3 Formulas, Ranges, Functions

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Formulas, Ranges, and Functions

 Formulas perform operations such as
addition, multiplication, and comparison on
worksheet values.
 Formulas can refer to other cells on the same
worksheet, cells on other worksheets in the
same workbook, or even cells on worksheets
in other workbooks.
 Formulas may make use of built-in functions.
 Excel knows you are entering a formula in a
cell because every formula starts with an =
 If you forget the = sign, what you enter will
be treated as text (unless it can be
interpreted as a number in some format).
 The following example adds the value of
cell B4 to 25 and then divides the result by
the sum of cells D5, E5, and F5.

= (B4+25)/SUM(D5:F5)
 This example illustrates the use of
– The cell reference B4
– The numerical constant 25
– Arithmetic operators + and /
– The use of parentheses to specify order of
– The built-in SUM function
– A range reference D5:F5
About formula syntax
 Formulas calculate values in an order based
on usual mathematical conventions.
 You can always add parentheses to control
the order of calculation.
 For example, 4+3*2 is interpreted as
4+(3*2), which is 10.
 If you want the addition done first, use
(4+3)*2, which is 14.
Calculation operators in formulas
 Operators specify the type of calculation
that you want to perform on the elements of
a formula.
 Microsoft Excel includes four different
types of calculation operators: arithmetic,
comparison, text, and reference.
 Reference operators are used in range
references, and we examine them later.
 Arithmetic operators perform basic
mathematical operations such as addition,
subtraction, or multiplication; combine
numbers; and produce numeric results.
 Arithmetic operator  Meaning and
 + (plus sign)  Addition 3+3
 – (minus sign)  Subtraction 3-1 or
Negation -1
 * (asterisk)  Multiplication 3*3
 / (forward slash)  Division 3/3
 % (percent sign)  Percent 20%
 ^ (caret)  Exponentiation 3^2
Comparison operators compare two values
and then produce the logical value TRUE or

 Comparison operator  Meaning & Example

 = (equal sign)  Equal to A1=B1
 > (greater than sign)  Greater than A1>B1
 < (less than sign)  Less than A1<B1
 >= (greater than or equal  Greater than or equal to
to sign) A1>=B1
 <= (less than or equal to  Less than or equal to
sign) A1<=B1
 <> (not equal to sign)  Not equal to A1<>B1
 The comparison operators are often used
with certain built-in functions like IF to
produce a numeric result.
 For example,
would yield 5 if the value in cell A1 is
greater than the value in cell B1 and 0
Range References
 Formulas can refer to individual cells or
ranges of cells, or to names or labels that
represent cells or ranges.
 Ranges of cells are most often used as
arguments to functions that can be applied
to a variable number of cells, and they are
also used when specifying what values are
to be plotted in a chart.
Some range reference examples
 SUM(B5:E10) adds up the values in all the
cells in the rectangular area of the chart
from column B through column E and from
row 5 through row 10.
 B5:B10 is the range reference, referring to a
total of 24 cells:
 This is what is called a contiguous range,
which represents a rectangular set of cells
within the worksheet.
 Other examples of contiguous ranges are
D7:H7 (all within one row) and C14:C25
(all within one column).
 Consider SUM(B5:E10,G1:G7)
 Here, a total of 24+7=31 numbers are to be
 B5:E10,G1:G7 is considered a range
reference as well, but this is called a non-
contiguous range:
 The main reference operators are then
– : (colon) – used to specify a contiguous range
of cells
– , (comma) – used to represent the union of two
or more contiguous ranges
 Another reference operator is the single
space, used to represent the intersection of
two ranges.
 This is most often used when rows and
columns are given names.
 E.g., in our earlier grade book example,
Adams Final would specify the cell at the
intersection of the Adams row and the Final
Tip on entering cell and range
references in formulas
 When you’re entering a formula, instead of
typing a cell reference like B4 in the
formula, click in cell B4 and the reference
will be created for you automatically.
 To get a contiguous range reference, click
and drag from one corner of the range to the
opposite corner.
 To get a non-contiguous range reference,
click and drag to select the first contiguous
sub-range, then hold the shift key down
while clicking and dragging to select all the
remaining contiguous sub-ranges.
 Microsoft Excel contains many predefined
functions that can be used in formulas.
 Functions can be used to perform simple or
complex calculations.
 To enter a function, you can either type it in
directly, or select it from the dialog box that
appears when you click the Paste Function
button on the standard toolbar:
 The most common function in worksheets is
the SUM function, which is used to add
ranges of cells.
 In fact, it is so commonly used that it has its
own button, the AutoSum button, on the
standard toolbar.
 Although SUM(B3:B5) yields the same
value as B3+B4+B5, it is generally much
better to use the SUM function because the
range reference B3:B5 adapts automatically
to changes like inserting additional rows
within the range.
Using functions to calculate
 Functions are predefined formulas that perform
calculations by using specific values, called
arguments, in a particular order, called the syntax.
 For example, the SUM function adds values or
ranges of cells, and the PMT function calculates
the loan payments based on an interest rate, the
length of the loan, and the principal amount of the
Syntax of a function
 The syntax of a function begins with the
function name, followed by an opening
parenthesis, the arguments for the function
separated by commas, and a closing
 If the function starts a formula, don’t forget
to type an equal sign (=) before the function
 As you create a formula that contains a
function, the Formula Palette can help you.
 This is a dialog box that comes up after you
select a function from the Paste Function
dialog box and click OK.
 Arguments to
functions can be – cell references,
– numbers, – constants,
– text, – formulas, or
– logical values such as – other functions
– arrays,
– error values such as
Functions within functions, or
 Functions can be used as arguments for
other functions.
 When a function is used as an argument, or
nested, it must return the same type of value
that the argument uses.
 If a nested function does not return the
correct type of value, Microsoft Excel will
display a #VALUE! error value.
 A formula can contain up to seven levels of
nested functions.
 When Function B is used as an argument in
Function A, Function B is a second-level
 If Function B contains Function C as an
argument, Function C would be a third-level
 There are over 400 built-in functions in
Categories of functions
 Financial  Database
 Date and time  Text
 Math and trig  Logical
 Statistical  Information
 Lookup and reference
Examples of financial functions
 IPMT--returns the interest payment for a
given period for an investment based on
periodic, constant payments and a constant
interest rate.
 PMT--calculates the payment on a loan
based on constant payments and a constant
interest rate.
Some Date and Time Functions
 NOW--returns the serial number of the current
date and time.
 TODAY--returns a number that represents the
current date in MS Excel date-time code.
 Neither one takes an argument; so they look like
NOW() and TODAY().
 The result of NOW() might be 10/9/00 10:30.
 The result of TODAY() could be 10/9/00.
 These will always be updated each time the
workbook is opened or closed.
Sample Math and Trig functions
 COS(num)--returns the cosine of an angle.
 FLOOR(number, significance)--rounds a
number down, toward zero, to the nearest
multiple of significance.
 SUM(num 1, num 2,…)--adds all the
numbers in a range of cells.
Some Statistical Functions
 AVERAGE(num1, num2,…)--returns the
average (arithmetic mean) of its arguments.
 COUNT(value1, value2,…)--counts how
many cell contain numbers among all the
cells in the list of arguments.
 MAX(num1, num2,…)--returns the largest
value in a set of values.
Some Lookup and Reference
 LOOKUP(…)--returns a value either from a
one-row or a one-column range.
 TRANSPOSE(array)--returns a vertical
range of cells as a horizontal range, or vice
Sample Database Functions
 DCOUNT(database,field,criteria)--counts
the cells containing numbers in the field
(column) of records in the database that
match the specified criteria.
Some Logical Functions
 AND(logical1,logical2,...)--returns TRUE if
all its arguments are TRUE; returns FALSE
if any argument is FALSE.
 NOT(logical)--reverses the logic of its
argument; returns TRUE for a FALSE
argument and FALSE for a TRUE

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