Physics 20 - The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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PHYSICS – The Electromagnetic

Core Supplement
•Give a qualitative account of the Recall that light of a single frequency is
dispersion of light as shown by the action described as monochromatic
on light of a glass prism including the seven
colours of the spectrum in their correct
Describe the main features of the State that the speed of electromagnetic
electromagnetic spectrum in order of waves in a vacuum is 3.0 × 108 m / s and is
wavelength approximately the same in air
• State that all e.m. waves travel with the
same high speed in a vacuum
• Describe typical properties and uses of
radiations in all the different regions of
the electromagnetic spectrum including: –
r adio and television communications (radio
waves) – s atellite television and
telephones (microwaves) – e lectrical
appliances, remote controllers for
televisions and intruder alarms (infra-red)
– medicine and security (X-rays)
• Demonstrate an awareness of safety
issues regarding the use of microwaves and
Refraction of light by a

White light
Refraction of light by a

Refraction of light by a
Refraction of light by a

This effect is called dispersion

Refraction of light by a

This effect is called dispersion

Refraction of light by a

This effect is called dispersion

It happens because white is a mixture

of all the colours in the rainbow
Wavelength and colour

White light is made up of different

colours with wavelengths ranging
from 0.0004mm (violet) to
0.0007mm (red).
Wavelength and colour

White light is made up of different

colours with wavelengths ranging
from 0.0004mm (violet) to
0.0007mm (red).

Lasers, however, only emit

light of a single colour and
This type of light is known as
monochromatic light.
Core Supplement
•Give a qualitative account of the Recall that light of a single frequency is
dispersion of light as shown by the action described as monochromatic
on light of a glass prism including the seven
colours of the spectrum in their correct
Describe the main features of the State that the speed of electromagnetic
electromagnetic spectrum in order of waves in a vacuum is 3.0 × 108 m / s and is
wavelength approximately the same in air
• State that all e.m. waves travel with the
same high speed in a vacuum
• Describe typical properties and uses of
radiations in all the different regions of
the electromagnetic spectrum including: –
r adio and television communications (radio
waves) – s atellite television and
telephones (microwaves) – e lectrical
appliances, remote controllers for
televisions and intruder alarms (infra-red)
– medicine and security (X-rays)
• Demonstrate an awareness of safety
issues regarding the use of microwaves and
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

1. They can travel through a vacuum (eg. Space)

Features of the
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

1. They can travel through a vacuum (eg. Space)

Features of the 2. In a vacuum they travel at a speed of 300 000
electromagnetic kilometres per second.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

1. They can travel through a vacuum (eg. Space)

Features of the 2. In a vacuum they travel at a speed of 300 000
electromagnetic kilometres per second.
spectrum 3. They are all transverse waves, with
oscillations at right angles to the direction of
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

1. They can travel through a vacuum (eg. Space)

Features of the 2. In a vacuum they travel at a speed of 300 000
electromagnetic kilometres per second.
spectrum 3. They are all transverse waves, with
oscillations at right angles to the direction of
4. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Wavelength

104 10-1 10-3 10-6 10-7 10-9 10-11 10-14

The Electromagnetic Spectrum Frequency

105 1010 1012 1014 1015 1017 1019 1022

Wavelengths decrease going along the Frequencies increase going along the
EM spectrum from radio waves to EM spectrum from radio waves to
gamma rays. gamma rays.
Wavelengths decrease going along the Frequencies increase going along the
EM spectrum from radio waves to EM spectrum from radio waves to
gamma rays. gamma rays.

Radio wave photons have the lowest frequency and the

least energy, and gamma ray photons have the highest
frequency and the most energy.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Intensity and

radiation is
absorbed by
matter, photons
transfer their
energy to the
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Intensity and

The energy
deposited by a
radiation is
beam of electrons
absorbed by
depends upon the
matter, photons
number of
transfer their
photons and the
energy to the
energy of each
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Intensity and

The energy
Whenever The intensity of
deposited by a
radiation is radiation means
beam of electrons
absorbed by how much energy
depends upon the
matter, photons arrives at each
number of
transfer their square metre of
photons and the
energy to the surface per
energy of each
matter. second (W/m2).
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Intensity and

The energy
Whenever The intensity of
deposited by a
radiation is radiation means The intensity of a
beam of electrons
absorbed by how much energy beam of radiation
depends upon the
matter, photons arrives at each decreases with
number of
transfer their square metre of distance from the
photons and the
energy to the surface per source.
energy of each
matter. second (W/m2).
1. The beam gets spread
The Electromagnetic Spectrum 2. The beam gets partially
absorbed as it travels.
Intensity and

The energy
Whenever The intensity of
deposited by a
radiation is radiation means The intensity of a
beam of electrons
absorbed by how much energy beam of radiation
depends upon the
matter, photons arrives at each decreases with
number of
transfer their square metre of distance from the
photons and the
energy to the surface per source.
energy of each
matter. second (W/m2).
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

…. and ionisation
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

…. and ionisation Some high energy EM radiation

(ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) are
known as ionising radiation because they
have enough energy to remove an electron
from an atom or molecule)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

…. and ionisation Some high energy EM radiation

(ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) are
known as ionising radiation because they
have enough energy to remove an electron
from an atom or molecule)

Before ionisation


Atom or
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

…. and ionisation Some high energy EM radiation

(ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) are
known as ionising radiation because they
have enough energy to remove an electron
from an atom or molecule)

Before ionisation After ionisation

photon electron

atom or
Atom or molecule

The photon hits the atom or molecule, and

removes an electron.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

…. and ionisation Some high energy EM radiation

(ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) are
known as ionising radiation because they
have enough energy to remove an electron
from an atom or molecule)

Before ionisation After ionisation If cells are exposed to ionising

radiation, they can damage the DNA
in the nucleus of the cell. This can
photon electron cause mutations, and the cells divide
constantly without control – this is
atom or cancer.
Atom or
molecule Very high doses of ionising
radiation can kill cells.
Excessive exposure to UV radiation
can lead to sunburn or even skin
The photon hits the atom or molecule, and cancer.
removes an electron. Increased exposure = more damage
The Electromagnetic Spectrum …. and dangers
The Electromagnetic Spectrum …. and dangers

X - rays

X-rays are used by radiographers in

hospitals to check for broken bones.
X-rays pass easily through flesh, but
are absorbed by denser materials like
bone and metal.
X-ray imaging is also used in airports to
check the contents of bags.

Precautions: radiograhers wear lead

aprons or stand behind concrete to
protect themselves.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum …. and dangers

X - rays Microwaves

X-rays are used by radiographers in Microwaves are used to send signals

hospitals to check for broken bones. between mobile phones and mobile
X-rays pass easily through flesh, but phone masts.
are absorbed by denser materials like When you make calls on your mobile,
bone and metal. your phone emits microwave radiation.
X-ray imaging is also used in airports to Some of this is absorbed by your body
check the contents of bags. and may cause heating of body tissues.
This heating could result in medical
Precautions: radiograhers wear lead conditions, possibly including cancer,
aprons or stand behind concrete to but there is no conclusive evidence.
protect themselves.
Precaution: limit the amount of time
you spend talking on a mobile phone!
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses

The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses

Broadcasting Cooking,
Communications, Communications,
Satellite Satellite
transmissions transmissions
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses

Cooking, thermal
Broadcasting Cooking, imaging, short range
Communications, Communications,communications,
Satellite Satellite optical fibres, TV
transmissions transmissionsremote controls,
security systems.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses

Cooking, thermal
Broadcasting Cooking, imaging, short range
Communications, Communications,communications,
Satellite Satellite optical fibres, TV
transmissions transmissionsremote controls,
security systems.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses

Cooking, thermal Security marking,

Broadcasting Cooking, imaging, short range
Fluorescent lamps,
Communications, Communications,communications,
Detecting forged
Satellite Satellite optical fibres, TV
bank notes,
transmissions transmissionsremote controls,
Disinfecting water
security systems.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses

Observing the
Cooking, thermalSecurity marking,
Broadcasting Cooking, imaging, short range internal structure
Fluorescent lamps,
Communications, Communications,communications, of objects,
Detecting forged
Satellite Satellite optical fibres, TV Airport security
remote Illumination
controls, bank notes,
transmissions transmissions scanners,
security systems.Disinfecting water
Medical X-rays
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses

Observing the
Cooking, thermalSecurity marking, Sterilising food
Broadcasting Cooking, imaging, short range internal structure and medical
Fluorescent lamps,
Communications, Communications,communications, of objects, equipment,
Detecting forged
Satellite Satellite optical fibres, TV Airport security Detection of
remote Illumination
controls, bank notes,
transmissions transmissions scanners, cancer and its
security systems.Disinfecting water
Medical X-rays treatment.
Core Supplement
•Give a qualitative account of the Recall that light of a single frequency is
dispersion of light as shown by the action described as monochromatic
on light of a glass prism including the seven
colours of the spectrum in their correct
Describe the main features of the State that the speed of electromagnetic
electromagnetic spectrum in order of waves in a vacuum is 3.0 × 108 m / s and is
wavelength approximately the same in air
• State that all e.m. waves travel with the
same high speed in a vacuum
• Describe typical properties and uses of
radiations in all the different regions of
the electromagnetic spectrum including: –
r adio and television communications (radio
waves) – s atellite television and
telephones (microwaves) – e lectrical
appliances, remote controllers for
televisions and intruder alarms (infra-red)
– medicine and security (X-rays)
• Demonstrate an awareness of safety
issues regarding the use of microwaves and
PHYSICS – The Electromagnetic

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