Abap - HR: Presented by Gayathri & Sushmitha
Abap - HR: Presented by Gayathri & Sushmitha
Abap - HR: Presented by Gayathri & Sushmitha
Presented by
Gayathri & Sushmitha
Nurturing Relationships.
Infotypes - Introduction
This function module reads the data records of an HR infotype that exist for a person
(employee or applicant).
It does so in accordance with the specified selection criteria.
Data is returned to an internal table, the structure of which corresponds to the infotype table.
The system selects infotype records whose validity interval overlaps with the specified time interval.
This function module reads the data records of a HR infotype that exists for a person (employee or applicant)
does according to the selection criteria.( similar to the read infotype).
You can use this method to lock an employee so that the records stored for this person cannot be accessed.
When an employee is locked, only the user who has set the lock can access the records for this employee.
Other users are denied access. Only when an employee is locked for other users,
can his/her records be maintained (created, changed, deleted, copied) by the person who has set the lock.
This function module enables you to maintain master data for employees
and applicants. You can transfer one data record. All validation checks take place
that would take place in the individual maintenance screens in the dialog.
If necessary, the module returns an error message. The error messages are the same
as the error messages in the dialog, that is, the individual maintenance screen error messages
are transferred rather than interpreted by this module.
This function module initializes the buffer, i.e clears the buffer
This function module gives the exact hire date of the employee.
This function module is used to determine the sequence number for passing
to the payroll results function module. Input parameter is PERNR.
This function module is used to extract the complete payroll results
(i.e. for all country versions, from PCL2 or from the puffer) for a individual employee.
By exporting PERNR and Sequence number, the payroll result is obtained as a structure.
This method is used to insert time data recorded in external systems or
applications in the SAP Time Sheet.
This method is used to delete time data recorded in external systems or
applications in the SAP Time Sheet.
The exchange rate valid on the specified date is read from table TCURR
according to the currency key and the exchange rate type. The ratios for the currency units
from table TCURF are transferred to the calling program in addition to the exchange rate determined.
if exchange rate fixing is defined for the exchange rate type TYPE_OF_RATE,
this information is transferred to the calling program.
This function module allows you to set your own status on a selection screen and
exclude function codes from your own or from a standard status.
This function module is used to determine the physical file name by exporting
the logical file name as input.
This function module outputs the time result details from the B2 cluster for a
valid begin and end date. The time results include Absences, Time Transfers, Period Balance,
Time accounts, Time quotas, Absence quotas etc.
Use JOB_CLOSE to pass a background job to the background processing system to be run.
The function module returns an indicator as to whether the job was automatically released or not.
Use JOB_SUBMIT to add a job step to a background job that you have opened with JOB_OPEN.
1 2 3
• Single screen
One infotype with a time limit is displayed or
Assigned screen number range (2000 - 2999)
• List screen
Enables to present the relevant history
Assigned screen number range (3000 - 3999)
• Default values – parameter id; Validation checks
• Infotype views – primary, secondary – IVWID
• Header and country specific infotypes
1) DDIC(Tables,table rows)
2) Fields(local)
3) Modules(PAI,PBO)
4) Subprograms
5) Screens
6) GUI components(title,status)
7) Dialog Modules
• They can be enhanced using extra default values and checks ,or by
adding extra fields.
• This is usually done using SET/GET parameters or by maintaining
features; it is less frequently achieved with additional customizing
• Tcode PM01 enables you to enhance infotypes in the SAP standard
with customer-specific fields.
• You cannot enhance the infotypes 0000 (Actions) and 0302(Additional
The name range 9000-9999 is available for customers to create infotypes for master
data, personnel administration, and organizational management.
9000-9099 for master data,9100-9199 for organizational management, and so on.
Firstly ,the structure PS9nnn is created and activated for the new infotype.
Use transaction PM01,the following additional objects are created with the button
create all :
Structure P9nn10 : The previously created structure PS9nnn is included here.
Database table PA9n10.
Module pool MP9nnn00 with the corresponding includes.
Screen 1000,2000,3000 for module pool MP9nnn.The components LAYOUT and
FLOW LOGIC often have to be adjusted.
Standard reports Provide solutions for your most Can be used immediately Limited flexibility
frequent reporting No developments required Output fields cannot be selected
requirements as required
InfoSet Query Intuitive, general SAP reporting User-friendly interface InfoSets and user groups must
tool .Enables you to create No programming required be defined in SAP Query before
reports for all areas of HR If integrated with SAP Query, you can use InfoSet Query
When InfoSet Query is accessed you can continue processing Multiline lists cannot be
from Human Resources (HR), queries using SAP Query displayed
the Query area and User group Set operations enable you to
parameters already contain create sets of objects as required
values and you can only for which data must be output
perform ad hoc reporting. If Can be included in roles using a
InfoSet Query is accessed this suitable InfoSet
way, it is called Ad Hoc Query
SAP Query General SAP reporting tool Extremely flexible Restricted to data from the
Individual definition of user No programming required R/3 System
groups, InfoSets, and queries Queries can be provided in Each HR query can process
the SAP Easy Access menu data from just one HR logical
Includes numerous options database.
for aggregating data,
performing calculations, and
displaying graphics
Enables you to display
multiline lists,define one basic
list and several statistics and
ranked lists for each query
Work Areas
• Queries are available to all clients. • Client dependant queries,Infosets and
user groups.
• This area is used for queries that are to • This area is intended for end users that
be developed and distributed centrally. want to develop their own queries in
their client environments.
• Query objects that are created in this • A link to the Workbench Organizer
area are registered in the Workbench does not exist.
Organizer. • Queries ,Infosets, and user groups of
• Infosets and user groups are stored in this area are stored in the Table
the the Table AQGDB. AQLDB.
User Groups
Transport Request no
Corresponding to
Transport Request no
Corresponding to
•Selection of the data from the catalog for use in specific forms
Master Filter/Convert
Filter/Convert Comm.
Determine Data, IDOC
Application IDOC Data,Create
Application Recipients
Applicatio Application
Application Filter/Convert
Filter/Convert Comm.
n Data Functions
However the first step is to check modifications in SAP R/3 system and compare
them with the new functionalities provided by mySAP ERP 2005.The upgrade
project can also be an opportunity to reduce total cost of ownership by returning
modifications back to standard within the higher release.
The downtime depends on various factors such as hardware power and size of the tables to be
migrated, and is therefore contingent on each individual situation. SAP upgrade technology
provides you with two strategies :