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Introduction to parallel

P. B. Sunil Kumar
Department of Physics
IIT Madras, Chennai 600036
Friday 19 November 2010
What is high performance computing ?
Large volume numerical calculations : Set up facilites
to run large number of codes in an efficient manner.
Fast and efficient algorithms: Increase the speed of
computing by optimizing the algorithm for a particular architecture.
Highly scalable algorithms: Develop parallel codes that can
scale linearly with number of processors .
Modification of the computing model to allow for
the use of recent advances in hardware: Cuda
programming for GPU .
Codes for complex problems: climate modeling ,
turbulence, protein folding, pattern and speech recognization, structural
predictions ..
Friday 19 November 2010
Sequential vs Parallel
We are used to sequential programming C,
Java, C++, etc. E.g., Bubble Sort, Binary
Search, Multiplication, FFT, BLAST,
Main idea Specify the steps in perfect order
Reality We are used to parallelism a lot more
than we think as a concept; not for
Methodology Launch a set of tasks;
communicate to make progress. E.g., Sorting
500 answer papers by making 5 equal piles,
have them sorted by 5 people, merge them
Friday 19 November 2010
Tasks vs CPUs;
SMPs vs Clusters
Main Paradigms: Shared vs Distributed
Memory Programming
Communications channel
Shared Memory All tasks access the same memory, hence
the same data. !"#$%&'(
Distributed Memory All memory is local. Data
sharing is by explicitly transporting data from one task
to another ((%)'-$%*%+,% pairs in MPI, e.g.)
Friday 19 November 2010
Simple Parallel Program sorting
numbers in a large array A
Notionally divide A into 5 pieces
Each part is sorted by an independent
sequential algorithm and left within its
The resultant parts are merged by simply
reordering among adjacent parts.
Friday 19 November 2010
Work Break-down
Parallel algorithm
Prefer simple intuitive breakdowns
Usually highly optimized sequential
algorithms are not easily parallelizable
Breaking work often involves some pre- or
post- processing (much like divide and
Fine vs large grain parallelism and
relationship to communication
Friday 19 November 2010
Sample OpenMP code
!$OMP do
do I=1,n
!$OMP end do
!$omp end PARALLEL
ifort -openmp test.f
#pragma omp PARALLEL for
for { I==1;I<=m;I++
icc -openmp test.f
Friday 19 November 2010
MPI: What do we need to think
How many people are doing the work. (Degree
of Parallelism)
What is needed to begin the work. (Initialization)
Who does what. (Work distribution)
Access to work part. (Data/IO access)
Whether they need info from each other to finish
their own job. (Communication)
When are they all done. (Synchronization)
What needs to be done to collate the result.
Friday 19 November 2010
MPI program structure
All MPI programs must follow the same general
structure. This structure is outlined as follows:
include MPI header file
variable declarations
initialize the MPI environment computation and MPI communication calls...
close MPI communications
Friday 19 November 2010
Hello world !!!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
void main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int myrank, size;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* Initialize MPI */
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank); /* Get my rank
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); /* Get the total
number of processors */
printf("Processor %d of %d: Hello World!\n", myrank, size);
MPI_Finalize(); /* Terminate MPI */
Out put if run with "mpirun -np 4 ./a.out"
Processor 2 of 4: Hello World!
Processor 1 of 4: Hello World!
Processor 3 of 4: Hello World!
Processor 0 of 4: Hello World!
Friday 19 November 2010
This program evaluates the trapezoidal rule estimate for an integral of F(x). In this
case, F(x) is exp(x) evaluated for the interval of 0 to 1.
* This program requires the following call(s)
* MPI_Init, MPI_Comm_rank, MPI_Comm_size, MPI_Abort, MPI_Finalize
main (int argc, char **argv)
{ double A = 0.0, B = 1.0;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* Initialize MPI */
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &whoami);/* Find out this processor number */
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nworkers); /* Find out the number of processors */
if (whoami > NP) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, errcode);
T1=A+whoami*DH; T2=A+(whoami+1)*DH; H=(T2-T1)/50.0;
SUM = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i <=49; i++) SUM = SUM+F(T1+H*i)+F(T1+H*(i+1));
if(whoami==2)printf("Integral = %10.6f\n",res);
MPI_Finalize(); }
Friday 19 November 2010
An MPI program to simulate the Ising model in two dimensions.
Help from Ms. Prathyusha in the preparation of this code is acknowledged.
This program demonstrate the usage of mpi grid topology and communication
between grid elements.
Friday 19 November 2010
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LENGTH 6 /* system+boundary layer size is LENGTH*LENGTH */
#define BUFSIZE (LENGTH-2)*(LENGTH-2) /* system size*/
#define TEMP 1.0 /* TEMP in units of interaction and k_B */
#define WARM 1000
#define MCS 1250
int total_energy( int [][LENGTH], int [] , int []);
int total_mag( int [][LENGTH]); int coordinates[2];
double ran3( long int *); float fpow (float , float); float mag_analytic(float);
/* total number of processes "nworkers", identity of each process "rank" */
int nworkers, rank, NP;
int spin[LENGTH][LENGTH]; int nbr1[LENGTH]; int nbr2[LENGTH];
/* structure defining the variables of the grid topology */
typedef struct GRID_INFO_TYPE{
int p;
MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Comm row_comm; MPI_Comm col_comm;
int q; int my_row; int my_col; int my_rank;
Friday 19 November 2010
void print_config (GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid, int [][LENGTH] , int );
/* set up the grid-topology */
void Setup_grid(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid);
void initialize(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid, int [][LENGTH], int [] , int []);
void mcmove(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid, int[][LENGTH] , int [] , int [] );
/* communicate the state of the spins at the boundaries to neighbors */
void boundary(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid, int[][LENGTH] , int [] , int [] );
Friday 19 November 2010
main (int argc, char **argv)
/* Allocate memory for the structure grid */
GRID_INFO_TYPE *grid = (GRID_INFO_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(GRID_INFO_TYPE));
/* Initialize MPI */
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
/* Find out this process number */
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
/* Find out the number of processes */
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nworkers);
int itime;
int i;
int big_energy,E;
int big_mag,M;
double E_per_spin;
double M_per_spin;
itime = 0;
big_energy = 0;
big_mag = 0;
Friday 19 November 2010
/* get started */
initialize(grid,spin, nbr1, nbr2);
boundary(grid,spin, nbr1, nbr2);
/* warm up system */
for (i = 1 ; i <= WARM; i++)
{ itime = i;
mcmove(grid,spin, nbr1, nbr2);
boundary(grid,spin, nbr1, nbr2); }
/* do Monte Carlo steps and collect stuff for averaging */
for (i = (WARM + 1) ; i <= MCS; i++)
{ itime = i;
mcmove(grid,spin, nbr1, nbr2);
if(i!=MCS)boundary(grid,spin, nbr1, nbr2);
big_mag = big_mag + total_mag(spin);
big_energy = big_energy + total_energy(spin,nbr1,nbr2); }
printf("Mag %f rank %d time %d\n", 1.0*big_mag/(MCS-WARM), rank, MCS-WARM);
MPI_Reduce (&big_mag, &M,1,MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
/*process 0 adds total magentization from each process to find the net magnetization.
MPI_Reduce (&big_energy, &E,1,MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
{ M_per_spin = (float)M/((MCS - WARM)*(nworkers*(LENGTH-2)*(LENGTH-2)));
E_per_spin = (float)E/((MCS - WARM)*nworkers*((LENGTH-2)*(LENGTH-2)));}
print_config(grid, spin, itime );
MPI_Finalize(); /* exit all MPI functions */ }
Friday 19 November 2010
void Setup_grid(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid){
int dimensions[2];
int periods[2];
int varying_coords[2];
MPI_Comm localname;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, (&grid->p)); /* get the total number of
processes */
grid->q=(int)sqrt((double) grid->p); /* square grid */
dimensions[0]=dimensions[1]=grid->q; /* dimension of the grid */
periods[0]=periods[1]=1; /* periodic if 1 and non-periodic if 0 */
MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dimensions, periods, 1, &(grid->comm)); /*
create a grid communicator from the "Comm_world" , having dimension 2, reorder the
process to processor mapping */
MPI_Comm_rank(grid->comm, &(grid->my_rank));
MPI_Cart_coords(grid->comm, grid->my_rank,2,coordinates);
Friday 19 November 2010
void initialize(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid,int spin[][LENGTH], int nbr1[], int nbr2[])
int i, ix, iy,m,n,mt,nt,tag=50; float sd;
char message[100];
for (iy = 0 ; iy <LENGTH; iy++) /* start with random spins */
for (ix = 0 ; ix <LENGTH; ix++)
{ sd=ran3(&iseed);
if( sd>0.5 )spin[ix][iy] = 1;
if( sd <= 0.5 )spin[ix][iy] = -1; }
for (i = 1 ; i < LENGTH-1 ; i++) /* set up neighbor list */
nbr1[i] = i - 1;
nbr2[i] = i + 1;
Friday 19 November 2010
void print_config(GRID_INFO_TYPE *grid, int spin[][LENGTH] , int itime )
int ix , iy, i,buf[(LENGTH-2)],buf1[LENGTH-2],tag=147,n,mp,np;
char fname[30],message[50];
float cx[1];
FILE* fpr;
MPI_Status status;
if(grid->my_rank!=0)/* if rank is not zero pack all spins into a 1-d array */
{ i=0;
for (iy =1 ; iy < LENGTH-1; iy++) {
for (ix = 1 ; ix < LENGTH-1; ix++)
{ buf[i]=spin[iy][ix]; i++; } }
MPI_Send(buf,BUFSIZE,MPI_INT,0,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* send it to
process 0 */ }
else /* if the rank is zero */
{ fpr=fopen("config","w"); /* open the file */
for (iy =1 ; iy < LENGTH-1; iy++) /* print the own configuration*/
{ for (ix = 1 ; ix < LENGTH-1; ix++)
{ fprintf(fpr,"%d \t", spin[iy][ix]); } }
for (n=1 ; n<nworkers;n++)
{ MPI_Recv(buf1,BUFSIZE,
MPI_INT,n,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); /* receive from all other
processes */
for(i=0; i<(LENGTH-2);i++)
{ for (ix = i*(LENGTH-2) ; ix < (i+1)*(LENGTH-2); ix++)
{ fprintf(fpr,"%d \t", buf1[ix]); } } } fclose(fpr);} }
Friday 19 November 2010
void mcmove(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid, int spin[][LENGTH], int nbr1[] , int nbr2[])
int *U1,*D1,*R1,*L1;
/* arrays to recieve the spin configuration from neighbors */
U1=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int));
D1=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int));
R1=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int));
L1=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int));
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv(U1,LENGTH, MPI_INT,n,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); /* receive U1
buffer with dimension LENGTH of type MPI_INT from process "n" with "tag" */
MPI_Recv(D1,LENGTH, MPI_INT,n,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
MPI_Recv(L1,LENGTH, MPI_INT,n,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
MPI_Recv(R1,LENGTH, MPI_INT,n,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
prob1 = exp(-8.0/TEMP);
prob2 = exp(-4.0/TEMP);
for (i = 1 ; i < LENGTH-1; i++)
{ spin[i][0]=U1[i]; spin[i][LENGTH-1]=D1[i]; spin[0][i]=R1[i]; spin[LENGTH-1][i]=L1[i]; }
free(U1); free(D1); free(L1); free(R1);
Friday 19 November 2010
void boundary(GRID_INFO_TYPE* grid, int spin[][LENGTH], int nbr1[] , int nbr2[])
{ U2=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int)); D2=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int));
R2=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int)); L2=(int *)malloc(LENGTH*sizeof(int));
/* put the spins at the left, right, up and down boundaries into separate arrays */
for (i = 1 ; i < LENGTH-1 ; i++)
{ U2[i]=spin[i][1]; D2[i]=spin[i][LENGTH-2]; L2[i]=spin[1][i]; R2[i]=spin[LENGTH-2][i]; }
/*send the boundary arrays to appropriate neighbor process
Remeber 0 is up and down and 1 is left and right. */
MPI_Cart_shift(grid->comm,0,-1,&m,&n); /* find the neighbor process down the
current one */
MPI_Send(U2,LENGTH, MPI_INT,n,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* send U2 buffer
with dimension LENGTH of type MPI_INT to process "n" with "tag" */
free(U2); free(D2); free(L2); free(R2);
Friday 19 November 2010

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