Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics
Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics
Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics
Group 1
Winny Rhamadani (1511011005)
Agung Tri Sasongko (1511011006)
Nadya Prafita (1511011007)
Hidayatul Fadila (1511011009)
Nurul Atikah (15110110014)
Adeline Rizki Setiani (15110110016)
Linear pharmacokinetic models using simple first-
order kinetics were introduced to describe the
course of drug disposition and action.
These linear models assumed that the
pharmacokinetic parameters for a drug would
not change when different doses or multiple
doses of a drug were given.
The nonlinear pharmacokinetic behavior is termed
dose-dependent pharmacokinetics.
(Shargel, 2004)
Causes of Nonlinear Pharmacokinetic
(Shargel, 2004)
Characteristic of Drugs that Demonstrate
Saturation Kinetics
1. Elimination of drug does not follow simple first-order kinetics
that is, elimination kinetics are nonlinear.
2. The elimination half-life changes as dose is increased. Usually, the
elimination half-life increases with increased dose due to
saturation of an enzyme system.
3. The area under the curve (AUC) is not proportional to the amount
of bioavailable drug.
4. The saturation of capacity-limited processes may be affected by
other drugs that require the same enzyme or carrier-mediated
5. The composition and/or ratio of the metabolites of a drug may
be affected by a change in the dose.
(Shargel, 2004)
The Large Dose Curve
A curve is obtained with
an initial slow
elimination phase
followed by a much
more rapid
elimination at lower
blood concentrations.
(Shargel, 2004)
The Small Dose Curve
With a small dose of the
drug, apparent first-
order kinetics are
observed, because no
saturation kinetics
(Shargel, 2004)
Saturable Enzymatic Elimination Processes
C p = the concentration of drug
V max = the maximum elimination rate
K M = the Michaelis constant
(Shargel, 2004)
Cont . . . .
Because the ratio of the elimination rate to drug
concentration changes as the drug concentration
changes, the rate of drug elimination also
changes and is not a first-order or linear process.
In contrast, a first-order elimination process would
yield the same elimination rate constant at all
plasma drug concentrations.
(Shargel, 2004)
Cont . . . .
(Shargel, 2004)
Drug Elimination by Capacity-Limited
(Shargel, 2004)
Cont . . . .
Cont . . . .
(Shargel, 2004)
Curve that Using Vmax
Amount of drug in the
body versus time for a
capacity-limited drug
following an IV dose.
Data generated using
Vmax of 100 (O) and 200
mg/hr. K m is kept
(Shargel, 2004)
Curve that Using KM
Amount of drug in the
body versus time for a
capacity-limited drug
following an IV dose.
Data generated using KM
of 38 mg/L () and 76
mg/L (O). V max is kept
(Shargel, 2004)
Cont . . . .
An increase in K M (with no change in V max) will
increase the time for the drug to be
eliminated from the body.
The one-compartment open model with
capacity-limited elimination pharmacokinetics
adequately describes the plasma drug
concentrationtime profiles for some drugs.
(Shargel, 2004)
Determination of K M and V max
(Shargel, 2004)
Curve about the rate Drug Metabolism
Plot of rate of drug
metabolism at
various drug
concentrations. (K M
= 0.5 mol/mL, V max =
3 mol/mL per
(Shargel, 2004)
Curve about 1/v versus 1/C
(Shargel, 2004)
The Rearranged Equation
(Shargel, 2004)
Cont . . . .
Plot of v versus v/C for
determining KM and
Vmax, with the yield a
slope of K M and an
intercept of V max.
(Shargel, 2004)
Interpretation of K M and V max
An understanding of MichaelisMenten kinetics
provides insight into the nonlinear kinetics and
helps to avoid dosing a drug at a concentration
near enzyme saturation.
A subject with the same V max, but different K M, the
rate of metabolism when Vmax is constant and KM
is changed . The rate of metabolism is faster for
the lower K M, but saturation starts at lower
(Shargel, 2004)
Shargel, Leon, et al. 2004. Applied Biopharmaceutics
and Pharmacokinetics 5th edition. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company.