Lecture 11

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Review AM Transmitter and Receiver

• Modulation, Amplitude Modulation

S AM  t  = [ AC + Am cos  ωmt  ]cos  ωc t 
• Modulation Index, Modulation Depth  A 
• Demodulation of AM signals  AC  1+ m cos  ωm t   cos  ωc t 
 AC 
• Calculation and Examples
• Math: AM Time domain+Frequency domain  AC 1+ kcos  ωmt   cos  ωc t 
• Calculation: AM Power, AM Demodulation

Next Class….
Angle Modulation

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Exercises: Draw the Spectrums Example

Suppose you have a portable (for example you carry it in your ' back
a) cos(wct)cos(w1t) pack') AM transmitter which needs to transmit an average power of 10
from cosAcosB= 1/2[cos(A-B)+cos(A+B)] Watts in each sideband when modulation depth k = 0.3. Assume that
the transmitter is powered by a 12 Volt battery. The total power will be
we get: cos(wct)cos(w1t)=1/2[cos(wc-w1)t + cos(wc+w1)t]
Hence the spectrum of this is: k2 k2 k2
PT = Pc + Pc + Pc where Pc  10 Watts
amplitude 4 4 4
4 10 
1/2 1/2
Pc = =  444.44 Watts
 0.3
wc-w1 wc+w1 frequency
Hence, total power PT = 444.44 + 10 + 10 = 464.44 Watts.
Hence, battery current (assuming ideal transmitter) = Power / Volts =
from cos2A=1/2[1+cos2A]
we get: cos2wt=1/2[1+cos2wt] 1/2 1/2  Amps A large and heavy 12 Volt battery!!!!
The spectrum is thus: Suppose we could remove one sideband and the carrier, power transmitted
would be 10 Watts, i.e. 0.833 amps from a 12 Volt battery, which is more
DC=0Hz 2w freq reasonable for a portable radio transmitter. (Single Side Band)
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Figure 5.17 AM band allocation


The total bandwidth required for AM

can be determined
from the bandwidth of the audio
signal: BAM = 2B.

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Learning Objectives: At the end of this topic you will be able to;
• sketch, recognise and analyse the resulting waveforms for a sinusoidal
carrier being frequency modulated by a single frequency audio signal;
• recall that an FM-modulated carrier produces an infinite number of
4-3-3 Frequency Modulation. • recall that frequency deviation fc is the maximum change in
frequency of the carrier from its base value fc ;
• recall that the modulation index  is the FM equivalent to the depth of
•use the formula , where fi is the maximum frequency of the
modulation signal;
• appreciate that almost all the power of a transmitted FM signal is
contained within a bandwidth of 2(1+) fi;
• recognise the frequency spectrum diagram for a sinusoidal carrier
being frequency modulated by a single audio signal for  < 1,  = 1 and  =
7 8
Frequency Modulation Notice that as the amplitude of the information signal increases above
0 volts, the frequency of the carrier increases, and as the amplitude of
In Frequency Modulation (FM) the instantaneous value of the information signal decreases below 0 volts, the frequency of the
the information signal controls the frequency of the carrier decreases.
carrier wave. This is illustrated in the following diagrams.
The frequency fi of the information signal controls the rate at which
Information Signal the carrier frequency increases and decreases. As with AM, fi must be
less than fc. The amplitude of the carrier remains constant throughout
this process.

When the information voltage reaches its maximum value then the
Un-modulated carrier
change in frequency of the carrier will have also reached its maximum
deviation above the nominal value. Similarly when the information
reaches a minimum the carrier will be at its lowest frequency below the
nominal carrier frequency value. When the information signal is zero,
then no deviation of the carrier will occur.
Modulated carrier
9 10

Worked Example:
A 400kHz sinusoidal carrier of amplitude 5V is frequency modulated by a
3kHz sinusoidal information signal of amplitude 3V. The behaviour of the
The maximum change in frequency that can occur to the carrier is governed by the frequency deviation per volt and for this
system is 25kHz per volt. Describe how the resulting FM signal changes
carrier from its base value fc is called the frequency
with time.
deviation, and is given the symbol fc. This sets the
dynamic range (i.e. voltage range) of the transmission. Solution:
The FM carrier will change in frequency from 400kHz to 475kHz to
400kHz to 325kHz and back to 400kHz, 3000 times per second. This
The dynamic range is the ratio of the largest and smallest is because the frequency deviation fc = 3 x 25kHz = 75kHz. The
analogue information signals that can be transmitted. amplitude of the carrier will remain fixed at 5V.

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If the same system were used and the amplitude of the information
signal decreased to 1V, how would this affect the resulting FM signal?
Describe the changes in the space below, including any relevant

The FM carrier will change in frequency from 400kHz to
425kHz to 400kHz to 375kHz and back to 400kHz, 3000
times per second. This is because the frequency deviation
fc = 1x 25kHz = 25kHz. The amplitude of the carrier will
remain fixed at 5V.


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