NSTP Lecture

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The key takeaways are the definition of community and the essential elements that make up a community including a group of people, definite locality, community sentiment, likeness, permanency, neutrality, a particular name, size and shared interests.

The essential elements of a community are a group of people, definite locality, community sentiment, likeness, permanency, neutrality, a particular name, size and shared wider interests and regulation of relations.

The benefits of planning include motivating personnel, encouraging creativity and innovation, helping in decision making, efficient use of resources, establishing goals, managing risk and uncertainty, team building and creating competitive advantages.


“An opportunity to respond to the needs of a local

The term community refers to a social unit larger than a

small village that shares common values. The term can also
refer to the national community or international community.

A community is a group or society, helping each other.

Essential Elements of
Group of people: community is a group of human beings. It is
not possible to form a community without a group of men and

Definite locality: A community always occupies a definite

geographical area. Locality is the physical basis of community.

Community Sentiment: means a feeling of belonging together.

It is “we feeling” among the members. The members of a
community speak the same language , conform to the same
mores, posses the same sentiment, and have the same attitudes
Essential Elements of
Likeness: The people in a community share a common way of life.
Their customs, traditions, mores, language etc. are similar.

Permanency: A community is not temporary like a crowd or a mob. It

is relatively stable. It includes a permanent life in a definite place.

Neutrality: Communities are not deliberately created. They are not

made by planned efforts. An individual is born in a community. It has a
natural growth of its own.

A particular Name: Every community has some particular name. In the

words of Lumley, “ It points identity, it indicates reality, it points out
individuality, it often describes personality and each community is
something of a personality”.
Essential Elements of
Size: A community may be big or small. A small
community may be included in a wider community. For
example, a city and village may be included in a district.

Wider ends: People in community share several common

interests. They associate not for the fulfilment of a
particular end. The ends of a community are wider. People
work together to fulfill some common interests.

Regulation of Relations: Every Community in course of

time develops a system of traditions, customs, and morals.
Community Immersion
Is an intensive study on campus and field experience on
becoming a future leader, community organizer or even a
future educator.

It would help individuals learn some life “skills” helps

them meet others, helps them socially and most importantly
to help other community members see them as people with
What is community
Immersion in NSTP
To help the students to become better person on having relation
to the needy…to whom much is given much is required.

It’s help the youth on how to make people more active in the
environment and lead the country to change and solve problems
encounter of our communities, by the youth we encouraged
people to speak up and looking forward on how young generation
will work for us!

It is a version of service learning that is more integrated with a

student’s passions and interests, is longer-term and is related to
the on-going development of community and social justice
What are the benefits of
community immersion to
the students?
It provides another avenue for students to discover new
interests and become potential mentors.

Community Immersion (Service) learning is defined as a

• Under which young people learn and develop through
active participation in thoughtfully organized experiences
that meet actual community needs that are coordinated
with the school and community;
• That is integrated with specific learning objectives and
provides structured time for youth to think, talk, or write about
what they did and saw during the actual service activity;

• That provides young people with opportunities to use newly

acquired skills and knowledge in real-life situations in their
own communities.

• That enhances what is taught in school by extending student

learning beyond the classroom and into the community.

• That is related to community development and social justice;

“Volunteering is not just an altruistic act. It’s an opportunity
to advance in all areas of your life.”

Volunteerism – An act of carrying out tasks or providing

services for individuals or community organizations without
financial recompense is generally considered an altruistic
activity, intended to promote good or improve human
quality of life.
Types of volunteerism
Skills-based volunteerism- providing specialized skills and
talents of individuals to strengthen the infrastructure of
nonprofits, helping them build and sustain their capacity to
successfully achieve their missions.

Environmental Volunteerism – It refers to volunteers who

contribute towards environmental management or conservation.
Volunteers conduct a range of activities including environmental
monitoring, ecological restoration such as re-vegetation and weed
removal, protecting endangered animals, and educating others
about natural environment.
Emergency volunteerism- providing any means of support
whether it is by means of monetary support or manpower
support to all natural disasters like tsunami, earthquake,
flood and typhoon.

Community Volunteerism – refers to volunteers who work

to improve community enhancement efforts in the area in
which they live.
Top reasons to volunteer

1. Connect with community

By connecting with other people especially those “in need” we
receive not only the praises and compliments but also the feeling of self
worth and respect.

2. Conserve funds for charities, nonprofits and faith-based and

other community organizations by contributing your time.
Helping others bring good feelings to the giver and the receiver
of the good deeds. Using our special gift to help others can be a gift to
us as we enjoy a self esteem boost for making others’ lives better, and
make the world a better place.
3. Share your skills and gain new ones.
By utilizing our skills for the benefit of the others we can enhance
it for the better, and while doing these sort of stuffs we will gain new sills
and talents that beneficial to others and to ourselves as well.

4. Develop self-esteem and self-confidence

Volunteerism is a charitable act that requires confidence and self-
esteem on the part of the doers. By participating regularly it boost our
confidence through constant interaction and socialization with the other
volunteers and clienteles

5. Meet new people from all walks of life.

Helping others means meeting others

Community Building &

• Psuedo Community – The beginning stage when people

first come together.

• Chaos – When people move beyond the in-authenticity of

psuedo- community and feel safe enough to present their
“Shadow” selves.
• Emptiness – This stage moves beyond the attempts to
fix, heal and convert of the chaos stage, when all people
become capable of acknowledging their own
woundedness and brokenness, common to us all as
human beings. Out of this emptiness comes.

• True community – the process of deep respect and true

listening for the need of the other people in this
community. This stage Peck believes can only be
described as “glory” and reflects a deep yearning in every
human soul for compassionate understanding from one’s
Community organizing
Is sometimes focused on more than just resolving specific
issues. Organizing often means building a widely accessible
power structure, often with the end goal of distributing
power equally throughout the community. Community
organizers generally seek to build groups that are open and
democratic in governance.
Community Service
Community Services promotes the safety and wellbeing of
children and young people and works to build stronger
families and communities.
Types of Community
• Geographic communities : range from the local neighborhood
suburb, village, town, or city, region , nation or even the planet
as a whole. These refers to communities of location.
• Communities of culture : range from the local clique, sub-
culture, ethnic group, religious, multicultural of pluralistic
civilization, or the global community cultures of today. They
can be included as a communities of need or identity, such as
disabled persons, or frail aged people.
• Community Organizations : range from informal family or
kinship networks, to more formal incorporated associations,
political decision making structures, economic enterprises, or
professional associations at a small, national or international
guide to community service.
The Immersion Process
• Pre-Immersion
Once you have applied and been selected for an Immersion trip
you will meet with your immersion group 4 times in the weeks
leading up to the immersion.

• The Immersion
On your immersion you will be accompanied by a student
Immersion Facilitator and NSTP Faculty. Your Immersion
group will be hosted by a local organization that will take care
of the logistics for your stay.

• Post Immersion
While the community immersion experience has ended, the
full experience is a journey that never truly ends.
Community need Assessment
1. Key Informant Approach – Is an approach using key
persons in collecting data through questionnaires or
2. Public Form Approach – An approach that gathers
information from the community residents through
group discussions in series of forums, through which
participants are given the opportunity to air their needs
as prioritized by percentage according to the needs of
the community.
3. The Nominal Group Approach – It is an approach
purposely adopted to gather maximized group
3. The Nominal Group Approach – It is an approach
purposely adopted to gather maximized group
participation through individual’s creative thinking in an
open face to face and non- threatening environment
from within a group.

4. The Delphi Technique Approach - It is a more

structured approach than the nominal group because it
uses a series of questionnaires thus feedbacks are
summarized from the responses.

5. The Survey Approach - Literally from the word itself

survey is a collection or gathering of data’s and
information through questionnaire or interview from a
- Increases efficiency
Planning makes optimum utilization of all available
resources. It helps to reduce wastage of important resources
and avoids their duplication.
It aims to give highest returns at the lowest possible
cost. Planning thus increases the overall efficiency.
- Reduces business-related risks
There are many risks involved in any modern
business. Planning helps to forecast these business-related
risks. It also helps to take the necessary precautions to avoid
these risks. Thus, planning reduces business risks.
- Facilitates proper coordination
Often, the plan of all departments of an organization
are well coordinated with each other. Similarly, the short
term, medium term and long-term plans of organization are
also coordinated with each other.
- Aids in organizing
Organizing means to bring together all available
resources, i,e. Organizing cannot be done without planning.
This is because planning tells us how much resources are
required, when it is required, so on. This means that
planning aids in organizing.
- Gives right direction
Direction means to give proper information,
accurate instructions and right guidance to the subordinates.
Direction cannot be done without planning. This is because
planning tells us what to do, how to do it and when to do it.
- Keeps good control
In control, the actual performance of an employee is
compared with the plans, and deviations (if any) are found
out and corrected. It is impossible to achieve such a control
without right planning. Therefore, planning becomes
important to keep a good control.
- Helps to achieve objectives
Every organization has certain goals or objectives or
targets. It keeps working hard to fulfill these objectives.
Planning helps an organization to achieve these objectives
but with some and promptness. Planning also helps an
organization to avoid doing some random (done by chance)
- Motivates the personnel
A good plan provides various financial and non-
financial incentives to both managers and employees. These
incentives motivate them to work hard and achieve the
objectives of the organization. Thus, planning through
various incentives helps to motivate the personnel of an
- Encourages creativity and innovation
Planning encourages managers to express and/or use
their creativity and innovation. This brings satisfaction to
the managers and success to the organization.
- Helps in decision making
A manager makes many different plans. Then
manager selects or chooses the best of all available plans.
Doing a selection or choosing something means to make a
decision. So, decision making is facilitated by planning.
Planning helps an organization chart a course for the
achievement of its goals.
All organizations, large and small, have limited resources. The
planning process provides the information top management needs to
make effective decisions about how to allocate the resources in a way
that will enable the organization to reach its objectives.

Setting goals that challenge everyone in the organization to
strive for better performance is one of the key aspects of the planning
Goals must be aggressive, but realistic. Organizations cannot
allow themselves to become too satisfied with how they are currently
doing—or they are likely to lose ground to competitors.
The goal setting process can be a wake-up call for managers
that have become complacent. The other benefit of goal setting comes
when forecast results are compared to actual results.
Managing risk is essential to an organization’s success. Even
the largest corporations cannot control the economic and competitive
environment around them. Unforeseen events occur that must be dealth
with quickly, before negative financial consequences from these events
become severe.
Planning encourages the development of “what if” scenarios,
where managers attempt to envision possible risk factors and develop
contingency plans to deal with them.

Planning promotes team building and a spirit of cooperation.
When the plan is completed and communicated to members of the
organizations, everyone knows what their responsibilities are, and how
other areas of the organization need their assistance and expertise in
order to complete the tasks.
Planning helps organizations get a realistic view of their
current strengths and weaknesses relative to major competitors. The
management team sees areas where competitors may be vulnerable and
the craft marketing strategies to take advantage of these weaknesses.

- It should be based on clearly defined objectives,

- It must be simple and easily understandable,
- It should be flexible or adaptable to changing conditions
- It must be balanced in all respects and should be reasonably
- It should provide standards for the evaluation of performance
and actions.
- It should be economical i.e., permit optimum use of available
resources before creating new authorities and new resources.
- It should be practicable or feasible and unambiguous. Apian

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