ScienceSLM G9 Q4 Module-7

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Quarter 4 – Module 7:
Energy Generation, Transmission
and Distribution
Science – Grade 9
Quarter 4 – Module 7: Energy Generation, Transmission and Distribution
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

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Writers: Aubrey B. Argote
Editors: Honey Lynne A. Boyles, Romel S. Villarubia, Lulu Belle Foronda
Reviewer: Roland O. Tacan, Melliza Jane B. Jocoy
Layout Artist: Nervin D. Torres
Management Team:
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Melanie P. Estacio – Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Christine C. Bagacay – Chief-Curriculum Implementation Division
Honey Lynne A. Boyles – Education Program Supervisor in Science
Lorna C. Ragos – Education Program Supervisor in LRMS

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Quarter 4 – Module 7:
Energy Generation, Transmission
and Distribution
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lessons prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if
you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

Let Us Learn! ii

Good day, Learner!

I hope you are very much excited to learn something new today as we
continue to discover more about the Science world.

Back in Grade 8, you learned about the difference between electrical

energy and electrical power. As we already know, electrical energy is useful
to us because it can be easily transformed into other forms of energy (i.e.,
sound, heat, light, electricity, etc.), which allow us to hear our favorite
songs, cook our food, see things at night or even charge our phones and use
our home appliances. As an example, when you’re using your smartphone or
even when you’re watching TV you will notice that there is production of
light and after some time, the same give off or release heat. This happens
because of the collisions or interaction of the moving electrons in the wire of
your devices. And when it happens, the kinetic energy of the wire’s atoms is
increased which, in turn, increases the temperature of the wire. Hence, the
transformation of electrical energy to thermal (heat) energy. On the other
hand, we need to remember that it is energy, not power, that we are paying
for in our electric bills at home. To further emphasize, electric power is the
total energy used or consumed by the devices we use within a period of time
that it is on or functioning.

Since we already know how the two concepts differ, this module will
help us know where electrical energy comes from, how it is being
transmitted, and how it reaches our respective homes. Our target is to be
able to achieve the competency:

Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, and distributed


Specifically, you will learn to:

1. differentiate energy generation, energy transmission and energy


2. track how electrical energy is produced, transmitted and distributed to the

consumers; and

3. illustrate path of electrical energy production from its ultimate source down
to the end user or consumer.
Let Us Try!
Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. Where does the electricity used in our respective homes come from?
a. Electric Companies b. Power Plants c. Natural & Artificial Sources

2. The network through which power is generated, transmitted and

distributed to consumers is called
a. Electric Grid b. Electric Wires c. Electrical Sources

3. Which among the following increases the voltage from generating plants
so that electricity can travel through distant places?
a. Primary Substation b. Secondary Substation c. Transmission Lines

4. Which among the following allows electricity to reach far and distant
a. Substations b. Distribution Lines c. Transmission Lines

5. Which refers to the production of electricity by the turning of turbines

which allows for the conversion of energy from mechanical to electrical?
a. Distribution b. Generation c. Transmission

6. The part or component in a circuit that converts electricity into light, heat,
or mechanical motion is known as:
a. Battery b. Electricity c. Electrical Load

For items 7-9, refer to the following premise/statement:

In an electric grid or electrical power system, a device which taps
electrical energy is called a load or energy consumption on the system. A
load may be resistive (i.e., electric lamp), inductive (motor), or capacitive.
Likewise, a load comes in three types namely, domestic, commercial and
7. Which type of load is being referred to when the energy is spent on various
appliances used within every household for heating, cooling/refrigeration,
washing, drying and/or other miscellaneous activities?
a. Commercial Load b. Domestic Load c. Industrial Load

8. Which type of load consists of lighting for shops, fans and electrical
appliance used for marketing purposes?
a. Commercial Load b. Domestic Load c. Industrial Load

9. What is being referred to as the load needed by manufacturing companies?

a. Commercial Load b. Domestic Load c. Industrial Load

10. The following are the main components of an electric grid except
a. Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Consumption
b. Generation, Transmission and Distribution
c. Generation, Transmission and Consumption
Note: You may check your answers on the ANSWER KEY section found in the
last part of the module.

Let Us Study

Direction: Let us examine the illustration below:

Guide Questions:
1. What do you see in the illustration?
2. Can you identify or name the different components in the illustration?
3. If you were to describe the illustration, how will you put it into words?
(1-2 paragraphs)

Let Us Practice

Direction: Supply the missing component in the flowchart after reading the
introductory statement.
Electricity can be generated using a turbine to drive a generator prior
distribution. There are two main categories by which energy is generated:
namely, renewable and non-renewable energy resources. However, both have
pros and cons in terms of cost, reliability, efficiency and pollution.
For instance, non-renewable energy resources use fossil fuels to
generate energy via the use of generators in which the chemical energy of the
fuel is being burned to generate heat energy. On one hand, renewable energy
resources are constantly being replaced and never runs out as they are
naturally-occurring in the environment. Examples of the latter-mentioned
energy resources are solar, wind, tidal or wave and hydroelectric power.
Part I – Complete the flowchart below which represents the process of energy
production in fossil generators. Notice the item numbers in red (1-4) as each
represent either of the following terms – HEAT, MOVEMENT, and ELECTRICITY.
Note further that you can repeat one of the terms to make sense of the flowchart.
Write the correct answer on the space provided beside the flowchart.

1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________

Image Source:

Part II – Choose one renewable energy resource from among the identified in
the below and illustrate how your chosen resource is being harnessed to
generate electrical energy.
1. Solar 3. Wind
2. Hydroelectric 4. Tidal/Wave
Activity 2:

Direction: Rearrange the jumbled letters to form words that best fits the given
description below.
1. ELRICECT RIGD – refers to the network through which generation
(production), transmission and distribution of electric power happen.
2. RATIGENENG ANTPLS – is also known as the source or site of production
of electric power.
3. MARYPRI STASUBTION – increases the voltage from generating plants so
that electricity can travel through distant places
4. ANSMITRSONSI NELIS – allow electricity to reach far and distant places
5. CONDSEARY IONSSTASUBT – decrease voltage from transmission towers
or lines, ready for distribution.
6. RIBUTDISTION INSLE – distribute electric power to some industrial,
commercial and residential consumers
7. EPST-UP TANSFORRRME – refers to the device situated in substations that
allows for the increase of electricity voltage so it can be transmitted to another
8. TESP-DWNO TRORANSERFM – refers to the device situated in substations
that decreases electricity voltage to a level suitable for distribution lines that
deliver electricity to the end users or consumers
9. ETRICLEC OALD – the part or component in a circuit that converts
electricity into light, heat, or mechanical motion
are the three main components of the electric grid.
Direction: In order to trace the process of electrical energy
production/generation, transmission, distribution and consumption, identify
which number is referred to in each description.

Image Source:

____ POWER OR GENERATING PLANT – the place/zone where electricity is

____ PRIMARY SUBSTATION – the point where electricity voltage is stepped
up, ready for transmission to distant places

Image Source:


which electrical energy from generating or power plants can travel
____ SECONDARY SUBSTATION – the point where electricity voltage is
stepped down, ready for distribution to the end users
Image Source:

____ DISTRIBUTION LINES – the means through which electrical energy is

transported from a substation to the end users
____ RESIDENTIAL CONSUMERS – refers to the end user of electrical energy,
other than commercial and industrial users

Let Us Practice More

Activity 1: FOLLOW THE TRAIL – Part I

Direction: Illustrate how the following personal or household electrical
energy-dependent devices, offices, factories/industries come to function.
Start from the point where electrical energy is made. (Note: Choose 1 per
Group A Group B Group C
1. Smartphone 3. Restaurants 5. DANECO Substation – Timog
2. Laptop 4. Schools 6. G-Mall or Robinson’s Mall
Activity 2: FOLLOW THE TRAIL – Part II
Direction: Answer the succeeding guide questions accordingly.
1. Where does power generation begin?
2. How is electrical energy transmitted to our respective homes?
3. Can you trace the path of electric power from generating plants to
consumers? (You can opt to illustrate your answer or have it using a

Let Us Remember

Direction: Read each statement carefully and fill in the blanks with the
appropriate word to complete the science ideas.

Electrical energy is sourced out either from renewable and non-

renewable resources. ________________________________ include those from
wind, hydroelectric power, geothermal, tidal, solar energy; whereas,
________________________________ may come from nuclear (uranium) and fossil
fuels (i.e., crude oil, natural gas, and coal). At present, the use of renewable
resources of energy have been encouraged especially that the non-renewable
have adverse effects to the environment and are costly. In fact, there is a
current energy race in the West, specifically among European countries,
known as the ‘Green Deal.’ Such bold move does not only aim to support the
environment, but also their economic landscape where renewable resources
of energy has been considered as something that plays a crucial role in
stopping the possible economic reset in the region.

Going back to the subject, electrical energy generation can be done

using a turbine to drive a generator before transmission, distribution and
consumption. Such process has been known to constitute a network that is
known as ________________________________. As such, key component
structures are needed to be built in order to bring electricity to the end users
or consumers. These structures include ________________________________,
________________________________ and ________________________________.

After electricity has been generated, the voltage is

________________________________ through a ________________________________
transformer at a ________________________________ in order to allow electricity
to travel long distances through ________________________________. This
process also reduces the chance of losing electricity as it travels to its next
destination, which is known as a ________________________________. The
electrical voltage received in the said substation is then
________________________________ with the aid of a
________________________________ transformer to a level that is fitting for
________________________________which, in turn, deliver electricity to the

The electric grid provides electricity to various consumers with varying

needs. Consumers of electricity come in three types: namely, industrial
consumers, commercial consumers and residential consumers.
________________________________ are those large facilities and manufacturing
plants that consume electrical energy. On one hand,
________________________________refer to the offices, buildings, or high-rise
towers that consumer the same form of energy. Lastly,
________________________________ refer to the individual households and
residential buildings that use the same electrical energy for domestic and
personal usage.
Let Us Assess

Assessment 1:
Direction: Appropriately label the numbered portion in the illustration. Write
your answer on the space provided below.

Image Source:

1. ____________________________ 4. ___________________________
2. ____________________________ 5. ___________________________
3. ____________________________
Let Us Enhance


Direction: Read about the pros and cons on the use of renewable energy
resources via the links provided below. Mention at least five (5) points which
you think are important things to consider prior, during and/or after the use
of renewable energy resources. Write your answer on the space provided.


Activity 2: WORD SEARCH
Direction: Find the following words related to ENERGY GENERATION,
might be hidden horizontally, vertically and even upside down.

solar, tidal, wind, power, transmission, step up, distribution,

generation, substation, step down, nuclear, transformer, electricity,
consumption, hydropower

z s o l a r u i t h i s

w t u v x y r u r b e t

w i n d e p t i a g a e

a d i o w o s o n c o p

b a c e h w y u s f u u

c l v o l e z a m k g p

d g e n e r a t i o n t

i z n o i t a t s b u s

s t e p d o w n s s c y

t x m j k n p w i x l p

r c h y d r o p o w e r

i g j o i m q b n v a t

b h f p y a d n e b r y

u t r a n s f o r m e r

t o e i x o f b v l k a

i e l e c t r i c i t y

o p q r s t u v w x y z

n o i t p m u s n o c c
Let Us Reflect


Direction: Complete the KWL Chart below and supply what is asked.

What I Know What I Want To What I Learned

Answer key to Activities

1. Giancoli, D.C. (2014). Physics Principles with Applications - 7th

Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. USA (pp. 510-511).
2. Smile. 2016. Electric Power System.
3. BBC Bitesize. no date. Generation of Electricity.
4. Engineering World. 2017. Electric Grid 101: All You Need To Know!
5. PSEG Long Island. 2014. Power Generation.
6. Energy Sage. 2016.
7. Conserve Energy Future. 2021. https://www.conserve-energy-
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Tagum City

E-Park, Apokon, Tagum City

Telefax: (084)-216-3504

Email Address: [email protected]

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