Reservoir Fluid Properties

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Subsurface Module

Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir Fluid Properties

© The Robert Gordon University 2008 1

Reservoir Fluid Properties

This topic reviews the composition of petroleum fluids, their phase
behaviour and their properties.

 Composition of Petroleum Fluids
 Phase Behaviour
 Gas Properties
 Oil Properties
 Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
 PVT Analysis

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 2

Reservoir Fluid Properties

VITAL in many Petroleum Engineering calculations:

• The volume of hydrocarbons initially in place

• How to develop the reservoir
• The behaviour of the reservoir during production
• The recovery efficiency
• The design of the surface facilities

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Reservoir Fluid Properties

Composition of Petroleum Fluids

Phase Behaviour
Gas Properties
Oil Properties
Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
PVT Analysis

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Composition of Petroleum Fluids

• A hydrocarbon is a compound consisting of hydrogen and

• Crude oils contain many different hydrocarbon compounds
characterised into 3 main families:

1. Paraffins (Alkanes)
2. Naphthenes (Cycloparaffins)
3. Aromatics

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Composition of Petroleum Fluids
1. Paraffins (Alkanes) - predominantly “straight chain” compounds.
Can be very large molecules (C50+) in heavier oils


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Composition of Petroleum Fluids
2. Naphthenes (Cyclo-paraffins) - cyclical compounds – can
be very large (C50+) in heavier oils

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Composition of Petroleum Fluids
3. Aromatics

Benzene Ring


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Composition of Petroleum Fluids
Non - Hydrocarbons

• N2, H2S, CO2, heavy metals

•Sour Gas – contains H2S

• Sweet Gas – no H2S

• Acid Gas – contains CO2

• Asphaltenes and resins

– May precipitate out of the crude oil and cause wellbore or flowline restrictions
– Problem in subsea pipelines where cooling by low sea temperatures encourages deposition
– Various inhibitors added to the crude to reduce this problem.

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 9

Reservoir Fluid Properties

Composition of Petroleum Fluids

Phase Behaviour
Gas Properties
Oil Properties
Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
PVT Analysis

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Phase Behaviour
Phase Diagram: Single Component Substance

Line AB: Solid-Vapour Equilibrium

Critical Point
Line BC: Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium
Line BD: Solid-Liquid Equilibrium

Triple Point B:
- solid, vapour and liquid
can co-exist together
Triple Point

Critical Point C:
• Properties of vapour and liquid are identical
• Critical T - temperature above which two phases cannot exist regardless of P
• Critical P - pressure above which two phases cannot exist regardless of T
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Phase Behaviour
Phase Diagram: Two Component Substance

Critical Point
LIQUID The lines in the two phase region
A represent liquid saturations:
Bubble Point Line
Liquid &
P Vapour Dew Point Line
Point A - 75% liquid and 25% gas




• Dew Point Line - P and T at which first droplet of liquid forms on passing from gas region to 2 phase region
• Bubble Point Line - P and T at which first bubble of gas forms on passing from liquid region to 2 phase region
• Cricondenbar – highest P at which liquid and gas can co-exist in equilibrium
• Cricondentherm – highest T at which liquid and gas can co-exist in equilibrium
• Critical Point - point where the properties of the liquid and vapour are identical
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Phase Behaviour
Phase Diagram: Multi Component Substance
1. Low Shrinkage Oil
Line ABC Represents P Decline in Reservoir

A • Point A - initial reservoir P and T

Bubble Point Line
B - only liquid phase present

Critical Point • P declines through B - the bubble point line

- gas comes out of solution

• P at which the first gas is formed

P S - bubble point (saturation) pressure, pb
C • At final reservoir pressure: Point C
- some liquid remains but reservoir mainly gas
50% 25%
GAS • Line BS - production path to surface conditions
- high % of oil remains in liquid phase at surface

- Low Shrinkage Oil

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Phase Behaviour
Phase Diagram: Multi Component Substance
2. High Shrinkage (Volatile) Oil

A Line ABC Represents P decline in reservoir

Bubble Point Line
B • Point A - initial reservoir P and T
Critical Point - only liquid phase present
• P declines through B - the bubble point line
- gas comes out of solution
S • At final reservoir pressure: Point C
C - reservoir mainly gas

25% • Line BS - production path to surface conditions

0% GAS - higher gas content at surface

- High Shrinkage Oil

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Phase Behaviour

Low Shrinkage Oil and High Shrinkage (Volatile) Oil


Reservoir oils are termed undersaturated B

Critical Point
Reservoir itself is called an undersaturated reservoir LIQUID

Undersaturated: 100%
Oil could contain more dissolved gas 50%

at the initial P and T 0% GAS

In an undersaturated reservoir:
• only liquid phase exists (No Initial Gas Cap)
• gas does not come out of solution until the bubble point pressure is reached

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Phase Behaviour
3. Wet Gas, Dry Gas and Retrograde Gas Condensate
Line AB
- A: initial P and T of reservoir which contains only gas
D - B: two phase envelope not reached - reservoir still gas
Line AS1: P and T followed by gas as it flows to surface
Critical Point
E Line AS1 does not pass through two phase region
- only gas produced at surface
F - Dry Gas Reservoir

Line AS2 - liquid hydrocarbon at surface

P - Hydrocarbon liquid is condensate
B - Wet Gas Reservoir
S2 S1
100% Line DEF
B - D: initial P and T of reservoir which contains only gas
- E: Dew Point Line - liquid condenses from gas
0% GAS
to form a free liquid phase
- F: liquid saturation in reservoir reaches maximum value
T Line ES3: Liquid condensate produced at surface
retrograde condensation
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 - Retrograde Gas Condensate Reservoir 16
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Composition of Petroleum Fluids

Phase Behaviour
Gas Properties
Oil Properties
Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
PVT Analysis

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 17

Reservoir Fluid Properties

VITAL in many Reservoir Engineering calculations:

• The volume of hydrocarbons initially in place

• How to develop the reservoir
• The behaviour of the reservoir during production
• The recovery efficiency
• The design of the surface facilities

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 18

Gas Properties

To Relate Properties of Gases

Measured at Surface to Properties in the Reservoir:

• Equation describing volume of gas as a function of P and T required

• Known as Equations of State

Ideal gas law describes behaviour of gases when volume of molecules

of gas is negligible and inter-molecular attractions are negligible
PV = nRT
P = pressure; V = volume; R = universal gas constant
T = absolute temperature (460+oF or 273 +oC); n = number of lb-moles
of gas present (molecular weight in lbs)

In reality ideal behaviour is never achieved and a correction to allow

for non-ideal behaviour is needed.
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 19
Gas Properties

PVT behaviour of non-ideal gases commonly described by:

Compressibility Equation of State

• Results from ideal gas law but includes:

– Correction factor for P greater than atmospheric:

Z-Factor - compressibility factor or gas deviation factor (Z = 1 for ideal gas)

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 20

Gas Properties

Compressibility Equation of State

pV = ZnRT
• p = pressure, psia
• V = volume, cuft
• Z = Z-Factor, dimensionless
• n = number of pound moles: one pound mole is molecular weight of gas in
Pounds; (i.e. n = m / M where m = mass and M = molecular weight)
• T = absolute temperature, degrees Rankine, oR = (460o + oF)
• R = universal gas constant, 10.732 psia/lb mol. oR

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 21

Gas Properties
(Compressibility factor, Gas deviation factor)

Depends on:
• Pressure
• Temperature
• Gas composition

• Laboratory
• From correlation:

Standing and Katz Correlation; Z-factor as a function of:

– Pseudo Reduced Pressure
– Pseudo Reduced Temperature

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 22

Gas Properties

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 23

Gas Properties

Pseudo reduced pressure, ppr and pseudo reduced temperature, Tpr :

p T
ppr  Tpr 
ppc Tpc

ppc = pseudo critical pressure

Tpc = pseudo critical temperature

p and T are the pressure and temperature at which the Z factor is required

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 24

Gas Properties

Pseudo critical pressure, ppc and pseudo critical temperature Tpc :

ppc   yi pci Tpc   yi Tci

yi is the mole fraction of the ith component of the gas mixture

pci is the critical pressure of the ith component of the gas mixture

Tci is the critical temperature of the ith component of the gas mixture

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 25

Gas Properties

Gas Formation Volume Factor Bg

The volume in barrels at reservoir conditions occupied by one standard cubic foot of gas

• Derived from the compressibility equation of state

• Relates gas properties measured at the surface to properties of the gas in the reservoir
• Measured in Lab

V z Tp sc zT res bbl (rb)

Bg    0.00503
Vsc z scTscp p scf
sc denotes standard conditions:
Tsc = 520 oR (60oF)
psc = 14.7 psia
zsc = 1
one bbl = 5.615 cuft.
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 26
Gas Properties
Gas Expansion Factor E (i.e. the amount of expansion
that takes place in going from reservoir conditions
to standard conditions)

E  scf/rcf
1 bbl = 5.615 cuft

Bg  rb/scf
5.615 E
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 27
Gas Properties

Bg and E as functions of pressure at constant reservoir temperature

Example Values:
Bg E Bg = 1.2 x 10-3 rb/scf
E = 150 scf/rcf

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 28
Gas Properties

Gas Compressibility cg

From the compressibility equation of state Cg can be approximated to the

reciprocal of pressure (mainly for P between about 2,000 and 3000 psi):

1 -1
cg  psi
(For full derivation see Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, L.P. Dake,
Elsevier, 1978, page 23)

Gas compressibilities are very high compared to oil compressibilities

For a pressure of 5000 psia, cg = 200 x 10-6 psi -1
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 29
Gas Properties

Gas Viscosity µg

Calculated in the laboratory - generally decrease with decreasing


Typical value: 0.03 centipoise cp

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 30

Gas Properties

Gas Density ρg

Density, ρ (lb/cuft), of a gas is defined as mass per unit volume:

m pM
ρgas  
M = Molecular Weight

Gas density at standard conditions:

ρgas sc  0.0763 γg lb/cuft

γg is the specific gravity of the gas

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 31
Gas Properties

Specific Gravity S.G.(γg )

Defined as the ratio of gas density to the density of air

Determined from the compressibility equation of state:

ρgas Mgas M
S.G. (γ g )   
ρair Mair 28.97

M is the molecular weight.

Typical value = 0.85 (air =1)

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 32

Gas Properties

Moles, n and Molecular Weight, Ma

Number of moles, n (lb-mole), of any gas is:

weight of the gas, m (lbs), divided by the molecular weight, M (lb/lb-mole):

m ZmRT
n  pV 

In a gas mixture the apparent molecular weight, Ma:

Ma   yi Mi
yi = the mole fraction of the ith component of the gas mixture.
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 33
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Composition of Petroleum Fluids

Phase Behaviour
Gas Properties
Oil Properties
Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
PVT Analysis

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 34

Oil Properties
Oil Formation Volume Factor Bo
The volume in reservoir barrels of oil plus dissolved gas at reservoir
conditions that gives one stock tank barrel of oil
• Measured in lab
• Units are rb/stb and values are greater than 1

Bubble Point
Bob Above bubble point P oil is undersaturated
Bo increases as P decreases as oil expands
due to its compressibility
Below bubble point P Bo decreases
As gas evolves from oil causing the oil volume
to decrease
1.0 Pb

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 35

Oil Properties
Solution Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) Rs
The amount of dissolved gas in a crude oil at reservoir temperature and pressure
• Measured in Lab
• Units are scf/stb
In an undersaturated system where no free gas is present in the reservoir:

Rsi scf

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 36

Oil Properties
Solution Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) Rs
(In reality below Pb gas will most likely start to move as a separate phase,
i.e. solution gas will be augmented by free gas production)

Bubble Point


Pb Pintial
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 37
Oil Properties
Producing Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) R
For a saturated system the producing GOR is a combination of free gas and dissolved gas

R = Solution (Dissolved) Gas + Free Gas

R = Rs + (R – Rs) scf/stb

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 38

Oil Properties

R scf of gas produced per stb of oil consists of:

• Rs scf of gas from the solution gas

This volume of gas with one stb of oil gives Bo rb of oil plus dissolved gas at reservoir conditions

• (R - Rs) scf of gas from the free gas in the reservoir

This volume of gas has a volume of (R - Rs)Bg rb at reservoir conditions

Bg used here to convert scf/stb to rb/scf

Total volume of hydrocarbons withdrawn from the reservoir

(measured at reservoir conditions) to produce:

1 stb of oil + R scf of gas is: [Bo + (R - Rs ) Bg ] rb

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 39

Oil Properties
Below the pb R can increase to a much higher value than Rsi, as
gas is so much more mobile than oil in the reservoir – but heavily
dependent on reservoir dip angle and production rates

Above pb R = Rsi

Why the dip in R?

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 40

Oil Properties
Specific Gravity γo

Defined with reference to the density of water:

γo 

API Gravity is universally used to characterise oil density:

o 141.5
API  - 131.5
Heavy oils have low API gravities 15o to 25o
Volatile oils have API gravities 40o to 50o
Black oils have API gravities 30o to 40o
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 41
Oil Properties

Oil Compressibility co

Change in oil volume per unit of oil volume per psi change in pressure
(at constant temperature):

1 dVo -1
co  - psi
Vo dpo

Vo Bo - Boi -1
Bo  co  psi
(Vo )sc Boi p

Typical oil compressibility at 2000 psia would be 15 x 10-6 / psi

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 42
Oil Properties
Oil Viscosity µo

• Measured in the laboratory

• Generally increase with decreasing pressure
• Below pb the oil phase viscosity increases as gas evolves from solution

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 43

Reservoir Fluid Properties

Composition of Petroleum Fluids

Phase Behaviour
Gas Properties
Oil Properties
Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
PVT Analysis

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 44

Fluid Gradients and HC Contacts
Formation Fluid Pressure Versus Depth Measurements
Open Hole Logging Tools are used to obtain:
– The vertical pressure distribution in the reservoir
– Reservoir Fluid Samples

• In exploration and appraisal wells pressure surveys are used to determine

hydrocarbon contacts and fluid gradients

• In development wells, dynamic pressure-depth profiles are important for

reservoir management

• In normally pressured reservoirs a continuous column of formation water from

the reservoir to the surface would result in a surface pressure of one atmosphere

• The normal hydrostatic pressure gradient for fresh water is 0.4335 psi/ft

• In overpressured reservoirs the fluid pressure is greater than the

hydrostatic pressure of a column of formation water from the reservoir to the surface
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 45
Fluid Gradients and HC Contacts
Pressure – Depth Profile for Oil Reservoir with Gas Cap

Pressure, psia

Gas Gradient
0.08 psi/ft

Gas Oil Contact

Depth, ft
Oil Gradient
Saline Water 0.35 psi/ft
0.45 psi/ft

Free Water Level


In exploration and appraisal wells pressure surveys are used to determine

hydrocarbon contacts and fluid gradients
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 46
Fluid Gradients and HC Contacts

Free Water Level / HC Contacts / Transition Zone

Pressure, psia

Gas Gradient
Saturation-Height Function 0.08 psi/ft
Gas Oil Contact
Oil Height (GOC)
Connate Water Saturation Depth, ft
Oil Oil Gradient
Saline Water 0.35 psi/ft
Transition Zone 0.45 psi/ft
h=0 FWL
Free Water Level
Water Water (FWL)

0 Swc 100
Sw %

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Fluid Gradients and HC Contacts
Dynamic Pressure – Depth Profile

Pressure, psia
Layers 5

Depth, ft

Original Pressure-Depth Profile

In development wells, dynamic pressure-depth profiles are

important for reservoir management
© The Robert Gordon University 2006 48
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Composition of Petroleum Fluids

Phase Behaviour
Gas Properties
Oil Properties
Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
PVT Analysis

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 49

PVT Analysis
The objectives of a black oil PVT study or reservoir fluid study:

1. To determine the properties of the oil as it exists in the reservoir.

2. To determine the properties of the oil at the temperatures and pressures

it encounters as it flows from the reservoir to the production facilities:

Bubble point or dew point pressure

Oil and Gas Formation Volume Factors
Solution Gas Oil Ratio
Oil and Gas Viscocities
Fluid composition
Gas–oil separation tests under equilibrium or differential conditions

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 50

PVT Analysis

1. To determine the properties of the oil as it exists in the reservoir.

Oil sample collected directly from the reservoir (Downhole sampling)

Recreated by recombining surface samples of oil and gas phases in the correct proportion.

Downhole sampling of the reservoir fluid using wireline tools or by taking bottom
hole samples during DSTs

Surface sampling requires collecting separate samples of oil and gas at separator conditions
and recombining them to give a representative reservoir fluid sample. In practice this is
heavily reliant on stable well conditions and confidence that reservoir conditions are
represented by the fluids flowing up the well.

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 51

Reservoir Fluid Properties

This topic reviews the composition of petroleum fluids, their phase
behaviour and their properties.

 Composition of Petroleum Fluids
 Phase Behaviour
 Gas Properties
 Oil Properties
 Fluid Gradients and Hydrocarbon Contacts
 PVT Analysis

© The Robert Gordon University 2006 52

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