Antenna Arrays Chapter No 5

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Antenna Arrays

Antenna Arrays
Antenna Arrays
Usually the radiation pattern of a single
element is relatively wide, and each element
provide slow values of directivity (gain).
In many applications, it is necessary to design
antennas with very high directive
characteristics (very high gain) to meet the
demands of long distance communication.
Antenna Arrays
This can only be accomplished by increasing
the electrical size of the antenna.
Another way to enlarge the dimensions of the
antenna, without increasing the size of
individual element, is to form an assembly of
radiating elements in an electrical and
geometrical configuration.
This new antenna, means antenna formed is
referred to as an array.
Antenna Arrays
The antenna arrays are of vast importance and
are widely used nowadays for various
purposes like military, and satellite

There are different forms of antenna arrays

linear, circular, planar etc.
Antenna Arrays
The radiation pattern of an array antenna is
mostly considered in the far field, where the
field depends on two parameters.
One is the distance r of the receiver and the
other deals with the spherical coordinates
and .
The radiation pattern of an antenna can be
calculated by,
Antenna Arrays
Array Pattern = Array element pattern * Array factor (AF)

The array factor determines the overall radiation pattern of

the array while the element pattern describes radiation
pattern of the individual element.
The array factor can also be defined as,

The function of the total number of elements, their spacing

and the phase difference between each element.
Antenna Arrays
The array factor for a uniform antenna can be
written mathematically as:
Antenna Arrays
Antenna array design involves two concepts:

1. Broadside Array
2. End-Fire Array
Antenna Arrays
1. Broadside Array:
In a broadside array, the radiators are along a
straight line producing a beam perpendicular
to the line.
For an optimal design, the maxima of the single
element as well as of the array should be
directed toward = 90 degree and the phase
angle is zero.
Antenna Arrays

2. End-Fire Array:

A linear array whose direction of maximum radiation is along the axis of

the array. It may either be unidirectional or bidirectional. The main beam
will either be at o= 0 or 180 degree.
Antenna Arrays
Antenna Arrays
1. Mutual Coupling in Antenna Array :
One of the basic characteristics of an antenna
array appears when two or more elements
are located near to each other and effect
each other. The amount of coupling depends
on the following:
Mutual Coupling in Antenna Array
Radiation characteristics.
Actual separation between elements .
Relative orientation of elements.

The mutual coupling between two radiating elements depends upon

the distance between them. If they are close to each other the mutual
coupling will be greater,
Thus energy is transferred between elements and this is called mutual
Mutual Coupling in Antenna Array
The transmitting mode coupling can be shown with
the help of Fig.1.

Figure 1: Mutual Coupling Mechanism

Mutual Coupling in Antenna Array
Antenna A is excited by a source and radiates. When
this radiation reaches antenna B, it excites antenna B
and rescatteres some the energy back to antenna A.
Antenna A receives the energy again and so on.

The mutual coupling phenomenon is reciprocal in

nature. If one antenna is used as a transmitter and
the other as a receiver or vice versa.
Arrays and Feed Networks
Arrays are very versatile and are used, among
other things, to synthesize a required pattern
that cannot be achieved with a single
In addition, they are used to scan the beam of
an antenna system, increase directivity, and
perform various other functions which would
be difficult with any one single element.
Arrays and Feed Networks
The elements can be fed by a single line called
the series-feed network or by multiple lines
called corporate-feed network.
Among all the feeding techniques, corporate
feed is mostly used in scanning, phased
multiple beam or shaped beam arrays.
With this method, the designer has more
control of the feed of each element(amplitude
and phase) and it is ideal for scanning phased
arrays, multiple beam arrays, or shaped-beam
While designing an array, the feed point and
the distance between each patch is kept
constant in order to provide equal phase
patch excitation.
A series feed network is easy to fabricate and
implement as compared to corporate feed
network. The disadvantage of using series
feed is that it gives phase delay and hence it is
not preferred for the phase scanning arrays.
Corporate feed networks provide flexible
phase control of each array element.
It is suitable for phase scanning as it is less affected
by the frequency scan. The most common form of
corporate feed network is ,

Figure 2: Types of feed.

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