E Learning System

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The demand to acquire knowledge or to learn has risen, thus, the present technology had gone a long way to provided means
to learn, irrespective of the distance or the location of the E-learner and source of information. This is achieved through
electronic sharing of information and virtual classroom. However, virtual classroom and text based e- learning is a system
design to help student gain access and acquire knowledge in any university of their choice. This method of learning will
enhance face to - face instruction or campus, use of computer in classrooms and elicitation of information with the World
Wide Web (WWW) enhanced distance education (on or off campus). Individual and group learning with both print and
computer based materials.

With all these, virtual classroom and test based e-learning knowledge is moving towards every students and staff of Federal
Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti (for instance) being an e- learner at least for part of their study, this could be through learning materials
e- mails contacting tutors or submitting assignment, the use of website for research or any one of the myriad e- learning
application. Thus, students or staff must not travel to Americas to acquire knowledge. Also information can be send to
students abroad through online.
E- Learning is a system designed to help students gain access and acquire knowledge in any university of their choice. It can include: Enhance face to- face
instruction (on campus, in class use of computer and the World Wide Web (WWW), enhanced distance education (on or off campus) individuals and group
learning with both print and computer-based materials instruction entirely on- line (individual and group learning) because of this mix virtual classroom and
text based e- learning knowledge is moving towards every student being an e- learner at last for part of their study, whether through learning materials, e-
mail for contacting teachers/ tutors or any one of their myriad other e-learning applications.

Online learning results to learning and other supportive resources that are available through a computer and it includes computer based training, computer
based instruction and technology. The e-learning system use text messages to deliver information and data. Student or e-learners will be in their computer
receiving lectures as if they are in classroom.This has gone a long way helping e-learners to acquire degree in the institution they have never seen.
Internet as global connection of computers sited around the world forming huge network for information to be shared and
disseminated by many millions of people has done so well in information technology and in education so to speak. Virtual
classroom and text-based e-learning cannot be an exception. Often times students experience a lot of difficult in the quest for
basic knowledge from higher institution of their choice, not for the fact that the person doesnt have resources to acquire
them but the risk in traveling from the said institution wherever the person might be pose problems. In order to reduce these
risks, satellite computer were established but did not solve the problem of traveling out from ones location to the said
location in quest for knowledge.

In this regard, Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti compete with a of institutions, this sometimes reduces the number of students
enrollment in the school to the above listed problems the system virtual classroom and text based e- learning was designed
with this Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti will have thousands of student in which she doesnt provide any accommodation or any
structure for and still gain much grounds economically and student all over the world suffer less in having any of Federal
Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti certificate.
This is designed that before anybody can participate must register. Students have free registration form but lecturers
must provide their staff number that tally with their surnames before they have access to registration form. One
month is giving to student to pay his/her school fees after registration to remove his/her name from the database.

This will go along way increasing students enrollment in the institution. The system has very security conscious
software that resides in the ever helping except those supposed. Having seen and observed. Having seen and
observed this benefit to students in an unprecedented scale.

Indeed, this sounds interesting to my academic pursuit in FPA. Perhaps this calls for implementation.

There are many advantages to online and computer-based learning when compared to traditional face-to-face
courses and lectures.There are a few disadvantages as well.

In traditional way of teaching, practicing, and assessing the teacher designs or chooses assignments for a weekly
exercise sheet according to the course, the exercise sheet may be distributed as a printed document or made
available online students work through the exercise sheet at home. The students present their solutions at the
blackboard, teacher gives feedback, the tutor may take notes about students performance. For large groups of
students, manual

correction is labor- and time-intensive.The problems are especially grave for programming assignments.

To improve communication between lecturers/teacher and students

To enhance learning online through internet facilities

Accessing information over the internet

To ensure students are improved in language speaking and writing

To make project or seminar and other important researches to be done with a little or no stress involved.
Economic, social and technological forces continue to change the global economy, and the way of life in organizations and the world. In specific, these forces
have and continue to revolutionize teaching and learning in organizations. Urdan & Weggen (2000) related that technology, the rapid obsolescence of
knowledge and training, the need for just-in-time training delivery, and the search for cost-effective ways to meet learning needs of a globally distributed
workforce have redefined the processes that underlie design, development and delivery of training and education in the workplace. In addition, Urdan
&Weggen related that the need for different learning models due to skills gap and demographic changes and demand for flexible access of life- long learning
have played upon teaching and learning. In this teaching and learning evolution, however, several terms have been attached to characterize the innovation and
creation that has been occurring. Some terms are: e-learning, distributed learning, online learning, web-based learning and distance learning. The purpose of
this section is twofold. First, to review and summarize definitions related to e-learning. Second, to solidify a working term and definition for the NCSA

Zahm (2000) described computer-based training (CBT) as usually delivered via CD-ROM or as a Web download and that it is usually multimedia-based
training. Karon (2000) discussed the convenience factor of well-designed computer-based training by saying that any well-designed computer-based training-
whether its networked based or delivered via the Internet is more convenient than traditional instructor-led training or seminars. Karon went on to say
that self-paced CBT courses are available when learners are ready to take them, not just when the seminar is scheduled or the instructor is available. Hall
(1997) incorporated both Zahm (2000) and Karon (2000) definitions by underlining computer-based training as an all-encompassing term used to describe
any computer-delivered training including CD-ROM and World Wide Web. Hall further explained that some people use the term CBT to refer only to old-
time, text-only training.
Zahm (2000) described computer-based training (CBT) as usually delivered via CD-ROM or as a Web download and that it
is usually multimedia-based training. Karon (2000) discussed the convenience factor of well-designed computer-based
training by saying that any well-designed computer-based training- whether its networked based or delivered via the

Smiths (1982) Learning-How-To-Learn (LHTL) theory suggested that learners rely on a bag of tricks which included prior
learning strategies and tactics, as well as things that worked in other situations to make sense of a new environment.
Eastmond (1995) indicated that prior learning experience, among other factors, is important for students to adjust to online
learning. Al-Kodmany et als (1999) case study on using Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALNs) to teach students on two
different campuses found that without prior exposure to the technologies involved, the technologies used in the course
became barriers to learning. One of their suggestions for online instruction is not Other studies that applied different
learning style measurements also have mixed results. Orr and Davidson (1993) failed to find any significant interaction
between learning style and performance and attitude in group computer-based instruction by using Murphy-Meisgeier Type
Indicator (MMTIC) (Meisgeier & Murphy, 1987).

Class work can be scheduled around work and family

Reduces travel time and travel costs for off-campus students

Students may have the option to select learning materials that meets their level of knowledge and interest

Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet connection

Self-paced learning modules allow students to work at their own pace

Flexibility to join discussions in the bulletin board threaded discussion areas at any hour, or visit with classmates
and instructors remotely in chat rooms
Instructors and students both report eLearning fosters more interaction among students and instructors than in
large lecture courses

eLearning can accommodate different learning styles and facilitate learning through a variety of activities

Develops knowledge of the Internet and computers skills that will help learners throughout their lives and

Successfully completing online or computer-based courses builds self-knowledge and self-confidence and
encourages students to take responsibility for their learning

Learners can test out of or skim over materials already mastered and concentrate efforts in mastering areas
containing new information and/or skills
Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind

Without the routine structures of a traditional class, students may get lost or confused about course activities
and deadlines

Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates

Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help

Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating

Managing computer files and online learning software can sometimes seem complex for students with beginner-
level computer skills

Hands-on or lab work is difficult to simulate in a virtual classroom


Expectations of eLearning and what it is

I think a number of challenges revolve around peoples expectations of eLearning and its important to define what
eLearning actually is. There seems to be different interpretations as to what eLearning is and its important for
organizations to decide what eLearning is going to look like within their organization, because it could be different
from organization to organization.

Having technical infrastructure that supports a companys vision

Another challenge is the technical infrastructure that supports a companys vision of what eLearning might look like.
For some people, eLearning looks the same as it did 15 years ago and thats fine if thats what the expectation is. But
as technology continues to evolve then eLearning is going to evolve with that technology. Therefore it is important
that a clear definition of eLearning is put on the table with regards to what organizations' expectations are.
. Collaboration and feedback from an organization

The most important step is collaboration, feedback and input from the organization as a whole. Its easy to fall into a trap
where eLearning is in place in other organizations and advice may be given based on whats happening in another
organization, but it may not fit with what another

Respect different styles of learning

As I mentioned, its important to find out how the employees would like to interact with eLearning and thats something
were doing here at Fuji Xerox.

Remain abreast and up to date with the changing nature of technology

In my experience, eLearning is normally something that an individual may volunteer to do as far as their role. However,
what I have also found in the past is that some people are actually put into the job of eLearning administrator even though
they might not be equipped for that role.

E-learning is becoming increasingly prominent in tertiary education. All available evidence points toward growing
enrolments and provision albeit from a low starting point. However, after the hype of the new economy, growing
disenchantment with e-learning has replaced over-enthusiasm. Failures of e-learning operations have, at least
temporarily, overshadowed the prospects of widened and flexible access to tertiary education, pedagogic innovation,
and decreased cost that was once embodied by e-learning. So where do we stand after the end of the hype of the
new economy? What are the next steps to move e-learning forward in tertiary education and to reap its potential
Urdan & Weggen (2000) The WWW of distance learning: Who does what and where? Training and Development 52
(9) p. 29-30.

Anderson, Cushing; Dankens, Anne-Sophie; Julian, Ellen H. (2000) Worldwide and U.S. Corporate IT Education and
Training Services: Forecast and Analysis, 1999- 2004. Report #W22154, May 2000. Available at http://www.idc.com.

Zahm (2000). Logical sans frontiers. Computer and Education, 22(1/2), 1-8.

Smiths (1982). Individual differences, computer, and instruction. Computers in Human Behavior, 11(3-4), 371-390.

Baker, M. H. (1995, August). Tips for being a successful distance student. Handout distributed at post-conference
workshop, 11th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI.

Al-Kodmany et als (1999)The future of digital learning. E-learning May/June 2000 Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 46-7.

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