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Global 8 Discipline

 Introduction of participant
 Overview of G8D
 Understanding of Discipline D0-D8.
(Example & Case study)
 Summary.
Introduction of participant
Type Of Problem Solving
 Rational – Fact & Logical Based
 People Based – Experiential (e.g Team,
employee involvement, participative
management, C&E diagrams.
 Creative-e.g. Brainstorming
How G8D fit to an Organization
The world

Customer Empowered
Satisfaction Product People
Lower Cost

Overview – G8D
 G8D is a Disciplined process which addresses
problem & problem solving in a methodical and
analytical way.
 G8D process seeks to define and understand a
problem and It provides a mechanism for
identifying root cause and implementing an
appropriate corrective action.
 G8D can also change system, so that the problem
and other problem similar to it are prevented
from happening again.
G8D-Learning Outcomes
 Distinguish between problem and problem
solving methodologies.
 Describe the purpose and function of each
step of G8D.
 Function as active team member.
 Complete the Problem Description at D2.
 Complete Root Cause analysis at D4.
 Complete a G8D report.
 A quantifiable event or effect, experienced
by internal or external customers.
 Example:-Field Complaint, Customer
rejection, Warranty cost, Final Inspection
rejection, Process rejection.
 A deviation from an expectation, a special
cause, high variation, any unwanted effect.
 Example:-Dim Not OK, Material Not OK,
Fitment Not OK, Rust, Capability Not OK.
D0 - Prepare For G8D Process
 Purpose
– In response to a symptom,evaluate the need
for the G8D process.
– If necessary, provide emergency response
action to protect the customer and initiate the
G8D process.
D0 - Prepare For G8D Process
 Application Criteria-G8D
– The symptom has been defined and quantified.
– Who experienced, When it happened and who
affected have been defined.
– Measurement taken to quantify the symptom
demonstrate that a performance gap exist.
– The cause is unknown.
– Management is committed to dedicate the necessary
resources to fix the problem at root cause level &
prevent recurrence.
– Symptom complexity exceeds the ability of one
person to resolve the problem.
D0 - Prepare For G8D Process
 Some common Tools
– Trend Chart
– Pareto Chart
– Check Sheet ( Paynter Chart )
D0 - Prepare For G8D Process-
Exercise Page 78A time 15’
 Identify Symptom.
 Suggest Emergency Response Action.
 Evaluate G8D requirement based on
application criteria.
 IF G8D required fill in G8D form up to D0
D0 - Prepare For G8D Process G8D Report
Title Date Opened Last Updated

Product / Process Information Organisation Information

D0 Symptom(s)

D0 Emergency Response Action % Effectiveness Date Implemented

Verification / validation
D1 Team ( Name, Dept, Phone ) D2 Problem Statement

Problem Description

D0 Interim Containment Action (s) % Effectiveness Date Implemented

Verification / validation
D4 Root Cause(s) Contribution

D5 Chosen Permanent Corrective Action(s) % Effective

D6 Implemented Permanent Corrective Action(s) Date Implemented
D1-Establish the Team
 Purpose
– To establish a small group of people (4 to 10)
with the process/product knowledge,
Allocated time, Authority, and skill in the
required technical discipline to solve the
problem and implement the corrective action.
– The group must have Team leader
– The group initiates the team building process.
D1-Establish the Team
 Objective
– You will be able to describe
 The guidelines for determining team membership
 Team role

 Team Operating procedure

D1-Establish the Team
 Function of the team role
– Leader
– Facilitating
– Time managing
– Scribing
– Recording
D1-Establish the Team –
Exercise time 10’
 Decide on team roles
 List your team’s ground rules.
 List what data you need to gather about the
 Fill in G8D format.
D2-Describe the problem -
 Describe the internal / external problem by
– Identifying “What is wrong with What”
– Detailing the problem in quantifiable terms
D2-Describe the problem -
 Identify the object and the defect
 Act as a database for describing the
 Define the problem as accurately as
 Drive the rest of the G8D process
D2-Describe the problem -
 Describe the process for describing the
 Practice developing a problem statement.
 Practice developing a problem description.
D2-Describe the problem -
Any vagueness or inaccuracy can lead the
team to the wrong cause, followed by the
wrong corrective action.
D2-Describe the problem - Step
 1- Developing Problem Statement
 2- Developing Problem Description
D2-Describe the problem –
Developing Problem
– Purpose
 Keep the team focused
 Narrow the search for the root cause

 Serve as a starting point for the problem

D2- Developing Problem
Statement - Exercise Page 78A
time 5’
 Identify the object and defect.
 The object is the name given to the product
or process.
 The defect is the unwanted characteristic
present on a product or process.
 Answering “What is wrong with what?”
identifies the specific object and defect for
which you want to know the root cause.
D2- Developing Problem
Statement - Exercise Page 78A
 ASK: “What is wrong with what?”
 ASK NEXT: “Do we know why this is
 IF the answer is “No” the answer to. “What is
wrong with what” is your problem statement.
 IF the answer is “Yes” repeat the question, “What
is wrong with what” until reaching the statement
the cause is unknown.
 Fill in G8D format
D2-Describe the problem –
Developing problem description
 The problem description is the output of a
process used to amplify the problem
statement in terms of what, where, when,
how big ( Is / Is Not method)
 The problem description data provides the
basis for testing root cause of the problem.
D2- Exercise for Developing
Problem description
 Purpose
– To practice the technique for the Is / Is Not portion of
the problem solving work sheet
 Key to remember
– Review the problem statement.
– The first two columns of the problem-Solving work
sheet describe the problem in terms of what, where,
when and how big.
– All Is / Is Not data must be fact.
– All Is / Is not information should be similar in
category, shape, function, form and composition
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action - Purpose
 Define, verify and implement the interim
containment action to isolate the effects of
the problem from any internal and external
customer until permanent corrective action
are implemented.
 It is also validate the effectiveness of the
containment action.
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action - Rationale
 “Buy Time” to solve the root cause of the
 Protect the customer from the effect of the
 Contain the problem from a cost, quality &
timing prospective.
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action - Objective
 You will able to distinguish between
verification and validation.
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action – Key
 Temporary works against the effect or problem.
 An action that prevent the symptoms of one or
more problem.
 ICA usually provides the opportunity for more
 An ICA may derived from an Emergency action.
 Attack the symptom not root cause.
 Is verified for effectiveness before
 Is not a “band Aid” which may forgotten.
 Adds cost.
 Is replaced by permanent corrective action.
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action –
Verification ( Short term )
 Proof developed before implementation
that the action do what is intended by
providing before and after comparison.
 It does not introduce a new problem.
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action –
Test and demonstrations
1. 1 An example would be an engine dynamometer test
to verify that a change an engine component’s
design achieved the desired performance level.
2. Comparisons of the new action with a similar
proven action.
1. An example would be the use of a new cutting oil in
a process that improved part surface finish.
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action – Validation
( Long term )
 Ongoing evidence that the implemented
action doing what was intended without
introducing a new problem.
D3-Develop the interim
Containment Action – Validation
 Pre-customer validation - Ongoing
evidence (data) that the implemented
action doing what was intended without
introducing a new problem.
– Example- Test, inspection, observation and
other quality checks.
 Customer Validation - Ongoing evidence
(data) received from the customer.
D4-Define and verify root cause
and escape point
 Purpose
– Isolate and verify the root cause by testing
each cause theory
– Isolate and verify the place in the process
where the effect of the root cause could have
been detected but was not ( Escape Point)
D4-Define and verify root cause
and escape point
 Objectives
– You will able to describe how to
 Use the problem solving process and its work sheet
to identify the most likely cause of a problem.
 Identify the escape point of a problem.

 Verify the root cause and escape point of a

D4-Define and verify root cause
 Terminology related root cause
– Possible cause – any cause frequently
identified for the problem.
– Most likely cause- Based on available data,
that best explains the problem description.
– Root Cause-A verified cause that accounts for
the problem; Verified passively and actively,
by making problem come and go. ( Switch On
D4-Define and verify root cause
 Problem Solving Work Sheet
– Review IS / IS NOT (Problem Statement and
Problem description) update if required
– Comparative analysis
– Root cause theories
– Trial run of root cause theories
D4-Define and verify root cause
- Review of IS / IS NOT work
 Review the problem statement.
 The first two columns of the problem-
Solving work sheet describe the problem
in terms of what, where, when and how
 All Is / Is Not data must be fact.
 All Is / Is not information should be
similar in category, shape, function, form
and composition
D4-Define and verify root cause
- Exercise Comparative

Root Cause IS IS Not

D4-Define and verify root cause
- Exercise Page 113
 Comparative Analysis.
– List differences / uncommon (Compare the IS
with its corresponding IS not )
 Ask:- What is unique, Peculiar, different,
distinctive, unusual about IS.
 Consider :- People, method, material, machine and
– List changes in differences
 Ask:- What has changed in, on, around or about
this difference
D4-Define and verify root cause
- Exercise
D4-Define and verify root cause
- Exercise
 Develop root cause theory based on the
– ASK:- In what ways might changes the defect
on the object?
• OR
– ASK: How could this change create the defect
on the object?
D4-Define and verify root cause
- Verification
 Passive Verification
 Active verification
D4-Define and verify root cause
- Verification
 Passive Verification is done by
– With passive verification. You look for the
presence of the root cause without changing
– If you cannot prove the presence of the root
cause variable, then chances are great that this
most likely cause is not the root cause.
D4-Define and verify root cause
- Verification
 Active Verification is a process where
– The problem solver uses the variable thought
to be the root cause to make the effect come
and go (Switch on Off).
– Both coming and going are the important tests
to conform root cause.
D4-Define and verify Escape
 Where in this process could this root
cause have been detected, but was not?
 The escape point is the earliest location
in the process, closer to the root cause,
where the problem could have been
detected, but was not.
D5-Choose and verify
Permanent Corrective Action
(PCAs) for Root cause and
 Purpose
– Select best permanent corrective action to
remove the root cause.
– Select the best permanent corrective action to
address the escape point.
– Verify both decisions will be successful when
– Not cause undesirable effects.
D5-Choose and verify
Permanent Corrective Action (
PCAs ) for Root cause and
Escape point.
 Rationale
– Making the best decision, based on benefits
and risks.
– Not rushing into implementation.
D5-Choose and verify
Permanent Corrective Action (
PCAs ) for Root cause and
Escape point.
 Objectives
– You will able to describe the basic styles and
steps in decision making
– You will able to identify the G8D process
criteria for Permanent Corrective Action
D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 Criteria
– Fixes a problem at the root cause level
– Generates no additional problem
– Has been verified to work.
D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 Types
– Unilateral – ( eg. Boss making decision )
 May affect large number of people
– Polling – (eg. Vote in which majority wins.)
 It exclude as well as include.
– Prioritization – (eg. FMEA, QFD)
 Based upon the nature of the situation
– Compromise – (eg. In families)
 Can reduce the conflict
– Consensus –
 Agreement of all team members “ 70% approval, 100%
D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 Steps
– Describe the end result.
– List the decision criteria.
 Given ( Essential )
 Wants ( Important )
– Decide on the relative important wants.
– Identify choices.
– Compare choices against decision criteria.
– Analyze the risk.
– Make a final balances choice.
D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 Describe the end result.
– The end result is a brief statement that
describe the desired end result of the decision.
– The end result is identified in order to define
the scope of the decision and provide a focus
for your thinking.
– Describe the end result by identifying an
action and an objective.
D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 Describe the end result. - Example.
– Buy a computer system,Machine, Equipment
– Choose an administrative assistant
– Select a supplier.
D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 List the decision criteria – Givens (
– Givens are objectively measurable,
nonnegotiable, realistic features of the
– Given are the minimum criteria
 It must be Mandatory, objectively measurable,
D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 List the decision criteria – Givens.
 Money (eg. Not to exceed budget limit)
 Deadline (eg. Meet Project time )

 Company Procedure (eg.Machine capability,

 Legislation (eg. Any Government regulation)

 Any other mandatory requirements

D5-Choose Permanent
Corrective Action
 List the decision criteria – Wants (
Important )
– Wants are the desirable features of the
– Wants enable you to determine which of the
remaining choices are preferable

END RESULT: Select a Supplier for casting machining


GIVENS: (Mandatory, Measurable, Realistic)

a. Cost must be lower than existing supplier

b. ISO 9000 certified

c. PPAP to be completed within 6 months from now.



WANTS: (Objective or Subjective) ( 1-10 )
a. Near to casting supplier

b. QS 9000 certification plan


c. Positive attitude

d. Financially sound

e. Good gauging facilitty


f. Air connectivity

g. Historical PPM must be low


h. Historical Delivery must be good


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