Definition and Nature of Research

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Definition and Nature of

Definition and Nature of Research

• Objectives
– Define research
– Explain the nature of research
– Describe each type of research
Definition and Nature of Research

• Definition
– Research (Padua, 2000)
• The process of building a model to
describe a real-life system and/or validating
the model through empirical observations.
• As a process:
– A systematic way of arriving at answers to
substantial and well-defined problems.
Definition and Nature of Research

• Definition
– Model (Benders, 1978)
• An abstraction of some real-life
phenomenon or events consisting of:
– Components (Elements)
– Relationships (Interactions) amongst these
Definition and Nature of Research

• Definition
– Therefore:
• The research process in itself is concerned
with developing accurate and
dependable models capable of
reproducing the reality it is trying to
Definition and Nature of Research

• Definition
– Therefore:
• Studies which lack the necessary
prerequisite of either model-building or
model-validation are excluded.
– Feasibility studies

– Project studies
– Other similar studies
Definition and Nature of Research
• Nature
– A research may be concerned with:
• Model-building
• Model-validation
• Both model-building and model-validation
Definition and Nature of Research
• Nature
– Model-building
• Pure or Basic research
• Built by pure deductive or inductive reasoning
• Usually research in:
– Theoretical sciences
– Mathematics
Definition and Nature of Research
• Nature
– Model-validation
• Applied research
• Require empirical observations or data with
which to support or deny purported
relationship in a model
Definition and Nature of Research
• Nature
– Both model-building and model-
• Comprehensive research
Research in Various
Research in Various Disciplines
• Objective
– Appreciate research as a necessary component in
every higher education discipline
Research in Various Disciplines
• Reasons why research is a necessary component
in every higher education discipline:
– Research enriches the discipline and
makes it relevant to the needs of the
• Advancements in technology are attributed to
vigorous research activities in the basic sciences.
Research in Various Disciplines
• Reasons why research is a necessary component
in every higher education discipline:
– Research makes use of the inherent
curiosity of man to keep a discipline from
• When research activities cease in a discipline, it
becomes extinct.
• Active research opens new avenues, vistas, and
new disciplines.
Research in Various Disciplines
• Science and Technology
– Best examples of importance of research can
be found here.
Research in: Led to:
Particle and high- Superconductors
energy physics
Einstein’s General Modern Physics
and Special Theories
of Relativity
DNA Configuration in Genetic Engineering
Molecular Biology
Research in Various Disciplines
• Medicine and Health

Research in: Led to:

Epidemiology of Predictive Stochastic
Diseases Models
Pharmacology Better and more
potent drugs to
combat new strains
of viruses
Research in Various Disciplines
• Humanities and Social Sciences
Research in: Led to:
Sociometry General statements
as to how people
can be grouped
together for better
Demography Formulation of family
planning programs
Research in Various Disciplines
• Teacher Education
Research in: Led to:
Experimental Effectiveness of new
designs/models methods and
strategies of
Theory of learning Concept-mapping,
retention and
Research in Various Disciplines
• Business and Industry
Research in: Led to:
Industry-specific Supply and demand
categories (e.g. how
prices are controlled)
General policy Effects of policy on
categories businesses
Research in Various Disciplines
• In conclusion (Padua, 2000):
– The world moves forward, becoming even more
complex than it does, and there would be an ever-
pressing need for more people who would discover
new knowledge.
– If there are more users of knowledge than
producers of knowledge, there will still be more
world problems that will be left unsolved, thus
confounding the miserable state of human existence.

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