Parallel Programming and MPI

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Programming and
A course for IIT-M. September 2008
R Badrinath, STSD Bangalore
([email protected])

© 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
Context and Background
• IIT- Madras has recently added a good deal of compute power.
• Why –
− Further R&D in sciences, engineering
− Provide computing services to the region
− Create new opportunities in education and skills
• Why this course –
− Update skills to program modern cluster computers
• Length -2 theory and 2 practice sessions, 4 hrs each

2 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Audience Check

1. MPI_Init Instead we
2. •Understand Issues
3. MPI_Comm_size
• Understand Concepts
4. MPI_Send
5. MPI_Recv •Learn enough to pickup from the manual
6. MPI_Bcast
• by motivating examples
8. MPI_Sendrecv
9. MPI_Scatter •Try out some of the examples
10. MPI_Gather


4 September 2008 IIT-Madras

• Sequential vs Parallel programming
• Shared vs Distributed Memory
• Parallel work breakdown models
• Communication vs Computation
• MPI Examples
• MPI Concepts
• The role of IO

5 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Sequential vs Parallel
• We are used to sequential programming – C, Java, C+
+, etc. E.g., Bubble Sort, Binary Search, Strassen
Multiplication, FFT, BLAST, …
• Main idea – Specify the steps in perfect order
• Reality – We are used to parallelism a lot more than
we think – as a concept; not for programming
• Methodology – Launch a set of tasks; communicate to
make progress. E.g., Sorting 500 answer papers by –
making 5 equal piles, have them sorted by 5 people,
merge them together.

6 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Shared vs Distributed Memory
• Shared Memory – All tasks access the same memory, hence the
same data. pthreads
• Distributed Memory – All memory is local. Data sharing is by
explicitly transporting data from one task to another (send-
receive pairs in MPI, e.g.)

Program Memory Communications channel

• HW – Programming model relationship – Tasks vs CPUs;

• SMPs vs Clusters

7 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Designing Parallel Programs

Simple Parallel Program – sorting numbers
in a large array A
• Notionally divide A into 5 pieces
• Each part is sorted by an independent sequential
algorithm and left within its region.

• The resultant parts are merged by simply reordering

among adjacent parts.

9 September 2008 IIT-Madras

What is different – Think about…
• How many people doing the work. (Degree of
• What is needed to begin the work. (Initialization)
• Who does what. (Work distribution)
• Access to work part. (Data/IO access)
• Whether they need info from each other to finish their
own job. (Communication)
• When are they all done. (Synchronization)
• What needs to be done to collate the result.

10 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Work Break-down
• Parallel algorithm
• Prefer simple intuitive breakdowns
• Usually highly optimized sequential algorithms are not
easily parallelizable
• Breaking work often involves some pre- or post-
processing (much like divide and conquer)
• Fine vs large grain parallelism and relationship to

11 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Digression – Let’s get a simple MPI Program to work
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int total_size, my_rank;


MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &total_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);

printf("\n Total number of programs = %d, out of which

rank of this process is %d\n", total_size, my_rank);
return 0;
12 September 2008 IIT-Madras
Getting it to work
• Compile it:
− mpicc –o simple simple.c # If you want HP-MPI set your path
# /opt/hpmpi/bin
• Run it
− This depends a bit on the system
− mpirun -np2 simple
− qsub –l ncpus=2 –o simple.out /opt/hpmpi/bin/mpirun <your
program location>/simple
− [Fun: qsub –l ncpus=2 –I hostname ]

• Results are in the output file.

• What is mpirun ?
• What does qsub have to do with MPI?... More about qsub in a separate

13 September 2008 IIT-Madras

What goes on
• Same program is run at the same time on 2 different
• Each is slightly different in that each returns different
values for some simple calls like MPI_Comm_rank.
• This gives each instance its identity
• We can make different instances run different pieces
of code based on this identity difference
• Typically it is an SPMD model of computation

14 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Continuing work breakdown…
Simple Example: Find shortest distances
Find shortest path distances 2 2 3
1 3
1 2

7 0 6 4

Let Nodes be numbered 0,1,…,n-1

0 2 1 .. 6
Let us put all of this in a matrix 7 0 .. .. ..
A[i][j] is the distance from i to j 1 5 0 2 3
.. .. 2 0 2
.. .. .. .. 0

15 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Floyd’s (sequential) algorithm
For (k=0; k<n; k++)
For (i=0; i<n; i++)
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
a[i][j]=min( a[i][j] , a[i,k]+a[k][j] );

For a fixed k,
Computing i-th row needs i-th row and k-th row

16 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Parallelizing Floyd
• Actually we just need n2 tasks, with each task iterating
n times (once for each value of k).
• After each iteration we need to make sure everyone
sees the matrix.
• ‘Ideal’ for shared memory.. Programming
• What if we have less than n2 tasks?... Say p<n.
• Need to divide the work among the p tasks.
• We can simply divide up the rows.

17 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Dividing the work
• Each task gets [n/p] rows, with the last possibly getting
a little more.

i-th row
q x [ n/p ]


k-th row Remember the


18 September 2008 IIT-Madras

/* “id” is TASK NUMBER, each node has only the part of A that
it owns. This is approximate code */ Note that each node calls its
for (k=0;k<n;k++) { own matrix by the same name
name a [ ][ ] but has only
The MPI Model… current_owner_task = GET_BLOCK_OWNER(k);
[p/n] rows.
-All nodes run the if (id == current_owner_task) {
same code!! P k_here = k - LOW_END_OF_MY_BLOCK(id);
replica tasks!!… Distributed Memory Model
-Some times they
need to do
different things }
/* rowk is broadcast by the owner and received by others..
The MPI code will come here later */

19 September 2008
} IIT-Madras
The MPI model
• Recall MPI tasks are typically created when the jobs
are launched – not inside the MPI program (no
− mpirun usually creates the task set
− mpirun –np 2 a.out <args to a.out>
− a.out is run on all nodes and a communication channel is
setup between them
• Functions allow for tasks to find out
− Size of the task group
− Ones own position within the group

20 September 2008 IIT-Madras

MPI Notions [ Taking from the example ]
• Communicator – A group of tasks in a program
• Rank – Each task’s ID in the group
− MPI_Comm_rank() … /* use this to set “id” */
• Size – Of the group
− MPI_Comm_size() … /* use to set “p” */
• Notion of send/receive/broadcast…
− MPI_Bcast() … /* use to broadcast rowk[] */

• For actual syntax use a good MPI book or manual

• Online resource:

21 September 2008 IIT-Madras

MPI Prologue to our Floyd example
int a[MAX][MAX];
int n=20; /* real size of the matrix,
can be read in */
int id,p;


./* This is where all the real work happens */
MPI_Finalize(); /* Epilogue */

22 September 2008 IIT-Madras

This is the time to try out several
simple MPI programs using the
few functions we have seen.
- use mpicc
- use mpirun

Visualizing the execution Multiple Tasks/CPUs
maybe on the same node

Job is Launched Scheduler ensures 1 task

per cpu
Tasks On CPUs

•MPI_INIT, MPI_Comm_rank, MPI_Comm_size etc…

•Other initializations, like reading in the array
•For initial values of k, task with rank 0 broadcasts row k, others receive
•For each value of k they do their computation with the correct rowk
•Loop above for all values of k

•Task 0 receives all blocks of the final array and prints them out
24 September 2008 IIT-Madras
Communication vs Computation
• Often communication is needed between iterations to complete
the work.
• Often the more the tasks the more the communication can
− In Floyd, bigger “p” indicates that “rowk” will be sent to a larger
number of tasks.
− If each iteration depends on more data, it can get very busy.
• This may mean network contention; i.e., delays.
• Try to count the numbr of “a”s in a string. Time vs p
• This is why for a fixed problem size increasing number of
CPUs does not continually increase performance
• This needs experimentation – problem specific

25 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Communication primitives
• MPI_Send(sendbuffer, senddatalength,
datatype, destination, tag,
• MPI_Send(“Hello”, strlen(“Hello”),
MPI_CHAR, 2 , 100,
• MPI_Recv(recvbuffer, revcdatalength,
MPI_CHAR, source, tag,
• Send-Recv happen in pairs.

26 September 2008 IIT-Madras

• Broadcast is one-to-all communication
• Both receivers and sender call the same function
• All MUST call it. All end up with SAME result.
• MPI_Bcast (buffer, count, type, root, comm);
• Examples
− MPI_Bcast(&k, 1, MPI_INT, 0,
− Task 0 sends its integer k and all others receive it.
− MPI_Bcast(rowk,n,MPI_INT,current_owner_task,
− Current_owner_task sends rowk to all others.

27 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Try out a simple MPI program with
send-recvs and braodcasts.

Try out Floyd’s algorithm.

What if you have to read a file to
initialize Floyd’s algorithm?

A bit more on Broadcast
Ranks: 0 1 2
x : 0 1 2
MPI_Bcast(&x,1,..,0,..); MPI_Bcast(&x,1,..,0,..); MPI_Bcast(&x,1,..,0,..);

x : 0 0 0

0 0 0

29 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Other useful collectives
• MPI_Reduce(&values,&results,count,type,operator,
• MPI_Reduce(&x, &res, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,

• Task number 9 gets in the variable res the sum of

whatever was in x in all of the tasks (including itself).
• Must be called by ALL tasks.

30 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Scattering as opposed to broadcasting
• MPI_Scatterv(sndbuf, sndcount[], send_disp[], type,
recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm);
• All nodes MUST call


Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3

31 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Common Communication pitfalls!!
• Make sure that communication
primitives are called by the right
number of tasks.
• Make sure they are called in the right
• Make sure that you use the proper
• If not, you can easily get into
deadlock (“My program seems to be

32 September 2008 IIT-Madras

More on work breakdown
• Finding the right work breakdown can be challenging
• Sometime dynamic work breakdown is good
• Master (usually task 0) decides who will do what and
collects the results.
• E.g., you have a huge number of 5x5 matrices to
multiply (chained matrix multiplication).
• E.g., Search for a substring in a huge collection of

33 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Master-slave dynamic work assignment

2 Slaves

34 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Master slave example – Reverse strings
if(n==0) break; /* detecting the end */


} while (1);


35 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Master slave example – Reverse strings
Master(){ /* rank 0 task */
for(i=1;i<np;i++){ /* Initial work distribution */
n = strlen(work)+1;
while (unfinished_work!=0) {
if(work==NULL) unfinished_work--;
else {
36 September 2008 IIT-Madras
Master slave example
if (id ==0 )

37 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Matrix Multiply and Communication

Block Distribution of Matrices
• Matrix Mutliply: •Each task owns a block – its own
− Cij = Σ (Aik * Bkj) part of A,B and C
•The old formula holds for blocks!
• BMR Algorithm:
C21=A20 * B01
A21 * B11
A22 * B21
A23 * B31

Each is a smaller Block – a submatrix

39 September 2008 IIT-Madras
Block Distribution of Matrices
C21 = A20 * B01
• Matrix Mutliply:
A21 * B11
− Cij = Σ (Aik * Bkj)
A22 * B21
• BMR Algorithm:
A23 * B31

•A22 is row broadcast

•A22*B21 added into C21
•B_1 is Rolled up one slot
•Out task now has B31
Now repeat the above block except
the item to broadcast is A23
Each is a smaller Block – a submatrix
40 September 2008 IIT-Madras
Attempt doing this with just Send-
Recv and Broadcast

Communicators and Topologies
• BMR example shows limitations of broadcast..
Although there is pattern
• Communicators can be created on subgroups of
• Communicators can be created that have a topology
− Will make programming natural
− Might improve performance by matching to hardware

42 September 2008 IIT-Madras

for (k = 0; k < s; k++) {
sender = (my_row + k) % s;
if (sender == my_col) {
MPI_Bcast(&my_A, m*m, MPI_INT,
sender, row_comm);
T = my_A;
else MPI_Bcast(&T, m*m, MPI_INT,
sender, row_comm);
my_C = my_C + T x my_B;
MPI_Sendrecv_replace(my_B, m*m, MPI_INT, dest, 0,
source, 0, col_comm, &status); }

43 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Creating topologies and communicators
• Creating a grid
• MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2,
dim_sizes, istorus, canreorder, &grid_comm);
− int dim_sizes[2], int istorus[2], int canreorder, MPI_Comm

• Divide a grid into rows- each with own communicator

• MPI_Cart_sub(grid_comm,free,&rowcom)
− MPI_Comm rowcomm; int free[2]

44 September 2008 IIT-Madras

Try implementing the BMR
algorithm with communicators

A brief on other MPI Topics – The last leg
• MPI+Multi-threaded / OpenMP
• One sided Communication
• MPI and IO

46 September 2008 IIT-Madras

MPI and OpenMP

•Where does the

interesting pragma
… omp for fit in our
MPI Floyd?

•How do I assign
exactly one MPI
task per CPU?

47 September 2008 IIT-Madras

One-Sided Communication
• Have no corresponding send-recv pairs!
• Get
• Put

48 September 2008 IIT-Madras

IO in Parallel Programs
• Typically a root task, does the IO.
− Simpler to program
− Natural because of some post processing occasionally needed
− All nodes generating IO requests might overwhelm
fileserver, essentially sequentializing it.
• Performance not the limitation for Lustre/SFS.
• Parallel IO interfaces such as MPI-IO can make use of
parallel filesystems such as Lustre.

49 September 2008 IIT-Madras

MPI-BLAST exec time vs other time[4]

50 September 2008 IIT-Madras

How IO/Comm Optimizations help MPI-

51 September 2008 IIT-Madras

What did we learn?
• Distributed Memory Programming Model
• Parallel Algorithm Basics
• Work Breakdown
• Topologies in Communication
• Communication Overhead vs Computation
• Impact of Parallel IO

52 September 2008 IIT-Madras

What MPI Calls did we see here?
1. MPI_Init
2. MPI_Finalize
3. MPI_Comm_size
4. MPI_Comm_Rank
5. MPI_Send
6. MPI_Recv
7. MPI_Sendrecv_replace
8. MPI_Bcast
9. MPI_Reduce
10. MPI_Cart_create
11. MPI_Cart_sub
12. MPI_Scatter

53 September 2008 IIT-Madras

1. Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP, M J
Quinn, TMH. This is an excellent practical book. Motivated
much of the material here, specifically Floyd’s algorithm.
2. BMR Algorithm for Matrix Multiply and topology ideas is
motivated by
3. MPI online manual
4. Efficient Data Access For Parallel BLAST, IPDPDS’05

54 September 2008 IIT-Madras

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