Basic H2S Training

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SIPD - Shell Iraq Petroleum Development

Basic H2S Training

(+964) 07811235555

Overview of Majnoon Training College

Title of Presentation | 00 Month Year

8-Nov-17 HSE Induction - Day2


An industry funded employer-led organization committed to developing the oil and gas
industrys workforce capability now and in the future.

OPITO - The Oil & Gas Academy
Tel: +44 (0) 1224 787800
Fax: +44 (0) 1224 787830

If one delegate believes that he has a need that requires individual training /
assessment may identify himself to the trainer during the first break

Customer Service Statement


Course content:

Training staff to explain:

1.1.1 H2S gas, its common names and where it is ordinarily found
1.1.2 The physical properties and characteristics of H2S
1.1.3 Common definitions ; Parts per million (ppm) and occupational/workplace exposure limits
1.1.4 Measurement and the OEL/WEL of H2S
1.1.5 The physiological effects of exposure to H2S
1.1.6 How H2S is detected and the use of onsite & personal detection equipment
1.1.7 Actions to be taken in the event of an alarm
1.1.8 The types of respiratory equipment available including escape breathing apparatus (EBA) &
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and the importance of correct fit of the face mask
1.1.9 The role of response teams in an H2S emergency and their use of SCBA

Course content:

Training staff to demonstrate:

1.1.10 H2S personal detection equipment pre-use checks & operation

1.1.11 Responding to an alarm
1.1.12 EBA fitted with a mask pre-use checks & operation
1.1.13 EBA fitted with a hood pre-use checks & operation
1.1.14 Method of connection to a cascade air supply
1.1.15 Method of disconnection from a cascade air supply

Learning Outcomes
To successfully complete this training delegates must able to explain/identify:

Hydrogen sulphide how it is formed and where it is found

Other names used to describe H2S

Properties and characteristics of H2S

Parts per million (ppm) as a measurement parameter & Workplace exposure limits to H2S

Factors affecting individual susceptibility to H2S

Types of detector equipment used in Majnoon H2S facilities

Types of respiratory equipment used in Majnoon H2S facilities

Pre-use checks of personal detection devices and EBA used in Majnoon H2S facilities

the Majnoon H2S area classification/ Entry & exit protocol for H2S classified zones

Job-specific procedures for H2S classified zones

What delegate is expected to do in case of H2S emergency

Learning Outcomes

To successfully complete this training delegates must able to demonstrate:

Operating personal H2S detection equipment (including checks)

Responding to an alarm

Donning & operating (including checks) an escape breathing apparatus (EBA) with a mask
within 30 seconds

Donning & operating (including checks) an EBA with a hood within 30 seconds

Connecting to a cascade breathing system

Disconnecting from a cascade breathing system


1. Pre-use checks & operation of H2S Personal Detection Equipment (OPITO Ref:A.8 2.1.10)
2. Responding to an alarm (OPITO Ref: A.8 2.11)
3. Pre-use checks and operation of Emergency Escape Hood
4. Pre-use checks and operation of EBA fitted with a hood (OPITO Ref: A.8 2.1.13)

Instructor to indicate for each delegate if they are competent or need additional training in each
of the six criteria.


Highly toxic and colourless gas very dangerous

Consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 sulphur atom

Known by many names, including:

Stink damp Sour crude / Sour Gas

Rotten-egg gas Swamp gas
Sewer gas


Produced in nature by decomposition of organic

materials by bacteria
May develop in low oxygen areas - swamps, polluted
Can be found in unstabilised crude oil and gas

Key Properties of H2S

Highly Toxic

Flamable & Explosive

At very low concentrations has a rotten egg odor

Highly soluble - in drilling and formation fluid

Corrosive - to certain metals & elastomer seals

and causes Sulfide Stress Cracking

Heavier than air and will accumulate in low-lying

Key Properties of H2S continued-

Density: 1.189 (Air=1)

Molecular weight: 34.08 g/mol
Solubility: 437 ml\100 ml of water
Auto-ignition temperature:500 F (260 0C)
Flash point: -115 F (-82 0C)
LEL: 4.3 %
UEL: 46 %

Common Definitions

TWA : Time Weighted Average ;

The average exposure to a contaminant or condition (such as gas) to which
workers may be exposed without adverse effect over a period such as in an
8-hour day or 40-hour week.

STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit ;

A short-term exposure limit (STEL) is the acceptable average exposure
over a short period of time, usually 15 minutes as long as the Time
weighted average is not exceeded.



Length 1 cm / 100 meters

Time 1 Minute / 2 Years

1 % = 10.000 PPM

How Does H2S affect your Body ?

When inhaled H2S goes to the

lungs and from the lungs to the
blood stream.

The body tries to break it down

using the oxygen.

If a person inhales more than his

body can break, H2S builds up in
the blood.

8-Nov-17 Title of Presentation | 00 Month Year

How Does H2S affect your Body ?

Below 50ppm Irritation of eyes, nose, throat and lungs

Headache, nausea, cough, dizziness

50-250ppm Lung irritation can lead to pulmonary oedema (fluid in the

250-500ppm Pulmonary oedema is common

500-1000ppm Interferes with oxygen use in the body

1000ppm + Nerve that controls breathing is paralysed

Lungs stop working and person is asphyxiated

How Does H2S affect your Body ?





H2S fatal accident Complacency Kills

H2S Acceptable Limits and classification

TWA / TLV / PEL 10 PPM (8 hours per day)

STEL 15 PPM (15 minutes ) 4 times per day

H2S Concentration H2S Concentration in air H2S Risk

in process stream (ppm) Classification

<500 ppm <200 ppm Low risk sour

>500 ppm >200 ppm High risk sour

H2S Acceptable Limits and classification
Majnoon Field Risk Classification

Facility H2S Classification

DS-2 High risk sour

DS-1 Low risk sour

CPF High risk sour

Existing sour wells High risk sour

Existing sweet wells Low risk sour

New sour wells High risk sour

New sweet wells Low risk sour

8-Nov-17 HSE Induction - Day2
H2S Acceptable Limits and classification
DS2-High Risk Sour Area

DS-2 high risk sour areas:

Inlet Manifold (3,700 ppm H2S)
Sour 1st stage separator (6,262 ppm H2S)
Sour test separator (6,262 ppm H2S)
Sour Crude pipeline to CPF, including scraper launcher (1,849 ppm H2S)
DS-2 Hot Flare (6,262 ppm H2S)
Hot flare K.O drum (6,262 ppm H2S)

8-Nov-17 HSE Induction - Day2

H2S Acceptable Limits and classification
CPF - High Risk Sour Area

CPF high risk sour areas:

First Stage Sour Separator (2,102 ppm H2S)
Second Stage Separator (4,157 ppm H2S)
Third Stage Separator (5,348 ppm H2S)
LP/HP flare header (5,348 ppm H2S)
Sour Crude pipeline from DS2, including scraper receiver (1,849 ppm H2S)
LP sour production trunkline, including pig receiver (1,300 ppm H2S)

8-Nov-17 HSE Induction - Day2

H2S Acceptable Limits and classification
Wellpad - High Risk Sour Area

Sour wellpad high risk sour areas:

Wellhead (3,700 ppm H2S)
Flowline (3,700 ppm H2S)

8-Nov-17 HSE Induction - Day2

H2S Acceptable Limits and classification
Sour Wellhead - High Risk Sour Area

Sour wellhead high risk sour areas:

Wellhead (3,700 ppm H2S)
Flowline (3,700 ppm H2S)

8-Nov-17 HSE Induction - Day2

Detection of H2S

You CANNOT depend on your sense of smell to detect H2S

At low concentrations (around .005ppm), strong rotten egg odour

At high concentrations, no odour at all .......

- paralysing effect on the olfactory nerve, deadening sense of smell
(olfactory fatigue)
- sense of smell is generally lost around 100-250ppm

Methods of Detection on site

Electronic Portable Detectors

Multiple Gas Tester units

Fixed electronic Gas sensors on all facilities

Personal H2S Detector on site

Issued with escape hood on entry

Clip on as close to your mouth as possible
Very fast reaction time - less than 30 seconds
They dont need calibration, only weekly bump test
They provide audible, vibration and visual alarms

Escape Hood on site

NH15, 100 minutes @ 5000 ppm

TST,40 minutes @ 5000 ppm

Escape Hood Donned

Emergency Breathing Apparatus with Hood
Drager Saver CF 15

Emergency Breathing Apparatus with Hood
Drager Saver CF 15 Donned

SCBA Donned + Air line respirator

Special Problems in Respirator Use

Facial Hair

Contact Lenses

Corrective Spectacles


Psychological Disturbances

Miscellaneous Sealing Problems

H2S Personal Protective Equipment
Concentration of H2S Personnel Protection Requirements
Low Risk Sour (<500 ppm in process stream) All personnel shall be subject to Access Control requirements and will be required
/ (<200 ppm of H2S in air) Low H2S to present their personnel identity cards which will have the status of their H2S
concentration training.
All personnel shall be equipped with Personal H2S monitors (these may be
integrated H2S and Gas monitors) and escape hoods which will be issued at the
access control point.
All non-operations routine work carried out on a production operation facility must
be covered by a PTW system. The PTW system provides the primary means of
managing H2S risks to people.
Work is assessed as Hazardous or Non-hazardous. H2S risk is included in this
assessment and the contents of this document may be used to support H2S risk
Work categorised as High Risk or Hazardous requires that a Job Hazard Analyses
(JHA) is made that must be approved by the Operations Field Manager.

High Risk Sour (>500 ppm of H2S in In addition to all the General requirements as stated above the following requirements
process) / (>200 ppm of H2S in air) / High specific to High H2S concentration apply:
H2S concentration Work area to be separately fenced, or otherwise demarked
Area to be provided with adequate signage to highlight H2S risk
JHA to be conducted to determine requirement for standby rescue teams equipped
with SCBA
Buddy system to apply for all work activities including operations routine activities
Static H2S monitors (Dalek) may also be deployed
Emergency plans for the work to include full SCBA set recovery
Entry Procedure
General Requirements
Person in charge should be briefed with the nature of activities
All personnel should sign in and out at a central control point, outside the area, where competency certificates are checked
Special instructions concerning the work location, (normal access and escape routes, wind direction)
Majnoon Facility H2S Category
Low H2S concentration (<500 ppm)/ High H2S concentration (>500 ppm)/
Low Risk Sour High Risk Sour
Required for Entry Personnel Identity Card Personnel Identity Card
Or Buddy System to be in force
Field Manager & Field HSE Manager
Required for non-operational routine Permit to Work & JHA (Additional Permit to Work & JHA (Additional
work activities mitigations may be stipulated within JHA) mitigations may be stipulated within JHA)

Training Required Safety Induction. Safety Induction.

And And
H2S Awareness and Escape Course. H2S Awareness and Escape Course.
Safety Equipment Required Personal H2S Gas Detector (Shell Approved) Personal H2S Gas Detector (Shell Approved)
And And
H2S Escape Hood H2S Escape Hood

Requirements for Visitors (Non H2S Pass Visitor Pass No Access allowed without full H2S Course.
Safety Equipment Demonstration
8-Nov-17 Accompanied by Operations Staff
What to expect on arrival at MFD
On entering the live facilities you must access through a manned controlled
entry point/cabin and present your ID-Card. When you complete your H2S
Course your ID-Card will be upgraded to permit entry. Your ID-Card will be
scanned to confirm completion, all turnstiles at Wells will also only rotate open
if you have completed your H2S Course.
You will then sign in and place your ID-card in the wall mounted register
board. At this point the warden will issue you with the required PPE (Escape
Hood, H2S Monitor) and ask you to leave any phone, camera, lighter or non-
ex equipment before entering.

08 November 2017 38
What to expect on arrival at MFD
Any other required PPE will be covered in the PTW or the JHA (Escape Set, Gas
Tester, Rescue Team) and should be organised before arriving at entry point.
On entering the live plant you will see any High Risk Zones demarcated with red
posts connected with red plastic chain guard and signs hanging from the fence
Danger H2S High Risk Zone (H2S Monitor/ Drager & Escape Hood+ continuous gas
testing+ rescue team standing by)
All other areas within the facilities are classified as Low Risk Zone and our minimum
PPE equipment issued on entry will cover any required mitigations (H2S Monitor &
Escape Hood)

08 November 2017 39
General Emergency Procedure
H2S Concentration(ppm) Response
Low H2S concentration When the General Alarm sounds move as quickly as possible to the
(<500 ppm in process primary muster area (taking account of wind direction).
stream)/ <200 ppm in air) / When your personal H2S Monitor or Gas Tester unit alarms and the
Low Risk Sour PPM reading is above 15ppm; all personnel to don H2S Escape Hood
and move as quickly as possible to the primary muster area (taking
account of wind direction) and inform CCR.
CCR to announce confirmation of which muster area staff are to
proceed to.

High H2S concentration When the General Alarm sounds move as quickly as possible to the
(>500 ppm in process primary muster area (taking account of wind direction).
stream)/ (>200 ppm in air) / When your personal H2S Monitor or Gas Tester unit alarms and the
High Risk Sour PPM reading is above 15ppm, all personnel to don H2S Escape Hoods
and move as quickly as possible to primary muster area (taking account
of wind direction) and inform CCR.
CCR to announce confirmation which muster area staff are to proceed
Contingency arrangements shall be made (recorded in the PTW) for
full BA set rescue in case a person is injured or otherwise disabled in a
potentially High H2S Risk area.
Rescue / First Aid in case of H2S Exposure

The following steps shall be followed in case of H2S exposure:

Do not Panic!
Move away from the H2S source and get out of the affected area.
Don personnel escape hood if monitor reads above 15PPM
Alert the facility personnel Radio, PAGA, EX mobile....shout!
Assist personnel in distress
Proceed to the designated Muster Area
Account for onsite personnel and wait for further instructions

Rescue Procedure Inform the Emergency Rescue Team!

Protect yourself first, Dont become another victim, ask

yourself is this a job for the Emergency Response Team!!!!
Put on your own escape hood before attempting a assist
Use the Buddy System. Do not attempt to rescue anyone
alone. Proceed in pairs!
If they have their own escape hood, put it on
lift or drag the person to an upwind fresh air area
Check the victim for breathing
ABCs find 1st Responder

1st Responder ABC

If not breathing, administer rescue breathing

Check for a pulse

If the victim has no pulse, begin CPR

Keep victim warm and do not leave unattended


Working at Live Plant with Potential for H2S

When approaching the worksite:

Observe condition signs & audio / visual alarms

Check for wind direction
Look for personnel & SIMOPS
Enter the worksite slowly
Minimum 2 defined alternate escape routes

What to expect on arrival at any live facility

On entering the live facilities you must access through a manned controlled
entry point/cabin and present your ID-Card. When you complete your H2S
Course your ID-Card will be upgraded to permit entry.
You will then sign in and place your ID-card in the wall mounted register
The warden will then issue you with the required specialist PPE (Escape
Hood, H2S Monitor) and ask you to leave all non-ex equipment before
Remember any non-operational routine activities will require a PTW and a
completed JHA, any additional H2S PPE or specialised equipment will be
identified during this phase
All unmanned live areas that require non-operational routine work activities
will also require PTW and JHA
All staff entering any high risk sour areas must be accompanied by at least
one other persons, even for routine Operation inspections

08 November 2017 45
H2S Requirements on entering live facility:

Low H2S concentration/ Low Sour Risk Zone:

Completed H2S Course & have ID Card upgraded
Access Control Sign in/out and place ID - Card
H2S Personal Monitor, Escape Hood
PTW Procedure followed for non-operations routine or breaking containment
JHA Risk Assessment for hazardous work


+ + for all personal

Remember the PTW & JHA may highlight additional requirements

08 November 2017 46
H2S Working Requirements:
High H2S concentration/ High Sour Risk Zone:
As per the LOW H2S requirements listed previously for all routine non-
hazardous activities
Non-Operational Routine Work Activities or Breaking Containment
PTW Procedure followed
JHA Risk Assessment completed
Rescue Plan to include full SCBA Set recovery Team
Continuous Gas Testing at work area

H2S Requirements above.......

+ + for all personal

+ + Continuous Gas testing &

Rescue Team at work site area
for Non-Operations routine activities or
breaking containment
08 November 2017 47
Remember the PTW & JHA may highlight additional requirements
Questions ?

Written Assessment


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