Portfolio Artifact 1 - Personal Cultural Project Edu 280

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The author discusses growing up in a Mexican household in Las Vegas and balancing both Mexican and American cultures. She values her Mexican heritage and traditions but also appreciates learning English in school.

The document discusses traditions like eating Mexican food, celebrating Thanksgiving together as a family, and celebrating birthdays as a family.

The author discusses facing challenges learning English when first starting school and having a frightening experience when someone broke into her bedroom window while she was sleeping.

Personal Cultural Project

Ivana Salazar
Edu 280
My culture
I was born in Mexico but was practically raised here in Las Vegas. My mother was born in
California and my father was born in Mexico. My older sister and older brother were also
born in Mexico. My first language is Spanish and my second language is English. I learned
Spanish through my family and learned English through my elementary school. When I
first started Elementary I had a hard time since my teacher didn’t speak or understand
Spanish. Now that I’m older I am thankful and grateful that I can speak and understand
Spanish for I can use it to help my students.
Traditions and food
We usually eat Mexican food in my household. In my family, it is my father that cooks the
food. He cooks enchiladas, chilaquiles, chiles rellenos, tacos, empanadas, rice, beans and
much more. He makes his own salsa that we eat with our food and snacks. A tradition we
have as a family is that the whole family will get together on Thanksgiving. It’s a must -
that we come together to eat and talk about what’s new in our lives. The food for
Thanksgiving is your typical turkey, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and pumpkin pie usually.
Sometimes we will have a Mexican Thanksgiving where it’s chicken, beans, rice, chile,
tortillas, and flan. Another tradition is celebrating someone's birthday as a family.
In my family, when someone leaves or arrives home we always give them a kiss on the
cheek. At my church, we shake hands and the give a kiss to the cheek but this is only done
with the sisters at church. With the brothers of church we only shake hands. It is our form
of saying hello or goodbye. My family organization is that everyone has a job they must
do. My brother has to take out the trash, my sister has to clean her room, my father cooks,
my mother folds the clothes and I clean the kitchen. The house must always be clean
especially for guests. My mother taught me that when we have guests over, it is polite and
respectful to tell them that this is their home and to have a sit. Also, offering them
something to drink or food is a must.
Life experience
While my sister and I were sleeping someone decided to break our bedroom window. My
sister and I used to sleep like a rock. We wouldn’t wake up even if there was a hurricane
outside. So it was of no surprise that we didn’t wake up when he broke our window. My
sister said “it was like someone was telling me to wake up.” When she did all she saw was
an arm going back and forth with a flashlight. She started screaming and the whole family
came in running. We called the police and they took him away. After that experience it
made me realize that I wasn’t even safe in my own house. He took away our security and
just brought nightmares. We now have bars all over the house.
Education and skills
Education has always been important in my family. My parents always said that I have the
opportunity to go to school and graduate when they they didn’t have that chance. My
mother especially was behind me since elementary school saying how I can go far by
going to school. Now that I’m in college I see how important it is and am grateful that she
pushed me to go. My skills are playing the flute, helping out, and math. I’ve been playing
the flute since the sixth grade. I’ve always loved helping people and listening to their
problems and giving advice. Math has always been my favorite subject since elementary
school, (though I never admitted that when I was in high school.)
Hobbies and interests
My hobbies is listening to music, singing randomly, doing my nails, watching Korean
dramas, and spending time with my family. I now listen to mostly K-pop music but
sometime I go back to my old albums. I love singing even though I don’t have the voice
for it. Love doing my nails especially when I put stuff on top. Watching Korean dramas
has always been relaxing for me. Spending time with my family is priceless. My interests
is learning about other cultures, photography, and education. Learning about other culture
has always been fascinating for me. I’ve always had an interest in photography. Education
is now something I am now interested in since I changed my major.
Religion and Values
My religion is Christianity. I was born and raised in Iglesia de Dios Septimo Dia (Church
of God Seventh Day). In my religion we do not celebrate Christmas, Halloween, and
Easter. You might be wondering why I don’t celebrate Christmas since that's the day Jesus
was born and all christians celebrate that day. The reason why I don’t celebrate Christmas
is because I believe that Jesus was not born on that day. I do believe that Jesus died for my
sins and He loves me. I also believe he is the Son of God. My values are respect, treating
others how you want to be treated, honesty, responsibility and kindness.
Short and long term goals
My short term goals is getting passing grades this semester, getting my associates under
two years, getting my driver's license, getting baptized, and losing ten more pounds. My
long term goals is getting my masters degree in elementary education, having a family,
traveling, working as a teacher for 40 years and saving for retirement.
Artifacts that represent me

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