Types of Feeds

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Types of Feeds


CP – Crude Protein

Kca/j – Kilo Calories
DE – Digestive Energy
FCR - Feed Conversion Ration
Three Types of Feeds
1. Starter Feed
 A starter feed is given to 10 to 20 kgs.
weaners until the pigs are about three months
old and weigh 30 to 35 kgs.
A starter feed contains 18 percent crude
protein (CP) and 3,250 kilocalories (Kca/j) of
digestible energy (DE).
Three Types of Feeds

1. Grower Feed
 Next to starter feed is the grower feed.
 Thisis given until the pigs reach a weight of 60
kgs. Grower ration contains 16 percent CP and
3,200 Kcal DE.
Three Types of Feeds

3. Finisher Feed
At 60 kgs, the pigs‘ ration is shifted to
finisher feed. It is given to finisher pig up
to 80 to 90 kgs ready for the market.
The ration contains 14 percent CP with
3,200 Kcal DE.
Feeding Methods
 The growth performance of the pigs is not only
affected by the quantity and quality of feed given
but also by the methods of feeding.
 The three basic feeding methods for finishers are
restricted feeding, ad libitum, and combination of
ad libitum and restricted.
 The level of feeding can vary from restricted
feeding (about 80% satisfaction) to ad libutum
level (100% satisfaction).
Feeding Methods

1. Restricted Feeding.

 In restricted feeding, the amount of feed

given is controlled or limited to a certain
amount just to satisfy the appetite of the
Feeding Methods
2. Ad Libitum Feeding
 Ad libitum feeding is feeding without
restrictions and feed is made available
 This feeding method should be practiced if
pigs finished have high growth potentials and
they are in good health.
Feeding Methods
3. Combination of Ad Libitum and
Restricted Feeding
 Pigsare fed ad libitum until they reach the weight
of 50 kgs. and fed restricted until they are
 With this feeding method, the growth potential of
the animal can be maximized during its first 50
kgs. of growth.
 Restriction is practiced to reduce backfat
thickness with a corresponding increase in lean
cut yield.
Broilers Requirements:

A. The following space requirements may

serve as guide
 Day-old to three weeks 0.3 sq.ft./chick
 3 weeks to 4 weeks 0.5 sq.ft/chick
 5 weeks to market age 1.0 sq.ft./bird
Broilers Requirements:

B. Recommended Minimum Feeding Space

Day-old to 4 weeks 2.5 to 5 cm./bird
4 weeks to 8 weeks 5 to 6.5 cm./bird
9 weeks to near laying age 7.5 to 9 cm./bird
Broilers Requirements:
C. Recommended Minimum Watering Space Requirements
 Day-old to 4 weeks 0.5 cm./bird or two 1-gal. drinking
fountains/100 birds
 4 weeks to 8 weeks 0.6 to 1 cm./bird or two 2-gal
drinking fountains/l00 birds
 9 weeks to near laying age 1 to 2 cm./bird or four 2-gal
drinking fountains/100 birds

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