Lecture-02: Samiya Zafar Assistant Professor, EED NEDUET M.Engg Fall Semester 2017
Lecture-02: Samiya Zafar Assistant Professor, EED NEDUET M.Engg Fall Semester 2017
Samiya Zafar
Assistant Professor, EED NEDUET
M.Engg Fall Semester 2017
Components of a Typical
Protection System…….
Protective Relays
Circuit Breakers/Fuses
Communication Channels
Ans: 8750 V
Sensitivity – ability of
relay to determine a faulted
power system from a normal
power system.
Selectivity – ability of a
relay to determine what part of
the power system is faulted
(also called relay coordination).
A relay should be smart enough, not just to identify
a fault but also to be able to decide whether fault is
in it's jurisdiction or not.
For example, a relay for a feeder should be able to
discriminate a fault on it's own feeder from faults on
adjacent feeders. This jurisdiction of a relay is also
called as zone of protection . Typically, protection
zones are classified into primary and backup zones.
Backup zone is a second line of defense in a situation
where the primary protection fails.
The back-up protection should not have anything
in common with the primary protection.
It should also preferably be located at a place
different from where the primary protection is
Further, the back-up protection must wait for the
primary protection to operate, before issuing the
trip command to its associated circuit breakers.
Let us consider a radial system,
Relay B, in conjunction with circuit breaker CBB,
provides primary protection to the line section B-C.
Relay A with circuit breaker CBA provides back-up
protection to the section B-C. Consider a fault in
section B-C.
Dependability – ability
of relay to always trip for a
fault in its protected zone
A relay is said to be
dependable if it trips only
when it is expected to trip.
Simplicity – minimum
protective equipment and
associated circuitry to achieve
protection objectives
Components of a Typical
Protection System…….
Protective Relays
Circuit Breakers/Fuses
Communication Channels
The circuit
breaker is
operated by the
output of an
associated relay.
Circuit breakers are generally classified
according to the interrupting medium used to
cool and elongate the electrical arc permitting
interruption. The types are:
• Air
• Oil
• Air blast
• Vacuum
• SF6 gas
Air circuit breakers are limited to older
switchgear and have generally been replaced by
vacuum or SF6 for switchgear applications.
Similarly, Air blast breakers, used for high
voltages (≥ 765 kV), are no longer manufactured
and have been replaced by breakers using SF6
Vacuum is used for switchgear applications and
some outdoor breakers, generally 38 kV class and
Oil circuit breakers were large and required
significant foundations to support the weight and
impact loads occurring during operation.
Environmental concerns forcing the necessity of oil
retention systems, maintenance costs, and the
development of the SF6 gas circuit breaker have led
to the gradual replacement of the oil circuit breaker
for new installations.
Gas circuit breakers typically operate at
pressures between six and seven atmospheres.
The dielectric strength of SF6 gas reduces
significantly at lower pressures.
Monitoring of the
density of the SF6 gas is
critical and some designs
will block operation of the
circuit breaker in the
event of low gas density.
Interrupting times are usually quoted in cycles
and are defined as the maximum possible delay
between energizing the trip circuit at rated
control voltage and the interruption of the main
contacts in all poles.
Circuit breaker ratings must be examined
Voltage and interrupting ratings are stated at a
maximum operating voltage rating, i.e., 38 kV
voltage rating for a breaker applied on a nominal
34.5-kV circuit.
The breakers have an operating range
designated as K factor per IEEE C37.06. For a 72-
kV breaker, the voltage range is 1.21, indicating
that the breaker is capable of its full interrupting
rating down to a voltage of 60 kV.
A circuit breaker can be specified by the following
RATED VOLTAGE: is the voltage, for which the circuit
breaker was designed to work with.
CLOSING TIME (tc) of the breaker – the interval of time
between energizing the closing circuit, the circuit breaker
being in the open position, and the instant when the
contacts touch the poles.
OPENING TIME (to) of the breaker -. the interval of time
between the instant of energizing the opening release,
the circuit breaker being in the closed position, and the
instant when the contacts have separated in all poles.
(ON/OFF) (td) - interval time characterizing the
divergence from coincidence of connection or
disconnection of the breaker contacts (non-
simultaneous switching).
the r.m.s value of sinusoidal voltage that a equipment
can withstand during surge or lightning.
ARCING TIME: the time a circuit breaker takes for
extinguishing an arc is called arcing time. It lies b/w
30 to 150 ms after the mechanism has been tripped.
breakers is the voltage that appears across the terminals
after current interruption. It is a critical parameter for
fault interruption by an HV circuit breaker. Its
characteristics (amplitude, rate of rise) can lead either to
a successful current interruption or to a failure (called
re-ignition or re-strike).
TRV is dependent on characteristics of the system
connected on both terminals of circuit-breaker, and on
type of fault that this breaker has to interrupt (single,
double or three-phase faults, grounded or ungrounded
All relays (used for short-circuit protection, and
many other types also,) operate by virtue of the
current and/or voltage supplied to them by current
and voltage transformers.
Through individual or relative changes in these two
quantities, faults signal their presence, type, and
location to the protective relays.
For every type and location of fault, there is some
distinctive difference in these quantities, and each
relay is designed to recognize a particular difference
and to operate in response to it.
Differences in each quantity are possible in one or
more of the following:
A. Magnitude. E. Rate of change.
B. Frequency. F. Direction or order of change.
C. Phase angle. G. Harmonics or wave shape.
D. Duration.
Based on these differences, various relay
types and functions have been established.
These various protective relay functions
have been given identifying device function
numbers, with appropriate suffix letters when
necessary. These numbers are listed in
In the relay identification numbering
system, a circuit breaker is given number 52.
These numbers and suffixes are used in
diagrams, instruction books, and specifications.
The most obvious effect of a shunt fault is a sudden build
up of current. Therefore, the magnitude of current can be
utilized as a positive indication of existence of a fault.
Therefore, the over-current protection is the most widely
used form of protection. In many situations, it may be the
only protection provided.
This type of protection which depends on only the
magnitude of the current, without taking any cognizance of
its phase angle, is known as the non-directional over-
current protection.
However, many times it is required to discriminate
between faults in front of the breaker and faults behind
the breaker.
This is possible only if we take into account, not only
the magnitude of the current but also its phase with
respect to the voltage at the relay location. In such
cases, the protection is known as the directional over-
current protection.
A directional over-current protection affords greater
selectivity than a non-directional over-current
An over-current (OC) relay has a single input in the form
of ac current. The output of the relay is a normally-open
contact, which changes over to closed state when the
relay trips.
The relay has two settings. These are the time setting
and the plug setting.
Consider a
feeder as
shown in
single line
diagram of
Figure, with
two line
sections AB
and BC.
Assume that DTOC relays are used at buses A and B.
There are loads at all the three buses. The protection
problem can be stated as follows:
Given the magnitudes of all the loads and the fault
currents at all the buses, how to set the DTOC relays at
buses A and B so that the entire feeder gets over-
current protection arranged as primary and back-up
The first step in designing the over-current protection is
to select the ratios for all the CTs. The secondary current
of the CT is decided by the rating of the relay current coil.
The CT primary current is decided by the maximum load
current to be carried by the CT primary.
Next we have to do the relay setting. It may be noted
that setting of the relay, where the DTOC relays are
involved, means:
1. How to select the pick-up value of the relay?
2. How to set the operating time of the relay?