Persepektif Keperawatan Jiwa

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Kesehatan adalah sesuatu yang berharga bagi
seluruh makhluk hidup di dunia karena tanpa
kesehatan, manusia tidak akan dapat
menjalani kegiatan hidupnya dengan optimal
1. Attitudes toward mental illness vary among
individuals, families, ethnicities, cultures, and
2. Cultural and religious teachings often
influence beliefs about the origins and nature
of mental illness, and shape attitudes
towards the mentally ill.
In addition to influencing whether mentally ill
individuals experience social stigma, beliefs
about mental illness can affect patients’
readiness and willingness to seek and adhere
to treatment..
Therefore, understanding individual and
cultural beliefs about mental illness is
essential for the implementation of effective
approaches to mental health care. Although
each individual’s experience with mental
illness is unique, the following studies offer a
sample of cultural perspectives on mental
Masalah kesehatan jiwa di Indonesia
cenderung terus meningkat, sehingga
memerlukan tindakan penanggulangan yang
menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan
Pelayanan kesehtan jiwa merupakan bagian
integral dari pelayanan visi menyeluruh dan
Pelayanan keperawatan kesehatan jiwa
merupakan bagian integral dari pelayanan visi
kesehatan jiwa mempunyai falsafah
visi dan misi yang mengacu pada paradigma
keperawatan tentang fenomena sentral yaitu
manusia, lingkungan, kesehatan dan
Untuk dapat memberikan keperawatan
kesehatan jiwa yang holistis, komprehensif dan
berkesinambungan sangat diperlukan perawat
dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan khusus
tentang keperawatan kesehatan jiwa sehingga
memungkinkan mereka untuk dapat bekerja
pada tiap tatana pelayanan kesehatan
(Budi ana keliat, )
Stigma against mental illness has devastating
consequences for individuals with mental
illness and their families
Stigma can pervade the lives of people with
mental health problems in many different
ways. According to Corrigan (2004), it
“diminishes self-esteem and robs people of
social opportunities”. This can include being
denied opportunities such as employment or
accommodation because of their illness
Stigma in the form of social distancing has
been observed when people are unwilling to
associate with a person with mental illness.
This might include not allowing the person to
provide childcare, or declining the offer of a
date (Corrigan et al, 2001)
Self-stigma or internalised stigma is the
process in which people with mental health
problems turn the stereotypes about mental
illness adopted by the public, towards
themselves. They assume they will be rejected
socially and so believe they are not valued
(Livingston and Boyd, 2010)
Being discriminated against has a huge impact
on self-esteem and confidence. This can
increase isolation from society and reinforce
feelings of exclusion and social withdrawal
5 key points

1. Stigma can affect many aspects of people’s

2. Self-stigma is the process in which people
turn stereotypes towards themselves
3. How the general public perceive people with
mental health problems depends on their
4. Stigma can be a barrier to seeking early
treatment, cause relapse and hinder recover
5. Future research should investigate the
experiences of service users and their
families to understand and measure the
impact of stigma
Implications for nursing
Stigma can affect many aspects of people’s
lives. Even a brief episode of mental illness can
have far-reaching effects on wellbeing,
disrupting work, families, relationships and
social interactions, impacting on the health
and wellbeing not just of patients, but also of
their families and friends. This can lead to
further psychiatric problems such as anxiety
and depression

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