Prinsip Primary Survey

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Imron Rosyadi,Skep,Ns

 Pengkajian Primer / primary survey
 Pengkajian Sekunder / scondary survey
Pengkajian Primer
 Airway
 Breathing
 Circulation
 Dissability
 Expossure
A: Airway
 Look, listen dilakukan dg C spine control
Look : apakah ada nafas, apakah ada sumbatan ?,
tanda-tanda hypoksia, tanda cianosis ?
Listen : mengorok  lidah jatuh ke belakang,
gurglingada darah/cairan, snoringobstruksi
parsial faring / laring
Feel : rasakan adanya hembusan udara ekspirasi,
tentukan apakah trakhea terletak di tengah
sumbatan total

sumbatan parsial
A : Airway
 Bila ditemukan ada masalah langsung dilakukan
tindakan :
 Mengorokchin lift, jaw thrust
 Gurglingsuction , teknik sapuan jari bila ada
kotoran makanan
 Stridor  pada kasus ps kebakaran dg udem laryng
pertimbangkan pemasangan ET
 Bebaskan jalan nafas ekstensi head tilt
 Pada pasien trauma curiga adanya fraktur servikal
tdk boleh dilakukan head tilt, cukup chin lift, jaw
head tilt

jaw thrust
head tilt
Pasien yang dicurigai fraktur
 Trauma dengan penurunan kesadaran
 Luka karena trauma tumpul diatas klavikula > dari 2
 Setiap multi trauma ( trauma pada 2 regio atau lebih )
 Riwayat biomekanika yang mendukung
B : Breathing
 Kaji nafas  bila tdk ada nafas ventilasi/nafas
 Hitung Respirasi Rate
 Kaji kesimetrisan pergerakan dinding dada
 Kaji adanya jejas : luka tumpul, luka tajam
 Kaji bunyi nafas kanan kiri
 Perkusi dinding dada kanan kiri
C : Circulation
 bagaimana perfusi pasien
 akral hangat / dingin ? dingin awas syok!!
 raba nadi : carotis,femoralis  tdk teraba kompresi
dada, nadi cepat dan lemahsyok
 bila ada perdarahan luarhentikan perdarahan
balut tekan
 pasien shock  pasang IV line, ambil sampel darah
D : Dissability
 kaji tingkat kesadaran  AVPU
 kaji adanya lateralisasi  diameter pupil, kekuatan
menggenggam kanan kiri
 kaji adanya tanda-tanda fraktur
 kaji adanya kelemahan, kesemutan,sensasi yang
berkurang pada ekstremitas
 A – Alert

 V – Verbal

 P – Responds to Pain

 U – Unresponsive
E. Exposure
 Lihat seluruh tubuh pasien
 Pasien “ditelanjangi”  jaga jangan sampai
kedinginan  selimut
 cari adanya luka , jejas
Pengkajian Sekunder
 Tingkat kesadaran  GCS
 Tanda Vital : TD,R,N,SB
 Riwayat Kesehatan  RPS, RPD  anamnesa
 Pemeriksaan fisik
Pengkajian Riwayat Kesehatan
 Keluhan Utama ? Chief Complaint
 Riwayat Penyakit
Chief Complaint
 “What’s wrong?” “What happened to you?”

 Usually, the patient reports the major signs and

symptoms when asked these questions
Focused History and Physical Exam

 History of illness

 SAMPLE History

Nature of Illness
 S – Signs and  P – Pertinent History

 A – Allergies  L – Last Oral Intake

 M - Medications  E – Events Prior

 O – Onset
 R – Radiation

 P – Provocation  S – Severity

 Q - Quality  Time
Pemeriksaan Fisik
 Head to toe
 Mencari adanya kelainan
 D – Deformities  B – Bleeding – Burns

 C – Contusions  T – Tenderness

 A – Abrasions  L – Lacerations

 P - Punctures  Swelling
 Circulation

 Motion

 Sensation
Assess the Head
 Look and feel for
 Look for fluid in ears
 Pupils
 Loose teeth or dental
 Palpate the zygomas
and maxillae
 Palpate the mandible
 Assess the mouth
 Look at the neck and
palpate front and rear
Assess the Neck
 Look and feel for
DCAP-BTLS, jugular
vein distention, and
 Stoma
Assess the Chest
 Look and feel for
paradoxical motion,
and crepitus.
 Medical Alert Tag
 Look at the chest
 Palpate ribs
 Breath sounds?
 Assess breath
Assess the Abdomen
 Look and feel for
DCAP-BTLS, rigidity
(Firm or Soft), and
distention or pain
 Look at the abdomen
and pelvis
 Palpate the abdomen
 Compress the pelvis
 Press the iliac crests
 Assess the lower
 Distal and CMS
Assess the Pelvis
 Look and feel for
DCAP-BTLS. If there
is no pain, gently
compress the pelvis
downward and
inward to determine
tenderness or
Assess the Extremities
 Palpate each leg
completely, from the hip
to the foot. Remember
 Palpate each arm from
the shoulder to each
hand. Remember CMS

 Palpate gently but

firmly. You cannot
palpate with a pat down!
 Assess the upper
 Distal pulse – CMS
 Medical Alerts
 Assess the back for
deformity or
Assess the Back
 Roll the patient using spinal precautions, to assess the
posterior aspects of he bodyLog Roll
Ongoing Assessment
 Monitor for possible changes in a patients condition.
 Repeat the Initial Assessment
 Continue to assess vital signs
 Repeat Focused Assessment
 Check Interventions
 Record findings
Diagnosis Keperawatan
 Berdasarkan temuan  analisa data  diagnosis
 Muncul Masalah Kolaborasi
 Diagnosis Keperawatan sesuai NANDA
Diagnosis Keperawatan
 Risiko aspirasi
 Tidak efektifnya jalan nafas
 Gangguan pola nafas
 Gangguan pertukaran gas
 Penurunan curah jantung
 Perubahan perfusi jaringan ; serebral,ginjal..
 Cemas
 dll
Masalah kolaborasi
 PK: Syok hypovolemia
 PK: Syok kardiogenik
 PK: Perdarahan
 PK: Anemia
 PK: Sepsis
 dll
Intervensi keperawatan
 untuk mengatasi masalah
 intervensi berdasar protokol / prosedur tetap
 intervensi mandiri
 intervensi kolaborasi
 untuk mengevaluasi kondisi pasien
 untuk menilai efektivitas tindakan
 dilakukan setiap 5 menit, 15 menit, 30 menit
 untuk menentukan intervensi selanjutnya
 untuk menentukan perawatan selanjutnya

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