Delineation and Recognition of Ancestral Domains
Delineation and Recognition of Ancestral Domains
Delineation and Recognition of Ancestral Domains
Ancestral Domains
• Self-delineation shall be the guiding principle in the identification and
delineation of ancestral domains.
• The Sworn Statement of the Elders as to the scope of the territories
and agreements/pacts made with neighboring ICCs/IPs, if any, will be
essential to the determination of these traditional territories.
• The Government shall take the necessary steps to identify lands which
the ICCs/IPs concerned traditionally occupy and guarantee effective
protection of their rights of ownership and possession thereto.
• Measures shall be taken in appropriate cases to safeguard the right of
the ICCs/IPs concerned to land which may no longer be exclusively
occupied by them, but to which they have traditionally had access for
their subsistence and traditional activities, particularly of ICCs/IPs who
are still nomadic and/or shifting cultivators.
Sec. 52 Delineation Process
• The identification and delineation of ancestral
domains shall be done in accordance with the
• ICCs/IPs whose ancestral lands/domains were
officially delineated prior to the enactment of
this law shall have the right to apply for the
issuance of a Certificate of Ancestral Domain
Title (CADT) over the area without going
through the process.
• a) Petition for Delineation.
• b) Delineation Proper.
• c) Proof Required.
• 1) Written accounts of the ICCs/IPs customs and traditions;
• 2) Written accounts of the ICCs/IPs political structure and institution;
• 3) Pictures showing long term occupation such as those of old
improvements, burial grounds, sacred places and old villages;
• 4) Historical accounts, including pacts and agreements concerning
boundaries entered into by the ICCs/IPs concerned with other ICCs/IPs;
• 5) Survey plans and sketch maps;
• 6) Anthropological data;
• 7) Genealogical surveys;
• 8) Pictures and descriptive histories of traditional communal forests and
hunting grounds;
• 9) Pictures and descriptive histories of traditional landmarks such as
mountains, rivers, creeks, ridges, hills, terraces and the like; and
• 10) Write-ups of names and places derived from the native dialect of the
• d) Preparation of Maps.
• e) Report of Investigation and Other
• f) Notice and Publication.
• g) Endorsement to NCIP.
• h) Turnover of Areas Within Ancestral
Domains Managed by Other Government
• i) Issuance of CADT .
• j) Registration of CADTs
• SECTION 53. Identification, Delineation and Certification of
Ancestral Lands.
• a) The allocation of lands within any ancestral domain to
individual or indigenous corporate (family or clan) claimants
shall be left to the ICCs/IPs concerned to decide in accordance
with customs and traditions;
• b) Individual and indigenous corporate claimants of
ancestral lands which are not within ancestral domains, may
have their claims officially established by filing applications for
the identification and delineation of their claims with the
Ancestral Domains Office.
• c) Proofs of such claims shall accompany the application
form which shall include the testimony under oath of elders of
the community and other documents directly or indirectly
attesting to the possession or occupation of the areas since time
immemorial by the individual or corporate claimants in the
concept of owners
• d) Submission of other documents and sworn statements
• e) Upon receipt of the applications for delineation
and recognition of ancestral land claims, the Ancestral
Domains Office shall cause the publication of the
application and a copy of each document submitted
• f) Fifteen (15) days after such publication, the
Ancestral Domains Office shall investigate and inspect
each application, and if found to be meritorious, shall
cause a parcellary survey of the area being claimed.
• g) The Ancestral Domains Office shall prepare and
submit a report on each and every application surveyed
and delineated to the NCIP, which shall, in turn, evaluate
the report submitted. If the NCIP finds such claim
meritorious, it shall issue a certificate of ancestral land,
declaring and certifying the claim of each individual or
corporate (family or clan) claimant over ancestral lands.
• SECTION 54. Fraudulent Claims. — The Ancestral
Domains Office may, upon written request from the
ICCs/IPs, review existing claims which have been
fraudulently acquired by any person or community. Any
claim found to be fraudulently acquired by, and issued to,
any person or community may be cancelled by the NCIP
after due notice and hearing of all parties concerned.
• SECTION 55. Communal Rights. — Subject to Section
56 hereof, areas within the ancestral domains, whether
delineated or not, shall be presumed to be communally
held: Provided, That communal rights under this Act shall
not be construed as co-ownership as provided in Republic
Act No. 386, otherwise known as the New Civil Code.
• SECTION 56. Existing Property Rights Regimes. —
Property rights within the ancestral domains already
existing and/or vested upon effectivity of this Act, shall be
recognized and respected.
Sec 57. Natural Resources within
Ancestral Domains
• The ICCs/IPs shall have priority rights in the harvesting,
extraction, development or exploitation of any natural
resources within the ancestral domains. A non-member of
the ICCs/IPs concerned may be allowed to take part in the
development and utilization of the natural resources for a
period of not exceeding twenty-five (25) years renewable
for not more than twenty-five (25) years: Provided, That a
formal and written agreement is entered into with the
ICCs/IPs concerned or that the community, pursuant to its
own decision making process, has agreed to allow such
operation: Provided, finally, That the NCIP may exercise
visitorial powers and take appropriate action to safeguard
the rights of the ICCs/IPs under the same contract.
Sec 59. Certification Precondition
• All departments and other governmental agencies shall henceforth
be strictly enjoined from issuing, renewing, or granting any
concession, license or lease, or entering into any production-sharing
agreement, without prior certification from the NCIP that the area
affected does not overlap with any ancestral domain. Such
certification shall only be issued after a field-based investigation is
conducted by the Ancestral Domains Office of the area concerned:
Provided, That no certification shall be issued by the NCIP without
the free and prior informed and written consent of ICCs/IPs
concerned: Provided, further, That no department, government
agency or government-owned or -controlled corporation may issue
new concession, license, lease, or production sharing agreement
while there is a pending application for a CADT: Provided, finally,
That the ICCs/IPs shall have the right to stop or suspend, in
accordance with this Act, any project that has not satisfied the
requirement of this consultation process.
Sec 58. Environmental Considerations
• Ancestral domains or portions thereof, which are
found to be necessary for critical watersheds,
mangroves, wildlife sanctuaries, wilderness,
protected areas, forest cover, or reforestation as
determined by appropriate agencies with the full
participation of the ICCs/IPs concerned shall be
maintained, managed and developed for such
purposes. The ICCs/IPs concerned shall be given
the responsibility to maintain, develop, protect
and conserve such areas with the full and
effective assistance of government agencies.
Sec 60. Exemption from Taxes
• All lands certified to be ancestral domains
shall be exempt from real property taxes,
special levies, and other forms of exaction
except such portion of the ancestral domains
as are actually used for large-scale agriculture,
commercial forest plantation and residential
purposes or upon titling by private persons:
Provided, That all exactions shall be used to
facilitate the development and improvement
of the ancestral domains.
• SECTION 61. Temporary Requisition Powers. —the NCIP is hereby
authorized to request the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) survey teams as well as other equally capable
private survey teams, through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA),
to delineate ancestral domain perimeters. The DENR Secretary shall
accommodate any such request within one (1) month of its issuance.
• SECTION 62. Resolution of Conflicts. — In cases of conflicting
interest, where there are adverse claims within the ancestral domains
as delineated in the survey plan, and which can not be resolved, the
NCIP shall hear and decide, after notice to the proper parties, the
disputes arising from the delineation of such ancestral domains
• Provided, That if the dispute is between and/or among ICCs/IPs
regarding the traditional boundaries of their respective ancestral
domains, customary process shall be followed. The NCIP shall
promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to carry out its
adjudicatory functions
• Provided, further, That any decision, order, award or ruling of the NCIP
on any ancestral domain dispute or on any matter pertaining to the
application, implementation, enforcement and interpretation of this
Act may be brought for Petition for Review to the Court of Appeals
within fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy thereof.
• SECTION 63. Applicable Laws. — Customary laws,
traditions and practices of the ICCs/IPs of the land where the
conflict arises shall be applied first with respect to property
rights, claims and ownerships, hereditary succession and
settlement of land disputes. Any doubt or ambiguity in the
application and interpretation of laws shall be resolved in
favor of the ICCs/IPs.
• SECTION 64. Remedial Measures. — Expropriation may
be resorted to in the resolution of conflicts of interest
following the principle of the “common good”. The NCIP shall
take appropriate legal action for the cancellation of officially
documented titles which were acquired illegally: Provided,
That such procedure shall ensure that the rights of possessors
in good faith shall be respected: Provided, further, That the
action for cancellation shall be initiated within two (2) years
from the effectivity of this Act: Provided, finally, That the
action for reconveyance shall be within a period of ten (10)
years in accordance with existing laws.
Jurisdiction and Procedures for
Enforcement of Rights
• SECTION 65. Primacy of Customary Laws and Practices. —
When disputes involve ICCs/IPs, customary laws and practices shall
be used to resolve the dispute.
• SECTION 66. Jurisdiction of the NCIP. — The NCIP, through its
regional offices, shall have jurisdiction over all claims and disputes
involving rights of ICCs/IPs: Provided, however, That no such dispute
shall be brought to the NCIP unless the parties have exhausted all
remedies provided under their customary laws. For this purpose, a
certification shall be issued by the Council of Elders/Leaders who
participated in the attempt to settle the dispute that the same has
not been resolved, which certification shall be a condition
precedent to the filing of a petition with the NCIP.
• SECTION 67. Appeals to the Court of Appeals. — Decisions of
the NCIP shall be appealable to the Court of Appeals by way of a
petition for review.
• SECTION 68. Execution of Decisions, Awards, Orders.
• SECTION 69. Quasi-Judicial Powers of the NCIP. — The NCIP
shall have the power and authority:
• a) To promulgate rules and regulations governing the
hearing and disposition of cases filed before it as well as those
pertaining to its internal functions and such rules and regulations as
may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act;
• b) To administer oaths, summon the parties to a controversy,
issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and testimony of
witnesses or the production of such books, papers, contracts,
records, agreements and other document of similar nature as may
be material to a just determination of the matter under
investigation or hearing conducted in pursuance of this Act;
• c) To hold any person in contempt, directly or indirectly, and
impose appropriate penalties therefor; and
• d) To enjoin any or all acts involving or arising from any case
pending before it which, if not restrained forthwith, may cause
grave or irreparable damage to any of the parties to the case or
seriously affect social or economic activity.
• SECTION 70. No Restraining Order or
Preliminary Injunction. — No inferior court of
the Philippines shall have jurisdiction to issue
any restraining order or writ of preliminary
injunction against the NCIP or any of its duly
authorized or designated offices in any case,
dispute or controversy arising from, necessary
to, or interpretation of this Act and other
pertinent laws relating to ICCs/IPs and
ancestral domains.
Sec 71. Ancestral Domain Fund
• There is hereby created a special fund, to be known as the
Ancestral Domains Fund, an initial amount of One hundred thirty
million pesos (P130,000,000) to cover compensation for
expropriated lands, delineation and development of ancestral
domains. An amount of Fifty million pesos (P50,000,000) shall be
sourced from the gross income of the Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) from its lotto operation, Ten million
pesos (P10,000,000) from the gross receipts of the travel tax of the
preceding year, the fund of the Social Reform Council intended for
survey and delineation of ancestral lands/domains, and such other
source as the government may deem appropriate. The NCIP may
also solicit and receive donations, endowments and grants in the
form of contributions, and such endowments shall be exempted
from income or gift taxes and all other taxes, charges or fees
imposed by the government or any political subdivision or
instrumentality thereof.
Sec 72. Punishable Acts
• Violation of Sec 21 - Equal Protection and Non-
discrimination of ICCs/IPs.
• Sec 24
• a) To discriminate against any ICC/IP with respect to
the terms and conditions of employment on account of
their descent. Equal remuneration shall be paid to
ICC/IP and non-ICC/IP for work of equal value;
• b) To deny any ICC/IP employee any right or benefit
herein provided for or to discharge them for the
purpose of preventing them from enjoying any of the
rights or benefits provided under this Act.
• Sec 33
• a) Explore, excavate or make diggings
on archeological sites of the ICCs/IPs for the
purpose of obtaining materials of cultural
values without the free and prior informed
consent of the community concerned; and
• b) Deface, remove or otherwise
destroy artifacts which are of great
importance to the ICCs/IPs for the
preservation of their cultural heritage.
• SECTION 73. Persons Subject to
Punishment. — If the offender is a juridical
person, all officers such as, but not limited to,
its president, manager, or head of office
responsible for their unlawful act shall be
criminally liable therefor, in addition to the
cancellation of certificates of their registration
and/or license: Provided, That if the offender
is a public official, the penalty shall include
perpetual disqualification to hold public office
Merger of the Office for Northern Cultural Communities (ONCC)
and the Office for Southern Cultural Communities (OSCC)