Column, Beams and Roof Framing

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Column, Beams and Roof

The combination of different types of building materials making it into a building part is
called building structure. Utilization of the different materials in the structure has their
own purpose of service in counteracting the different forces affecting the structure. This
is where structural design comes into, determine the strength, sizes, quantity, quality
spacing proportion etc.

Structural design includes the arrangement and proportioning of structures and their parts
so that they will satisfactorily support the loads to which they may be subjected..

In the Philippines, buildings are analyzed for their strength to withstand , wind, dead
loads, earthquakes and live loads.

National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) are design specifications published by
the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines.
Column - Is a vertical structural member supporting a floor beam, girder, or other member
and supporting primarily vertical loads.
- Member with a ratio of height-to- least-lateral dimension of 3 or greater used
primarily to support axial compressive load.

- Columns are classified as short and long columns.

- If the height of the column is < than tree times its least lateral dimension, it maybe
considered as short compression blocks or pedestal.
- Pedestal maybe designed without reinforcement with maximum permissible
compressive strength of 0.85fc. where I 0.65 (2001 NSCP: = 0.70).
- If the compressive strength is > than this value the pedestal will have to be designed as
a reinforced concrete short column.
- If the reinforced concrete column fails due to initial material failure, it is classified as
short columns
- Load of short columns depends on the dimension and the strength of the material of
which it is made
- If the length of the column is increased, the chance that it will fail by lateral buckling will
increase. Column that fail by buckling are called long column
- When a column is subjected to primary moments M, such as those caused by applied
loads or joint rotation, The axis of the member deflects laterally.
- This deflection causes additional moment applied to column, which is equal to column
load times the lateral deflection. This moment is called secondary moment or P-delta
- If the secondary moment becomes too large, the column is said to be long column and it
is necessary to design its section for the sum of both primary and secondary moments.
- However, the code permits that columns be designed as short column if the secondary
or P delta effect does not reduce their strength by more than 5%

Types of Column
1. Plain concrete pedestal -This may be used only if the height does not exceed three
times the least lateral dimension.
2. Tied columns - A column in which the longitudinal bars are braced with a series of closed
3. Spiral columns - a column in which the longitudinal bars and concrete core are wrapped
with closely spaced helix or spiral of small diameter wire or rod
4. Composite columns - These column may contain a structural steel shape surrounded by
longitudinal bars with ties or spirals or it may consist of high strength steel tubing filled
with concrete.

Tied and spiral columns are the most common forms. Either type may be circular,
octagonal, square or rectangular section.
Tied columns may also be I, T or other irregular shape.
Limits of Reinforcement for Tied Columns (Section 410.10)
I. Area of steel reinforcement ( ) shall not be less than 0.01 gross concrete area shall
not be more than 0.08 .
II. The minimum number of longitudinal bars is 4 for bars within rectangular or circular ties,
3 for bars within triangular ties.

Sizes and Spacing Of Main Bars and Ties

I. Clear distance between longitudinal bars shall be not less than 1.5 nor 40mm.
(Section 407.7.3)
II. Use 10mm diameter ties for 32-mm bars or smaller and at least 12mm in size for 36mm,
58mm, and bundled longitudinal bars. (Section 407.11.5.1)
III. Vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed: (Section 407.7.3)
1. 16 x ( = longitudinal bar diameter)
2. 48 x tie diameter
3. least dimension of the column
IV. Ties shall be arranged such that every corner and alternate longitudinal bar shall have
lateral support provided by the corner of the tie with an included angle of not more than
135 150 clear on each side along the tie from such
a laterally supported bar. Where longitudinal bars are located around the perimeter of a
circle, a complete circular tie is allowed (407.11.5.3).
Limits of Reinforcement for Spiral Column
I ( ) shall not be less than 0.01 and shall not be more than 0.08
Bundled bars in column
A column that is heavily loaded with reinforcement has this serious problem when large
number of steel bars are positioned and held individually by lateral ties. To provide space
for the concrete, bundled bars consisting 2 to 4 pieces tied in direct contact with each
other is employed to act as one unit reinforcement placed at the corner of the lateral ties.
The idea of using bundled bars is to accommodate the required area of steel bars in the
column and at the same time provide enough space for the concrete without violating
rules as to the spacing limitation and the required concrete protective covering.
Floor system of a building refers to the beam, girder and floor slab. The floor slab
carries both live and dead load. The weight of the slab is transmitted to the beam then to
the column.
Beams - are structural members that are subjected to flexural force usually thought of as
being horizontal members that are primarily subjected to gravity force.
- it is the structural member supporting the transverse load with each end resting
on a support.
Girder - is the term applied to a beam that supports one or more smaller beam
-A main horizontal, primary structural member spanning between two main
supports which carries other members or vertical loads

A beam is a structural element that primarily resists loads applied laterally to the
beam's axis. Its mode of deflection is primarily by bending.

Beams are characterized by their manner of support, profile (shape of cross-section),

length, and their material.

In building construction, a beam is a horizontal member spanning an opening and

carrying a load that may be a brick or stone wall above the opening, in which case
the beam is often called a lintel

Lintel is a horizontal structural member spanning a door, window, or other wall

opening which supports a wall or any construction immediately above.
Simple beam is sometimes called simply supported beam. It refers to a single span beam
supported at its end without a restraint at the support.
Restraint means a rigid connection or anchorage at the support.
Continuous beam is a term applied to a beam that rest on more than two supports.
Cantilever beam is supported on one end and the other end projecting beyond the support
or wall

T- beam - is when the floor slab and beams are poured with concrete simultaneously to
produce a monolithic structure where the portion of the slab are both sides of the beam
serves as flange of the T-beam. The beam below the slab serves as the web member and is
sometimes v
Called stem.

The minimum depth of a reinforced concrete cantilever beam using steel reinforcement
with Fy = 275 Mpa is L/8(0.4 + fy/700)

36mm and smaller is the Size of bar diameter allowed to be bundled in beams
Two key types of forces involved in building any structure are tension and compression.
Every material has the ability to hold up to a certain amount of tension and a certain
amount of compression. A tension force is one that pulls materials apart. A compression
force is one that squeezes material together.
Two key types of forces involved in building any structure are tension and
compression. Every material has the ability to hold up to a certain amount of tension
and a certain amount of compression. A tension force is one that pulls materials apart.
A compression force is one that squeezes material together.

Bending moment is the tendency of a force to cause rotation about a certain point of
Bending moment is classified into two types, the positive and negative bending.

Positive bending exist when the beam bends downward between its support
where the upper portion of the beam above the neutral axis is compressed while the
lower portion is stretched at the opposite directions. The negative bending exist when
the beam is bending above the support compressing the lower part of the beam
below the neutral axis and stretching the upper portion of the beam.
Bending which may cause its failure or collapse when interacting forces is applied
on to it. It is under this principle that concrete beam is provided with reinforcement in
order to prevent the rupture of the fiber under stresses.
Combination of concrete and steel producing. Reinforced Concrete offers the
solution to failure. Concrete as a homogenous material is said to be strong in
supporting compression load but weak in resisting tension forces. Steel possesses the
strength and quality to resist both compression and tension forces.
The principle behind the designed of reinforced concrete is to avail of the strength of
concrete in its capacity to carry the compression load and the steel to resist tension forces.
When the area of the concrete and steel are just enough to carry both the compression
and tension simultaneously, the design is called Balanced Reinforcement or Balance Beam
Building Code on Balance reinforcement state that The cross sectional area of steel
reinforcement shall be equal to 0.005 times the cross sectional product of the width and
depth of the beam. Ex Area of steel As = 0.05 x 25 x 40 = 5 2

Web reinforcement is the same as the stirrups used in beam to hold the reinforcement
together in its designed position.
A concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings. Horizontal slabs of
steel reinforced concrete, typically between 4 and 20 inches (100 and 500 millimeters)
thick, are most often used to construct floors and ceilings, while thinner slabs are also
used for exterior paving.
One way slab is a slab which is supported by beams on the two opposite sides to carry the
load along one direction. In one way slab, the ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is
equal or greater than 2, i.e Longer span (l)/Shorter span (b) 2

When a reinforced concrete slab is supported by beams on all the four sides and the
loads are carried by the supports along both directions, it is known as two way slab. In
two way slab, the ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is less than 2.
Slab - is a large, thick, flat piece of stone or concrete, typically square or rectangular in
shape. 'pavingslabs' 'she settled on a slab of rock

A concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings. Horizontal slabs of

steel reinforcedconcrete, typically between 4 and 20 inches (100 and 500 millimeters)
thick, are most often used to construct floors and ceilings, while thinner slabs are also
used for exterior paving.
A roof is part of a building envelope. It is the covering on the uppermost part of a
building or shelter which provides protection from animals and weather, notably rain or
snow, but also heat, wind and sunlight. The word also denotes the framing or structure
which supports that covering.

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