0.4 Project Proposal Attach (Open Source)

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Open Source GIS

Spatial Data Warehouse
- FOSS4G as a tool in spatial planning -

22nd Jan, 2016

Material for Mozambique MoTC
I. System Architecture Big Picture

Multi-Agencies Applications/
Spatial Data Warehouse Users/Clients
Data Sources Services

Geoportal Services

Display Services
Analysis Services
Export Data Warehouse Report Services

Managing Services

- INE - PostGIS as main spatial DBMS - GeoServer, GeoNode - Desktop GIS

- DNTF - Import(ETL) and Export as main service - Web GIS
- IIAM - Manage, maintain and update spatial providers - Mobile GIS
- MOTC and tabular data - Using OGC Web
Service standard

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 2 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

2. Software Architecture
OpenLayers GeoExt QGIS uDig Services
Thin Client Thick Client
(Web GIS) (Desktop GIS)
GeoNetwork Maps
Portals Client Side
Search Data


Printing GeoServer

Download Printing GeoWebCache Importer Sync Processing Security Monitoring

Raster Vector GeoPackage GeoDB

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 3 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

3. Software Descriptions

Software Category Descriptions

GeoNode is a web-based application and platform for developing geospatial
information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures (SDI).It
GeoNode GeoPortal/SDI is designed to be extended and modified, and can be integrated into existing
GeoServer an open-source server written in Java allows users to share,
process and edit geospatial data. Designed for interoperability, it publishes
data from any major spatial data source using open standards. GeoServer
GeoServer Web Map Server functions as the reference implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium
Web Feature Service standard, and also implements the Web Map Service,
Web Coverage Service and Web Processing Service specifications.
PostGIS is an open source software program that adds support for geographic
objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. PostGIS follows the
PostGIS Spatial DBMS Simple Features for SQL specification from the Open Geospatial Consortium
GeoNetwork opensource is a catalog application to manage spatially
referenced resources. It provides powerful metadata editing and search
functions as well as an embedded interactive web map viewer.GeoNetwork
opensource has been developed to connect spatial information communities
GeoNetwork Spatial Catalog Server and their data using a modern architecture, which is at the same time powerful
and low cost, based on the principles of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
and International and Open Standards for services and protocols (a.o. from
ISO/TC211 and OGC).

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 4 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

3. Software Descriptions

Software Category Descriptions

QGIS is a cross-platform free and open-source desktop geographic information system
(GIS) application that provides data viewing, editing, and analysis. QGIS integrates with
other open-source GIS packages, including PostGIS, GRASS, and MapServer to give users
QGIS Desktop GIS extensive functionality.[2] Plugins written in Python or C++ extend QGIS's capabilities.
Plugins can geocode using the Google Geocoding API, perform geoprocessing using
fTools, which are similar to the standard tools found in ArcGIS, and interface with
PostgreSQL/PostGIS, SpatiaLite and MySQL databases.
uDig is a GIS software program based on the Eclipse platform and features full layered
Open Source GIS. It is written in Java and released under EPL and BSD licenses. uDig can
uDig Desktop GIS be used as a stand-alone application.uDig and can be extended with RCP plug-ins.
uDig also can be used as a plug-in in an existing RCP application.
OpenLayers is an open source (provided under the 2-clause BSD License[2]) JavaScript
library for displaying map data in web browsers. It provides an API for building rich
web-based geographic applications similar to Google Maps and Bing Maps. The library
OpenLayers WebGIS Client was originally based on the Prototype JavaScript Framework. OpenLayers supports
GeoRSS, KML (Keyhole Markup Language), Geography Markup Language (GML),
GeoJSON and map data from any source using OGC-standards as Web Map Service
(WMS) or Web Feature Service (WFS).
GeoExt brings together the geospatial know how of OpenLayers with the user interface
savvy of Ext JS to help developers build powerful desktop style GIS apps on the web
GeoExt WebGIS Client with JavaScript. GeoExt is available under the BSD license and is supported by a growing
community of individuals, businesses and organizations.

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 5 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

4. Comparison with ESRI Products

ArcReader, ArcExplorer Viewing uDig, , QGIS, OpenLayers, GeoExt

ArcMap/ArcGIS Cartography uDig, QGIS

ArcINFO/ArcGRID Analysis uDig, QGIS

ArcPad Devices gvSIG mobile

ArcSDE Database PostGIS

ArcIMS Web GeoServer

ArcGIS Server Spatial Server GeoServer, GXT, GRASS

ArcGeoPortal Scripting GeoNetwork, GeoNode

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 6 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

4. Comparison with ESRI Products
Functions ArcGIS QGIS
Reading Raster/Images GeoTiff, jpeg, png, WMS GeoTiff, jpeg, png, WMS
Reading Vector Shape, WFS, KML Shape, WFS, KML
Reading tabular data CSV, XML, XLS ... CSV, XML, XLS
Reading Databases PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Oracle, ... PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Oracle, ...
Point Styles Color, Fill, Outline, Size Color, Fill, Outline, Size
Styling / Line Styles Color, Width Color, Width
Mapping Polygon Styles Color, Outline, Fill Color, Outline, Fill
Text Labeling Yes Yes
Charts Bar, Pie, Stacked Bar, Pie
Supported OGC standards
Image Server
Imagery, Light Gray Canvas, Plug-in available
National Geographic ...
(Vworld, OpenStrretMap)
Public Open Data Server
GeoServer Manager X X
Others Public Open Data Parsing X X

Public Open Data Creation for Mobile Client X X

Web User Interface Creation X X

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 7 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

4. Comparison with ESRI Products
Java Based GIS
Functions ArcGIS QGIS
Geotool GeoServe
s r

Spatial Aggregation O O O

Descriptive Basic Statistics O O O O O

Pearson Correlation Coefficient O O O O O

Mean Center O O O O O

Median Center O O O O

Spatial Statistics
Central Feature O O O O O

Standard Distance O O O O

Standard Deviational Ellipse O O O O

Linear Directional Mean O O O O

Density Kernel Density Estimation O O O O O

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 8 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

4. Comparison with ESRI Products
Java Based GIS
Functions ArcGIS QGIS Geotool GeoServe
s r
Global Point Pattern (k) Nearest Neighbor Statistic O O O O O

Analysis (Network) K-function O

Local Point Pattern

K-Means Clustering (Kmeans) O O O
Join Count Statistic O O O

Morans I Statistic O O O O

Odens I Statistic
Univariate Gearys C Statistic O O O
Getis-Ords G Statistic O O O O
Spatial Pattern Tangos C Statistic O O O

Analysis Rogersons R Statistic O O O

Bivariate Bivariate Morans I Statistic O O O

Local Morans I Statistic O O O O

Local Local G Statistic O O O O

Spatial Local Tangos C Statistic O O O

Auto-correlation Local Rogersons R Statistic O O O

Bivariate Local Bivariate Morans I Statistic O O O

Openshaws GAM
Spatial Clustering
Kulldorffs Spatial Scan Statistic

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 9 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

5. HW Configuration
Managing Application
Server(1EA) Server(1EA)

Monitoring Display

Security Analysis

Import Visualization

Export Report


Master Slave
Import DBMS(1EA) Stream DBMS(1EA)
Import Copy
Read/Write Read Only
for Service

FOSS4G based SDW 2016/1/22 10 Shin, Sanghee([email protected])

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