative to incineration. Waste
gasification has several advantages over incineration: (1) the cleaning
may be confined to syngas instead of the much larger volume of flue gas
after combustion, (2) electric power may be generated in engines and gas
turbines, which are much cheaper and more efficient than the steam cycle
used in incineration, (3) even fuel cells may potentially be used, though
they demand severe requirements regarding the purity of the gas,
(4) chemical processing of the syngas may produce other synthetic fuels
instead of electricity, (5) some gasification processes treat ash containing
heavy metals at very high temperatures so that it is released in a glassy
and chemically stable form.
A major challenge for waste gasification technologies is to reach an
acceptable electric efficiency. Significant power consumption in the
waste preprocessing, consumption of large amounts of pure oxygen
(often used as gasification agent), and gas cleaning are the factors that
affect the efficiency of converting syngas to electric power.
Several waste gasification processes have been proposed, but very few
have been built and tested. Based on the Thermoselect process, several
commercial plants are constructed in Japan at Chiba (1999), Tokushiki
Yoshino (2003), Matsu (2003), Sainokuni city (2004), Kyokuto (2005),
Kurashiki city (2005) and Isahaya (2005) which are in operation. Plants
started at Fondotoca (Italy) in 1992 and at Karlsruhe (Germany) in 2000
are shut down.The strengths and weaknesses of Thermoselect process are
the following (Neissen 2007): By using raw MSW as its feed material,
Thermoselect avoids all of the RDF preparation problems that are
intrinsic in all other gasification technologies. The environmental benefits
of gasification can thus be obtained without the implicit risks of RDF.
Also, Thermoselect was conceived to discharge only products and not
secondary wastes. In principle, the system is very well attuned to Zero
Waste concept. The disadvantages of Thermoselect include its high
operating cost relative to more conventional technology and the absence
136 Municipal Solid Waste Management

of either operating plants or experienced technical support operations.

However, if the processes solid byproducts can be sold or, at least
disposed at no net cost for use as an aggregate or fill (possible because of
the binding of heavy metals into vitrified, non-leachable particles), the
operating economics of the Thermoselect process are greatly improved.
Fig. 6.11 is a schematic display of the high temperature conversion of
waste. This is one of several proposed waste gasification processes.
According to sales management consultants KBI Group, a pilot plant
Arnstadt implementing this process has completed initial tests.
(Ref: HTCW commercial webpage)

Fig. 6.11 High Temperature Conversion of Waste reactor

(Source: Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia).
Waste gasification is a high potential process for producing
renewable energy. Gasification can be utilized with any organic material,
biomass or solid waste including plastic waste. The resulting syngas, if it
is clean enough, may be used for power production in gas engines, gas
turbines or even fuel cells. The syngas can also be converted efficiently to
Energy from Waste 137

dimethyl ether (DME) by methanol dehydration, or to methane via the

Sabatier reaction, or diesel-like synthetic fuel via the Fischer-Tropsch
Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are not directly emitted
either during the gasification process or the subsequent process. But, due
to significant power consumption in the gasification and syngas
conversion processes, there may be indirect CO2 emissions. In slagging
and plasma gasification, the electricity consumption may even exceed
any power production from the syngas. Combustion of syngas or derived
fuels emits exactly the same amount of carbon dioxide as would have
been emitted from combustion of the initial fuel.

6.2.4 Plasma Arc Gasification

It is a waste treatment technology that uses electrical energy and the high
temperatures created by an electrical arc in a closed vessel/reactor. The
radiant energy of the plasma arc is so powerful that it breaks down waste
into elemental gas and slag. The process is capable of breaking down
almost any waste including toxic, except nuclear waste.
Inside a sealed stainless steel vessel filled with an inert gas such as
nitrogen or air, a high voltage, high current electricity is passed between
two electrodes spaced apart, and creating an electrical arc which converts
the gas into plasma. Current flows continuously through this plasma
creating a field of intense energy (high temperatures). This energy
disintegrates most types of waste into basic elemental gaseous
components, and the complex molecules are separated into individual
atoms. This vessel is referred to as Plasma Reactor. The by-products are a
glass-like material and syngas primarily, a mixture of hydrogen and
carbon monoxide. The glassy material has many applications, and the
syngas may be refined into various fuels such as natural gas, ethanol and
hydrogen. A portion of the syngas may be used to generate steam that
drives turbines to produce electricity; this electric power can be used to
run the Plasma reactor, and the excess can be utilized for heating on the
site or sell to the utility grid. This is an excellent technology to derive
energy from all kinds of waste, and large cities have opportunities to
make money from the garbage.
Syngas is produced exclusively from organic materials with a
conversion rate of greater than 99% using plasma gasification. Other
inorganic materials in the waste stream that are not broken down go
138 Municipal Solid Waste Management

through a phase change (solid to liquid) and add to the volume of slag
with minimal energy recovery and increased cost for refining.
There are several plasma arc facilities working all over the world. For
(a) PEAT International constructed a plasma arc waste disposal facility
at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan City,
Taiwan, which handles 35 metric tons of waste per day from a
variety of waste streams, including incinerator fly ash, medical
waste, organic industrial process waste and inorganic sludges. It can
also process waste consumer batteries and other materials, including
heavy metal sludges, and refinery catalysts (waste streams that
would generate valuable metal alloys). It has been in operation from
(b) Three similar small plants are in operation in Japan a 166-short-
ton (151,000 kg) per day "pilot" plant in Yoshii, co-developed by
Hitachi Metals Ltd. and Westinghouse Plasma, which was certified
after a demonstration period in 19992000; a 165-short-ton
(150,000 kg) per day plant in Utashinai City, completed in 2002;
and a 28-short-ton (25,000 kg) per day plant commissioned by the
twin cities of Mihama and Mikata in 2002;
(c) Advanced Plasma Power (APP) has developed Gas plasma, a
patented modular process, based on proven gasification and plasma
conversion technology which uses refuse-derived fuel feedstock to
produce a hydrogen rich syngas, energy (electric power) and
vitrified gravel called Plasmarok. APP which originally had a test
facility in Faringdon, Oxfordshire has moved to Swindon, Wiltshire,
in 2007 where they operate a scale pilot plant. The plant runs in a
building under a light vacuum and contains all odours. The entire
process occurs within the building. A full scale plant will treat
100,000 short tons (91,000 t) per annum of municipal waste and
produce (1) enough power for 10,000 homes, (2) enough heat for
around 700 homes, (3) over 99% landfill diversion of feedstock
with minimal residues and emissions, (4) increase recycling rates by
over 20%, (5) high performance, high-value aggregate glass
(trademark Plasmarok), (6) novel combination of three existing and
proven technologies (termed Gasplasma) and (7) negative carbon
Energy from Waste 139

footprint and lowest environmental impact plant and building

(Wikipedia 2010);

Fig. 6.12 Startechs trash converter (Photo courtesy: Kevin Hand, Source:
Popular Science, The Prophet of Garbage, 2007)

(d) A US based company, Startech Environmental Corporation, Bristol,

CT, has developed a Plasma Converter based on plasma
gasification. Startechs trash converter uses superheated plasma an
electrically conductive mass of charged particles (ions and
electrons) generated from ordinary air to reduce garbage to its
molecular components. First the trash is fed into an auger that
shreds it into small pieces. Then the mulch is delivered into the
plasma chamber, where the superheated plasma converts it into two
by-products. One is a syngas composed mostly of hydrogen and
carbon monoxide, which is fed into the adjacent Starcell system to
be converted into fuel. The other is molten glass that can be sold for
use in household tiles or road asphalt (Fig.6.12). This Converter can
handle 2000 tons of waste daily, an amount generated by a city of
one million people in a day. This 15-ft-tall machine which costs
roughly $250 million can consume any type of waste, from diapers
to chemical weapons, and annihilates toxic materials. Considering
the national average tipping fee of $35/ton that an American city
pays to the operator of landfills in large cities, and additional costs
that include transporting garbage to landfill sites, the capturing of
leaky methane from the decomposing site etc., this Startech
machine could pay for itself in about ten years, even without
considering the money recovered by selling excess electric power
and syngas. It is all profit after break-even point (Popular Science, March 2007).
140 Municipal Solid Waste Management

More facilities that are planned include: (a) Utilizing technology

licensed from Europlasma, the plasma arc facility proposed for lands in
the vicinity of Wesleyville in Port Hope, Ontario (approximately 45
minutes east of Toronto) will handle 400 short tons (360 t) per day of
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Tire Derived Fuel (TDF). Sunbay
Energy is currently obtaining the required approvals from Provincial
authorities and intends to have the facility operational during the 4th
Quarter of 2009; (b) The city of Tallahassee, Florida has signed the
largest plasma arc waste to energy contract (35 MW) to date with Green
Power Systems to process 1,000 short tons (910 t) daily from the city and
several surrounding counties. Completion of the project is scheduled for
October 2010; (c) EnviroParks Ltd plan (31/9/07) a consortium to build
an Organic Park in Tower Colliery at Hirwaun, South Wales. This
includes a plasma gasification plant combined with advanced anaerobic
digestion to divert municipal solid waste from the landfill. Enviroparks
are currently collaborating with Europlasma of Bordeaux to provide the
plasma gasification unit to the park. The Hirwaun site is large enough for
the processing of over 250,000 metric tons (280,000 short tons) of non-
hazardous waste a year. Initially, though, an anaerobic digestion plant
will be designed to handle 50,000 metric tons (55,000 short tons) of
organic wastes a year; (d) PR Power Co. plans to open a plant south of
Atlanta, near Jackson, Georgia, that will use a "plasma torch" to vaporize
tires down to their natural elements mainly hydrocarbons and scrap
steel. The gases will be converted to electricity for sale to electric utilities
and the scrap steel will be sold at an estimated $50 a ton.; (e) Plasco
Energy group Inc., is preparing to start construction on a commercial-
scale facility in Red Deer, Alberta in the Summer of 2009. This facility,
the company's first commercial plant, is expected to be completed by the
end of 2010; (f) SMS Infrastructures Limited (SMSIL), Indias largest
civil engineering and infrastructure development company, constructed
68 tonne-per-day hazardous waste-to-energy plants, located in Pune,
India, that will use Westinghouse Plasma Corporations (WPC) plasma
technology and reactor vessel design. Each plant will provide
comprehensive disposal services for a wide variety of hazardous waste,
and will produce up to 1.6 MW (net) of electricity. The facilities will be
the largest plasma gasification WTE plants in the world processing
hazardous waste; (g) Plasco announced in April 2010 that it is planning a
joint venture with Beijing Environmental Sanitation Engineering Group
Co. to construct a 200 tonne per day demonstration facility in Beijing. If
Energy from Waste 141

successful, it is intended to construct a larger 1,000 tonne per day facility

to help dispose of the city's 18,000 tonnes of municipal waste generated
per day (Wikipedia 2010).

6.3 Biochemical Process

6.3.1 Anaerobic Digestion (Biomethanation) Introduction
Organic waste such as cattle manure is treated using Anaerobic Digestion
(AD). The process is also called Biomethanation. It is a process
whereby wet residues, for instance waste from dairy industries or cattle
manure is broken down in a controlled oxygen-free environment, by
bacteria that naturally occur in the waste material. A gas called biogas is
produced. Biogas is a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide
(CO2). Hydrogen sulphide, water, and numerous trace gasses are also
present in smaller amounts. The biogas production ranges from
50-150 m3/tonne of wastes, depending upon the composition of waste.
The biogas can be utilised either for cooking/ heating applications, or
through dual fuel or gas engines or gas/steam turbines for generating
electricity. Depending on the nature of waste input and the system design,
biogas is typically 55 to 75% pure methane. State-of-the-systems
producing biogas with more than 95% methane are reported.
Biomethanation is a fast growing process and is being utilized in many
parts of the world.
The merits of the AD process are: (a) most of the materials that are
currently sent to landfill can be utilized, (b) natural methane emissions
are reduced, and (c) conventional generation with its associated carbon
emissions is removed. The residual digestate which is nutrient-rich can be
used as fertiliser reducing the need for chemical fertilisers.
Scientific interest in the production of biogas by the natural
decomposition of organic matter was first reported in the 17th century by
Robert Boyle and Stephen Hale, who noted that flammable gas was
released by disturbing the sediment of streams and lakes (Fergusen and
Mah 2006). In 1808, Sir Humphry Davy found that methane was present
in the gases produced by cattle manure (Cruazon 2007). The first
anaerobic digester was built in Bombay, India in 1859. Biogas Plants of
different designs and capacities have been installed in the rural India to
help farmers to generate biogas, a source of energy, and fertilizer using
the animal dung generated by their livestock. In 1895 the technology was
142 Municipal Solid Waste Management

developed in Exeter, England, where a septic tank was used to generate

gas for the sewer gas destructor lamp, a type of gas lighting. In 1904, the
first dual purpose tank for both sedimentation and sludge treatment was
installed in Hampton, England. In 1907, a patent was issued for the
Imhoff tank, an early type of digester in Germany. Anaerobic digestion
gained academic recognition in the 1930s through scientific research that
led to the discovery of anaerobic bacteria, the microorganisms that
facilitate the process. Investigations related to the conditions under which
methanogenic bacteria were able to grow and reproduce (Humanik et al
2007) were carried out. This work was developed during World War II,
when there was an increase in the application of anaerobic digestion for
the treatment of manure in both Germany and France (Wikipedia). Process
Anaerobic digestion is a complex process that involves interaction
between many different microorganisms, so-called consortia. Each
consortium lives optimally at a desirable set of chemical and physical
A number of macro- and micronutrients are required in order to
facilitate the biological conversion and growth processes. Ten
macronutrients, namely, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur,
phosphorous, calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium, should be
present in concentrations exceeding 104 M. Among important
micronutrients, nickel and cobalt should be present in concentrations
below 104 M (ProBiogas 2007).
The degradation processes can be divided into four major phases:
hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis.
Each of the four steps relies on certain microbial consortia to perform
the conversion processes. Some consortia are highly tolerant and can
utilise multiple substrates, while others are very sensitive towards
environmental changes. In addition, they are only capable of utilising a
single substrate. Hence, in order for the four degradation processes to be
in balance, the overall chemical environment in the biogas reactor has to
satisfy the needs of all consortia all the time.
1. The digestion process starts with bacterial hydrolysis of the feed
stock (plant and animal matter). In this phase, hydrolytic and
fermentative microorganisms excrete hydrolytic enzymes that convert
biopolymers (the insoluble organic polymers) such as carbohydrates
into soluble compounds, to make them available for other bacteria.
Energy from Waste 143

Hydrolysis is an important step enabling fermentation and

subsequently biogas formation.
2. In the acidogenesis, the second phase, the products from the
hydrolysis are converted by the fermentative microbial consortia into
methanogenic substrates, which include volatile fatty acids, alcohols,
carbon dioxide, ammonia, and hydrogen. Volatile fatty acids
constitute the most frequently encountered intermediate products in
anaerobic digesters. Approximately 30 % of the hydrolysis products
will be converted into volatile fatty acids and alcohols. In case of an
imbalanced process, the concentrations of volatile fatty acids will
continue to rise, affect the chemical environment including the pH,
and eventually lead to process failure. Under a given set of operating
conditions, the acidogenic microorganisms chose the
thermodynamically most favourable metabolism. Hence the product
formation depends on the current conditions in the biogas reactor.
3. During the third phase of acetogenesis, products from the
acidogenesis are converted onto methanogenic substrates (acetate,
carbon dioxide, and hydrogen), since not all fermentation products
can be converted to methane by the methanogenic microbial
consortia. For instance, volatile fatty acids with carbon chains longer
than two units and alcohols with carbon chains longer than one unit
need to be oxidised into acetate and hydrogen. This operation is
performed by the acetogenic consortia during acetogenesis.
4. Finally, two distinct types of methanogenic bacteria are utilised. The
first type reduces carbon dioxide to methane and the second
decarboxylates acetic acid to methane and carbon dioxide.
i.e.,methanogens convert the products in step 2, to biogas (a mixture
of methane and carbon dioxide). The operating conditions have
severe influence on the methanogenesis. Composition of the
feedstocks, feeding rate, temperature, and pH are the parameters that
affect the methanogenesis.
As already mentioned, several microorganisms, are, thus, involved in
the process of anaerobic digestion: acidogenic bacteria, acetogenic
bacteria (acetogens), and methane-forming archaea (methanogens).
Factors that influence the AD process are temperature, pH, nutrient
concentration, loading rate, toxic compounds and mixing.
Since oxygen-free environment is an essential factor for the anaerobic
process to occur, oxygen is prevented from entering the system by proper
control in sealed tanks. When the oxygen source is derived from the
144 Municipal Solid Waste Management

organic material itself, the resulting 'intermediate' end products are

primarily alcohols, aldehydes, organic acids and carbon dioxide. In the
presence of specialised methanogens, these intermediates are converted to
the 'final' end products, methane and carbon dioxide with traces of
hydrogen sulfide (Beychok 1967).
In the anaerobic process, most of the chemical energy contained
within the starting material is released by methanogenic bacteria as
methane. Since anaerobic microorganisms normally take a significant
period of time to become fully effective, seeding the digester is done by
adding sewage sludge or cattle slurry. (Seeding is introducing anaerobic
microorganisms from materials with existing populations). A temperature
of about 35-380C is generally considered optimal in mesophilic zone (20-
450C), and higher gas production can be obtained under thermophillic
temperature in the range of 55-600C. Methanogens come from the
primitive group of archaea. These species are more resistant to heat and
can operate at thermophilic temperatures. Because of these variations,
close monitoring of temperatures is very vital. A simplified generic
chemical equation for the overall processes can be represented as:
C6H12O6 3CO2 + 3CH4 Design Parameters

(a) Digesters typically can accept any biodegradable material; however,
if the objective is to produce biogas, the level of putrescibility is
very vital, because the more putrescible the material, the higher the
possibility of gas yields from the system.
Substrate composition is a major factor in determining the methane
yield and its production rates from the digestion of biomass.
Techniques are available to determine the compositional
characteristics of the feedstock (Jerger and Tsao 2006). Anaerobes
can breakdown material to varying degrees of success; for example,
short chain hydrocarbons such as sugars can break down readily,
whereas cellulose and hemicelluloses take longer periods of time.
Anaerobic microorganisms are not capable of breaking down long
chain woody molecules such as lignin.
Early anaerobic digesters were designed for treating sewage sludge
and manures which are not the ones with the most potential for
anaerobic digestion as the biodegradable material has already had
the energy content taken out by the animal that has produced it.
(b) The moisture content of the feedstock is another important
parameter. If the material is wetter, standard pumps are more suited
Energy from Waste 145

to handle instead of concrete pumps which are energy intensive.

Also the wetter the material, the more volume and area it takes up
relative to the levels of gas that are produced. The moisture content
of the feedstock will also affect the type of system utilised for its
treatment. To utilise a high solids anaerobic digester for dilute
feedstocks, bulking agents such as compost should be applied to
increase the solid content of the input material.
(c) pH: The methanogenic consortia exert the highest intolerance
towards fluctuations in the pH. The recommended pH range is 6.5
to 8, which is quite narrow. Below pH 6.6, due to slow growth of
the methanogens, there is a risk of being washed out of the biogas
reactor. Monitoring of pH, however, does not provide the correct
state of the process, and pH has to be compared with the buffer
capacity, total alkalinity and bicarbonate alkalinity to know the
correct state of the process (ProBiogas 2007).
(d) The carbon/nitrogen ratio of the input material which balances the
food required by a microbe to grow is another key parameter. The
optimal C/N ratio for the 'food' a microbe needs is 20/30:1. Excess
nitrogen can lead to ammonia inhibition of digestion (Richards 1991).
(e) Ammonium: Degradation of manure- and protein-rich feedstock
causes ammonium to be released in the reactor which is an
important nutrient in many of the microbial processes. However,
depending on the chemical environment, ammonium can be toxic
and inhibit the process. It has been proposed that the species
responsible for inhibition is free ammonia, NH3.
The concentration of free ammonium increases with temperature.
i.e., processes operated at thermophilic temperatures are more
vulnerable towards ammonia inhibition than processes run at
mesophilic temperatures.
(f) The level of contamination of the feedstock is another factor. If the
feedstock has significant levels of plastic, glass or metals, pre-
processing has to be done so that the digesters function efficiently
without getting blocked. This aspect is taken care of in the
designing of mechanical biological treatment plants. A higher level
of pre-treatment of feedstock requires more processing machinery
resulting in higher capital costs.
After sorting or screening to remove any physical contaminants,
such as metals and plastics from the feedstock, the material is often
shredded, minced and pulped (mechanically or hydraulically) to
increase the surface area available to microbes in the digesters
146 Municipal Solid Waste Management

which in turn increase the speed of digestion. The feedstock

material is then fed into the airtight digester where anaerobic
process occurs. Design Types

Different process configurations can be used in several ways to design
anaerobic digesters to operate: Batch or continuous; Based on
temperature (Mesophilic or thermophilic); Based on Solids content (High
solids or low solids); Single stage or multistage.
(i) Batch or continuous: A batch system is the simplest form of
digestion. Biomass is added to the reactor at the start of the process
in a batch and is sealed for the duration of the process. Batch
reactors suffer from odour issues which can pose a severe problem
when they are emptied. The designing of batch digestion system is
simple and requires less equipment and hence cheaper. In
continuous digestion processes, organic matter is added to the
reactor constantly or in stages. The end products are regularly
removed, resulting in regular production of biogas. Examples of this
form of anaerobic digestion include, continuous stirred-tank reactors
(CSTRs), Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), Expanded
granular sludge bed (EGSB) and Internal Circulation reactors (IC).
These systems have been developed since the late eighties
principally for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste but
have also been extended to other industrial, market and agricultural
wastes. The digestion occurs at solid content of 16% to 40%. These
systems are referred to as Dry Digestion or Anaerobic Composting
when the solid concentration is in the range of 25-40% and free
watercontent is low. Systems in this category vary widely in design
and include both completely mixed and plug-flow systems.
Continuous plants are more suitable for rural houses because the
operation fits better into their daily routine. Gas production is
constant and slightly higher than in batch plants. If straw and dung
are to be digested together, a plant can be operated in a semibatch
basis (Ludwig Sasse 1988).
(ii) Temperature-based: AD processes can be run at different
temperatures. Usually, the different operating ranges are divided
into three groups: psychrophilic (below 25), mesophilic
(25C-45C), and thermophilic (45C-70C). The later two are
conventional operating temperature zones. Mesophiles have
comparatively more tolerence to changes in environmental
Energy from Waste 147

conditions; that is why, mesophilic systems are considered to be

more stable than thermophilic digestion systems. However,
thermophilic temperatures are desirable because highest growth rate
is obtained at these temperatures. However, there are a number of
disadvantages such as (a) elevated risk of ammonia inhibition,
(b) requiring relatively more energy to maintain high temperatures,
and (c) higher degree of instability. But, several advantages such as
(a) effective pathogen reduction, (b) increased organic load,
(c) reduced retention time enabling higher substrate throughput,
(d) better degradation of solid substrate, i.e., better substrate
utilization, (e) facilitating greater sterilisation of the end digestate,
and (f) higher biogas yield due to increased solubility of hydrolysis
products can outweigh the disadvantages, if the process is kept
within safe operating conditions.
The thermophilic temperatures result in faster chemical reaction
rates, higher solubility, and lower viscosity. Consequently, the
substrate is better utilised compared to mesophilic conditions.
Therefore, demand for more process energy can be justified by the
higher biogas yield.
It is essential that the process temperature is kept constant to
maintain a sound microbial environment. Otherwise the biogas
production will drop until the bacteria have adapted to the new
temperature. Temperature fluctuations will negatively affect the
biogas production and thus the overall economy of the plant.
(iii) Based on Solid Content: Typically there are two different
operational parameters associated with the solids content of the
feedstock. Digesters can either be designed to operate in high
solids content, with a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration
greater than ~ 20%, or low solids concentration less than ~ 15%
(Jewell et al 1993). High-solids digesters process thick slurry that
requires more energy input to move and process the feedstock. The
thickness of the material may also lead to associated problems with
abrasion. High-solids digesters require less land due to the lower
volumes associated with the moisture. Low-solids digesters can
transport material through the system using standard pumps that
need significantly lower energy input. Low-solids digesters require
larger stretch of land than high-solids due to the increased volumes
associated with the increased liquid-to-feedstock ratio of the
digesters. Operation in a liquid environment has several benefits as
it enables more thorough circulation of materials and contact
148 Municipal Solid Waste Management

between the bacteria and their food. This enables the bacteria to
more readily access the substances they are feeding off and
increases the speed of gas yields.
A large number of systems presently available worldwide for
digestion of solid wastes are for low (< 10%) or medium (10-16%)
solid concentrations. Some of these systems, when applied to MSW
or market waste, require the use of water, sewage sludge or manure.
(iv) Single stage and multistage systems: Digestion systems can be
configured with single-stage or multistage. In a single-stage
digestion system, all of the biological reactions occur within a
single sealed reactor or holding tank. Utilising a single stage
reduces construction costs; however, it facilitates less control of the
reactions occurring within the system. Acidogenic bacteria, through
the production of acids, reduce the pH of the tank. Since
methanogenic bacteria operate in a strictly defined pH range, the
biological reactions of the different species in a single stage reactor
can be in direct competition with each other.
Another one-stage reaction system is an anaerobic lagoon. These are
earthen basins, pond-shape, used for the treatment and long-term storage
of manures. Here the anaerobic reactions are contained within the natural
anaerobic sludge contained in the pool.
In a two-stage or multi-stage digestion system, different digestion
vessels are optimised to get maximum control over the bacterial groups
existing within the digesters. Hydrolysis, acetogenesis and acidogenesis
typically occur within the first reaction vessel. The organic material is
then heated to the required operational temperature (either mesophilic or
thermophilic) before pumping into a methanogenic reactor. The initial
hydrolysis or acidogenesis tanks prior to the methanogenic reactor can
provide a buffer to the rate at which feedstock is added. If an amount of
higher heat treatment to kill harmful bacteria in the input waste is
required, there may be a pasteurisation or sterilisation stage prior to
digestion or between the two digestion tanks. It is not possible to
completely isolate the different reaction phases. There is often some
biogas that is produced in the hydrolysis or acidogenesis tanks.
The residence time in a digester varies with the quantity and type of feed
material, and the configuration of the digestion system, whether one-stage
or two-stage. In the case of single-stage thermophilic digestion, residence
times may be around 14 days, which is relatively fast compared to
mesophilic digestion. The plug-flow nature of some of these systems will
Energy from Waste 149

mean that the full degradation of the material may not have been realised
in this timescale. In such an event digestate will be darker in colour and
will typically have more odour.
In two-stage mesophilic digestion, residence time may vary between
15 and 40 days. Continuous digesters have mechanical or hydraulic
devices, depending on the level of solids in the material, to mix the
contents enabling the bacteria and the food to be in contact. They also
allow excess material to be constantly extracted to maintain a reasonably
constant volume within the digestion tanks. At the end, three principal
products biogas, digestate and water - result in anaerobic digestion.
However, requirement of two reactors and more process controls may
lead to higher capital costs and system complications. End products

Biogas: Biogas is the main final product with a composition of methane
50-75%, carbon dioxide 25-50%, nitrogen 0-10%, hydrogen 0-1%,
hydrogen sulphide 0-3%, and oxygen 0-2%. As-produced biogas may
also contain water vapor depending on biogas temperature (Richards et al
1991). Most of the biogas is produced during the middle of the digestion
and is normally stored on top of the digester in an inflatable gas bubble or
extracted and stored in a gas holder next to the facility. The Calorific
Value of biogas is about 5000 kcal/m3 and depends upon the methane
percentage. The biogas, by virtue of its high calorific value, has
tremendous potential to be used as fuel for power generation through
either IC Engines or Gas Turbines. Heat energy also can be derived from
a Co-generation arrangement.
The simplest and most cost-effective option for use of biogas (even
landfill gas) is utilization locally. This option requires that the gas be
transported, typically by a dedicated pipeline, from the point of collection
to the point(s) of gas use. If possible, a single point of use is preferred so
that pipeline construction and operation costs can be minimized.
Prior to transporting the gas to the user, the gas must be cleaned to some
extent. Condensate and particulates are removed through a series of filters
and/or driers. With this minimal level of gas cleaning, gas quality of
35 to 50 percent methane is typically produced. This level of methane
concentration is generally acceptable for use in a wide variety of
equipment, including boilers and engines.
The equipment usually designed to handle natural gas can be adjusted
easily to handle the biogas gas with the lower methane content.
For use in electricity generation, the gas requires more cleaning.
150 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The engines to be fuelled by biogas can tolerate H2S content of up to

1000 ppm, beyond which the H2S can cause rapid corrosion. Although
biogas generated from MSW is generally not expected to contain high
percentage of H2S, adequate arrangements for cleaning of the gas have to
be made in case it is beyond 1000 ppm. Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic
product formed from sulfates in the feedstock. Gas scrubbing and
cleaning equipment (such as amine gas treating) are needed to process the
biogas to within accepted levels. An alternative method is, adding ferrous
chloride (FeCl2) to the digestion tanks to inhibit hydrogen sulfide
Volatile siloxanes which are frequently found in household waste and
wastewater can also contaminate the biogas. In digestion facilities
accepting these materials, the low molecular weight siloxanes volatilize
into biogas. When this gas is combusted in a gas engine, turbine or boiler,
siloxanes are converted into silicon dioxide (SiO2) which gets deposited
internally in the machine, increasing wear and tear (Wheles and Pierece
2004). Practical and cost-effective technologies to remove siloxanes and
other biogas contaminants are currently available (Tower et al 2006). In
certain applications, in situ treatment can be used to increase the methane
purity by reducing the carbon dioxide content (Richards 1994).
In Switzerland, Germany and Sweden, the methane in the biogas is
concentrated in order to use as a transportation fuel.
Electricity generation: Electricity can be generated for on-site or for
pumping into local electric power grid. Internal combustion engines (ICs)
and Gas turbines are the most commonly used for biogas-to-power
generation projects.
ICs are stationary engines, similar to conventional automobile engines
that can use medium quality gas to generate electricity. While they can
range from 30 to 2000 kW, IC engines associated with landfill gas
typically have several hundred kW capacities.
IC engines are a proven, reliable and cost-effective technology. Their
flexibility, especially for small generating capacities, makes them the
only electricity generating option. Some IC engines also produce
significant NOx emissions, although designs exist to reduce NOx
Gas turbines can use medium quality gas to generate power of sale to
nearby users or electricity supply companies, or for on-site use. Gas
turbines typically require higher gas flows than IC engines in order to be
economically attractive. Also, gas turbines have significant parasitic
Energy from Waste 151

loads; when idle, gas turbines consume roughly the same amount of fuel
as when generating power. Additionally, the gas must be compressed
prior to use in the turbine.
Steam turbines can be used for power generation where extremely
large gas flows are available.
Biogas does not contribute to atmospheric CO2 concentrations because
the gas is not released directly into the atmosphere.
Digestate: The solid residue of the original input material to the digesters
that the microbes cannot use is referred to as digestate. It also consists
of the mineralised remains of the dead bacteria from within the digesters.
Digestate can come in three forms; fibrous, liquor or a sludge-based
combination of the two fractions. In two-stage systems the different
forms of digestate come from different digestion tanks. In single stage
digestion systems the two fractions will be combined and if necessary,
separated by further processing.
The second by-product (acidogenic digestate) is a stable organic
material comprised largely of lignin and cellulose, but also of a variety of
mineral components in a matrix of dead bacterial cells. Some plastic may
also be present. The material resembles domestic compost and can be
used as compost or to make low grade building products such as
The third by-product is a liquid (methanogenic digestate) that is rich
in nutrients and can be used as a fertiliser depending on the quality of the
material being digested. In industrial waste, the levels of potentially toxic
elements (PTEs) may be higher which needs to be considered when
deciding a suitable end use for the material.
Wastewater: The final output from anaerobic digestion systems is water.
This water originates both from the moisture content of the original waste
that was treated, and water produced during the microbial reactions in the
digestion systems. This water may be released from the dewatering of the
digestate or may be implicitly separated from the digestate.
This wastewater will typically have high levels of biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) which indicate an
ability to pollute. Some of this material is termed 'hard COD', i.e., it
cannot be accessed by the anaerobic bacteria for conversion into biogas.
If this effluent is released into watercourses it would negatively affect
them by causing eutrophication. As such further treatment of the
wastewater is often required. This treatment will typically be an oxidation
152 Municipal Solid Waste Management

stage where air is passed through the water in a sequencing batch reactors
or reverse osmosis unit. Valorga Process (Anaerobic digestion)

In Europe, the French company Valorga developed a process to treat
mixed solid waste based on anaerobic digestion. Their initial facility was
set up in Amiens France in 1987 to process 165 tons/day; expanded to
256 tons/day in 1995. The fuel gas generated in their facilities is used for
process heat (warming the digesters consumes about 5% of the product
gas) and the rest is sold for application to district heating and electrical
generation. The detention time in the digester approximates 18 to 21 days
or more. As an example of the digester volume-to-throughput ratio, in the
Cadiz, Spain plant, 590 tons of MSW that is received would become 350
tons/day as prepared feed material, after mechanical and manual sorting,
to the four 4,000 m3 digestion vessels. Biogas is produced at a nominal
rate of 4,650 sft3 per short ton processed.
These facilities show a 100% pathogen kill and have not experienced
odour problems since the process is contained in closed digesters. There
are, however, a number of post-digestion steps involving dewatering of
the digested mass, stabilization and drying of the compost and disposal of
the non-compost reject streams. The off-gas from these steps can contain
Buildings are maintained under draft and odour control is effected
using a biofilter and scrubber. No net odour problems have been reported
by the process developers.
The refined compost produced following digestion has been shown to
be favorable to soil improvement so as to be marketable to agriculture.
Heavy metal content is within acceptable limits. It achieves a pH of 8 and
a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 18. There are problems, however, in the
feeding of the residual combustible refuse fraction to either combustors
or gasifiers. Specifically, the free moisture in the material from the
digesters is undoubtedly high, probably in excess of 50%. This presents a
problem in achieving combustion completeness to combustors and has a
profound effect on the thermal efficiency of gasification systems.
Further, the product gas from digestion is, realistically, only useful as
a boiler fuel (replacing natural gas or other fossil fuel) whereas the
synthesis gas from gasification has broader use; therefore, there may little
Energy from Waste 153

benefit associated with the digestion alternative. This technology has

been operating successfully for many years in Europe, and a few are
listed in Table 6.6.

Table 6.6 Installation of Valorga Process Plants

(Source: Niessen 2007)

Start Capacity Capacity

Location Waste Type
year Mg/day Tons/day
Amiens, France 1987 230 253 MSW
Tilburg, Netherlands 1993 140 157 Veg, Garden
Engelskirchen, Germany 1997 96 105 Food waste, Garden
Freiburg, Germany 1998 100 110 Food waste, Garden
Mons, Belgium 1998 160 175 Food waste, MSW
Geneva, Switzerland 1999 27 30 Food waste, Garden
Cadiz, Spain 1999 590 650 MSW
La Coruna, Spain 1999 500 550 MSW
Varennes-Jarcy, France 2000 390 430 Food waste, MSW
Hanover, Germany 2000 275 300 MSW
Bassano, Italy 2000 145 160 Food waste, MSW
Barceloan, Spain 2000 820 900 MSW
Calais, France 2000 74 81 Food waste, Garden
Shanghai, PRC 005 735 810 Food waste, MSW
Beijing, PRC 2005 290 320 Sorted MSW
Marseilles, France 2007 1095 1200 MSW
Zarragoza, Spain 2007 760 690 MSW
Tondela, Protugal 2007 82 90 Food waste, Garden
Madrid #1, Spain 2007 550 600 Sorted MSW
Madrid #2, Spain 2007 820 900 Sorted MSW

The maximum strength of the Valorga process relate to the expected

good emissions characteristics and the high heat content of the product
gas (500-600 Btu/cubic foot). The gas can be used directly in a gas
turbine as part of a combined cycle generation system. Also, display of
the basic features of the process in large plants in Europe confidently
supports the view that the technology is transferable to commercial MSW
processing. However, one must remember that European (mostly in Spain
and Italy) and Chinese MSW tend to be high in food waste which is not a
favoured feedstock to digestion processes.
154 Municipal Solid Waste Management

There is, therefore, necessity to use separate collection of food waste

to enhance both gas production and processing rate from Valorga. Applications
Anaerobic digestion is particularly suited to wet organic material and is
commonly used for effluent and sewage treatment. Almost any bio
degradable waste materials such as waste paper, grass clippings, food
waste, sewage and animal waste can be processed with anaerobic
digestion. Woody wastes are largely unaffected by digestion as most
anaerobes are unable to degrade lignin. Anaerobic digesters can also be
fed with specially grown energy crops such as silage for dedicated biogas
In developed countries, the application of anaerobic digestion has
increased among Solid waste disposal methods, as a process for reducing
waste volumes and generating useful by-products.
Anaerobic digestion may either be used to process the source
separated fraction of municipal waste, or alternatively combined with
mechanical sorting systems, to process residual mixed municipal waste.
These facilities are called mechanical biological treatment plants,
described later in this book.
Utilising anaerobic digestion technologies can help to reduce the
emission of greenhouse gases in a number of ways: (a) replacement of
fossil fuels, (b) reducing methane emission from landfills, (c) replacing
industrially-produced chemical fertilizers, (d) reducing vehicle
movements, and (e) reducing electrical grid transportation losses.
Digestate (residue) can be used as a fertilizer providing vital nutrients
to soils. The solid, fibrous component of digestate can be used as a soil
conditioner. The sludge can be used as a substitute for chemical fertilizers
which are not only carbon-intensive but require large amounts of energy
to produce and transport. This solid digestate can be used to boost the
organic content of soils. In countries, such as Spain, where there are
many depleted soils, the markets for the digestate are high like the
In countries that collect household waste, the utilization of local
anaerobic digestion facilities can help to reduce the amount of waste that
requires transportation to centralized landfill sites or incineration
facilities. If localized anaerobic digestion facilities are integrated into an
Energy from Waste 155

electrical distribution network, they can help reduce the electrical losses
that are associated with transmitting electricity over a national grid. Environmental Pollution Control Measures for

AD Plants
The main points of concern relating to Anaerobic Digestion plants
(a) Biogas emissions/ leakage posing environmental and fire hazards,
(b) Gaseous exhaust from the power generating units which must be
duly cleaned to meet specified standards for air emissions,
(c) Disposal of large quantities of water and of liquid sludge which
can pose potential water pollution problem. While the liquid sludge
can be used as rich organic manure, either directly or after drying,
its quality needs to be duly ascertained for particular application. In
case of use for food crops it needs to ensure that it is not
contaminated by heavy metals/ toxic substances beyond
permissible levels. Status in Developed countries

The power potential from sewage works is limited; in UK there are about
80 MW total of such generation, with potential to increase to 150 MW,
which is insignificant compared to the average power demand in the UK
of about 35,000 MW. The scope for biogas generation from non-sewage
waste biological matter energy crops, food waste, abattoir waste etc., is
much higher, estimated to be capable of about 3,000 MW. Farm biogas
plants using animal waste and energy crops are expected to contribute to
reducing CO2 emissions and support the grid, while providing farmers
with additional income. The number of biomass methanisation units is
rapidly increasing in the European Union (EU). The growth of such
technologies should be facilitated by their relatively low price compared
to other renewable energies.
The EU adopted a Biomass Action Plan in December 2005 to enhance
the use of renewable energies. This action plan outlines measures to
increase the development of biomass energy from wood, wastes, and
agricultural crops, by creating market-based incentives to its use and
removing barriers to the development of the market. The plan expects to
double the biomass use by 2010. The largest biogas producing countries
in Europe are Germany and the UK, other countries being way below in
terms of biogas primary energy production.(1923 ktoe in Germany, 1696
156 Municipal Solid Waste Management

ktoe in the UK, and 353 ktoe in the third ranked country, Italy). One ktoe
is kiloton oil equivalent. In the UK, the biogas is directly recovered from
landfills. According to Cardiff University Waste Research Station,
anaerobic digestion has not taken off as a waste treatment and disposal
option in the UK mainly due to the lack of market for the produced soil
conditioner. In Germany, biogas production is mainly due to electricity
production from small agricultural methanisation units operating in
combined power and heat production. Six hundred such units were
installed in 2005 and 800 in 2006 to reach a total 3500 by the end of
Biogas from sewage is also used to run a gas engine to produce
electricity which can be used to power the sewage works. Some waste
heat from the engine, generally enough to heat the digester to the required
temperatures, is then used to heat the digester. The Anaerobic Lagoon at
the Cal Poly, SLO Dairy in USA is shown in Fig.6.13. The biogas from
this facility is used to fire a 25-kW power plant.

Fig. 6.13 Anaerobic lagoon and generators at the Cal Poly Dairy, USA 2003;
25 kW Power plant is fired using the biogas
(photo by Kjkolb, From Wikipedia, Free encyclopedia)
Centralised co-digestion of manure and suitable organic wastes is
today a mature technology, economically sustainable and a cost efficient
tool for reducing the emissions of green house gases and environmental
improvement. The technology provides economic and environmental
benefits by renewable electricity and heat production, improved manure
management and increased waste recycling. It reduces the nutrient losses
to water systems, the emissions of methane and nitrous oxide, the odours
and flies nuisance from manure storage and application, and increases the
veterinary safety by sanitation. The experience from Denmark proves that
Energy from Waste 157

biogas from centralised co-digestion is a multifunctional concept,

providing quantifiable environmental and economic benefits for
agriculture, industry, energy and the overall society and could be an
important tool in controlling GHG emissions from agriculture and the
waste management. The details of the technology under utilization in
Denmark are given in the Annexure. Status in Developing countries

Biogas plants are appropriate to the technical abilities and economic
capacity of farmers in developing countries. Home and farm-based
anaerobic digestion systems offer the potential for low-cost energy for
cooking and lighting (FOE 2004, Cardiff Univ. 2005). Biogas technology
is progressive and extremely appropriate to the ecological and economic
demands of the future. Anaerobic digestion facilities have been
recognized by the UNDP as one of the most useful decentralized sources
of energy supply (UNDP Report 1997). Government backed schemes for
adaptation of small biogas plants for use in the household for cooking and
lighting are launched on a large-scale both in China and India from 1975.
A great deal of experience with biomethanation systems exists in India,
but a large part of this is related to farm-scale biogas plants and industrial
effluents. There is little experience in the treatment of solid organic
waste, except sewage sludge and animal manure. Some details on Biogas
plants used in India are given in the later pages. Presently, projects for
anaerobic digestion in the developing world can gain financial support
through the Clean Development Mechanism if they are able to show they
provide reduced carbon emissions ( Biogas and compost
production from organic waste fractions has been widely accepted in
Africa as a best practice, and progress is being made in developing and
implementing specific projects in various countries.
Biogas technology is well known in smaller towns in rural areas in
China through government policies of comprehensive utilization of
wastes. However, these biogas digesters use human and animal feces as
the main feedstock. Some agricultural wastes may be added. The number
of biogas digesters in rural towns is declining with the breakup of
communes. Household-level digesters have not proved practical. The
potential remains for anaerobic digestion of wastes, but organizational
problems need to be overcome. The Indian subcontinent has wide
experience with anaerobic digestion of cattle dung, and it was assumed
that similar digesters could be adapted to ferment MSW, but producing
animal-dung-like slurries from urban organic waste proved energy-
158 Municipal Solid Waste Management

intensive and the product was poor. A major problem with anaerobic
digestion is that MSW used as feedstock tends to float. A number of
design changes have to be achieved to produce small-scale digesters.
Despite several advantages that the systems offer to farmers, a biogas
plant never meets the owner's need for status and recognition, and biogas
technology unfortunately has a poor image!

6.3.2 Mechanical Biological Treatment

A Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) system is a form of waste
processing facility in which a sorting facility is combined with a form of
biological treatment such as composting or anaerobic digestion. MBT
plants are designed to process mixed household waste as well as
commercial and industrial wastes. The terms 'mechanical biological
treatment (MBT)' or 'mechanical biological pre-treatment (MBP)' relate
to a group of solid waste treatment systems. Initially the technique was
applied to pretreatment and hence its acronym is MBP (Ludwig et al.,
2003). The sorting component or materials recovery facility of the plant
is either configured to recover the individual elements of the waste or
produce a refuse-derived fuel that can be used for the power generation.

Fig. 6.14 Anaerobic digestion and air processing components of Lbeck

mechanical biological treatment plant in Germany (From Wikipedia, Free

Approach (different processors) to MBT is schematically shown in

Fig. 6.15. Mechanical sorting: The mechanical element is usually an
automated mechanical sorting stage which either removes recyclable
elements from a mixed waste stream (such as metals, plastics, glass and
paper) or processes them.
Energy from Waste 159

It typically involves factory style conveyors, industrial magnets, eddy

current separators, trommels, shredders and other tailor made systems.
Manual sorting is also done. The mechanical element has a number of
similarities to a materials recovery facility (MRF) (Sita 2004).
Some systems integrate a wet MRF to recover and wash the recyclable
elements of the waste in a form that can be sent for recycling. MBT can
alternatively process the waste to produce a high calorific fuel, RDF.
RDF can be used, as mentioned earlier, in cement kilns or power plants
and is generally made up from plastics and biodegradable organic waste.
Systems which are configured to produce RDF include the Herhof and
Ecodeco Processes. It is a common misconception that all MBT processes
produce RDF. This is not the case and depends strictly on system
configuration and suitable local markets for MBT outputs.
Biological processing refers to anaerobic digestion, or composting, or
biodrying. The biogas produced in anaerobic digestion can be used to
generate electricity and heat. In composting, the organic component is
treated with aerobic microorganisms. They break down the waste into
carbon dioxide and compost. There is no green energy produced by
systems employing only composting treatment for the biodegradable
waste (see composting). In the case of biodrying, the waste material
undergoes a period of rapid heating through the action of aerobic
microbes. During this partial composting stage the heat generated by the
microbes result in rapid drying of the waste. These systems are often
configured to produce a refuse-derived fuel where a dry, light material is
advantageous for later transport combustion.

Fig. 6.15 Approach to MBT process (Source: ARRPET 2004)

160 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Some systems incorporate both anaerobic digestion and composting.

This may either take the form of a full anaerobic digestion phase,
followed by the maturation (composting) of the digestate. Alternatively a
partial anaerobic digestion phase can be induced on water that is
percolated through the raw waste, dissolving the readily available sugars;
the remaining material is sent to a windrow composting facility. By
processing the biodegradable waste either by anaerobic digestion or by
composting, MBT technologies help to reduce the contribution of
greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
Municipal solid waste and Sewage sludge are the ones that are used in
this system. The final products derived from this system are (i) recyclable
materials such as metals, paper, plastics, glass etc., (ii) organic fertilizer
(separate collection of organic waste), (iii) unusable materials prepared
for their harmless final disposal (compaction > 1.3 t/m), (iv) revenues
from Carbon credits, and (v) additional revenues from high calorific by
product, refuse derived fuel (RDF). Other advantages are: (i) rapid
improvement of SWM and the finally deposited waste is inert and
harmless; (ii) reduction of the waste volume to be deposited to at least a
half (density > 1.3 t/m), thereby increasing the lifetime of the landfill by
at least twice as long as usually; (iii) utilization of the leachate in the
process; (iv) no additional facilities for the collection and combustion of
biogas required as there is no biogas; (v) daily covering not necessary;
(vi) benefits to human health by decreased emission of pollutants; and
(vi) aftercare not required for 3 to 5 years. The only disadvantage is the
risk of climatic effects.
MBT systems can form an integral part of a region's waste treatment
infrastructure. These systems are typically integrated with curbside
collection schemes. A combustion facility would be required if a refuse-
derived fuel is produced as a by-product.
The primary objective of MBT is to find an economically viable
solution to the organic wastes in the municipal waste stream. This method
would find application in the Asian context for sustainable solid waste
management provided the concerned authorities are ready to initiate the
process with a strong political will. It is aimed at investigating its possible
applications for the technology such that the emerging countries can
benefit from it with collaborations and experiences of Central Europe.
GTZ and German enterprises have implemented various pilot projects
in their project countries to evaluate the appropriateness and application
of MBWT. Three of the projects are:
Energy from Waste 161

1. Pilot project in So Sebastio, Brazil by FABER-AMBRA

2. Pilot project in Phitsanulok, Thailand by FABER-AMBRA
3. Scale-model MBWT trial in Al-Salamieh, Syria by GORE
Various other projects have been supported for field-testing of the
system in:
1. City of Atlacomulco, Mexico for composting; sorting of
recyclables and management of a micro-enterprise; and treatment
of waste inputs according to the MBWT process using the informal
sector, and
2. Armenia, Columbia with a view to compile the experience gained
and makes it available to interested parties across South America
via the internet ( Detailed information at

6.3.3 Fermentation
This is a WTE technology which creates ethanol from biomass, using
waste cellulosic or organic material. In the fermentation process, the
sugar in the waste is changed to carbon dioxide and alcohol, as in the case
of general process used to make wine. Normally fermentation occurs in
the absence of air. A research group at Centurymarc has discovered that
the cellulose materials can be processed to create a highly efficient clean
burning fuel very similar to e-85 Ethanol. This process can convert one
ton of waste into ethanol in 24 hours, about 7 times faster than the current
methods of producing ethanol from corn. The process is not only faster
and more efficient but is also considered to be much less harmful to the
environment than ethanol derived from corn. According to Argonne
National Laboratory (USA), cellulose based ethanol emits 80 percent less
emissions into the atmosphere than standard gasoline, where as corn
based ethanol emits only 20 to 30 percent less than gasoline. Also
cellulose based ethanol does not require fossil fuels when being distilled,
which further lowers the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The reader
may refer to literature for more details.

6.4 Chemical Processing: Esterification

Introduction: Biodiesel can be produced from waste vegetable oil by
esterification. This chemical treatment is suitable for processing waste
cooking oils into a renewable, biodegradable, eco-friendly and non-toxic
162 Municipal Solid Waste Management

fuel called biodiesel (Marchetti et al 2007a; Nie et al, 2006; Shibasaki-

Kitakawa et al 2007; Kim et al 2004).
Biodiesel has gained prominence as a substitute for petroleum based
diesel due to environmental benefits and depletion of oil sources.
Biodiesel can be used with little or no modifications to existing diesel
engines. In addition, biodiesel has a low emission profile (Biodiesel/Now
Biodiesel is not yet cost competitive with petroleum diesel (Marchetti
et al., 2007b; Loreto et al 2005). To make the production more
competitive, the production costs have to be lowered. The cost of raw
materials oil, alcohol, a catalyst consists as much as 70-95 percent of
the total production cost of biodiesel (Zhang et al, 2003). To reduce the
costs, it is beneficial to use waste cooking oil which is available at low
cost rather than virgin oil. But waste cooking oil presents problems
compared to virgin oil because waste oil contains dirt, charred food, and
other material including water. However, the potential of waste cooking
oil as a feedstock has been investigated (Wang et al 2007; Felizardo et al.,
2006; Halim et al., 2009; Canakci 2007; Gui et al., 2008; Pahn and Pahn
2008; Haas and Foglia 2005).
Currently, most of biodiesel production processes use the chemical
approach, which involves an acid catalyst, a base (alkali) catalyst or both.
There are two major sources of biodiesel: (a) the oil (triglyceride) and
(b) the free fatty acids (FFA) contained with oil. Both of them require
alcohol to convert to biodiesel. The difference lies in the co-product of
the reaction. For oil, biodiesel is produced with glycerol as a co-product
in a transesterification reaction. For FFA, biodiesel is produced with
water as a co-product in an esterification reaction. See (1) and (2) below.
Transesterification: Oil + Alcohol <----- Biodiesel + Glycerol (1)
Esterification: FFAs + Alcohol <------ Biodiesel + H2O (2)
The most common method of biodiesel production is the
transesterification of vegetable oils and animal fats. Transesterification is
the process of exchanging the organic group of an ester with the organic
group of an alcohol. These reactions are often catalysed by the addition of
an acid or base. Enzymes catalyst is also utilized. i.e.,
alcohol + ester -----> different alcohol + different ester
Transesterification is influenced by the molar ratio of alcohol to
triglycerides, the catalyst used, reaction temperature, reaction time, and
the free fatty acids and water content of the cooking oil used (Ma, Hanna
Energy from Waste 163

Therefore, the three main catalysts to biodiesel production from waste

oils are: (1) Base catalysed transesterification of the oil; (2) acid catalysed
transesterification of the oil, and (3) enzyme catalyzed transesterification
of oil. Comparatively, enzyme catalyzed transesterification consumes
more reaction time, and also more costly. In the biofuel industry,
however, the enzymatic process is theoretically known to be better than
the chemical process because it can operate under mild temperature and
pressure and co-produce glycerol with higher purity.
However, people have come to believe that enzymes are expensive
and have short lifespans. In addition, an overwhelming amount of
research papers overlook the negative effects of the second liquid phase
that forms during the reaction which further contributes to
misconceptions about the enzymatic process. This is why, to date,
enzymes have rarely had commercial use in biodiesel production (Sunho
Corp. 2010).
(a) Acid catalyzed Reaction: This type of transesterification reaction
can be catalyzed by sulphuric or phosphoric or hydrochloric or
organic sulfonic acids (Fukuda et al 2001). Since sulphuric acid is
not sensitive to the free fatty acid content of the oil, typically
sulphuric acid is preferred. i.e., a pretreatment is not necessary in the
transesterification of waste cooking oil to biodiesel.
However, an acid catalyst is normally applied only for esterification.
The main drawback is that due to corrosive nature of sulphuric acid,
the cost of special materials to construct a biodiesel reactor will be
high. Further, the reaction is too slow requiring increased reaction
time and uses a much higher amount of alcohol to drive the reaction.
In addition, neutralization remains unavoidable for the purpose of
removing the homogeneous acid catalyst. The acid catalyzed
reaction is, therefore, not considered practical.
(b) Alkali (Base) Catalyzed Reaction: This type of reaction has received
more attention (Wang et al 2007). In this reaction, either sodium or
potassium hydroxide is normally used. The limitation of a base
catalyst is that it can be applied only for transesterification. The
main problem is that the alkali catalyzed reaction is sensitive to the
content of free fatty acids (FFAs) in the waste oil; consequently, it is
limited to feedstock with low water and FFA levels. When a liquid
type alkali catalyst is used, the resulting soap formation due to
presence of water not only consumes the catalyst but also makes the
separation of glycerol and biodiesel difficult. It also involves
wastewater disposal problems and results in low quality. Hence, a
pre-treatment step is necessary to reduce free fatty acid content in
the oil to less than 0.5%. This problem is more in waste oils with
free fatty acid content more than 20%.
164 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The other drawbacks are (a) the process is energy intensive and
(b) recovery of glycerol is difficult because of formation of soap when the
product was washed to remove alkaline catalyst (Wan Omar et al., 2009).
Therefore, a two-step process is followed. The first step is the pre-
treatment esterification which is an acid catalyzed conversion of free
fatty acids to esters using methanol. This reaction (shown below) would
decrease the free fatty acid content of the oil to the desired level. This
reaction, however, produces water which needs to be removed to prevent
Free fatty acid + alcohol ester + water
The pre-treatment step has converted free fatty acids into esters. What
is generally done to make the process cost-effective and time efficient is
as follows (Canaki and Gerpen 2006): The acid catalyst and the methanol
are added, allowed reacting and then settling. The methanol/ water
mixture can then be removed. Again, add more acid catalyst and
methanol, allow reacting and then settling. The methanol/ water mixture
is then removed, and the transesterification step is performed. It is highly
desirable to carry out this reaction in at least two stages as the addition of
water to the transesterification reaction causes the reaction to slow down.
It is essential to ensure that there is no water present to avoid gels and
emulsions forming with biodiesel. Although the esterification reaction in
pre-treatment step changed the FFAs in waste oils into corresponding
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) or known as biodiesel, un-converted
FFAs and triglycerides still remained in the pre-treated oil. Consequently,
transesterification reaction with alkali was performed to complete the
reaction (second step).
The second step is transesterification of the pretreated product by using
alkali catalyst. i.e, after the pretreatment, sodium hydroxide (catalyst) and
methanol are added and the transesterification reaction begins. After
several hours, biodiesel is formed along with glycerol. The next step is
glycerol separation. A successful transesterification reaction is signified by
the separation of the ester and glycerol layers. The heavier co-product,
glycerol, settles out and may be sold as it is. Or it may be purified for use in
other industries, e.g. the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, etc.
Then, methanol is distilled from biodiesel and glycerol phases.
Finally, biodiesel is washed with warm water to remove any excess
Energy from Waste 165

catalyst or soap from it. The biodiesel is then stored or used (Beth Knight
et al 2006).
This two-step catalystic biodiesel production was also carried out
using ferric sulphate as solid acid and calcium oxide (CaO) as solid
base. In this study, relationships between reaction temperature, reaction
time, and molar ratio of methanol to oil, and the optimum conditions in
the pre-treatment step are investigated. This study concludes that
optimum condition for pre-treatment step is estimated to be 3 hours for
reaction time, 600C for reaction temperature, and 7:1 for molar ratio of
methanol to oil to produce maximum total FAME (biodiesel) yield of
81.3% (Wan Omar et al 2009). Several studies have been undertaken for
the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil (e.g, Prafulla Patil
et al., 2010; Wang et al 2010; Saifuddin et al., 2009).
The process flow diagram proposed for the production of biodiesel
from waste vegetable oil at Oregon State University is shown (Beth
Knight et al 2006).
The cost effectiveness of esterification will depend on the feedstock
being used, and the other relevant factors such as transportation distance,
amount of oil present in the feedstock and others.
The economic analysis of all types of options has shown that the alkali
catalyzed reaction minimizes capital cost and will provide a comparable
biodiesel product to one produced from virgin vegetable oil (Beth Knight
et al 2006). It is the most economical process.
Enzymatic approach: This approach is considered to be costly. But, from
the technology point of view, the main advantage of the enzymatic
approach is that the reaction can be performed in mild conditions, and can
handle both transesterification and esterification simultaneously. Initially,
applications of the enzymatic approach did not make use of an inert
solvent. As such, the reaction time was deemed too long and the
biocatalyst was eventually deactivated by glycerol or water. Only a batch
operation was possible and the overall operating cost was determined to
be high. Even then, product quality is unpredictable as the immobilized
lipase deactivates after several runs. Sunho Corporation has developed
Biodiesels Enzymatic Transesterification Process (ET Process) which
makes use of an inert solvent that protects the lipase so that it can have a
long lifespan. The reaction can be done at ambient temperature and
pressure in a continuous, integrated process. Since there is no water
washing involved after the reaction, biodiesel and glycerol can be
recovered with high purity. The reaction time is also reduced to less than
30 minutes, hence allowing for better time and cost efficiency (Sunho
Corp. 2010).
166 Energy from Municipal Waste

Sulfuric Acid, Sulfuric Acid,

Methanol Methanol

Filter Esterification Esterification

Pretreatment Pretreatment
Remove food (First) (Second)
Waste Vegetable Oil particles and other
solids from waste Convert free fatty acids Settle, remove
vegetable oil. to esters via acid methanol/water
catalyzed esterification mixture and repeat
Methanol Biodiesel Separation Unit Transesterification
Distillation Reaction

Separate the glycerin

Distill methanol Methanol and biodiesel phase Convert triglycerides to fatty
from glycerin and acid methyl esters (biodiesel)
Methanol biodiesel phase. via alkaline catalyzed
(to reuse) transesterification reaction.


Washing Unit

Wash biodiesel with

warm water to remove Biodiesel Product
residual catalyst and/or

Proposed process flow diagram for the production of biodiesel from waste vegetable oils (source: Beth Knight 2006).
167 Energy from Municipal Waste

Safety aspects: The people working with biodiesel production have to

take precautions and wear gloves, aprons, and eye protecting devices etc.,
for personal safety. Inhaling methanol vapours can cause blindness and
even death. Sodium hydroxide is caustic and should be kept away from
skin and clothes. Sulphuric acid is corrosive to skin and can cause severe
chemical burns.

6.5 Recent Developments in WTE Technologies

Technology is moving fast in the WTE sector with a number of new
approaches or renewed technologies. Some of the recent technology
developments utilizing the principles explained already is presented
(Wagner 2007):
EnerTech SlurryCarb process: The EnerTech SlurryCarb process
( is based on a pre-treatment of MSW in water slurry
form to help the removal of recyclables. The slurry is then subjected to
high pressure and temperature conditions and partial dewatering to turn it
into a higher calorific value RDF suitable to gasification for combustion
in a high-pressure steam boiler or to power a gas turbine. It is currently
under demonstration in the US, and if succesful, this process, even
though expensive, will have very low pollution levels and significantly
higher thermal efficiency than mass burn technology.
EcoEnergy Oy Wabio process: The Wabio process is bio-thermal waste
treatment developed by EcoEnergy Oy, Espoo, Finland. Waste is pre-
treated and divided into organic and combustion fractions. The organic
fraction is degraded into biogas and compost matter. The RDF is burned
in a specially designed fluidized bed unit. The temperature is kept below
900C to avoid the formation of thermal NOx and of dangerous slagging
compounds that could reduce the life of the boiler.
Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Valgora process:
The Valgora process, developed in France and adopted by Babcock-
Borsig Power, uses a similar approach as EcoEnergy. MSW is shredded
and sorted mechanically to recover glass, metals, plastics, inerts such as
sand and gravel, and remove sources of toxic compounds such as
batteries. The remaining fractions are separated into dry RDF and
fermentescibles; the RDF is directed to a rocking kiln for producing
steam and base load power generation, and the fermentescibles are sent to
a specially-designed, high solids (above 45% solids), high yield methane
digester which is computer-controlled. The methane is used to produce
peak load power. The organic residues are composted to produce a sterile
168 Municipal Solid Waste Management

high quality soil conditioner. A plant which has a processing capacity of

120,000 tons per year of fermentescibles could generate 31 GWh of
power from the methane produced and 57,000 tons of soil conditioner.
Convertech Group Convertech process: The Convertech technology is
intended for the processing of biomass into valuable products, such as
chemicals, reconstituted wood products like panel boards, heat and
power. As such, it is not specifically designed to handle mixed waste. In
the long run, in the field of waste management, its main application could
be in the treatment of MSW to produce a dry, cleaner burning RDF.
Martin GmbH SynCom process: The SynCom process, developed by
Martin GmbH (, involves oxygen enrichment of
underfire air, recirculation of flue gas and a combustion control system
using infrared thermography of the waste layer on the grate. At the
demonstration plant in Coburg (Germany), operational reliability and
plant availability using SynCom process could be proven under real
disposal conditions with a waste throughput of 7 tons per hour. Oxygen
enrichment of the underfire air promotes the destruction of pollutants due
to the high oxygen partial pressures and temperatures. This results in very
low residual amounts of organic combustion by-products in the bottom
ash and flue gas from the SynCom unit.
Demonstration of a typical solid and liquid waste management
(EcoSolutionsManila 2009):

Fig. 6.16 A typical Solid and Liquid Waste management system

Energy from Waste 169

A typical Lagon and Vista group Solid and Liquid Waste management
Technology Demonstration of EcoSolutions Manila is schematically
presented. Fig.6.16 is self explanatory. The system is conveyor-linked
and facilitates manual and automated sorting of waste. It also processes
biodegradable wastes through a biodigester and treats the wastewater for
continued water reuse within the system. Although the technology claims
that the operations could be carried out without the use of dumping
areas, it is clear that since the system lacks any provision for recycling
residual wastes, final disposal in a landfill would still be required.
Although the whole system attempts to pursue an integrated approach
to waste management, it tends to complicate (in a very costly way) the
simple task of waste segregation which in fact should be carried out in the
household level. It would be much better leaving the recovery of
recyclables at the household level and managing only biodegradable
wastes by having the biodigester, thus saving costs of conveyer belt
Another serious concern is the consumption of more time for the
process to complete. The use of conveyors could be optimized and
rendered cost-efficient only in large scale applications where the garbage
is transported to longer distances, allowing more labourers to sort the
waste at a faster rate, thereby increasing the system's overall processing

6.6 Planning and Execution of WTE Technologies

To plan a Waste to Energy facility and to select most appropriate, techno-
economically viable technology, several important factors need to be
1. Cost of Collection and Transportation of Wastes:
Sufficient consideration should be given to the costs involved in the
collection, segregation and transportation of waste. In the MSWM,
collection and transportation costs are often highest, as high as 70%.
This factor may rule out consideration of certain technologies like
Sanitary Landfilling, if situated at faraway sites.
2. Level of Treatment:
The waste quantity available/ to be processed is another major factor.
Large scale treatment would be favourable where large waste
quantities are discharged in limited area. But small scale treatment
may be more suitable for low discharge density of wastes because
170 Municipal Solid Waste Management

they can be operated easily and quickly. However, collection and

transportation costs in this case (involving wide area) are bound to be
higher than in the latter case involving a limited area, and a trade-off
will be necessary.
3. Local Conditions/ Existing Waste Management Practices
The viability of any WTE Project critically depends upon the
availability of the required quantities and quality of the waste. The
waste management practices generally vary with the local
socioeconomic and physical conditions, rate of waste generation, and
composition of waste. The last two factors also determine the potential
for energy recovery within the over all structure of the SWM system.
Therefore, there may be a need to improve the existing waste
management practices/ local conditions to suit the selected technology
in order to maximize energy recovery.
For example, some sources of wastes in an urban area have a very
high percentage of organic matter and hence a high energy recovery
potential. It is to be ensured that such wastes are collected and
transported directly to the energy recovery facility and not allowed to
get mixed up with other waste streams.
4. Characteristics of the Waste:
Proper evaluation of the fraction of bio-degradable/ combustible
constituents/ moisture content of the waste, and its chemical
composition is essential for selecting the most appropriate WTE
technology. For e.g., Wastes from vegetable/ fruit yards and markets,
agricultural and food processing units etc., contain high concentration
of bio-degradable matter and are suitable for energy recovery through
anaerobic de-composition. Solid wastes from offices, timber shops
etc., having a high fraction of paper and wood products will be
suitable for incineration.
The wastes in urban areas in India are characterized, generally, by low
percentage of combustibles and high percentage of inorganic/inerts
and moisture and are not very suited for incineration. The waste is
generally rich in bio-degradable matter and moisture content and can
be suitably treated in Sanitary Landfills or Anaerobic Digesters for
energy recovery.
The Incineration/Gasification/Pyrolysis options can be usefully
utilised where waste containing high percentage of combustibles and
low percentage of inorganic/inerts and moisture, is either available or
can be ensured.
Energy from Waste 171

Seasonal fluctuations in wastes quantity and quality must be

considered because any imbalance between the availability of
requisite quantity and quality of wastes and the energy demand/
utilization pattern may badly affect the projects viability.
5. Treatment/Disposal of Residues
Treating and disposal of the final residues/ effluents and the utility of
the same should be planned in advance. For e.g., in anaerobic
digestion, about 70% of the input is left as sediment (digested sludge);
after being stabilized through aerobic treatment, it can be used as a
good fertilizer. Similarly, the fly ash and incinerator bottom ash.
Secondly, the possibility of Toxic and Hazardous wastes being present
in the MSW should be carefully examined and duly taken into
consideration during their treatment/ processing and in the design of
the WTE plants.
Plastic wastes may account for 1-10% of the total MSW. They are
highly resistant to bio-degradation, and require special attention in
waste management. Plastics have a high heating value making them
very suitable for incineration. However, PVC when burnt, under
certain conditions, may produce dioxin and acid gas, which calls for
adequate safety measures as already discussed.
6. Marketing Energy produced
Effective marketability of end products (thermal energy/ power/ fuel
oil/gas/pellets) depending on the WTE technology chosen will be a
crucial factor determining the projects economic viability. In projects
where electric power is generated, the availability of utility grid close
to plant site would be necessary to enable wheeling of the generated
7. Economics of the Project:
The capital and recurring costs have to be assessed. The land area
requirements, the auxiliary power/water requirements, the required
infrastructure, and manpower with adequate expertise and skill for
smooth operation and maintenance have to be analysed and the costs
worked out.
8. Environmental Impact
The basic objective should be to promote environmentally sound
waste disposal and treatment technologies, wherein energy recovery is
172 Municipal Solid Waste Management

an additional benefit. A solution in waste disposal should not lead to

air or water pollution.
The ideal technology is generally considered the one which, per unit
volume of the waste treated, (i) requires minimum space, (ii) requires
the least initial capital investment, (iii) generates the minimum rejects
requiring least treatment for further disposal or final usage on
discharge, (iv) demands least O and M efforts in terms of both
recurring expenditure and manpower, (v) has the best impact on
minimizing environmental pollution, and (vi) recovers the maximum
net energy. However, in actual situation, a trade-off between these
aspects would have to be made, and the technology should be chosen
based on techno-economic viability at the specific site subject to the
local conditions and the available physical and financial resources.
Feasibility Studies: The Feasibility Studies are most essential for
ascertaining the techno-economic viability of different waste treatment
options. These studies should cover the following aspects:
1. Quantity of Municipal Solid Waste Generated per day: Per capita and
total generation, Zone-wise quantity, Number of collection points
along with quantity of waste available at each point has to be known
2. Current Mechanism for Collection/ Transportation: Existing mode of
collection, Details of collection and dumping points, and waste
quantities collected/ dumped per day at each point, and Site maps
showing the location of collection and disposal sites need to be
3. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Collected Waste: Data on
Size of different constituents, density, moisture content, calorific
value, ultimate/ proximate analysis, percentage of volatile solids and
fixed carbon, etc., Sampling of waste over minimum period of 3
consequtive seasons, and Sampling procedure to be as per BIS norms
are to be collected.
4. Present Mode of Disposal: Whether the waste is disposed by Burning/
composting/ other methods and the respective costs involved are
5. Provisions in the Existing System: In the existing waste management
system, whether provision for Segregation of inert material,
Recycling, Scientific disposal/ energy recovery and Revenue
generation exist or not.
Energy from Waste 173

6. Private public Partnership, if any: Arrangements of Concerned

Municipality with Private Parties regarding MSWM activities such as
Waste Collection/ Disposal, if any, need to be known in detail.
7. Details about the Proposed Scheme of Energy Recovery: Details
regarding Suitability of site with details, sizing of plant capacity,
capacity of estimated waste processing/ treatment, estimated energy
recovery potential/ other by-products, assessment of alternative
options/ technology selection; quantity and quality of final rejects to
be disposed off and their disposal Method.
8. Environmental Impact Assessment Analysis of the Selected WTE
technology, the Energy End-Use and Revenue Generation
9. Cost Estimates: Capital cost, OandM costs including manpower,
Revenue, Cost benefit analysis, etc.

6.7 Application of Important Industrial Wastes

Some industrial wastes have useful applications which are listed in the
Table 6.7. Management of a few residues are described under
Incineration and Anerobic Digestion in the earlier pages.

Table 6.7 Industrial wastes and their applications

S.No. Waste Areas of application

1 Fly ash Cement
Raw material in Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC) manufacture
Manufacture of oil well cement
Making sintered fly ash light-weight aggregates
Cement / silicate bonded fly ash/clay binding
bricks and insulating bricks
Cellular concrete bricks and blocks, lime and
cement fly ash concrete
Precast fly ash concrete building units
Structural fill for roads, construction on sites,
land reclamation, etc.
As filler in mines, in bituminous concrete
As plasticiser
As water reducer in concrete and sulphate
resisting concrete

Table Contd.
174 Municipal Solid Waste Management

S.No. Waste Areas of application

2 Blast Furnace Slags Manufacture of slag cement, super sulphated
cement, metallurgical cement
Non-portland cement
Making expansive cement, oil well, coloured
cement and high early-strength cement
In refractory and in ceramic as sital
As a structural fill (air-cooled slag)
As aggregate in concrete
3 Ferro-alloy and other As structural fill
metallurgical slags In making pozzolona metallurgical cement
4 By product gypsum In making of gypsum plaster, plaster boards and
slotted tiles
As set controller in the manufacture of portland
In the manufacture of expensive or non-
shrinking cement, super sulphated and anhydrite
As mineraliser
Simultaneous manufacture of cement and
sulphuric acid
5 Lime sludge As a sweetener for lime in cement manufacture
(phos-phochalk Manufacture of lime pozzolana bricks / binders
paper and
sugar sludges) For recycling in parent industry
Manufacture of building lime
Manufacture of masonry cement
6 Chromium sludge As a raw material component in cement
Manufacture of coloured cement as a chromium
bearing material
7 Red mud As a corrective material
As a binder
Making construction blocks
As a cellular concrete additive Coloured
composition for concrete
Making heavy clay products and red mud bricks
In the formation of aggregate
In making floor and all tiles
Red mud polymer door
8 Pulp and paper Lignin
(Source: Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management, CPHEEO, New Delhi)


7.1 Introduction
Landfills are the ultimate storage area of a city's MSW after all other
MSWM options have been exercised. In many cases, especially in
developing countries, the landfill is the only MSWM option available and
practiced. The safe and effective operation of landfills depends on sound
planning, administration, and management of the total MSWM system.
Landfills are one of the ways of treating solid waste by burying after
separating recyclable materials from the collected waste. Landfills range
in nature, from uncontrolled open dumps to controlled open dumps to
sanitary landfills. Uncontrolled open dumps are primitive and not a
sound practice, but controlled dumps and sanitary landfills can
provide effective disposal of a city's MSW in accordance with
appropriate local health and environmental guidelines/ standards. Fig.7.1
shows the disposal methods of municipal solid waste practiced before
2000 in some South Asian countries (Visvanathan and Glowe 2006). It is
clear that open dumping has been the predominant practice for long in
these countries, and controlled landfills is a recent concept. Same is the
case in most of the developing countries, especially poor economies, in
Africa and Latin America. These are further discussed under Landfills in
Developing countries.

176 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig. 7.1 Disposal methods in select South Asian countries

(Source: Visvanathan and Glowe 2006)

Landfill is a carefully designed structure built into or on top of the

ground in which trash is dumped and isolated from the surrounding
environment (ground water, air, rain) using a bottom liner and a covering
of soil on top.
A Sanitary landfill uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the
environment, and a MSW landfill uses a synthetic liner. Sanitary landfills
involve well-designed engineering methods to protect the environment
from contamination by solid or liquid wastes. The main requirement in
designing a sanitary landfill is the availability of vacant land that is
accessible to the community and has the capacity to handle waste
material for several years. The location must also be acceptable to the
local community and in addition, soil must be available to cover the
Historically, landfills were built in a particular location more for
convenience of access than for any environmental or geological reasons.
Currently more care is taken in determining the location of new landfills
to avoid pollution impact on the nearby residences.

Unlined unsanitary landfills and open dumps allow the precipitation

(rain) to mix with degradable organic matter from MSW to form leachate
Landfilling 177

(a liquid with contaminants) which percolates into the soil. The leachate
eventually contaminates the surface and groundwater. For instance, in
India, leachates of around 14.9 106 m3/ year may be generated from
degradable organic matters from open dumping/unlined landfills
(Kumar et al., 2001).

7.2 Environmental Impact Study

Before construction of a landfill, an environmental impact study is
inevitably undertaken on the proposed site to ascertain that
(a) sufficient land is available to build the landfill, and for other
support areas/ activities such as runoff collection ponds, leachate
collection ponds, drop-off stations, areas for borrowing soil and
buffer areas,
(b) the sites are not located on faulted or highly permeable rock, but on
sites with a water-tight or less-permeable foundation. Mines or
quarries should be avoided because these structures frequently
contact the ground-water supply,
(c) rivers, lakes, floodplains, wetlands, and ground-water recharge
zones are avoided so that any potential leakage from the landfill
does not enter the ground-water and that the excess water from the
landfill is not allowed to flow into surrounding areas,
(d) the site has no historical or archeological value, and
(e) the landfills are located far away from airports to totally avoid the
birds attracted by landfills, interfering with the movement of
The environmental impact study must be scrupulously undertaken.
Care must also be taken that the initial location of a landfill will
reduce the necessity for future clean-up and site rehabilitation. Due to
these conditions and other factors, it is becoming increasingly difficult to
find suitable locations for new landfills in many places. Easily accessible
open space is becoming scarce especially in big towns/cities, and many
residential colonies or communities are unwilling to accept the
construction of a landfill within their boundaries.
178 Municipal Solid Waste Management

7.3 Landfill Construction

The three basic procedures that are accepted a in sanitary landfill are:
spreading the solid waste materials in layers; compacting the wastes as
much as possible; and covering the material with dirt at the end of each
day. This methodology reduces the breeding of rats and insects and the
threat of spontaneous fires at the landfill, prevents uncontrolled settling of
the materials, and ensures efficient use of the available land. Although
this method does help control some of the pollution generated by the
landfill, the fill dirt also occupies up to 20% of the landfill space,
reducing its waste-holding capacity. Another important consideration for
landfill design is the use of the site after it is filled. Some sites have
become parks, housing projects or sites for agriculture. In the context of
limited natural and financial resources available to them, municipalities
have to plan the construction of landfills carefully to avoid some of the
later costs of clean-up. The trash that is buried in the landfill is isolated
from groundwater and air. It is kept dry to prevent decomposition as
much as in the case of compost pile.
The critical elements in a secure landfill are: Bottom liner, Cells, Storm
water drainage system, leachate collection system, and Cover.
(a) Bottom liner system: The bottom liner prevents the trash and
subsequent leachate from coming in contact with the outside soil,
particularly the ground water. The liner is usually clay or plastic
or composite type. Natural clay is often fractured and cracked,
and certain organic chemicals in the waste can degrade clay over
time. Some type of durable, puncture-resistant synthetic plastic
such as polyethylene, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), or
polyvinylchloride (PVC) is used. But a few household chemicals
such as moth balls degrade high-density polyethylene and soften
or make it brittle and crack. Other chemicals such as vinegar,
shoe polish, margarine etc., can cause to develop stress cracks
also. Generally, a composite liner consisting of plastic liner and
compacted clay soil is used. It is usually about 100 mils thick. If
plastic liner is used, it may be surrounded on either side by a
fabric mat (geotextile mat) that will prevent the plastic liner from
tearing or puncturing from the nearby rock and gravel layers. For
Landfilling 179

the ultimate safe disposal of MSW, the use of geosynthetic clay

liners (GCL) as barrier to prevent leachate percolation both on the
open-dumps and landfill sites should be adopted (Rachel et al.,
2009). Studies, however, indicate that certain amount of
permeation should be expected; a 10-acre landfill will have a leak
rate between 0.2 and 10 gallons per day.
(b) Cells: The most precious component in a landfill is air space. The
amount of space is directly related to the capacity and usable
life of the landfill. If the air space is increased, the usable life of
the landfill will be increased. To achieve this, the garbage is
compacted into areas, called cells that contain only one day's
garbage. Trench and area methods, and combination of both,
are used in the operation of landfills. Both methods operate on
the principle of a cell. The trench method is appropriate in areas
where there is relatively little waste, low ground water, and the
soil is over 6 ft (1.8 m) deep. The area method is usually used to
dispose of large amounts of solid waste.
In the trench method, a channel with a typical depth of 15 ft
(4.6 m) is dug, and the excavated soil is saved for later use as a
cover over the waste. Grading in the trench method is so arranged
that the rain water is drained-off. The other consideration is the
type of subsurface soil that exists under the topsoil. Clay is a good
source of soil because it is nonporous. In the area method, the
solid wastes and cover materials are compacted on top of the
ground. This method can be used on flat ground, in abandoned
strip mines, gullies, ravines, valleys, or any other suitable land.
This method is useful when it is not possible to create a landfill
below ground.
A combination method is called the progressive slope or ramp
method, where the depositing, covering, and compacting are
performed on a slope. The covering soil is excavated in front of
the daily cell. If there is no cover material at the site, it is brought
from outside.
180 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig. 7.2 A landfill compaction vehicle (source:Wikipedia)

(c) Storm water drainage system: It collects rain water that falls on
the landfill. It is essential to keep rain water out of landfill and
keep it as dry as possible to reduce the amount of leachate
production. To exclude liquids from the solid waste, the waste
must be tested for liquids before entering the landfill. This is done
by passing samples of the waste through standard paint filters. If
no liquid comes through the sample after 10 minutes, then the
waste is accepted into the landfill. Plastic drainage pipes and
storm liners collect water from areas of the landfill and channel it
to drainage ditches situated around the landfill's base. The ditches
are either concrete or gravel-lined and carry water to collection
ponds to the side of the landfill. In the collection ponds,
suspended soil particles are allowed to settle and the water is
tested for leachate chemicals. After the water has passed tests, it
is pumped or allowed to flow off-site.
(d) Leachate collection system: There is no perfect system to keep
out water from getting into the landfill. The water percolates
through the cells and soil in the landfill and as the water
percolates through the garbage, it picks up contaminants such as
organic and inorganic chemicals, metals, biological waste
products of decomposition. This liquid called leachate is typically
acidic. Perforated pipes are run throughout the landfill to collect
and drain leachate into a leachate pipe, which carries the liquid to
a leachate collection pond. Leachate is either pumped or flow by
gravity to the collection pond. The leachate in the pond is tested
for acceptable levels of various chemicals (biological and
chemical oxygen demands, organic chemicals, pH, calcium,
Landfilling 181

magnesium, iron, sulfate and chloride) and allowed to settle. Then

it is treated at a wastewater treatment plant. The solids removed
from the leachate during this step are returned to the landfill, or
are sent to some other landfill. If leachate collection pipes clog
up and leachate remains in the landfill, fluids can build up in the
bathtub. The resulting liquid pressure may force the waste out of
the bottom of the landfill when the bottom liner fails. Leachate
collection systems can clog up in less than a decade due to silt or
mud, or due to growth of microorganisms in the pipes, or due to a
chemical reaction leading to the precipitation of minerals in the
pipe. In course of time, the pipes may become weakened by
chemical attack (solvents, acids, oxidizing agents, or corrosion)
and get crushed by the weight of garbage piled on them.
(e) Covering or cap: It helps to seal off the top of the landfill to keep
water out (to prevent leachate formation). It generally consists of
several sloped layers of clay or membrane liner to prevent rain
from intruding, overlain by a very permeable layer of sandy or
rough soil to promote rain runoff, and by topsoil in which
vegetation can start off to stabilize the underlying layers of the
cover. This covering also seals the compacted garbage from the
air and prevents pests such as birds, rats, mice, flying insects, etc.,
getting into the garbage. This soil is quite thick and takes up quite
a bit of space. Many landfills are therefore experimenting with
tarps or spray coverings of paper or cement or paper emulsions.
These emulsions can effectively cover the garbage, but take up
only a quarter of an inch instead of six inches! The vegetation
generally consists of grass. Shrubs or plants with deep penetrating
roots are not planted to avoid plant roots contact the underlying
garbage and allow leachate out of the landfill.
Covers are often vulnerable to attack from various factors:
1. erosion by natural weather events (rain, hail, snow, freeze-thaw
cycles, and wind);
2. vegetation, such as shrubs and trees that continually compete
with grasses for available space, sending down roots that will
try to penetrate the cover;
3. burrowing or soil-dwelling mammals (woodchucks, mice,
moles, voles), reptiles (snakes, tortoises), insects (ants, beetles),
and worms posing constant threat to the life of the cover;
182 Municipal Solid Waste Management

4. sunlight (if a portion of the cover is punched for some reason)

causing dryness of clay permitting cracks to develop or destroy
membrane liners through the action of ultraviolet radiation;
5. an uneven collapse of the cap caused by settling of wastes or
organic decay of wastes, or by loss of liquids from landfilled
drums resulting in cracks in clay or tears in membrane liners, or
resulting in ponding on the surface which can make a clay cap
mushy or can subject the cap to freeze-thaw pressures;
6. rubber tires, which "float" upward in a landfill; and
7. human activities of several kinds.
When the leachate seeps through weak point in the covering and come
out on to the surface, it appears black and bubbly, slowly staining the
ground red. Leachate seepages are quickly repaired by excavating the
area around the seepage and filling it with well-compacted soil so that the
flow of leachate turns back into the landfill. A schematic diagram
(Fig. 7.3) of a typical municipal solid waste landfill is shown (Ref:
UNEP: Sound Practices Landfills: available at http://www.unep.

Fig. 7.3 Typical schematic of a landfill

7.4 Decomposition in the Landfill

In a landfill, decomposition occurs in three stages.
The first one is an aerobic decomposition. The solid wastes that are
biodegradable react with the oxygen in the landfill and begin to form
carbon dioxide and water. Temperature during this stage of
decomposition rises by about 30F (16.7C) over the surrounding air.
Weak acid forms within the water and some of the minerals are then
Landfilling 183

The next stage is anaerobic: microorganisms in the absence of oxygen

break down the wastes into hydrogen, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and
inorganic acids.
In the third stage of decomposition, methane gas is produced.
Sufficient amounts of water and warm temperatures have to be present in
the landfill for the microorganisms to form the gas. The gas produced
during this stage will be carbon dioxide and methane in equal parts. This
gas is a usable energy source.
Operational aspects: Landfills may appear simple; but they need to be
operated carefully. Specific aspects such as where to start filling, wind
direction, the type of equipment used, method of filling, roadways to and
within the landfill, the angle of slope of each daily cell, complete
isolation of the waste from groundwater, the handling of equipment at the
landfill site have to be planned properly. The soil that is used as a daily
cover which is usually 6 in (15.2 cm) thick, an intermediate cover of 1 ft
(30.5 cm), and a final cover of 2 ft (61 cm) are important factors. The
compacting of solid waste and soil is also vital for occurance of proper
biological processes of decomposition.
Shredding of solid wastes helps to save space at landfills. Shredding
also helps to perform compacting of waste more quickly, and to a greater
density of compacting of materials extending the life of the landfill.
Shredding proves to be advantageous in reducing the extent of cover and
the danger of spontaneous fire. Landfills using shredded materials
produce more organic decomposition than those disposing of unshredded
solid wastes. Another method is baling of wastes. The advantages of
baling are: an increase in landfill life due to an increase in waste density,
and decrease in hauling times, litter, dust, odour, fires, traffic, noise, earth
moving, and land settling. Less heavy equipment is needed for the cover
operation and the amount of time it takes for the land to stabilize is
reduced. Using biodegradable materials also helps save space in landfills
because microorganisms can break down these materials more quickly.
Garbage bags made of biodegradable materials are of particular use
because microorganisms cause holes to form in the bags, enabling the
material inside to break down more quickly. When the secure landfill
reaches capacity, it is capped by a cover of clay, plastic, and soil, much
like the bottom layers. Vegetation is planted to stabilize the surface and
make the site nice-looking and visual.
184 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Groundwater monitoring stations are installed around a landfill. These

are pipes that are sunk into the groundwater; so water can be sampled and
tested for the presence of leachate chemicals. The temperature of the
ground water is measured because an increase in ground water
temperature could indicate that leachate is seeping into the groundwater.
The groundwater becoming acidic (as measured by pH) is also an
indication of the seeping of leachate.

7.5 Benefits
The closed landfills have been used for different purposes. They include
industrial parks, airport runways, recreational parks, ski slopes, ball
fields, golf courses, playgrounds, and many others. When the bearing
capacity of the landfill surface is found to be adequate, buildings can also
be erected. Presently, the landfills are not considered as garbage dumps;
scientific methods are developed to engineer the establishment, maintain,
close, and re-use of the area for benefit of the community.

7.6 Recovery and uses of Landfill Gas

Landfill gas containing about 45-55% methane can be recovered through
a network of gas collection pipes and utilised as a source of energy.
Typically, production of landfill gas starts within a few months after
disposal of the wastes and generally lasts for about ten years or even
more depending upon mainly the composition of wastes and
availability/distribution of moisture. The MSW generated in major Indian
cities is rich in organic matter and has the potential to generate about
15-25 l/kg of gas per year over its operative period whereas in full size
sanitary Landfills in other countries, the production of gas ranges from
5 to 40 litre/ kilogram.
The proportion of various constituent gases changes with time since
the onset of decomposition. The gas tends to escape through the cracks
and crevices in the deposited material unless suitable outlet is provided. It
also moves by diffusion (concentration gradient) and convection
(pressure gradient) mechanisms. Such lateral migration poses danger to
adjoining structures and vegetation.
Passive or active systems are used for controlling the production of
methane gas. In a passive system, which is relatively inexpensive, the gas
is vented into the atmosphere naturally, and may include venting
trenches, cutoff walls, or gas vents to direct the gas. An active system
employs a mechanical method to remove the methane gas and includes
Landfilling 185

recovery wells, gas collection lines, and a gas burner. Both active and
passive systems have monitoring devices to prevent explosions or fires.
The technical feasibility of recovering methane gas depends on several
factors, the most important being the composition of the MSW. The
production of methane gas depends on a relatively high percentage of
organic MSW as well as proper nutrients, bacteria, pH, and high
moisture content. The size of the landfill must be large enough and
contain enough MSW to produce economically recoverable quantities of
methane. Generally, landfills having capacity of at least one million tons
should produce enough methane to support recovery operations. The age
of the landfill is also important because it can take anywhere from several
months to a few years after the disposal of MSW before sufficient
methane is produced.
Early methane production can be enhanced by using uncompacted
waste as the first layer of a landfill, thus allowing it to compost more
quickly. The engineering aspects of a landfill may also increase the
quantity of methane gas that can be recovered.
Landfill liners help keep methane from escaping from the landfill and
help maintain the anaerobic conditions necessary for methane production.
Similarly, a daily cover that keeps methane from escaping and also
avoiding the introduction of air into the landfill can increase the rate of
methane production. However, landfills that do not have engineered
liners or covers, and landfills sited in porous soils can still produce
significant quantities of methane.
In practice, not all landfill gas generated in the landfill can be
collected; some of it will escape through the cover of even the most
tightly constructed and collection system. Newer systems may be more
efficient than the average system in operation. A reasonable assumption
for the gas collection efficiency for a properly planned gas collection
system is 70-85%.
Landfill gas has a calorific value of around 4500 Kilo calories per m3.
It can be used as a good source of energy, either for direct thermal
applications or for power generation. There are three primary approaches
to using the landfill gas as in the case of biogas: (a) direct use of the gas
locally (either on-site or nearby); (b) generation of electricity and
distribution through the power grid; and (c) injection into a gas
distribution grid, if available.
186 Municipal Solid Waste Management

7.7 Associated Activities

In developed countries, recycling centers where residents can drop off
recyclable materials (aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspapers, blend
paper, corrugated cardboard) are organised, and it is mandatory for the
residents to use these centres for dropping the trash. This helps to reduce
the amount of material in the landfill. The materials that can be recycled
are banned from sending to landfills by law. For using the site, customers
are charged tipping fees which is used to meet the operating costs of the
landfills. Along the site, there are drop-off stations for materials that are
not wanted or legally banned by the landfill. A multi-material drop-off
station is used for tires, motor oil, lead-acid batteries and drywall. Some
of these materials can be recycled and used.
Some more materials are also banned from disposal in solid waste
landfills, that include common household items such as paints,
cleaners/chemicals, motor oil, batteries, and pesticides. There is a
household hazardous waste drop-off station for these chemicals. These
chemicals are disposed by private companies. Some paints can be
recycled and some organic chemicals can be burned in incinerators or
power plants.
Other structures alongside the landfill are the borrowed area that
supplies the soil for the landfill, the runoff collection pond, leachate
collection ponds, and methane station. Landfills appear as complicated
structures when these associated facilities are included; but when
properly designed and managed, serve an important purpose. In the
coming years, new technologies like bioreactors are likely to become
popular to speed the breakdown of garbage in landfills and produce more
Modern landfills are well-engineered facilities that are located,
designed, operated, and monitored in accordance with the regulations.

7.8 Health and Environmental Impacts

Landfills are associated with a wide range of health and social effects.
Health and social impacts include odour nuisance; ozone formation (from
reaction of NOx and non methane organic compounds with sunlight) that
can cause pulmonary and central nervous system damage; fire and
explosion hazards from build-up of methane; an increase in the number of
pests, birds, rodents and insects which act as disease vectors; and ground
and air pollution from leachate and landfill gases (Daskalopoulos et al.
1998, El-Fadel et al., 1997, EPA 1995a, Neal and Schubel 1987). Water
Landfilling 187

contamination by leachate can transmit bacteria and diseases. Typhoid

fever is a common problem for the people of developing countries.
There are also many environmental impacts of landfills. Ozone
formation can cause decreases in crop yield and plant growth rate.
Methane and carbon dioxide are greenhouse gases that contribute to
global warming. Globally1.4 billion tonnes of MSW that is landfilled
generate an estimated 62 million tonnes of methane, and less than 10% of
it is captured presently (WTERT Brochure 2006). Methane is twenty
times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, and more
persistent in the environment (EPA 1995a, Jayarama Reddy 2011).
Leachate from the landfill can enter ground water systems, leading to
increases in nutrient levels that cause eutrophication (El-Fadel et al.,
1997). Further, bioaccumulation of toxins and heavy metals can occur.
Operation of landfills has to be in tune with the concept of sustainable
development; that is, pollution control problems need to be eliminated or
minimised for the present and future generations. This can be achieved by
taking the following actions: (a) sending only inert wastes to landfills,
(b) carrying out pre-treatment of the mixed waste to a quality which is
least harmful, and (c) managing the bioreactive waste material (biological
municipal wastes) in such a way that the landfill degrades rapidly to
come close to a stable, non-polluting state within the design life of the
landfill system. These approaches can form a strategy complying with
sustainable principles.
In Europe and other regions of the world, Hazardous Waste Landfills
are being constructed and used. The concept of these hazardous waste
landfills is not sustainable in the long-term as it leads to a situation where
controlled release does not occur. Concentrating hazardous materials in
hazardous waste landfills at discrete locations does not comply with
sustainable development practices. It will lead to the uncontrolled escape
of these substances which will simply remain entombed for the entire
lifetime of the containment system.

7.9 An Example
North Wake County Landfill in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, which has
both a sanitary landfill (closed in 1997) and a working MSW landfill, is
located on about 230 acres of land, but only 70 acres is dedicated to the
actual landfill. The remaining land is for the support areas (runoff
collection ponds, leachate collection ponds, drop-off stations, areas for
borrowing soil and 50-100 foot buffer areas. The cost of its construction
188 Municipal Solid Waste Management

was US$19 million. In this Landfill, a cell is approximately 50 feet long

by 50 feet wide by 14 feet high (15.25 m 15.25 m 4.26 m). The
amount of trash within the cell is 2,500 tons and is compressed at 1,500
pounds per cubic yard! This compression is done by heavy equipment
(tractors, bulldozers, rollers and graders) that go over the mound of trash
several times).
The cross section of the landfill and photographs of key components
of the landfill are reproduced here.

Fig. 7.4 The cross-section drawing shows the structure of a municipal solid
waste landfill. The arrows indicate the flow of leachate

A bulldozer prepares
Landfilling 189

Collection pond catches storm water

A leachate collection pond catches the contaminants that can get into water that
goes through the trash in a landfill

A methane collection pipe helps capture the hazardous gas.

190 Municipal Solid Waste Management

A methane "flare" is used for burning landfill gas.

An experimental tarp provides daily cover of the landfill cells.

Grass and other plants cover the municipal solid waste landfill.
Landfilling 191

7.10 Landfills in Developing Countries

Three basic types Open dumps, semi-controlled or operated dumps, and
sanitary landfills are under practice in developing countries. Of the
three types, open dumps are the most primitive and crude, while the
sanitary landfills are the best. An operated or semi-controlled dump is the
next stage of open dump/ landfill. This is a compromise between the open
dumping and sanitary landfills. Semi-controlled dumps have some form
of inspection, recording and monitoring arrangements. In some of these
landfills, compaction of waste at the control points and/or the tipping
stations is practiced. In some of these landfills, soil cover is applied but
only limited measures are taken to mitigate other environmental impacts
from release of leachate and landfill gas. Conversion of open or operated
dumps to engineered landfills and sanitary landfills is one of the
important steps towards better disposal practices. Operated landfills
reduce the impact of landfilling over the environment and public health
but cannot eliminate it. A number of characteristics distinguish a sanitary
landfill from a semi-controlled dump, although these characteristics vary
from region to region, from nation to nation, and even from site to site.
Table 7.1 lists few distinct characteristics of the different types of
landfills in Asia.

Table 7.1 Characteristics of Different types of landfills

Engineering Leachate Landfill Operation

measures management management measures
Semi- Unrestricted None Few, some
controlled contaminant release placement of
dumps waste-still
Controlled None Unrestricted None Registration and
dump contaminant release placement/compa
ction of waste
Enginered Infrastructure Containment and Passive Registration and
landfill and liner in some level of ventilation of placement/compa
place leachate treatment flaring ction of waste;
uses daily soil
Sanitary Proper siting, Containment and Flaring Registration and
lanfill infrastructure leachate treatment placement/compa
; liner and (often biological and ction of waste;
leachate physiochemical uses daily soil
treatment in treatment cover.
place Measurement for
final top cover

Table Contd
192 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Engineering Leachate Landfill Operation

measures management management measures
Sanitary Proper siting Entombment Flaring Registration and
Lnadfill infrastructure placement
with Top ; liner and compaction of
Seal leachate waste; use daily
treatment in soil cover
place, Liner
as top seal
Controlled Proper siting Controlled release of Flaring or Registration and
containme infrastructure, leachate into the passive placement/compa
nt release with low- environment, based ventilation ction of waste;
landfill permeability on assessment and through top cover uses daily soil
liner in place proper siting cover. Measures
potentially for final top
low- cover
final top

(Source: Johannessen and Boyer 1999)

Open dumps have the lowest initial capital investment and operating
costs. That is why; these sites are most common in developing countries
especially in Africa and in some parts of Asia. Frequently, municipalities
dump wastes in low-lying land, rather than at designated dump sites,
literally as landfill; for this reason the site in these cases is not permitted
to rise above ground, as it is designated for development. Private
landowners who wish to have depressions filled accept municipal wastes.
Filling of wetlands with wastes has been important, as witnessed in the
land development of Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, and Colombo.
Sometimes, wastes are illegally dumped in water bodies of all kinds,
especially by settlements that are denied the facility of municipal waste
collection, polluting the water bodies.
The practice of open dumping is a problem for the poorer and smaller
cities and towns of developing countries. For example, most of the
Central America except for Costa Rica, the Guyanas, and most Caribbean
countries, and all non-capital cities in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru, and
many medium-sized cities with the exception of those in Chile, Cuba,
Trinidad and Tobago, and Colombia dispose waste in open-air dumps,
posing significant environmental health to waste pickers who enter freely.
Since most large dumps have hundreds of extra workers in the form of
waste pickers, and the municipal workers are not being provided with
protective stuff, the health risks at dumps are very high. These workers
are exposed to risks from human feces, slaughterhouse wastes, toxic dust,
Landfilling 193

infectious biomedical wastes, snakes, scorpions, broken glass, landfill

gases, and explosions. In cities where plastic shopping bags are used to
put out wastes for collection, waste pickers sometimes set the bags on fire
in order to find metal cans. Spontaneous fires also break out on dumps
and contribute to a great extent to the air pollution like in Karachi and
Tehran. As seen earlier, open dumps attract numerous birds that feed on
the wastes, which can make them carry more serious disease vectors than
flies or rodents. The groundwater which is contaminated may never be
returned to usable condition; other environmental impacts may take many
decades to improve. However, for very poor countries where cities are
located near deserts, like in North Africa and the Middle East,
unimproved open dumps may possibly be considered sound provided
(a) the collection service is improved, (b) open dumping practices are
reorganized, and (c) gradually upgrade the sites. Generally, many open
dumps start off as controlled dumps and degrade due to lack of
equipment, management and other resources. Shortage of cover, lack of
leachate collection and treatment, inadequate compaction, poor site
design, and many pickers working at the site are common problems
especially in Asia.
In South and West Asia, there is rarely any controlled disposal of
hazardous, biomedical, or slaughterhouse wastes, although certain areas
of dumps are usually designated for slaughterhouse and biomedical
Another major problem is that of development at or on top of landfills;
many shantytowns are built from disposed-of waste and in some cases
entire neighborhoods are located on top of existing landfills
(Zerbock 2003). For example, the Smoky Mountain dump in Manila
(Philippines) had as many as 10,000 families living in shacks on or
adjacent to the dump site (UNEP 1996). Aside from the obvious health
implications, these concentrations of people further complicate transport
and unloading procedures and present numerous safety and logistical
concerns (Blight and Mbande 1996). UNEP estimates that approximately
100,000 people currently scavenge wastes at dump sites in the Latin
American region alone.
Planning for environmentally safe landfills, monitoring their future
impacts and site remediation are rarely undertaken in the poorer countries
of South and West Asia. Dump sites are almost used immediately after
closure, either as building sites or for farming. Lack of planning, use of
inappropriate equipment, and involving untrained personnel adversely
affect improvement.
194 Municipal Solid Waste Management

There is now considerable experience in a number of countries with

low-cost methods of upgrading for healthy operation of landfills. The first
step is the construction of boundary drains to catch run-off and leachates;
then, the site be graded to minimize leaching through the wastes.
Machines can be rented to periodically adjust the grading, construct
trenches for the deposit of waste, and dig up cover material. The work of
maintaining the grading and applying cover material can then be done
manually. In some cases, a provincial ministry acquires the necessary
earthmoving equipment and it is rotated among the dumps of the
jurisdiction. In cases where equipment is obtained by the authority
operating a dump, such equipment should be kept as simple as possible to
make operation and maintenance costs feasible. It is important to
demonstrate to municipal workers that improvements can be made to
open dumps with little capital outlay and few increased costs.
Here are two examples of utilizing sound practices: In the newly
industrialized city of Jubail, Saudi Arabia, the landfill is divided into
three areas, for hazardous, putrescible, and inert wastes. The site is lined
and continually monitored with systematic data collection. The Ministry
of Environment in Israel has closed down and remediated a number of
improper dumping sites recently. The country is now planning for
environmentally sound landfills using state-of-the-art technologies.
Some large cities in Latin America such as Belo Horizonte, Buenos
Aires, Guayaquil, Medellin, Mexico City, Santiago, and Sao Paulo do
have state-of-the art landfills. Landfill design in these cities typically
consists of an initial clay layer, followed by a sand or ground stone layer.
Synthetic liners are not usually used except for some new landfills in
Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Leachate collection systems are used, the
landfills are subdivided into cells, and they have chimneys for gas
ventilation. Wastes are covered daily with topsoil. When full, landfills are
closed by covering with a clay layer and topsoil. Then the site is
developed with vegetation. In East Asia also, some cities like Bandung,
Jakarta, and Manila have well-designed and properly operated sanitary
landfills. In well designed and properly sited landfills there is the
potential for methane recovery; few landfills in the developing world are
designed to capture and make use of methane. In all of Latin America,
only three such landfills were in operation, all in Chile (UNEP 1996).
The methane produced is supplied by the gas companies in Santiago and
Valparaiso to approximately 30% of the population in each of the cities.
The landfill gas (methane) management is generally required at sanitary
landfills. At controlled dumps, there should at least be monitoring to
Landfilling 195

determine if dangerous amounts of gas are being released. A low-cost

design to handle landfill gas may consist of buried vertical perforated
pipes, using the natural pressure of the gas to collect and vent or flare it at
the surface. This is called a passive collection system. More costly active
collection systems utilize a buried network of pipes and pumping to trap
the gas (described earlier). Gas capture has been tried on an experimental
basis in just a few cases; for instance, in New Delhi, gas is supplied to a
nearby hospital. In India, there is some cultural inhibition to using gas
from dumps for domestic cooking. Generally the required capital for
methane recovery installations is lacking, and the low price of
commercially produced gas does not make methane recovery a viable
enterprise economically.
The situation in Africa, in general, requires a great deal of
improvement. Landfills in Africa are primarily open dumps without
leachate or gas recovery systems. Several are located in ecological or
hydrological sensitive areas such as Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Cameroon
and Zaire. The landfills are generally operated below the standards of
sanitary practice. Waste pickers remove materials of economic value for
recycling without a fee to the facility owner and operator. Operation and
maintenance costs are provided from municipal budget allocations and
often do not cover the entire amount needed. The result is substandard
and unsafe facilities which pose public health risks and aesthetic burdens
to the citizens. Though the standards of modern sanitary landfills with
leachate and gas recovery may be too expensive for most African cities,
efforts have been made in countries like Egypt and South Africa through
policy changes to upgrade landfills; in Tunisia, to develop nationwide
sanitary landfill programme; and in Zambia to improve landfilling to
upgrade MSW collection services, etc. The ocean dumping is prohibited
by law in African countries; however, the practice is still illegally
followed in some coastal cities of Africa.
In Latin American cities with less than 50,000 inhabitants, manual
landfills are being developed. Manual landfills are similar in design to
mechanized landfills except for their size and the equipment they require.
These landfills have the capacity to receive 10-50 tons per day of wastes.
They sometimes require the use of heavy equipment, but only for
periodic preparation of the terrain. Otherwise, landfill operation is carried
out manually, including cell preparation, compaction, daily cover, and
cell closure. The capital and operation and maintenance costs of these
landfills are lower than a mechanized landfill. The most successful cases
are in Colombia, although Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, Peru, Ecuador
196 Municipal Solid Waste Management

and Panama all have manual landfills. Manual landfills are often the best
option for small cities and towns. Those involved in manual landfills in
Colombia believe that, in general, the maximum that such facilities can
reasonably handle is 20 tons/ day.
Landfilling is one of the most widely used methods of disposal for
E-waste and requires special attention. It is highly prone to hazards
because of leachate which often contaminates water resources.
Uncontrolled dumps and older landfill sites pose a much greater danger
of releasing hazardous emissions. Mercury, lead and cadmium are the
most toxic leachates. Mercury will leach when certain electronic devices
such as circuit breakers are destroyed. Lead leaches from the broken cone
glass of cathode ray tubes from TVs and monitors which contain lead.
When brominated flame retarded plastics or plastics containing cadmium
are landfilled, both PBDE and cadmium may leach into soil and ground
water. Landfills are also prone to uncontrolled fires which can release
Landfills can be a part of an integrated system for the management of
MSW in developing countries. If carefully designed and well managed
within the framework of the local infrastructure and available resources,
landfills can provide safe and cost-effective disposal of a city's MSW.
But they are not designed for the routine disposal of industrial or
hazardous waste, used oil, or other special wastes. If they are pressed
beyond their design limits, the landfill degrades into a potentially toxic
open dump and results in adverse consequences for human health and the
An integrated MSWM system may prioritize its waste management
options according to waste minimization, materials recovery/ recycling,
composting, incineration, and landfilling. Incineration is a sound practice
only under particular conditions. But it is not generally used in MSWM
systems due to high capital and technical resources required. The other
components of the integrated approach can improve landfill operations
and extend the life of the facility.
The benefits of Waste minimization or source reduction, materials
recovery and recycling, composting process are already explained. It is
more cost-effective to perform these operations close to the site of waste
generation. This reduces the cost of transporting the materials to the
landfill and minimizes the difficulty of separating mixed wastes at the
Landfilling 197

It must be recognized that an effective MSWM which avoids pollution

and helps produce useful energy, heat or electricity, from waste is
essential for a countrys sustainable development. Hence, adequate
financing and supporting institutional and policy environment must be
provided for a successful MSWM.

7.11 Landfills in Developed Countries

Landfilling is still the primary means of managing solid waste in North
America, handling about 65 to 70% of MSW. MSW landfills in the US
are allowed to accept only non- hazardous solid waste, such as household
garbage, except for small quantities of residential and commercial
hazardous waste exempted from hazardous waste management laws. A
state-of-the-art landfill in North America contains sophisticated
engineering features to prevent the release of hazardous substances to the
environment, including liners, leachate collection, final covers, and other
features. Some landfills in the US now reinsert leachate into the landfill
to speed biodegradation. Landfill gas is recovered as a source of energy
at landfills that generate sufficient quantities of methane. The technology
necessary to recover landfill gas is proven and commercially available.
Most landfills located in the US recover methane gas.
Many landfills have approached the end of their useful lives and the
authorities are facing the problem of siting new landfills. This has already
occurred in many areas, particularly in the Northeast and the Midwest. To
overcome this situation partly, larger and more environmentally sound
regional landfills (megafills) are built to handle waste disposal needs.
These new landfills, which provide considerable low-cost capacity, are
designed to comply with stricter federal and state regulations, and are
built in part with private sector investment. Siting of regional landfills
can be difficult.
Landfills in North America are seen as a necessary component of any
integrated MSW management system. Although recycling and
composting can divert a significant portion of MSW from landfills, not
all MSW is recyclable or compostable. Similarly, although WTE
technologies can significantly reduce the MSW volume, all WTE
facilities produce residual ash that must be landfilled. In addition, as
WTE facilities are shut down for repairs or maintenance, MSW will have
to be diverted to landfills.
In European waste systems, landfilling has become an inevitable part.
In certain Northern European countries, less than half of the waste may
be landfilled; while in southern countries like Greece and Spain, or
198 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Eastern European countries such as Hungary and Poland, virtually all

waste finds its way to landfill. The European Union Draft Landfill
Directive identifies three kinds of landfills: for hazardous waste, for
municipal waste, and for inert materials. Monofills, i.e., landfills for one
particular material are also recognized in the directive.
The modern landfills are carefully sited; admission and dumping are
controlled and monitored. They require incoming waste to be weighed,
and to be paid for on a per-ton basis. Design and construction of modern
landfills is more expensive than simple dumping, and these facilities may
also be difficult to site. Public resistance is not as much in Europe as in
North America, but still plays a significant role in siting. The costs have
shot up due to environmental controls and the increased costs force
developers to build larger landfills, which serve a region rather than a
single municipality. These are typically more cost-effective. In a few
cases, gas recovered at landfills in Europe is simply flared, while the
energy is recovered in others.
There is also considerable experience in Europe with bio-reacting
landfills, in which leachate is recirculated to maintain optimal moisture
levels for bio-degradation to occur.
Australia and Japan normally classify landfills into three categories,
based on whether they are intended for hazardous wastes, special wastes,
or MSW. The design specifications of landfills for hazardous wastes are
very stringent. These are constructed like a bathtub with several layers of
impermeable liners and with leachate and gas control systems. In these
cities, even for MSW, modern landfills are planned and constructed to
minimize soil, groundwater, and surface water contamination from
landfill leachate and the migration of landfill gas to surrounding areas.
Landfill gases are sometimes collected for fuel.
Some Japanese coastal cities (e.g., Kityakushu) use solid wastes for
land reclamation, with sophisticated pre-treatment and compaction. In
smaller towns in rural areas, MSW contains fewer hazardous substances
as compared to MSW in large cities, and regulations for landfill disposal
of MSW tend to be less stringent.
199 Energy from Municipal Waste


MSW Management in India

8.1 Introduction
Traditionally, agriculture and livestock rearing and related activities have
been the main livelihood of most of the Indian people. Still India is an
agriculture-oriented country a rural India despite rapid growth of wide
range of industrial activity in the last half-a-century. India has been
witnessing two developments in the recent decades: a desirable
development such as fast economic growth through rapid
industrialization, and an undesirable development such as population
explosion. These have led to unplanned and rapid urban growth and
extensive slums. Though increasing urbanization in India is a part of the
global trend with 27.8 percent of Indias population (285 million) of the
total 1027 million living in urban areas (as per the 2001 census). The
number of towns and cities have increased to 4378 of which 393 are
Class-I towns, 401 are Class-II towns, 1,151 are Class-III towns and
remaining are classified as small towns with populations ranging between
20,000 to less than 5000. The number of metropolitan cities having
million plus population has increased to 35 as per 2001 census. This
growth has seen growing public concern with exponential increase in
sanitation and environmental concerns (WB- Hanrahan, D 2006).
Sanitation and environment issues are clearly the contributors to basic
health conditions in urban areas but MSWM has a lower priority than
water supply and sanitation.

200 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The changing urban consumption patterns consequent to economic

growth and improved incomes, and local production of goods and
services have resulted in an increase in per capita waste generation. This
increase is city-dependant.This recent development of growth in waste
generation is exerting significant additional pressures on already
stretched MSWM systems across cities in India (MoEF-GOI 2009,
Sharholy et al 2007). The generation of solid waste is projected to
increase significantly as the country strives to attain the status of an
industrialized nation by the year 2020 (Sharma and Shah 2005; CPCB
2004; Shekdar et al. 1992).
Municipal Corporations/Urban local bodies (ULBs) traditionally
provide SWM services in India because these bodies generally oversee
the issues related to public health and sanitation. In Indian cities, to a
great extent, these services are measured substandard as the systems
applied are unscientific, outdated, inefficient and do not cover the entire
population. The apathy of municipal authorities who do not consider
MSWM as a priority is another reason. As a result, the waste is found
littered all over creating insanitary conditions.
Overview of Main Components of MSW in India: MSW management
covers the full cycle from collection of waste from households and
commercial establishments through to acceptable final disposal. In the
process, efforts are made to reduce the final volumes, through recycling
and materials recovery, as well as processing/treatment. The Fig. 8.1
outlines the typical system of waste management in India. An analysis
along these lines should be carried out for any municipality, as a first step
to understanding and dealing with the necessary upgrading of the system.
In India, there are many challenges in MSW management: analysis of
quality and quantity of wastes, and appropriate institutional mechanisms
for collection, storing, transportation, processing/ treatment and related
Rarely there are sincere efforts to adopt recent methods and
technologies of waste management except in a few cities. The
fundamental underlying problems are in fact, financial and institutional.
There are some individual good examples and, not surprisingly, the larger
municipalities tend to have better systems in place. By and large,
financial and human resources, and institutional mechanisms are limited.
MSW Management in India 201

In the absence of a facility to collect waste from sources (houses or

shops or restaurants etc.), people are prone to dump wastes on streets,
drains, open spaces, and near-by water bodies creating insanitary
conditions and causing an adverse impact on the environment and public
health. The outbreak of plague in Surat in 1994 was the best example of
how unsanitary conditions in the cities cause environmental and health
People generally believe that waste thrown onto the streets would be
collected by the municipal street sweepers. The municipalities, probably,
have to do much more to educate the citizens on the basics of MSW
managemant, and proper storing of the waste in their own bins in the
households (Asnani 2006; Rathi 2006; Sharholy et al. 2005; Ray et al.
2005; Jha et al. 2003; Kansal 2002; Kansal et al. 1998; Singh and Singh
1998; Gupta et al. 1998).

Fig. 8.1 Typical system of Waste management in India (Source: WB 2006)

202 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The subject of public health has assumed prominance in the last one to
two decades due to population explosion in municipal areas, growing
public awareness towards cleanliness and proper sanitation, and
emergence of newer technologies (Kumar et al., 2004). Some of the
important developments that took place in India are the following:
1. The Bajaj Committee was appointed in 1994 to draw up a long
term policy to be adopted, and made several recommendations in
all elements of SWM. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
and the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organization (CPHEEO) of GOI jointly organized a national
workshop in April 1995 which emphasised the necessity to
improve the SWM as a priority.
2. In 1998, a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed in the Supreme
Court of India seeking a direction to the central and state
governments, and the local bodies to improve the MSWM
practices. This has led to Barman Committee Report that reviewed
all aspects of MSWM and authorized the governments to exercise
powers under the Environmental Protection Act, 1986.
3. The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) published a Manual
on Municipal Solid Waste Management for the civic bodies and
user agencies for proper implementation of rules and management
of solid wastes (CPHEEO, 2000).
4. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) released the
Municipal Solid Waste Rules in 2000, and identified the Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) as the agency to monitor the
implementation of these rules. These Rules were mandatory and
the municipalities were required to submit annual reports to CPCB
on the progress of SWM practices (CPCB, 2000).
These aspects are discussed further in the later pages.
Though many cities do not have reliable data on the allocated budget
for MSW management, the budget is generally paltry because of low
priority given to it among the civic activities. Based on the secondary
data on the budget allocation provided by civic agencies, one could see
that most of the bigger cities spend 5 to 10% of their total budget on
MSW management (NEERI 2005). The activity is mostly labour
intensive, and most of the budget is spent on the wages of sanitation
workers, supervisors and higher ups. Improving the working atmosphere
and the efficiency of the workers by providing proper training, equipment
and gadgets receive little attention.
MSW Management in India 203

Fig. 8.2 Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system in India.

There are other reasons for poor management of MSW, like powerful
workersunions, politicization of the unions, and more importantly the
indiscipline among the workers arising out of poor working conditions
and clumsy handling of labour issues. Most of these problems arise, in
204 Municipal Solid Waste Management

general, due to poor socio-economic conditions of the workers, and lack

of understanding, on their part, of the serious health problems that would
arise out of poor MSW services.
Institutional/Management structure: The first level is Central
government under which the Ministry of Environment and Forests, and
Central Pollution Control Board are the Policy and regulatory bodies; the
second level is State government under which the Ministry of Urban
development and District administration are responsible for MSW
management with State Pollution Control Board as a Policy and
regulatory body; and the third level is Urban local bodies under which the
municipal corporations and municipalities are responsible for MSWM.
In many cities, the Health Officers/ Chief Medical Officer/ Additional
or Deputy Commissioner/Assistant Health Officer is in charge of the
MSWM activities. In a few smaller cities, the activities are administrated
by the Chief Officer/Special Officer/CEO/Jt. Secretary/Tax Officer, etc
(Kumar et al 2009). Mega cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata
have separate SWM departments.
MSW management system in Bangalore (source: BBMP): Bruhath
Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) was established in 2007 after the
merger of surrounding areas with erstwhile Bangalore Mahanagar Palike
(BMP). The City is divided into eight Zones comprising 198 wards.
BBMP manages delivery of SWM services in all 198 wards which falls
under its limits.
The Solid Waste Management department of BBMP is headed by
Deputy Commissioner (Health). Other key officials include Engineer-in-
Chief, Executive/Assistant/Environmental Engineer. They are assisted by
Environmental Officers and Health Inspectors in discharging solid waste
management services effectively in their respective zones. There are 200
Health Inspectors in addition to Environmental officers handling the
supervisory functions. Furthermore, BBMP employs around 4300
employees including supervisors and operators referred to as poura
karmicas. The actual manpower involved in BBMPs MSWM activities
are the following:
Deputy Commissioner (Health) 1
Engineers-in-Chief 4
Assistant and Environmental Engineers 34
Environmental Officers 64
Health Inspectors 200
Drivers 200
Poura Karmicas (Supervisors and Operators) 4300
In addition, there are outsourced contracts (source: BBMP).
MSW Management in India 205

Typically in smaller municipalities, the public health department is

responsible for collection, street sweeping, transport and disposal of solid
wastes generated in the local bodys wards.
The head of Health Department reporting to Municipal Commissioner
is generally head of the MSW management system but there is often poor
coordination between the engineering department (which is responsible
for transport and disposal) and health department.
Each city has its own arrangement covering all aspects of MSW
In small towns with population below one hundred thousand, the
SWM services are unprofessional because they are handled by sanitary
inspectors with the help of sanitary workers. In smaller towns, even
sanitary inspectors are not employed, and SWM is attended by
unqualified supervisors. The services are better in towns with population
above 100 thousand because qualified health officers and engineers head
the SWM services.
Manpower provisions range between 23 workers per thousand in 32
out of 59 cities. Manpower deployment in the range between 12 workers
per thousand has been reported for cities such as Ludhiana,
Thiruvananthapuram, and Surat. Cities with less than 1 worker per
thousand are Agra, Dhanbad, Ranchi, Aizawal, Gangtok, Imphal, Kanpur,
Silvasa, etc. The largest workforce was observed at Port Blair and the
lowest at Gangtok (Kumar et al 2009).
For providing effective solid waste services in a city, NEERIs
studies, undertaken in more than 40 Indian cities, have shown that the
desired strength is 23 workers per thousand. However, this number may
change based on local conditions. For MSWM, every municipal agency
can decide the strength of workers by considering the productivity of
workers, which can be considered to be 200250 kg/worker/8 h shifts.

8.2 Analysis of MSW

Many categories of MSW such as compostable organic waste, industrial
waste, construction and demolition waste, and sanitation waste, so on are
generated in India like in other developing countries. MSW also contains
recyclables (paper, plastic, glass, metals, etc.), toxic substances (paints,
pesticides, used batteries) and medical waste (Jha et al. 2003; Reddy and
Galab 1998; Khan 1994). The quantity of MSW generated depends on
factors such as food habits, life styles, and the nature and extent of
commercial activities. Still, the waste generation rates in India are lower
206 Municipal Solid Waste Management

than the low-income countries and much lower compared to developed

countries (Asnani 2006). See Tables in the earlier Section. With
increasing urbanization and changing life styles, Indian cities now
generate eight times more MSW than they did in 1947. The per capita
waste generation is increasing by about 1.3% per year. With the urban
population growing at 2.7% to 3.5% per year, the annual increase in the
total quantity of solid waste in the cities will be more than 5%
(Asnani 2006). Presently, about 90 million tons of solid waste is
generated annually as byproducts of industrial, mining, municipal,
agricultural and other activities (Pappu et al., 2007; Shekdar 1999; Bhide
and Shekdar 1998).
Several studies report that the MSW generation rates in small towns
are lower than those of metro cities. The per capita generation rate of
MSW in India ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 kg/ day amounting to about 115,000
metric tonnes (MT) of waste per day, and 42 million MT annually
(Asnani 2006; Siddiqui et al. 2006; Sharholy et al. 2005; CPCB 2004;
Kansal 2002; Singh and Singh 1998; Bhide and Shekdar 1998; NEERI
1995). It is also estimated that the total MSW generated by urban people
increased from 23.86 million tonnes /year in 1991 to more than 39
million tonnes in 2001.
Despite several of these studies, CPCB has undertaken to assess the
status of the MSWM services in 59 identified cities, covering 35 metro
cities with population greater than 1 million, as well as 24 state capitals
and union territories. The Supreme Court of India has asked CPCB to
retain NEERI to complete this work. Under this study (Kumar et al 2009)
extensive field investigations have been carried out to determine waste
quantification, characterization of waste, financial and institutional
aspects, and assessment of MSWM status as per MSW Rules 2000.
Further an action plan for better managementof MSW has been
suggested. The map shows the cities selected covering all the
metropolitan areas and state capitals representing the geography of the
country (Fig. 8.3). The methodology adopted and other details are
covered in that paper.
The study has estimated waste generation rates in kg/capita/day for
various population ranges:
(i) Cities with a population < 0.1 million (8 cities):
0.17-0.54 kg/capita/day,
(ii) Cities with a population of 0.10.5 million (11 cities):
0.22-0.59 kg/capita/day,
MSW Management in India 207

(iii) Cities with a population of 12 million (16 cities):

0.19-0.53 kg/capita/day,
(iv) Cities with a population > 2 million (13 cities):
0.220.62 kg/capita/day.
Among the 59 cities, despite similar populations in a few cities, variations
in waste generation rates have been observed. The reasons could be
many: differences in standard of living, food habits, employment status,
road conditions, difference in equipment, machinery and implements,
climatic conditions, geographical status, etc.

Fig. 8.3 Metropolitan cities and state capitals covered

(Source: S Kumar et al, 2009)

Regarding the waste characteristics, the study has found the following:
The compostable organic and recyclable fractions were observed to be
higher in some cities probably due to higher standard of living.
(a) For cities having population < 0.1 million and between 0.110.5
million (19 cities), the characteristics are C/N ratio = 18 to 37; the
208 Municipal Solid Waste Management

compostable fraction: 29 to 63%; total recyclables: 13.68

36.64%. The moisture content was high at 65% in the MSW at
Shillong, Kohima, Simla, and Agartala due to heavy rains. High
calorific value on a dry weight basis was observed to vary from
591 to 3766 kcal/kg.
(b) For cities with a population of 0.51 million (16 cities), the
constituents were varying; compostable matter: 35 65%,
recyclables: 1124%, C/N ratio: 1752, high calorific value on a
dry weight basis: 5912391 kcal/kg, and moisture content: 17
(c) For cities having a population of 12 million (11 cities), the
ranges for various constituents varied; compostable fraction: 39
54%, recyclables: 925%, C/N ratio: 1852, high calorific value
(on dry weight basis): 5202559 kcal/kg, and moisture content:
(d) For cities with populations greater than 2 million (13 cities), the
constituents varied; compostable fraction: 4062%, recyclables:
1122%, C/N ratio: 2139, high calorific value (on a dry weight
basis): 8002632 kcal/kg and moisture content: 2163%.
The study noticed that in some cities located in hilly and coastal areas,
and on islands, the implementation of MSWM system is constrained by
problems specific to localities (Kumar et al 2009). Cities with 100,000
plus population (423 in number) contribute 72.5% of the total waste
generated in the country as compared to other 3955 urban centres produce
only 17.5% of the total waste. Table 8.1 shows the details.

Table 8.1 Waste generations in Class 1 Cities with Population above 100,000

Type of cities Tonnes/day % of total garbage

7 mega cities 21,100 18.35
28 metro cities 19,643 17.08
388 class 1 towns 42,635 37.07
Total (423) cities 83,378 72.50
Note: Mega cities are above 4 million population and metro cities (also known as million
plus cities) are the same as the identified cities under the proposed JNNURM. Class 1
cities with population in the 100,000 to 1 million ranges are 388 in number
Source: Ministry of Urban Development 2005, Asnani 2006.
MSW Management in India 209

In India, MSW differs greatly with regard to the composition and

hazardous nature, when compared to the developed countries (Gupta et
al., 1998; Shannigrahi et al., 1997; Jalan and Srivastava 1995). Analysis
of physical composition of waste indicates: compostable matter
(40- 60 %), recyclable fraction (10 and 25%), moisture content (30 to
60%), and C/N ratio (20: 40) (CPCB 2004). It has been noticed that the
physical and chemical characteristics of MSW change with population
density (Garg and Prasad 2003; CPCB 2000; Bhide and Shekdar 1998). It
is also observed that the differences in the MSW characteristics indicate
the effect of urbanization and development. In urban areas, the major
fraction of MSW is compostable materials (4060%) and inert (3050%).
The organic waste component in MSW is generally found to increase
with the decreasing socio-economic status; that is, rural households
generate more organic waste than urban households. For example, in
south India the extensive use of banana leaves and trees in various
domestic functions and events results in a large organic content in the
MSW. Also it has been noticed that the fraction of recyclables (paper,
glass, plastic and metals) is very low due to the picking of these materials
at the points of generation and collection, and disposal sites by poor
people (waste pickers) to make a living. Tables 8.2 to 8.5 provide details
of the physical and chemical characteristics, and composition of waste in
Indian Cities.

Table 8.2 Physical Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste in Indian Cities

Population No. of Total
leather Inert
range (in cities Paper Glass Metal compostable
and material
millions) surveyed matter
0.1 to 0.5 12 2.91 0.78 0.56 0.33 44.57 43.59
0.5 to 1.0 15 2.95 0.73 0.56 0.32 40.04 48.38
1.0 to 2.0 9 4.71 0.71 0.46 0.49 38.95 44.73
2.0 to 5.0 3 3.18 0.48 0.48 0.9 56.67 40.07
> 5.0 5 6.43 0.28 0.94 0.80 30.84 53.90
Note: All values are in per cent calculated on wet weight basis. Source: NEERI (1995)
210 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table 8.3 Chemical Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste in Indian Cities

Population range Nitrogen as Phosphorus Potassium C/N
(in millions) total nitrogen as P2O5 as K2O Ratio
0.1 to 0.5 0.71 0.63 0.83 30.94 1009.89
0.5 to 1.0 0.66 0.56 0.69 21.13 900.61
1.0 to 2.0 0.64 0.82 0.72 23.95 980.05
2.0 to 5.0 0.56 0.69 0.78 22.45 907.18
5.0 and above 0.56 0.52 0.52 30.11 800.70

Source: NEERI (1995)

8.3 Storage and Collection of MSW

Storage of MSW at the source is considerably lacking in most of the
urban areas. There is no system, in general, of primary collection from
household or shop or office, the sources of generation. The waste is
discharged at all places which are collected by municipal workers
through street sweeping. The tools used for street sweeping are inefficient
and obsolete, and no uniform rules or methods are adopted for street
sweeping. Sometimes residents usually store the waste in 1620 litre-
capacity plastic buckets (of different design) and then dispose of into
community bins. The type of container generally reflects the economic
status of its user (Kumar et al. 2009). Table 8.6 indicates how the
different categories of waste generators can manage waste at source for
easy collection.
The bins are common for both decomposable and non-decomposable
waste since no segregation of waste is performed by the generator. Round
cement concrete bins, masonry bins or concrete structures are used. These
are either movable or fixed ones. The movable bins are generally not
durable, but flexible for transportation, while the fixed bins are more
durable whose positions cannot be changed once they have been
constructed (Nema, 2004; Malviya et al., 2002).The collection of MSW
in most of the cities is through community bins placed at various points
along the streets. The observation is that community bins have not been
installed at proper locations resulting in poor handling efficiency. Also,
the situation becomes worse due to lack of public awareness leading to
overflowing or creating open heaps of waste which is unsightly,
generating bad odours and health problems.
211 Energy from Municipal Waste

Table 8.4 Physical Composition of Municipal Solid Waste in 1 million plus Cities and State Capitals in India (average values)

Recyclabes Other including inert

Name of the Total Rubber
Wooden Total
city compostable Paper etc. Plastic Glass Metal Inert and Rags Coconut Bones
Indore 48.97 6.10 5.77 0.55 0.15 31.02 2.95 2.41 1.17 0.91 0.00 100
Bhopal 52.44 9.01 12.98 0.55 0.98 18.88 0.09 2.65 1.35 2.25 0.01 100
Dhanbad 46.93 7.20 5.56 1.79 1.62 26.93 2.77 4.14 1.56 1.58 0.00 100
Jabalpur 48.07 7.67 8.30 0.35 0.29 26.60 2.15 4.42 1.49 0.66 0.00 100
Jamshedpur 43.36 10.24 5.27 0.06 0.13 30.93 2.51 2.99 4.29 0.22 0.01 100
Patna 51.96 4.78 4.14 2.00 1.66 25.47 1.17 4.17 1.13 2.34 0.89 100

Ranchi 51.49 3.17 6.48 1.79 1.45 25.92 1.45 4.97 2.74 3.19 0.38 100
Bhubaneshwar 49.81 5.74 5.70 0.46 0.79 27.15 2.10 3.21 2.85 2.20 0.00 100
Ahmedabad 40.81 5.28 5.29 0.79 0.30 39.28 0.92 5.00 1.22 1.02 010 100
Nashik 39.52 9.69 12.58 1.30 1.54 27.12 1.11 2.53 0.34 4.12 0.15 100
Raipur 51.40 8.31 7.07 0.76 0.16 16.97 1.47 3.90 1.43 6.44 0.08 100
Asansol 50.33 10.66 2.78 0.77 0.00 25.49 0.48 3.05 3.00 2.49 0.95 100
Bangalore 51.84 11.58 9.72 0.78 0.35 17.34 1.14 2.29 2.67 2.28 0.01 100
Agartala 58.57 8.11 4.43 0.98 0.16 20.57 0.76 2.17 0.00 2.56 1.69 100
Agra 46.38 6.12 8.72 0.85 0.11 30.07 1.97 3.92 1.68 0.19 0.00 100
Allahabad 35.49 7.27 10.33 1.23 0.40 31.01 1.83 7.34 2.08 2.74 0.30 100
Damam 29.60 10.54 8.92 2.15 0.410 34.80 2.60 4.90 4.60 4.48 - 100
212 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Recyclabes Other including inert

Name of the Total Rubber
Wooden Total
city compostable Paper etc. Plastic Glass Metal Inert and Rags Coconut Bones
Meerut 54.54 4.95 54.48 0.30 0.24 27.30 0.49 4.98 0.95 0.66 0.12 100
Nagpur 47.41 6.87 7.45 0.92 0.29 18.01 5.38 9.48 2.10 2.09 0.00 100
Vadodara 47.43 5.98 7.58 0.47 0.47 27.80 1.28 4.86 1.55 2.57 - 100
Gandjinagar 34.30 5.60 6.40 080 0.40 36.50 3.70 5.30 3.70 3.30 - 100

Vishakapatanam 45.96 14.46 9.24 0.35 0.15 20.77 0.47 2.41 0.68 5.51 - 100
Dehradun 51.37 9.56 8.58 1.40 0.03 22.89 0.23 5.60 0.32 - - 100
Ludhiana 49.80 9.65 8.27 1.03 0.37 17.57 1.01 11.50 0.80 0.00 - 100
Guwahati 53.69 11.60 10.01 1.30 0.31 17.66 0.16 2.18 1.39 1.38 0.26 100
Kohima 57.48 12.28 6.80 2.32 1.26 15.97 0.18 1.86 1.70 0.00 0.35 100

Note: Increasing use of plastics is changing the composition of municipal solid waste and causing harm in the processing of waste. The use of
plastics has increased 70 times between 1960 and 1995. Source: CPCB (2000)
213 Energy from Municipal Waste

Table 8.5 Chemical Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste (Average Values) of 1 million plus Cities and State Capitals

Name of the Volatile C per N per P per cent K per cent Hev
Mositure pH Range C/N ratio
city matter cent cent as P2O5 as K2O Kcal/kg
Indore 30.87 6.379.73 38.02 21.99 0.82 0.31 0.71 29.30 1436.75
Bhopal 42.66 6.999.03 35.78 23.53 0.94 0.66 0.51 21.58 1421.32
Dhanbad 50.28 7.118.01 16.52 9.08 0.54 0.55 0.44 18.22 590.56
Jabalpur 34.56 5-8410.94 46.60 25.17 0.96 0.60 1.04 27.28 2051
Jamshedpur 47.61 6.20 8.26 24.23 13.29 0.69 0.54 0.51 19.29 1008.84
Patna 35.95 7.428.62 24.72 14.32 0.77 77 0.64 19.39 818.82
Ranchi 48.69 6.968.02 29.70 17.20 0.85 0.61 0.79 20.37 1059.59

Bhubaneshwar 59.26 6.417.62 25.84 15.02 0.73 0.64 0.67 20.66 741.56
Ahmedabad 32 6.28.0 63.80 37.02 1.18 0.67 0.42 34.61 1180
Nashik 74.64 5.27.0 59 34.22 0.92 0.49 - 38.17 3086.51
Raipur 29.49 6.657.99 32.15 18.64 0.82 0.67 0.72 23.50 1273.17
Asansol 54.48 6.448.22 17.73 10.07 0.79 0.76 0.54 14.08 1156.07
Bangalore 54.95 6.07.7 48.28 27.98 0.80 0.54 1.00 35.12 2385.96
Agartala 60.06 5.217.65 49.52 28.82 9.96 0.53 0.77 30.02 2427
Agra 28.33 6.218.1 18.90 10.96 0.52 0.60 0.57 21.56 519.82
Allahabad 18.40 7.13 29.51 17.12 0.88 0.73 0.70 19.00 1180.12
214 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Name of the Volatile C per N per P per cent K per cent Hev
Mositure pH Range C/N ratio
city matter cent cent as P2O5 as K2O Kcal/kg
Damam 52.78 5.886.61 52.99 30.74 1.38 0.47 0.6 22.34 2588
Faridabad 34.02 6.338.25 25.72 14.92 0.80 0.62 0.66 18.58 1319.02
Lucknow 59.87 4.89.18 34.04 20.32 0.93 0.65 0.79 21.41 1556.78
Meerut 32.48 6.167.95 26.67 15.47 0.79 0.80 1.02 19.24 1088.65

Nagpur 40.55 4.917.80 57.10 33.12 1.24 0.71 1.46 26.37 2632.23
Vadodara 24.98 - 34.96 20.28 0.60 0.71 0.38 40.34 1780.51
Gandhinagar 23.69 7.02 44 25.5 0.79 0.62 0.39 36.05 698.02
Vishakapatanam 52.70 7.58.7 64.4 37.3 0.97 0.66 1.10 41.70 1602.09
Dehradun 79.36 6.127.24 39.81 23.08 1.24 0.91 3.64 25.90 2445.47
Ludhiana 64.59 5.217.40 43.66 25.32 0.91 0.56 3.08 52.17 2559.19
Guwahati 70.93 6.417.72 34.27 19.88 1.10 0.76 1.06 17.71 1519.49
Kohima 64.93 5.637.7 57.20 33.17 1.09 0.73 0.97 30.87 2844

Source: Akolkar (2005)

215 Energy from Municipal Waste

In the last few years, efforts are made to organize house-to-house

collection in many cities Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and
Hyderabad with the participation of NGOs. Many municipalities have
employed private contractors for transportation of the waste from the
community bins or collection points to the disposal sites. Some
cities/towns have employed NGOs and citizens committees to supervise
separation of recyclables at the collection points or other locations
between sources and dumpsites. In addition, the Resident/Welfare
Associations of residential colonies arrange collection in some urban
areas on specified monthly payment. To clean the roads, the
municipalities appoint sweepers and each one is allotted an area of about
250 m2. The sweepers use wheelbarrows to transfer the collected road
wastes to dustbins or collection points (Colon and Fawcett 2006; Nema
2004; Malviya et al. 2002; Kansal et al. 1998; Bhide and Shekdar 1998).
In most cities, a fraction of MSW generated remains uncollected on
streets, and the collected is transported to processing or disposal sites.
The collection efficiency is generally defined as the quantity of MSW
collected and transported from streets to disposal sites divided by the total
quantity of MSW generated during the same period. Many studies on
urban environment have revealed that MSW collection efficiency is
dependent on two major factors: manpower availability and transport
capacity. The average collection efficiency for MSW in Indian cities and
States is about 72.5% (Rathi 2006; Siddiqui et al. 2006; Nema 2004;
Gupta et al. 1998; Maudgal 1995; Khan 1994). Around 70% of the cities
lack adequate waste transport capacities (TERI 1998). The MSW
collection efficiency is high in the states/cities, where private contractors
and NGOs are drawn in for the collection and transportation.
Most of the cities are unable to provide waste collection services to
cover all parts of the city. Generally, overcrowded low-income
settlements or unorganised slums where the people are unable to pay for
the services do not have MSW collection and disposal services, an
observation in many of the developing countries. They throw away the
waste near or around their houses creating public health problems. The
CPCB has collected data for the 299 Class-I cities to determine the mode
216 Municipal Solid Waste Management

of collection of MSW. It is found that manual collection comprises 50%,

while collection using trucks comprises only 49% (CPCB 2000).
The Door to Door Refuse / Garbage Collection system implemented in
Surat Municipal Corporation Area as the Best Practice is detailed in the
Annexure 10.

8.4 Transfer Stations and Transportation

Except in cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Kolkata,
transfer stations are not planned, and the vehicle which collects the waste
from individual dustbins, takes it to the processing or disposal site (Colon
and Fawcett, 2006; Khan, 1994). Various types of vehicles are used for
transportation of waste to the disposal site. In smaller (rural) towns,
bullock carts, tractors and trailers, three-wheelers etc., are mainly used
for the transportation of MSW. Light motor vehicles, ordinary trucks,
tippers and compactors are generally used in big towns or cities. General-
purpose open body trucks holding 5 to 9 tonnes of waste are common in
big cities. They are usually loaded manually. In a few cities, compactor
vehicles are also being used. Municipal agencies use their own vehicles
for MSW transportation, though in some cities they are hired or leased
(Kumar et al 2009 WMP, Goose et al. 2006; Siddiqui et al. 2006; Nema
2004; Bhide and Shekdar 1998). The municipality-owned vehicles are
poorly maintained and no schedule is observed for preventive
maintenance. Due to shortage of finances, many of the vehicles have
outlived their standard life, resulting in high fuel consumption and low
efficiency. Since the trucks that transport MSW are usually kept
uncovered, the waste tends to spill onto the roads during transportation
making them unhygienic. The traditional transportation system does not
synchronise with the system of primary collection and secondary waste
storage facilities resulting in multiple manual handling of waste. In some
cities, modern hydraulic vehicles are gradually introduced (Bhide and
Shekdar 1998; Reddy and Galab 1998). The collection and transportation
of waste constitute major part of the budget, about 8095%; hence, it
forms a key component in determining the economics of the entire
MSWM system.
MSW Management in India 217

Table 8.6 Waste Management at Source (source: cpreec)

Source of waste
Action to be taken
Household Not to throw any solid waste in the
neighbourhood, on the streets, open spaces, and
vacant lands, into the drains or water bodies
Keep food waste/biodegradable waste in a non
corrosive container with a cover (lid)
Keep dry, recyclable waste in a bin or bag or a
Keep domestic hazardous waste if and when
generated separately for disposal at specially
notified locations
Multi-storeyed Provide separate community bin or bins large
buildings, commercial enough to hold food/biodegradable waste and
complexes, recyclable waste generated in the building or
private societies society.
Direct the members of the association to deposit
their waste in community bin
Slums Use community bins provided by local body for
deposition of food and biodegradable waste
Shops, offices, If situated in a commercial complex, deposit the
institutions, etc waste in bins provided by the association
Hotels and restaurants The container used should be strong, not more
than 100 litre in size, should have a handle on
the top or handles on the sides and a rim at the
bottom for easy handling
Vegetable and Fruit Provide large containers, which match with
Markets transportation system of the local body.
Shop keepers not to dispose of the waste in
front of their shops or open spaces.
Deposit the waste as and when generated into
the large container placed in the market.
Meat and fish markets Not to throw any waste in front of their shops
or open spaces around. Keep non-corrosive
container/containers not exceeding 100-litre
capacity with lid handle and the rim at the
bottom and deposit the waste in the said
containers as and when generated.
Transfer the contents of this container into a
large container provided by the association.

Table Contd
218 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Source of waste
Action to be taken
Street food vendors Not to throw any waste on the street, pavement
or open spaces. Keep bin or bag for the storage
of waste that generates during street vending
Preferably have arrangements to affix the bin or
bag with the handcart used for vending.
Marriage halls, Not to throw any solid waste in their
community halls, neighbourhood, on the streets, open spaces, and
kalyanamandapas vacant lands, into the drains or water bodies.
Provide a large container with lid which may
match with the transportation system of the
local body and deposit all the waste generated
in the premises in such containers.
Hospitals, Nursing Not to throw any solid waste in their
homes, etc neighbourhood, on the streets, open spaces, and
vacant lands, into the drains or water bodies.
Not to dispose off the biomedical waste in the
municipal dust bins or other waste collection or
storage site meant for municipal solid waste.
Store the waste as per the directions contained
in the government of India, Ministry of
Environment Biomedical Waste (Management
and Handling) Rules, 1998.
Construction/ Not to deposit construction waste or debris on
demolition waste the streets, footpaths, pavements, open spaces,
water bodies etc.
Store the waste within the premises or with
permission of the authorities just outside the
premises without obstructing the traffic
preferably in a container if available through
the local body or private contractors.
Garden waste Compost the waste within the garden; if
possible trim the garden waste once in a week
on the days notified by the local body.
Store the waste into large bags or bins for
handing over to the municipal authorities
appointed for the purpose on the day of
collection notified.
MSW Management in India 219

8.5 MSW Treatment/Disposal

In general, no processing of municipal solid waste is done as a rule in
India. The following technologies, however, would be relevant,
considering the quantity and quality of waste generated, for the various
WTE applications in the urban and industrial sectors in India.
Urban Waste:
(a) Municipal Solid Waste: Biomethanation, Gasification,
Composting, Incineration, Landfill with Gas Recovery (LFG),
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
(b) Municipal Liquid Waste: Biomethanation
Industrial Waste:
(a) Liquid waste: Biomethanation
(b) Solid waste: Gasification, Incineration
(c) Semi-solid waste: Biomethanation, Incineration / Gasification.
In a few cities, (i) composting (aerobic composting and vermi-
composting) and (ii) incineration (refuse derived fuel), and
(iii) biomethanation are utilized for processing. There are also trials of
other technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis, and plasma
WTE projects are relatively recent in India and are taking off the
ground in the past few years. The factors that determine the techno-
economic viability of WTE projects are quantum of investment, scale of
operation, availability of quality waste, statutory requirements and risks
involved in the projects. In the developed countries, the plants are
economically viable because of the tipping fee charged for the service of
waste disposal by the facility, in addition to the revenue generated from
power sales. But, in India, earnings from the power sales are the only
main source of revenue. Though technologically it is feasible to set up
projects with smaller capacity 1 to 5 MW corresponding to around 100 to
500 TPD waste treatment, sustainability of such projects is yet to be
firmly established. The economics of scale generally favour centralized
large scale projects. The terms for MSW supply, allotment of land, and
sale of power directly affect net revenue and in turn, the financial
viability of projects as well as private sector participation.
The methods currently in practice for the disposal and treatment of
MSW in the country are briefly outlined along with the related issues and
220 Municipal Solid Waste Management

8.5.1 Landfilling
In many metropolitan centres, open uncontrolled and poorly managed
dumping is commonly practiced, giving rise to serious environmental and
health problems. More than 90% of MSW in cities and towns are directly
disposed of on open land. Such dumping practices in many coastal towns
have led to heavy metals and other contaminants rapidly leaching into the
coastal waters. In larger cities like Delhi, the availability of land for waste
disposal is highly limited (Mor et al. 2006; Siddiqui et al. 2006; Sharholy
et al. 2006; Gupta et al., 1998; Das et al., 1998; Kansal et al., 1998;
Chakrabarty et al., 1995; Khan 1994). Hence, MSW is disposed by
dumping in low-lying areas outside the city ignoring the principles of
sanitary landfilling. The incoming MSW vehicles are not weighed and no
specific plan is followed when filling the dumpsites. Compaction and
leveling of waste and final covering by earth/inert material are rarely
done at most disposal sites. These sites are devoid of a leachate collection
system or landfill gas monitoring/collection equipment (Bhide and
Shekdar 1998; Gupta et al. 1998). The poorly maintained landfill sites are
prone to groundwater contamination because of leachate production
posing a serious threat to human health. Most of the disposal sites are
unfenced and the waste picking is common, creating problems during
operation of the sites. Further, open dumping of garbage facilitates the
breeding for disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats,
and other pests (CPCB 2000). The situation is similar to the one in any
developing country. Smoke and/or fire nuisance is caused by
unauthorized burning of waste by rag pickers. Open firing of MSW at
disposal sites is the regular method of reducing the volume of wastes. It is
also carried out to make picking of recyclables easier (Kumar et al 2009).
Organic matter content in the deposited MSW at the landfill site tends
to decompose anaerobically leading to emission of volatile organic
compounds and gaseous by-products. As we know, the landfill gas (LFG)
contains methane (50 to 60 per cent) and carbon dioxide as major
constituents, and has potential for non-conventional energy. Since
methane is more potent than carbon dioxide in contributing to greenhouse
gas effect, LFG has to be properly handled without letting into
atmosphere. TERI has estimated that the country released about
7 million tonnes of methane into the atmosphere in 1997, and if no efforts
are made to reduce the emission through methods like composting, it may
increase to 39 million tonnes by 2047 (Asnani 2006).
As no segregation of MSW at the source takes place, all kinds of
wastes including contagious waste from hospitals generally end up at the
MSW Management in India 221

disposal site. The industrial waste is also deposited quite often at the
landfill sites meant for domestic waste (Datta 1997). Until recently there
was not a single sanitary landfill site in India. Of late, four sites have
been constructed at Surat (Gujarat), Pune (Maharashtra), Puttur and
Karwar (Karnataka), and a few more sites are coming up. The Municipal
Solid waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000, make it essential
for all local bodies in the country to have sanitary landfills. Some states
like West Bengal, Rajasthan and Gujarat are considering constructing
regional facilities, as the construction of landfills are expensive and
require professional management.
Despite several problems, landfilling would continue to be the most
widely acceptable and adopted practice in the country for many more
years/decades. The municipal authorities need to effect improvements to
the existing ones to ensure that the new landfills as well as the existing
ones follow the accepted norms of sanitary landfilling (Kansal 2002; Das
et al. 1998; Dayal 1994) and MSW 2000 Rules.

8.5.2 Composting
Throughout India, a large number of small-scale decentralized
composting schemes are operating with various levels of success. In the
composting, the waste volume can be reduced to 5085%. Manual
composting is the practice in smaller urban centers, and mechanical
composting in big cities (Bhide et al 1998; Chakrabarty et al.1995).
Government of India (GOI) primarily concentrated in 1960s, on
promoting composting of urban MSW and offered soft loans to urban
local bodies. In the Fourth 5-year plan period (19691974), block grants
and loans were provided to state governments for setting up MSW
composting plants. In 1974, GOI introduced modified scheme to revive
MSW composting, particularly in cities with a population over 0.3
million. Many mechanical compost plants with capacities ranging from
150 to 300 tonnes/ day were set up in Bangalore, Baroda, Mumbai,
Kolkata, Delhi, Jaipur and Kanpur during 19751980. A survey
(UNDP/WB RWSG-SA 1991) undertaken in 1991, analysed 11 heavily
subsidized mechanical municipal compost plants that were put up during
1975-1985 with input capacity of 150-300 tonnes/day, and found that
only three were under operation, operating at much lower capacities than
expected. This survey suggested setting up of several small-scale
(decentralized) compost plants instead of one large mechanical compost
plant. The decentralized compost plants have the merits to: (a) enhance
environmental awareness, (b) create employment in the neighbourhood,
(c) create more flexibility in operation and maintenance, (d) allow the
222 Municipal Solid Waste Management

residents close examination of the services and products, (e) reduce waste
management costs for the municipality, and (f) decrease dependence on
municipal services (Mansoor Ali 2004). NGOs and Community groups
have initiated and established subsequently small-scale compost plants in
many cities.
However, the first large-scale aerobic composting plant in the country
was set up in Mumbai in 1992 to handle 500 t/day of MSW by Excel
Industries Ltd. Currently, the plant is working at 300 t/day capacity, but
very successfully and the compost produced is in demand. Another plant
with a capacity, 150 tonnes/ day has been in operation in Vijaywada. Over
the years a number of plants have been installed in the principal cities of
the country Delhi, Bangalore, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Luknow
and Gwalior. Many other cities are in the process of establishing
composting facilities. It is estimated that about 9% of MSW is treated by
composting in the country (Gupta et al. 1998; Gupta et al, 2007; Sharholy
et al. 2006; Srivastava et al. 2005; Malviya et al. 2002; CPCB 2000; Reddy
and Galab 1998; Dayal 1994; Rao and Shantaram 1993).
Approximately 35 composting projects have been set up in India with
private sector participation in the states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu,
Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala. Typically the arrangement has been on a
BOO or BOOT structure. The treatment capacity of these facilities ranges
from 80 to 700 TPD and their combined capacity is about three millions
tons per year. More projects are being finalized with PSP arrangement.
Capital investment required for such facilities (capacity 100 to 700 TPD)
typically ranges from Rs. 30 to 75 million. The promoter equity has
largely been the project financing. The private partner recovers the
investment by selling compost derived from waste processing. For
example, Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (KMC), Maharashtra selected
Zoom Developers Ltd. to implement the solid waste composting project,
in association with Larsen Engineers in 1999. KMC and Zoom signed a
30-year, Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) contract in 2000. The
facility would handle 160 TPD in the initial year, increasing to 270 TPD
in the final year. The KMC would deliver solid waste to the treatment site
(a weekly average of 770 tons), for which the concessionaire would
compensate it with a fixed annual payment of Rs. 0.48 million (escalated
annually at eight percent). The concessionaire would pay the city one
rupee per square meter per year for the land lease. The city would receive
an estimated Rs. 0.65 million in the first year of the facilitys
operation.The Composting projects in India are listed (see Annexure 4).
But not all of them are working.
MSW Management in India 223

Vermi composting is under operation in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai

and Faridabad, the Bangalore plant being the largest with a capacity of
100 MT/day. Small-scale units are operating in many towns and cities.
Normally, vermi-composting is preferred to microbial composting in
small towns as it requires less mechanization and is easy to operate.
Experiments to develop household vermicomposting kits have also been
conducted. However, the progress has not been much (Ghosh 2004;
Bezboruah and Bhargava 2003; Jha et al. 2003; Sannigrahi and
Chakrabortty 2002; Gupta et al. 1998; Reddy and Galab 1998; Jalan
1997; Khan 1994).

8.5.3 Anaerobic Digestion (Biomethanation)

It is comparatively well-established technology for disinfections,
deodorization and stabilization of sewage sludge, animal slurries,
farmyard manures, and industrial sludge. Its application to the organic
fraction of MSW is more recent. Anaerobic digestion leads to energy
recovery through biogas generation, in addition to residual sludge. The
method offers advantages over composting in terms of energy production/
consumption, compost quality and net environmental gains. The method
is suitable for kitchen waste and other putrescible wastes which are too
wet for aerobic composting. It is a net energy-producing process, around
100-150 kWh per tonne of waste input. The biogas, which has 5560%
methane, can be used directly as a fuel or for power generation. It is
estimated that in controlled anaerobic digestion, 1 tonne of MSW
produces 2 to 4 times more methane in 3 weeks in comparison to what
1 tonne of waste in landfill will produce in 67 years (Ahsan, 1999;
Khan, 1994).
In India, Western Paques have tested the anaerobic digestion process
to produce methane gas. The results of the pilot plant show that 150 t/day
of MSW produce 14,000 m3 of biogas with a methane content of
5565%, which in turn can generate 1.2 MW of electric power. The
government is eager to promote biomethanation technology as a
secondary source of energy by utilizing industrial, agricultural and
municipal wastes. A great deal of experience with biomethanation
systems exists in Delhi, Bangalore, Lucknow and many other cities. But,
there is little experience in the treatment of solid organic waste, except
with sewage sludge and animal manure (e.g., cow dung). Several
schemes for biomethanation of MSW, vegetable and yard wastes, are
currently in operation and are also planned for some cities (Ambulkar and
Shekdar 2004; Chakrabarty et al. 1995).
224 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The biogas technology developed at BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research

Centre) in India for treating all biodegradable waste and commercialized
Nisarga-Runa technology is an improvement on this technology (see
Annexure 7). BARC in collaboration with Bangalore Corporation
(BBMP) will set up 16 biomethanation plants covering City area that
convert garbage into gaseous fuel which can be converted into electricity.
It will resolve the problem of solid waste management disposal as well as
resolve the power woes of the city (Times of India, Apr 12, 2011). Unlike
conventional biogas plants that can process only human waste and cow
dung, Nisargruna plants can process all biodegradable waste. The
Bangalore city generates about 3,200 tonnes of garbage every day. The
first project will be started at Mathikere in April 2011. One tonne of
waste can generate 60 metric cubes of gas and 50 kg of manure. Further,
the gaseous fuel can be converted into electricity with the help of
generator and can be used to light 250 street lights for 10 hours. Methane
gas can be used as kitchen fuel to run a canteen. The project can be
successful only if garbage segregation begins at household level.
The Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources has been
promoting setting up of Waste-to-Energy projects in the country through
two schemes: (i) National Programme on Energy Recovery from Urban
and Industrial Wastes, and (ii) UNDP/ GEF assisted Project on
Development of High Rate Biomethanation Processes as a means of
Reducing Green House Gases Emission.
The first scheme is applicable to private and public sector
entrepreneurs and organisations as well as NGOs for setting up of waste-
to-energy projects on the basis of Build, Own and Operate (BOO), Build,
Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT), Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT)
and Build Operate Lease and Transfer (BOLT). It is being implemented
through State Nodal Agencies who certify the financial, managerial and
technical capabilities of the promoters and on assured availability of
waste materials on a long term basis (over 10 years) for operating the
project.Three projects with capacity of 5 MW, based on palm oil industry
waste, cattle dung and poultry waste were completed and commissioned
during 2004-05. Two projects were under the National Programme and
the third project was completed under the UNDP/GEF project. Some
details about these and other projects are given.
3.0 MW power project based on Palm Oil Industry Waste by M/s Sai
Renewable Power Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad, at Eluru, Andhra Pradesh: The
plant has been set up based on combustion of empty bunches from palm
trees and residues of palm fruits. These remains are rich in volatile
MSW Management in India 225

substances and will be used as a fuel for the boiler in the plant. About 100
tonnes per day of palm oil industry waste is being used to produce 3 MW
of power. MNES finds the project working satisfactory to the capacity.
1.5 MW power project based on poultry droppings at Namakkal, Tamil
Nadu: The plant has been installed by M/s G. K. Bio-Energy Pvt. Ltd.,
Namakkal, based on biomethanation technology to generate power using
poultry droppings from one million birds of nearby poultry farms. It is
based on BIMA (Biogas Induced Mixing Arrangement) technology
developed and commercialised by M/s Entec, Austria. The engines used
for generating power are 100% biogas engines imported from Austria.
The total cost of the project is Rs.180.4 million.
5 MW municipal solid wastes (MSW) based project at Lucknow: The
project has been executed by M/S Asia Bio-energy Pvt. Ltd (ABIL),
Chennai on Build, Own, Operate and Maintenance basis in association
with Lucknow Nagar Nigam (LNN) who are responsible for supply of
required quality and quantity of MSW at the plant site. The plant based
on Biomethanation technology started its commercial operation in August
2003 but could reach to a maximum generation capacity of 1.5 MW only
by March 2004. The plant is presently facing problem in its operation
mainly due to non-availability of the required quality of MSW free from
debris, sand and silt.
0.5 MW power project based on slaughterhouse solid waste at M/s Hind
Agro Ltd., Aligarh, U.P: M/s Hind Agro has a 100% export oriented
modern integrated abattoir cum meat processing plant at Aligarh. The
biogas plant being installed at their place is designed to treat solid waste
generated from slaughtering of 1600 buffaloes everyday. The project for
biomethanation of slaughterhouse solid wastes to produce about 4000
cum. biogas per day for generation of 0.5 MW power from about
50 tonnes per day solid wastes was installed. The plant was installed by
M/s RSB Japan on turnkey basis under the technical supervision of
Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai.
A typical Farmyard Biogas plant generally applicable to rural
locations is described below (Ludwig Sasses article on Biogas plants):
A biogas plant operates on the principle of anaerobic digestion and
supplies energy (in the form of biogas) and residue as fertilizer. It
improves hygiene and protects the environment. A biogas plant is a
modern energy source, and improves working conditions especially for
the rural people in the country.
226 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The methane content in the biogas depends on the digestion

temperature. Low digestion temperatures give high methane content, but
less gas is produced. The methane content also depends on the feed
material. Some typical values are as follows: Cattle manure 65%, Poultry
manure 60%, Pig manure 67%, Farmyard manure 55%, Straw 59%,
Grass 70%, Kitchen waste 50%, Algae 63%, Water hyacinths 52% and
Leaves 58%.
A plant with long retention times is beneficial to a farmer with few
animals and to the national economy. The personal benefit of a biogas
plant to the owner-farmer depends on how his energy and fertilizer
requirements are met earlier: the benefit is greater the more energy had to
be bought in (diesel oil, coal, wood) and the higher the cost of that
energy. However, there is always a close relationship between energy
costs and those of construction of the plant.
A floating-drum plant with internal gas outlet is shown in Fig.8.4. The
gas pipe is securely mounted on the wall and leads directly to the kitchen.
Ideally, as in this example, the digester should be located directly beside
the animal shelter, which should have a paved floor. Urine and dung can
be swept into the inlet pipe with little effort. The plant has a sunny
location, and the vegetable garden is situated directly adjacent to the
digested slurry store. The well is an adequate distance away from the
biogas plant.

Fig. 8.4 A farmyard Biogas plant (Courtesy: Ludwig Sasse Biogas Plants).
MSW Management in India 227

The benefit of the fertilizer depends primarily on how it is used by the

farmer. If the digested slurry is immediately utilized and properly applied
- as fertilizer, each kg of slurry can be expected to yield roughly 0.5 kg
extra nitrogen, as compared with fresh manure. If the slurry is first left to
dry and/or improperly applied, the nitrogen yield will be considerably
If parasitic diseases had previously been common, the improvement in
hygiene also has economic benefits (reduced working time). If the sludge
is completely digested, the more pathogens are killed. High temperatures
and long retention times are more hygienic.
The principal organisms that are killed in biogas plants are: Typhoid,
paratyphoid, cholera and dysentery bacteria (in one or two weeks),
hookworm and bilharzia (in three weeks). But the tapeworm and
roundworm totally die only when the fermented slurry is dried in the sun.
Different types of Biogas plants and their relative merits and demerits,
as discudded by Ludwig Saaae are given in Annexure.
Biomethanation as a WTE technology option has several positive
favorable attributes for its adoption by the industrial sectors in India.
Biomethanation has a long track record of over a decade in India in
sectors like distillery and paper. Other sectors with full-scale
biomethanation plants operating in the country include dairy, starch, yeast
(based on sugarcane molasses), pharmaceutical (antibiotic, vitamin
plants), poultry, tannery (wastewater and fleshings) and cattle farm
manure. The full scale operating units in the country have provided a
wealth of cumulative knowledge/information.
Several proprietary designs have evolved to offer compact commercial
systems with low hydraulic retention time (HRT) and high solids
retention time (SRT). These vary from simple contact reactors to
advanced versions of fixed film, UASB, fluidised bed and other hybrid
types of bio-reactors. Organic loading rate (kg COD/m3/d) is the main
process design parameter for liquid substrates and HRT is used as a
convenient parameter for solid / semi-solid / slurry substrates. These
parameters can be established from laboratory feasibility studies or pilot
plant trials.

8.5.4 Incineration
The most attractive feature of the incineration process is very substantial
volume reduction of combustible solid waste. In some newer incinerators
designed to operate at temperatures high enough to produce a molten
228 Municipal Solid Waste Management

material, it may be possible to reduce the volume to about 5% or even

less (Jha et al. 2003; Ahsan1999; Peavey et al.1985). In India,
incineration is not utilized on a large scale. This may be due to the high
organic material (4060%), high moisture content (4060%), high inert
content (3050%) and low calorific value or energy content (8001100
kcal/kg) in the average municipal solid waste (Kansal 2002; Joardar
2000; Bhide and Shekdar 1998; Sudhire et al. 1996; Jalan and Srivastava
1995; Chakrabarty et al. 1995).
The first MSW incineration plant capable of generating 3.75 MW
power from 300 t/day waste was constructed at Timarpur, New Delhi in
1987 at a cost of Rs. 250 million (US$5.7 million) by Miljotecknik
volunteer, Denmark. The plant was out of operation after 6 months due to
its poor performance. Another incineration plant was constructed at
BARC, Trombay, Mumbai, for burning only the institutional waste,
mostly paper. In many cities, small incinerators are used for burning
hospital waste (Sharholy et al.2005; Lal 1996; Chakrabarty et al. 1995;
Dayal 1994).

8.5.5 Gasification
In India, there are a few gasifiers in operation, but they are mostly for
burning of biomass such as agro-residues, sawmill dust, and forest
wastes. Gasification can also be used for MSW treatment after drying,
removing the inerts and shredding for size reduction. Two different
designs of gasifiers exist in India. The first one (NERIFIER gasification
unit) is installed at Nohar, Hanungarh, Rajasthan by Narvreet Energy
Research and Information (NERI) for the burning of agro-wastes,
sawmill dust, and forest wastes. The waste-feeding rate is about 50150
kg/h and its efficiency is around 7080%. About 25% of the fuel gas
produced may be recycled back into the system to support the gasification
process, and the remaining is recovered and used for power generation.
The second unit is the TERI gasification unit installed at Gaul Pahari
campus, New Delhi by TERI (CPCB 2004; Ahsan 1999). No commercial
plant has come up for the disposal of MSW, as it is still an emerging
technology for MSW.

8.5.6 RDF Plants

The main purpose of the refuse derived fuel (RDF) method is to produce
an improved solid fuel or pellets from mixed MSW as a fuel feed for
thermal processes. The RDF fluff or pellets can be stored and
conveniently transported over long distances, and can be used as a
substitute for coal at a lower cost. The Technology Information,
MSW Management in India 229

Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) of Department of Science

and Technology (DST), GOI has developed the technology to separate
combustible fraction from MSW and carry out densification of the rest
into pellets, and set up a demonstration plant at the Deonar, Mumbai in
the early 1990. These fuel pellets have consistently recorded a calorific
value of over 3000 k cal/kg. However, the plant has not been in operation
for the last few years. The DST has transferred the technology to M/s.
Selco International Ltd., and to M/s Sriram Energy Systems Ltd to set up
RDF plants at Hyderabad and Vijayawada respectively. The Hyderabad
plant, commissioned near the Golconda dumping ground with a 1000 t/
day capacity, is currently working with a lower capacity of 700 t/ day.
Selco is using the RDF produced (fluff and pellets) for generating electric
power in a plant of capacity 6.6 MW setup by them. The fraction of agro-
waste used along with MSW claimed by these two operators of these
facilities is being challenged and the matter is under judicial scrutiny
(Asnani 2006).
A similar project has been established in Bangalore and has regular
production of fuel pellets, since October, 1989. The plant utilises 50 t/
day of garbage, and converts into 5 t of fuel pellets which are designed
both for industrial and domestic uses (Yelda and Kansal 2003; Reddy and
Galab 1998; Khan 1994).
In summary, different technologies to recover useful energy from
Municipal Solid Wastes are extensively available and are utilised mostly
in developed countries. For India, biomethanation, incineration,
gasification and RDF are promising technologies, and the last three can
be used for power production. Particularly, the RDF plants reduce
pressure on landfills. Combustion of the RDF from MSW is
technologically sound and is capable of generating power. The
technology developed by Department of Science and Technology, GOI
for RDF production is very sound and reliable. RDF may be fired along
with the conventional fuels like coal without any adverse effects for
generating heat. In the operation of the thermal treatment systems,
however, higher costs and relatively a higher degree of expertise are
However, an Integrated Waste Management system supported by
legislative and control measures is necessary in India, for the success of
these technologies. A detailed feasibility study needs to be conducted in
each case, duly taking into account the available waste quantities and
characteristics and the local conditions as well as relative assessment of
the different waste disposal options. Suitable safeguards and pollution
230 Municipal Solid Waste Management

control measures need to be incorporated in the design of each facility to

fully comply with the environmental regulations and safeguard public
heath. If the Waste-to-Energy facilities are set up with such
consideration, they can effectively bridge the gap between waste
recycling, composting and landfilling, for tackling the increasing
problems of waste disposal in the urban areas in an environment-friendly
manner. Further, they can help augmenting power generation in the
Relative Costs of Variuos WTE Technologies: The cost of waste
treatment will vary for various treatment options. The application of a
particular technology may be limited by requirement of land, operational
costs and management complexities of various available treatment
techniques. The background study undertaken by Environment Unit,
South Asia Region, World Bank (WB 2006) suggested the approximate
cost comparison for various technologies in India as shown in
Table 8.6(a)

Table 8.6(a) Relative capital costs of various WTE technologies in India.

Assumed MSW
Land required Cost
Technology quantity (Metric
(acre) (Rs. in million)
Biomethanation 150 6-7 60-90
Pelletisation 125 3-4 40-50
Incineration 100 2-3 60-70
Composting 150 7-8 15-20

8.6 Recovery of Recyclable Materials

Recycling of waste in India can be considered as a highly organised and
profit making venture, though it is largely informal in nature. Community
based organisations and NGOs play an important role especially in
collection and segregation of wastes, as well as their recycling. A number
of recyclable materials, for example, paper, glass, plastic and rubber,
ferrous and non-ferrous metals present in the MSW are recovered and
reused. It has been estimated that in Indian cities, the recyclable content
in the waste varies from 13% to 20% (in Mumbai 17% and in Delhi
15%). A survey conducted by CPCB during 1996 in some Indian cities
has revealed that rag pickers play a key role in collecting the recyclable
MSW Management in India 231

materials from the streets, bins and disposal sites for their livelihood;
only a small quantity of recyclable materials is left out. In India, about
4080% of plastic waste is recycled compared to 1015% in the
developed countries. However, the recovery rate of paper was 14% of the
total paper consumption in 1991, while the global recovery rate was
higher at 37% (Pappu et al. 2007; CPCB 2004; Yelda and Kansal 2003;
Shekdar 1999; Ahsan 1999; Dayal 1994; Khan, 1994).
The role of the informal sector is very significant in recovering
materials compared to municipal authorities (Fig. 8.5). In Delhi, there are
more than 100,000 rag pickers and the average quantity of waste
materials collected by one rag picker is 10-15 kg/day. According to
another source, in Delhi, there are about 200,000 self-employed waste
pickers comprising of men, women, and children collecting about 2,000
tons of rubbish daily (CSE-publications). The rag pickers handle nearly
17% of solid waste in Delhi who collect, sort and transport waste free of
cost, as part of the informal trade in scrap. This exercise saves the
government Rupees 600,000 (US$13,700) daily. In Bangalore, the
informal sector involved in waste handling prevents about 15% of the
MSW going to the dumpsites. The waste pickers in Pune save around
Rupees 9 million/ year (US$200,000) for the municipal corporation by
their involvement.
In Hyderabad, the cost of MSWM per ton is less in the areas where
the private sector participates compared to the areas serviced by
municipality. In Mumbai, the observation is that the cost per ton of
MSWM is US$35 with community participation, US$41 with public
private partnership (PPP) and US$44 when only Municipal Corporation
of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) handles the MSW. Hence, community
participation in MSWM is the low-cost option. Several studies
undertaken by different institutes and authorities also revealed that the
role of the informal sector in MSWM is very important because it
provides a livelihood to many poor, unskilled and marginalized people.
The informal collection avoids environmental costs and reduces capacity
problems at dumpsites; and the rag pickers can provide excellent
segregation of MSW (Sharholy et al. 2005, 2006, 2007; Rathi 2006;
Joseph 2006; Agarwal et al. 2005; Srivastava et al. 2005; CPCB 2004;
Kansal 2002; Reddy and Khan 1994).
232 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig. 8.5 Women scavenging a dump, a health risk (source: ARRPET 2004)

8.7 Healthcare Waste Management

Healthcare centres in India generate substantial quantities of waste, and it
is their responsibility to manage that waste. Rural hospitals generate
much less waste. The healthcare waste is generally estimated based on
the number of beds in the centres. The health information sources reveal
that 20% of total beds are in rural hospitals and 80% are in urban
hospitals. Extrapolating from previous statistics on the number of beds
and an average quantity of waste generation at the rate of 1 kg/bed/day, it
has been estimated that about 0.33 million tonnes of hospital waste is
generated annually (Patil and Shekdar 2001).
The quantities generated vary from hospital to hospital and depend on
the nature of healthcare facility and local economic levels; the hospitals
generally do not have a system of maintaining data on waste quantities. In
a study carried out in Indore City (Patil and Shekdar 2001), quantities of
waste were weighed in different hospitals serving with specialized units.
Waste quantities are invariably estimated assuming 100% bed occupancy
because many hospitals in India are over-occupied. In large hospitals,
infectious wastes are usually disinfected and disposed of along with
general waste. Waste generated in out-patient departments is treated in
the same way. Wastes from operating theatres, wards and pathology
laboratories are disposed of without any disinfection/sterilization.
MSW Management in India 233

Amputated body parts, anatomical wastes and other highly infectious

wastes are incinerated wherever incinerators are available; the rest is
burnt in a corner of the hospital grounds, mostly in open pits.
In small towns, healthcare waste is often buried in pits in the space
available on-site or sent to MSW disposal sites. Smaller private nursing
homes and clinics do not take any precautions and often dispose of their
waste in the community bins intended for storage of MSW.
It is common practice to dispose of healthcare waste along with MSW.
Open burning is also used for its disposal. Large numbers of waste
pickers collect recyclable items such as plastics, needles and glass
materials from the waste to sell. Cleaners/sweepers in healthcare units
often pick out recyclables such as plastics, glass and metals from the
waste and sell them. This is an unsafe practice, as it is associated with
high risk of infection and serious disease.

8.8 Hazardous Waste Management

There is a steady increase in the generation of hazardous waste in India.
Most of the industry and companies are unaware that the waste they are
generating is hazardous and are not keen to make the information
available. Hence, comprehensive and reliable data on the generation of
hazardous waste in India is unavailable and the data obtained is far from
authentic. In such a situation, it is necessary to rely on estimated and
projected data on hazardous waste generation for planning and
development purposes.
For hazardous waste management in India, the key issues are the
environmental implications of: (a) uncontrolled waste generation,
(b) improper waste separation and storage prior to collection, (c) multiple
waste handling, (d) low standard of disposal practices, and (e) non-
availability of treatment/ disposal facilities.
The scarcity of funding and sufficient skilled human power further
aggravates the situation. Due to economic considerations, the companies
which generate hazardous waste in rich countries look for the cheapest
and easiest dumping grounds that exist in developing countries (including
India) and ship their waste to those countries. Thus the trans-boundary
movement of hazardous wastes (for example, E-waste) from developed
countries to India where the environmental laws and their enforcement
are not stringent has become another serious issue (Kumar et al 2008).
234 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Some hazardous wastes are disposed of at a treatment, storage and

disposal facility (TSDF), a centralized location catering for the hazardous
waste generated from nearby sites. The TSDF provides small- and
medium-scale industries generating hazardous waste with an efficient
disposal channel. However, for small-scale waste producers who do not
have their own treatment facilities, services for hazardous waste
collection, treatment and disposal are highly inadequate. Hazardous
wastes from these sources are collected and disposed of with MSW. In
addition, following legislation designed to contain hazardous waste in
secure sites, large stocks of hazardous or partially treated hazardous
waste are stockpiled in the vicinity of industrial sites (Kumar et al 2009)
The site selection criteria for a TSDF depend upon the receptors and
pathways of likely waste movement, waste characteristics and waste
management practices. The planning for hazardous waste management
involves a number of aspects ranging from identification and
quantification of hazardous waste to development and monitoring of the
TSDF. Recycling of hazardous waste is also practiced but its potential is
The issue of hazardous waste treatment is complex and requires a
broad approach. The selection of an affordable and environmentally
sound treatment technology necessitates a great deal of waste
characterization. Though there are established guidelines for separation,
storage, collection and transportation for hazardous waste, the wastes
from industrial and non-industrial sectors still find their way to public
landfills, nearby dump sites or waterways resulting in serious
environmental concerns such as groundwater pollution. The people who
depend on such ground water sources are affected. The disposal of
hazardous wastes is a very critical issue and need to be addressed aptly.

8.9 E-Waste Management

The collection of E-waste from corporates and households was done
earlier by scrap dealers and rag pickers, and the collected waste used to
get into an informal e-waste recycling system. The informal recycling
system not only includes processes such as dismantling and sorting but
also very harmful processes such as burning and leaching in order to
extract metals from electronic equipment. The formal e-waste recyclers
MSW Management in India 235

are just emerging; corporate companies are actively started working on

the Collection and Recycling and the demand seems to be increasing.
More than 332 000 tonnes of e-waste was generated in India in 2007;
the same is expected to touch 467 000 tonnes by 2011 and is likely to
increase to 800 000 tonnes by 2012. The top states in order of highest
generation of E-waste are Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu,
Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi, Karnataka, and so on. E-waste is
mostly generated in large cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai,
Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Pune, Surat and Nagpur. Mumbai
ranks first among the top 10 cities that generate e-waste in the country,
with the generation of 23 000 tonnes of e-waste every year. Bangalores
innumerable IT (information technology) and related companies produce
11000 tonnes of e-waste every year.
Most of the E-waste collectors and recyclers, only do size reduction
(shredding), segregation and export them. Companies like Eco
Recyclying Ltd and Trishyiraya Recyclingare involved in exporting the
waste mainly to Belgium. Three categories of WEEE account for almost
90% of the generation:
Large household appliances: 42.1%, Information and Communications
Technology equipment: 33.9%, Consumer electronics: 13.7%. An
estimated 30000 computers become outdated every year from the IT
industry in Bangalore alone (Source: WEEE, Waste Guide, MAIT, Eco
Recycling Ltd, Trishyiraya).
Like in developing countries, E-waste is most sought after item in
India for scavengers and recyclers. In Delhi alone, there are about 25,000
workers employed at scrap-yards, where 10,000 to 20,000 tons of E-
wastes are handled every year, with computers accounting for 25 percent
(Indian Express, 2005).
The challenges of managing E-waste in India are very different from
those in other countries because of the complexity of the e-waste issue.
Some of the challenges are: rapidly increasing e-waste volumes, both
domestically generated as well as through imports, no accurate estimates
of the quantity of e-waste generated and recycled, poor awareness
amongst manufacturers and consumers of the hazards of faulty e-waste
disposal, widespread e-waste recycling in the informal sector using
undeveloped techniques resulting in severe environmental damage,
workers have no knowledge of toxins in e-waste, inefficient recycling
processes result in substantial losses of material value so on.
236 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table 8.7 Informal recycling of E-waste in Chennai.

Computer component Recovered component Mechanism employed

Monitor Cathode ray tube, circuit board, Dismantling using screw
copper, plastics drivers (the broken CRTs are
Hard disk China steel, aluminum, Broken using hammer
actuator (magnet), platter,
circuit board
Circuit board Capacitor, condenser, copper, Gold recovery - acid treatment,
gold, chipped board Copper recovery - heating,
Crushing of boards by custom-
made crushers
Printer Motor, plastics Dismantling using screw
Cables and wires Copper, aluminum Burning or stripping

8.10 Rules, Legislation and Legal Provisions

Many laws concerning solid waste handling are framed to improve the
quality and efficiency of solid waste management and to regulate the
disposal activity which affects adversely public health, the environment
and economics. Many laws are intended to deal with the issues/problems
related to solid waste management.
The Acts, Rules and Notification regarding Solid Waste Management
in Inida are the following:
Law of Torts, Indian Penal Code 1860, Code of Civil Procedure 1908,
Constitution of India 1950, Code of Criminal Procedure 1973,
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974,
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981,
The Environment (Protection Act) 1986,
The Hazardous waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1989, 2003,
The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 1991,
The Bio-medical wastes (Management and Handling) Rules 1998,
The Recycled plastics (Manufacture and Usage) Rules 1999
MSW Management in India 237

The Municipal Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000

Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 as amended
National Environment Policy 2006
To live in a clean and healthy environment is not only a fundamental
right guaranteed under Article 21 of our Constitution but also a right
recognized and enforced by the Courts of Law under different laws, like
Law of Torts, Indian Penal Code 1860, Civil Procedure Code 1908, and
Criminal Procedure Code 1973. The Constitution of India 1950, the
earliest legislation and the supreme law of the land has imposed a
fundamental duty on every citizen of India under Article 51-A (g) to
protect and improve the environment. The obligation on the State to
protect the environment is expressed under Article 48 A. The right to live
in a healthy environment is also a basic human right. The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights 1948 gaurantees everyone the right to life
under Article 3, and the right to a standard of living adequate for health
and well being of himself and of his family under Article 25 (CPREEC).
The National policy of waste management was legally enacted by
the Government of India (Ministry of Environment and Forests, MoEF)
as the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000
mentioned already, in exercise of the power conferred under Sections 3, 6
and 25 of the Environment Protection Act, 1986. These rules shall apply
to every municipal authority responsible for collection, segregation,
storage, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal solid wastes.
These Rules are finalized after inviting suggestions and objections to the
draft document circulated among all the municipalities in the country.
The key elements in The Municipal Solid Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules 2000 are:
(i) Collection of municipal solid wastes: Organising doorstep
collection of biodegradable and non-degradable municipal solid
waste from houses, hotels, restaurants, office complexes and
commercial areas, slums and squatter areas,
(ii) Segregation of municipal solid wastes: Municipal authority shall
organize awareness programmes for segregating the waste at
source in two bins: one for biodegradable and another for
recyclable material, and promote recycling or reuse of segregated
238 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(iii) Street sweeping: Municipal authorities organize street sweeping

covering all the residential and commercial areas on all the days
of the year including Sundays and public holidays,
(iv) Storage of municipal solid waste: Municipal authorities shall
establish and maintain storage facilities such that wastes stored
are not exposed to open atmosphere and shall be aesthetically
acceptable and user-friendly and it should be easy to operate,
design for handling, transfer and transportation of waste.
(v) Transportation of municipal solid wastes: Vehicles used for
transportation of waste shall be covered and waste should not be
visible to public, or exposed to open environment and shall be so
designed that multiple handling of wastes prior to final disposal
is avoided.
(vi) Processing of MSW: Municipal authorities shall adopt suitable
technology or combination of such technologies to treat wastes so
as to minimize burden on landfill.
(vii) Disposal of municipal solid waste: Landfilling shall be restricted
to non-biodegradable, inert waste and other waste that are not
suitable either for recycling or for biological processing.
Landfilling of mixed waste shall be avoided unless the same is
found unsuitable for waste processing.
The guidelines also cover upgrading the existing facilities to arrest
contamination of soil and ground water. The rules are to be implemented
and monitored within a timeframe as given in the Table 8.8.

Table 8.8 Timeframe for the Implementation of the MSW Rules 2000
(source: Asnani 2006)

S.No. Compliance criteria Schedule

A Setting up of waste processing By 31 December

and disposal facilities 2003 or earlier
B Monitoring the performance Once in six months
of waste processing and Disposal facilities
C Improvement of existing Landfill By 31 December
Sites as per provisions of these rules 2001 or earlier
D Identification of landfill sites By 31 December
for future use and making site(s) 2002 or earlier
ready for operation.
MSW Management in India 239

Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules 1999 were amended

in 2003 and the Rules are applicable in all the States/Union Territories.
The rules lay much stress on the manufacturing of plastics using virgin
materials and recycled plastics. The Rule also details the standard size
and thickness of the plastics to-be-manufactured. The rules clearly state
that the existing plastics manufacturing and recycling units register with
the State Pollution Control Board/ Pollution Control Committee by
fulfilling the conditions (CPCB, India).
Major developments on 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in India:
(a) Non-biodegradable Garbage (Control) Ordinance 2006,
Maharashtra, India. This Ordinance has come into force with
Immediate effect. The ordinance controls ways in which non-
biodegradable materials are to be disposed. It also bans the
manufacture, transport and use of polythene bags. Maharashtra is
the third state to enact such legislation. The state has set 50
microns as the least permissible thickness for polythene bags (Goa
and Himachal Pradesh have specified a thickness limit of 40
microns and 70 microns respectively). However, polythene bags
used for food items, medicines and milk and oil packets are
omitted from the ambit of this ban, with a specification that such
bags are to be manufactured using virgin plastic raw material in its
original. The ordinance makes it mandatory for polythene bags to
mention the details of the manufacturers, including the registration
numbers issued by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
(MPCB). It also enjoins manufacturers to provide information on
the size and quality (virgin or recycled) of polythene. Moreover, no
unit is allowed to manufacture polythene bags in the state without
the consent of the Directorate of Industries and Commerce and
MPCB (Source: MPCB India).
(b) Recycling Schemes: The MoEF, Government of India has launched
a Registration Scheme to channelize indigenously generated and
imported recyclable waste to only those units with necessary
facilities/technology to reprocess such waste in an environmentally
sound manner. The Ministry reported a total of 476 registered
Plastic Reprocessing, and other 252 registered units for Used Oil
Reprocessing, Lead waste Reprocessing and Non-Ferrous
(c) Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection
(CREP): After a series of industry specific interaction meetings,
the Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental
240 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Protection (CREP) was adopted in March, 2003 for 17 categories

of polluting industries. It is a road map for progressive step up in
environmental management. Eight task forces comprising of
experts and members from institutions and industry associations
have been constituted for effective implementation of the Charter.
These task forces meet regularly to monitor and to provide
guidance to the industries for adopting necessary pollution
abatement measures (Source: SOM 2006).
There are other Municipal Corporation Acts by different States such
as the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act 1959, Uttar Pradesh Municipal
Corporation Act 1959 and Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act 1976.
These Acts also deal with environmental pollution caused by improper
disposal of MSW. For example, The Delhi Plastic Bag (Manufacture,
Sales and Usage) and non-biodegradable garbage (control) Act 2000 was
enacted to prevent contamination of foodstuff carried in recycled plastic
bags, to reduce the use of plastic bags, and to ban throwing or depositing
non-biodegradable garbage in public drains, roads and places open to
public view.
Local authorities often see MSWM services as poor compared to other
basic services because MSWM can barely recover operating costs. Most
of the municipalities are unable to provide adequate level of conservancy
and SWM services for a variety of reasons (Siddiqui et al. 2006; Kansal
2002; MoEF 2000; Gupta et al. 1998).
Responsibility for implementation of MSW Rules 2000: These rules are
applicable and mandatory to all Municipal authorities responsible for
MSWM in the country. They are also accountable for implementation of
these Rules and development of infrastructure. These authorities have to
obtain authorization from State Pollution Control Boards for setting up
waste processing and disposal facilities, and furnish annual compliance
reports. The Urban Development Department of the State Government is
responsible for the enforcement of the provisions in metropolitan cities.
The State Boards and the other committees are required to monitor
compliance of the standards regarding not only groundwater and ambient
air but also leachate and compost quality including incineration
standards. In addition, they are required to examine proposals for waste
processing facilities giving due consideration to the views of other
The CPCB is required to coordinate with the State Boards (SPCB) for
proper implementation of the rules. The central and the state
governments, CPCB, State Pollution Control Boards and several national
MSW Management in India 241

and international institutions have conducted training programmes to the

personnel involved to help the cities and towns for prompt
implementation of the rules.
Apart from implementing the MSW 2000 rules, other desirable actions
required are: waste processing and disposal facilities to be monitored
every six months, identification of landfill sites for future use, MSW not
to be mixed with biomedical (healthcare) and industrial wastes, citizens
to be encouraged to segregate the wastes, and processing of
biodegradable waste by composting and anaerobic digestion (Kumar et al
An expert panel set up by the Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India has prepared and published a Manual on SWM in
May 2000. All the states are provided with this Manual so that the
Municipalities may adopt appropriate systems of solid waste
Compliance/Non-compliance of MSW Rules 2000: Complete
compliance by 31st December 2003 did not happen. Many cities did not
even initiated measures while a few cities started. A study was conducted
to ascertain the status of compliance of the Rules by class I cities. 128
class I cities have responded. The collected responses on progress on
each of the main components of MSW covered in the Rules as on 1st
April 2004 is shown in Fig.8.6 (Asnani 2004).
According to municipal authorities, the compliance in waste collection
is constrained by (Asnani 2006): lack of public awareness, motivation
and education; lack of wide publicity through electronic and print media;
lack of finances to create awareness; resistance to change; difficulty in
educating slum dwellers; lack of sufficient knowledge on benefits of
segregation; non cooperation from households, trade and commerce;
unwillingness on part of citizens to spend on separate bin for recyclables;
lack of sufficient litter bins in the city; non availability of primary
collection vehicles and equipment; lack of authority to levy spot fines;
lack of financial resources for procurement of tools and modern vehicles.
The creation of sufficient treatment and disposal facilities are limited
dearth of financial resources as well as lack of support from state
non-availability of appropriate land;
242 Municipal Solid Waste Management

exorbitant time and cost considerations in land acquisition and

setting up of treatment and landfill technologies;
lack of adequate technical know-how and skilled manpower for
treatment and disposal of waste;
low quality of municipal solid waste;
delay in clearance of disposal sites.

Fig. 8.6 Status of Compliance of MSW Rules 2000 as on 1st April 2004

Though the progress has not been at a desirable level, there has been a
perceptible awareness among local bodies and policy makers to promote
solid waste management systems. Recent years have witnessed the
conditions improving in the country due to (a) regular monitoring by the
Supreme Court, (b) offer of incentives by state governments, (c) large
financial support from Central government on the advice of 12th Finance
Commission, (d) provision of urban renewal funds to the states
(JNNURM), and (e) technical and financial support from various
Ministries of Government of India and national and international
To implement the rules expeditiously, one of the strategies could be to
contract out most of the SWM services to Private sector, NGOs, RWAs
MSW Management in India 243

and CBOs. The overall merits in inviting Private sector participation in

MSWM have been discussed in later pages.
Rules for Healthcare waste management: The Biomedical Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules 1998 (amended in 2000) set out
requirements for treatment and disposal of healthcare waste. The rules
include the following provisions:
(a) biomedical waste must not be mixed with other wastes,
(b) all operators of biomedical facilities must set up on-site waste
treatment facilities (e.g. incinerator, autoclave, microwave
system) for the treatment of the waste generated, or ensure proper
treatment of the waste at a common or any other waste treatment
(c) biomedical waste must be segregated into containers/bags at the
point of generation (as described by the Rules) prior to its storage,
transportation, treatment and disposal,
(d) containers of biomedical waste must be labelled as specified by
the Rules. If a container is taken to an external waste treatment
facility, the container must also carry the information prescribed
by the Rules,
(e) despite any provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 (or rules
there under), the biomedical waste must be transported only in
vehicles authorized for the purpose by the government/ authority,
(f) untreated biomedical waste must not be kept or stored for more
than 48 hours. In case of necessity to store the waste for longer,
measures must be taken to ensure that human health and the
environment are not adversely affected,
(g) all operators submit a report to the specified authority specifying
the nature and quantities of biomedical wastes handled during the
preceding year in a specified format by 31 January, to be sent to
the CPCB by 31 March every year,
(h) every authorized person for Biomedical waste handling must
maintain records relating to the generation, collection, reception,
storage, transportation, treatment, disposal and/or any form of
handling of biomedical waste in accordance with these rules and
guidelines issued.
(i) accidents that occur at any institution or facility or any other site
where biomedical waste is handled or during transportation of
such waste must be reported immediately by an authorized person
on the designated form to the authority.
244 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Rapid urbanization in the country has led to improved medical

facilities in urban centres. But separate systems for the disposal of
healthcare waste are available in only a few cases. In all other systems,
the infectious waste from healthcare units is mixed with MSW
aggravating the problem of waste management, already overburdened in
the urban centres. The existing system of management for healthcare
waste suffer from certain defects that need attention: mixed collection of
wastes increases the quantity of waste classified as infectious, absence of
colour-coded storage containers for different categories of waste, non-
availability of treatment and processing devices compatible with waste
generation, lack of common treatment and processing facilities,
unplanned waste management systems, inadequate budget allocation, lack
of awareness of better waste management practices, and lack of waste
management training for people working in the healthcare centres.
Rules for Hazardous waste management: The Hazardous Wastes
(Management and Handling)1989 (amended in 2003) stipulate that every
operator or a recycler generating/handling hazardous waste must obtain
permission to dispose of hazardous waste by applying on a prescribed
Form (together with an application processing fee) as laid down by the
State Pollution Control Board or other appropriate authority. Operators or
recyclers not having their own TSDF (Transport, Storage, and Disposal
Facilities) but operating in an area under the jurisdiction of a State
Pollution Control Board/ Committee for a TSDF must (a) become a
member of this facility, (b) pay charges as may be required, and (c) take
all other necessary steps to ensure proper treatment and disposal of any
hazardous waste generated. The rules also contain the following
(a) Every State Pollution Control Board/ Committee must maintain a
register containing details of the conditions imposed for the
disposal of hazardous wastes from any land or premises. This
register must be open for public inspection during office hours.
Entries in the register will provide proof of the grant of
authorization for the disposal of hazardous wastes from such land
or premises and the conditions against which it was granted;
(b) All operators seeking to import hazardous wastes must apply to
the State Pollution Control Board/ Committee using the
prescribed form at least 120 days before the intended date of start
of the shipment for permission to import hazardous wastes
(together with an application fee if required);
MSW Management in India 245

(c) The owner/ operator of a facility is liable for the entire cost of any
remediation or restoration. An amount must be paid in advance as
estimated by the State Pollution Control Board/Committee, which
will plan and arrange for the implementation of the programme
for remediation/ restoration. The advance paid will be adjusted
once the actual cost is known and any further expenditure will be
recovered from the owner/ operator of the facility.
In addition to notified MSW Management Rules 2000, Biomedical
Waste Handling Rules 1998, and Hazardous Wastes Management Rule
1989, the Indian Government has taken further initiatives such as
Reforms Agenda (fiscal, institutional, legal), Technical Manual on MSW
Management, and Publications by the Technology Advisory Group on
The most significant initiative was to set up the Jawaharlal Nehru
National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) by the Ministry of Urban
Development with an assured grant of Rs 12,500 million ($291 million)
to 63 chosen cities. Since most of the cities are unable to raise funds,
JNNURM provides funds to meet their infrastructure needs. These
beneficiaries have obligation to embark on reforms in governance to help
improve efficiency and become self-sustaining in the future. These
include: income tax relief for waste management agencies, public -
private partnerships in solid waste management, capacity building, and
creating Urban Reforms Incentive Fund.
A developing country like India that is shifting from the traditional
economy to a technology-based industrialized economy faces problems
and challenges in the management of wastes. The solid waste
management systems are yet to emerge as a well-organized practice
despite their existance in most of our urban centres for the last few
decades. For instance, significant variations in the MSW characteristics
among urban centres exist; but little effort is made to shape the
relationship of the waste management system to the waste characteristic

8.11 Financial Resources

A committee appointed by the Supreme Court in 1999, had estimated that
Rupees 15 million per 100,000 populations would be required to improve
SWM services collection, transportation, processing and disposal of
waste using scientific methods. On this basis, a total funding of Rupees
246 Municipal Solid Waste Management

42750 million would be necessary. Out of this budget, Rupees 17100

millions would go towards the cost of the tools, equipment and vehicles,
and Rupees 25650 for the treatment and disposal of waste.
A Manual on SWM prepared by the expert committee set up by Ministry
of Urban Development (MOUD), Government of India has given
standard estimates for modernizing the SWM practices in different
categories of cities and towns (Asnani 2006). See Table 8.9.

Table 8.9 Estimated Cost for Vehicle, Tools, Equipments and Composting
(Source: Asnani 2006)

City population Cost of vehicles, tools Cost of composting

(in million) and equipment (in Rs lakh) (Rs lakh)
< 0.1 50.97 20
0.1 < 0.5 295.00 150
0.5 < 1.0 511.00 500
> 2.0 948.00 1000

The municipalities do not have the capital to introduce these practices

in SWM; and they have to look to central and state governments for
finances. The Ministry of Urban Development has formulated a SWM
Scheme for 423 Class I cities/towns that costs Rupees 25000 million. The
Ministry has got this amount included in the 12th Finance Commission
allocation of funds to ULBs. To draw more funding and to improve
efficiency in the implementation, private sector partnership has been
suggested as part of this Scheme.
The 12th Finance Commission has allotted Rupees 50,000 million to
the ULBs and Panchayats in the country, a substantial allotment, for
improving urban infrastructure as seen in Table 8.10. From this
allocation, ULBs are allowed to utilize and spend 50 per cent for
improving the SWM services during 2005-2010. The urban renewal fund
of the central government also earmarks certain portion to SWM services.
The central government, therefore, has come up with a significant
allocation of funds for improving SWM services. If the state governments
and ULBs could match this funding, it should be possible to offer
effective management of MSW to the public and keep the cities/towns
Many of the state governments, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Haryana,
Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar
Pradesh have announced policy framework to encourage setting up of
MSW Management in India 247

WTE projects, in terms of allotment of land at nominal lease rent, free

supply of garbage, evacuation facilities, and sale and purchase of power.
However, there are issues at the state level, especially with regard to
power tariff, though the tariff for power purchase is agreed upon as per
the guidelines issued by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
Other Sources of Funds:
(i) It is a common practice in almost all ULBs, to use certain
percentage of property tax for performing SWM services. It is
easy to administer this tax, called conservancy tax, because a
separate collection system is not required. The main drawback is
that in many cities/towns, the assessment and collection of
property tax is poor, and hence the income generated is small.
(ii) Private Sector investments in resource recovery facilities such as
composting and waste-to-energy plants.
(iii) Revenues from waste recycling, composting and waste-to-energy
(iv) Loans from financial institutions such as HUDCO and other
Banks for financing vehicle and equipment purchase.

Table 8.10 12th Finance Commission Allocation (2005-10),

Source: Asnani 2006

Panchayats Municipalities
No. State per cent (Rs crore) per cent (Rs crore)

1. Andhra Pradesh 7.935 1587 7.480 374

2. Arunachal 0.340 68 0.060 3
3. Assam 2.630 526 1.100 55
4. Bihar 8.120 1624 2.840 142
5. Chhattisgarh 3.075 615 1.760 88
6. Goa 0.090 18 0.240 12
7. Gujarat 4.655 931 8.280 414
8. Haryana 1.940 388 1.820 91
9. Himachal Pradesh 0.735 147 0.160 8
10. Jammu and 1.405 281 0.760 38
11. Jharkhand 2.410 482 1.960 98
12. Karnataka 4.440 888 6.460 323

Table Contd
248 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Panchayats Municipalities
No. State per cent (Rs crore) per cent (Rs crore)
13. Kerala 4.925 985 2.980 149
14. Madhya Pradesh 8.315 1663 7.220 361
15.Maharashtra 9.915 1983 15.82 791
16. Manipur 0.230 46 0.180 9
17. Meghalaya 0.250 50 0.160 8
18. Mizoram 0.100 20 0.200 10
19. Nagaland 0.200 40 0.120 6
20. Orissa 4.015 803 2.080 104
21. Punjab 1.620 324 3.420 171
22. Rajasthan 6.150 1230 4.400 220
23. Sikkim 0.065 13 0.020 1
24. Tamil Nadu 4.350 870 11.440 572
25. Tripura 0.285 57 0.160 8
26. Uttar Pradesh 14.640 2928 10.340 517
27. Uttaranchal 0.810 162 0.680 34
28. West Bengal 6.355 1271 7.80 393
Total 100.000 20000 100 5000

Subsidy for compost and Waste-to-Energy Plants: The Ministry of

Agriculture (MOA) and Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
have separate Schemes to promote Composting. The MOA has proposed
Balanced and Integrated Use of Fertilisers in 8th Five year Plan
(1992-97), under which financial support would be given to local bodies
and private sector for building compost plants (includes machinery) using
MSW. Each project, with a capacity of 50 to100 tonnes/day, is eligible
for a maximum grant of Rupees 50 lakhs (5 million). The total assistance
proposed during Ninth Plan was Rupees 180 million, and the budget
provided for 2002-03 was Rupees 50 million. Thirty eight projects have
been taken up under this scheme, and most of the grant remains
The MoEF provides financial subsidy up to 50 per cent of the capital
costs to set up demonstration plants on MSW composting. Limited
financial assistance is also available for waste chracterisation and
feasibility studies. Three pilot projects have been granted for qualitative
and quantitative assessment of solid waste in Hyderabad, Simla and
Ghaziabad. A few more demonstration projects in North Dumdum, New
MSW Management in India 249

Barrackpore, Chandigarh, Kozikode, Udumalpet (Tamilnadu) would be

Both the Schemes of MoA and MoEF do not include mechanisms to
follow up on implementation and performance monitoring. Hence, the
impact of these schemes is not available even with the Ministries.
There are other schemes such as JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru
National Urban Renewal Mission) and UIDSSMT (Urban Infrastructure
Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns) which support
projects under MSWM.
Table 8.11 Government of India Subsidy on SWM Plants
A). Project for power generation from MSW Rs 1.5 crore/ MW
involving refuse derived fuel (RDF)
B). Power project based on high rate Rs 2 crore/ MW
bio-methanation technology
C). Demonstration project for power generation Rs 3 crore/ MW
from MSW based on gasification/Pyrolysis and
plasma arc technology
D). Biomethanation technology for power 50 per cent of project
generation from cattle dung, vegetable cost up to a maximum
market and slaughterhouse waste above of Rs 3 crore/ MW
250 KW capacity
E). Bio-gas generation for thermal Application Up to Rs 1 crore/ MW-eq.
F). Project development assistance Up to Rs.10 lakh/project
G). Training course/seminar/workshop,etc. Rs 3 lakh/ event
Note: The financial assistance for any single project will be limited to Rs 8 crore. Source:
Government of India, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Source Scheme, 25 July
The MNRE, Government of India has launched a National programme
as early as 1995 on energy recovery from urban and industrial waste.
MNRE has estimated that the current potential of generation of power
from urban and industrial waste is around 2600 MW, and actual
achievement was only 55 MW as of December 2007. By 2012, the
potential may rise to 3650 MW (FICCI survey 2007). An accelerated
programme has been notified by this Ministry on energy recovery from
urban waste during 2005-06. The incentives offered for different schemes
are given in Table 8.11. If these projects are set up in North Eastern
region and in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, and
Uttaranchal, the financial assistance will be 20 per cent higher than those
250 Municipal Solid Waste Management

specified. But these projects are on hold by an order from Supreme Court
not to grant any subsidy because the apex court is examining the
allegation that the provisions are being misused.
Carbon Finance/Sale of Carbon credits: Kyoto Protocol is an
international initiative created to commit industrialized countries that are
responsible for increasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere to
reduce their emissions. The protocol has proposed three mechanisms to
help industrialized countries achieve their objective. The industrialized
countries could implement projects which result in emission reductions
anywhere in the world and earn carbon credits to count towards their
effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally. The three
mechanisms to achieve measurable and cost effective emission reductions
are: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), International Emission
Trading, and Joint Implementation (UNFCCC 1997, Jayarama Reddy
The waste treatment and disposal projects can be implemented by
cities/towns under this provision, especially Clean Development
Mechanism, and avail financial benefits through the sale of certified
emission reduction credits to the industrialized (developed) countries.
CDM helps in overcoming technological and financial barriers associated
with MSW management projects.
In India, only 11 projects have been registered till 2008 in MSWM, of
which almost 50 % are on waste water and only 2 projects are of waste-
Landfills generate a gas consisting of 50 per cent methane which is a
potent greenhouse gas. Construction of landfills and compost plants, and
setting up WTE projects can earn substantial carbon credits in large cities
because of heavy generation of MSW. By selling these credits,
municipalities can generate funds which can help to recover the cost of
installations and plants, and to improve SWM services. The MoEF has a
Cell which serves as a nodal agency for the CDM projects.
There are no examples of Carbon finance (CF) revenues generated by
Indian municipalities or private operators from the MSWM business.
However, Table 8.12 provides a rough estimate of comparative and
potential CF revenues for various treatment technologies. Such finance
could be very important in covering the costs of activities which are
otherwise non-revenue generating. Although simple in principle, the
approach is new and the details are not well established. So, there are a
MSW Management in India 251

number of technical issues which have to be resolved. Also, there is lack

of experience with the procedural requirements.

Table 8.12 Indicative Carbon revenues Potential for different Technologies

International Funding: Funds are also available for MSWM from UNEP,
GTZ and other International agencies.

8.12 Future Scenario

In India, the amount of waste generated per capita is projected to increase
at an annual rate of 1 to 1.33% (Shekdar 1999). TERI (Singhal and
Pandey 2001) outlines various future projections for estimating the
growth of MSW and the impacts of such growth, and discusses possible
interventions to mitigate such adverse impacts. The projections have been
made under the BAU (business-as-usual) scenario for the year 2047
taking 1997 as the base year (Fig. 8.7). The observations of the study are
the following: Assuming the daily per capita waste generation in 1995 as
0.456 kg (EPTRI 1995) and the per capita increase in waste generation as
1.33%, the total projected waste quantity in 2047 would exceed 260
million tonnes, more than five times the present level of 55 million
tonnes. This huge increase in solid waste generation will have significant
implications such as the land required for disposing this waste, methane
emission etc. To dispose this quantiy of waste, the requirement of land
(base year 1997) would be around 1400 km2 by 2047 which is equivalent
to the size of the city of Delhi. The estimates under the BAU scenario are
made considering the average collection efficiency as 72.5%, average
depth of landfill site as 4 metres, and average waste density
as 0.9 tonne/m3 (NIUA 1989). Locating land of that magnitude for waste
252 Municipal Solid Waste Management

disposal would be physically impossible since areas with the largest

generation of solid waste would generally suffer from scarcity of vacant
land. It means if the current methods of solid waste disposal continue, the
waste would have to be carried over longer distances, requiring the
creation of massive transport facilities and infrastructure and enormous
extra finances.

Fig. 8.7 Waste generation trend and implications for land requirement
(source: TERI)

Further, indiscriminate landfilling would deteriorate the quality of

groundwater in areas of landfill sites due to contamination by leachates
from the landfills causing adverse health impacts on people living nearby.
Landfill gas comprising 50%60% methane, contributes significantly to
global warming. It is estimated that in 1997, the landfills released about
7 million tonnes of methane into the atmosphere, which would increase to
39 million tonnes by 2047 under BAU scenario. Emissions have been
calculated using Bingemer and Crutzens (1987) approach, which
assumes that 50% of the carbon emissions in the landfills are transformed
into methane.
MSW Management in India 253

Only an efficient and sustainable system of solid waste management

would facilitate to meet the situation. To achieve this, three aspects need
(a) waste reduction at source
(b) technological interventions, and
(c) efforts towards institutional and regulatory reforms.
To achieve waste reduction at source, initiation of the following
actions may be advantageous (Marcin et al 1994): (i) Promotion of
market-mechanisms by offering tax incentives, or (ii) setting compulsory
standards and regulations, or (iii) education and voluntary observance of
policies by businesses and consumers. These initiatives are elaborated
(i) Market actions for waste reduction: The efficiency of waste
management can be improved by charging for the environmental
and economic costs of production and disposal of waste. By
incorporating disposal costs in the production expenditure,
tendency to use less packaging or adoption of the recyclable/
reusable packaging material, and the tendency to reuse the
material by the consumer would be promoted.
(ii) Mandatory standards for waste reduction: Setting mandatory
standards could make industry/ business responsible for the waste
it generates. For instance, Germany has implemented a mandatory
recycling programme in which, theoretically, the seller of
consumer goods must take back all the package waste that is
produced or used. In India the regulatory agencies should take the
lead in setting up rules prescribing targets for waste reduction in
various manufacturing sectors.
(iii) Education and voluntary compliance: A voluntary programme
of consumer education and business initiatives is beneficial, and
can be achieved by the adoption of Environmental Management
System (EMS). This is essentially a voluntary initiative. The
industries adopting EMS have achieved economic benefits as well
as better environmental performance in many countries.
India has lagged behind in terms of adopting suitable technologies for
solid waste management. Waste collection, treatment and disposal require
urgent and extra consideration.
Collection of waste: The existing collection service structure must be
systematically changed. The community must be provided with waste
bins conveniently placed, for the people to deposit domestic waste, and
254 Municipal Solid Waste Management

for undertaking door- to-door collection of waste. Further, separation of

waste at source, into biodegradable and non-biodegradable components
needs to be done. The MSW Rules 2000 demand these steps. These
actions would not only reduce the cost of transportation for final disposal
but also provide segregated organic waste stock for WTE activities.
Treatment and disposal: Proper segregation of waste would help to
choose better options and provide opportunities for its scientific disposal.
Recyclables for example, could be sorted out and transported directly to
recycling units which would pay the municipal corporations towards the
cost and services, increasing their income. The inert material that is
required to be sent to landfill would then get reduced compared to un-
segregated waste, which helps to increase the life of the existing disposal
The choice of technology needs to be based on its techno-economic
viability, sustainability and the environmental concerns. The local
conditions and the available physical and financial resources are also to
be considered. The key issues which require serious deliberation are: the
origin and quality of waste; presence of hazardous or toxic waste; the
market for the energy generated; market for the compost or the anaerobic
digestion sludge; energy prices for energy purchase; cost of land price
and capital and labour costs and alternatives; and capabilities and
experience of the technology provider. These aspects are explained in
Chapter 6 in detail.
In general, the financial constraints, institutional problems within the
departments, fragile links with other concerned agencies, lack of
appropriate staff, and so on prevent the urban local bodies from
delivering and maintaining an efficient waste management system.
In this context, it is essential to bring in three other stakeholders - the
private sector, NGOs, and rag pickers (informal sector) - into the overall
institutional framework and integrate their individual roles. The private
sector has now become a key player in delivering effective MSWM
services in most of the industrialized countries.
The experience so far has shown that Private sector participation can
help improve technical and managerial expertise, increase efficiency in
operation and maintenance, and improve customer services, apart from
bringing in the capital to support the government/ municipalities in their
efforts at waste management. There is a strong case for a large-scale
involvement of the private sector and encouraging it to invest in waste
MSW Management in India 255

Non-governmental organizations also can play an important role in

effectively projecting the communitys problems and highlighting its
basic requirements for urban services. They could help in organizing the
rag pickers into waste-management associations/groups under the
supervision of the urban local body and the relevant Residents
Public Sector Participation and role of NGOs are discussed in the next

Private Sector
Participation in India

9.1 Introduction
There are several issues which hold back an effective delivery of
MSWM services by the Municipalities/ULBs. They include the
following: (a) low priority given to SWM services among other activities,
(b) poor community participation, (c) low quality services despite
substantial costs, (d) engaging huge labour force having low productivity,
(f) women and members of weaker sections mostly constituting the
workforce, (g) lack of technically competent staff, (h) lack of
technological know-how and (e) low cost recovery or no cost recovery.
These issues are not simple and have socio-economic implications.
Looking at the disappointing performance of MSWM services by the
municipalities in the country, it is better to change their role of being a
service provider to that of a service facilitator.
Involving Private Sector Participation (PSP) as service provider by
the municipalities may probably improve the situation. The global
experience has shown that PSP also called Public Private Partnership
(PPP) involvement in MSWM has several advantages:
bring finances for modernisation of SWM services and new
Private Sector Participation in India 257

help in providing efficient MSW management services,

help in cost savings as it raises productivity of manpower and
deliver quality and speedy service as the private sector can be more
insulated from bureaucratic and political interference,
more flexibility in management, for example, in hiring qualified
staff and paying according to their performance, in terminating the
services of workers with poor performance, and in adjusting
working hours according to service demand,
access to technology and expertise,
insistance on accountability, and
focus on customer satisfaction.
There are a few disadvantages also, such as, insufficient competition,
risk of commercial failure resulting in breakdown of essential public
services, chances of paying very low salaries to the workers causing
social suffering and labour problem, and lack of transparency. PSP
requires close collaboration between public and private stakeholders and
management, and monitoring skills of the public authority. Many of these
disadvantages can be avoided with appropriate contracting mechanisms
and improved tendering process. Further, PSP should create a congenial
setting for an improved performance to the benefit of citizens.
In developed countries the private sector plays a key role in managing
most of the SWM services. However, the success of a private service
provider strongly depends on the political will for a change, the skills of
the provider and mutual trust between all partners.
In India, due to resistance from labour unions and misreading of
labour laws, the municipalities, by and large, provide the SWM services
departmentally and are not enthusiastic to engage private sector on a
large-scale. Moreover, absence of a comprehensive state policy and legal
frame work do not offer comfort to many municipalities to facilitate PSP
in providing complete SWM services.
Implication of the Labour laws on SWM: Under the Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, there is a provision to prohibit
contracting out any service if the same service is already being provided
departmentally by any municipal authority, which limits their authority to
act. But the Supreme Court of India has cleared the legal implications by
its decision in Special C.A. No.6009-6010 of 2001 in Steel Authority of
India Ltd and others Vs National Union Water Front Workers and others
258 Municipal Solid Waste Management

in August 2001, which has paved the way for municipal authorities to
contract out certain SWM services.
The State Government of Tamil Nadu has exempted the Chennai
Municipal Corporation from the purview of contract labour (Regulation
& Abolition) Act 1970; vide its order No. 40 MS No. 99 dated 8th July
1999, allowing the municipal corporation to engage contract labour for
sweeping and scavenging activities. Karnataka has declared state policy
on Solid Waste Management; and States of Gujarat, West Bengal, Kerala
and a few others have created high-power state missions to facilitate
expeditious implementation of MSW rules in their respective states.
Initiatives taken by the States are briefly outlined in the later pages.

9.2 Options in PSP Arrangement

A few Municipalities have tried Private sector in the following areas
complying with the existing legal provision and labour laws:
(a) door-to-door collection of waste as this service is not currently
provided by municipal authorities,
(b) street sweeping in areas which are not served, while retaining the
existing street sweepers,
(c) providing large containers for secondary waste storage in various
locations of the city,
(d) construction, operation and maintenance of transfer stations,
(e) expansion of transportation of waste without replacing existing
work force, and providing fleet of vehicles and equipment for
transportation of waste,
(f) construction, operation and maintenance of waste treatment
facilities such as composting, waste to energy etc.,
(g) construction of engineered landfills, and
(h) operation and maintenance of landfills.
Currently, the capacity of municipalities in the country to manage the
privatization process is very restricted. It is essential to develop the in-
house financial and managerial capability to award contracts to private
sector and to monitor the services provided because the ultimate
responsibility of delivering quality services rests with municipalities.
There are several options available that can be utilized from a PSP
arrangement (Asnani 2006):
Private Sector Participation in India 259

(i) Service Contract: The private partner has to provide a clearly

defined service to the public partner. This can be used for waste
collection, transport, transfer and operation of treatment and
disposal facilities. The payment for such services can be based on
quantity of waste, number of beneficiaries or total sum; and the
contract can be awarded following competitive procurement
procedure. The facilities are owned by the municipal authority but
mobile equipment in most cases is owned by private contractors.
The contract period is 1-2 years to 5-8 years depending on local
conditions. The contracting authority is responsible for fee
collection and cost recovery. The private sector absorbs the risk of
Several types of service contract are adopted in Indian cities:
Bangalore, Nagpur, and Jaipur have involved the private sector in
door-to-door collection and transportation. The contractor appoints
own manpower, uses own tools, vehicles, and equipment and is
paid by the municipal authority for the services rendered.
In some places such as Gandhinagar, North Dumdum, New
Barrackpore, the contract is given for the door-to-door collection of
the waste, and the contractor is expected to collect the fee from the
citizens directly.
In Ahmedabad, the door-to-door collection of waste is entrusted to
Resident welfare associations and backward class associations.
They are provided with monthly grants to maintain the workers,
and annual grants for purchasing tools and equipment.
Street sweeping contracts involving private sector are very few,
because municipalities face stiff resistance from the existing staff
employed under public regulations. However contracts for street
sweeping are currently executed successfully in selected areas of
Hyderabad, Chennai, Surat, and Rajkot. It is essential, in such
contracts, to prescribe norms for the work and the minimum wages
to prevent exploitation of labour by the private operators. Nearly
75 per cent of streets are awarded to 161 small contractors in
Hyderabad, applying a unique unit area method of 8 km road
length per 18 sanitation workers. Street brushing in Surat in the
nights has made the city one of the cleanest in the country.
(ii) Management Contracts: The private company takes over the
management and operation of a selected department or unit with its
staff, facilities and machineries. The company brings in its own
260 Municipal Solid Waste Management

staff for key management pitions, but is unlikely to meet major

capital costs. Management contracts are more often used in the
drinking water delivery and collection of waste water sectors,
but comparatively less in SWM due to the complex asset structure.
The public authority makes the payment to the contractor which is
typically a fixed fee and a performance fee.
In these contracts, the contractor must be given enough freedom to
implement commercial reforms. There should be provision for
penalties for failing to meet the agreed performance levels as well
as incentives for good performance.
(iii) DBO, BOT, BOOT: Many cities and towns are not adequately
equipped to handle treatment and disposal of waste which require a
high technical expertise. Private participation is preferred in these
DBO (Design, Build, Operate) is one such most suitable
approach. Here, the financing is met by the contracting
authority, and the systems are designed, constructed and
operated by professional agencies. DBO contracts minimize
critical interface and makes the contractor responsible for
successful implementation of the facility. Cities such as
Mysore, Kochi, Calicut, Puri, and Shillong have adopted this
approach to set up compost plants.
BOT (Build, Operate and Transfer) is another arrangement. The
private sector is responsible for construction, financing and
operation of the facility during the contracting period. After the
completion of the contracting period, the facility and assets are
transferred to the public municipality. This option is more
suitable for waste processing like composting and waste-to-
energy facilities, and for waste disposal like sanitary landfills.
BOOT (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) is another
arrangement. The contractor is expected to build the facility at
his own cost, and operate for a long term as per the agreement.
The contractor recovers his cost and transfers the assets to the
Municipal authorities in working condition at the end of the
agreement with or without any compensation as agreed between
the parties. The municipal authorities prefer this type of contract
to get the assets free at the end of the agreement.
Both BOT and BOOT are most popular models, and are
implemented in Kolkata, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Ahmedabad,
Private Sector Participation in India 261

Thiruvananthapuram etc for setting up compost plants and waste-

to-energy plants. In most cases, the municipalities provide free
garbage and land on a token lease rent.
Build Operate and Own (BOO) arrangement is very much similar
to the BOT arrangement except for the fact that the private party/
contractor is not obliged to transfer the facilities or assets to the
public entity.
(iv) Concession Agreements: Under a concession arrangement, the
private operator manages the infrastructure facility, operates it at
commercial risk and invests in creating new facility or to
regenerate the existing facility. A typical contract has a fixed
term, and at the end of the term the assets have to be returned
back to the municipality. Concession contracts are generally
awarded for 25 to 30 years facilitating the private party to recover
the invested capital costs.
(v) Lease: In this contract, a private agency operates a service with
assets owned by the public sector. The private agency collects
certain fee to cover the operational and maintenance costs. The
profits are shared with the public sector as the contracting party is
responsible for new investments. Such a contract might be
suitable for the operation of waste treatment facilities such as
composting plants or biogas plants. Leasing is awarded generally
for 25-30 years.

9.3 Examples of PSP in MSW Services

(A) Waste collection service: Contracting to private sector is very
significant due to its transparency and cost effectiveness. These
contracts can be handled with small investment. They help to save
in operational cost without compromising on efficiency. They can
be packaged in small units, and can be terminated easily if the
performance is unsatisfactory.
Before bidding the contract, the contractor needs to clearly
recognize the scope of the work and the level of service to
provide so as to avoid conflicts in future. Standard tender
documents could be prepared for such contracts.
262 Municipal Solid Waste Management

These contracts should be of reasonable size. If they are too large,

they would be monopolized by one or two parties, and if too
small the contracts might suffer from economic viability.
Bigger cities can split service areas into zones and award
contracts for each zone to promote healthy competition among the
contractors.The contractors may involve Resident welfare
associations and NGOs also.
(B) Transportation of waste is another important sector of SWM
where the efficiency of operations is generally very low. PSP can
be utilized for the purpose. Municipal authorities generally do not
have modern covered vehicles for transportation of waste. Private
sector participation would help to (a) bring new vehicles, (b)
make large number trips in each shift, (c) maintain the fleet of
vehicles in working condition to avoid dislocation to work, and
(d) realise substantial cost saving.
The private sector participants range from individuals and
proprietorship/ partnership firms to Companies and Consortia.
(C) Waste Treatment facilities have also been set up in a few cities in
India through PSP arrangement. The most common PSP
arrangements are for composting. Pelletisation of waste is
another treatment facility considered by some ULBs in the recent
past; examples are Hyderabad and Vijayawada.
Small biomethanation plants have been set up at Vijaywada and
eight other towns in Maharashtra State recently which are
functioning well.
The Municipal Corporation of Bangalore is using an integrated
and disposal facility for the treatment and disposal of 1000 tonnes
of waste /day with private participation. The contractor is paid a
tipping fee of Rupees 195/tonne only for the disposal of rejects
not exceeding 30 percent of the total quantity of waste delivered.
Various profiles of contracting are emerging based on the
technology and investment requirements. Mega cities such as
Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and
Hyderabad have gone in for national and international contractors
(Asnani 2006). Waste-to-Energy plants operating through PSP in
important cities are given in the Annexure. Different models of
Private Sector Participation in SWM explained above, are listed
in the Table 9.1.
Private Sector Participation in India 263

Table 9.1 Models of Private Sector Participation in MSW

1. Collection & Transportation & Cleaning Service contract /BOOT/

Management Contract

2. Development of Transfer Station/ MRTS & BOOT/DBFOT


3. Waste Processing facility BOOT/DBFOT/BOO

4. Development of Sanitary Landfill & Post Management contract/

Closure Maintenance DBFOT

5. Integrated MSWM systems Mostly on BOOT

(Source: Position paper on PPP in SWM, Ministry of Economic Affairs, GOI, 2009)

However, new Public Private Participation Models are emerging in

Dehradun, i.e. collection, transportation and treatment of waste on lease
arrangement of PPP wherein capital finance would be borne by the
Government, and working capital finance, O&M of the plant would be
taken care of by the private operator. However, the authority to earn and
generate revenue shall vest with the private operator.
Special attention is, however, required while preparing and entering
into contract for treatment of waste. The following aspects are very
(i) Appropriate site selection,
(ii) Environmental clearances from the State Pollution Control Board,
(iii) Provision for the adjustment of cost during execution, as the period
of contract would be generally long,
(iv) Clear estimation and definition of finances to ensure the
availability of required funds,
(v) Sharing of finances as an option,
(vi) Municipal authority facilitating loan to the private operator, and
(vii) Careful handling of long term contracts to avoid termination and
other problems.
The size of the facility should be large enough to attract a private
operator; and for the economic viability, it should be designed to last at
least for a period of 15 to 20 years, so that it allows depreciation of the
works, buildings and equipments.
264 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Disposal of Waste (Sanitary landfills): Some landfills have been

constructed in Surat and Ahmedabad in Gujarat, Karwar and Puttur in
coastal Karnataka, and Navi Mumbai and Pune in Maharashtra. But these
plants are yet to be fully operationalized. PSP has not been introduced so
far but the Municipalities of these cities are actively considering private
sector participation.
Contract has been awarded in Bangalore for construction of compost
plant and landfills on the basis of Build-Own-Operate (BOO) contract.

9.4 Important Contractual Issues

1. To attract private sector participation and cutting costs of service, it
is important to have appropriate contract periods. For effective and
bankable private sector contract, their duration and compensation
should be sufficient.
They should be for a period long enough to enable the contractor to
repay the loans taken to purchase the equipment or refinance the
facilities for the work.
2. The start of operation must be clearly defined. Adequate
preparation time should be provided to the contractor to start the
operation. Special consideration should be given when certain tools
and equipments are to be manufactured or imported which need
several clearances. In case of large contracts for collection of
waste, the insistence should be to start in phases and scale it up
over a reasonable period of time for the smooth operations of the
3. Terms of Payment.
The most commonly used payment methods are lumpsum and unit
price: In the lump sum contract, the contractor has no risk, gets a
fare deal and the risk is reduced. In unit price method it is
necessary to verify the measurement procedure from time to time
and adequately supervise the same.
The concept of "tipping fee" payable by the contracting agencies,
of late, is being accepted.
Collection & transportation services are usually paid either based
on quantum of MSW handled or on the number of vehicle trips for
Private Sector Participation in India 265

Street sweeping contracts are either lump sum based or manpower

Urban local bodies are inclined to treat MSWM as a profitable
operation. Hence, they have been demanding sharing of revenues/
royalty payments for providing waste; for example, compost plants
at Thiruvananthapuram and Mysore, and Biomethanisation plant at
4. Delay in Payments.
In waste collection contracts generally a large work force is
engaged and they are to be paid on a monthly basis. Therefore, the
contractor needs to be paid on a regular basis in order to ensure the
cash flow of the company.
Delay in payment can cause labour unrest and adversely affect the
services. A provision should be made to pay penal interest by the
contracting authority if payments are delayed beyond the
reasonable time prescribed.
5. Risks involved and potential influence of partners: There are risks
within a public-private partnership such as:
(a) Country risk/political risk: No refund of profits,
Cancellation of credits, and Expropriation/ breach of
(b) Financial risk: Delayed or cancelled payment, Fluctuation of
interest rates, and Fluctuation of foreign exchange rates,
(c) Demand risk: Change in demand, Cost increase for
resources, and Change of tariffs ,
(d) Operational risk: Delay in construction, Cost overrun,
Increasing operation costs, and Quality and performance
The figure 9.1 shows the potential influence of the partners
in the PPP.
266 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig. 9.1 Potential influence of partners.

Preparation of project for PPP by contracting:

1. Data gathering and preliminary assessment: Municipalities have
to make an assessment of the present infrastructure delivery service
to determine how best to improve service provision.
2. Creation of an independent review team: It is desirable to have a
financial expert, a management expert, a legal expert, a technical
expert and an accounting person in the review team. Consideration
could also be given to an economist who understands tariff issues.
3. Evaluation of current system: If the municipality decides to move
forward with a public-private partnership, the evaluation should
include financial, technical, legal and administrative assessment.
4. Further, during the project development phase, an understanding
on the following aspects needs to be attained.
(a) Current practices of collection and transportation system:
Service coverage, Current segregation practices, Pre-
collection & collection practices, Availability of resources,
their adequacy and cost of delivery of the services, Zoning
practices, Design and capacity of transportation resources,
and Mapping of current transportation practices.
(b) Assessment of economics of service delivery:
Private Sector Participation in India 267

Feasibility report for outsourcing the collection and

transportation activities, if applicable
(c) Critical steps that need to be assessed for Transportation of
the waste:
Design, capacity and adequacy of the transportation
Mapping of the system to ascertain if the same adheres to the
characteristics of the local collection system,
Need for transfer stations, and Resource requirements.
(d) Critical steps that need to be assessed for Treatment of the
Adequacy of available capacities, if any,
Status of existing resource and waste recovery systems (rag
pickers, recycling of paper, plastic, glass, metal etc.), and the
consequent Characterization of waste received at the
treatment plant, Options for treatment facilities and their
suitability to ULB, and Cost- benefit analysis.
(e) Important factors impacting Sanitary Landfill development:
Selection of site, Selection of technology, Project
implementation structure, and Operations, maintenance and
monitoring protocols
5. Investigation of alternative delivery mechanisms:
The choice of the type of public-private partnership arrangement
depends on three factors, namely, the municipality, review team's
evaluation of the current system, and the municipality's needs.
6. Involvement of stakeholders:
Stakeholder- analysis is a vital tool for strategic managers as it
gives an indication of whose interests should be taken into account
and why they should be included in the decision making process.

Bidding Process:
Proper Bidding process is essential for the success of PPP. The main
elements are Prequalification, Preparation of Bid document, Invitation of
bids or expression of interest, and Invitation of technical Proposal.
268 Municipal Solid Waste Management

It is also necessary to decide on the experience for collection and

transport of waste projects as well as for treatment and disposal
(a) The following are the Indicative experience criteria for collection
& transportation projects:
1. The price (stated as price or tariff /ton, price/year or total
price of the work) is the most important criteria and often the
one that is used for final ranking of bidders and selection of
the contractor.
2. In standard collection and transportation contracts, the price
will usually remain the only variable selection criteria.
3. Quality and technical criteria become more important as the
services and works become more complex and challenging.
(b) The following are the Indicative experience criteria for treatment &
disposal projects:
1. Experience in operating and maintaining a waste processing
facility of requisite capacity.
2. Experience in operating and maintaining a landfill of
requisite capacity.
3. Experience in construction and/or operating and maintaining
a power plant of requisite capacity.
4. Experience in development of core sector projects developed
for government agency.
5. Experience in mining operations.

9.5 Survey on Privatization of SWM

In February 2007, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Industry (FICCI) conducted a survey on Solid Waste Management titled
Survey on Scope of Privatization of Solid Waste Management in India.
Thirty five Municipal Corporations with a population more than 1 million
(2001 census) are approached; only the following 25 cities have
responded to the survey: Agra, Ahmedabad, Asansol, Bangalore,
Chennai, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Jabalpur,
Jaipur, Jamshedpur, Kolkatta, Ludhiana, Madurai, Meerut, Mumbai,
Nagpur, Nasik, Patna, Pune, Surat, Rajkot,Varanasi,
Private Sector Participation in India 269

The survey presents the current status of MSW Management in major

cities, efficiency of operations, and extent of privatization of operations
in these cities with a view to define future scope of privatization in MSW
Despite the ULBs facing a range of problems like resistance from
community and lack of funds and technology etc., majority of the
surveyed ULBs who have privatized some of their SWM activities have
indicated satisfaction in SWM efficiency. The observations from the
survey are the following:
(a) Out of 35 cities, 10 have fully privatized and 23 have partially
privatized few of their activities related to MSW management. 5
cities namely Surat, Nagpur, Nasik, Patna and Ahmedabad have
fully privatized their door to door collection of the waste whereas
12 cities which include Asansol, Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore,
Indore, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Kolkatta, Madurai, Mumbai, Rajkot and
Hyderabad have partially privatized their door to door waste
(b) About 6 cities, Coimbatore, Jabalpur, Kolkatta, Ludhiana, Nagpur
and Surat have fully privatized their secondary storage activities,
and 8 cities, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Jaipur,
Madurai, Mumbai and Varanasi have partially privatized their
secondary storage activities.
(c) Street sweeping has been fully privatized in Jabalpur, Jamshedpur
and Patna and partially privatized in Agra, Bangalore, Chennai,
Coimbatore, Jaipur, Kolkatta, Ludhiana, Madurai, Meerut,
Mumbai, Nagpur, Rajkot, Varanasi and Hyderabad.
(d) Municipal Corporations of Jabalpur, Jamshedpur, Ludhiana,
Nagpur and Surat have fully privatized the transportation of waste,
whereas cities of Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore,
Delhi, Indore, Jaipur, Kolkatta, Madurai, Meerut, Mumbai, Patna
and Varanasi have partially privatized.
(e) Disposal of waste has fully been privatized in Kolkatta, Ludhiana
and Nagpur and partially privatized in Bangalore, Delhi, Jaipur,
Jamshedpur, Meerut, Patna and Surat.
(f) Treatment and processing of waste is fully privatized in Ludhiana,
Nagpur and Nasik and is partially privatised in Ahmedabad,
Bangalore, Delhi, Jaipur, Jamshedpur, Kolkatta, Mumbai, Rajkot
and Hyderabad.
(g) Biomedical waste has been fully privatized in Nagpur and partially
privatized in Mumbai.
270 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(h) Segregation at source has not been fully privatized in any city but
it has been partially privatized in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jaipur,
Jamshedpur, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik and Hyderabad.
The ULBs have shown confidence in adopting the concept of
privatization of SWM and have expressed interest in furthering the scope
of privatization in their cities.
The survey clearly indicates the positive impact and interest in
privatization of SWM. It is necessary that public and private bodies
should coordinate to create a suitable environment for facilitating
privatization of SWM in the country. The survey also points out that
SWM offers an opportunity for private sector participation, which can be
given a momentum by establishing a suitable framework for ULBs to
ensure sustainability of PPP models.
Absence of user charges in most cities is another obstacle. The door-
step collection of waste adds to the cost of SWM service and affects the
financial aspect of the system, unless the beneficiary pays. This is lacking
in many cities and the contractor is paid from the general revenue of the
municipality. The privatization effort followed in Gandhinagar (Gujarat)
and elsewhere is a good example of user charges levied to sustain door-
to-door collection. Absence of a labour rationalization policy also affects
in some cities, because the staff employed is more than adequate and yet

9.6 Role of NGOs and CBOs

In the recent years, NGOs have taken up initiatives to work with local
residents to improve general sanitation. They have been playing an active
role in organizing surveys and studies in specified aspects of waste
management. Such studies are useful in identifying potential areas of
commercial value to attract private entrepreneurs. They can play an
important role in segregation of waste, its collection and handing over to
local authorities for taking further steps in SWM.
A large number of NGOs are working in the field of solid waste
management. For example, Clean Ahmadabad Abhiyan, Ahmadabad;
Waste-Wise, Bangalore; Exnora, Chennai; Mumbai Environmental
Action Group, Mumbai; Swabhiman, Bangalore, Vatavaran and Srishti
in Delhi; CDC, Nagpur and so on. These organizations are successfully
creating awareness among the citizens about their rights and
responsibilities towards solid waste and the cleanliness of their city.
These organizations promote environmental education and awareness in
Private Sector Participation in India 271

schools and involve communities in the management of solid waste. By

and large, the major programmes that NGOs undertake are:
1. Creating mass awareness, ensuring public participation in
segregation of recyclable material and storage of waste at source;
2. Providing employment through organizing door-to-door collection
of waste;
3. Organizing rag pickers into a professional sanitation workforce;
4. Ensuring public participation in community based primary
collection system;
5. Encouraging minimization of waste through in-house backyard
composting, vermicomposting and biogas generation;
6. Creating awareness among citizens their right to live in a clean
environment, and responsibility to keep the environment clean.
Urban poverty is inextricably linked with solid waste. In our country,
over a million people (informal sector) find livelihood in the area of
waste, engaging in door-to-door waste collection, sorting and recycling
through well-organized systems and composting. Substantial populations
of urban poor in other developing countries also earn their livelihood
through waste. It is important to understand issues of waste in this

9.7 Initiatives by some State Governments

Certain States have taken initiatives towards long-term solutions to solid
waste management. Examples of Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan,
Maharashtra, and West Bengal are briefly outlined (Asnani 2006).
The Karnataka government has formulated a state policy for an Integrated
Solid waste management (ISWM) based on MSW Rules 2000. It lays
down guidelines for all the activities under MSWM and specifies roles
and responsibilities for all the parties involved - waste generators, NGOs,
CBOs, SHGs, elected representatives etc. SWM Action Plan and
Management Plans for 56 cities are prepared based on data related to
those ULBs. Technical manuals are prepared on design and specifications
of the tools and equipment, and treatment and landfill operations. To
build technical capability, posts of environmental engineers are created in
123 local bodies. A series of workshops was organized for local body
officials, elected representatives, NGOs etc to prepare action plan, to
272 Municipal Solid Waste Management

adopt state policy, to recognize and promote best practices, to identify

suitable landfill sites for treatment and disposal of waste, and for carrying
out Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities.
Booklets and short films on MSWM are prepared for educating the
Government has allocated a budget of Rupees 16.1 million;
government land is given to 226 local bodies free of cost to build sanitary
landfills, and entire financial assistance is sanctioned to acquire private
land if needed. Further, the government has initiated action to develop
scientific landfill sites in eight Class-I cities on BOT basis.
The state of Gujarat has initiated extensive plans for MSWM. A state
level committee headed by Principal Secretary, Department of Urban
Development and Urban Housing, and a sub-committee headed by an
expert have identified systems for SWM for all the cities and towns, and
advised them to implement the suggested systems. Workshops are
conducted to train all concerned personnel of ULBs at regional and state
level. Action plans have been prepared for all the cities through the state
nodal agency - Gujarat Municipal finance Board - and the City Managers
Association of Gujarat.
The year 2005 has been declared the Year for Urban Development. A
core committee consisting of administrative and technical experts has
been formed, and Gujarat Urban Development Corporation has been
identified as nodal agency to facilitate the creation of treatment and
disposal sites engaging expert agencies and qualified contractors in all the
141 municipalities. The required land is allotted to municipal
corporations at 25% of the market value, and to small local bodies on a
token lease rent for a period of 30 years. These sites have been cleared by
the State Pollution control Board to establish waste treatment and
disposal sites. The funding sources for these projects are the grants from
The 12th Finance Commission and Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).
The state has also proposed financial support, ranging from 50 to 90 per
cent, to purchase tools and equipment for waste collection, secondary
storage, and transportation. The entire project is likely to cost Rupees
3460 millions.
The cost estimates for the construction of landfill sites and standard
compost plants of standard designs for different levels (based on
population) of cities and towns are given in the Tables 9.2 and 9.3.
Table 9.2 Cost Estimates for Standard Landfill Sites in Gujarat
Cost of
Optimal Design Cost of office, Total Total
No. of Capacity Cost of cell handling
Population* population Capacity weighbridge cost cost per
landfills (CMT) (5 yrs) tractors,
covered (MT/day) etc. (Rs lakh) category
JCB etc.
120 to 193 10 38, 500 200,000 15 48.00 12.00 18.50 78.50 785.00
75 to 120 16 30,800 150,000 12 41.00 12.00 5.00 59.40 950.40
60 to 75 12 20,900 100,000 8 31.40 12.00 6.00 49.40 592.80
15 to 60 103 15,400 75,000 6 28.00 3.00 6.00 35.00 3605.00
Grand Total 141 5933.20
Note: *in thousands.The cost of approach road will be Rs 600 per sq m, which will have to be added to this
cost depending on the road length required. Source: Asnani 2006.

Table 9.3 Estimates for Standard Compost Plants in Gujarat

No. of Compost Optimal population Cell capacity Add 10 per

No. of Capacity Landfill design
Population* plants to be expected to be (CMT) to last cent for inert
cities (in MT) (MT/day)
constructed covered for 5yrs material
120 to 193 10 10 40.0 2,00,000 15 35,000 38,500
75 to 120 16 16 30.0 1,50,000 12 28,000 30,800
60 to 75 18 18 20.0 1,00,000 8 19,000 20,900
40 to 60 19 19 15.0 75,000 6 14,000 15,400
25 to 40 43 43 10.0 50,000 4 9,500 10,450
15 to 25 35 35 7.5 37,500 3 7,000 7,700
Total 141
*Population in thousands, Source: Asnani (2005)
274 Municipal Solid Waste Management

In 2001, the state government has announced a policy for solid waste
management which outlines rules/guidelines for setting up of waste-to-
energy or waste-to-compost facilities with private entrepreneurs. Details
regarding the selection of entrepreneurs, the type of facility that would be
extended and the responsibilities of the selected entrepreneurs are
specified in the policy document. Further, a state level committee headed
by the Secretary, Local Self Government is empowered to receive and
recommend the proposals for the conversion of waste.
Land has been either allotted or identified for 152 out of 183 urban
local bodies for the construction of landfill sites. The District Collectors
have been asked to make the land available; and the development of
landfill sites in terms of laying approach road, fencing etc has started
under most ULBs. The Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development
Project (RUIDP) would develop landfill sites in six divisional cities,
namely, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Ajmer, Kota, Bikaner, and Udaipur, and also
provides equipment and tools for SWM.
Door to door collection of waste has been launched by ULBs as per
the guidelines in Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Kota, Bhilwara, Pali, Bewar,
Jaisalmer, Bharatpur, Alwar, and Ramkanj Mandi.
During the financial year 2005-06, the Chief Minister has announced
assistance of Rupees 100 million to smaller local bodies to purchase
tools, equipment, and vehicles in order to improve the sanitation

West Bengal:
The state government launched West Bengal Solid Waste Management
Mission in May 2005, which would function under the chairmanship of
Chief Secretary to Government. The objective of the mission was to
promote modernization of collection and transportation of MSW, and to
help development of cost-effective technology for treatment and disposal
of waste. Provision to provide the technical and financial support to
municipal bodies, PRIs, and authorities for setting up regional/common
SWM systems was also proposed.
A technical committee headed by Secretary, Department of
Environment prepared an action plan for implementing MSW Rules 2000
in the state. It was planned to construct 25 to 30 regional facilities to
cover 126 ULBs that include six Corporations. Each regional facility
would serve about five ULBs and each city would share the operation and
Private Sector Participation in India 275

maintenance costs in proportion to the waste delivered for treatment and

The improvement of SWM services would mean enhancing public
awareness, capacity building of municipal authorities, procurement of
necessary equipment and vehicles for primary collection, secondary
storage and transportation of waste, setting up of transfer stations,
purchasing large hauling vehicles for transportation, construction of
individual and regional compost plants all over the state etc. The state
Technical committee worked out the cost estimates for improving SWM
services; and the state government would support municipalities, if they
agree to share the cost. The cost estimates for different aspects are shown
in Table 9.4.

Table 9.4 Cost Estimates for Improving Solid Waste

Management Services in West Bengal

Cost Cost sharing by Cost to be borne

Item Quantity
(Rs crore) ULBs (Rs crore) by State (Rs crore)
Public awareness 1.50 1.50
Capacity building 1.50 1.50
Containarized 25,000 20.00 5.0 15.00
Secondary 4,000 10.00 2.0 8.00
storage containers
Transport 500 33.75 8.45 25.30
Construction of 180 21.60 - 21.60
transfer stations
Large containers 500 7.50 - 7.50
for transfer
Large hauling 250 50.00 - 50.00
Construction of 46 125.00 - 125.00
compost plants
Engineered 25 125.00 - 125.00
Total 395.85 15.45 380.40
Rs. 1 crore = rupees 10 million Source: Asnani (2005)
276 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Out of Rupees 3930 million allocated to the States municipalities

from the 12th Finance Commission allocation and Urban Renewal fund,
the Central government has earmarked 50% to solid waste management
in urban areas. Besides an additional Rupees 12710 million have been
allotted to panchayats out of which the state expects to spend at least 10%
on SWM services. These two sources would make up the total estimates
given above to undertake improved SWM services.
Additional funding may be available under Central governments
Urban Renewal fund as well as internal resources.
The state government took the help of All India Institute of Local Self-
Government (AIILSG), Mumbai in establishing a Cell to enhance the
institutional capacity of ULBs towards understanding the MSW Rules
2000, and selection of technologies for waste management. AIILSG
organized a State level consultation on SWM in February 2001 which led
to creation of a Cell in AIIILSG to focus on the MSWM issues which
became operational in May 2002.
The cell organized several workshops, and study visits to USA for the
City managers to understand the latest waste treatment technologies. The
Cell referred several policy issues to the state government for decisions
based on the inputs from ULBs. The Cell also released status reports of
all the cities along with an action plan in early 2005. The Cell prepared
and distributed material on the comprehensive criteria of the MSW rules
and sustainable waste management.
The Cell has undertaken a study on the marketability of MSW-derived
manure, covering all regions as well as all major crops of the state. It has
helped to estimate the market potential in terms of the quantity and the
price of MSW-derived manure.
The state government, like in other states, has given land free for
setting up landfills; except very few cities, all others have acquired the
District-level committees have been set up to coordinate the
implementation of MSW Rules 2000. The status of implementation of the
Rules is given in Table 9.5.
Private Sector Participation in India 277

Table 9.5 Status of the Implementation of the Rules in Maharashtra (source:

Asnani 2006)
Compliance by no. of cities/towns
out of 247 cities/ towns in the state

1. Notification on prohibition of 214

littering and storage at source
2. Doorstep collection of waste 95
3. Identifying land and agency for waste processing 65
4. Identifying land for landfill for 25 years 202
5. MPCB authorization for sanitary landfill granted 242

The implementation is lacking in door-to-door collection of waste and

waste processing.
The Cell estimated that Rupees 7760 millions would be required to
fund the entire capital costs for implementing all the components of
MSW Rules. The state government would consider toprovide a capital
grant to all the cities for developing the infrastructure for processing and
disposal of MSW.

9.8 Case Studies

(A) Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Chennai is the fourth largest metropolitan city in India. It is the capital of
the State of Tamil Nadu spreading over an area of 174 sq km. The city
has also attained the status of Mega city (NPC 2005). MSW generation in
Chennai has increased from 600 to 3500 tonnes per day within 20 years,
and doubled during 1996-2006. The per capita generation rate is 0.6
kg/day. MSWM which include street sweeping, collection, transportation
and disposal of MSW from the city limit is the primary function of
Corporation of Chennai (CoC). The city is divided into ten zones; and
three organizations - the CoC, ONYX (a Singapore- based company), and
Community Based Organisations (CBOs) such as Civic Exnora - are
involved in the solid waste management services.
The responsibility of Solid Waste Management in the city is entrusted
to the Mechanical and SWM Departments of CoC, along with the
Assistant commissioners of all the 10 zones. MSWM has been privatized
in three zones which cover one third of the total area of the city. CoC
looks after the other seven zones. The solid waste generated are collected,
treated and disposed into the open dumpsites at Perungudi and
278 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Kodungaiyur which are located at 15 kms on south and north sides of the
city. The waste is tipped at the site and levelled by bulldozers. MSW
generated includes 68 % of residential waste, 16 % commercial waste,
14 % institutional waste and 2 % industrial waste. The properties of the
MSW generated showed that the majority of the waste is composed of
green waste (32.3%) and inert materials (34.7%) such as stones and glass
(CPCB 2000 and Damodaran 2003).
In compliance with the MSW Rules 2000, several attempts have been
made to improve the MSWM in Chennai. The initiatives include: source
segregation, door to door collection, abolition of open storage, daily
sweeping of streets and transportation in covered vehicles, wastes
processing by Energy recovery or Compsting, and Sanitary Landfilling.
A public awareness campaign on source segregation of MSW was
initiated during 2003. Corporation workers, zonal officers, revenue
officers, technical staff, teachers and school children were drawn in this
programme, comprised of public rallies, meetings, distribution of
pamphlets, street plays and advertisements. NGOs and members of local
welfare associations (like Civic Exnora) have started their own campaign
and helped in distributing the pamphlets prepared by the CoC. Door-to-
door collection scheme was introduced in June 2003 and expanded
throughout the city during January 2004 using Tricycles. Abolition of
open storage is moderately achieved by the removal of community bins
from the streets. Due to inadequate financial resources and indifference of
the population, and inaccessible narrow lanes it is difficult to achieve
total abolition of open storage. Daily street sweeping is done by the
Corporation workers. But implementation of daily street sweepings is
constrained by shortage of sanitary workers, lack of financial support and
public holidays. Ward level composting units were introduced in 106
places to reduce the transportation cost of MSW and the amount of waste
reaching dumpsite. The segregated waste is collected; the organic fraction
is sent to composting at ward level composting units, and the non
recyclable fraction is transported to the dumpsites for disposal. There
were proposals to recover energy from the waste, and composting of
organic fractions in centralized mechanical composting units. At the
suggestion of Environmental Resource Management (ERM 1996), the
open dump sites have been in operation for the past 20 years and their
lifetime is expected to last up to 2011; but they can be extended to a
further period by upgrading the sites. Based on the recent studies, CoC
has initiated the up-gradation process of Kodungaiyur dumpsite. The
Private Sector Participation in India 279

approach is a phase wise conversion of open dumpsite into a sanitary

landfill as per the recommendation of the National Productivity Council
(NPC 2005).
Chennai is the first city in India to contract out MSWM services to a
private (foreign) agency, ONYX through a transparent competitive
bidding process. The scope of the project includes the activities such as
sweeping, collection, storing, transporting of MSW and creating public
awareness on MSWM in three zones. ONYX has its own manpower
(2,000 employees), tools and equipment for its operations. Their
compactor can handle garbage of 7 to 8 tonnes. Movable bins are emptied
once in a day and are cleaned every 15 days by the sanitation department.
More often, depending on the amount of garbage to be collected, ONYX
staff work on holidays and collects 1100 tonnes of waste per day and
transports to Perungudi dumping ground ( The
characteristic features of ONYX services are: imported technologies for
MSWM, containerization of household waste before collection,
mechanization of handling tasks through lifting, compacting and tipping
devices, day and night services of collection, professional equipment for
collectors, better machinery, relatively young work force, training
programme for workers, transfer system and haulage, and transfer
stations. CoC is managing 2000 TPD of MSW with the manpower of
10,000 including administrative staff and workers, while ONYX is
managing 1100 TPD using 2,000 persons. Total cost for street sweeping,
collection and transportation of one metric ton waste by CoC and Onyx is
approximately US$ 33 and 25 respectively. The privatization has proved
to be cheaper for MSWM in terms of the waste collection cost reduction
to the tune of 8 US$/t.
Waste Processing: The CoC had entered into an agreement with an
Australian company to develop a waste-to-power plant through
gasification technology in 2001. The plant was proposed at Perungudi
dumpsite on a 15-acre plot of land for 15 years at an estimated project
cost of Rs. 180 cores. The project was proposed to generate 14.85 MW of
electricity using 600 metric tonnes of MSW per day. But the project
failed due to the disagreements in the power purchase rate and protests by
the environmentalists ( 2001 and Srinivasan 2005).
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) with the
support of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of
India has established a biomethanation plant of 30 tpd capacity for power
280 Municipal Solid Waste Management

generation from vegetable wastes at Koyembedu market in 2004. It is the

first eco-friendly power plant in India. The investment for this project is
about Rs.50 million. The special feature of the process is the digestion of
vegetable waste in Biogas Induced Mixed Arrangement (BIMA) digester.
It will generate around 5MW electricity and ten tonnes/day of bio
A few community based organizations (CBOs) are involved in the
MSWM of the city in addition to CoC and ONYX. Among them, Exnora
International is a broad based voluntary NGO established in Adyar,
Chennai in 1988. Over the past decade and a half, Exnora has been able
to motivate and form thousands of CBOs, each comprising 70-75
families. They take Civic Pride in their locality, manage their waste in
an environment friendly way and are able to participate in the governance
of their locality. Figs.9.2a, b, c, d show the private sector participation in
SWM in Chennai (source: S. Esakku et al 2007):

Fig. 9.2(a) Manual sweeping Fig. 9.2(b) Mechanical sweeping

Fig. 9.2(c) Mechanized collection vehicle Fig. 9.2(d) Transfer station

Private Sector Participation in India 281

The practices implemented by Civic Exnora are: (i) Community

motivation and encouragement of high level self-involvement,
(ii) Income generation through recycling and reusing, and (iii) spreading
the message and helping the communities to Zero Waste Management.
Improvements to open dumps: CoC has initiated the improvement process
in the open dumping ground following the recommendations of National
Productivity Council (NPC 2005) and Centre for Environmental Studies
(CES) of Anna University. CES has taken up a research project on
Sustainable Solid Waste Landfill Management in Asia under the Asian
Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology
(ARRPET), wherein assessment of reclamation and hazard potential of
the sites have been carried out. Detailed investigations on solid waste
characteristics, leachate quality and methane emission potential of the
dumpsites are used to assess the reclamation potential. Landfill mining
studies have shown that the soil fraction of the mined waste from the
dumpsites is 40 60%, which can be reclaimed as compost or cover
material. The recovered space can be reused for future dumping.
An integrated risk based approach was also developed for the rapid
assessment of the hazard potential of the dumpsite. Validation of the
approach indicates that both sites have moderate hazard potential and
require rehabilitation (Esakku 2006).
The infrastructure created at the dumpsites include: construction of
compound wall at Kodungaiyur landfill site, completion of WBM roads
at both the sites, improvement of the Transfer station, and construction of
compost yards. The infrastructure needs further improvement, and the
proposed infrastructure is: phase-wise improvement of the dumpsites to
sanitary landfills, construction of soil bund around the dumpsites to
prevent sliding, construction of mechanical compost plant and leachate
evaporation ponds, covering of sanitary landfill with top cover and gas
venting system, and mechanical composting and RDF plant for waste
(B) Delhi
The highest percentage of urban population of India lives in Delhi
(93.01%) as per Census 2001. There has been a decennial population
282 Municipal Solid Waste Management

growth of 46.31% between 1991 and 2001 as against the all-India growth
level, 21.34%. The rural to urban mass migration exercise additional
population stress on the city. Change in lifestyles of the people has
resulted in increased wasteful consumption, leading to a change in the
composition and increase in the quantum of solid waste generated
(PJ Sarkar). Solid waste management in Delhi has been a poorly
managed affair with obligation on simply transporting the mixed waste
by trucks and disposing it in sanitary landfills (SLF).
Legal Framework: The Delhi Municipal Corporation Act 1957 has
section 42 C, 355-5.8 stating the functions and role of MCD and citizens
in disposal of the waste. The violation of the sections 353, 354, 355(2),
356 and 357 are subject to penalties. Section 357 (1) Keeping rubbish
and filth for more than 24 hours, carries an additional daily fine. The
responsibility of MCD is to provide receptacles, depots and places for
waste disposal; and not necessarily house to house collection. It is the
obligation of residents to use them for disposal of their waste.
Institutional framework: Three municipal bodies - the Municipal
Corporation of Delhi (MCD), the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)
and the Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB) are responsible for solid waste
management in Delhi. MCD alone manages almost 95 % of the total area
of the city. These authorities are supported by a number of other
agencies. The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is responsible for
siting and allotment of land to MCD for sanitary land filling. Delhi
Energy Development Agency (DEDA) under Delhi Administration (DA)
is accountable for solid waste utilization projects such as bio-gas or
power generation in consultation with MNRE and MoEF of GOI. The
Department of Flood Control of Delhi Administration looks after the
supply of soil to be used as cover for sanitary landfills by the MCD.
The three municipal bodies, MCD, NDMC, and DCB have obligation
to carry on MSWM services in their respective areas, shown in the Tables
(source: CDP-Delhi, Ch.12):
1. Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD): The MCD area includes
urban areas, rural and urban villages, slum clusters and regularized
unauthorized colonies.
Private Sector Participation in India 283

S.No. Item Area Number Responsible Department

(sq. km)
1 Total area Conservancy and Sanitary
1397.30 Engineering Department
presentlychanged to the
Department of
Environmental Management
Services (DEMS)
2. Urban area 595.00
3. Rural area 795.00
4. Administrative 125
zones of MCD
5. Total number More than
of Employees 52000
6. Number of About
workers (Safai 50000

The services of Conservancy and Sanitary Engineering department

(CSE) include collection, transportation and disposal of municipal
solid waste; road sweeping; cleaning of surface drains and
construction and maintenance of public conveniences.
2. New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC): The activities of SWM
include daily street sweeping; removal of the garbage deposited in
'dhalao' (masonry dustbins) and metallic bins; and transporting the
waste to MCD landfill sites at Ghazipur. The green (mainly
horticulture) waste is transported to the NDMC compost plant at

Area Responsible
S.No. Item Number
(sq. km) Department
1 Area 42.74 ------
2. Sanitation Circles ------ 13 Health Dept
3. Number of employees ------ 1800
involved with sanitation
284 Municipal Solid Waste Management

3. Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB): In the contonement area,

sweeping of the roads and markets and lifting of garbage are the
services rendered. The area covered and the number of sanitary
employees is given in the Table.

S.No. Item Number Responsible
(sq. km)
1 Area 42.97
2. Number of employees 450 Health
Involved with sanitation Department

Methodology: MCD planned public private partnership project in six

zones: City, South, West, Central, Karol Bagh and Sadar Paharganj to
improve efficiency and effectiveness of waste management services.
The civic body signed the concession agreement for the project with
three agencies: (i) Delhi Waste management Private Ltd for south,
central, and city zones; (ii) Noida based Ag Enviro infra Projects (P) Ltd
for Karol Bagh and Sadar Paharganj zones; and (iii) Metro Waste
Handling (P) Ltd (MWH) for west zone. The project went fully
operational in June 2005.
The private companies were allotted a concession period of nine years
inclusive of the implementation period of 12 months from the date of
signing the agreement. The agreement also contained a performance
evaluation and monitoring mechanism where the monitoring of the
project was to be carried out by an independent engineer, MSV Pvt. Ltd.,
appointed by mutual consent of the Corporation and the Companies
(Ankur Garg 2007).
These contractors have to place sets of two bins (blue and green
coloured) for collection of non-biodegradable/recyclable and bio-
degradable waste respectively. These bins are emptied into separate
vehicles of similar colour daily. The contractors also undertake
segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable components of
waste before the waste is collected into separate vehicles (CDP-Delhi,
Waste segregation could be achieved to a great extent by proper
involvement of the people. This involvement could be elicited by
improving awareness among the people towards waste segregation and
Private Sector Participation in India 285

minimization. In the West zone, the Metro waste Handling Private Ltd
has been conducting, slum programmes, street plays, school assembly
sessions and student rallies, posters & banner displays, awareness
programmes for households, training of staff etc. The response from the
people has been good in terms of improvement in the status of waste
segregation according to the contractor. NDMC has 900 community bins
(masonry built) and 1000 metallic skips (open container of about one m3
Waste Generation: In the absence of a streamlined system of solid waste
management, the available data is based on per capita generation from
some studies (e.g., NEERI, 1991, Delhi Master Plan 2001, State of
Environment Report for Delhi, 2001), vehicle trips and fragmented data
from landfill records. Table 9.6 gives some idea of the waste generation
estimated from such sources.

Table 9.6 Waste Generation

Existing generation Projected *generation

S.No. Local Body
for 2001in TPD for 2021 in TPD
1 Municipal Corporation 6300 15100
of Delhi
2. New Delhi Municipal 400 550
3. Delhi Cantonment 100 100

Source: Public Health Department of MCD, NDMC and DCB

* 700 gm per capita per day for calculation of projected generation in 2021 as per
CPEHHO Manual on solid waste management.
1. Quoted in Delhi Urban Environment and Infrastructure Improvement Project
(Status Report for Delhi) prepared in 2001: 6000-6300 TPD for MCD, 350-400
TPD for NDMC and about 100 TPD for DCB, the total generation in the National
Capital Territory of Delhi shown as around 6500-7000 TPD
2. As per Delhi Master Plan, 2021 (the generation in 2001 being shown as 5250, 245
and 48 TPD for MCD, NDMC and DCB respectively)
3. State of Environment Report for Delhi, 2001, prepared by TERI quote the total
figure at 6000-7000 TPD from the NCT (6300, 400 and 100 TPD for MCD,
NDMC and DCB respectively)
286 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig.9.3(a) Waste management system in West zone (source: Ankur Garg)

Fig. 9.3(b) Awareness programme for workers and Households

(Source: Ankur Garg)

A news paper report (Times of India, May 14, 2006, New Delhi)
estimates the solid waste generation at 8000 TPD and garbage dumped at
the three landfill sites at 7435 TPD. According to a study carried out by
IL&FS Ecosmart in 2005, the total generation is around 7700 TPD. The
website of NDMC notes lifting of 200-210 TPD garbage from its area.
Based on these estimates, it is proposed that the present generation of
municipal solid waste may be taken as 6500 TPD for MCD, 400 TPD for
NDMC and 100 TPD for DCB (total for NCT 7000 TPD). The figure is
corroborated by the figure of waste collection of 6500-7000 TPD
presented in a paper by MCD.
Private Sector Participation in India 287

There are other stakeholders who participate in the overall scheme of

solid waste management in the city are private sweepers and garbage
collectors employed by the people for cleaning privately owned premises,
waste pickers (rag-pickers), waste dealers and recycling industries, which
consume recyclable waste to produce recycled products (PJ Sarkar). A
study by an NGO indicates that the number of rag-pickers in Delhi is in
the range of 80,000 to 100,000 (Srishti). It is estimated that about 1200-
1500 TPD is removed from the municipal collection and disposal chain
by these activities. These people carry out in unhygienic conditions and
are subjected to unfavourable environmental, occupational health and
community health implications (chap12).
Starting from collection of recyclable materials to the final disposal
and recycling of waste, many private groups (in addition to the municipal
authorities) contribute significantly in Delhi. These stakeholder groups
controls the informal sector recycling trade activities, namely,
segregation, collection, sale and purchase of recyclable materials, and the
process of recycling at recycling units.
Residents and shopkeepers sell recyclable items - newspaper, glass
containers, tin cans etc. - to kabariwallas or itinerant waste collectors.
The waste pickers retrieve recyclable materials from the waste discarded
by households, commercial establishments and industries. Larger
commercial establishments and industries sell the recyclable waste (in
segregated form or otherwise) to waste dealers in bulk, who then sell it to
recyclers. Waste pickers pass on the retrieved materials to waste dealers.
Then there are agents who facilitate transactions between medium/ large
scale waste dealers and recycling unit owners. In the Table 9.7, a list of
different recyclable waste materials collected by waste pickers, their
colloquial names and prices are given.

Table 9.7 List of recyclable waste materials collected by waste pickers.

Colloquial Price at which sold to

Waste material
name Waste dealer (Rs)/Kg

PET bottles (coke, mineral water Raincoat 2

bottles etc.)
Plastic thread, fibres, rope, chair cane Cane 6-7
Milk packets Dudh Mom 6
Hard plastic like shampoo bottles, Guddi 7
caps, plastic box, etc.
288 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Colloquial Price at which sold to

Waste material
name Waste dealer (Rs)/Kg
Plastic cups and glasses, Fresh PP 7-8
White paper used in offices/press Saphed (White) 3
Mixed shredded paper Raddi 2
Mixed paper 2 No Raddi 0.5 0.75
Cartons and brown packing papers Gatta 2.50
Fresh News Paper Gaddi 4.5 5.0
Carton sheets Raddi 4.5 5.0
Tetrapack Gutta Sheet 2
Beer and cold drink cans - 50
Deodrant, perfume bottles - 50
Electrical wires - 40
Aluminium foil Foil 20
Other Metals
Steel utensils Steel Bartan 20
Copper wires Tamba 80
Broken glass Shisha 0.50
Bottles (Beer) Bottle 2

Note: *Selling prices of all items as on January 2002, PET: Polyethylene Terepthalate,
LDPE: Low density Polyethylene, HDPE: High density Polyethylene, PP: Polypropylene

(Source: Recycling Responsibility, Traditional systems and new challenges of solid waste
in India, Srishti, 2002.)

Processing and Disposal of waste:

Currently, Delhi has 4 compost plants, shown in the Table 9.8 (source:
CDP-Delhi, chap. 12).
Private Sector Participation in India 289

Table 9.8 Compost Plants in Delhi

S. Facility Capacity Area Starting Technology Remarks

No (TPD) (ha) Year
1. Okhla (MCD) 150 3.2 1981 Aerobic Proposed to
(closed at windrow be upgraded
present) composting to 200 TPD

2. Okhla 200 3.4 1985 -do- Operated

(NDMC) below
3. Bhalswa 500 4.9 1999 -do- Operational at
(Private 50% capacity
4. Tikri Khurd 125 2.6 2011 -do- Dedicated
(APMC and waste stream
Private sector) from APMC
Total 975 14.1

The three compost plants can process at present about 400 TPD out of
7000 TPD, and the balance is assumed to be dumped at the three dump-
sites (landfills) listed in theTable 9.9.

Table 9.9 Landfill sites serving Delhi area

No Name of Location Area Year Waste Zones supplying

site (Ha) started received waste
1 Bhalsawa North Delhi 21.06 1993 2200 Civil Lines, Karol
Bagh, Rohini,
Narela, Najafgarh
and West
2 Ghazipur East Delhi 29.16 1984 2000 Shahdara (south
and north), Sadar
Paharganj and
3 Okhla South Delhi 16.20 1994 1200 Central, Najafgarh,
South and
Cantonment Board

(Source: Information provided by MCD, and CDP-Delhi, chap12).

290 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The current expenditure for municipal solid waste management for

MCD is Rupees 5030 million (Rs. 3860 million non-plan and Rs.1170
million plan).
MCD does not collect and dispose construction and demolition waste
(C & D waste). The regulations place the responsibility of disposal of
construction waste with the generator and MCD levies a fee of Rs. 250/
ton of waste disposed at landfill. However, significant quantities of waste
are disposed at unauthorized/designated public locations. From these
places, MCD is forced to evacuate C&D to the landfills.

Fig. 9.4 Okhla landfill site (source: CDP-Delhi, chap 12)

Typically, demolition activity is undertaken by specialized demolition

contractors who bring their own equipment and personnel and transport
the residual waste. The property owners pay fee to the demolition
contractors, which is decided based on the recoverable value of recycled
materials, steel, wood, glass, pipes etc. by demolition contractors.
Currently the C&D waste is disposed without any kind of processing at
Ghazipur and Bhalswa MSW disposal sites. Considerable quantities are
disposed off at unauthorized locations or MCD designated dumping sites
in Delhi.
The main constraints to the MSWM in Delhi relate to technical,
financial and institutional aspects. The technical problems relate to
municipal storage, collection and transportation. But the major problem is
in the area of processing and disposal. The existing landfills (dump-sites)
are almost full. They need to be closed immediately in a scientific manner
to the extent possible and new sanitary landfill (SLF) sites need to be
developed and commissioned at the earliest possible. The major obstacles
for this to happen are:
Private Sector Participation in India 291

(i) Non-availability of adequate land for building new sanitary

landfills, and
(ii) Arranging for disposal of the waste in the intervening period before
the new SLFs are ready to receive waste.
MCD is trying to set up 3 new facilities at Jaitpur, Narela-Bawana, and
The key issues to be addressed in Delhi with respect to solid waste
management are (Source: CDP-Delhi, chap 12): Efficient service delivery
(collection and removal of garbage, construction and demolition debris
and other types of waste, street sweeping etc. leading to clean
surroundings and a sense of well being among the citizens, Appropriate
disposal of waste in conformity with the MSW Rules 2000, and Strategy
for reducing land requirement
Of the three issues, the most important one is reduction in land
requirement for disposal. In the absence of adequate land, the three
landfill sites are being over-used; Delhi is actually in a very serious
situation to procure land required for processing and disposal of solid
(C) Greater Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGB/ BMC) extends over and constitutes two major geographic divisions, island city
and suburban areas. Greater Mumbai has been divided into six zones
and 24 wards for the administration of the municipal corporation. The
SWM is a ward-level activity in MCGB.
Greater Mumbai is a densely populated city in the country - its density
is as high as 46,000 persons per km2 in Mumbai and 20,000 persons per
km2 in suburban Mumbai (SWM Dept. 2004). Another feature is that
more than half of the Mumbais population lives in slums. The population
census of 2001 shows that in MCGB area 48.5% of population lives in
slums. If other industrial workers housing (called chawls, one room
housing units) is included, then close to 70 per cent of Mumbais
population lives in either slums or chawls (Mukhija 2000). Their density
in some areas can reach as high as 400,000/ km2 (Mumbai pages, 1997).
The slums are considered as vulnerable settlements due to their location
on the hilltops, slopes, nallahs, low-lying areas (with tendency to flood
during high tides), coastal locations, under high tension wires, along
highways, along railway lines, within industrial zones, pavements, along
water mains, and along open drainage. The garbage clearance, therefore,
becomes a major problem in slum areas.
292 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Status of SWM in Mumbai: Under the Mumbai Municipal Corporation

Act of 1988, it is mandatory for the Corporation to maintain the area
clean to ensure a good and healthy environment. Municipal Solid Waste
Rules 2000 make it obligatory for the storage of garbage at the source and
its synchronized collection at the doorstep. The MCGM has already
declared the segregation and storage of garbage at source mandatory.
The per capita generation of wastes in Mumbai is about 630 gm. per
person/day (MCGM 2004). The quantity of municipal solid waste
generated within Greater Mumbai is 7,800 MT per day. The solid waste
is in the form of regular garbage from households, debris, silt removed
from the drains, nallas, cow dung and waste matter removed from gullies
between the houses. Around 4,500 MT (57.68%) of waste in the whole of
the city is biodegradable in nature; 500 MT (6.41%) is the dry waste
consisting of paper and cardboards, plastics, metals, glass, etc., 2,500 MT
(32%) is the debris and silt, and 25 MT is biomedical waste (MCGM
2004). The data shows that about three-fifths of the waste generated in
Mumbai is biodegradable in nature, putting heavy burden on the
municipal corporation to organise the disposal of the same.
Part of the recyclable waste generated is sold by the households
themselves which do not reflect in the data given; but the part picked up
by the rag-pickers to earn their own living do account in the figures of
total waste generated. Hence, before the waste reaches the dumping
(disposal site), part of it is already recycled by the recyclers. There is
therefore a gap between the percentage of recyclable waste generated and
percentage of recyclable wastes that reach the disposal site. This is
happening in all the three regions of Mumbai, the island city, the eastern
suburbs and the western suburbs.
Manual sweeping of all the public roads and streets (total length is
1800 km) is done during night hours. To successfully cover the entire
length, the area is divided into beats, each beat area is about 4,000-
5,000 sq. m. for the city area and 8,000-10,000 sq. m. for the suburban
areas. A pair of sweepers is assigned a single beat who uses one handcart
and 2 containers and brooms. About 8,400 staff carries out this activity
for the entire Greater Mumbai. Wastes thus collected are deposited in
nearby community dustbin containers, which are provided by the
The MCGM carries out campaigns through newspapers, instructing
the citizens/ institutions to collect their own garbage and store the same in
bins to be kept at the gates from where the municipal vehicles would pick
them up mechanically at specified time.The citizens are further notified
Private Sector Participation in India 293

that the wet waste would be collected daily and the dry waste would be
collected once or twice a week, depending on the amount generated. 83%
of total population of Greater Mumbai is served by the community bin
collection system and 15% by door-to-door collection. Garbage collectors
employed by various housing societies collect the waste manually at the
household level and dump it in the garbage bin at specified street corners.
There are about 6,300 community dustbins of different designs and
construction provided throughout the 5,500 waste collection points in
Greater Mumbai for collection and temporary storage of the all waste
other than the debris, silt etc.
The Corporation utilizes both manual (22%) and mechanical (78%)
means for the removal and transportation of wastes (Jain 2004). Manual
handling is carried out at the collection points, where waste is collected
by the municipal workers and dumped into transportation vehicles. Both
Municipal and contractors vehicles are used for removal and
transportation of garbage, but only municipal labour is used in this work.
For debris, silt etc. however only the contractors vehicles and their
labourers are used. 45% of the transportation is through municipal
transport and 55% is contracted out. Transportation of waste is carried
out by using different types of vehicles depending on the distances to be
covered by them. 60% of waste is transported through stationary
compactors, mobile compactors and closed tempos; 10% is through
partially open dumpers whereas 20% is through tarpaulin-covered
vehicles, which includes silt and debris.
There are at present 2 transfer stations (TSs), situated at Mahalaxmi
and Kurla. Both the TSs together handle about 600 MT of garbage
everyday and the remaining is transported directly to the dumping
grounds situated in the northern part of Mumbai. Separate transport
transfers the garbage from Mahalaxmi and other parts of the city which is
nearly 95 per cent of the waste generated, to the dumping grounds (Coad
1997). The transportation of garbage from the transfer stations is done
using 15-20 cubic metre Trailers and Bulk Refuse Carriers. Actually, the
TS at Mahalaxmi have the capacity to handle at least twice the present
load; but currently it is under-utilized. To remove and transport the
garbage, six municipal workers and one Mukadam (labour contractor) are
deployed with each refuse vehicle. The worker uses two baskets and two
iron rakes per vehicle.
For primary collection, transportation and disposal, MCGM deploys
141 refuse vehicles for the city region and 120 for the suburbs. 13 service
294 Municipal Solid Waste Management

garages are organised within Greater Mumbai area for maintenance of

these refuse-vehicles (Coad 1997).
Disposal of waste: The Corporation disposes waste through landfill or
land dumping. Waste is brought from various locations throughout the
city as well as from the TSs at Mahalaxmi and Kurla. Refuse and debris
are levelled by means of bulldozers and landfill compactors. The land
filling carried out here is open dump tipping. At present there are 3
landfill sites in Mumbai area located at Deonar, Mulund and Gorai

Table: Amount of Waste Disposed at Dumping Sites

Location Area (hectares) Quantity of MSW received

(Maximum) (TPD)
Deonar 111.00 6,826
Mulund 25.30 598
Gorai 14.50 2,200
Total 150.80 9,624
Source: MCGM, Dec. 2004

Fig. 9.5 Transfer and Disposal sites in Greater Mumbai

(Courtesy: Mahadevia, D)
Private Sector Participation in India 295

Two more landfill sites have been proposed: at Kanjurmarg of 82 ha

and at Mulund of 40 ha (SWM Cell, AIILSG, 2003).
Transportation costs of waste are quite high and approximate to about
Rupees16 lakhs per day. Costs for maintenance of dumping ground,
waste transportation and hire charges come to Rupees126 crores per
annum and constitute nearly 28 per cent of the total budget allocated for
SWM (Davis n.d.). These sites need to be upgraded and the waste
appropriately treated as it has been estimated that they will last for
another 5 years only (SWM Cell, AIILSG 2004).
Land being scarce in Mumbai, the Corporation has planned for
disposal of garbage through manufacture of organic manure and
generation of electric power. For the disposal of municipal solid waste,
composting, biomethanation of wet garbage, vermicomposting and
recycling of dry waste are adopted. Several organizations working in
coordination with MCGM have started a number of decentralized units
based on these technologies, thus forming an effective public private
partnership. The list of decentralized facilities existing now in Mumbai is
given in Table 9.10.

Table 9.10 Decentralised Waste Disposal Centres, Mumbai

Quantity of waste
No Organisation Method of Disposal
disposed (TPD)
1. M/S Excel Industries Ltd at Converting to organic 240.0
Chincholi Dumping Ground* manure
2. 200 active ALMs through out Vermi-composting 50.0
the city# (Individual or
Community based)
3. 5 T plants at Dadar (market Vermin-culture 15.0
waste), Versova and Colaba#
4. Stree Mukti Sanghatan (SMS) Composting 21.0
composting units +
5. Waste collected by parisar Recyclable dry waste
Bhaginis of SMS+
6. Approx. 30-40 Municipal Composting 1.5
7. Hotel Orchid# Vermi-composting 0.15
8. Composting units under Vermi-composting 20.0
Force Foundation#
9. Churchgate Plaza# composting 0.6
10. Units belonging to Force Composting/Vermi- 20.0
Foundation# culture
Total 369.25
Source:* MCGM, 2004, # Discussion with personals from Dept., + Data from Stree Mukti Sangathan
296 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Issus in SWM
The issues in MSWM in Greater Mumbai relate to primary collection and
disposal of waste because of peculiar characteristics of the city.
Large floating population and daily commuters, with almost 6500
thousand people travelling daily is a cause for road littering (Jain 2004).
In many areas of the city, streets are poorly maintained due to lack of
timely street sweeping. There is regular clogging of surface water drains
due to dumping of solid waste into it. Only 77 per cent of roads are
cleaned 6 days a week, and the major roads only are cleaned 7 days a
week (SWM Cell 2003). At present, the door-to-door collection of waste
is limited to just 15 per cent of the waste generated; the remaining waste
including recyclables is sent for disposal. This has led to increase in the
disposal waste quantity.
The problem is further aggravated due to a high density and large
proportion of slum population. The slum and pavement dwellers do not
have access to proper services and hence they dispose their waste in the
public spaces, roads, drains or railway tracks. Added to it, the hawkers
contribute significantly to littering of roads.
With increasing urbanization, land for dumping and creation of
landfill sites for disposal of waste is becoming unavailable. There are
only 4 landfill sites in the MCGM area, whose expected lifespan remains
only 5 years. It may be difficult for MCGM to find new waste disposal
sites in the near future to take care of not only the present level of waste
generation but the increase in generation due to the projected new
Non-compliance of MSW Rules 2000 and absence of proper and
regular communication between citizens and local body authorities have
also added to poor MSWM services in Greater Mumbai. In order to set
right the lapses and to face future challenges in MSWM, local NGOs
along with the MCGM have taken up certain initiatives to improve the
waste management activities.
New Initiatives
Three new initiatives, namely, (i) The Advance Locality Management
(ALM), (ii) the Slum Adoption Programme and (iii) the Parisar Vikas
programme by the Stree Mukti Sanghatana (SMS) are planned.The
features, implementation, and the successes/failures of the schemes are
briefly discussed.
Private Sector Participation in India 297

(i) Advance Locality Management: The scheme has been initiated by

MCGM with the main objective of mobilizing citizens
participation in solid waste management in an environment-
friendly manner. The focus of the initiative has been waste
minimization and segregation of waste at source. It was first
started in Joshi lane, Ghatkopar.
A housing society or a group of housing societies in a locality,
depending on the size, and the resident and nonresident population
would form an ALM with the MCGM. The ALM Society is
registered with the local Municipal Ward Office and appoints a
Nodal Officer. The Nodal Officer collaborates with the ALM,
attends to citizens complaints, and follows up all the actions
required at the MCGM level and co-ordinates the actions among
different departments of the MCGM at the ward level. This is the
essential aspect of the partnership that ensures success of the ALM.
A common fund is set up by collecting Rupee 1 per apartment per
day quarterly. It is estimated by the residents of Joshi Lane that the
cost of Integrated Solid Waste Management by the residents is
Rupees 8/ capita/ month or Rupees 96 annually (Jain 2004).
Contributions are received from the residents (maintenance fund)
and are utilized towards the maintenance. Started in July 1997
with only one locality as its participant, the number of societies
registered in ALM scheme crossed 1000 (Modi et al 2002).
Various NGOs who have been associated with the work relating to
local governance, and groups of senior citizens involved in civic
issues have become partners of the ALM process. With the
involvement of NGOs, corporates also have joined the process.
The rag pickers have been involved in the collection of dry
recyclable waste directly from individual houses. NGOs like Stree
Mukti Sangathana (SMS), Force and Akkar Mumbai have taken
the task of training the rag pickers, supported by MCGM. As a
result, rag pickers have become more organized, received fairer
prices to their collection, and better health and insurance services,
along with work provided by the NGOs.
The private contractors are also involved in the collection,
segregation and disposal of solid waste. The role of the
beneficiaries is to segregate the waste at source and maintain
vigilance on the spot to prevent littering. They are also involved in
298 Municipal Solid Waste Management

creating awareness among the community about the need for

source segregation along with importance of disposal of waste in
the bins to avoid littering on the roads and public places.
An innovative aspect in the ALM approach is the residents
initiative to RRR, i.e. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. The waste is
segregated at the source and recyclables are removed; the rag-
pickers take away the recyclables which gives them some income.
The wet waste is taken directly for composting at individual level
or to community vermi-composting units. This led to Zero
Garbage situation. This has eliminated the need for community
dust bins. This scheme has considerably reduced the burden of
primary collection, transportation and disposal of waste which
helped MCGM to save expenditure on the waste disposal process
amounting to Rs. 1.5 per kg of waste (Jain 2000). Thus, while the
doorstep collection has added to the collection cost, it has been
counterbalanced by reduction in waste quantity.
Other benefits:
With the success of the ALMs in SWM, the Municipal authorities have
delegated additional functions which included beautification of the
localities and maintenance of gardens, parks and roads (Figs.9.6). The
ALM movement has been so successful that the citizen groups have, in
addition to the responsibility of their immediate neighbourhoods,
organized maintenance of open spaces like the Juhu Beach etc., at the
ward level (Kundu 2005). The successful ALM societies have also taken
up other activities such as tree plantation, prevention of encroachment on
pavement and beautification of streets.
A total of 100 MT of flowers and other bio-degradable material
offered during worship during Ganesh festival from 500 mandals were
processed in this park. The corporate houses have undertaken the
responsibility of managing sanitation and solid waste and their roads.
There are a total of ten Corporates currently that are part of the ALM
movement; one of them has even encourages vermi-composting through a
Trust. 261 vermi-composting units spread over six zones reduce
approximately 20-25 MT of garbage per day from reaching the disposal
site. It is estimated that about 25 per cent of the ALM are managing solid
waste at the local level through vermi-composting and recycling of dry
waste (Redkar 2005).
Private Sector Participation in India 299

Fig. 9.6 (left) shows the Waste collection bin at Nani Nani- Munna Munni Park
maintained by Pestom Sagar ALM. Figure (right): The Kangra Garden leased to
the ALM for maintenance has been turned into one of the finest gardens in the
city. A pit of 440 cu.ft volume surrounding the garden is used for vermin
composting (Courtesy: Mahadevia Darshini).

(ii) Slum Adoption Scheme: MCGM has found that the residents in the
slums have no sense of participation to keep the area clean, which
results in piling up of garbage and deteriorating health conditions
of the residents. This has been the conclusion in a survey
conducted in 100 communities of a slum enclave by YUVA, an
NGO. In order to motivate and involve the slum population in
keeping the slums clean, a scheme called Slum Adoption Scheme
(SAS) has been started by the MCGM through community-based
organizations and public participation.
A Community Based Organisation (CBO) involved SWM work in
the Prem Nagar Slum Community is provided with necessary
equipments for the purpose by MCGM who has also taken care of
the salaries of the slum cleaners. The project is functioning
successfully. The MCGM provides finances to the CBO for the
first three years, but the amount reduces gradually over the period.
Then, the CBO would raise Rs. 10/ household for collection of
segregated waste from house-to-house and for the maintenance of
toilet blocks. The scheme has been so designed that by the end of
the third year, the CBO would be self- sufficient in managing
services related to waste management and sanitation at the primary
level. But in reality, the beneficiarys contribution being as low as
300 Municipal Solid Waste Management

8 to 10 per cent of the total budget, the CBOs have found it hard to
sustain financially.
SAS has been designed to be a sustainable programme to
implement SWM scheme in the slums, but, in reality, it has not
been fully successful due to several reasons that included economic
unsustainability, excluding some slums by MCGM, interference by
local councillors etc.
(iii) Parisar Vikas Programme:
The Parisar Vikas Programme has been initiated by the Stree Mukti
Sanghatana (SMS) which is an NGO, a Womans Liberation
Organisation established in 1975. The SWM project of the SMS is
being funded by War on Want, a London based NGO, and the
Central Governments Suvarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojna
(SJSRY). The duration of the project has been from 2002 to the
end of 2005.
The main strategies of the programme are: Organisation and
training of the women ragpickers, improving the living standard of
women ragpickers, developing new techniques for treatment of
waste, and creating zero waste situations in cities by appropriate
waste recycling techniques.
SMS has been recognized as a training institute. The rag pickers
are given identity cards and are trained in waste handling, waste
collection, transportation of waste to pits and pit management, in
addition to health care and hygine. These trained women are
addressed as Trained Parisar Bhaginis (TPB). The two training
centres established in M-ward (Chembur) have trained Parisar
Bhaginis in bio-composting, vermicomposting and gardening. 300
women have been trained in manure and gardening techniques
through which 250 women have gained meaningful employment.
Simultaneously SMS has developed 5 to 6 composting models in
available space within localities.
200 groups, with 10 Parisar Bhaginis each, have been established.
A group leader heads each group. Awareness and leadership
development camps are organised for the group leaders with the
special material developed by SMS over the years for the training.
The 'Parisar Bhaginis' go from house to house and collect garbage
already segregated into 'wet' and 'dry' waste. They compost the wet
waste, and the product is sold in the market for use in the plant
nurseries and gardens in housing societies; the dry waste is sent for
Private Sector Participation in India 301

recycling. Self Help Groups (SHGs) or micro credit societies of

these women have also been established, and six service
cooperatives have been registered with 50 women in each
Cooperative which function as business enterprises. With the
formation of waste cooperatives, they have been able to get the
right price for the sale of the dry (recyclable) waste.
The SMS was engaged for Solid Waste collection and treatment in
major public and private sector housing colonies and office
premises such as Tata Power, Tata Consultancy Services, RBI,
Navy, BEST, Pfizer, CIDCO, MCGM, BARC etc. About 250
trained Parisar Bhaginis have brought Zero Garbage status in
these offices and colonies and also small housing complexes
spread over 13 wards in Mumbai. In 2004, their work has spread to
the suburban areas of Navi Mumbai, Kalyan and Dombivli.
In Parisar Vikas Programme, 2000 women rag pickers are currently
working in Mumbai. The waste management schemes are
implemented successfully at 40 places throughout the city. Parisar
Vikas has constructed and operating two Nisargruna plants (bio
gas plants) with the technology developed by Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre (BARC) for processing 5 MT of wet waste per
day for MCGM.

Fig. 9.7(a) Biogas Unit at BARC Fig. 9.7(b) Compost units along the
(Courtesy: Mahadevia, D) roadside for Garden waste
(Courtesy: Mahadevia, D)

As incentives, pre-primary education is made available to the children

of the Parisar Bhaginis by starting Balwadis (kindergartens) in the
communities with the help of Pratham, an organization working for
universalisation of primary education. A crche for the children of Parisar
Bhaginis has been started in the Community Centre next to the Deonar
dumping ground. Health camps are held for women and children with the
help of Family Planning Association of India.
302 Municipal Solid Waste Management

These women are included under the Swarna Jayanti Shehari Rojgar
Yojana (SJSRY), and a grant of Rupees10 000 is given to each self help
group (SHG) as a running capital to start their micro enterprises. Of the
200 groups, 63 groups with 678 women received the revolving fund of
Rupees 678, 000 disbursed under the Thrift and Credit Societies
component of SJSRY.
A tempo is provided for the collection of dry waste. In 5 wards, even
Parisar Bhaginis have got such tempos from the MCGM.
Under the infrastructure development of SJSRY, grant has been
provided to construct sheds in seven wards for the storage of dry waste.
These sheds would be operated on a cooperative basis under the aegis of
PBVS and 5 such informal sheds are already in use by the Parisar
Bhaginis. The success of this scheme facilitated the formation of
neighborhood committees (NHC).
The Department of Urban Development, Government of Maharashtra
recognizing the importance of this partnership, has recommended to all
other Municipalities of the state to adopt this approach.
SMSs approach in Parisar Vikas has helped beneficiaries to gain
knowledge and skills, to advocate their rights, and to get organized.
Through this empowerment, the Parisar Bhaginis could improve their
bargaining power, better their social organization, and increase their
income and self-sufficiency.
For long-term sustainability of the project, SMS has strengthened the
self-help groups of rag pickers by involving more number of housing
colonies in the waste management scheme as well as in gardening
The involvement of MCGM in undertaking these experiments with
citizens, NGOs, and CBOs has resulted in new innovations and
methodologies in waste management systems. The projects have also
made an effort in an indirect manner to link the civil society groups to the
governance system, bringing in a sense of ownership and increasing the
transparency within its structure. Such kind of third party monitoring has
also helped to overcome the problems of the system and of mal-practices,
if any. The negotiating position of the ALM societies as well as the CBOs
has strengthened and they are able to use this in bargaining for better
civic service deliveries from the MCGM.
The rag-pickers have been brought into the formal schemes of SWM
which helped them to get organized. As a result, they receive better prices
for the collected materials, have better health care, are covered under
Private Sector Participation in India 303

insurance services and are getting more work than before. All these have
legitimized the rag-pickers in the society and have increased their income
and well being.
After nearly five years of the implementation of these programmes,
the benefits to various stakeholders are evident.
The participatory mechanism can reduce the cost of implementation of
any scheme, as seen from MCGM partnering with the CBOs for solid
waste management either through ALM or Slum Adoption Schemes.
Despite the new initiatives taken, the experience from Greater
Mumbai shows that the city has still a long way to go in SWM. The scale
of these new initiatives is inadequate to cover the whole city because of
its huge spread. The floods of July 26, 2005 has revealed that the garbage
collection has not been enough as not to clog the city drains in times of
heavy rains and cause severe inundation of the city areas. Nonetheless,
these new approaches have the potential to address the problem of waste
management in the most populated and complex Mumbai City.

MSW Management and

Planning Global

MSWM systems outside India are briefly discussed. The only criterion
for choosing the countries/cities from Africa, Latin America, East Asia,
Europe and North America is the availability of published/ documented

10.1 Asia
In countries with high levels of education, approach to integrated solid
waste management is normally dictated by the public awareness of
resources, economics, and the quality of the environment. In Japan, for
example, cities have implemented laws and regulations governing
disposal bans on substances such as batteries, waste oil, tires, CFC gases,
PCBs, etc., and also a mandatory deposit/take-back requirement for
articles such as mercuric oxide batteries, aluminum and plastic
containers, tires, and non degradable plastic bags. The households in
Japan are also required to use transparent plastic bags for waste disposal
so that collection people can see the contents. In 1992 South Korea
passed a law promoting recycling.

MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 305

The most common MSWM problems in developing countries of East

Asia/Pacific are institutional deficiencies, inadequate legal provisions,
and resources constraints. There is considerable overlap of executive and
enforcement authorities at the national, regional, and local levels as far as
environmental control are concerned. There is a lack of long- and short-
term planning due to resources constraints and the shortage of
experienced specialists. Many of the laws and regulations are inadequate
to effectively deal with the complexities of MSW in large cities. In many
cases, the regulations are directly copied from industrialized countries
unmindful of the local socio-economic conditions, the expertise
availability and administrative structure. As a result, they prove to be
unenforceable. While the old regulations often are in existence, lack of
authority to effectively enforce existing environmental regulations adds
to the problem.
In most Asian developing countries recycling laws are not enforced
except in China. Although there are community initiatives to separate and
collect recyclables for sale and reuse, these activities are informal, not
supported by the municipal authorities, except in China, North Korea, and
Vietnam. Monitoring of programmes in developing countries is in general
not satisfactory. The decision-making process is slow and complicated
due to unnecessary paper work and bureaucracy; for example, the illegal
dumping of hazardous substances on lands and into the waterways is a
result of this situation.
In developing countries, given more recognition, NGOs could play a
more effective role in the improvement of solid waste management.
Traditionally, there is no input from the local communities in the decision
making. In places where the municipal authority does not do primary
collection, people have created community organizations to collect
wastes. These work well in parts of Jakarta and Hanoi, and are extensive
in South Korean cities.
In South and West Asia, however, the planning, management, and
decision making depend on a country's administrative structure,
bureaucratic style, and political values. Most municipalities do not have
any legislation related to MSW, and operate on old regulations. Many
of them have no integrated approaches to waste management including
citizen participation in decision making.
Municipalities in most South Asian countries operate under the
environment, health, or local government ministries of the central or
regional governments. In the central part of the region and in some
countries in the north, Health Ministries are expanding to directly oversee
306 Municipal Solid Waste Management

municipal corporations. In the Indian subcontinent, there is a trend

towards decentralization, with municipalities being expected to raise their
own funds and take on more responsibilities. MSWM here is
characterized by bureaucratic fragmentation, with interlinked aspects
being dealt under different departments or ministries.
Although many countries now have environmental protection agencies
which are directing their attention to the waste management, legislation
relevant to modern waste management is deficient. Decisions on
legislation, major capital spending, or administrative changes need
approval from the super ordinate ministries or departments. With regard
to routine management and planning, procedural variations exist
throughout the region. For example, in Oman, the Ministry of Regional
Municipalities is responsible for providing municipal services in all the
cities except Muscat, where the municipal council makes decision. In the
subcontinent, municipalities have responsibility for routine management.
In large cities, in democratic countries, major decisions are made by city
municipal corporations consisting of elected representatives. Though
these urban areas have the advantage of access to citizen opinions
through the representatives, the corrupt motives that generally exist may
seriously distort financial and technical decisions.
Master plans have been prepared for some of the large cities at
considerable expense but very few of their proposals have been
implemented. Smaller towns do not attempt long-term planning.
Planning for MSWM at the regional level has not yet responded to
important worldwide trends. Hence, waste minimization, recycling,
helpful procurement policies, etc., for the most part find no place in
MSW regulations.
In the subcontinent, several countries suffer from management
difficulties in workforce relations. Strikes affecting solid waste collection
quickly jeopardize public health in hot and humid climates. Privatization
is being strongly opposed by labour unions of workers in SWM. The
solid waste management department is usually associated with low-status,
and top officials frequently transfer out of it after a short stint, which
hampers continuity in management.
Major changes toward decentralization are happening in some
countries (e.g., in India). The trend to privatization also has implications
for planning and management. Abrupt privatization, without careful
arrangement of contracts and sound monitoring criteria, has led to
problems, although some functions such as repair, and maintenance of
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 307

vehicles etc., have been successfully privatized. One of the concerns is

how well these private arrangements serve the poor sections.
A major challenge for MSW managers in this region (with the
exception of Israel) is how the needs and views of underprivileged
communities (e.g., squatter settlements) can be expressed, understood,
and incorporated into decision making. As long as squatter areas are
treated as illegal and denied services, it is difficult for the solid waste
authorities to arrange for effective interface between the MSWM system
and the informal planning of the settlements. Such cooperation is being
achieved, however, through the mediation of NGOs in several countries,
for example, Orangi Pilot Project in Karachi, PROUD in Mumbai,
Society for Clean Environment and United Way in Baroda etc. Citizens'
environmental organizations are on the increase in the region. In general,
the role of NGOs and local communities can be extremely helpful in
experimenting with waste reduction through neighborhood composting
and the promotion of more recycling. Even in middle-class areas in the
subcontinent, local groups are organizing to improve street cleanliness
and to facilitate more efficient waste collection (e.g., the Civic Exnora
street groups in India).
A recent development is computer modeling to aid administration and
planning for MSWM, which is undertaken in national institutes such as
The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute in Nagpur,
India. The usefulness of the models, however, depends on the reliability
of the basic data for the place where conclusions are to be applied.
Expertise and funds delivered by international agencies and donors have
been of great benefit in organizing the full range of MSW services and
decisions in the less affluent countries. But, there are complaints that
pressure from international loan agencies and equipment vendors has led
to hasty or poorly conceived privatization or the adoption of
inappropriate equipment and procedures. This situation should improve
with the increase in understanding of solid waste issues worldwide.
Perhaps the greatest impediment to improving planning in MSWM in this
region is lack of (i) knowledge of waste quantities and characteristics and
factors that affect their variations; (ii) generators' attitudes, behaviors and
needs; (iii) the actual costs of different activities; (iv) staff performance;
and (v) sound practices elsewhere.
(a) Japan: (Ref: Rachel et al 2009)
In Japan, most limited resource is the land suitable for urban
purposes. The country is comprised of 6,800 islands, and 61% of
its surface is covered by mountains. These features complicate the
308 Municipal Solid Waste Management

transport of waste and make it difficult to find sites for new

landfills. Japan's high population density is another factor
contributing to waste generation. In 2001, the country had a
population of 127 million, which works out a population density
of 341people/km2. This compares to average densities of 29
people/km2 in the US, 192 in Italy, and 233 in Germany. The
demographic data also suggests that the Japanese population is
highly concentrated in urban areas and that the population within
these urban areas is generally denser than in many other
countries. For example, in 2000, 60% of the area within Tokyo
city limits had a population density > 15,000 people /km2. The
same criterion is met by less than 20% of the area within New
York or Los Angeles, and approximately 20% of the area within
Paris city.
As a result of these geographic and demographic conditions, land
in and around urban areas is in high demand, making the siting of
new landfills both difficult and extremely costly. To compensate,
the Japanese waste management infrastructure has relied
primarily on incineration to reduce the quantity of waste that is
landfilled. Today, for example, nearly 70% of Japan's municipal
solid waste (MSW) is incinerated.

Fig.10.1 Waste generation in Japan (Source: Rachel et al 2009)

MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 309

The majority of substances composing MSW include paper, plastic,

putrescible/organic matter, glass, textiles, metal and rubber. Of the four
main types of MSW management landfilling, incineration, composting
and anaerobic digestion incineration plays a major role in Japan for the
reasons mentioned. On the other hand, landfilling and recycling are very
common methods of managing waste in other developed countries in
Europe, North and Latin Americas. The trend of the annual quantities of
waste and per capita generated for Japan is shown in Fig. 10.1
According to the Japan MOE 2004 Report, the remaining capacity of
the final disposal sites is 152.61 million cubic meters and the remaining
life time is less than 6 years. However, in order to tackle the challenges
normally encountered by waste generation in Japan, integrated waste
management the 3Rs method (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) is adopted
as the best and most preferable way to deal with solid waste.
In Japan, a variety of waste collection approaches are used, including
curbside and drop off collection, roadside bins, and pneumatic collection
systems in approximately 10 urban centers (e.g., Ajiahama, Tenjinkawa,
and Itami). Some municipalities offer curbside collection that is
supplemented by drop-off facilities. In these cases, the materials collected
typically include paper and paper packaging, glass and PET bottles, and
aluminum and steel cans. In a few programmes, residents are encouraged
to separate the remaining fraction of waste into combustibles and non-
combustibles. The combustible materials are delivered to an incinerator
while the non-combustibles are landfilled directly. Other programmes
may collect waste and recyclables together, and then separate some
recyclable materials such as aluminum and steel, at a mixed-waste MRF,
transfer station, or prior to incineration. Over the period 1989 to 1998, of
the total MSW collected, the fraction that is landfilled is decreased from
21.6 to 7.5% (nearly 64%), the recycling has increased from 4.5 to 14.6%
(nearly 317%), and the incineration part increased from 73.9 to 77.9%.
All the recycling activities are subjected to both Containers and
Packaging Recycling Law and the Home Appliances Recycling Law.
The un-interrupted Incineration facilities are typically much larger and
provide energy recovery through the generation of hot water or electricity
compared to other ones. The emissions from these facilities are much
more cost-effective to control because of economies of scale. Concerns
about dioxin emissions from incineration facilities resulted in the passage
of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins in 1999.
The treatment of waste is usually performed under the provisions of
Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law (MOE 2008).
310 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(b) Thailand: (sources: PCD, Thailand and MNRE, Thailand)

Thailand is a fast developing country in south East Asia. The
status of waste management is shown in the Fig. 10.2. Out of
15.04 million tons of waste generated, 12.04 million tons (84%) is
collected. The recyclable potential of MSW is high, as much as
80%. But the actual recycled material is around 22%
(3.1 million tons).
MSW Collection and Disposal: Most cities employ compaction-
type trucks to collect solid waste generated in their areas.
Generally, around 80-90% of MSW is periodically collected.
However, in rural areas, collection services are not widely
covered and open dumping and burning are typical practices for
disposal of MSW.
Only about 37% of solid waste collected is properly disposed
through sanitary landfills, and around 63% is disposed
improperly, i.e., open dumping and open burning (PCD
Thailand). There are only 97 properly designed disposal facilities
(91 sanitary landfills, 3 incinerators, and 3 integrated-system
facilities) under operation, serving about 480 local
administrations throughout Thailand (MNRE, Thailand). See
Fig.10.2. Twenty more are under construction (PCD, Thailand)

Fig. 10.2 Status of waste management (Source: PCD, Thailand)

MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 311

Recycling: Nearly 90% of MSW is potentially compostable and

recyclable materials. Therefore, a number of incentive campaigns with
the cooperation of public and private sectors as well as NGOs have been
undertaken to encourage the recycling activities that help to reduce the
waste volume from sources. Recycling systems existing at disposal
facilities are used by collection crews and scavengers.
There is provision to charge service fees for Collection and Disposal
under rules, but they are under revision to comply with the MSW
management approaches contemplated under National Plan.
Organizations Responsible for MSW Management: Local
administrations have the responsibility to handle MSWM within their
defined areas, while Central government, Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment (MNRE), takes care of policy making and framing
guidelines and technical assistance, while Ministry of Interior coordinates
among local administrations.
Waste management Policy: Two major National waste management
policies are in place to achieve proper waste management: 1. To promote
3Rs hierarchy (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), and 2. To encourage local
administrations to establish central solid waste disposal facilities with an
integrated approach of using appropriate technology, and beneficially
utilizing waste through composting and energy recovery (MNRE,
The Government has come up with a National Plan to improve the
waste management situation with the following goals: (i) to ensure that
not less than 50% of MSW will be disposed by the year 2009 and up to
100% by 2017, and (ii) to increase efficient disposal facilities by not less
than 50% of all 38 provinces by 2009, and up to 100% by 2013 (PCD,
To achieve the goals, National Plan and Policy provides the following
strategies: Social strategies, to promote participation between public
sectors, private sectors and citizens, and to create public awareness to
reduce waste and to increase the utilization of organic wastes and
recyclable wastes; Economic strategies, to encourage investments by
private sectors for utilizing clean technologies for goods production, and
waste treatment and disposal management, and to levy tax, if necessary,
for reducing waste generated at the manufacturing stage; Legal strategies,
to establish laws and revise existing laws and regulations as well as to
emphasize on law enforcement in order to bring effectiveness in various
steps of waste management; and Supportive strategies, to support R & D
312 Municipal Solid Waste Management

of appropriate technologies for producing environmental friendly

products as well as products from recyclable materials (PCD, Thailand).
The National Plan envisages an Integrated Waste management system,
shown schematically (PCD, Thailand) in Fig.10.3.

Fig.10.3 Integrated Management System (PCD, Thailand)

Area Clustering Approach for Establishing Central MSW

Management Facilities is a part of integrated management system. The
purpose is to encourage local administrations to come together to
establish central disposal facilities with suitable technologies. This will
reduce the disposal cost which is based on the amount of MSW generated
for the local administrations. There are approximately 300 clusters
formed throughout the country. It is estimated that about 28 clusters
generate more than 250 tons MSW per day; and other clusters less than
250 tons per day (MNRE, Thailand).

Electricity from WTE systems for Domestic Wastewater Treatment:

Royal Thailand Government has a policy to utilize electricity generated
from MSW for running the domestic wastewater treatment plants. Hence,
the excess electricity from incineration or biogas plants is supplied to
local administrations in order to operate their wastewater treatment
plants; sometimes, the electricity is sold to Provincial Electricity
Authority at reasonable prices.

10.2 Africa
(Sources: Mwesigye et al, 2009, Rachel et al 2009)
Waste management problems in Africa are varied and complex. Waste is
typically disposed off without consideration for environmental and
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 313

human health impacts. The indiscriminate and improper dumping of

MSW onto any available space, known as open-dumps, is increasing and
is compounded by poverty, population explosion, decreasing standards of
living, poor governance, and low level of environmental awareness.
Disposal of hazardous waste along with non-hazardous waste without
segregation is common practice. MSW management has been an
inflexible problem in recent times beyond the capacity of most
municipal/state governments. The problem is expected to aggravate with
significant increase in waste generation as a result of industrialization,
urbanization and modernization of agriculture in Africa.
The standard of waste management in the region is low; it suffers
from limited technological and economic resources as well as poor
budget. Added to it, the people especially the poor are reluctant to pay as
they consider the waste disposal as a welfare service. These problems are
worse in African countries afflicted by conflict and political instability,
for instance, Cte dIvoire, Sudan, Somalia and Liberia. Such situations
encourage illegal trans-boundary traffic of hazardous wastes. For
example, there was illegal dumping of dangerous wastes from Estonia
and Netherlands into Cte dIvoire in August 2006. The toxic waste
pumped into Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Zimbabwe and
other African countries in the 1980s by dishonest waste traders from
developed countries led to the adoption of the Bamako Convention on the
Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Waste in Africa in
The legal and institutional framework for the environmentally sound
management of waste across Africa is either lacking or inadequate. All
the countries have not ratified the Multilateral Environmental
Agreements on wastes and chemicals (MEAs), particularly the Basel,
Stockholm, and Rotterdam Conventions. Comprehensive national waste
legislation is lacking although several countries have sketchy legislation
on hazardous waste management.
Improper waste disposal has resulted in poor hygiene, lack of access
to clean water and sanitation by the urban poor. The Continent urgently
needs infrastructural, institutional, legal reforms and attitudinal changes.
It also needs to adopt Environmentally sound management (ESM) of
wastes including waste minimization focusing on the promotion of the
3Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle; Waste to Wealth Initiatives towards
poverty reduction and alleviation; Corporate Social Responsibility by
producers of wastes; and involvement of Public-Private Partnerships.
314 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The international community needs to support transfer and diffusion

of knowledge and technology, and promote investments for implementing
environmentally sound waste management practices, and to strengthen
their national human and institutional capacities and to create awareness
about integrated waste management practices. The scale of necessary
investments is beyond the capacity of African countries.
Assessment of waste management capacities in some countries in
Africa: A Regional Needs Assessment was conducted in June/July 2001
covering the English speaking African countries and, based on this
exercise, capacity building activities were initiated. A rating scheme was
used based on the factors: (a) Priority given to waste management,
(b) Skills in waste management, (c) Financial resources, (d) Facilities and
infrastructure, (e) Monitoring and information, (f) Training activity,
(g) Project activity, (h) Institutional network, (i) Regulatory framework,
(j) Legislative enforcement, and (k) Administrative system. Fig.10.4
shows the status of waste management (rating of waste management
capacity) in the Region in 2001, and updated in 2004.

Fig.10.4 Rating of waste management capacity

(a) Nigeria: Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and over
the past 50 years, has recorded third largest urban growth rate in
the world at 5.51% annually (UNWUP 1999). Nearly ten percent
of the population (~21 million people) lives below the national
poverty line (World Bank 1996).
The magnitude of the solid waste problem in Nigeria is hard to
comprehend. The garbage dumps are located on the side of the
highways, at the borders of cities and slums. Since the garbage is
not contained, it spreads into the road, blocking traffic. When
refuse accumulates, households and businesses pile it in the center
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 315

of major roads and burn it (Emily Walling et al 2004); hence a

fair percentage of the trash never makes it to informal dumps.
The Federal Environment Protection Agency (FEPA) was
established in 1988 to control the growing problems of waste
management and pollution in Nigeria (Onibokun and Kumuyi
2003). FEPA prepared Vision 2010 document in an attempt to
address environmental problems in the country. Regarding SWM,
the goal is to achieve not less than 80 percent effective
management of the volume of municipal solid waste generated at
all levels and ensure environmentally sound management (Vision
2010, 2003). Strategies to achieve this goal include education and
awareness programs, developing collaborative approaches to
integrative management of MSW, strengthening existing laws and
ensuring compliance, and encouraging local and private sector
participation. But the prevailing poverty and government
corruption has prevented effective implementation of these plans.
In addition, there is little to hold the government or the public
accountable to the regulations developed by FEPA and Vision
2010 (Bankole 2004).
The composition of MSW in Nigeria in 2007 is given in the
Table 10.1.

Table 10.1 Composition of MSW in Nigeria (Source: Sha Ato et al 2007)

Waste Waste category (%)

source Putrescibles Plastics Paper Metals Glass Textiles Fines Ohters
LD 57.5 6.10 4.30 2.50 2.30 2.90 21.0 3.40
MD 53.7 7.10 4.10 2.01 1.70 2.40 27.1 1.70
HD 36.4 8.04 2.59 1.75 0.86 3.67 41.0 5.73
COMM 27.9 10.20 10.90 3.40 6.90 1.20 36.4 3.10
INS 44.8 5.90 8.90 0.90 1.20 0.30 36.4 3.10

LD = low density; MD = medium density; HD = High density; COMM = commercial;

INS = institutional.
In Nigeria, no organization seems to be willing to take
responsibility for regulation of waste management. For example,
in Ibadan, the waste management never rests with a single
authority since the late 1980s (Onibokun and Kumuyi 2003).
316 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Since the local governments could not collect funds for solid
waste disposal (Onibokun and Kumuyi 2003), private companies
were contracted for waste disposal. However, these companies are
often as much ineffective as the State (Onibokun 1999). In Lagos,
the sixth largest city in the world, around 20 to 25 percent of
citys budget is allocated to waste management. However, even
with proper garbage-collecting trucks, the extremely dense streets
of Lagos make it impossible for the trucks to maneuver through to
collect the excessive amounts of garbage that are produced. While
in the five other mega-cities of the world, with over ten million
people, over forty trips are made per day from the city to the
dump site, only two trips are possible each day in Lagos
(UNESCO 2003).
The organic matter content, pH, particle size distribution, bulk
density, total porosity and the hydraulic conductivity, and
available heavy metals (zinc, copper, iron and lead) of soils from
an open dump site are greatly affected by the large volume of
wastes dumped on such locations. Wasteamended-soils (Open
dump sites soils) have high organic matter content (Anikwe
Causes for MSW problems: The Nigerian government is beset by
lack of adequate policies and human resources, insufficient
facilities, and financial difficulties (Agunwamba 1998). Lack of a
system for accountability in the government for the lapses adds to
the problem. For example, it is not uncommon for the government
to withhold employees wages for several months at a time if
finances are tight (Emily Walling et al 2004). People feel entitled
to waste collection services, and do not believe that waste
management is part of each individuals responsibility (Emily
Walling et al 2004).
The government has recently come up with national regulations
for solid waste control, characterized by strong governmental
involvement, development of an administrative infrastructure to
regulate pollution, establishment of pollution control measures as
a national priority, and end-of-the-pipe management
(Mazmanian and Kraft 2001). However, corruption and
inadequate finances promise that these regulations will be equally
as ineffective as earlier attempts. So, regulatory flexibility,
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 317

management of pollution through market based and collaborative

incentives, introduction of pollution prevention, and a shift to an
oversight capacity of local and regional governments have been
attempted. Sustainable development approach incorporating
pollution prevention at the individual, business, and industrial
levels, institution-building, and attempts to balance human and
natural system needs would also lead to sound MSWM system
(Mazmanian and Kraft 2001).
In Nigeria, like in many developing countries, potential to
develop market incentives exists. Thousands of people make their
living by scavenging recyclable materials from open waste dumps
(Kasseva and Mbuligue 2000). Their job is extremely hazardous;
they get less pay and are being exploited. Significant increase in
diseases contracted by landfill scavengers, and AIDS and other
blood diseases from hazardous medical wastes are reported
(Kasseva and Mbuligue 2000). These scavengers and other
entrepreneurs, however, potentially provide an important source
of social capital and programs, and the success depends on their
economic well-being.
Programmes to develop locally based waste management
services, and to strengthen cooperation among neighborhoods,
municipal employees, and public/private organizations; and to
train and educate young entrepreneurial volunteers to collect and
transport household garbage to intermediary points, from which it
is transported to the final dumpsite (Doan 1998) could be used to
encourage source separation and recycling and composting as has
been done in Ivory Coast in 1990s. Agunwamba (1998) estimates
that in Nigeria, efficient recycling and composting programmes
that include creating markets and market incentives, could save
18.6% in waste management costs and 57.7% in landfill
avoidance costs. There is already high demand for scavenged
materials (Kasseva and Mbuligue 2000); since MSW has a large
proportion of organic material, composting could be an effective
option to reduce waste volume.
There has been lack of international involvement in social and
environmental issues in Nigeria. Recently several environmental
organizations are formed to attract funds for management projects
to the country (Vision 2010 1996). Additionally, community
identification plays an important social role in Nigeria, despite its
being composed of a large number of different ethnic groups
318 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(Emily Walling et al 2004). The community and organizational

participation and strengthening institutions can be achieved only
in long-term, and there may be significant setbacks throughout the
Given training and reasonable solutions, Nigerians citizens
would likely be very enthusiastic to devote time and effort
managing MSW. It is believed that education at all levels is an
important beginning for a practical, effective and lasting
municipal solid waste management.
(b) Tanzania: City of Dar es Salaam: The status of MSWM in the
city of Dar es Salaam, and five other municipalities have been
studied during 1992-1999 and 1999-2004 respectively. The
results of these studies are summarized.
Before 1992, the Dar es Salaam City Council (DCC) could not
offer an effective solid waste collection service for the city. While
solid waste generated at that time amounted to 1400 tonnes/ a
day, the DCC had the capacity to collect between 30 and 60
tonnes (2% to 4%) of this amount. The city environment was
characterized by large amounts of dumped garbage in public open
spaces, on streets and major roads and in open drains, resulting in
flooded roads, ground water pollution, soil contamination, and
escalating outbreaks of communicable diseases like cholera,
diarrhea and dysentery. The situation was particularly serious in
the central business district. Like any other African city, DCC
suffers from lack of equipment and financial resources to
purchase spare parts and fuel for the fleet, mixed signals on
political will, un-focused City leadership and short of an official
disposal site.
Under the auspices of the Sustainable Cities Programme (a UN
Habitat programme) a working group on solid waste management
was formed, with the Dar es Salaam City Council as a lead
partner. The objectives adopted by the working group on SWM
was to improve the cleanliness of the city through increase of
collection and disposal of waste, to create sustainable income
generating activities for CBOs and small trade enterprises
involved in waste collection and recycling, and reduce the waste
volumes by encouraging recycling, reuse and composting.
In order to achieve these objectives, the following strategies were
Conducting emergency city-clean-up campaigns
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 319

Involvement of the political, administrative and

city/municipality decision making machinery from the
Private sector involvement in solid waste management
Community involvement in solid waste management
through awareness campaigns and pilot demonstration
Improved management of refuse disposal sites and
Promotion of recycling, reuse and composting
The strategies are being implemented on the ground through
sustainable projects involving:
Provision of communal waste storage facilities
Procurement of solid waste collection equipment
Development of a sanitary landfill and landfill gas
Creation of public awareness campaigns and,
Promotion of community based solid waste collection.
With the exception of a sanitary landfill development project,
implementation of other projects has been successful to the extent
of achieving over 55% of the expected results. Successes
achieved in implementing demonstration projects are scaled up to
work for the entire city and later replicated to other five
Municipalities in the country from 1999 to 2004. Some of the
important observations made during this period are:
Involvement of the Private sector: The involvement of the private
sector and local communities in solid waste management activities
have created employment opportunities to a substantial number of
jobless city residents, mostly, unemployed women and youths.
Income generation: Solid waste management activities have been
offering income generation opportunities. Income generated is not
only from wage payments but also from selling recovered
materials from solid waste. Re-used solid waste creates items like
plastic bags, plastic containers, knives, spoons, frying pans,
gutters, etc., which are on sale in major markets in the city. Dar es
Salaam City Council and the five Tanzania Municipalities are
also having a good source of income from Refuse collection
charges collected from the residents.
320 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Practical and attitudinal changes: There are increasing signs of

waste segregation at source and storing in dust bins to a large
extent, sorting at communal waste collection points and a large
number of organized groups of people involving in solid waste
recycling. Increasingly, people no longer regard SWM activities
as useless but rather beneficial that can be utilised to generate
income and alleviate poverty (Source: Dar es Salaam City
Council, Tanzania)

Kenya: Nairobi city

There is not much literature on solid waste management (SWM) services
in Kenya with the exception of Nairobi (Ikiara et al., 2004).
Solid wastes in Nairobi are due to wide range of industrial, service
and manufacturing activities. High-volume of solid wastes is generated
by the chemical, petroleum, metals, wood, paper, leather, textile and
transportation industries. The smaller generators of waste include auto
and equipment repair shops, electroplaters, construction firms, dry
cleaners and pesticide applicators.
Waste quantities: There are no statistics for total production of wastes in
Kenya. A study on MSW in Nairobi produced the waste generation
statistics shown in Table 10.2. The difference in calorific value (CV)
between low and higher income households is particularly noticeable in
the data.
The total MSW production in Nairobi was projected as follows: Shops
and restaurants: 94 t/day; Houses: 1285 t/day; Markets: 82 t/day; Road
sweepings: 69 t/day
Table 10.2 Waste generation statistics

Source Quantity Density CV (KCal/Kg)

Restaurants 6.79 kg/day 0.28 1630

Other commercial 1.39 kg/day 0.26 1692
High income households 0.654 kg/person/day 0.30 1233
Middle income households 0.595 kg/person/day 0.26 1349
Low income households 0.552 kg/person/day 0.28 630
Markets 2.425 kg/day 0.38 1427
Road sweepings 48.3 kg/km 0.23 n/a
Average 0.28 1032
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 321

Waste composition: The same study estimated the composition of MSW,

given in Table 10.3.

Table 10.3 Composition of MSW

Material Average (%) High income (%) Low income (%)

Food 51.5 50 57
Paper 17.3 17 16
Textiles 2.7 3 2
Plastic 11.8 14 12
Grass/wood 6.7 8 2
Leather 0.9 1 1
Rubber 1.5 1 2
Glass 2.3 2 2
Cans 1.7 2 1
Other metal 0.9 1 0
Others 2.7 7 4

Most beverages are sold in returnable bottles, which accounts for the
low proportion of glass and cans. The use of cans is stated to be on the
increase. It is noticed that the difference in composition between high and
low income is not very great. From actual observation, however, it
appears that in many MSW samples, the proportion of dust is
substantially greater than shown in the above analysis, which should
therefore be treated with caution.
The chemical analysis provides the following data:
Moisture - 64.2%; Ash - 8.9%; Combustible - 26.8%; C - 49.33%;
H - 5.45% N - 1.22%; S - 0.14%; Cl - 0.21%; O - 43.75%
Storage and collection: Municipalities are responsible for managing
MSW, including commercial wastes. The private sector handles industrial
Industrial wastes constitute about 23 per cent of the total solid wastes
generated in the city. The collection and disposal of industrial waste in
Nairobi is done by industries themselves. Though its disposal is done at a
Municipal dumpsite, the industries have the responsibility to collect and
dispose the waste at the designated dumping site.
It is estimated in 1997 by JICA study that only about 25% of the waste
in Nairobi is collected. An alternative study, undertaken by UNCHS in
1997, has shown that 90% is collected by the Nairobi City Council
322 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(NCC). In the mid 1980s, the appalling NCC performance and demand
for municipal solid waste management services attracted private sector
providers. It is now estimated that there are at least 60 private companies
engaged in solid waste collection services in the city (JICA, 1998).
Private companies serve 45-73% of the households, 32% of the
institutions, 50% of the industries and 16.7% of the commercial
enterprises. About 81% of the households served by private companies
live in the high and middle-income areas (largely the western part) of the
city. The majority of the private companies are either small family
ventures or a hybrid between a community based organization (CBO) and
a private firm. Even NCC, which has the social responsibility of
providing SWM services to all citizens, concentrates its efforts on
residential areas and institutions that can afford private service at the
expense of areas inhabited by the poor. In Nairobi, the private sector
offers a more reliable service, for which a fee of Ks 200/household/month
is charged. According to the JICA study, the NCC collects 80 t/d of
which 91% is from stations and 9% from door-to-door. Private
contractors collect around 115 t/ day.
Individual household waste containers are present at higher and
middle income households only. Low income households make use of
communal containers or dumping stations - where waste is hand loaded
into vehicles. Some dumping stations are constructed of concrete but
others are just informal piles, which are sometimes burnt.
The vehicles may be tractor/trailers, open tippers, roll-ons or
compaction vehicles, depending on the size of the city. Typical payloads
are 2-3 tonnes. Vehicles are not covered and plastic/paper blows away
during transit. A study shows that, in 1996, 50% of the Nairobi City
Council refuse collection vehicles were non-operational at any one time.
The extent and nature of the solid waste management problems can be
summarized as follows:
First, the collection ratio, that is, the proportion of the solid waste
collected to generated, is low; as low as 25 per cent.
Second, there is marked inequality in the geographical service
distribution. The Western part of the city is well serviced by the private
parties and the NCC while the Eastern part is hardly serviced. High-
income and some middle-income residential areas together with
commercial areas are well serviced by private companies and the NCC.
Small private firms are increasingly servicing some of the relatively
better-off low-income areas. The core low-income areas (slums and other
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 323

unplanned settlements) where 55-60% of Nairobi residents live receives

no waste collection service save for localized interventions by
community-based organizations (CBOs). The 1998 JICA study found
26% of households in high-income areas,16% of those in middle-income
areas, 75% of those in low-income areas, and 74% of the surrounding
area do not receive any service. Not surprisingly, thus, residents in low-
income areas dissatisfied with waste collection services, are aware of the
health risks associated with the problem, and are willing to pay for
improved services in spite of their low incomes.
Third, there is widespread indiscriminate dumping in illegal sites and
waste pickers litter the city with unusable waste materials without
Fourth, there is only one official dumpsite (NCC-owned and
operated), which is full and located in a densely populated part of the
city, 7.5 km from the central business district along a road with heavy
traffic. Moreover, waste pickers and dealers control this dumpsite,
forcing the NCC and private companies to bribe to access the dump.
Fifth, the city has no transfer facilities.
Sixth, solid wastes in the city are not segregated, with the exception of
unstructured reuse of some waste materials at the household level. The
private contractors that collect waste do not process waste in any way and
dump at Dandora dumpsite which is littered with all types of wastes from
hospital wastes, manufacturing/industry wastes, paper and biodegradable
materials. To cut costs, many generators of solid wastes have taken to
combustion at the site, which causes air pollution problems. The bulk of
these wastes contain plastics, which when burnt generate carcinogenic
vinyl chloride monomers and dioxins.
A JICA study (1998) revealed that the residents around the dump site
suffered from smoke, smell, and broken glasses. Respiratory and stomach
problems among children are common.
Waste minimisation and recycling: In the major cities, Nairobi and
Mombasa, paper, cans, glass and plastic bottles are collected for recycling
by private businesses or individuals. Such services are not found in the
smaller towns. Recycling of materials such as papers, tyres, plastics, used
clothes, and metals, is becoming increasingly popular. Organic wastes are
also increasingly being recycled to produce compost products. For
example, community-based organizations (CBOs) managed by women
are recycling market waste from Korogocho Market to produce organic
manure for sale. However, the percentage of solid waste recovery is only
324 Municipal Solid Waste Management

8% of the recyclable and 5% of the compostables. There is recovery

going on in the industries but the rate is unknown. The groups involved
in these efforts are facing a number of problems such as land to conduct
the composting, and lack of a stable market for the recovered materials,
especially for wastepaper and compost. The self-help activities of the
Mukuru project earned Kshs 1.55 million in 1996 from the recovery of
1,018 tons of materials per year. This income was not sufficient for the
projects 60 members and for investment to improve efficiency.
About 6,000 tonnes of waste oils are recycled in Kenya, out of a total
of 27,000 tonnes produced from vehicles. Waste oils are also used as fuel
and for wood preservation. The recycling process, however, produces
acid tars. The Oil Industry Waste Management Committee, however,
expects cement kilns to use the oils as secondary fuel. The agrochemical
industry have also used cement kilns, and in 2005, has negotiated with
Lom IV financing to incinerate the existing stockpile of about 100
tonnes. GIFAP, the international trade association, which has its African
headquarters for the Safe Use Programme in Nairobi, has arranged this.
A survey was conducted as part of this study at the Dandora
dumpsite where scavengers recover recyclable materials from
municipal solid waste. The scavengers were found to be recovering
more than 30 different types of materials, with the major ones
being ferrous metals (aluminium and copper). While there is
considerable potential in recycling, there is a problem of
recyclables being contaminated. In addition, there is no policy on
recycling in the country. This has led to the importing of waste
materials by recycling companies and to the exploitation of waste
pickers by middlemen and recycling firms. Industry operators
encourage the setting up of recycling schemes (such as for
aluminium cans, bottles, and polythene materials) to improve
environmental conditions while also generating incomes to the poor.
Disposal of waste: There are no controlled landfills in Kenya and
complete reliance is placed on open uncontrolled and burning. The
main MSW dump site serving Nairobi is located at Dandora. This
is totally uncontrolled and burning. Many scavengers are always
present; and one can find tannery sludges, hospital waste including
used syringes and other industrial wastes. The situation in smaller
towns is similar, although the proportion of waste collected may be
even lower.
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 325

Problem of plastics in Kenya: As elsewhere in the world, the problem of

overuse, misuse and indiscriminate and inadvertent littering of plastic
bags is serious in Nairobi. Because the plastic bags are either free or
inexpensive there is widespread use and because most bags are thin and
highly fragile, re-use is minimal. According to one of the leading
supermarket chains in Kenya, approximately 8 million bags are given out
by the supermarkets alone every month and two times as much in the
informal sector in Kenya.
Legislation and Enforcement: There is currently no specific legislation
on waste management. Before the Environmental Management and Co-
ordination Act was enacted in 1999, Kenya was relying on the Public
Health Act (cap 242) and the Local Government Act. These acts
empower LAs to establish and maintain MSW management services and
require them to provide the services. The Acts, however, neither set
standards for the service nor insist on waste reduction or recycling. In
addition, the Acts do not classify waste into municipal, industrial and
hazardous types or allocate responsibility over each type.
There is little enforcement of waste management standards. Whatever
enforcement exists, that is undertaken by local authorities under the
Public Health Act. For example, a waste incinerator at a shoe factory has
been closed for production of smoke; a factory discharging heavy metals
causing a sewage works to cease functioning is also closed until a
treatment plant is constructed.
The Ministry of Environmental Conservation (National Environmental
Secretariat) covers pollution control (wastes), EIAs, resource
management, planning and education.
The dump sites are selected by the municipal authorities and there are
no rules for the location and operation of dump sites. The EIA procedure
will come into effect when it is introduced.
Under the new legislation, it is expected that monitoring of discharges
to ground and surface water would be undertaken by the Ministry of Land
Reclamation, Regional and Water Development (MLRRWD) which may
be delegated to the local authorities ultimately.
The World Bank funded the preparation of the National
Environmental Action Plan, which contains some aspects related to
CBOs, RAs, farmers, informal agents: With NCCs awful performance
and the failure of private service to extend into low-income and
unplanned settlement areas, community-based initiatives in waste
326 Municipal Solid Waste Management

collection, transport, storage, trading and recycling started to emerge in

1992. There are now a number of CBOs, including charitable
organizations, ethnic associations, welfare societies, village committees,
self-help groups, and residential (or neighbourhood) associations (RAs).
Majority of the CBOs are engaged in waste composting although the
main activity of about 44 % of them is neighbourhood cleaning (Ikiara et
al., 2004). One-third of CBOs are involved in waste picking. Despite
individual and localized performances, the community in general plays a
small waste management role.
NGOs and international organizations support CBOs through training,
marketing and provision of tools and equipment, among other ways.
55.6 % of the CBOs report having been sponsored or facilitated by local
and international NGOs and United Nations agencies like the UNFPA
and UNCHS (HABITAT) (Ikiara et al., 2004). Important NGOs include
Foundation for Sustainable Development in Africa (FSDA), Uvumbuzi
Club and Undugu Society of Kenya. Other institutions offering assistance
to CBOs in Nairobi include the National Council of Churches of Kenya
(NCCK), the private sector, Norwegian aid institutions, and the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Donor agencies play a direct
role and also an indirect one, by funding the NGOs that assist CBOs
(King, 1996). Neighbourhood or Residential Associations (RAs) have
emerged in many middle and high-income residential areas to organize
provision of failed public infrastructure services. It is estimated that there
are over 200 registered RAs in the city, engaged in improvement of
security, roads, and cleanliness. They are contracting, organizing, and
monitoring private SW collection service. The pioneering RA, Karen and
Langata District Association (KARENGATA) and the Nairobi Central
Business District Association (NCBDA) have emerged as highly
organized, resourceful, and influential groups. Through a memorandum
of understanding with the NCC, NCBDA has not only donated garbage
storage bins for use in the CBD but also engaged in policing (security)
and road and public toilet rehabilitation projects. There is now visible
improvement in security and in availability of clean public toilets and the
storage of solid waste in the CBD.
RAs in Nairobi have formed two umbrella associations We Can Do
It and Kenya Alliance of Residential Associations (KARA), which lobby
for improved services, facilitate formation of new RAs, and provide
technical assistance to potential RAs.
Farmers are also becoming important actors in Nairobis SWM sector.
The increasing number of urban and peri-urban farmers collects poultry
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 327

waste, green vegetable waste, and cow dung as well as food waste from
hotels, markets and other institutions, and transport it to use either as
animal feed or as organic fertilizer. The actual amount of waste removed
from the municipal waste stream through this route is not known.
Many informal agents (waste pickers, traders and dealers, itinerant
buyers, informal dump service providers and informal recycling
enterprises) are also involved in Nairobis SWM sector, albeit as a
secondary activity (Ikiara et al., 2004). These actors are involved in all
SWM domains, including waste collection, separation, storage, re-use,
recovery, recycling, trading, transport, disposal, and littering. They
reduce the waste that has to be disposed, more significantly, in non-
serviced areas inhabited by the urban poor. Like urban farmers, the actual
contribution of these informal actors to SWM in the city and other parts
of the country is not known.
Poor performance of MSWM: The poor SWM performance in Nairobi
is attributable to many factors. Expansion of urban, agricultural and
industrial activities has generated vast amounts of solid and liquid wastes
that pollute the environment and destroy resources. The problems are
mainly due to lack of appropriate planning, inadequate political will and
governance, poor technology, weak enforcement of existing legislation,
the absence of economic and fiscal incentives to promote good practices,
and lack of analytical data concerning volumes and compositions of
waste substances.
Administration of Nairobi is chaotic, with the NCC and the Central
Government (particularly the Ministry of Local Government and the
Provincial Administration in the Office of the President) often clashing
and duplicating roles. Moreover, as the policymakers (NCC councillors)
are generally not knowledgeable, the mismanagement and corruption
have become the hallmarks of the NCC. The by-laws related to
prohibiting illegal disposal of waste, specifying storage and collection
responsibilities for SW generators, and indicating the Councils right to
collect SWM charges is not effectively implemented. The Central
Government also fails to oversee the performance effectively.
This dysfunctional local administrative system has led to the
inefficiency of NCC operations - unprecedented deterioration of physical
infrastructure, lack of transfer facilities, widespread indiscriminate waste
dumping, lack of system-wide co-ordination and regulation of
stakeholders, absence of strong and effective partnerships between the
NCC and other SWM partners, lack of policy support for waste re-use
and recycling, communitys indifference to involve in SWM, prevalence
328 Municipal Solid Waste Management

of casual littering due to lack of public education and non-enforcement of

NCC bylaws (Ikiara et al., 2004). Rapid population growth and
urbanization (like other cities in developing world) add to the problem.
Public concern about waste management: People in Nairobi are
concerned by the inadequate management of MSW and the continuing
decline in standards. In Nairobi, a survey showed that 36% of
respondents thought that the problem of garbage collection was very
serious and a further 22% saw the problem as moderate. If people are to
be expected to pay for a service, however, the quality particularly of
collection - must be dramatically improved. It is unlikely that low income
groups are prepared for the service.

10.3 Latin America

(source: The World Bank 2008)
Latin American countries (LAC) have considered solid waste
management more crucial for the improvement of MSW services.
The Continent is highly urbanized with 78% of its 518 million
populations living in cities; 114 cities have population more than
500,000, housing 225 million inhabitants and generating 98 million tons
of waste per year. There are thousands of small and medium size cities
also, with 209 million population generating 56 million tons of waste
annually. The MSWgeneration status in cities of different sizes is given
in the Table 10.4.

Table 10.4 Estimated MSW generation in LAC (2005)

Total MSW Generated
City Size Population MSW Generation Rates
(million tons/year)
(million) (million) (kg/cap/day)
[% of total]
[no. of cities]
Domestic Municipal Domestic Municipal
>1 183 [55] 1.04 1.25 69 [55%] 83 [54%]
0.5 to 1 45 [59] 0.69 0.98 11 [9%] 15 [10%]
0.2 to 0.5 58 0.68 0.88 14 [11%] 19 [12]
< 0.2 151 0.56 0.68 31 [25%] 37 [24%]
Totals 434 0.79 0.97 125 154

MSWM Practices and Problems: Municipalities are accountable for

SWM services throughout the Continent. Waste collection is generally
satisfactory in the large cities: typically 85% of waste is collected in
capital cities and large metropolitan areas. However, in the poor peri-
urban areas of large cities, collection services are often deficient. Small to
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 329

medium cities have lower collection levels and efficiencies which on

average are about 69%.
Waste disposal is generally lacking; only 23% of MSW collected is
disposed in sanitary landfills, 24% goes to controlled landfills, and the
rest to open dumps or water bodies. In capital cities and metropolitan
areas, about 60% of MSW collected is disposed in sanitary landfills. In
small and medium cities open dumping predominates. Overall 60% of all
MSW generated in LAC ends up in unknown disposal sites. However,
surveys in Colombia, Chile and Mexico show that many sanitary landfills
do not meet basic standards for sanitary operations, and many do not have
the necessary EIA approval or environmental operating license.
Service financing is very poor; average cost recovery is less than half
of actual recurrent costs of service provision. Most cities, especially small
and medium cities, have little knowledge of the actual costs of service
provision. The average rate collected is US$2.49 per household. The
efficiency of service provision is often poor. The reasons for the high cost
of poor quality service are often excessive employment, and low labour
and vehicle productivity.
The Service Costs for different components of MSWM in LAC are:
Collection: US$ 15-40 per ton
Street sweeping: US$ 10-20 per km
Transfer: US$ 8-15 per ton
Disposal: US$ 4-15 per ton
LAC Average: US$ 29 per ton collected, transported and adequately
The estimated costs in low-, middle- and high-income countries for
different components of MSWM are given in Table 10.5. There is a very
large difference between high-income countries and low-income
countries, ranging between 10 to 20 times.

Table 10.5 Estimated Costs of Adequate MSWM

Contries Low-income Middle-income High-income

Average Waste Generation 200 Kg/cap/yr 300 Kg/cap/yr 600 Kg/cap/yr
Average per-Capita 370 US$/cap/yr 2,400 US$/cap/yr 22,000 US$/cap/yr
Collection 10-30 US$/t 30-70 US$/t 70-120 US$/t
Transfer 3-8 US$/t 5-15 US$/t 15-20 US$/t
Final Disposal 3-10 US4/t 8-15 US$.t 15-50 US$/t
Total Cost 16-48 US$/t 43-100 US$/t 105-190 US$/t
Total Cost Per-Capita 3-10 US$/cap/yr 12-30 US$/cap/yr 60-114 US$/cap/yr
330 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Private Sector Participation: Private sector participation is drawn in all

countries to varying degree in all phases of the waste management
recycling, collection, transport, and disposal and all enterprises ranging
from large-scale multinationals to small-scale enterprises are involved.
The efficiency of these private sector enterprises varies significantly,
although the experience generally is good. Big cities started contracting
out in 1970s which has spread to intermediate cities in 2000s. Half of
urban population in Latin American countries is now served by private
operators (WB 2008). In cities, for example, such as Sao Paulo, Buenos
Aires, Bogota, Santo Domingo, and La Paz, waste collection is done
almost completely by private enterprises (UNEP). In Brazil in 1998, 40
firms collect 65% of urban waste nationwide (up from 40% in 1982).
Due to lack of institutional capacity and structure for arranging service
contracts, awarding concessions, and monitoring compliance with
contract conditions, the supervision/regulation is feeble in municipalties
that engaged private parties for improving services. As a result,
performance standards under such arrangements are neither satisfactorily
established nor adhered to, and the expected levels of efficiency are
seldom achieved.
There is lack of competition, transparency and accountability at
municipal level, and there is need to ensure them.
Private sector/small-scale initiatives are also happening in low-income
and difficult-access areas. Such small-scale waste collection enterprises
under the sponsorship of NGOs or technical cooperation organizations
are operating in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and
Peru. The government either pays to these organisations for their services
or allows them to collect fees directly from the households in their areas
(UNEP). The role for micro-enterprises in MSWM practices has been
Institutional failures: A number of LAC cities have come up with solid
waste management master plans, though very few have implemented. The
solid waste management programmes are largely ad-hoc, heavily
influenced by the political environment of the time. Legal and regulatory
framework is often dispersed, overlapping and incoherent. The existing
legislation, in general, doesnt take into account the economic reality of
municipalities, resulting in non-compliance of the provisions. Further,
lack of inter-municipal coordination (both rural and metropolitan) leads
to inefficiencies and loss of economies of scale. Another important factor
is failure to plan the system strategically; for example, politicians and
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 331

planners fail to recognize the importance of NIMBY and the need for
positive public involvement to deal with it. Added to it, enforcement is
Disposal methods: The final disposal is appropriately based on sanitary
landfill; there has been an increase in the number of sanitary landfills and
controlled landfills, but open dumping still exists and is common. The
private sector is also involved to a limited extent, in operation of landfills.
For example, in Buenos Aires, as well as in some of the large cities in
Brazil, landfills are operated by private parties. Privately operated
landfills are also located in cities of Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico,
Panama, Paraguay, and Venezuela. Most manual landfills are operated by
small-scale enterprises.
Driven by Carbon financing, Landfill Gas-to-Energy (LFGTE) system
has been quite successful in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and
Uruguay (WB 2008).
The Latin American countries have gained considerable experience
with composting, but the status is mostly disappointing.
No large-scale incineration (waste-to-energy) is preferred due to
economics, as well as high moisture content and low calorific value of the
waste generated.
Waste minimization and recycling efforts have been recent. On
average, the estimated MSW recycled is 3% in LAC. However some
countries are doing better: Mexico recycles 10% of waste stream; Paper
and cardboard are recycled in Brazil (44%), Colombia (57%), Chile
(50%), and Ecuador (40%).
Brazil recycles 87% of aluminum cans, 70% of steel cans, 35 percent
of PET containers, and 45% of glass bottles (WB 2008).
Source separation and separate collection is on the increase: 20% of
municipalities in Colombia and 5% of municipalities in Brazil have been
conducting source separation and separate collection.
Like in other developing countries, recycling is predominantly
performed by informal sector: PAHO estimates there are 500,000
wastepickers in LAC, 29% women and 42% children. Wastepickers face
high health and accident risks, and live in conditions of extreme poverty.
Many of them work at dumpsites, impeding attempts to operate as
sanitary landfills. Social programmes are needed to improve their living
and working conditions. In addition, the recycling activities need to be
moved from dumpsites to waste sources by properly organizing
332 Municipal Solid Waste Management

cooperatives and microenterprises. Such microenterprises and

cooperatives are successfully organized for informal wastepickers in
Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
Sector setting in client countries: Strategies are required to effectively
conduct MSWM services. Some common elements of these strategies
could be:
Regional landfill construction including LFGTE;
Closure and/or remediation of open dumps;
Strengthening national and local institutions including the private
Development of local/regional integrated MSWM strategies;
Promotion of waste minimization and recycling;
Social inclusion of wastepickers;
Public communication and outreach.
Regional Strategy: MSWM Projects in LAC should give priority to:
expanding collection to poor neighborhoods and settlements, improving
final disposal, and promoting waste minimization and recycling. To
achieve these, the authorities should focus on six key issues: (1) Strategic
planning for integrated waste management, (2) Better institutional
arrangements, (3) More efficient operations, (4) More effective financial
management, (5) Improved environmental protection, and (6) Waste
minimization and recycling strategies.
Compatibility with sustainable development: Landfills contribute
significantly to greenhouse gases, leading to global warming. Therefore,
the landfill construction and operation have to be compatible with the
concept of sustainable development. For the countries in Latin America,
it is an important opportunity to introduce LFGTE projects as mitigating
measure, taking advantage of emerging markets for carbon emission
reductions. Incidentally, the indirect benefit is that LFGTE projects can
help finance properly operated sanitary landfills which is a must for the
LFGTE projects. But, this may result in displacement of wastepickers
currently working at open dumpsites. The planners have to come up with
comprehensive socio-economic integration strategies so that sustainable
sanitary landfills will be in place and the lives of wastepickers are taken
care of.
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 333

In terms of policy, the region needs to start working on various fronts:

(i) in the medium term LFG treatment (burning) has to be mandatory for
security and sanitary reasons, even if this means loosing the CDM
potential, (ii) Minimization practices, that is, reduction, re-use, recycle,
and composting need to be included in the clients agenda, for sanitary,
environmental and economic reasons. These actions will trigger
additional eligible CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) activities that
in the medium term will replace LFG revenues from CDM. The World
Bank is currently developing a recycling methodology which is expected
to have a significant impact in the sector, mainly because of the social
implications that may come with it (informal work of waste pickers).
The Bank can help the cities in LAC by:
Assisting countries in establishing national MSWM policies and
programmes with the elements described above,
Ensuring that projects are designed within an integrated MSWM
strategic planning framework,
Targeting immediate financing (IBRD, IFC, CFU) toward
improved landfill disposal and the introduction of LFGTE
components to help ensure operational viability, and
Support local and national efforts to expand waste minimization
and recycling, and improve the lot of wastepickers.
Chile: Santiago city (source: Paula Estevez 2003): Studies of the solid
waste issues in Chile are relatively new and recent. Chile has been one of
the few countries in Latin America which has witnessed tremendous
economic growth in the last two decades; this growth is accompanied by
an increased industrial activity and a significant and uncontrolled rise in
the quantity of waste, creating huge social and environmental costs.
Nearly 40% of the Chilean population lives in Santiago Metropolitan
Region. During 2001, the annual amount of MSW produced in Santiago
was 2,267,743 metric tons, and is projected to grow to 3,693,914 metric
tons by 2011 (CONAMA 2002).
Until 1990 all the MSW produced in Santiago was disposed in
garbage dumps. Due to policies framed during 1990s to control this
334 Municipal Solid Waste Management

problem, the entire MSW collected in Santiago is deposited currently in

authorized sanitary landfills. However, none of this waste is recycled or
processed; therefore, current landfills will be filled within the next 20 to
40 years. Land in Santiago is scarce because of its high population, the
large and increasing spread of urban areas, and its geographical location,
making it difficult to find space for new landfills. Moreover, landfills
have been opposed strongly by the politicians, people and NGOs. The
political, geographical and environmental challenges do not make the
landfills a sustainable alternative for MSW management. Therefore, there
was an attempt to assess the use of relevant waste-to-energy technologies
as a possible answer to Santiagos current MSW management problems
incorporating environmental and economic considerations
(Estevez 2003). Santiago Metropolitan Region with 6 million inhabitants
represents nearly 40% of the Chilean population (INE 2003). The city
produces 1.1 kg of garbage per capita daily. As seen in Table 10.6, during
2001 the annual amount of MSW produced in Santiago was 2,267,743
metric tons. On a year-to-year basis, volume is growing at 5%
(CONAMA 2002).

Table 10.6 MSW annual production in Santiago

Year Metric tons/year Metric tons/month

2001 2,267,743 188,979

2002 2,381,130 198,428

2003* 2,500,187 208,349

2004* 2,625,196 218,766

2005* 2,756,456 229,705

2006* 2,894,279 241,190

2007* 3,038,993 253,249

2008* 3,190,942 265,912

2009* 3,350,489 279,207

2010* 3,518,014 293,168

2011* 3,693,914 307,826

* projected, (Source: CONAMA, 2002)
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 335

Fig. 10.5 MSW composition in Santiago city (source: CONAMA 2002)

Santiago is divided into 44 municipalities, responsible for the

collection, transport and final disposal of municipal solid waste. The
Environmental Health Department (SESMA) oversees and inspects the
operation and management of all the solid waste treatment or disposal
facilities, and also ensures the compliance of health standards and
regulations. The National Environmental Commission (CONAMA) is
responsible for conducting environmental assessment, to approve
landfills or other projects regarding the final disposal of MSW, and for
imposing penalties for the noncompliance of environmental regulations.
The Santiago Regional Government (Intendencia Metropolitana) acts as
coordinator, facilitator and, if required, a mediator between these bodies.
About half of all residential solid waste generated in Santiago is organic,
while paper accounts for 18.8%, plastic 10.3% and textiles 4.3%. Metals
and glass make up a smaller percentage, 2.3% and 1.6% respectively,
Fig.10.5 (source: CONAMA 2002). The Municipalities in Santiago have
contracted all the waste management services to two private sector
companies EMERES (Empresa Metropolitana de Tratamiento de
Residuos Solidos) to operate in southern part, and KDM (Kiasa Demarco
S.A.), a subsidiary of the U.S. based company Kenbourne in the northern
part of Santiago.
336 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Methodology: The waste produced at the household level is left in black

plastic bags in the street for collection. There is no source separation at
the origin of waste. This waste is collected 3 times a week by trucks.The
trucks, depending on the distance of the municipality to the landfill,
transport the waste directly to the landfill or to one of two transfer
stations.The waste in this station is not separated or treated, it is only
transferred to bigger or special trucks that take the waste to the landfill
for final disposal.
There are only three authorized landfills in Santiago:
(a) Loma Los Colorados: This landfill, managed by KDM S.A is
located in the Municipality of Til-Til (63,5 km north of Santiago)
covering an area of 600 hectares and is expected to reach final
official capacity in 2046. It is designed to receive 150,000 metric
tons of solid waste per month coming from the Municipalities in
the northern part of Santiago.
(b) Santa Marta: This landfill, managed by EMERES S.A., is located
12 km south of Santiago in Talagante. It started operations in
April 2002 and was designed to receive 60,000 final metric tons
of solid waste per month. This landfill covers an area of 296
hectares and it is expected to reach final capacity in 2022. It
serves a population of 1,212,896 inhabitants from the southern
part of Santiago.
(c) Santiago Poniente: This landfill, managed by EMERES S.A., has
started operations in October 2002 and is designed to receive
40,000 tons of MSW per month, serving people in the eastern and
central Municipalities of Santiago.
As recycling is not obligatory in Chile, there is little recycling
perception among the citizens, and recycling is minimal, sporadic and
accomplished in an informal way. It is estimated that 9% of the total
amount of MSW generate in Santiago is recycled.
The recovery and commercialization of recyclable material is done
manually by informal sector street cardboard collectors (cartoneros) and
scavengers (cachureros) who as individuals recover small volumes of
paper, glass and aluminum cans from homes and businesses. Another
informal commercial sector buys the collected material and sells it to
recycling companies which are few.
There are small pilot projects but volumes are insignificant. Still,
some government authorities are trying to raise recycling consciousness
through the use of collecting containers, organizing household compost
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 337

projects, encouraging recycline in public offices and universities, and

conducting educational programs in schools.
A National Policy for Municipal Solid Waste Management was
approved in 1997 to develop an economically viable Integrated SWM
System that minimizes environmental impact and eliminates harmful
human health effects.
The National Policy establishes a basic strategy that focuses on the
priority objectives regarding MSW, namely, to prevent MSW creation; if
not possible, to minimize its creation; MSW treatment; and disposal of
MSW that couldnt be treated.
Since landfills is not a sustainable waste disposal facility for Santiago
for reasons already explained, one promising method to reduce waste
volume is by burning waste through Waste-to-Energy technology. The
WTE systems with energy recovery could address Santiagos long term
Recent study that included financial and technical issues establishes
that the most appropriate technology for Santiago is the mass burn plant
with manual pre-sorting of some recyclable materials such as metals,
glass and papers before combustion (Estevez 2003).
The current mass burn systems have been operating successfully and
reliably and are widely considered as a proven technology. In this
category the Martin Grate technology is the most widely used one
because it is simple, easier and less expensive to install than RDF
burning. Another advantage of mass burning is that it offers ample
flexibility for the kind of feedstock supplied, e.g., one can co-fire other
fuels such as waste tires or sewage sludge residues from waste water
treatment plants.
The project evaluation demonstrates that a WTE Plant for Santiago,
with a capacity of 1,200 metric tons/day, would be able to generate more
income than the investment (Estevez 2003)

10.4 Europe
(Source: UNEP)
Europe has many industrialized countries. In cities of these countries,
since resources and skills are available and planners are quite well
informed, short-, medium-and long-term plans for waste management are
338 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Many countries have in general adopted and implemented EC policy

on waste. Thus, the key directives on incineration, landfill and packaging
all form part of the legislative drivers for waste management. Other
measures include the setting of targets for recycling, recovery (usually
including recycling and energy recovery) and landfill diversion; the
targets are either aspirational or have been introduced as statutory
requirements. The general emphasis for waste management is to increase
diversion from landfill and maximise all forms of recycling and recovery.
Various policy measures, including economic instruments, have been
introduced or proposed, e.g., tax on disposal to landfill, support for
recycling markets, etc. Not only has the individual Member States policy
developed over recent years with regard to Energy from Waste, but also
the EC Directives have had a major impact on the operation and technical
requirements of EfW plant across the EU. The Waste Incineration
Directive 2000 imposes stringent emissions and other environmental
controls on EfW plant, and became law in the UK in 2002 (CIWM 2003).
These directives may be too expensive for Eastern European countries to
pursue fully.
Generally, the prospects for energy recovery in Europe can be
categorised into two main groupings: (a) Countries that have significant
EfW capacity already in place and have potential for further expansion of
that capacity, e.g., Germany, Netherlands and Sweden, which already
treat between 25 and 41% of municipal waste by EfW but are likely to
see only a small expansion in capacity over the short term, and
(b) Countries with relatively low existing EfW capacity include Norway,
Finland and the UK and these countries are likely to see significant
growth in capacity over the next 5 to 10 years. The opportunities in
Norway and Finland are likely to be based around small-scale (less than
100 000 tpa) facilities and co-firing of waste-derived fuels within existing
biomass facilities. The southern European countries, Spain, Italy, and
Portugal, will also need to increase energy recovery though, for various
reasons including cost, the pace of development may be less than that
experienced in the northern European countries. UK has a low usage of
EfW relative to the majority of other European Countries. This is a
reflection of the economic, legislative and policy drivers in the UK
(CIWM 2003).
Fig.10.6 shows the domestic waste management in EU countries from
1999-2000 indicating the fractions recycled, incinerated, composted,
landfilled and others (Wagner, L 2007).
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 339

Fig. 10.6 Domestic waste management in EU countries from 1999-2000

indicating the percentages recycled, incinerated and landfilled (courtesy of
Dublin Waste to Energy project).

Western Europe has the distinction of endorsing and largely

implementing the integrated waste management system than any other
region in the world. It is mandatory for the Western European
governments to design their waste management systems around the well-
known waste management hierarchy, with waste prevention given the
highest priority, followed by reuse, recycling, materials recovery, energy
recovery, and disposal as the last option. However, while most Northern
European countries attach higher priority to materials recovery than
energy recovery, France assigns equal weight to all, to keep materials out
of landfills.
Western European governments usually arrange financing for waste
management at national level, which ensures that not only the national
policy priorities become incorporated into solid waste management
systems, but all aspects of the system are financed together. As a
consequence of this integrated approach to waste management, Europe
has more experience with waste prevention than other regions; and
recycling and materials recovery is well supported in Northern Europe. It
is not the same in the southern EU countries and in the transition
economies of Eastern Europe. The time-honored social democratic nature
of European national and regional governments expects the public sector
340 Municipal Solid Waste Management

to be the prime mover in waste management. However, in recent years,

governments are increasingly turning to the private sector to deliver
waste management services. The formerly state-owned enterprises in
Eastern Europe are under transformation, mostly in the course of
involving private sector to a large extent.
Waste management planning and policy decisions in Europe are
generally done at the level of national ministries, which respond to
political pressure for environmental protection and the need for clean air
and water. Sometimes, these decisions conflict with the more routine
responsibilities of local authorities, who have to manage the flow of
waste on a daily basis.
Regarding decision making, countries like France have highly
centralized decision-making processes; while those like the UK leave
most decisions to the local authorities. Decisions on specific local
programmes may be broadly consultative as they are in The Netherlands;
or responsive to adversarial citizen action as in Great Britain; or less
attentive to citizen input as they are in Spain. In Northern Europe,
implementation and monitoring tend to occur within the framework of a
generally consensus-oriented culture, where noncompliance is the
exception, rather than the rule.
National institutes, Technical universities or other academic
institutions not only define research programmes but respond to
suggestions and proposals from consulting and independent organizations
to investigate particular problems or monitor the success of new
Integrating Energy from Waste into the community and the
environment: There are many examples of good practice in several
European countries and in the UK regarding the integration of WTE plant
into the community. These show that plants can be designed to
accommodate the needs of a particular town or community and can then
provide lower cost district heating to that same community (as well as
electricity) thus closing the loop and utilising the residual waste
emanating from a locality in a positive and beneficial manner.
Additionally, facilities are now being designed in a variety of imaginative
ways to make a positive contribution to the environment. In Vienna, one
of its Energy-from-Waste (EfW) plants is an architectural feature of the
city. In many other European cities, EfW is integrated into the district
heating infrastructure. For example, Paris has three large EfW facilities
with extensive district heating systems on the Peripherique, which supply
around one third of central Paris heat requirement (CIWM 2003).
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 341

Survey by Austrian consultancy firm, TBU: (ref: Cesar Preda 2006)

The objective of the survey on MSW management in Europe has been to
gather and convey relevant and comprehensive information on status,
achievements and shortcomings in the area of MSW management across
Europe to stimulate suitable policy initiatives where necessary.
It is undertaken in 47 Member countries comprising Council of
Europe founded in 1949.
Of the 24 countries responded on the issue of waste collection, ten
countries, Austria, Andorra, Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Monaco, Switzerland and UK report 100% performance.
The remaining countries mostly from Eastern and South-eastern Europe
report below 100%: The Czech republic, Denmark, Finland and Slovenia
report >95%; Azerbaijan, Estonia, Greece, Hungary and Sweden report
90-95%; Bulgaria, Romania and Poland, 80-85%; and Ireland 77%.
Montenegro reports the minimum of 50%.
Regarding national waste plan, 26 Member countries have a National
level agency dealing with MSW issues, and 29 Member countries have
developed a national waste plan. Five countries have no national plan:
two are miniature countries; two are from Caucasia (Georgia and
Azerbaijan) where issues related to the environment attract much less
political attention, and the fifth, Turkey where MSW strategy is being
prepared as part of a National Environmental Strategy. The Survey has
also covered the quantities of MSW- recyclables and compostables
collected, the range of typical disposal costs, data on landfill levies, and
time targets within the national plan for the reduction of MSW and so on.
Based on the information brought out in the survey, the Council of
Europe has adopted a Resolution 1543 on 16th March 2007. The
resolution urges Member countries to develop an integrated approach to
MSWM in order to contribute to sustainable urban development in
Europe, in particular by:
(a) Ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety
standards during the collection, processing and landfilling of all
types of waste, in particular by banning any bare-handed
operations and any recovery of waste from landfills without
proper protection and regular health checks for the persons
(b) Establishing regular waste collection systems for all urban,
suburban and rural areas and including in the relevant legislation
phased targets for the provision of municipal solid waste collection
342 Municipal Solid Waste Management

systems in accordance with the requirements of European Union

directive No.1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste,
(c) Enforcing compliance with strict standards for landfilling, for
instance: landfills must be fenced and protected; waste accepted at
landfills must be recorded; waste placed in landfills must
regularly be covered with suitable materials in order to reduce
odours, windblown litter and vermin; adjacent groundwater must
be monitored,
(d) Depending on local hydrogeology, suitable measures for
groundwater protection (such as landfill liners and leachate
collection etc) must be put in place;
(e) Planning waste management through the development of
strategies including gradual reduction/phasing out of the
landfilling of specific waste streams, given their recyclability
and/or the impacts related to their disposal (e.g., biodegradable
(f) Assigning municipalities responsibility for managing waste from
households, businesses, institutions, and construction and
demolition activities within their territory and enabling
municipalities that are too small to provide the relevant services
to set-up inter-municipal consortia for SWM;
(g) Facilitating cooperation between European towns and cities to
allow information exchanges so that the best solutions in terms
both of administrative management of MSW and of processing
technologies disseminated and used Europe-wide;
(h) Encouraging R&D in the field of solid waste processing and
(a) Switzerland: (source: The Swiss Confederation Waste
As early as 1960s, Switzerland became a pioneer in solid waste
management by rigorously installing treatment and incineration
plants with stringent emission standards. Today it can be
acknowledged that Switzerland has succeeded in moving from
basic waste removal to an environmentally friendly process of
waste disposal and recycling. Now, incineration plants in the
country are efficient power plants which produce clean heat and
Municipal solid waste generation in Switzerland has been on the
increase year by year. By 2007 they had reached 720 kg/ person.
Today, half of all MSW generated are collected separately and
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 343

recovered a ratio that has more than doubled over the past 20
years. The recycling was also used everywhere in the country, and
Swiss recycling rates are among the highest in the world. The
remaining wastes are incinerated in clean processes which
generate electricity and heat, meeting some 2 % of the countrys
final energy requirements.
Waste disposal facilities: The requirements for disposal facilities
are specified in the Technical Ordinance on Waste (TVA) released
by the Government. It specifies stringent requirements for waste
that is to be landfilled. Today, three different types of landfill sites
are used for different types of waste in Switzerland:
Landfills for inert materials: only rock-like wastes may be
disposed of, from which virtually no pollutants will be leached out
by rainwater. These include materials such as construction waste
(concrete, bricks, glass, and road rubble) and uncontaminated soil
that cannot be used elsewhere. At suitable locations, landfills for
inert materials do not require any special sealing.
Landfills for stabilized residues: are designed for the disposal of
materials of known composition, with high concentrations of
heavy metals and only a small organic component, and which
cannot release either gases or substances readily soluble in water.
Typical materials include solidified fly ash and flue gas cleaning
residues from municipal waste incinerators, and vitrified
treatment residues. These sites are subject to more stringent
requirements than the above. Impermeable linings are required for
the base and sides of the landfill, and leachate is to be collected
and, if necessary, treated.
Bioreactor landfills: chemical and biological processes are
expected to occur. At these sites, drainage controls are required. In
addition, any gases emitted are to be captured and treated. Given
the unpredictable composition of their contents, bioreactor landfills
are at greatest risk of requiring expensive remediation at a later
date. Certain types of waste (e.g. incinerator slag) are required to be
disposed of in separate compartments, isolated from other types of
waste. If these wastes were intermixed, heavy metals would be
leached out in much greater quantities as a result of the relatively
low pH of incinerator slag. Compartments for residual wastes have
also been established at numerous bioreactor landfill sites.
(ref: Separate collections in Switzerland:
344 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Environmentally sound management of solid (nonhazardous)

wastes and sewage: In 2007, about 5.5 million tonnes of MSW
were generated, which equates to approx. 720 kg per inhabitant.
The percentage of all MSW collected separately was 51 % or
2.8 million tonnes. In 1989, the peak year to date for MSW
incineration, the figure was only 27 %. Since then, the volume of
segregated MSW has more than doubled from 160 to 370 kg/
person/ year.
The level of MSW incineration has remained relatively stable in
recent years despite population growth, averaging 2.6 million
tonnes per annum. The per capita volume of refuse for disposal
fell from 440 to 350 kg per year. Financing waste disposal on the
polluter-pays principle (e.g. Switzerlands refuse-bag levy) has
contributed to progress in this area.
The success of separate collections is also reflected in the
composition of the household waste left for regular refuse
collection. Changing consumption patterns are making a
significant difference. Goods made of natural products such as
wood, leather or metal are being replaced by composite products
majority of which contain plastic cannot be separated. Biogenic
waste from the kitchen or garden as well as food waste account
for 27 % of incinerated waste, the largest category by weight.
Paper and card come next, accounting for 20 %, while composite
products and composite packaging weigh in at 18 % and plastics
at 15 %.
In recent years, the Swiss Confederations waste management
policy has significantly reduced the level of environmental
pressure caused by waste management, despite continuous growth
in the total volume of MSW generation. This trend can be
attributed to the introduction of high waste management
standards, to a highly effective infrastructure, and to a financing
system that makes the waste producers responsible for the costs of
Causality principle: The causality principle implies that anyone
harming the environment must bear the costs. In 2001 the private
sector i.e., companies, households and farmers committed 530
million francs to waste management, to which 1.5 billion francs
were added from public expenditure. Out of this, a little less than
1.1 billion francs was passed on to responsible parties through
taxes. The remaining 418 million francs, funded through tax
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 345

receipts, represent a shortfall: this amount still to be charged to

concerned parties for the causality principle to be fully enforced
in Switzerland.
The environmentally friendly disposal of municipal waste in
Switzerland costs only 30 centimes per person and per day. The
huge investment made to introduce the separate collection for
new incineration plants did not increase this amount because the
plants were able to rapidly market the heat, electricity and metal
they produced. Today the costs per person and per day are lower
than at the end of the 1980s.
Waste management facilities: Switzerland has a well-developed
network of waste management facilities. Virtually every region is
equipped with the infrastructure required in order to dispose of its
own wastes. This helps to minimize transport costs and vehicle
emissions. Since the introduction of the landfilling ban on
1st January 2000, all non recycled combustible waste in
Switzerland must be incinerated in appropriate plants and end up
in one of the country's 28 municipal solid waste (MSW)
incinerators. Since the plant Thun MSWI came on stream in
2004, a total incineration capacity of 3.29 million tonnes has been
available in the country which is sufficient to allow the landfilling
of combustible waste to be dispensed with from now on.
Hazardous wastes: Hazardous waste accounts for about 6 % of
all waste. Each year around 1.2 million tonnes hazardous wastes
are consigned to special reprocessing, or disposed of within the
country, or exported in line with the provisions of the Basel
Convention. The remediation of disused hazardous waste landfill
sites will cost the Swiss economy well over 1 billion francs. In
2005, 43 % of the hazardous waste was incinerated, 22% was
landfilled after appropriate pretreatment, 23% underwent
chemical/physical treatment and 12% was directly recycled.
Chemical/physical treatment takes place mainly in Switzerland.
This approach is applied to polluted wastewater, soil from
contaminated site remediation and emulsions.
Renewable energy potential: Since 1997, the Confederation has
been awarding grants to support the development of innovations
in environmental technologies. Production of renewable energy
from waste is an essential component in waste management.
Whether it is diesel fuel production from plastic waste or used
edible oils, or biogas from organic waste or sewage sludge
346 Municipal Solid Waste Management

fermentation, the search for all possible technological solutions

has attracted more attention since the increase in energy prices.
The reclaiming of metallic elements (copper, zinc, nickel) in slag
or ashes from electro filters also benefits from the price escalation
on the minerals market.
Electricity, heat and fertilizers production with biomass: In
Switzerland, some 1.3 million tonnes of biogenic wastes are
generated every year. 740,000 tonnes are processed in the
country's 333 composting and anaerobic digestion plants with an
annual capacity in excess of 100 tonnes/ year, while 300,000
tonnes are reckoned to be recycled in private gardens and on
neighbourhood compost heaps. Nevertheless, a further 250,000
tonnes or so still finds its way into the municipal solid waste
incinerators along with the normal domestic refuse.
Biogenic wastes are useful for the production of electricity, heat
and fertilizer. During the last 10 years the production of industrial
and agricultural waste production from electricity, heat, gas with
biogenic waste from farms, and industrial factories has increased
In order to ensure that sectors that need biomass are not deprived
because of the increasing interest in biomass for energy and heat
production, the four federal agencies concerned developed a
common strategy on biomass usage. This strategy is based on the
cascade classification for the use of biomass. The production of
high value added products such as food and construction
materials should remain a top priority. Synergies should be
checked and applied consequently. For example waste and
byproducts from the food industry can be used for animal feed.
Wastages coming from the husbandry of animals can be used for
energy production in biogas plants, while other organic wastes
can be used for digestion and the production of fertilizer for
agriculture. The energy produced in biogas plants can support the
digestion process and heating required by industry.
Future optimization: There is opportunity for waste management
structures to be optimized locally. For example, the collection of
waste can be regionalized and measures can be taken to
standardize the collection systems. To increase the efficiency of
waste management, it is also necessary to focus on product design
and improve social and environmental criteria all along the life
cycle of goods and services.
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 347

Greece: Greece is in a relatively early stage of its waste management

infrastructure growth. Economic development, intense urbanization and
change in consumption patterns have resulted in an increase of solid
waste generation. The quantity of municipal waste generated in Greece
increased by 42.5% from 1995 to 2002 (Table 10.7); still it is far below
the average generation rate of 500/capita/year in many European
countries (Commission of the European Communities, 2006).

Table 10.7 MSW Production in Greece (kg/capita/year), (source: EEA 2005)

With regard to municipal solid waste composition (Table 10.8), very

few analyses of urban wastes have been carried out, resulting in problems
for monitoring the composition changes through time, season and
economic activities (Agapitidis & Frantzis, 1998).

Table 10.8 Solid waste composition in Greece (Agapitidis & Frantzis 1998)

The uncontrolled dumps where waste is thrown indiscreminately are

spread across the country off cliffs, on banks of torrents, rivers and
stream beds, on coast, in the immediate vicinity of springs used for water
supply, abandoned quarries, forested areas, and archaeological sites -
flouting both national and EU legislations. As a result, the environment
has deteriorated steadily resulting in pollution of ground water, soil and
air, problems of public health, aesthetics and ecological vulnerability of
the region. Further, their location in those sites made them unqualified to
be licensed for an upgradation. Greek authorities acknowledged in 2005
that at least 1125 illegal or uncontrolled waste dumps were operational.
According to the Ministry of Environment, the number of uncontrolled
dumps decreased from 3500 to 1450 approximately in the year 2002 and
tends to decrease further to 500 in 2007.
348 Municipal Solid Waste Management

In an effort to confront the problem, 43 sanitary landfills to serve 55%

of the population were constructed; and 24 were under construction to
serve 18% of the population in 2007. In Attica and Thessaloniki
prefectures, 93% and 71% of the population respectively is served by a
single sanitary landfill per prefecture.
In addition, 12 waste transfer stations in Athens region and 3 in other
regions of the country are in operation.
Recovery and recycling: The quantity of packaging waste generation in
Greece has increased from 68 kg/ capita in 1997 to 94 kg/capita in 2002
against the objective of the legislation. Greek government, in order to
improve the waste management services, has encouraged municipalities
to take initiatives to reduce packaging waste, and the private companies
to extensively undertake recycling of paper packaging. Since 2004,
permits are provided to organizations started by industries and
commercial units, to execute reuse and recycling programmes; and a
large number of municipalities have entered into agreements with them.
The household solid wastes are separated at home into multi material
recyclables and refuse. The commingled recyclables are collected and
transferred to a material recovery facility. In 2007, only four materials
recovery facilities are in existance. A mechanical material recovery
facility, constructed at Ano Liosia Landfill, has not set in efficient
operation. The packaging waste recycled in Greece during 2005-06 is
about 14% of the total packaging waste generated, which has reached to
25% in 2007. The fraction of recyclables has varied significantly: 65% of
paper, 10% of metals, 19 % of glass and 3 % of plastic.
Greece is in the beginning of the solid waste management effort, and
much has to be done both quantitatively and qualitatively (EEA, 2005). It
has been proposed to make collection more consistent and reliable, and to
provide wider information on the recycling projects, and to identify a
secondary material market for the sorted materials.
The public pay the MSWM charges to the municipalities based on the
location of the residence and the total population of the area, and not on
the quantities of waste produced. On the contrary the best proposition
shall be to pay the charges as determined by the waste quantities
produced in order to help those participating in recycling programmes to
pay less.
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 349

Biodegradable waste disposal: Greece would take more time than set by
the directive to reduce the waste going to the landfill. Provision has been
made for reducing biodegradable wastes reaching landfill to 75% by
2010, 50% by 2013, and 35% by 2020.
Biochemical treatment plants and/or energy recovery plants are
planned where economics prove feasible.
Three compost plants for commingled refuses have been constructed.
Two are operating less efficiently while the third is not operational.
There is not any incineration plant under elaboration or construction in
Legal provisions: The legislative framework for waste management in
Greece is mainly based on the EU legislation. A number of Acts were
issued which were supposed to correspond to the Waste Framework
Directive (Council Directive) but bureaucratic obstacles come in the way.
They were very complex resulting in considerable delays in formulating
waste management planning.
In an attempt to rationalize, the National Policy Plan (NPP) was
formulated. The Policy goals are the prevention or reduction of waste
production, the recovery of waste by means of recycling, re-use or
reclamation, the closure and restoration of all uncontrolled dumps until
2008 and the establishment of an adequate network of disposal facilities
choosing the best available technology. The planning of disposal capacity
has to be carried out on the regional level, and the Regions are legally
obliged to issue periodical Regional Waste Plans. The pertinent
Prefecture provides permits for waste handling, collection and transport
as well as processing and disposal facilities, though the local authorities
(Municipalities, associations) are competent to execute the works and to
develop and maintain a reliable, efficient and cost effective system of
solid waste collection and disposal. In addition a number of Ministerial
Decisions were issued setting the technical specifications for the design,
operation and maintenance of sanitary landfills as well as recycling
programmes. Despite the legal provisions in place, inappropriate waste
disposal and management practices persist resulting, as already
mentioned, in the degradation of surface and groundwater, air pollution
and forest fires (EEA, 2005).
The investigations of Greek Ombudsman (GO) on complaints
concerning uncontrolled disposal of wastes, deviations from the approved
environmental provisions, as well as systematic lapses in the selection
and approval of the siting of solid waste treatment facilities (The Greek
350 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Ombudsman, 2003, 2004) reveal that these problems have been

compounded due to lack of comprehensive MSWM; such an arrangement
should include:
Application of a nationwide and long term planning
Effective and appropriate legislative and institutional framework
Effective coordination and participation of local authorities
Citizens mobilization in terms of awareness and public
involvement and participation
Proper training and support of the use of innovative technologies

10.5 North America

Local governments in North America have primary responsibility for
managing MSW, with some involvement by state or provincial
authorities and less by the federal government. Canada's approach is even
more decentralized than that of the US; the Canadian federal government
has few legislative mandates regarding MSWM, except regarding
hazardous wastes.
Local public works departments manage solid waste services,
although health or the environment departments are often involved. In
addition, parties who have an interest in local MSWM decisions have
access to the political process, including elected officials, the news
media, business interests, and citizens organizations. In some states and
provinces, due to economic and environmental pressures of waste
disposal, the responsibility for waste management has shifted from the
local to the state/provincial level. In US, the issues are sometimes taken
to the federal level due to serious contentious concerns.
Plans and incentives: Most states have developed comprehensive
legislation, innovative approaches, and highly skilled solid waste staff.
The solid waste plans developed by majority of states define the goals
and agenda for regional waste management action. These plans and
supporting law often place necessities on the resources and programmes
of the local community and suggest suitable programme approaches.
Some laws require local governments to set up recycling programmes
that attain specific levels of recycling while other laws impose recycling
tasks on industries and businesses.
States and provinces also encourage local waste management
approaches, but the indicators of programme must see the funding
available. Legislation often contains provisions for grants, matching
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 351

funds for feasibility studies, technical assistance, programme

development and implementation, training aspects, public education,
educational curriculum materials, household hazardous waste and special
waste programmes, marketing and service directories, and information
networks for both public and private waste managers.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many states
have established a hierarchy for waste management that ranks options in
terms of their desirability and relative role in an integrated waste
management system: reduction and reuse, recycling and composting,
waste-to- energy incineration, and landfill disposal. This planning scheme
depends on local geographic, environmental, social, and economic
conditions. The State of Oregon, for example, has established strict
priorities for local planners, resulting in several highly successful
integrated waste management strategies on the county level and one of
the most successful recycling programmes in the US. Recycling plans are
mandatory in some states, while others make them available to local
communities on a voluntary basis. Some states encourage a regional
approach in order to better coordinate waste management efforts.
Tax and other incentive-based policies and deposit-refund systems are
used in particular jurisdictions. The beer industry in Ontario has been
remarkably successful operating a deposit-refund system for years with
more than a 90% capture rate. The soft drink industry across Canada has
been unsuccessful in operating deposit-refund systems, largely due to the
decentralized nature of its distribution. Product procurement guidelines
mandating the purchase of paper, lubricating oil, retread tires, building
insulation, and other products with a certain recycled content, as in US,
are also used by the governments.
Ownership and management: Ownership and management of solid
waste collection and disposal facilities varies from fully publicly owned
and operated programmes, to government contracts with private firms, to
freely operating private firms in an open market. The private or
contractual systems are favoured because of increased system efficiency
and service due to competition, less susceptibility to political influence,
greater management flexibility, and lesser strain on government budgets.
The advantages of a publicly-owned-operated system include its
nonprofit character, government purchasing advantages, centralized
operation, and standardized procedures.
Due to restricted local government expenditure, municipalities have
increasingly turned to private ownership and operation of solid waste
disposal and collection services. Private ownership also transfers much of
352 Municipal Solid Waste Management

the technical, financial, and potential cleanup risks to the private sector.
In addition, many municipalities prefer privatization because they do not
have ready access to the necessary team of operators, engineers, and
maintenance personnel required for running a facility.
Some municipalities prefer public ownership of solid waste facilities
because public ownership gives community officials more control over
facility development and operation. Another alternative is some form of
joint public/private ownership and operation agreement. This option has
the advantage of enabling the risks and costs of facility design,
construction, and operation to be allocated between a community and its
contractors in a way that is tailored to local needs and circumstances.
Many municipalities choose facilities that are publicly owned, but
privately operated, often by the same firms that designed and built the
facilities. To encourage efficient MSW operations, some cities, such as
Phoenix, Arizona have turned to privately operated service in some areas,
while maintaining municipally operated service in others. Some of these
cities have even adopted competitive bidding between the public works
department and private contractors.
Case study: New York City: (source: Themelis 2002) Since 1950s, New
York City (NYC) disposed most of its solid wastes in the giant (about 20
million square meters) Fresh Kills landfill in Staten Island. But, it was
closed in 2001 (re-opened temporarily after the September 11 attack on
the World Trade Towers). In 2002, New York City having a population
of 8 million, has generated about 12,000 metric tons per working day of
residential wastes (collected by the City) and nearly an equal amount of
commercial and institutional wastes, collected by private contractors. The
Department of Sanitation (DOS) of NYC collects waste in three streams,
separated at the household level: (1) Recyclable paper (clear bags),
(2) recyclable metal-glass-plastics (MGP, blue bags) and (3) all other
wastes (black bags). The four million metric tons of black bag MSW
collected annually by NYC are disposed as follows (Fig.10.7):
(a) Recycling: In recent years, NYC has launched a campaign to
increase recycling to the present level of about 700,000 metric
tons. The paper stream consists of mixed paper, newspapers,
magazines, and corrugated cardboard and represents about 65% of
the recyclables collected by NYC. Most of this stream is used in
paper recycling plants in Staten Island (Visy Paper) and
elsewhere. The residue from the paper stream (12-15% of the
paper stream) consists of plastics (mostly from plastic bags) and
some unusable paper.
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 353

Although this material is combustible and has a relatively high

heating value, after compacting into 0.7- ton bales, it is sent to
The MGP stream also goes to a sorting operation where steel cans
(about 8%), iron and steel parts (18%), aluminum cans and foil (1%)
are sorted out manually and mechanically (e.g., using
electromagnets). A small fraction of recyclable plastics (5%; mixed
color HDPE, natural HDPE, PET) and clear glass (4%) are also
recovered. The residues of the MGP stream consist of a large amount
of broken glass mixed with small particles of plastic, metal and dirt
(about 40% of the stream) and plastic bags (about 10%). The glass
residue is used as day cover in landfills. The plastic residue is baled
and sent to landfills. The sorting, baling, and further treatment or
disposal of the various products of the paper and MGP streams are
contracted by the City to several private parties.

Fig. 10.7 Disposition of NYC solid waste generated

(b) Waste-to-Energy: About 500,000 tons of black bag waste go to

two Waste-to-Energy plants, one in New Jersey (Essex County
WTE) and the other in New York (Hempstead WTE).
354 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(c) Landfilling: The remaining 2.8 million metric tons of black bag
waste are transported, mostly by truck (> 90% of waste) to
Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New Jersey (Fig.10.8) where landfills
are located.
Transportation of MSW: Prior to closing Fresh Kills, the NYCs DOS
trucks travelled relatively short distances within the City to unload at
marine transfer terminals from where the waste was transported by barges
to the Fresh Kills landfill in Staten Island. Presently, six of the thirteen
transfer stations are located outside New York City and the DOS trucks
must travel distances up to 60 km to unload. It has been estimated that as
many as one thousand trucks cross to New Jersey each working day over
the existing two bridges and two tunnels (Columbia Earth Institute 2002,
Fresh Kills report).

Fig. 10.8 Distribution of landfills of NYC solid waste

At the New Jersey transfer stations, the NYC waste is loaded onto
20-ton tractor trailers that transport it to landfills in Pennsylvania,
Virginia, and New Jersey. The total distance traveled daily by the NYC
DOS 10-ton trucks crossing to NJ is estimated at 64,000 km per working
day. The distance traveled by the 20-ton trucks (average of 480 km per
round trip) is estimated at 216,000 km each day. Wang et al (2000) have
estimated fuel consumption for various types of heavy trucks. On the
basis of the above data, the fuel consumption for transporting NYC MSW
MSW Management and Planning Global Examples 355

to other states by truck for landfilling is estimated at 40 million liters per

year (about ten million gallons; Columbia Earth Institute 2002).

Ideal disposition of NYC MSW materials: MSW consists of many

materials with entirely different characteristics which should go to
different processing places. Since metals and glass are not combustible or
compostable, recycling is the most appropriate for them. Most of the
collected paper and some plastics (e.g., PET and PE) are sorted out and
recycled: Visy Paper on Staten Island (300,000 tons per year) is an
example of a modern, efficient plant that operates fully on recycled
feedstock. The non-recyclable paper, plastics and fibers contain useful
energy; therefore, they can be burnt in a properly designed combustion
chamber to generate steam which can be utilized to produce electricity.
Finally, the materials to be landfilled are inorganic compounds such as
non-recyclable glass and ashes from the Waste-to-Energy power plant.
Table 10.9 shows the classification of NYC MSW under four
categories of recyclable, combustible, compostable, and landfillable. The
ideal disposition of Table 10.9 is not easily realizable because of social,
economic and market factors. For example, New York City citizens are
already asked to separate three streams: Paper (clear bag), plastic, metal
and glass (PMG; in blue bags) and trash (black bags). Despite an
intensive campaign by the Recycling Bureau of NYC-DOS, the recycling
rates in some areas of NYC are low; that is one reason why the present
rate of city-wide recycling is less than one half of the projected maximum
(Table 10.9).
Table 10.9 also shows that the maximum compostable fraction is 19%.
However, separating and composting the wet fraction requires the
development of a regional market for nearly 0.5 million tons of compost
product. In the absence of a wet-dry system of collection, the
compostable fraction will remain mixed with the other materials in the
black bag stream. Therefore, the two alternatives for the black bag stream
are combustion or landfilling. Table 10.9 shows that ideally, only about
6% of the NYC MSW needs to be landfilled compared to the present
Table 10.9 Classification of NYC MSW by most appropriate method of disposal (in thousands of short tons/year; numbers in
parenthesis show assumed maximum % recyclable each material; Themelis et al., 2002)

Municipal Solid Waste Management


Waste Generation &

Management Data by

MSW 1, 2 on of
MSW 1, Fraction
Generatio MSW Fracti
2, 3 Fracti of other
n Rate dispos on of
Generatio on of Fraction of MSW
Region IPCC - ed to MSW
n Rate MSW MSW managem Source
/Country 1996 SWDS dispos
Year 2000 incine composted ent,
values 4 IPCC- ed to
(tonnes/ca rated unspecifi
(tonnes/ca 1996 SWDS
p/yr) ed 5
p/yr ) values
Eastern Asia 0.41 0.37 0.38 0.55 0.26 0.01 0.18
China 0.27 0.97 0.02 0.01 1
Japan 0.41 0.47 0.38 0.25 0.72 0.02 0.01 2, 31
Rep. of Korea 0.38 0.42 0.04 0.54 3
Southern and
0.12 0.21 0.60 0.74 - 0.05 0.21
Central Asia
Bangladesh 0.18 0.95 0.05 4
India 0.12 0.17 0.60 0.70 0.20 0.10 4
Nepal 0.18 0.40 0.60 4
Sri Lanka 0.32 0.90 0.10 4
0.27 0.59 0.09 0.05 0.27

357 Contd
358 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Indonesia 0.28 0.80 0.05 0.10 0.05 4

Lao PDR 0.25 0.40 0.60 4

Malaysia 0.30 0.70 0.05 0.10 0.15 4

Myanmar 0.16 0.60 0.40 4

Philippines 0.19 0.62 0.10 0.28 4, 5

Singapore 0.40 0.20 0.58 0.22 6

Thailand 0.40 0.80 0.05 0.10 0.05 4

Vietnam 0.20 0.60 0.40 4


Africa 6 0.29 0.69 0.31

Egypt 0.70 0.30 4

Sudan 0.29 0.82 0.18 7

South Africa 1.00 0.90 0.10 4

Nigeria 0.40 0.60 4


Eastern Europe 0.38 0.9 0.04 0.01 0.02

Bulgaria 0.52 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

Croatia 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

Czech Republic 0.33 0.75 0.14 0.04 0.06 8

Estonia 0.44 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.02 8

Hungary 0.45 0.92 0.08 0.00 0.00 8

Latvia 0.27 0.92 0.04 0.02 0.02 8

Lithuania 0.31 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

Poland 0.32 0.98 0.00 0.02 0.00 8

Romania 0.36 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

0.32 0.34 0.94 0.71 0.19 0.00 0.10 9

Slovakia 0.32 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

Slovenia 0.51 0.90 0.00 0.08 0.02 8

0.64 0.47 0.24 0.08 0.20

Denmark 0.46 0.67 0.2 0.10 0.53 0.16 0.22 8

Finland 0.62 0.50 0.77 0.61 0.1 0.07 0.22 8

Iceland 1.00 0.86 0.06 0.01 0.06 8

Norway 0.51 0.62 0.75 0.55 0.15 0.09 0.22 8

Sweden 0.37 0.43 0.44 0.23 0.39 0.10 0.29 8

0.52 0.85 0.05 0.05 0.05

Cyprus 0.68 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

Greece 0.31 0.41 0.93 0.91 0.00 0.01 0.08 8

Italy 0.34 0.50 0.88 0.70 0.07 0.14 0.09 8

Malta 0.48 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

Appendix 1 359

Portugal 0.33 0.47 0.86 0.69 0.19 0.05 0.07 8

Spain 0.36 0.60 0.85 0.68 0.07 0.16 0.09 8

Turkey 0.50 0.99 0.00 0.01 0.00 8

0.45 0.56 0.57 0.47 0.22 0.15 0.15

Austria 0.34 0.58 0.4 0.30 0.10 0.37 0.23 8

Belgium 0.40 0.47 0.43 0.17 0.32 0.23 0.28 8

France 0.47 0.53 0.46 0.43 0.33 0.12 0.13 8

Germany 0.36 0.61 0.66 0.30 0.24 0.17 0.29 8

Ireland 0.31 0.60 1.0 0.89 0.00 0.01 0.11 8

Luxemburg 0.49 0.66 0.35 0.27 0.55 0.18 0.00 8

Netherlands 0.58 0.62 0.67 0.11 0.36 0.28 0.25 8

Switzerland 0.40 0.40 0.23 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8

UK 0.69 0.57 0.90 0.82 0.07 0.03 0.08 8

Central, South America and Caribbean states

Caribbean 0.49 0.83 0.02 0.15

Bahamas 0.95 0.7 0.3 10

Cuba 0.21 0.90 0.1 11

0.25 0.90 0.06 0.04 12

St. Lucia 0.55 0.83 0.17 13

0.21 0.50 0.50

Costa Rica 0.17 14, 15

16, 17,
Guatemala 0.22 0.40 0.60

Honduras 0.15 0.40 0.60 4

Nicaragua 0.28 0.70 0.30 4

South America

South America 0.26 0.54 0.01 0.003 0.46

Argentina 0.28 0.59 0.41 4

Bolivia 0.16 0.70 0.30 19

Brazil 0.18 0.80 0.05 0.03 0.12 20, 21

Chile 0.40 0.60 4

Colombia 0.26 0.31 0.69 22

Ecuador 0.22 0.40 0.60 23

0.44 0.40 0.60 24

Peru 0.20 0.53 0.47 4, 25

Uruguay 0.26 0.72 0.28 26, 27

Venezuela 0.33 0.50 0.50 28

360 Municipal Solid Waste Management

North America

North America 0.70 0.65 0.69 0.58 0.06 0.06 0.29

29, 30,
Canada 0.66 0.49 0.75 0.71 0.04 0.19 0.06

Mexico 0.31 0.49 0.51 32, 33

USA 0.73 1.14 0.62 0.55 0.14 0.31 34


Oceania 0.47 0.69 1.00 0.85 0.15

Australia 0.46 0.69 1.00 1.00 4, 31

New Zealand 0.49 1.00 0.70 0.30 4

MSW generation and management data for some countries whose data are available are given above (source: IPCC
Data are based on weight of wet waste.
To obtain the total waste generation in the country, the per-capita values should be multiplied with the population whose waste is

collected. In many countries, especially developing countries, this encompasses only urban population.
The data are default data for the year 2000, although for some countries the year for which the data are applicable was not given in the

reference, or data for the year 2000 were not available. The year for which the data are collected is given below with source of the data,

where available.
Values shown in this column are the ones included in the 1996 IPCC Guidelines.
Other, unspecified, includes data on recycling for some countries.
A regional average is given for the whole of Africa as data are not available for more detailed regions within Africa.

(Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse gas Inventories; Vol.5, Chap.2: Waste generation,
composition, and management Data).
1. Urban Construction Statistics Yearbook of China Year 2000 (2001). Ministry of
Chinese.Construction. Chinese Construction Industry Publication Company
2. OECD Environment Directorate, OECD Environmental Data 2002, Waste. Ministry of Environment,
Japan (1992-2003): Waste of Japan,
3. 1. '97 National Status of Solid Waste Generation and Treatment , the Ministry of Env, Korea,1998.
2. '96 National Status of Solid Waste Generation and Treatment , the Ministry of Env, Korea, 1997.
3. Korea Environmental Yearbook, the Ministry of Environment, Korea, 1990.
4. Doorn and Barlaz, 1995, Estimate of global methane emissions from landfills and open dumps, EPA-
600/R-95-019, Office of Research & Development, Washington DC, USA.
5. Shimura et al. (2001).
6. 2001 National Environmental Agency, Singapore ( and
7. Ministry of Environment and Physical Development, Higher Council for Environment and Natural
Resources, Sudan (2003), Sudan's First National Communications under the UNFCC
8. 2000 Eurostat (2005). Waste Generated and Treated in Europe. Data 1995-2003. European
Commission -.Eurostat, Luxemburg. 131p
9. Problems of waste management in Russia: Not-for-Profit Partnership Waste Management Strategic
Ecological Initiative
Appendix 1 361
362 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Waste-to-Energy Facilities
in USA
(Source: Themelis 2006)

The most recent survey by BioCycle Journal and Columbia University

(Simmons et al 2006, Themelis and Kaufman 2004) showed that the
generation of MSW increased from 369 million short tons (1.1 short tons
= 1 tonne) in 2002 to 388 million tons in 2004, i.e., at the rate of 2.5% per
year. Landfilling accounted for 249 million tons or 64% of the MSW
generated. The MSW generation per capita remained at 1.3 tons/year (3.2
kg/day), by far the highest in the world. A comparison of the
BioCycle/EEC data for 2002 and 2004 data (Table) shows that in the
intervening two years, recycling plus composting increased by 11.8
million tons, landfilling by 6.3 million tons and WTE by 0.5 million tons.

Table MSW generation and disposal in US in 2002 and 2004

364 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig. Breakdown of disposal of MSW by region

(Biocycle/ EEC SOG, April 2006)

The figure shows that many of the WTE facilities are located in the
East, and most of the recycling is in the coastal states of US.
Thermal treatment facilities installed in the 21st century are based
mostly on the grate combustion of as received MSW. US facilities
follow this type of treatment and on an industrial scale, the dominant
WTE technology is grate technology, because of its simplicity and
relatively low capital cost. The majority of the facilities is grate
combustion (mass burned as received or RDF), and represent over
80% of the total capacity of WTE in the US. Three dominant
technologies those developed by Martin, Von Roll, and
Keppel-Seghers are grate technologies. In terms of novel technologies,
gasification (JFE), direct smelting (JFE, Nippon Steel), fluidized bed
(Ebara) and circulating fluidized bed (Zhejiang University) are in
operation around the world, while some of them are under investigation
and discussion for possible implementation in the WTE facilities that will
be constructed in the US (Themelis, 2003, 2007, Psomopoulos et al.,
2009). One of the most successful types of facilities is the RDF-type
Appendix 2 365

process of the SEMASS facility in Rochester, Massachusetts, USA,

developed by Energy Answers Corp. This facility is discussed in
chapter 6.

Mass burn facility for as received MSW

(Source: WTERT Brochure)

The WTE facilities in US can therefore be classified broadly into three

1. Mass burn plants generate electricity and/or steam from garbage by
feeding MSW as received into large furnaces dedicated solely to
burning garbage and producing power.Typical one is shown above.
2. Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) plants shred the MSW; recover some
recyclable materials, and combust the homogenized fuel in a
combustion chamber. The RDF producing facility may be next to the
furnace or at another location.
3. Modular waste-to-energy plants are similar to mass burn facilities but
are smaller and typically pre-fabricated off site and assembled where
they are needed. See Table for details. In the last column, the figures
represent percentage.
366 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table Operating WTE plants in US

(Taken from Themelis 2006)

Fig. Distribution of WTE plants; the numbers are shown in the brackets.

There are 89 waste-to-energy power plants operating in 27 states

serving 31 million people. They are fed by 29 million tons of MSW and
have a generating capacity of 2,700 megawatts of electricity. They
recover 0.7 million tons of ferrous and non-ferrous metals; also, three
million tons of MSW are used in place of soil or stone aggregate in the
maintenance of landfills.
Taking into account the electricity generated and the methane
emissions avoided has led several independent studies to conclude that
for each tonne of MSW diverted from landfilling to WTE, GHG
emissions are reduced by an estimated 1.1 to 1.3 tons of carbon dioxide.
Appendix 2 367

Therefore, in addition to the energy benefits, the combustion of MSW in

WTE facilities reduces US greenhouse gas emissions by about 26 million
tonnes of carbon dioxide. In theTable, the air emissions of WTE and
fossil-fuelled power plants are compared.

Table: WTE and Fossil fuel Power plants (OBrien and Swana 2006)

In addition to methane, landfill gas contains several volatile organic

compounds and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Potential for clean energy: In 2004, 28.9 million tons of garbage were
combusted in waste-to-energy power plants in US and generated a net of
13.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, greater than all other renewable
sources of energy, with the exception of hydroelectric and geothermal
Emissions and public health issues: In the past, all high temperature
processes, including metal smelting, cement production, coal-fired power
plants and incinerators were the sources of enormous emissions to the
atmosphere. In particular, incinerators were the major sources of toxic
organic compounds, dioxins and furans, and mercury as already
However, in the last fifteen years and at the cost of about one billion
dollars, the 89 WTE facilities operating in the US have implemented air
pollution control systems that has led EPA to recognize them publicly as
a source of power with less environmental impact than almost any other
source of electricity(
In 1995, the EPA adopted new emissions standards for WTE facilities
pursuant to the Clean Air Act. Their Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) regulations dictated that waste-to-energy facilities
should comply with new Clean Air Act standards. MACT includes dry
scrubbers, fabric filter bag houses, activated carbon injection and other
measures that were implemented at the cost of over one billion dollars.
Waste-to-energy facilities now represent less than 1% of the US
emissions of dioxins and mercury.
368 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Decrease in dioxin and mercury emissions: WTE plants have

decreased dioxin emissions since 1987 by a factor of 1,000 to about
12 grams TEQ (toxic equivalent) total (See Figure). The major source of
dioxin emissions, as reported by EPA, is backyard garbage burning that
emits close to 600 grams annually, and about 1000 grams TEQ annually
by thousands of landfill fires as reported by Federal Emergency
Management Administration (FEMA, May 2002)

Fig. Dioxin emissions in the US

(Source: P. Deriziotis, MS thesis,
Columbia University, 2003; Data by EPA)

Due to the phasing out of most applications of mercury, the use of

mercury in U.S. processes and products decreased to less than 360 tonnes
by 2002. Also, many communities have put in place strong recycling
programs that keep older mercury-containing products out of the MSW
sent to WTE facilities. This trend and the installation of MACT pollution
control systems have reduced the U.S. WTE emissions to the atmosphere
from 80 tonnes of mercury in the eighties to less than one ton in 2002
(Figure). The major sources of mercury in the atmosphere now are the
coal-fired powerplants.
Appendix 2 369

The only remaining WTE emissions of concern are nitrogen oxides

whose WTE emissions correspond to only 0.22% of the total US NOx

Fig. Reduction of mercury emissions from WTE plants in US

(Source: Themelis and Gregory 2002)

WTERT Council: To support R & D aspects of WTE facilities, Waste-to-

Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) was co-founded in
2002 by the Earth Engineering Center of Columbia University
( and the Integrated Waste Services
Association (IWSA) ( which represents most of the waste-
to-energy facilities in the US. The mission of WTERT is to increase the
recovery of materials and energy from used solids and, in particular, to
advance both the economic and environmental performance of waste-to-
energy technologies worldwide (Themelis 2006).

Waste-to-Energy Plants
Operating in India

A few examples operating through PPP are already mentioned at relevant

places. A few more important ones are detailed below:
1. Bio-Methanation Plant, Lucknow: The Lucknow Nagar Nigam (LNN)
faced major threat from disposed wastes as its two landfills were
overflowing. Lucknow produces around 1800 MT of MSW daily.
Inability to identify a suitable area in proximity forced LNN policy
managers to look for other alternatives. The city also faces a huge
crisis in terms of energy requirements, especially for its industries, and
an option of generating environment-friendly power from MSW was
determined to be the most optimum solution to the problem. Studies
estimate that MSW in Lucknow has the potential of generating 1000
MW of power while industrial waste has the potential of generating
700 MW of power. The LNN, therefore, invited firms for
development and execution of a WTE power generation and bio-
fertiliser producing plant. The facility is designed to handle a
minimum of 300 TPD of municipal waste and uses the bio-
methanation process for conversion of waste to energy with help of a
BIMA digester, a technology that is being used in over 50 WTE plants
worldwide. The estimated project cost is Rs. 76 crore (LNN, 2002).

Appendix 3 371

Stakeholders/Partnerships and Financial Outlay: The LNN invited

Chennai-based Enkem Engineers to be the project promoters. Enkem
India Ltd. floated a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) called Bio Energy
for the project. ENTEC, an Austria-based firm, provided the project
technology and digester for production of methane. M/s C.G.E.A.
Asia Holdings, Singapore, is responsible for O&M.
The proposed financing plan and the source of funding is as follows:
Funding Type Source Amount
(Crore Rupees)
1. Promoter Equity SPV Asia Bio Energy 20
2. Government Subsidy MNES (@30 million per MW) 15
3. Equipment Supplier Supplied on Operating Lease basis 11
4. Debt Contract-based lending from IDFC 20
5. Credit Deferred credit being
provided by equipment supplier 10
Total 76
The following have taken an equity stake in the project: (i) Enkem
Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, (ii) Entec Environment Technology,
UgmBH, Austria, (iii) Innovative Umwelltechnik Ges.mbH, Austria,
(iv) Jurong Engineering Ltd., Singapore, (v) CGEA Asia Holdings (P)
Ltd., France, (vi) Larsen and Toubro, India, (vii) IDFC
Other stakeholders include LNN, NEDA, LDA, UPPCL, UPPCB and
GoUP. The GoUP has given a guarantee against any default in
payment of electricity charges. The solid waste is provided by LNN
while the electricity is purchased by UPPCL.
Description of the Project: This project was designed as the first solid
waste power project in India which the MNES identified as a full-
scale national demonstration plant. Although the project was initiated
in 1998, the project got delayed because of finalisation of land
transfers, government guarantee, identification of financiers and other
related formalities, which could be completed only by August 2001.
The plant construction was completed in August 2003 (see picture).
372 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The project is being executed on a Build Operate and Transfer (BOT)

basis. The land for the project was provided by the LNN on a lease for
a period of 30 years. LNN was given a subsidy to the tune of Rs. 75
lakhs from MNES for providing this land. While the technical inputs
are being provided by firms from Austria and Singapore, human
resource for execution was provided by Indian firms. As part of the
original contract, LNN agreed to assure provision of 113 to 120 MT of
MSW daily to the operator although the Plant has been designed to
take a maximum of 300 MT daily. Depending on success of the initial
phase, LNN was to increase supply to the Plant over a period of time.
Broad features of the project as envisaged include:300 MT of solid
waste to be treated daily to provide biogas, 5 MW power will be
generated by using biogas as fuel for five gas generators, 70 tonnes of
organic fertiliser will be produced daily as bye product, there will be
no toxic liquid or gas effluents from the Plant.
Cost Recovery: As per the original framework, LNN was to get 1% of
the cost of power sold to UPPCL and 5% of the organic fertiliser
produced, an amount estimated around Rs.35 to 40 lakhs annually.
Electricity is being sold to UPPCL at rate of Rs. 2.48/- per unit. As per
estimates, the Plant was to produce around 5000 units/hour by
beginning of 2004. Power generation over 1 MW was started by Dec
2003 and is now expected to reach 5 MW soon.
2. Integrated SWM Project, Guwahati:
Hyderabad based Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd has secured an
integrated SWM project. The project will be developed on 60 acres of
Appendix 3 373

land on BOOT basis. The company signed a 20 year concession

agreement with Guwahati Municipal Corporation on Oct 29, 2008.
The project being implemented under JNNURM. A grant of Rs.350
million for the Rs.1.02 billion project has been approved. The
Municipal corporation has set up SPV, Guwahati Waste Management
company Ltd, to implement the project. The project involves two
segments under the first segment, primary (door-to-door) collection
of MSW, transportation to the processing site and disposal of MSW is
being undertaken. The second segment involves setting up a plant
with a capacity to convert 650 tpd of MSW into refuge derived fuel
(RDF), a 50 tpd compost plant to produce manure as well as a 6 mega
watt power plant to run on the RDF produced.
3. Integrated SWM Project, Coimbatore:
The Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation in Tamil Nadu is
implementing an integrated SWM project under JNNURM. The
project awarded to JV of UPL Environmental Engineers Ltd and
Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd, is being implemented on BOOT
basis and has a concession period of 20 years.
The 965.1 Million project is being implemented under two
components. The first component, requiring an investment of Rs.269.1
million, involves distribution of bins, primary segregation of garbage,
secondary storage in bins and transportation of waste to transfer
stations. (Source: Nagpur and Lucknow: Solid Waste Mgt Part-II,
Background Paper,12 th Finance Commission by IPE(P) Ltd).
The 696 million second component involves development, design,
engineering, finance, construction implementation and O&M of
transfer stations, transportation of MSW from transfer stations to
waste processing and disposal sites, processing and disposal facility
for treating 400 tonnes of waste generated from Coimbatore. The JV
has formed an SPV, Coimbatore Integrated Company Ltd, to
implement the second component of the project. The project is
expected to be completed by Sept 2009.The capital grant of 70% is
being funded under JNNURM and the private operator UPL will
contribute the remaining 30% in the form of Equity and Debt. The
CMC will pay to UPL total NPV for 20 years Rs.264.85 crores
(Tipping fee)
374 Municipal Solid Waste Management

4. MSW Management Project: Navi Mumbai

The NMMC is planning to set up an MSW processing unit with a
capacity of 500 tpd under the JNNURM on PPP basis. The project
aims at the bioremediation of old accumulated waste, acceleration in
aerobic composting of waste using windrows under controlled
conditions for converting these to organic compost, converting
combustible waste to RDF and recovering dry recyclables like glass,
metals and plastics.
The operational methodology under the project is divided into six
steps. Beginning at waste segregation, the project will move on to
composting, RDF manufacturing, plastic recycling, inert processing to
civil bricks and sanitary landfills.
Two main products are expected to be generated from the MSW.
These are compost/organic fertilizer and fuel pellets/RDF. Segregated
waste like plastic will be sent to recycling units.
Of the total 500 tpd of waste received, about 125 tpd of RDF and 100
tpd of compost will be recovered. The remaining components will
comprise about 25 tpd of recyclables, 125 tpd of rejects that will be
sent to sanitary landfills and 25 tpd of inert processing paver blocks.
The balance 100 tpd will comprise moisture.
The project will be implemented on PPP basis. In April 2008, the
corporation entered into an agreement with the UK based firm
Ecomethane for tapping landfill gas (LFG) and availing carbon credit
under the clean development mechanism (CDM) technology.
The firm will be responsible for arranging all financial, legal and
technical aspects of investment in the LFG project, design and
contract effective LFG tapping, develop all CDM related
documentation, undertake baseline study, monitor plans, register the
project with the CDM executive board, and monitor emission
reduction of the project in accordance with the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change procedures during the
project's lifetime. The Corporation on its part will be responsible for
providing electricity to the site.
The corporation is expected to receive an upfront amount of Rs 6.38
million for the project, and generate revenue of about Rs 80 million in
the 10 years.
Appendix 3 375

5. MSW Management Project: Kollam

Preliminary work on construction of a comprehensive MSW
management project has started in Kollam district of Kerala. The
project was secured by Jamshedpur Utility and Services Company
Limited (JUSCO). An agreement for constructing the project was
signed between JUSCO and the Kerala Sustainable Urban
Development Project on July 29, 2008.
The Rs 650 million project is being funded by the Asian Development
Bank. The project scope involves establishing an integrated solid
waste processing and disposal facility, a new sanitary landfill
capacity, closure of the existing waste dump site, erection of an
electromechanical compost plant and establishment of a leachate
treatment plant.
The plant will have a capacity to process and dispose of 100 tpd of
waste. Currently, seepage of leachate into nearby drinking water wells
and the Ashtamudi Lake, especially during the rainy season, is a major
problem. The establishment of the landfill site is expected to obstruct
the seepage. The project is expected to be made operational by
February 2010-11
6. MSW projects in Jaipur:
Rs.20 crores plant has been set up on PPP basis by M/s Grasim at
Langaria Was in Jaipur for conversion of MSW into RDF. The plant
accepts about 300-400 MT unsegregated SW per day at plant site from
Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC).
The rejects/inert material will be dumped at the adjoining sanitary
landfill site which is being constructed by JMC.
The Project is on BOOT basis -built, own, operate and transfer of land
only for 30 years. The corporation has allotted underdeveloped land
equivalent to 25 acres to the private operator @ Rs.1 per sq metre on
lease for 30 years. The operator M/s Grasim is supposed to pay
revenue share of Rs.1,20,190 per annum to JMC. The RDF produced
is being used in the cement plant of M/s Grasim so there is no problem
of marketing.
JMC has a bio-medical waste treatment plant established on BOOT
basis at village Rupari on the 4 acres land provided by JMC on lease
376 Municipal Solid Waste Management

JMC has worked as a facilitator to arrive at a negotiated rate of

Rs.3.10 per day per bed to be paid by the hospitals/clinics to the
service provider.
482 hospitals (Government/private), 8000 beds are being provided
The common bio-medical waste treatment facility is treating about
4 tonnes of bio medical waste daily generated from hospitals/clinics.
Work on an additional plant at Agra road is in progress.
(Source: Guwahati, Coimbatore, Navi Mumbai and Kollam Projects-Indian
Infrastructure Vol II,Issue 7, Feb 2009)
Compost plant for waste treatment: Another project on PPP basis for
production of compost from MSW is coming up in Jaipur on DBOOT
basis at Sewapura at a cost of 8 crores.
JMC will supply mixed waste of 250 MT per day at the plant site.
Land has been provided to the private operator for a lease period of 30
years. 100 MT of compost is likely to be generated per day.LOA has
been issued to the private operator
7. Municipal Solid Waste Management Project in Asansol Urban Area
Asansol MC generates about 700 tonnes of solid waste every day. A
project of Rs.44 crores has been prepared and proposed under
JNNURM. The five ULBs have to shell out 30% of the project cost.
ADDA (Asansol Durgapura Municipal Corporation) have decided to
enlist PSP in implementation. The private partner will set up and run
processing plants at three sites and manage the landfill site.ADDA
invited bids for selection of private operator on BOOT basis. 5 ULBs
have to ensure 350 tonnes of Garage at the processing site every day.
The consortium of Gujarat Enviro Protection Infrastructure Ltd and
Hanjer Bio-tech Ltd has been selected. Tipping fee has been agreed as
Rs. 85/tonne of MSW. The project is to be completed in 24 months.
Door to door collection of waste at such a large scale has been
conceived of for the first time. For sustainability of the project, ULB
will collect: RS.5 to 25 per month per household and Rs.25 to 50 per
month in commercial areas.

Composting Plants in India

378 Municipal Solid Waste Management

(Source: Asnani 2006)


Waste-to-Energy Status in

The need for intelligent waste management has led to the concept of the
hierarchy of waste management that places the various means for
dealing with MSW in order of environmental preference.
Of the estimated one billion tons (907 million tonnes) of global post-
recycling MSW, close to 200 million tons (181 million tonnes) are
processed in Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plants that recover the energy
content of waste in the form of electricity or heat. The dominant WTE
technology involves combustion of MSW on an inclined or horizontal
grate. There are over 500 WTE plants of this type operating in 35
Most of the global urban MSW, i.e., over 800 million tons (725
million tonnes) is landfilled. The Earth Engineering Center of Columbia
University has estimated that one square meter (about 10 square feet) is
used up, forever, for every ten tons (nine tonnes) of MSW landfilled.
True sustainable development requires that only inorganic residues be
landfilled, as is already the practice in several countries. However, this
would require us to considerably increase the present global WTE
capacity of about 200 million tons (181 million tonnes) and this is a very
costly proposition, especially for developing countries. Obviously, the
need is greatest in large countries with rapidly growing cities, such as
China and India, where existing dump sites are overfilled.

380 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Waste management in China: China has the largest population (1.33

billion) on Earth and is experiencing rapid economic growth. This
country has a GDP of $8.8 trillion in terms of Purchasing Power Parity
(PPP), which is the third largest in the world after the EU and the US.
However, its population is over four times that of the US so the actual per
capita GDP is only $6.800 and corresponds to a fraction of the US GDP
per capita.
Despite the relatively high capital cost of WTE, the central
government of China has been very proactive with regard to increasing
WTE capacity. One of the measures brought in provided a credit of about
$30 per MWh of electricity generated by means of WTE rather than by
using fossil fuels.
Harmless treatment of MSW in China: The term harmless treatment in
China means the disposal of MSW by recycling, composting, WTE and
sanitary landfilling. The harmless treatment rate is defined as the
percentage of the weight of total MSW treated with these methods. The
generation of MSW, and also the harmless treatment fraction have been
increasing over the past 30 years in China.
Table 1 shows the reported data from 2001 to 2007 and also the
number of WTE plants and their total capacity. The Chinese WTE
capacity has increased steadily from 2.2 million tons in 2001 to nearly 14
million tons by 2007. However, landfilling remains the dominant means
of waste disposal in China.

Table 1 MSW generation, treatment and WTE capacity in China.

Appendix 5 381

Most WTE plants are located in eastern China, especially in the

districts of the Changjiang and Pearl River Deltas. As of 2007, three
provinces in these two districts, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu had
fifteen, fourteen and nine WTE plants, respectively. These plants
constitute 64 % of the existing WTE capacity in China. This is explained
by the relatively high economic development in these provinces.
Chinas 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2011) is very ambitious, showing
expected construction of many new WTE facilities across the country,
shown in Table 2.

Table 2 New WTE plants planned for period 2006-2011

WTE technologies used in China: Stoker Grate incinerator and Circulated

Fluidized Bed (CFB) incinerator are the main types of technology used in
WTE plants in China. According to a preliminary survey of 100 WTE
plants in operation or under construction, most of the MSW incinerators
are of the Grate combustion type (mass burn), and are based either on
imported or domestic technologies. The CFB incinerators co-fire MSW
with coal (up to 15 % coal by weight) and have been developed by
Chinese academic research centers, such as Zhejiang University, Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Tsinghua University. Most of the new
plants are based on the stoker grate design. There are 4 major local
companies, Sanfeng Covanta, Shanghai Environmental, Everbright
Shenzhen and Shenzhen Energy.
The capacity of the WTE plants built in earlier years was generally
less than 800 tons/day (725 tonnes/ day). However, recent WTE plants
are larger, typically over 1000 tons/day (907 tonnes/day). The capacity of
a single line within a plant has also increased, from the 200 tons/day
(181 tonnes/day) in early years to over 500 tons/day (453 tonnes/day) in
recent years.
382 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Air pollution control systems: Most of the air pollution control systems
built in the Chinese WTE plants are similar to the predominant gas
control systems in the US: a combination of semi-dry scrubber, activated
carbon injection (to remove volatile metals and organic compounds) and
fabric filter baghouses (to remove particulate matter). In some WTE
plants, selective non-catalytic reduction is included to remove nitrogen
oxides, such as, for example, the WTE plants under design for
Guangzhou, Shantou, and Chongqing. A major problem that faced the
western incinerators in the late 1980s was high emissions of dioxin. The
US WTE plants in 1989 emitted a total of 10,000 grams of toxic
equivalent dioxins (grams TEQ), corresponding to 100 nanograms TEQ
per standard cubic meter of stack gas. This led to the US Environmental
Protection Agencys regulation of Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) that resulted in the retrofitting of about 90 WTE
plants in the US and the closing of nearly 50 small plants. As of 2002,
this retrofit resulted in decreasing WTE dioxin emissions by a factor of
1000, to less than 10 grams TEQ/Nm3.
The emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (dioxins) from 19 MSW incinerators in
China were investigated by the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS).
Sixteen stoker grate and three circulating fluid bed incinerators with
capacities from 150 to 500 tons/day (136-453 tonnes/day) were
examined. The air pollution control systems of nine of the grate
combustion WTE plants, consisted of semi-dry scrubber, activated carbon
injection and fabric filter baghouse; the other seven plants did not use
activated carbon injection. The results of this study showed that the
dioxin emissions of these 19 MSW incinerators ranged from 0.042 to
2.461 nanograms TEQ /Nm3; the average value was 0.423 ng TEQ/Nm3.
The dioxin emission levels of three MSW incinerators were higher than
1.0 ng TEQ/Nm3, which is the emission standard in China. Only six
MSW incinerators had dioxin emission levels below 0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3,
which is the emission limit in Europe, the US and other developed
countries. Therefore, the average emissions of dioxins from Chinese
incinerators ranged from being as low as European and US plants to
being 24 times the western standard. Considering the significant amount
of MSW generation in China, the dioxin emissions from some poorly-
operated WTE have been a severe problem and caused an adverse public
reaction against all WTE facilities.
The dioxin emission factors to the atmosphere from these 19 MSW
incinerators were calculated to range from 0.169-10.72 g TEQ for per
ton MSW with an average 1.728 g TEQ per ton MSW.
Appendix 5 383

Broad Technical details of two typical WTE plants presently under

operation are described here (Kalogirou 2010):
1. Pudong Yuqiao Waste to Energy (WtE) Plant.
The Yuqiao WtE Plant in Pudong was put into operation in September
2002. The main technical details are the following:
(i) The Plant is equipped with three incineration lines, each with
daily capacity of 330 tons, feeding with MSW from part of
Pudong district.The total area of the Plant is 80,000 m2 (20
acres); the plant operates for 7500 hours annually.
(ii) The grate technology used is the SITY 2000 technology that is
owned by Martin GmbH
(iii) There are three gravity circulating water-wall boilers and each
incineration-boiler line is coupled with a Flue Gas Cleaning
System with semi-dry scrubber, bag filter and activated carbon
injection system.
(iv) Steam produced from two turbine-generators with each normal
capacity of 8.5 MW; so the nominal capacity of the two turbines
is 17 Megawatts.
(v) Bottom ash produced after incineration of MSW is reused as
material for bricks after special treatment.
(vi) Fly ash is transported to Shanghai Solid Waste Treatment
Center for security special waste landfill.
(vii) The thermodynamic characteristics of produced steam are
400 C and 40 bar pressure.
(viii) The gate fee is around 240 RMB (28)/ton
(ix) The total investment was 670 million RMB
(x) The selling price for the electricity is 500 RMB/MWh
(xi) Plant is equipped with continuous emission monitoring devices
on flue gas emissions which calibrated according to the
European standards (directive 2000/76).
2. The Chnogqing Tongxing WtE Plant.
The Plant was first put into operation in March 28, 2005. The plant is
using the Alstom SITY2000 design of Martin GmbH. Nearly all the
equipment was fabricated locally to Martin specifications.The plant
handles 50% of the waste generated in the Chongqing municipality.
384 Municipal Solid Waste Management

The main technical details are the following:

The company has three aspects: EPC contracts, Core technology
and equipment & operation of the project.
Chongqing Sanfeng Covanta Environmental Industry Co., Ltd has
constructed and operated 25% of the WTEs in China.
The technology adopted by Sanfeng Covanta is suitable for high
water content, low heating value municipal waste which could burn
steadily without pre-selection and auxiliary fuel.
It has the capacity of 1200 ton per day with SITY2000 inclined
reverse grate. It is the model project of the waste to energy for high
water content and low heating value municipal solid waste.
High efficiency incineration with residence time over 2 seconds,
gas temperature above 850 C.
The project used two sets of 58.39 t/h steam boiler, natural
o o
circulating system, 130 C feeding water, 210 C induced draft,
4.0 MPa steam pressure, 400 C steam temperature.
Waste heat from burning of waste is used for power generation
from 220 kWh to 250 kWh from each ton of waste; and power
pumped to grid is about 250.000 kWh supplying to 40.000
Previously, the dioxin limit in China was 1.0 ng/Nm but now it has
been reduced according to EE 2000/76 directive to 0.1 ng/Nm .
Dioxin and furan emissions from this plant are around
0.05 ng/Nm .
The bottom ash (25% of feed MSW) is used for road constructions,
and fly ash (3% of the feed MSW) is made inert by on site
solidification with cement.
The bottom ash is used for building material. The waste water is
recycled and after three levels treatmant, is used for watering the
plant flowers.
Gate fee is around 80 RMB (10 /ton)
The total investment was 370 million RMB
Since the beginning of the 21st century, China, more than any other
developing country, is taking major steps to increase WTE capacity; it
has increased its WTE capacity from 2 to 14 million tons of municipal
solid wastes. This makes China the fourth largest user of waste-to-energy
Appendix 5 385

(WTE), after the EU, Japan, and the US. There were 66 WTE plants in
China by 2007; this is projected to increase to one hundred by 2012. Two
thirds of these plants employ either imported or domestic versions of
combustion on a moving grate; and the other third various forms of a
home-developed technology, the circulating fluid bed reactor. There is
preparation to increase to 140 WTE plants in the next 5 years (Kalogirou,
This study also examines in detail the environmental performance of
Chinese WTE plants. Using as a yardstick the emission of dioxins from a
group of 19 Chinese WTE plants, we found that seven operate below the
EU dioxin standard (0.1 nanograms TEQ per standard cubic meter of
stack gas) and 12 above this standard. The fact that several WTEs in
China are able to control dioxin emissions to the very strict EU standard
(which is 10 times lower than the present Chinese standard for dioxins) is
very encouraging and indicates that Chinese operators and air pollution
control systems can be as good as those in the west.

Fig. Fuzhou Hongmiaoling Energy-from-Waste Plant

(Credit:Sanfeng Coventa Environmental Co, Chongqing, China)

International Agreements
and Commitments to
Environmentally Sound
Management of Waste

The three conventions related to waste, namely, Basel, Rotterdam and

Stockholm Conventions are designated to protect human health and the
environment from effects of hazardous chemicals and wastes.
Although legally separate ones, each governed by its respective
Conference of Parties, all the three address the same fundamental
challenge, namely, the environmentally sound management of hazardous
products during their entire lifecycle from production to disposal, and
wherever possible, their minimization and/or replacement with safer

Waste Management:
The Basel Convention (Article 4) requires each Party to minimize waste
generation and to ensure, to the extent possible, the availability of
disposal facilities within its own territory. The objective of
environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes underpins the
Convention. At its fifth meeting in December 1999, the Conference of the

Appendix 6 387

Parties adopted the Basel Declaration on Environmentally Sound

The Stockholm Convention (Article 6) obliges Parties to develop
strategies for identifying Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs wastes),
and to manage these in an environmentally sound manner. The POPs
content of wastes is generally to be destroyed or irreversibly transformed.
The Basel Convention Technical Working Group has developed technical
guidelines on POPs wastes as part of its work programme and at the
request of the Conference of Parties that adopted the Stockholm

Import/export controls:
The original Prior Informed Consent procedure of the Basel Convention
(Article 4.1) was strengthened by the subsequent decisions of the Parties
to prohibit the export of hazardous wastes from OECD to non-OECD
countries (Decisions II/12 and III/1). The Basel Convention imposes
strict conditions on the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes
(Articles 4 and 6). Trade with non-parties is generally not permitted
(Article 4.5).
The Rotterdam Convention (Articles 10 to 12) established a Prior
Informed Consent Procedure based on the earlier voluntary guidelines.
The Stockholm Convention (Article 3.2) restricts the import and export of
POPs to cases where, for example, the purpose is not for environmentally
sound disposal. It also requires that POPs should not be transported
across international boundaries ignoring relevant international rules,
standards and guidelines (Article6.1).

Environmental Releases:
The Stockholm Convention requires Parties to take measures to reduce or
eliminate releases of POPs from intentional production and use
(Article 3), unintentional production (Article 5) and stockpiles and wastes
(Article 6). The principles of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best
Environmental Practices (BEP) are to be further elaborated for and on
behalf of the Conference of the Parties.

Hazard Communication:
Provision is made for the obligatory communication of hazard
information under the Basel Convention (Article 4.2 f), the Rotterdam
Convention (Article 5.1) and the Stockholm convention (Article 10).
388 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Technical Assistance:
All three Conventions address the technical assistance needs of
developing countries. The Basel Convention (Article 14) and the
Stockholm Convention (Article 12) provide for regional centers for
training and technology transfer, subject to views of Conferences of
Parties. Basel has a Technical Cooperation Trust Fund, while Stockholm
Convention (Articles 13 & 14) has a financial mechanism operated by
the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for the development of National
Implementation Plans.

Types of Biogas Plants

Simple biogas plants are shown in the Figure. A: Floating-drum plant,

B: Fixed-dome plant, C: Fixed-dome plant with separate gasholder. The
gas pressure is kept constant by the floating gasholder. The unit can be
operated as a continuous overflow type plant with no compensating tank.
The use of an agitator is recommended. D: Balloon plant, E: Channel-
type digester with folia and sunshade.

390 Municipal Solid Waste Management

1. Balloon Plant:
A balloon plant consists of a plastic or rubber digester bag, in the
upper part of which the gas is stored. The inlet and outlet are attached
direct to the skin of the balloon. When the gas space is full, the plant
works like a fixed-dome plant, i.e., the balloon is not inflated; it is not
very elastic.
The fermentation slurry is agitated slightly by the movement of the
balloon skin. This is favourable to the digestion process. Even difficult
feed materials, such as water hyacinths, can be used in a balloon plant.
The balloon material must be UV-resistant. Materials which have been
used successfully include RMP (red mud plastic), Trevira and butyl.
Advantages: Low cost, ease of transportation, low construction
(important if the water table is high), high digester temperatures,
uncomplicated cleaning, emptying and maintenance.
Disadvantages: Short life (about five years), easily damaged, no
employment locally, little scope for self-help.
Balloon plants can be recommended wherever the balloon skin is not
likely to be damaged and where the temperature is even and high. One
variant of the balloon plant is the channel-type digester with folia and
2. Fixed dome Plant:
A fixed-dome plant (Figure) consists of an enclosed digester with a
fixed, non-movable gas space. The gas is stored in the upper part of
the digester. When gas production commences, the slurry is displaced
into the compensating tank. Gas pressure increases with the volume of
gas stored; therefore the volume of the digester should not exceed
20 m. If there is little gas in the holder, the gas pressure is low.
If the gas is required at constant pressure (e.g., for engines), a gas
pressure regulator or a floating gasholder is required. Engines require
a great deal of gas, and hence large gasholders. The gas pressure then
becomes too high if there is no floating gasholder.
Advantages: Low construction cost, no moving parts, no rusting steel
parts, hence long life (20 years or more), underground construction,
affording protection from winter cold and saving space, creates
employment locally.
Disadvantages: Plants often not gas light (porosity and cracks), gas
pressure fluctuates substantially and is often very high, low digester
Appendix 7 391

Fig. Fixed-dome plant: 1.Mixing tank with inlet pipe, 2. Digester,

3. Compensating and removal tank, 4. Gasholder, 5. Gaspipe, 6. Entry hatch,
with gas light seal and weighted, 7. Difference in level = gas pressure in cm WC,
8. Supernatant scum; broken up by varying level, 9. Accumulation of thick
sludge, 10. Accumulation of grit and stones,11. Zero line: filling height without
gas pressure.
Fixed-dome plants can be recommended only where construction can
be supervised by experienced biogas technicians.
3. Floating-Drum Plant:
Floating-drum plant (Figure) consists of a digester and a moving
gasholder. The gasholder floats either direct on the fermentation slurry
or in a water jacket of its own. The gas collects in the gas drum, which
thereby rises. If gas is drawn off, it falls again. The gas drum is
prevented from tilting by a guide frame.
Advantages: Simple, easy operation, constant gas pressure, volume of
stored gas visible directly, few mistakes in construction.
Disadvantages: High construction cost of floating-drum, many steel
parts liable to corrosion, resulting in short life (up to 15 years; in
tropical coastal regions about five years for the drum), and constant
maintenance costs due to painting.
In spite of these disadvantages, floating-drum plants are always
recommended. Water-jacket plants are universally applicable and easy
to maintain. The drum won't stick, even if the substrate has high solids
392 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Fig: Floating-drum plant 1: Mixing tank with inlet pipe, 2: Digester, 3: Overflow
on outlet pipe, 4: Gasholder with braces for breaking up surface scum, 5: Gas
outlet with main cok, 6: Gas drum guide structure, 7: Difference in level = gas
pressure in cm WC, 8: Floating scum in the case of fibrous feed material,
9: Accumulation of thick sludge, 10: Accumulation of grit and stones, 11: Water
jacket with oil film.
Floating-drums made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic and highdensity
polyethylene have been used successfully, but the construction cost is
higher compared to the ones built with steel. Floating-drums made of
wire-mesh-reinforced concrete are liable to hairline cracking and are
intrinsically porous. They require a gas tight, elastic internal coating.
PVC drums are unsuitable because they are not resistant to UV.
The floating gas drum can be replaced by a balloon above the digester.
This reduces construction costs (channel type digester with folia), but in
practice problems always arise with the attachment of the balloon at the
edge. Such plants are still being tested under practical conditions.
(Source: Ludwig Sasse)
Nisarga-Runa Biogas Plant: The plant, developed by BARC, can use
vegetable and fruit market waste, fruit and food processing industries
waste, domestic and institutional kitchen waste, paper, garden waste,
animal and abattoir waste etc. However, wastes such as coconut shells,
egg shells, big bones, plastic/polythene, glass, metal, sand, silt, debris and
building materials, wood, cloth/clothes, ropes, nylon threads, batteries,
tyres/rubber, hazardous and chemical industries waste etc., cannot be
treated and to be strictly avoided. Municipal authorities, therefore, have
to ensure segregated waste before setting up the biogas plant.
Appendix 7 393

Major components of the plants are a mixture/pulper (5 HP motor) for

crushing the solid waste, pre-mix tank(s), pre-digester tank, air
compressor, slow water heater, main digestion tank, gas delivery system,
manure pits, tank for recycling for water and water pump and gas
utilization system. The waste is homogenized in a mixer using water.
This slurry enters the predigesting tank where aerobic thermophilic
bacteria proliferate and convert part of this waste into organic acids. The
slurry then enters the main tank where it undergoes mainly anaerobic
degradation by a consortium of archaebacteria belonging to the
Methanococcus group. These bacteria are naturally present in the
alimentary canal of ruminant animals (cattle). They produce mainly
methane from the cellulosic materials in the slurry. The undigested
lignocellulosic and hemi-cellulosic materials then are passed on in the
settling tank. After about a month, high quality manure can be dug out
from the settling tanks. There is no odour to the manure at all. The
organic contents are high and this can improve the quality of humus in
soil, which in turn is responsible for the fertility.
As the gas is generated in the main tank, the dome is slowly lifted up.
This gas is a mixture of methane (7075 per cent), carbon dioxide (1015
per cent) and water vapours (510 per cent). It is taken through GI
pipeline to the lamp posts. Drains for condensed water vapour are
provided on line. This gas burns with a blue flame and can be used for
cooking. The gas generated in this plant is used for gas lights fitted
around the plant. The potential use of this gas would be for cooking
purposes. It can also be used to produce electricity in a dual fuel biogas
diesel engine. The manure generated is high quality and can be used for
gardening and agricultural purposes. The plant can be installed at hotel
premises, army/big establishment canteens (private/ government),
residential schools/colleges, housing colonies, religious places/temple
trusts, hospitals, hotels, sewage treatment plants etc. There are 5 such
plants already in operation and about 5 others are proposed mostly in
Maharashtra. The plant should be closer to source of waste being
produced and the point of utilization of biogas power. The site should be
free from underground cables; drainage pipes etc., and water table should
be below 3 metres.
It is estimated that the life of the plant could be 2030 years and
payback period is estimated to be 45 years.
394 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Table Cost Details of Nisarguna Biogas Plant

Methane Manure
Installation Monthly O & M generation production
cost (Rs in lakhs) charges (tonnes/day)
(Rs) (Cu m)
1 5-6 8000 100-120 0.1
2 9-10 12,000 200-240 0.2
4 20-22 15,000 400-480 0.3
5 28-30 22,000 500-600 0.5
6 65-70 50,000 1000-1200 2.5

Note: This is an approximate cost for biogas generation plant and may
increase by 1020 per cent depending on location, site, specific
parameters, cost of materials, labour cost etc., in different states/ cities.
Cost of additional infrastructure like office space, toilets, security,
compound wall, flood control measures etc., and for power generation
will be extra, if required (Asnani 2006).

Zero Waste Approach

Zero Waste programmes are the fastest and most cost effective ways that
local governments can utilize to reduce climate change, protect health,
create green jobs, and promote local sustainability. There are three
overarching goals needed for sustainable resource management.
1. Producer responsibility: industrial production and design.
2. Community responsibility: consumption, discard use and disposal.
3. Political responsibility to bring both community and industrial
responsibility together in a harmonious whole.
Zero Waste is a critical step to other necessary steps in the efforts to
protect health, improve equity and reach sustainability. Zero Waste can
be linked to sustainable agriculture, architecture, energy, industrial,
economic and community development. Every single person in the world
makes waste and as such is part of a non-sustainable society. However,
everyone could be engaged in the necessary shift towards a sustainable
The only peer-reviewed internationally accepted definition of Zero
Waste is that adopted by the Zero Waste International Alliance:
Zero Waste is a goal that is ethical, economical, and efficient and
visionary, to guide people in changing their lifestyles and practices to
emulate sustainable natural cycles, where all discarded materials are
designed to become resources for others to use. Zero Waste means
designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid

396 Municipal Solid Waste Management

and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve
and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them. Implementing Zero
Waste will eliminate all discharges to land, water or air that are a threat to
planetary, human, animal or plant health. If a product can't be reused,
repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted,
then it should be restricted, redesigned, or removed from production.

Principles and Practical steps towards Zero Waste:

Demand decision makers manage resources not waste. Existing
incinerators must be closed down and no new ones built. Landfill
practices must be reformed to prevent all pollution of air and water
including pre-processing all residues at landfills before burial to stabilize
the organic fraction and prevent methane generation.
Landfills are a major source of greenhouse gases (particularly
methane, which warms the atmosphere 23-72 times more quickly than
carbon dioxide) as well as groundwater contamination. Incinerators and
other burning and thermal treatment technologies such as biomass
burners, gasification, pyrolysis, plasma arc, cement kilns and power
plants using waste as fuel, are a direct and indirect source of greenhouse
gases to the atmosphere and turn resources that should be reduced or
recovered into toxic ashes that need to be disposed of safely. Neither
landfills nor incinerators are an appropriate response to the challenge of
peak oil, which will make any new incinerator impractical within its
lifetime, as embedded energy and oil within products will become too
costly to replace.
More energy can be saved, and global warming impacts decreased, by
reducing waste, reusing products, recycling and composting than can be
produced from burning discards or recovering landfill gases.
Communities should fight any effort to introduce new incinerators, in any
guise, and replace existing landfills and incinerators, with Zero Waste
policies and programs, including EPR, resource recovery parks, reuse,
recycling and composting facilities.

Integrated Solid Waste


Various concepts have been developed over the years to provide the basis
for improving the management of solid waste in developing cities.
Among these, the concept of Integrated Solid Waste Management
(ISWM) provides a framework of developing a sustainable MSW
management system, which has been very successful in various
industrialized countries.
ISWM is defined as the selection and application of appropriate
techniques, technologies and management programmes to achieve
specific waste management objectives and goals (UNEP, 2001b). In the
Integrated SWM, all aspects technical, legislative, economic, social/
cultural, institutional and environmental along with community
participation are considered, and the link between the stakeholders and
MSWM aspects to develop an integrated approach is provided.
Comprehensive in nature for managing MSW, ISWM is particularly
suited to developing countries where SWM services are of poor quality
and costs are high often with no effective means of recovering them.

398 Municipal Solid Waste Management

UNEP (1996) laid out a series of questions to be answered when

evaluating technologies and policies in the context of an Integrated MSW
system (Zerbock 2003):
Is the proposed technology likely to accomplish its goals given the
financial and human resources available?
What option is the most cost-effective in financial terms?
What are the environmental costs and benefits?
Is the project feasible given administrative capabilities?
Is the practice appropriate in the current social and cultural
What sectors of society are likely to be impacted and in what way; are
these impacts consistent with overall societal goals?
The answers may not always be immediately clear, but the process of
research and evaluation of these criteria lends insight to the suitability of
specific solutions to the situation as a whole. The conceptual framework
and Externalities of ISWM are shown in Figrues (UNCHS 2000).
In an integrated approach, all elements of MSWM, namely, waste
generation, source segregation, collection and transport of waste,
recycling, resource recovery, existing disposal systems and their
upgradation, and peoples participation would be analysed and the
problems identified.
The actual integration takes place in different operations and at
various stages (Beukering et. al., 1999) leading to sustainability such as:
(a) using a range of collection and treatment options which include
prevention, recycling, energy recovery and environmentally sound
landfilling of solid waste; (b) involving all the stakeholders - waste
generators (households, industries and agriculture), waste processors
(formal and informal recyclers), NGOs and CBOs, government
institutions (waste managers and urban planners), and financing agencies,
and (c) relating the waste system with other systems concerning product
design at the manufacturing stage which significantly impacts the
recyclability of the product after its consumption (ARRPET 2004).
Appendix 9 399

Conceptual framework of ISWM

Externalities of ISWM
(Source: UNCHS 2000)
400 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Basic Requirements of ISWM:

An ISWM should at least be (CREED, 2000):
(a) Responsive: balancing the local needs with wider institutional,
technical and environmental constraints;
(b) Equitable: addressing the needs of all sectors of the community;
(c) Empowering: motivating and organizing local people to help them
find solutions to problems at the local level by using indigenous
(d) Decentralized: into local authorities responsible for all problems of
MSW over the whole city;
(e) Diverse: experimenting with a range of technologies or processes
rather than attempting to find one single solution applicable to all
situations; and
(f) Flexible: to allow developments and modifications in approaches and
In practice, it is difficult to balance all these aspects at the same time,
since the factors affecting MSW management are constantly changing.
These problems are more severe in developing countries, where limited
resources, budgets and infrastructure, force several comprises in
developing a system. As a result, policies tend to focus mainly on the
waste hierarchy which is an accepted element of ISWM (already
explained in Ch.1). Though the waste hierarchy provides an effective
basis of solid waste management, it acts only as a guideline in practice.
Although the ranking may indeed be correct in terms of environmental
aspects other factors like economy, social or institutional may not support
the hierarchy in every case. While prevention may be best from every
aspect, recycling may not be economically viable in particular situation
and thus it tends to deviate from the general hierarchy for that situation.
Similarly, incineration may not be socially acceptable due to NIMBY
sentiments. It may be better to recycle an old refrigerator rather than
reuse it because it may consume more energy in its old state creating
more environmental damages than being used as a raw material in the
primary industry. The hierarchy should, therefore, be used flexibly.
Though successful in several industrialized countries, it is not easy to
plan and execute a successful ISWM framework in developing countries,
since factors such as population growth, income levels, education and
Appendix 9 401

local awareness, that directly affect the waste generation change

constantly in these countries. Further, lack of adequate finances, technical
facilities and skilled manpower, lack of stringent laws and regulations
and peoples ignorance weaken the System. The policy makers,
municipal authorities and the stakeholders in these countries must focus
on making the existing system sustainable in order to achieve an ISWM
(ARRPET 2004).

General Recommendations for ISWM development:

The practices should encompass the following aspects along with the
basic requirements of an ISWM:
1. Public participation in the collection, segregation and disposal of
garbage by forming eco-clubs or community based organizations.
2. Involvement of NGOs to work for various community-based solid
waste management programmes that may improve social awareness,
emphasize participation, create job opportunity for the needy,
encourage small scale technology like composting and remove gender
3. Public-private partnerships leading to the privatization of some
aspects of garbage collection, recovery and disposal. Relationships
can be formalized by establishing MOUs, legal agreements between
NGOs and user groups, and by ensuring enforcement of such
4. Even informal linkages should clearly define roles and responsibilities
of all stakeholders. Provisions aimed at administrative restructuring of
the local municipalities to enable them discharge their responsibilities
more efficiently should be initiated. Improvement can be brought
about by (i) motivating the municipal staff and improving their
capacity by training, (ii) monitoring and supervision of waste
management practices by the authorities, and (iii) introducing
structural changes within the administration aimed at decentralizing
authority and responsibilities.

Door to Door
Refuse/Garbage Collection
System in Surat Municipal
Corporation A project in
Best Practice

Surat city is located on Mumbai-Ahmedabad rail corridor, and has a

population of more than 4 million. The city is having a comprehensive
system of MSW management and has pioneered many concepts in the
field of Municipal Solid Waste Management. The waste is collected from
the point of generation and is sent to the disposal site in a systematic
On implementation of Door to Door garbage collection system, every
citizen has been holding waste generated temporarily in dustbin till the
garbage collection vehicle arrives. This has improved the overall scenario
and surrounding environment compared to early days.
The city is provided with containers & dustbins to collect the waste
being generated. Ward wise nuisance spots are identified from where
MSW is collected for its disposal to final disposal site. The only problems
noticed are (i) animals straying at each dustbin and nuisance spot, and

Appendix 10 403

(ii) ragpickers collecting materials that can be recycled creating filthy

The main objective of this best practice is to comply with MSW
Rules-2000. According to these Rules, the garbage has to be collected at
doorstep of household; this has forced the residents to habituate
themselves to store their garbage in a bin till vehicles of Door to Door
collection system reach them. It was first started as Pilot project in one
ward each of all zones utilising open tractors. Based on the results of the
Pilot project, it was extended to three of seven zones through tender
process. Three agencies were chosen and work was entrusted to them for
a period up to February 2011. They deployed new vehicles of various
categories (i.e. HGV/ MGV/LGV) with closed tops painted with green
The other objectives are to improve hygiene of the city, and the
environment by regular collection of waste from every house/shop on
daily basis, reducing the menace of stray animals as well as the discharge
of bad odour.

Strategies adopted:
The strategies adopted for the success of this system are the following:
Selection of the right kind of vehicle based on width of road; Restricting
the number of units in each route to 1,000 to 3,000; Strengthening the
existing system of garbage collection; Providing with uniforms & identity
cards to Drivers and Swachchhta Mitra.; Allowing concession period of
this project to seven years keeping in mind the useful life of vehicle;
Equipping all garbage vehicles with proper alarm system to go to every
door step regularly at scheduled time; Facilitating second shift for
collecting waste from Commercial units during 4.00 pm to 11.00 pm
daily in all zones while maintaining first shift collection timing, 7.00 am
to 1.00 pm, for residential zone; Operating this system all the days in a
year; Creating Public awareness on garbage management through
campaign by the Contractor; Centralized complaint management system
at Head office at Mugalsarai and Contractors office with modern
communication facilities; and Provision for segregated waste collection
(Dry and Wet).

Roles of the Partners:

Handling of Door to Door Refuse/Garbage System is entirely carried out
by Surat Municipal Corporation through its own budget, and there is no
404 Municipal Solid Waste Management

involvement of any financial collaboration or aid. However, initial

investment on the procurement of vehicle is made by the contractors.
While inviting tenders, care is taken to include the clause for
conducting awareness campaign for the Door to Door garbage collection
system, because the Contractor to whom the work is entrusted is made
responsible for the campaign. As the Contracting agency is paid for the
work executed on weight basis, the agency is constantly aiming for
improvement in the present practice of Door to Door garbage collection
System. For example, conducting survey at regular intervals, make
changes in TPM schedule for maximum coverage etc.

Normally Door to Door collection system vehicles reach to the concern
ward office early in the morning every day to get confirmation regarding
the route to be taken and receive information on complaints, if any. At
each ward office, there is provision to make a complaint regarding
noncoverage of any area / unit. Phone numbers of the supervisory staff is
communicated to the area in order to reach in case of a problem. Frequent
meetings with ward office are also held to effect improvements to the
collection system.

Payment for the service:

Payments are made to the contractor on weight basis. Before arriving at
the present practice, various options like lump sum base to cover city as a
whole, to cover zone as a whole and payment on number of units covered
were discussed.
As payment is made on weight basis, constant monitoring is required
to avoid the malpractice in the collection of waste from the area which is
not under the scope of agency. Public awareness plays main role to
collect the waste in a segregated manner; hence, public awareness
campaigns need to be taken up on mass-scale.
Appendix 10 405

Cost of the Project:

The system of Door to Door garbage collection involves huge capital
investment in procurement of vehicles for collection of garbage. It also
requires proper manpower to run the system effectively and efficiently.
Payment by the Municipal Corporation to the contracting agency for the
garbage collected from doorsteps of residential and commercial units on
weight basis has become viable for agency to run the system effectively.
Municipal Corporation is incurring Rupees 180 million per annum for the
collection of 625 Mt of garbage generated per day. The rate of payment
to the contractor for first year of collection was kept as Rupees 630 per
Mt; subsequently, an annual increase of 5% in the rate is given to
compensate the inflation.
User charges are levied from 2007-08 which recover the cost of Door
to Door collection system to some extent.
The contract period is fixed at 7 years.

Outcome of the Practice:

The Door to door collection system has realized a number of benefits as
Improvement in the over all environment because of public
consciousness and habit of keeping waste in domestic bins;
Timely daily collection of waste from every house/shop;
Reduction in the number of stray animals and the odour around
containers spots;
Avoiding multiple handling of waste;
Reduction in number of containers;
Engaging extra sweepers/workers for carrying out sanitation work of
new developing area in most effective manner;
406 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Removal of old collection system through open tractors;

Improvement in the perception of citizens for environment
Improvement in the environment around the community containers;
Significant change in th people regarding health and hygiene
Reduction in the budget required for lifting and maintenance of
containers due to decrease in the number of containers; and
Overall appreciation of the programme implemented by Surat
Municipal Corporation by the citizens of Surat.

Replication of the System

This system, started in April 2004, has been running successfully and has
become very unique. Representatives from various urban local bodies and
city managers visited Surat to see the innovative system to replicate the
same in their regions.
Representatives are allowed to study the system with site visits. Help
is offered for documenting the project.
Impact: This best practice is discussed in several National seminars/work
shops related to MSW management highlighting the unique features.
There has been general appreciation in all these forums.

Centralised Co-digestion
of Multiple substrates
(CAD): Example of

Digestion of only manure yields a low biogas production due to the

composition. The dry matter content in pig and cattle manure is usually
ranges from 2 to 5 % with the vast majority of this dry matter being plant
fibres. Co-digestion of manure and other organic feedstocks solves many
practical problems. The high water content in manure ensures that the
fermentation broth is diluted sufficiently to allow efficient mixing of
substrate and microorganisms. Nutrient deficiency in single substrates is
counteracted when co-digesting. Nitrogen, carbon, sulphur, and
phosphorous have to be present in the blend in optimal proportions. Trace
metals have to be present in adequate amounts in order for the microbial
processes to perform satisfactorily.
In Denmark, a significant part of the produced amount of biogas arises
from manure co-digested with industrial organic waste. Two types of
biogas plants are in operation; the decentralized farm-scale plants treating

408 Municipal Solid Waste Management

manure from a single farm or a few farms, and the centralised co-
digestion plants, normally operated as cooperatives or as private limited
companies. A larger number of farmers supply manure to the centralised
plant. Moreover, significant amounts of suitable organic residues are
added to the process in order to enhance the biogas yield and thus
strengthen the economics. The economic performance of the centralised
biogas plants to a large extent dependent on the availability of high
quality organic residues.
At present, 21 centralised co-digestion plants and approximately
60 farm-scale plants are in operation in Denmark. Together, they treat
1.5 million tonnes of manure and 0,3 million tonnes of industrial organic
waste annually.
The Danish Centralised Co-digestion concept involves the agricultural
sector, the energy production-end distribution sector, the food industry
and agro-industry sector. The result is an optimized and integrated
biological production system, a bio refinery. The centralised biogas plant
concept is depicted in Figure.
The high-value products from the biogas plant constitute organic
fertiliser and biogas.
Some of the features of the centralised Danish concept are that
nutrients contained in pig and cattle manure produced by agricultural
activities can be re-distributed among crop cultivators. i.e., farmers
having many livestock units and too few hectares of farmland to apply
the manure on according to Danish law, can re-distribute nutrients
(nitrogen and phosphorous) via the centralised biogas plant to crop
farmers having plenty of land, but no livestock units. Moreover, the
anaerobic digestion process effectively reduces the offensive odor
traditionally associated with raw manure and it also eliminates pathogens,
weeds, and deceases.
Appendix 11 409

The composition of the co-digestion substrate consisting of manure

and other organic substrates is set by Danish legislation. Minimum 75 %
of the biomass has to be manure. A sector analysis performed by Aarhus
School of Business in 2005, estimated the global market for manure
handling to be worth DKK 740 billion (~EUR 100 billion). The simple
monosubstrate configuration based on manure is not economically viable
under Danish conditions.
Organic substrates resulting in higher biogas yield have to be added to
the biogas reactor in order to boost the gas production and ensure an
economically feasible process. These additional substrates can, for
instance, be the organic fraction of source-sorted municipal waste
(OFMSW), organic industrial by-products (fats, oils, spirits etc.), and
energy crops (various silages, whole crops etc.).
A recent Danish socio-economic study investigated different
scenarios, where centralised biogas plants were operated without addition
of industrial organic resources. The aim was to analyse the feasibility of
digesting solely farmyard manure. It was concluded that a combination of
separation of the manure at the farms and centralised physico-chemical
pre-treatment of the lignocellulosic fibre fraction could lead to a doubling
of the practical biogas yield. The pretreatment technologies included wet-
oxidation and pressure cooking. As of today, a large portion of the biogas
410 Municipal Solid Waste Management

potential in manure is recalcitrant and leaves the biogas plant via the
effluent; the complex lignocellulosic structure of plant material is
difficult, practically impossible, to degrade biologically.
The centralised co-digestion plant is generally situated centrally, in a
high density manure area. Animal slurries and manure from several farms
around are supplied to the plant, to be co-digested with various types of
suitable organic wastes from agriculture and from food processing
industries. The biomass substrate is usually transported to and from the
centralized digestion plant (CAD) in vacuum trucks.
The substrate (slurry, manure, organic residues) is sanitised and
digested in anaerobic reactor tanks. The average retention time in the
digesters is of 15 days. The biomass substrate is continuously pumped in
the reactor, as the digestate is pumped out and transported to storage
tanks located next to the fields where digestate will be used as fertiliser.
The biogas produced is continuously collected and transported by
pipelines to the energy production unit, where it is converted into heat
and electricity in a combined heat and power unit. The electricity is sold
to the grid and the heat is used at the biogas plant as process heat, while
the main part is sold to heat consumers (housing or industry).
Benefits: The centralised co-digestion is a multifunctional technology
providing renewable energy and benefits for the agriculture and
environment. The environmental friendly renewable energy production is
used to substitute fossil fuels and thereby increases energy security,
reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels. The codigestion of manure
helps the farming sector to handle and to redistribute the surplus of
manure in other areas, where it could be used in environmentally friendly
ways. Co-digestion provides an economically attractive and sustainable
management of organic wastes and improves the fertilizer value of the
animal manure and slurries. CO2 emissions and losses of nitrogen to
water systems are reduced and the establishment and operation of the
biogas plant leads to creation of new local jobs and supports the rural
Digested manure is a valuable fertilizer:
In Denmark, digestion of slurry is recognized to contribute to a better
utilization of the slurry as fertilizer as documented from a large number
of field trials. It is also evident that digestion reduces the smell problems
after spreading the slurry.
Appendix 11 411

The most important advantages are:

Energy sector: Energy production and CO2 neutral
Agriculture sector: Improved utilisation of nitrogen from animal manure,
balanced phosphorus/potassium ratio in slurry, homogeneous and light-
fluid slurry, reduced transportation of slurry, possible to get large
amounts of slurry with a full declaration of contents, and slurry free from
weed seeds and disease germs.
The environment: reduced nitrogen leaching, reduced odour problems,
reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and controlled recycling of waste.

Biogas plants contribute to a better utilization of nutrients in the agriculture.

Photo courtesy: Torkild Birkmose, DAAS

The physical and chemical process taking place in the biogas plant
changes the fertilizing effect of the slurry in the field. The high content of
ammonium is advantageous to the crops. In other words, it is often
possible to replace nitrogen from commercial fertiliser by digested slurry
and thus save money.
The thin, low-viscosity digested slurry seeps relatively quickly into
the soil. This reduces the normally very high risk of ammonia
volatilization. Trials have shown that the ammonia evaporation from
surface applied digested slurry actually is lower than from surface applied
pig slurry.
(Source: PROBIOGAS 2007)
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Aerobic: A biochemical process occurring in the presence of oxygen.

Acid gases: A general term used to cover sulfur dioxide, hydrogen
chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and nitrogen oxides.
Air Classification: A process in which a stream of air is used to separate
mixed material according to the size, density, and aerodynamic drag of
the pieces
Algal Bloom: Increase of algae (usually aquatic plants) in surface waters.
Algal blooms are associated with nutrient-rich run-off from composting
facilities or landfills.
Anaerobic: A biochemical process occurring in the absence of oxygen.
Ash: Non-combustible residue resulting from a thermal process,
classified as bottom ash (heavy and falls to bottom of combustion
Autoclaving: Sterilization via a pressurized, high-temperature steam
Baghouse: An emission control device that consists of an array of fabric
filters through which gases pass in an incinerator to prevent particles
from passing into the atmosphere.

414 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Baler: A machine used to compress recyclables into bundles to reduce

volume. Balers are often used on newspaper, plastics, and corrugated
Basel Convention: An international agreement on the control of trans
boundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal, drawn up in
March 1989 in Basel, Switzerland
Biodegradable material: Waste material which is capable of being
broken down by microorganisms into simple, stable compounds such as
carbon dioxide and water. Most organic wastes, such as food wastes and
paper, are biodegradable.
Biodiesel: Chemically, they are called methyl esters of fatty acids; can
be used as a fuel in a diesel engine.
Boiler Ash: Particulate matter deposited in the heat recovery system by
the flue gas.
Buffer Zone: A buffer zone established between a composting facility
and neighboring residents to minimize odor problems.
Bulking Agent: A material used to add volume to another material to
make it more porous to air flow. For example, water treatment sludge
may act as a bulking agent when mixed with municipal solid waste.
Calorific Value: The heat value liberated when a unit mass of substance
is burned as fuel under standard conditions
Chemocar: A special vehicle for the collection of toxic and hazardous
wastes from residences, shops, and institutions
Class A Solid Waste Facility: A commercial solid waste facility which
handles an aggregate of between ten thousand (10,000) and thirty
thousand (30,000) tons of solid waste per month.
Class B Solid Waste Facility: A commercial solid waste facility which
receives, or is expected to receive, an average daily quantity of mixed
solid waste equal to or exceeding one hundred (100) tons each working
day, or serves, or is expected to serve a population equal to or exceeding
forty thousand (40,000) persons, but which does not receive or is
expected to receive solid waste exceeding an aggregate of ten thousand
(10,000) tons per month.
Class C Solid Waste Facility: A commercial solid waste facility which
receives, or is expected to receive, an average daily quantity of mixed
Glossary 415

solid waste of less than one hundred (100) tons each working day, and
serves, or is expected to serve a population of less than forty thousand
(40,000) persons.
Class D Solid Waste Facility: Any commercial solid waste facility for the
disposal of only construction/demolition waste and does not include the
legitimate beneficial reuse of clean waste concrete/masonry substances
for the purpose of structural fill or road base material.
Co-incineration: The combustion of more than one category of fuel in
the same plant.
Co-composting: Simultaneous composting of two or more diverse waste
Cogeneration: Production of both electricity and heat from one facility,
from the same fuel source.
Combustion: Burning of materials in an incinerator in MSWM
Commercial Waste: Waste materials originating in wholesale, retail,
institutional, or service establishments such as office buildings, stores,
markets, theaters, hotels and warehouses.
Compactor: Power-driven device used to compress materials to a smaller
Composite liner: A liner system for a land-fill consisting of an
engineered soil layer and a synthetic sheet of material.
Compost: The relatively stable decomposed organic material resulting
from the composting process also referred to as humus.
Composting: Biological decomposition of solid organic materials by
bacteria, fungi, and other organisms under aerobic conditions into a soil-
like product.
Cullet: Clean, generally color-sorted, crushed glass used to make new
glass produced.
Curbside Collection: Programmes where recyclable materials are
collected at the curb, often from special containers, to be brought to
various processing facilities.
Decomposition: Breaking down into component parts or basic elements.
Detinning: Recovering tin from tin cans by a chemical process which
makes the remaining steel more easily recycled.
416 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Dioxins: Heterocyclic hydrocarbons that occur as toxic impurities,

especially in herbicides or when trash is burned.
Disposal: The final handling of solid waste following collection,
processing, or incineration. Disposal most often means placement of
wastes in a dump or a landfill.
District heating scheme: The heating of multiple community premises
from a dedicated heat stream
Diversion rate: The amount of waste material diverted for recycling,
composting, or reuse and away from landfilling or incineration.
E-Cycling (electronics recycling): The reuse or recycling of end-of-life
electronic materials.
Emissions: gases released into the atmosphere.
Energy recovery: The process of extracting useful energy from waste,
typically from the heat produced by incineration or via methane gas from
Environmental impact assessment (EIA): An evaluation designed to
identify and predict the impact of an action or a project on the
environment and human health and well-being. Can include risk
assessment as a component, along with economic and land use
Environmental risk assessment (EnRA): An evaluation of the
interactions of agents, humans, and ecological resources - typically
evaluating the probabilities and magnitudes of harm that could come
from environmental contaminants.
Ester: An organic compound of the form, R-O-R (R is short hand for
carbon and hydrogen compound in organic chemistry).
Esterification: A chemical reaction in which an alcohol and an acid form
an ester
Farm Dump: Refers to the placement of farm waste such as old
equipment, household garbage, fence posts and wire, etc., on the farmers
property in an open pile.
Ferrous Metals: Metals that are derived from iron. They can be removed
using large magnets at separation facilities.
Flow Control: A legal or economic means by which waste is directed to
particular destinations.
Glossary 417

Fluidized-bed incinerator: A type of incinerator in which the stoker grate

is replaced by a bed of limestone or sand that can withstand high
temperatures. The heating of the bed and the high air velocities used
cause the bed to bubble, which gives rise to the term fluidized.
Fly ash: The highly toxic particulate matter captured from the flue gas of
an incinerator by the air pollution control system, see Ash.
Garbage: A general term for discarded products.
Gasification: The process by which a solid or liquid feedstock is
converted to a gaseous product by partial oxidation under the application
of heat
Gob: That portion of coal which is difficult to utilize in a conventional
combustion chamber;
Ground Water: Water beneath the earths surface that fills underground
pockets (known as aquifers) and moves between soil particles and rock,
supplying wells and springs.
Hammermill: A type of crusher or shredder used to break up waste
materials into smaller pieces.
Hazardous waste: Waste that is reactive, toxic, corrosive, or otherwise
dangerous to living things and/or the environment
Heavy metals: Metals of high density, such as mercury, lead, and
cadmium, that are toxic to living organisms.
Household hazardous waste: Products used in residences, such as paints,
cleaning compounds, that are toxic to living organisms and/or the
Humus: Organic materials resulting from decay of plant or animal matter
(also referred to as compost).
Incineration: The process of burning (combustion) solid waste under
controlled conditions to reduce its weight and volume, and often to
produce energy
Incinerator: An enclosed device using controlled combustion to
thermally breakdown solid waste, including refuse-derived fuel, to an ash
Incinerator Ash: The remnants of solid waste after combustion,
including non-combustibles (e.g., metals and soot)
418 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Industrial Waste: Materials discarded from industrial units or derived

from manufacturing processes.
Inorganic Waste: Waste composed of matter other than plant or animal
(i.e., contains no carbon).
Integrated solid waste management: Coordinated use of a set of waste
management methods, each of which can play a role in an overall plan
management and disposal.
In-vessel composting: Composting in an enclosed vessel or drum with a
controlled internal environment, mechanical mixing, and aeration.
Itinerant waste buyer: A person who moves around the streets buying
reusable and recyclable materials.
Landfill: Any solid waste facility for the disposal of solid waste on or in
the land for the purpose of permanent disposal.
Leachate: Liquid that has percolated through solid waste or another
medium and has extracted, dissolved or suspended materials from it,
which may include potentially harmful materials.
Leachate pond: A pond or tank constructed at a landfill to receive the
leachate from the area. Usually the pond is designed to provide some
treatment of the leachate, by allowing settlement of solids or by aeration
to promote biological processes.
Liner: A protective layer, made of soil and/or synthetic materials,
installed along the bottom and sides of a landfill to prevent or reduce the
flow of leachate into the environment.
Mandatory Recycling: Programs which by law require consumers to
separate trash so that some or all recyclable materials are not burned or
dumped in landfills.
Market waste: Primarily organic waste, such as leaves, skins, and unsold
food, discarded at or near food markets.
Mass-burn incinerator: A type of incinerator in which solid waste is
burned without prior sorting or processing.
Materials Recovery Facility (MRF): Any solid waste facility at which
source-separated materials or materials recovered through a mixed waste
processing facility are manually or mechanically shredded or separated
for purposes of reuse and recycling.
Glossary 419

Mechanical Separation: The separation of waste into various

components using mechanical means, such as cyclones, trommels, and
Methane: An odorless, colorless, flammable and explosive gas produced
by municipal solid waste undergoing anaerobic decomposition at
Microorganisms: Microscopically small living organisms that digest
decomposable materials through metabolic activity. Microorganisms are
active in the composting process.
Monofill: A sanitary landfill intended for one type of waste.
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): Includes nonhazardous waste generated
in households, commercial establishments, institutions and light industrial
process wastes, agricultural wastes, mining waste and sewage sludge.
MSW Composting: (Municipal Solid Waste Composting) The controlled
degradation of municipal solid waste including after some form of
preprocessing to remove non-compostable inorganic materials.
Mulch: Ground or mixed yard wastes placed around plants to prevent
evaporation of moisture and freezing of roots and to nourish the soil.
Night soil: Human excreta.
Open dump: An unplanned landfill that is typically no leachate control,
no access control, no cover, no management, and many waste pickers.
Organic waste: Waste containing carbon, including paper, plastics, wood,
food wastes, and yard wastes; the term is used to material directly derived
from plant or animal sources which can generally be decomposed by
Pathogen: An organism capable of causing disease.
Pollution: The contamination of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the
discharge of waste or other offensive materials.
Pollution Control Residuals: End products of the thermal process which
includes hot combustion gases composed primarily of nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, water vapor (flue gas) and noncombustible residue (ash).
Primary material: A commercial material produced from virgin materials
used for manufacturing basic products. Examples include wood pulp, iron
ore, and silica sand.
420 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Putrescible: Organic matter partially decomposed by microorganisms and

producing a foul smell.
Pyrolysis: Chemical decomposition of a substance at high temperatures in
the absence of oxygen, resulting in various hydrocarbon gases and
carbon-like residue.
Rag picker: See waste picker.
Recyclables: Materials that still have useful physical or chemical
properties after serving their original purpose and that can, therefore, be
reused or remanufactured into additional products.
Recycling: The process by which recovered products are transformed into
new products.
Refuse: A term often used interchangeably with solid waste.
Refuse-derived fuel (RDF): Fuel produced from MSW that has
undergone processing. Processing can include separation of recyclables
and noncombustible materials, shredding, size reduction, and pelletizing
Resource Recovery: The extraction and utilization of materials and
energy from the waste stream. The term is sometimes used synonymously
with energy recovery.
Retention Basin: An area designed to retain run-off and prevent erosion
and pollution.
Reuse: The use of a product more than once in its same form for the same
Rubbish: A general term for solid waste.
Sanitary landfill: An engineered method of disposing of solid waste on
land that meets most of the standard specifications.
Scrubber: Emission control device in an incinerator, used primarily to
control acid gases, but also to remove some heavy metals.
Secondary material: A material recovered from post-consumer wastes
for use in place of a primary material in manufacturing a product.
Secure landfill: A disposal facility designed to permanently isolate
wastes from the environment.
Septage: Sludge removed from a septic tank (a chamber that holds human
Glossary 421

Sewage sludge: Semi-liquid residue that settles to the bottom of canals

and pipes carrying sewage or industrial waste waters, or in the bottom of
tanks used in treating waste waters.
Site remediation: Treatment of a contaminated site by removing
contaminated solids or liquids or treating them on-site.
Source separation: Setting aside of compostable and recyclable materials
from the waste stream before they are collected with other MSW, to
facilitate reuse, recycling, and composting.
Soil Liner: Landfill liner composed of compacted soil used for the
containment of leachate.
Source Reduction: The design, manufacture, acquisition and reuse of
materials so as to minimize the quantity and/or toxicity of waste
produced. Source reduction prevents waste either by redesigning products
or by otherwise changing societal patterns of consumption, use and waste
Special Waste: Refers to items that require special or separate handling,
such as household hazardous wastes, bulky wastes, tires and used oil.
Tipping Floor: Unloading area for vehicles that deliver municipal solid
waste to a transfer station or municipal waste combustion facility.
Tire Derived Fuel (TDF): A tire that is shredded and processed into a
rubber chip ranging in size from 1 to 4 inches. Depending on the
requirements of the users, TDF may also be processed energy content
ranging from 14,000 to 15,500 BTU per pound.
Transesterification: A chemical reaction that turns an alcohol and an
ester to a different alcohol and ester
Tub Grinder: Machine to grind or chip wood wastes for mulching,
composting or size reduction.
Vectors: Organisms that carry disease causing pathogens. At landfills
rodents, flies, and birds are the main vectors that spread pathogens
beyond the landfill site.
Virgin Oil: Pure vegetable or animal oil.
Virgin materials: Any basic material for industrial processes that has not
previously been used, for example, wood-pulp trees, iron ore, crude oil,
422 Municipal Solid Waste Management

Waste Oil: Animal or vegetable oil obtained from restaurants, hotel

kitchens and fast food centres.
Waste picker: A person who picks out recyclables from mixed waste
wherever it may be temporarily accessible or disposed of (also called rag
Waste reduction: Reducing the amount of waste that is produced initially.
Waste stream: A term describing the total flow of solid waste from
homes, businesses, institutions and manufacturing plants that must be
recycled burned or disposed of in landfills; or any segment thereof, such
as the residential waste stream or the recyclable waste stream.
Waste-to-energy (WTE) plant: A facility that uses solid waste materials
(processed or raw) to produce energy. WTE plants include incinerators
that produce steam for heating or generate electricity; they also include
facilities that convert landfill gas to electricity.
White Goods: Large household appliances such as refrigerators, stoves,
air conditioners and washing machines.
Water table: Level below the earth's surface at which the ground
becomes saturated with water.
Wetland: An area that is regularly wet or flooded and has a water table
that stands at or above the land surface for at least part of the year.
Windrow: An elongated pile of aerobically composting materials.
Worm castings: The material produced from the digestive tracts of
worms as they live in earth or compost piles. The castings are rich in
nitrates, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, and magnesium.
Worm culture: A relatively cool, aerobic composting process that uses
worms and microorganisms; also known as vermin culture.
Yard waste: Leaves, grass clippings, prunings and other natural organic
matter discarded from yards and gardens. Yard wastes may also include
stumps and brush, but these materials are not normally handled at
composting facilities.

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One of the big challenges that today's growing cities are coping with is the delivery of
effective and sustainable waste management, together with a good sanitation. This
volume provides a comprehensive presentation and overall picture of municipal
solid waste management, including waste generation and characterization, waste
reduction and recycling, waste collection and transfer and waste disposal. It
analyses how these aspects are practiced in developing and developed countries.
The traditional method of disposal composting at different scales is discussed,
including the benefits of compost. 'Energy-from-waste-technologies' are amply
discussed, with comparisons between developed and developing countries, and
with parameters and conditions for successful operation of these technologies.
Moreover, the construction and operational aspects of landfills to maintain
environmental safety and the health of the residents nearby are described in
depth. In addition to a chapter with case studies of several countries and cities in
every continent, a special chapter is dedicated to municipal solid waste
management in India, including legal provisions, financial resources, private
participation and citizens' rights and obligations, and the status in three major cities.
By presenting different elements that constitute a sustainable procedure, including
the recovery of clean energy, this volume will serve as a guide to students in science
and engineering and to key players in waste management services and policies.


Dr. P. Jayarama Reddy is an energy consultant to the solar photovoltaic industry and has
made it his mission to promote the application of renewable energy initiatives. He serves as a
board member on several international renewable energy companies that work on solar
module fabrication, power generation from biomass, and municipal solid waste. Dr. Reddy is
retired as a professor of Physic and has devoted a large part of his life to crystal physics and
the application of advanced materials in the semi-conductor and thin film industry. He has
worked in the various big research laboratories, under which those at Cornell University (US),
Imperial College (UK), Charles University (Czech Rep.) and Stuttgart University (Germany).
The recipient of several awards and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK), Dr. Reddy has
published a number of books on renewable energy, including 'Science and Technology of
Photovoltaics' (BS Publications / CRC Press).

ISBN: 978-0-415-69036-2

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