AIT 1 Grammar

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Wh+Be+ Subject+ …?

Micheal is in Ireland.
Where is Micheal?
His last name is Murphy.
What is his family name?
Yes /no questions
•  You are from England.

• Are you from England?

• If the answer is Yes, we always use the long

form. → Example:. Yes, I am

• If the answer is No, we either use the long or

the contracted form (short form). →
• Example: No, I am not → No, I‘m not.
Days Specific
Dates time
Periods of time
at 3:45
at sunrise

America Avenue Street names

Colombia Street Physical locations
Big places State Street
Inside The first floor
The corner
Acha theather Addresses
The right
Lincon Library Specific

PRE Simple presentSENT TENSE

1st PERSON I walk we walk
2nd PERSON you walk you walk
3rd PERSON she walks they walk
he walks
it walks

3-9 THE Negative sentences

(a) I do not drink milk.

You + do not + main verb

(b) Hedoes not drink milk.

He + does not + main verb
Yes /no questions Information questions


• Do they go to work? • Where do you live?

• Does he have a car?

• What does he do?
• There is (singular) • Some (+?) Any (-?)
• There are (Plural)
• There is a book in the table.
• There is a table and 6 chairs.
• There are 6 chairs and a table.
• There are two doors.
• Are there any bananas?Yes, there are.
• Is there any milk? Yes, there is .
• How many chairs are there?
Modals Modal +Vbase form
• Can+ Vbf ability or possibility • Have to +Vbase form Obligation –
• He can dance. (A) Necesity
• They can go to the movies. (P)
• He has to work.
• - S + can not +V bf
• They have to be here.
• He can`t dance.
• They cannot go to the movies. • S + Don`t/ Doesn`t +have to + Vbase form
• He doesn`t have to work.
• ? Can + S + Vbf…?
• Can he dance? Yes , he can. • They dont have to be here.
• Can they go to the movies? Yes, they can.
• He cans dance. • Do/Does + S + have to +Vbase form?
• He can dances.
• Does he have to work ? Yes, he does.ç
• He can to dance.
• He can dancing. • Do they have to be here? Yes, they do.
Simple present vs Present continuous
• Simple present • Present continuous
• Now
• The sky is blue.
• He is working now.
• Frecuency adverbs (always, often,….) • These days
• Frecuency expresions (every day, once a • He is working this week.
month, on tuesdays…)
He goes to school twice a week. • Future
They never cook. • He is working tomorrow.

Non action verbs

• He_____to work every day.
Need, love, hate, think, want, have, etc)
• He ____to work next week.
He needs a book now. • He ____to work now.
They have a car. • He always _____ to work in the morning.
Simple past “ Be” 213
Negatives and questions 215-216
Simple past regular and irregular verbs

• I –He-She –It-We- You –They wanted pizza.

• I –He-She –It-We -You –They ate pizza.
Negatives and questions 231 234
Information questions • Wh-word + auxiliary + subject + main verb …?
• Auxiliary verbs are helping verbs (not main verbs).
• Common auxiliary verbs include be, do, have.
Others are will, shall, would, can, could, must,
should, may, might, etc.
• What do you do for a living?
• Why should we read books?
• When is she coming?
• 2. without any auxiliary
• (when WH-words replace subjects already)
• Wh-word + main verb …?
• What happened to Peter?
• A bad accident happened to him today.
• Who won the game?
• Tio won the game.
• Who gave you this present?
• My cousin gave me this present
• 1. What • 1. What
• What is it? • It’s a table.
• What color is your dress? • It’s purple.
• What is your mom doing? • She’s cooking in the kitchen.
• What do you think about the • I think the party is fun. I like the
party? music best.
• What will we eat? • We’ll eat a cake.
• What did she see? • She saw a rat.
• 2. When
• When will the train arrive?
• The train will arrive in 30
• When does she get up?
• She gets up at 6 am.
• When did the party end?
• It ended before 8 pm.
• When are you going to visit
• I’m going to see him tomorrow.
• 3. Where
• Where do you live?
• I live in Washington D.C.
• Where are you going?
• I’m going to the zoo.
• Where’s the coffee bar?
• It’s between the supermarket and the cinema.
• Where did you leave my jacket?
• I left it in my bedroom.
• Where were you?
• I was in the library reading books.
• 4. Who
• Who’s this?
• She’s my new roommate.
• Who wants to be a scientist in the future?
• My sister does. I don’t.
• Who would you like to travel with?
• I would like to travel with my best friend, Kim.
• Who told you that secret?
• Jenny did. She told me everything.
• Who do you like the most in this class?
• I like Henry. He’s so friendly.
• 5. Whom
• Whom should we talk to?
• We should talk to the principal. She’s responsible for student issues.
• Whom did you see yesterday?
• I saw Kevin and his girlfriend.
• Whom would you like to interview?
• I would like to interview Mr.Patrick, the director.
• Whom do we have to contact?
• We have to contact the representative of that company.
• Whom did you meet in front of the building last week?
• That was Annie, my secretary.
• Whom do you know in this class?
• I only know Danny.
• Whom are you going to invite?
• I’m going to invite all of my classmates
• With whom do you agree?
• I agree with Henry’s team.
• 6. Which
• Which shirt do you like?
• I like the one with the big yellow star on it.
• Which color do you choose?
• I choose red.
• Which part do you like the most in this story?
• I love the 2nd part when the prince came and
proposed to the princess.
• Which is the longest river in the world?
• That’s the Nile.
• Which one is yours?
• Mine is the biggest one.
• 7. Whose
• Whose jacket is this?
• It’s my mom’s.
• Whose birthday is today?
• It’s Jenny’s.
• Whose pencil is on the floor?
• That’s mine.
• Whose team is better?
• Will’s team is much better
• 8. Why
• Why don’t we visit him now?
• It’s a good idea.
• Why did you leave so early?
• Because I didn’t enjoy the party.
• Why do you think that he loves you?
• Because he’s given me lots of chocolate on Valentine’s
• Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
• Because it’s a special day.
• Why can’t I go to the cinema now?
• Because you haven’t done your homework.
• Why are you so late?
• Sorry, teacher. I missed the bus.
• 9. How
• How’s the weather?
• It’s sunny and hot.
• How do you feel?
• I feel much better now.
• How did you know him?
• We were old friends.
• How’s your new job?
• It’s interesting. I enjoy it.
• How often do you go to the movie theater?
• I sometimes go there. I’m quite busy.
• How far is it from your house to school?
• Not too far. I walk to school every day.
• How much did it cost?
• It cost $4.
• How many people are there in your class?
• There are 30 of them.
• How come you lost the game?
• I couldn’t answer the first question well enough.


Subject pronouns Object Pronouns
I Me
He Him
She Her
It It
You You
They Them
We Us
Pepito, Cochabamba , Camila
chair, car , students

Pepito has a car . He has it.

The car is old. It is old.
The students gave the books to Pepito. They gave them to him.
S + V + IO + DO
S + V + DO + (to/for) + IO
I gave her the keys.
I gave them to her.

Susanne knit him a sweater.

Susanne knit it for him.

We made him a present.

We made it for him.

• A car is bigger than a bike.

• A car is faster than a bike.
• A car is more comfortable than a bike.
• A car is more expensive than a bike.
Should +Vbf

• Could + Vbf
Could +Vbf offer alternatives or weak suggestion
Could I take a bus to go to Tarija?
I am hungry . Where can I eat? Yes, you could.
You could go to Dumbo.
You could eat a salteña.
You could eat some pizza.
S+be going to +Vbf future plans
• Questions
• Simple present (schedules)
• The bus arrives tomorrow • Will + S +V base form?
• Will they be here on time?
• Present continuous
• Will she finish homework?
• The bus is arriving tomorrow.
• Be going to +Vbase form • Information questions
The bus is going to arrive tomorrow. • Wh +will +S +V base form?
• Where will he go?
• Will + Vbase form • Why will she be?
• The bus will arrive tomorrow.
• She`ll finish the homework.
• * Maria will eat here. ( subject)
• Will +not +V base form
• Who will eat here?
• You will not go to the party.
• He won`t be home.
A car is the biggest.
A car is the safest.
A car is the most comfortable.
A car is the most expensive .
ADJECTIVE+ENOUGH The sweater is too small for Susan.
The sweater is not big enough for Susan

The coffee is too hot.

The coffee isnt cool enough.

The weather isn`t warm enough.

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