Grammar Reference Grammar Reference

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Bienvenido(a) a tu de
a tu curso curso de Ingls
Ingls Inicial Medio.
Inicial Medio.
I yo
You T, usted
He l
She Ella
IT Este, esta, esto (pronombre que se usa para animales y
We Nosotros
You Ustedes
They Ellos, ellas, estos, estas (pronombre que se usa par
personas, animales y cosas).
Indefinite articles
un, uno, unas


Some unos, unas

a student (usamos a cuando la palabra comienza con consonante)


a teacher a dentist a pilot a manager

a cat a dog a parrota tree

a chair a cell phone a computer a wallet a hotel

some teachers, some dentists, some chairs, some trees, some parrtos
an architect (usamos an si lasiguiente palabra empieza con vocal.

an accountant an electrician an operator an idol

an animal an eagle an insect an owl
an ambulance an envelope an ice cream an onion an umbrella
some accountants some eagles some umbrellas some envelopes
Plural nouns
Most plural nouns add s at the end
chair chairs
Book books

If the noun ends in e just add s at the end

Cell phone cell phones
If the noun ends in s, sh, ss or ch add es at the end.
Bus buses
Brush brushes
Class classes
Watch watches

If the noun ends in consonant + -y, just change y for ies.

Dictionary dictionaries
Party parties
If the noun ends in a vowel + -y, just add s at the end.
Key keys
Day days

If the noun ends in f change it for ves.

Shelf shelves

If the noun ends in fe change it for ves

Knife knives

But there are some nouns that are irregular.

Child children
Person people
Man men
Woman women
Foot feet
Tooth teeth
Mouse mice
Sheep sheep
Fish fish
These nouns are plural
Glasses Tennis shoes
Scissors Tights
Shorts Pants
Jeans Pajamas
Trousers Police
Verb to be
Im Alberto Im Mexican Im a student Im 22

Im late
to be Im atschool

This coffee is very hot today is cold Im happy Im in level 1

We can use the present tense of be to ask and
talk about name, nationality, job, age, place,
weather, physical state and mood.
Present tense.
In the present tense of be we can contract the verb as you
may see in the conjugation of the verb.

In the negative form we may contract the verb in two ways.

In the interrogative form you just change the order of the

She is a teacher

Is she a teacher
Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form
I am Im I am not Im not Am I..?

You are Youre You are not You arent Are you ..?
Youre not

He is Hes He is not He isnt Is he ?

Hes not

She is Shes She is not She isnt Is she.?

Shes not
It is Its It is not It isnt Is it..?
Its not

We are were We are not We arent Are we..?

Were not

They are They are not They arent Are they ..?
Theyre not
Yes /no questions short answers full answers

Is John your brother? Yes, he is Yes, he is my brother

Is Susan your classmate? No she isnt No, shes not my
Are you single? Yes, I am Yes, Im single
Are they four friends? Yes, they are No, they arent
Wh questions
is his job? He is a doctor
What is her name? William
Is her e-mail address [email protected]
is she from? He is from Italy
Where is the teacher? She is the library
is may book? It is on the table

old are you?

How are you?
much is a cup of coffee?
Who is he?
Is that man?
Possessive Adjectives
I my mi, mis

He his su, sus

She her su, sus

It its su, sus

We our nuestro, nuestra, de nosotros

You your tu, tus; su, sus

They their su, sus

Possessive s s = de

My mothers name is Sara

Thats Kellys cell phone

e 2 two 3 three4 four 5 five 6 six
en 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven
welve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen
eventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one22
ty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five
wenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine
hirty 40 forty 41 forty-one 49 forty-nine 50 fifty
0 sixty 74 seventy-four 78 seventy-eight 80 eighty
ghty-three 90 ninety 91 ninety-one 99 ninety-nine
one hundred
Present simple.
Spelling rules: He, She, it
Most verbs add s at the end
Love loves work works
If a verb ends in s, -ch, -sh, x add es at the end
Miss misses
Watch watches
Wash washes
Fix fixes
If a verb ends in a consonant + -y change the y for ies
Study studies

But if a verb ends in vowel + -y just add s at the end

Play plays
Affirmative form Negative form
I work I dont work
He worksYou work He doesnt work You dont work
She works we work She doesnt work We dont work
It works they work It doesnt work They dont work

Do I work?
Does he work? Do you work?
Does she work? Do we work?
Does it work? Do they work?
We use the Present simple for:
permanent situations
Mario speaks Spanish
Routines or habitual actions
usually wear a suit to work
General truths
The earth goes round the sun
Telling time

to after
t 9 3 t
o e
to after
8:00 its eight oclock
8 :05 its eight oh-five its five after eight
8:15 its eight fifteen its a quarter after eight
8:25 its eight twenty-five its twenty-five-after eight
8:30 its eight thirty its half past eight
8:35 its eight thirty-five its twenty-five to nine
8:45 its eight forty-five its quarter to nine
8:50 its eight fifty its ten to nine
Parts of the day:

In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
At night


Time expressions:

Always, often, usually, never, etc.

Everyday, once a week, three days, one
year, etc.
Adverbs of frequency

0% 50% 100%
Never sometimes often usually always
1. These adverbs usually come before the main verb .

I usually go to bed at about 11:00

I dont often go swimming
She never eats meat
We always have wine in the evenings
I sometimes play tennis on Saturdays
2. Sometimes and usually can also come at the
beginning or the end of a sentence

Sometimes we play cards We play cards sometimes

Usually I walk to school I walk to school usually

Never and always CANNOT come at the beginning or the

end of a sentence
Like + main verb + -ing love + main verb + -ing
When like and love are followed by a verb, it ends in ing

I like cooking.
She loves listening to music
They like playing the guitar very much
There is There are
Afirmative form

is a cell phone on the desk (singular)

is some ice in the fridge (singular uncountable)


are some books on the desk too (plural)

are two books on the coffee table (plural countable)
Negative form

isnt a computer on the desk (countable)

isnt any milk in the fridge (uncountable)

arent any flowers in garden (countable)

Interrogative form

Is there a telephone on the sofa?

Yes, there is (short answer)
Yes, there is a telephone on the sofa (full answer)

Are there any plants behind the armchair?

No, there arent (short answer)
No, there arent any plants behind the armchair (full answer)
How much? How many.?

How many friends do you have? (countable)

How much money do you have? (uncountable)

This, that, these, those
We use this and these to show people, animals or things that are near
to us.
I like this ice cream (singular)
I want these shoes (plural)

We use that and those to show people, animals or things that are not
near to us.
Do you like that picture on the wall? (singular)
Who are those children outside? (plural)
Can / cant

Can and cant have the same form in all persons.

Can is followed by the main verb without to
Peter can drive
Jean can help you
We use can to talk about abilities or

Helen can speak Portuguese

Paul can play soccer
You can lose 10 kilograms in one week


You can eat what ever you like all day

Could /couldnt

Could is the past of can. Could and couldnt have the same
form in all persons.
Could is followed by the infinitive (without to)
affirmative negative
He swim You dance
She dance He con not swim
It could run She cannot run
We couldnt play soccer It cant play soccer
You Etc. We Sing
They You Etc.
Yes/No questions
I Yes, he can
Can you cook?
he dance? No, we cant
she Speak
Could It French? Yes, I could
we Play the
They piano? No they couldnt
was / were

was / were is the past of am, is, are

affirmative negative
I I in London last year
He in London last year He wasnt at school yesterday
Sh was at school yesterday She was not on time this morning
e at home This morning It

We in the office yesterday

You were at the last night
They university two years Were in the office yesterday
in Korea ago nt Werent at home last night
Were Were not in Korea two years ago
Information questions:
Begin information questions with a Wh question word followed by
was or were.
How long was the trip?
How was the food?
Where was Samantha last night
Where were your parents born?
When was your sister born?
Why were they late this morning

Short answers.
Was the food delicious? Yes, it was.
Were your parents at home yesterday? Yes, they were
Simple Past

the form of the past simple is the same in all persons.

Affirmative Negative
I worked I didnt work
You worked You didnt work
He worked He didnt work
She worked She didnt work
It worked It didnt work
We worked We didnt work
They worked They didnt work

Did I work?
Did he work? Did you work?
Did she work? Did we work?
Did it work? Did they work?
Spelling rules
The normal rule is to add -ed.
Work worked start started
If the verb ends e, add d
Live lived love loved
If the verb has only one syllable and vowel and one consonant,
double the consonant.
Stop stopped plan planned
Verbs ending in a consonant + -y change to ied.
Study studied carry carried
We use the past simple for:

* Actions that started and were completed at a specific time in the past
We bought our house five years ago
* Habitual or repeated actions in the past.
I always went to bed early when I lived with my parents.
* Completed actions that happened one after the other in the past
I made a sandwich, turned on the TV and watched the soccer game.
Time expressions:
Last night /last week / last Saturday / last month / last year, etc.
Yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, yesterday, evening.
Five hours ago, two days ago, three days ago, two weeks ago, three
months ago, etc,
In 1999, ten years ago, etc.
We use could to express ability in the past

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