Cells: The Little Chamber in Plants and Animals: Eb 2005-Introductory Biology

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Cells: The Little Chamber in

Plants and Animals

Learning Objectives:

1. State the main characteristics of Prokaryotic

cells and eukaryotic cells?
2. Identify eukaryotic organelles within a diagram or
micrograph of a cell.
3. Discuss the functions of the cell organelles.
4. Describe the differences between plant cells and
animal cells.
Cells – basic unit of life
• Cell is a living, tiny chamber that is surrounded by a thin membrane and
contains various organelles.
• Basic unit of life.
• First described in 1665 by the British scientist Robert Hooke, who used light
microscope to examine a thin slice of cork from the bark of an oak tree.
Microscopes provide windows to the world
of cell

Light microscope

Transmission electron
microscope – study details of
internal structure

Scanning electron microscope

- study detailed structure of cell
surfaces (3D image)
Electron microscopic view of membranes

Scanning electron
micrograph of cilia
(3D structure)

micrograph of cilia

Which type of microscope would you use to study

a) the changes in shape of a living human white blood

b) the finest details of surface texture of a human
c) the detailed structure of an organelle in a human
liver cell?
1. All living things are made up of
one or more cells.

2. New cells are formed by the

division of pre-existing cell.

3. Cells contain genetic material Cork cells from the bark of oak tree
(in DNA)

4. All metabolic reactions take

place within cells.

Cell division
Features of Prokaryotic cells
Prokaryotes, which include all bacteria and archaea (archaebacteria),
are the simplest cellular organisms.

• Nucleus is absent
• Chromosomes are single circular
DNA molecule present in a nucleoid.
• No membrane (nuclear envelop)
surrounds the DNA
• Cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic
organelles are absent
• Smaller and simpler than eukaryotic
Features of Eukaryotic Cells Animal cell

Plant cell

• Genetic material is separated from the cytoplasm.

• Nucleus is present
• Chromosomes are multiple linear DNA molecules
• Cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic organelles are present.
Cell components

Organelle Cell wall Cytoplasm


Endomembrane system




Flagella and cilia

Plasma Membrane
 Controls the movement of
substances (oxygen, nutrients
and wastes) in and out of the cell
 The plasma membrane consists
of a phospholipids bilayer.
 The polar hydrophilic (water-
loving) head of phospholipids
points outward, attracted to the
aqueous surrounding and form
hydrogen bonds with water
 The non-polar, hydrophobic
(water-fearing), hydrocarbon
tails face inwards, and attracted
to one another.
• The plasma membrane is described as a “fluid mosaic” – fluid because the molecules can
move freely past one another and mosaic because of the diversity of proteins that float like
icebergs in the phospholipids sea.
• There are peripheral (extrinsic) proteins on the surface of the membrane. The integral
(intrinsic) proteins are embedded in the phospholipids of the membrane.
• The protein part that contains hydrophobic amino acids interacts with the hydrophobic fatty
acids to expel water. The hydrophilic part of the protein is attracted to the aqueous
Factors Influencing the Fluidity of Membrane
a)Most of the lipids and some proteins molecules
move laterally or change places and thus
give the membrane fluidity. Lateral movement
of phospholipids is rapid (adjacent
phospholipids switch positions about 107
times per second) .

b)Unsaturated hydrocarbon tails of

phospholipids have double bonds that form
kinks. Because of the kinks, unsaturated
hydrocarbons cannot pack together and makes
the membrane more fluid.

c)At moderate temperature, the cholesterol

molecules reduce membrane fluidity by
preventing free movement of phospholipids.
Permeability of Lipid Bilayer
Molecules that can travel across the
phospholipid bilayer are:
 Small hydrophobic (non-polar)
 Small uncharged polar molecules

Molecules that cannot travel across the

phospholipid bilayer are:
 Large uncharged polar molecules
 Charged molecules

Transport proteins embedded in the phospholipid

bilayer help to transfer the unpenetratable molecules
(only allow certain substances pass through
membrane- specific ions and polar molecules)
Diffusion (Passive Transport)
Diffusion is the movement of substances (liquid or gas) from region of
higher concentration to region of lower concentration
Transport Across Membrane

• Passive transport, in the same

direction as a concentration gradient,
• If uncharged solutes are small enough,
occurs spontaneously (no energy
they can move down their concentration
required), whereas active transport
gradients directly across the lipid bilayer
(against a concentration gradient)
itself by simple diffusion.
requires an input of energy.
• Most solutes, however, can cross the
• Only carrier proteins (alternate
membrane only if there is a membrane
conformations/ change shape to allow
transport protein (a carrier protein or a
substances cross the membrane) can
channel protein) to transfer them.
carry out active transport, but both
(Facilitated diffusion)
carrier proteins and channel proteins
can carry out passive transport.
Water relations and cell shape in blood cells & in a plant cell
Practical Applications

• Preservation of
food (e.g. food kept
in salt and sugar
• Controlling weeds
(e.g. sprinkling
salts around the
base of weeds)
• Application of
Bulk transport (large molecules such as proteins and
polysaccharides) across plasma membrane
Cell Wall

Cell wall contains cellulose

microfibrils loosely arranged.
These cellulose fibrils have
high tensile strength and
prevent the plant cells from
bursting when water enters by

Cross section of balsa wood

Cell Wall Structure

The cell wall contains two groups of branched polysaccharides, the pectins and
cross-linking glycans. Organized into a network with the cellulose microfibrils,
the cross-linking glycans increase the tensile strength of the cellulose,
whereas the coextensive network of pectins provides the cell wall with the
ability to resist compression.

In addition to these networks, a small amount of protein can be found in all plant
primary cell walls. Some of this protein is thought to increase mechanical
strength and part of it consists of enzymes, which initiate reactions that form,
remodel, or breakdown the structural networks of the wall. Such changes in the
cell wall directed by enzymes are particularly important for fruit to ripen
and leaves to fall in autumn.
Cell Wall with Plasmodesmata
 gives plant cell a fixed shape; prevents the plant cell from
absorbing too much water and then bursting
The cell walls have
pits. These pits enable
cytoplasmic strands
(plasmodesmata) to
pass through the
connecting cytoplasm
of one cell and its
neighbors. These pits
allow water and other
small molecules to
move between cells.
 is entire region between the nucleus and plasma membrane;
Organelles are suspended in it.

• Nucleus and ribosome - genetic control of the cell

• Endomembrane system - manufacturing and
distributing cellular products
• Chloroplast and mitochondria – energy conversion
• Cytoskeleton – cell shape and movement
• Flagella and cilia
NUCLEUS – controls all activities of the cell

The nucleoplasm contains chromatin, nucleolus, enzymes and mineral


Chromatin consists of long DNA strands. It will condense to form

chromosomes. Chromosomes contain the genetic information. Each
cell has one or more nucleolus which manufacture ribosomes.
small, dense granules attached to the ER forming rough ER
or occur freely within the cytoplasm. It is the site of
protein synthesis.

Prokaryotes : 70S

Eukaryotes : 80S
Endomembrane System
The endomembrane system consisting of the nuclear envelope, ER
and Golgi apparatus, vesicles and other organelles derived from
them, and the plasma membrane.

Many materials are moved around the cell by the endomembrane

system, including some proteins.

The rough endoplasmic

reticulum modifies new
proteins made on

Smooth endoplasmic
reticulum lacks
ribosomes. It is the site
of lipid synthesis
cholesterol and steroid
hormones) and
metabolism of
“Refinery, warehouse and shipping center of the cell”. The golgi apparatus
receives, refines, stores and distributes chemical products (e.g. protein) to
other parts of the cell or out of the cell. It is also involved in the formation
of lysosomes and it is particularly important in the processing of proteins
for secretion.

Lysosomes are
produced by the
Golgi Apparatus.

They have several

digestive function.
As sacs of digestive
enzymes, they
digest food and
help recycle the
molecules of the
cell itself by
breaking down
In animal cells, vacuoles are generally VACUOLES
small. In plant cells, vacuoles tend to be
large and play a role in maintaining turgor

When a plant is well-watered, water collects

in cell vacuoles producing rigidity. With
insufficient water, pressure in the vacuole is
reduced and the plant wilts.

Vacuoles accumulate toxic

wastes: phenolics, acids, and a range of
nitrogenous wastes and water-soluble
pigments, especially anthocyanins -
responsible for red-pink-blue-purple
coloration in many (but not all) flowers and
The tonoplast is the vacuole membrane.
As plant cells age.. onset of death is usually
associated with tonoplast leakage and
Plant vacuole
Energy conversion- CHLOROPLAST

The chloroplasts are organelles of

plants and protists that perform
photosynthesis. They are
enclosed by a double membrane.
Inside the chloroplast is a system of
membranous flattened sacs called
thylakoids which are stacked to
form granum (plural, grana). The
fluid outside the thylakoid is the
Energy conversion- MITOCHONDRIA
“Powerhouse of the cell”

The double membraned,

mitochondrion is the site for
cellular aerobic respiration.

The inner membrane of the

mitochondrion is extensively
folded to form cristae. It also
encloses a fluid-filled matrix. In
the matrix can be found a few
circular strands of DNA,
ribosomes and enzymes that are
used in the Krebs cycle.
Support, maintain
structure and shape of
cell, and movement –
 Microtubules
 Microfilaments
 Intermediate filaments

 provide platforms for intracellular transport (Inside cell)

 guide transport vesicles from Golgi to the plasma
 help separate the chromosome copies in dividing cells
 tough, flexible framework which helps the cell
in movement.
 contracting muscle cells
 cytoplasmic streaming (flow of cytosol, the
liquid component of the cytoplasm)
Intermediate filaments

 anchorage of
nucleus and other
FLAGELLA (longer) -Cell motility
CILIA (short) -Propelling fluids
 Plastids are major organelles found in plants and algae.

 Plastids are responsible for photosynthesis, storage of products like starch

and for the synthesis of many classes of molecules such as fatty acids.

Isodiametric Parenchyma Cell containing Chromoplasts: Each red dot is a

Chromoplast that contains Carotenoids

Elongate Palisade
Parenchyma Cells containing Amyloplasts Parenchyma with
(non pigmented)This was stained with IKI
which has stained the Starch Brown.
Types of Plastids
Characteristics Shared By Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic Cells
• A plasma membrane that
keeps the inside of the
cell different from the

• DNA as genetic materials

• Ability to carry out


• Ribosomes – the
organelles on which
protein synthesis takes
Binary fission in a prokaryote
1. The bacterium before binary fission is when the DNA is tightly coiled.
2. The DNA of the bacterium has uncoiled and replicated.
3. The DNA is pulled to the separate poles of the bacterium as it increases size to prepare
for splitting.
4. The growth of a new cell wall begins to separate the bacterium.
5. The new cell wall fully develops, resulting in the complete split of the bacterium.
6. The new daughter cells have tightly coiled DNA rods, ribosomes, and plasmids; these
are brand new organism

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