Lecture 2

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Adigrat university

Collage of Engineering and technology

Department of CoTM




Classification of Equipment

Earth Work Equipment

Crane Shovel Family

Face Shovel, Drag Line, Clam shells, Hoes

Heavy Earth moving Equipment

Excavators, Loaders, Dozers, Scrapers

Grading Equipment


Compaction Equipment

Hauling Equipment
1. Introduction
Classification of Construction Equipment
Generally equipment types can be classified into Productive and
Support equipments.
I. Productive equipment are those units that alone or in
combination lead to an end product which can be recognized
as a unit for payment;
Include pavers, haulers, loaders, rollers etc.
II. Support equipment are those equipments which are required
for operations related to the placement of construction such as
movement of personnel and materials, and activities that
influence the placement of environment.
Include represented hoists, lighting sets, vibrators, scaffolds
as typical support equipments

2. 1 Earth Work Equipment
Earth work includes:

Site preparation, excavation, loading, hauling

Embankment construction,
Backfilling, dredging,
Preparing base course,
Sub-base and sub-grade,
Compaction, road surfacing

All the above works involve the use of a large number of

highly efficient and versatile equipment.

2.1 Earth Work Equipment

work equipments are broadly classified into earth
moving, compaction, grading and hauling equipment.
Earth Work
Definition:- Earth work is a process of moving soil or
rock from one location to the other and processing it, so
that it meets construction requirements of location,
elevation, density, moisture content, etc.
The proper selection of these equipment and the length
of time they will have to be used are an essential part of
the estimators work.
2.1 Earth Work Equipment

Excavators A
Loaders B
Dozers E


2.1 Earth Work
2.1.1 Crane Shovel Family
Common Features
Superstructure or control

Front end attachment

2.1 Earth Work Equipment
2.1.1 Crane Shovel Family
A. Face Shovel

Face shovel is an equipment used mainly in quarries, pits and

on construction sites to excavate and load blasted rock.

These equipments are more effective for excavations above the

wheel or grade level.

The basic parts of a power shovel include the mounting, cab,

boom, dipper stick, dipper (bucket), and hoist line.

2.1 Earth Work Equipment
2.1.1 Crane Shovel Family
A. Face Shovel
The output of a shovel is
affected by numerous factors,
including the following:
Class of material,
depth of cut,
angle of swing,
job conditions,
management conditions,
size of hauling units,
skill of operator and
physical condition of the
shovel. Wheel Grade Level

2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
B. Drag Line
Draglines are used to excavate earth and load it into hauling
units, such as trucks or tractors-pulled wagons, or deposit it
into levees, dams and spoil banks near the pits from which it
was excavated.
These equipment are more efficient for excavation below the
grade level and have the longest reach of all shovel
A dragline can be used for dragging out sediments and is
efficient for under water construction.
These equipment are weak while excavating hard materials
and have a lesser productivity than a face shovels.
2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
B. Drag Line
Basic Components of a drag line

2.1 Earth Work Equipment
2.1.1 Crane Shovel Family
B. Drag Line
Types of Drag Lines: Drag lines may be divided into three types:
Wheel-mounted, self-propelled
Crawler-mounted draglines can operate over soft ground
conditions that would not support wheel or truck - mounted
The travel speed of a crawler machine is very slow,
frequently less than 1 mph,
It is necessary to use auxiliary, hauling equipment to
transport the unit from one job to another.
Wheel and track-mounted units may have travel speeds in excess
of 30 mph.
2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
B. Drag Line
Operation of a Drag Line

2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
B. Drag Line
Output of drug lines
The output of drag lines will vary with the following factors
Class of material
Depth of cut
Angle of swing
Size and type of bucket
Length of boom
Method of disposal, casting, or loading
Size of the hauling units, when used
Skill of the operator
Physical condition of the machine
Job conditions

2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
C. Clamshells
Clamshells are used primarily for handling loose materials
such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, coal, etc. and for
removing materials from inside cofferdams, pier foundations,
sewer manholes, sheet-lined trenches, etc.
They are specially suited to vertically lifting materials from
one location to another, as in charging hoppers and overhead
The limits of vertical movements may be relatively large when
they are used with long crane booms.
Clamshell buckets are available in various sizes, and
in heavy-duty types for digging,
medium-weight types for general-purpose work and
lightweight types for rehandling light materials.
2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
C. Clamshells

Manufacturers supply buckets either with removable teeth or

without teeth.
Teeth are used in digging the harder types of materials but are
not required when a bucket is used for re-handling purposes.

2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
C. Clamshells
The capacity of a clamshell bucket is usually given in cubic
The variable factors affecting operations include:
The difficulty of loading the bucket,
The size load obtainable,
The height of lift,
The angle of swing,
The method of disposing of the load, and
The experience of the operator.

2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
D. Hoes
Hoes are used primarily to excavate below the natural
surface of the ground on which the machine rests.

hoe is sometimes referred to by other names, such as backhoe

or back shovel.

They are adapted to excavating trenches, pits for basements,

and general grading work

Backhoes are used to clean up construction areas, to dig holes

in the ground, to smooth uneven ground,

2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
D. Hoes
Basic component of backhoes

2. Earth Work Equipment
2.1 Crane Shovel Family
Comparison between the shovel family

2.1 Earth Work Equipment
2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
A. Excavators
Replaced the cable operated crane shove family
Excavators are basically digging machines, having the
following three main components
An undercarriage to give mobility. This may be crawler
track mounted or wheel mounted.
A superstructure with operators cabin mounted on either
a slew ring to traverse through 360 or on a rigid frame.
Hydraulically articulated boom and dipper arms with
Excavators are designed to excavate below the ground
surface on which the machine rests.
Good mobility and versatility and excellent for general-
purpose work, such as excavating trenches and pits.
2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
A. Excavators
Basic Parts of Excavator

2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
A. Excavators
Functions of excavators:
Excavating Earthworks
Loading Excavated Material
Making of Drains
Advantages of hydraulic excavators include:
Faster cycle time,
Higher bucket penetrating force,
More precise digging, and easier operator control.
Many attachments can be made to increase the
versatility of the equipments. 23
2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
A. Excavators
Common attachments
Some common attachments include:
Augers: Drills holes for poles, posts,
soil sampling, and ground improvement

Jack Hammer: vibratory hammer used

to break up concrete and rock.

Bucket Ripper: The bucket sides and

bottom are lined with ripper teeth to
break up hard soil or soft rock.

Thumb Bucket: attached to bucket to

provide a hook capacity.
2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
B. Loaders
A bucket is attached to the arms and capable of being raised, lowered,
and dumped through mechanical or hydraulic controls.
The loaders having bucket in the front, known as front end loaders
are very common.
The loaders are versatile, self propelled equipment mounted either on
crawler or wheel-type running gear.
These are equipments used primarily:
To load excavated materials to a hauling unit,
Excavate soft to medium materials,
Loading hoppers,
Stockpiling materials,
Backfilling ditches, and
Moving concrete and other construction materials.
2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
B. Loaders
Basic Parts of a loader

2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
B. Loaders
Types of Loaders
Loaders are of the following two types:
Crawler loaders
Wheel Loaders

2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
B. Loaders
Loaders are used to carry out the following main operations;
A. Loading

Loading operation is the main operation performed by the loaders.

Loading consists of scooping, lifting, turning and dumping materials

such as sand, gravel, and crushed materials from stockpiles, bank or
construction site into the hauling units.

B. Hauling

Wheel loaders are excellent for moving loose materials over short
distances to dump into hauling units, hoppers, conveyors, bins, or any
other place of work in the construction site.
2.1.2 Heavy Earth moving Equipment
B. Loaders
C. Excavating
Crawler loaders and heavy duty wheel loaders are excellent for many
excavation jobs.
These loaders can excavate as well as lift the excavated material and
dump it into trucks or on the stockpiles
D. Clearing
Loaders can scoop up and load the debris of demolished buildings into
hauling units.
Loaders are the first equipment to prepare the site for building and
construction operations; and also the last equipment in order to backfill,
spread, level and top with selected good soil.

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