Media Effects: Does Media Content Affect Society or Reflect Society?
Media Effects: Does Media Content Affect Society or Reflect Society?
Media Effects: Does Media Content Affect Society or Reflect Society?
Motivation of characters
Military situations
The Payne Fund Studies
Dale’s diverse findings included
this “balance sheet” for 1930:
Not emphasized
Portrayals of life in the upper Life among the middle and lower
economic strata economic strata
Problems of the unmarried and young Problems of the married, middle-aged,
and old
Problems of love, sex, and crime Everyday problems
Motifs of escape and entertainment Motifs of education and social
Individual and personal goals Social goals
Physical beauty Beauty of character
The Payne Fund Studies
Another Phase: Emotional Responses to
Romantic or Sexual Content (Dysinger &
Physiological measures used.
Younger children not affected but
adolescents were—became more aroused
by content.
The Payne Fund Studies
Another Phase: Effects of Movies on Social
Attitudes (Peterson & Thurstone)
Series of experiments involved exposing
children and adolescents to films with social
messages and measuring before and after
One experiment used D.W. Griffith’s Birth
of a Nation as stimulus—shown to 434 high
school children in Illinois.
Effect of Birth of a Nation
School children’s attitudes toward Blacks went
down, from a mean of 7.46 to 5.95 (on a 0-10
Unfavorable/Favorable scale). . . The effect was
still apparent 5 months later (Peterson &
Thurstone, 1933; also studied impact of Four
Sons on attitudes toward Germans)
What inaccurate portrayals of race, gender,
religion, etc. are on TV or in movies?
What effect do such portrayals have on
What unrealistic ‘living situations,’
‘relationships,’ ‘relationships’ are there on
TV or in movies?
What effect do such portrayals have on
The Payne Fund Studies
n Another Phase: Behavioral Effects of
Motion Pictures (Blumer)
u Used questionnaires and interviews.
u Asked respondents to recall instances
when they were affected by media.
n What are some strengths and weaknesses of
this technique?
n How have you been affected by media?
The Payne Fund Studies
n Huge role in development of the study
of media effects.
n Helped establish legacy of fear, or
belief that media is powerful and
dangerous and might pervert and upset
proper social order.
n Does this still exist today?
Laswell’s Model of Mass
n Who
n Says What
n In Which Channel
n To Whom
n With What Effect
Effects Theories
Agenda Setting
Maxwell McCombs & Don Shaw
n Create awareness
n Establish priorities
n Perpetuate issues
Narcoticizing dysfunction
Media do not energize people into
taking action
n Diversion
n Socialization
n Relax
n Release
Mass media can help initiate
people into society
Imitative behavior
Retention & Recall
Selective Exposure