Pipe Line Installation Method Seminar

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Pipe line installation
• Introduction;

• All seas has installed over 20,000km of

subsea pipeline worldwide using s-lay technology,
with diameters ranging from 2’’ to 48’’.

• S-lay is Characterised by its fast installation

process and its application in all water depths. The
‘’S’’ refers to the shape the pipe forms between the
vessel and the seabed as it is laid.
• In the S-lay method, single lengths of steel pipe
(joints) are welded, inspected and coated in a
horizontal working plane (firing line) on board a pipe
lay vessel.
• As the vessel moves forward , the pipe gradually exits
the firing line ,curving down word throw the water
until it reach as the touch down point on the seabed.
• As more pipe is paid out under its own weight it
assumes the ‘’S’’-shaped curve.
• The curvature of the upper section of the pipe line(the
over bend) is controlled by a stinger ,a steel structure
with rollers protruding from the end of firing line to
prevent buckling of the pipe.
• The curvature in the lower section of the pipe line
(the seg band) is controlled pipe tensioners ,
caterpillar tracks that grip the pipe.
• The amount of tension is one of the most important
factors in the capabilities of an S-lay vessel
• * S-LAY method

• *J-LAY method

• *REEL-LAY method

• For S-lay installation, the pipe is laid from a near-
horizontal position using combination of horizontal
tensioner and as tingercontrolling the curvature at
• The lay-vessel can be a ship, barge or a
semisubmersible vessel.
• The required lay tension is to be determined based on
the water depth ,the submerged weight of the
pipeline, the allowable radius Of curvature at over-
bend, departure angle and the allowable curvature at
the sag-bend.
• The stinger limitations for minimum and maximum
radius of Curvature and the pipeline departure angle
are to be satisfied.

• Strain concentrations due to increased stiffness of in-

line valves are to be accounted for. The in-line valve
is to be designed for strength and leakage protection
to ensure the integrity of the in-line valve after
• Installation procedures are to safeguard the pipe
with coatings, Protection system, valves and
other features that may be attached.

• A criterion for handling the pipe during

installation is to consider the Installation
technique, minimum pipe-bending radii
,differential pressure And pipe tension.

• For J-Lay (near- vertical pipe-lay), the pipe is laid from
an elevated Tower on a lay vessel using longitudinal
tensioner. In this way, over- bend at These a surface Is
avoided. In general, J-Lay follows the same procedure as
• The j-lay methods puts less stress on the pipe line because
the pipe line is installed in an almost vertical position.
• Where as the s-lay method puts on more stress due to two
curvatures at the sag bend and over bend region.
• The pipe line is sent into water at a small angle reference
to a vertical line and continue at a steep angle until a sag
bend is formed.
• For reel lay ,the pipe is spooled onto a large radius
reel aboard a reel Lay vessel. The reel-off at location
will normally occur under tension and Involve pipe
straightening through reverse bending on the lay

• The straightener is to be qualified to ensure that the

specified straightness is achieved.
• Anodes are, in general, to be installed after the pipe
has passed Through the straightener and tensioner.
Filler metals are to be selected to Ensure that their
properties after deformation and of The base material.

• Fracture mechanics assessment may be conducted to

assess ductile Crack growth and potential unstable
fracture during laying and in service.

• The allowable maximum size of weld defects may be

determined based on Fracture mechanics and plastic
collapse analysis.
• The pipe is transported from a remote assembly
location to the Installation site by towing either on the
water surface, at a controlled depth Below the surface
or on these a bottom.
• The submerged weight of the towed pipeline (e.g.,
bundles) is to be Designed to maintain control during
• .The bundles may be designed to have sufficient
buoyancy by encasing the bundled pipelines
,control lines And umbilical in side a carrier pipe.
Ballast chains may be attached to the Carrier pipe
at regular intervals along the pipeline length to
over come the Buoyancy and provide the desired
submerged weight.
• In the case of bottom tow installation, the route
is to be surveyed carefully, and the pipe must
have an abrasion-resistant coating that can Stand
up to dragging across the sea bed.

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