4059-Ca-00213956 - 1 Riser Installation Analysis

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PROJECT: Document Title:

FPU for Terang Sirasun Batur Field
Company: BW Offshore Riser Installation Analysis
Project: 4059
IMO No.: 8802911
COMPANY LOGO: Doc. type:
Discipline: System:
U 94
BWO Doc. No.: Rev.
4059-CA-00213956 1
Project: FPU for Terang Sirasun Batur Field Doc. No
Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

1.  Introduction................................................................................................................. 3 
1.1  General ......................................................................................................................... 3 
1.2  Purpose of Document .................................................................................................. 3 
1.3  Scope of Work .............................................................................................................. 3 
1.4  Definitions and Abbreviations ...................................................................................... 4 
1.5  References ................................................................................................................... 6 
2.  Summary ..................................................................................................................... 7 
2.1  General ......................................................................................................................... 7 
2.2  Installation Loads ......................................................................................................... 7 
2.3  Weather Criteria ........................................................................................................... 8 
2.4  Positions of Riser TDP ................................................................................................. 9 
3.  Analysis Basis .......................................................................................................... 10 
3.1  Field Data ................................................................................................................... 10 
3.2  Environmental Conditions .......................................................................................... 11 
3.3  Permanent Items ........................................................................................................ 15 
3.4  Installation Vessels..................................................................................................... 20 
3.5  Main Installation Equipment ....................................................................................... 23 
3.6  Analysis Methodology ................................................................................................ 24 
4.  Analysis Results for MIV Campaign ...................................................................... 26 
4.1  Riser First End Initiation ............................................................................................. 26 
4.2  Riser Buoyant Section Installation ............................................................................. 28 
4.3  Riser Lower Section and Ballast Installation ............................................................. 33 
4.4  Riser Second End Laydown....................................................................................... 38 
5.  Analysis Results for Risers during Wet Storage.................................................. 43 
6.  Analysis Results for DSV Campaign ..................................................................... 46 
6.1  Riser Second End Recovery ...................................................................................... 46 
6.2  Riser First End Pull-in to FPU .................................................................................... 51 
6.3  Riser Second End Laydown....................................................................................... 56 
6.4  Riser Tie-in to Riser Base .......................................................................................... 60 
APPENDIX I: Vessel RAOs Data ......................................................................................... 61 
APPENDIX II: Drawings of Risers ....................................................................................... 62 
APPENDIX III: Tensioner Squeeze Calculation ................................................................. 63 
APPENDIX IV: Analysis for Lifting ..................................................................................... 64 
APPENDIX V: DMA Bearing Capacity Check .................................................................... 65 

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Project: FPU for Terang Sirasun Batur Field Doc. No
Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

1. Introduction
1.1 General
BW Offshore has been awarded an FPU Lease and Operation Services Contract for the TSB
Field Development Project.

The Terang, Sirasun, Batur (TSB) Field Development Project consists of the development of
3 gas fields located approximately 250km from Surabaya, East Java and 100km north of Bali

The Contract scope includes the following:

 Provision of an FPU SYSTEM as per Company requirements and specifications.
 Convert, supply and transport the FPU SYSTEM to the installation site location.
 Install the FPU SYSTEM including mooring system, risers and umbilicals, and
interface with the subsea system as per Company requirements and specifications.

1.2 Purpose of Document

This document presents installation analysis results for riser system. Through the installation
analysis, a suitable installation methodology will be determined which allows the riser be
installed safely. The static and dynamic installation loads will be found out and the
environmental limitation for installation will be determined.

1.3 Scope of Work

The scope of this document is to present installation analysis for the following installation
activities, and analysis for risers during wet storage:

MIV campaign:
 Riser Gravity Base Deployment
 Riser First End Initiation
 Riser Buoyant Section Installation
 Riser Lower Section and Ballast Installation
 Riser Second End Laydown

DSV campaign:
 Riser Second End Recovery
 Riser First End Pull-in to FPU
 Riser Second End Laydown
 Riser Tie-in to Riser Base

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

1.4 Definitions and Abbreviations

COMPANY Kangean Energy Indonesia
CONTRACTOR PT BW Offshore TSB Invest / BW Offshore Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Terang Sirasun Batur Field located in Kangean Block, North of
TSB Field
Bali, Indonesia
Anchor Anchor for mooring the Vessel
Towing or manoeuvring action, which can be generated by a
Bollard Pull
tug for an indefinite period of time with its propulsion system.
The Offshore Installation Worksite where Permanent items are
to be installed.
Installation The true deviation from intended to actual position or attitude
Tolerance including installation, instrument and measurement accuracy.
Transfer of a major assembly or a module from land onto a
Load out
barge or vessel by horizontal movement or by lifting.
Planned and controlled vertical or horizontal movement of a
Marine Operation
structure or component thereof over, in or on water
Marine Spread Fleet of vessels assembled to perform a marine operation
Vessel preparation required to install the Installation Spread
onto the Installation Vessel.
General class of components used in the mooring of floating
structures, e.g. chain, steel wire rope, synthetic fibre rope,
clump weight, buoy, winch/windlass or anchor
The complete assembly of chain / rope segments including all
Mooring Line
connection elements between vessel and anchor.
Permanent components which form part of the Mooring,
Flexible Riser, Umbilical, or FPU System, i.e. anchors,
Permanent Items
mooring components, flexible riser and umbilical components,
FPU mooring system, etc.
Point during an operation that represents the final opportunity
Point of No Return
to reverse, delay or abandon the operation
Certified slings, shackles, lifting pins and sheaves, towing gear
Rigging and towing equipment required for safe towing and lifting
Period of time, sufficient in length to safely carry out a marine
Weather Window operation, for which forecast environmental conditions remain
below prescribed limiting operational environmental criteria.

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A&R Abandonment and Recovery
AHC Active Heave Compensation
API American Petroleum Institute
APL Advanced Production and Loading
BM Buoyancy Module
c/w complete with
DAF Dynamic Amplification Factor
DMA Dead Man Anchor
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DP Dynamic Positioning
DSV Diving Support Vessel
FPU Floating Production Unit
HAB Height Above Bottom
HLV Heavy Lift Vessel
IP In Plane
L×B×H Length × Breadth × Height
MBL Minimum Breaking Load
MBR Minimum Bending Radius
MIV Main Installation Vessel
MSL Mean Sea Level
N/A Not Applicable
nm Nautical Miles
OOP Out-of-plane
RB Riser Base
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
RP Return Period
SWL Safe Working Load
t Metric tonne
TBA To be advised
TBC To be confirmed
TDP Touchdown Point
Tp Spectral Peak Period
TSB Terang Sirasun Batur field
w.r.t. With Reference To

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

1.5 References

Ref No. Reference No. Document Title

Client Documents
Technical Specifications: FPU Lease and
Operation Services of TSB Field Development
P.T. Fugro Indonesia
Final Report: Geophysical Survey for the Proposed
/A2/ S2014-02 20” Gas Export Pipeline Route and the Proposed
16” Flowline Route Terang Block East Java Sea,
P.T Pageo Utama
/A3/ AGSB/59/SI/08/SUB Geotechnical Investigation Report for Terang
Sirasun Batur Field
Fugro GEOS Ltd
/A4/ TS-PL-REP-8171 Terang Sirasun Development Metocean Design
Criteria Report
BWO Documents
Preliminary Analysis For Riser Wet Storing And
/B1/ 4059-RD-00239545
/B2/ 4059-KA-00213939 Installation Method Statement

/B3/ 4059-KA-00213945 Riser Wet Storage Procedure

/B4/ 4059-KA-00251783 FPU Riser Pull-In & Tie-In Procedure

Other Documents
/C1/ Technip Proposal for Flexible Pipe Design
/C2/ Flexible Riser Basis of Design
/C3/ Flexible Riser Dynamic Analysis Report
/C4/ Mooring System Design Analysis
/C5/ Vessel Hydrodynamic Data Report
/C6/ Flexible Riser Design Report

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

2. Summary
2.1 General
Installation analysis has been performed for empty risers. Based on the analysis, the
installation methodology is verified and the installation loads are given.

Installation loads and weather criteria are summarised below. The minimum required
tensioner squeeze calculation is presented in Appendix III. The required squeeze applied on
the riser will be less than the tensioner capacity and riser crushing strength.

Prior to riser laying, a gravity base will be deployed for the deflected riser. The calculation for
lifting of riser gravity base is given in Appendix IV.

A DMA will be used for riser first end initiation. The calculation for lifting of DMA is also given
in Appendix IV.

The static loads on DMA during riser initiation can be found in Table 4–1 and maximum
dynamic loads in Table 4–3. The calculation of vertical and horizontal bearing capacity of
DMA can be found in Appendix V. The safety factor is 1.8 and 1.4 respectively for vertical
and horizontal bearing capacity under 1.5m Hs.

2.2 Installation Loads

Risers are empty during installation, and the installation loads can be summarised below.

Table 2–1 Installation Loads for MIV Campaign

Activity Static Deployment Deployment Recovery Wave Load
(t) under 1.0m under 1.5m under direction carried by
Hs (t) Hs (t) 1.5m Hs wrt vessel
(t)* (deg)
Riser Gravity Base
72 99 119 - +/- 30 deg Main crane
DMA Deployment 25.2 32.1 37.3 37.3 +/- 30 deg
Riser First End
17.9 22.3 24.1 34.2 +/- 90 deg Tensioner
Riser Buoyant
15.8 21.2 23.2 32.9 +/- 90 deg Tensioner
Section Installation
Riser Ballast Section
19.9 23.2 24.7 35.0 +/- 90 deg Tensioner
Riser Second End Stern
27.4 31.4 33.3 33.3 +/- 90 deg
Overboarding crane
Riser Second End
22.8 27.2 29.4 - +/- 90 deg A&R winch
Riser Second End
22.8 24.8 25.8 42 +/- 45 deg A&R winch
*Note: For riser recovery, the loads are increased due to the friction on overboarding chute (Capstan
effect). The recovery load is calculated as T1=T0*exp(theta*nu), where T1 is recovery load, T0 is the

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dynamic lay tension, theta is angle of chute (in radian), and nu is friction coefficient (taken as 0.2 for
riser and 0.3 for winch wire).

Table 2–2 Installation Loads for DSV Campaign

Activity Static (t) 1.5m Hs (t) 2.0m Hs (t) Wave Load carried
direction wrt by
DSV (deg)*
Riser Second End
25.8 29.5 30.5 +/- 30 deg Main Crane
Riser Pull-in to FPU 19.6 20.7 21.0 +/- 30 deg FPU winch
Riser Second End
23.2 26.5 27.6 +/- 30 deg Main Crane
*Note: For FPU, the loads are given for +/- 90 deg wave, ie, the most severe case.

2.3 Weather Criteria

The environmental condition is expected to be benign at TSB field, refer to Section 3.2. The
following sea states have been assessed in the analysis and do not compromise the integrity
of risers.

Table 2–3 Weather Criteria for MIV Campaign

Activity Wave Hs Wave Current*
(m) direction wrt
MIV (deg)
Riser Gravity Base Deployment 1.5 +/- 30 deg -
DMA Deployment 1.5 +/- 30 deg -
0.8 m/s at surface
Riser First End Initiation 1.5 all directions
0.35 m/s at bottom
Production Risers Buoyant Section
Installation 0.8 m/s at surface
1.5 all directions
GE Riser 1st to 6th Buoy Module 0.35 m/s at bottom
GE Riser 7th to 8th Buoy Module 0.8 m/s at surface
1.0 all directions
Installation 0.35 m/s at bottom
0.8 m/s at surface
Riser Ballast Section Installation 1.5 all directions
0.35 m/s at bottom
0.8 m/s at surface
Riser Second End Laydown 1.5 all directions
0.35 m/s at bottom
*Note: The current is driven by Monsoon. The most likely current directions have been assessed in the
analysis, ie, between 45 to 135 deg wrt lay direction. The current from other directions (0 to 45 deg or
135 to 180deg) is much slower and less likely to occur.

Table 2–4 Weather Criteria for Riser Wet Storage

Activity Wave Hs * Current *
Risers Wet Storage 10-year RP wave 10-year RP Current
*Note: Detailed value of wave and current refer to Table 3–5

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Table 2–5 Weather Criteria for DSV Campaign

Activity Wave Hs Wave direction Current (m/s) (2)
(m) wrt DSV (deg)

0.8 m/s at surface

Riser Second End Recovery 2.0 +/- 30 deg
0.35 m/s at bottom
0.8 m/s at surface
Riser Pull-in to FPU 2.0 +/- 30 deg
0.35 m/s at bottom
0.8 m/s at surface
Riser Second End Laydown 2.0 +/- 30 deg
0.35 m/s at bottom
(1) DSV will maintain heading +/- 30 deg into wave. For FPU, +/- 90 deg wave is acceptable.
(2) The current is driven by Monsoon. The most likely current directions have been assessed in the
analysis, ie, between 45 to 135 deg wrt riser corridor. The current from other directions (0 to 45 deg or
135 to 180deg) is much slower and less likely to occur.

2.4 Positions of Riser TDP

The positions of riser TDP are summarised below based on nominal riser length.

Table 2–6 Summary of Riser TDP Position

Wet storage TDP In-place/Operation TDP
Horizontal Horizontal
Arc length Horizontal Arc length
distance from distance from
Riser from 1st distance from from 1st end
Gravity Base Tie-in Flange
end (m) 1st end (m) (m)
Centre (m) (m)*
Prod #1 180 165 191 39 -
Prod #2 180 165 191 - 111.5
GE 191 171 199 - 103.5

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3. Analysis Basis
3.1 Field Data
3.1.1 Field & Mobilisation Port Location
The TSB Field is located approximately 250km from Surabaya, East Java and 100km north
of Bali Island.


Tanjung Wangi

3.1.2 Water Depth

The water depth at the FPU unit location is approximately 96m (MSL). The seabed has no
abrupt changes in water depth or bathymetric anomalies. Essentially the seabed is flat with
slight undulations of less than 1m over the isolated pockmarks. Ref. /A2/.

Tidal range is approximately +/-1m. Water depth at the specific locations are as follows:

Table 3–1 Water Depth

Location MSL
Anchor #2 95.5m
Anchor #5 94.8m
Anchor #8 94.5m
Anchor #11 95.5m
Riser Base 95.4m
Terang Manifold 95.3m

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3.2 Environmental Conditions

Typical environmental conditions in the field are generally expected to be benign for
installation purposes. It should however be noted that there are rare occasions when less
favourable weather may occur due to the north-west monsoon season over the period from
December to March. ref. /A4/.

3.2.1 Wave, Wind and Current Data

The weather is generally mild throughout the year. The wave is generally not severe except
during the occurrence of rare conditions where a strong tropical cyclone persists over North
West Australia, coincident with the North West Monsoon.

Wave Data
The wave data under normal conditions (non-tropical cyclone) is reproduced below from the
data at the representative Observation Station 3.

Table 3–2 Percentage of Exeedence of Wave

Month Percentage of exceedence (%)
0.5 m Hs 1.0 m Hs 1.3 m Hs 1.5m Hs
NW Monsoon
20 2 0.2 0
(December to March)
SE Monsoon
99 25 5 1
(June to September)
1. Weather is more benign during the rest of year
2. The relationships between Hs, Hmax, Tz and Tp are as follows, Ref. /A4/
Tp=1.4622 x Hs + 3.6469
Tz= 1.1085 x Hs + 2.5342
Hmax= 2 x Hs

Current Data
Currents are predominantly controlled by the monsoon and form a large monsoon driven
circulation. The current profile (non-directional) is reproduced below from the data at the
representative Observation Station 2.

Table 3–3 Percentage of Exeedence of Current

Depth 1-yr RP current speed (m/s) 95% non-exceedence
current speed (m/s)
Surface 1.37 0.80
Bottom 0.70 0.35

Directional wave, wind and current data as follows, Ref. /A4/.

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Figure 3–1 Wave Frequency Rose (NW Monsoon)

Figure 3–2 Wave Frequency Rose (SE Monsoon)

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Figure 3–3 Surface Current Frequency Rose (NW Monsoon) (Note: Current direction is

Figure 3–4 Surface Current Frequency Rose (SE Monsoon) (Note: Current direction is

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Table 3–4. 1-Year Return Period Directional Environmental Data

Direction Wave 1-minute Current
from Hs (m) Tp (s) wind (m/s) Surface 1m HAB
N 1.6 5.9 14.0 1.05 0.50
NNE 1.5 5.9 13.8 1.12 0.43
NE 0.9 4.9 12.3 0.36 0.43
ENE 1.0 5.1 12.8 0.34 0.38
E 1.1 5.3 13.4 0.38 0.36
ESE 1.2 5.4 12.3 0.51 0.44
SE 1.0 5.1 11.2 0.55 0.49
SSE 1.4 5.7 13.3 0.60 0.51
S 1.7 6.2 15.2 0.56 0.48
SSW 1.5 5.9 13.7 0.57 0.38
SW 1.2 5.4 12.3 0.57 0.38
WSW 2.2 6.8 16.3 0.72 0.42
W 2.3 7.0 20.2 0.99 0.51
WNW 3.1 8.1 20.2 1.15 0.60
NW 1.7 6.1 14.5 1.37 0.70
NNW 1.6 6.0 14.2 1.29 0.57

Table 3–5. 10-Year Return Period Directional Environmental Data

Direction Wave 1-minute Current
from Hs (m) Tp (s) wind (m/s) Surface 1m HAB
N 2.3 6.9 16.8 1.18 0.57
NNE 2.1 6.8 15.7 1.25 0.50
NE 1.1 5.3 14.7 0.40 0.49
ENE 1.2 5.4 15.4 0.38 0.43
E 1.4 5.7 16.0 0.43 0.41
ESE 1.8 6.2 14.7 0.57 0.50
SE 1.5 5.8 13.4 0.61 0.56
SSE 2.0 6.6 15.9 0.67 0.59
S 2.2 6.9 18.3 0.62 0.55
SSW 2.1 6.7 16.5 0.64 0.43
SW 1.8 6.3 14.9 0.64 0.43
WSW 2.8 7.7 19.6 0.81 0.48
W 2.9 7.9 24.3 1.11 0.58
WNW 4.4 10.1 20.9 1.29 0.68
NW 2.4 7.1 17.5 1.53 0.80
NNW 2.3 7.0 17.2 1.45 0.65

3.2.2 Water Temperature

The temperature of water is as follows.

Table 3–6. Water Temperature

Depth Min Temperature (°C) Max Temperature (°C)
Surface 22 30
Bottom 15 21

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3.2.3 Soil Conditions

The soil conditions within the Field are typically described as “loose silty sand” at seabed
level with underlying clay of varying strength down to at least 25m depth. Ref. /A3/

The soil layer data including submerged unit weight, undrained shear strength and friction
angle are presented in Ref. /A3/. The internal friction angle is 33 deg.

The first layer of seabed soil is silty sand except the silty clay at NW cluster and the following
seabed friction coefficient can be applied to installation analysis.

Table 3–7. Seabed Friction Coefficient

Item Seabed friction coefficient
Riser 0.7
DMA 0.53

The tolerance of riser-seabed friction is chosen to be +/- 0.2. The friction coefficient will only
affect the riser stability during wet storage. A higher friction is beneficial to riser stability. A
lower friction coefficient will be assessed, refer to Section 5.

3.3 Permanent Items

3.3.1 FPU Description
An existing oil tanker, Genie (ex Semakau), will be converted into the FPU to fulfil the
requirements as specified by Company. It is a double sided Aframax tanker with centre crude
oil tanks and segregated ballast tanks along the side. The FPU is renamed as BW Joko Tole.
Vessel particulars are noted below. The most likely draught of FPU during riser and umbilical
pull-in is the same as that during transit.

Table 3–8. FPU Particulars

Particular Transit Ballast Full Load
LOA (m) 246.8
LBP (m) 235.0
Breadth moulded (m) 42.0
Depth moulded (m) 19.5
Draught – midship (m) 7.120 6.628 8.765
Draught – AP (m) 8.399 6.819 10.792
Draught – FP (m) 5.841 6.438 6.738

Mooring and Riser Pull-in Equipment

The FPU will have a dedicated moorings pull-in to complete the initial pull-in and to complete
the final tensioning operations. The moorings will connect to the FPU via suitable fairlead
and chain stopper assemblies. The FPU also has a dedicated 50t winch for the Riser &
Umbilical pull-in.

Riser Balcony Details

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Riser and Umbilicals will hang-off from the FPU riser balcony. All connections at the FPU
riser balcony can be accessed above waterline by means of suitable work platforms
suspended from the FPU, i.e. no diving requirements at this end.

Table 3–9. Riser Hang-off Positions on FPU

Parameter Gas Export Riser Production Riser #2 Production Riser #1
I-tube length (m) 3 3 3
Hang-off angle (deg) 9 9 9
Hang-off position X (m)
-1.1 -5.6 -10.1
w.r.t mid ship
Hang-off position Y (m)
I-tube bottom w.r.t center 24 24 24
Hang-off position Z (m)
17.957 17.957 17.957
I-tube bottom w.r.t keel
Reference Drawing 4059-XD-00132111.001

3.3.2 Mooring System

The mooring system will be a 12-point spread mooring. Mooring line arrangement will be a
4x3 line configuration. Each mooring line consists of a continuous length mooring chain
connected to a driven Pile.

The vessel is to be aligned with the bow pointing more or less towards WNW, or more
specifically on a heading of 292.5°. However, the position and heading of FPU will be
adjusted according to as-built riser base. Ref drawing: 1724-APL-W-XG-BM-S0011901.

3.3.3 Flexible Risers and Accessories

Flexible Risers, 3-off 16” inner diameter, 2-off production risers and 1-off export riser, are to
be installed in a modified lazy wave consisting of a combination of buoyancy modules and a
ballast system configuration between the FPU riser balcony and the pre-installed riser base.
The following shows the risers configuration.

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Prod Riser #1

GE riser

Prod Riser #2

Riser configuration

Table 3–10. Riser cross section properties

Description Value
Outer Diameter (mm) 538.5
Weight in air(empty) (kg/m) 332.97
Weight in air(flooded) (kg/m) 470.55
Weight in Water (empty) (kg/m) 99.52
Weight in Water (flooded) (kg/m) 237.11
MBR – storage (m) 4.26
MBR – on chute (m)* 5.33
MBR – installation (m)* 6.39
Bending stiffness @ 20 ˚C (kN.m2) 661
Axial stiffness (kN) 1149000
Crushing Strength (Te/m/Track), Ref. /C6/ 104
Maximum allowable compression (kN) 50
Maximum allowable twist (deg/m), Ref. /C1/ 1
Maximum allowable installation tension (t), Ref. /C1/ 64
*Note: The MBR on overboarding chute (where the riser bends in a controlled manner) is taken as
1.25 times MBR for storage. The MBR for installation (free bending) is taken as 1.5 time MBR for
storage. Ref. /C6/.

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Table 3–11. Riser Section Lengths

Parameter Gas Export Production Riser Production Riser
Riser #2 #1
Topside End-fitting (m) 1.08 1.08 1.08
Bend stiffener (m) 5.4 5.4 5.4
Bare Riser Section (m) 104.494 105.994 108.494
Buoyant Section (m) 32 30 30
Bare Riser Section (m) 52 73 60
Ballast Section (m) 21 10 10
Bare Riser Section (m) 82.432 72.932 98.932
Subsea End-fitting (m) 1.594 1.594 1.594
Total Length (m) 302.5 300* 315.5
Friction clamp position - arc length
- - 230
from topside end-fitting (m)
Reference Drawing 5696-000-DW-5430-001 to 004
*Note: The marking for Production Riser #2 has been shifted by 2.5m towards FPU end.
Meaning that the FPU end fitting is “2.5m”, and subsea end fitting is “302.5m”.

Table 3–12. Friction clamp details

Parameter Production Riser #1
Clamp length (m) 1.125
Clamp OD (m) 1.0
Clamp weight in air (t) 1.165
Clamp weight in water (t) 1.014
Reference Drawing 5696-000-DW-5271-002

Table 3–13. Riser Gravity Base (Deflector Structure) details

Parameter Production Riser #1
Dimension - L×B×H (m) 5×5×1
Weight in air (t) 71.9
Weight in water (t) 49.4
Reference Drawing 5696-000-DW-5252-001

Table 3–14. Buoyancy modules details:

Parameter Gas Export Riser Production Riser #1
& #2
Distance between centres of
4 5
modules (m)
Length of module (m) 1.92 1.92
OD of module (m) 1.6 1.6
Mass (kg) 1166 1166
Net buoyancy – Initial (kg) 1567 1567
Net buoyancy – Short term (kg) 1520 1520
Quantity in use 8 6
Reference Drawing Balmoral 11472-DW-DBM-GA-1-001

The initial net buoyancy of buoyancy modules will be used in the analysis for MIV campaign
and the short term value will be used in the analysis for DSV campaign. The buoyancy

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modules will be modelled as attachments to riser within OrcaFlex or equivalent pipe as


Table 3–15. Equivalent Buoyant Section

Parameter Gas Export Riser Production Riser #1
& #2
OD (m) 1.060 0.979
Mass (t/m) 0.625 0.566
Submerged weight (t/m) -0.281 -0.205
*Short term net buoyancy is used in this table.

Table 3–16. Ballast modules details:

Parameter Gas Export Riser Production Riser#1
& #2
Length of ballast module (m) 1.0 1.0
OD of ballast module (m) 0.764 0.764
Mass (kg/m) 542 569
Submerged weight (kg/m) 385 404
Total length (m) 21 10
Reference Drawing Balmoral 11475-DW-DG-GA-4-001

Table 3–17. Bend stiffener details:

Parameter Gas Export Riser Production Riser#1
& #2
Length (m) 5.4 5.4
Max OD (m) 1.185 1.185
Bore ID (m) 0.590 0.590
Weight in air (t) 2.777 2.777
Weight in water (t) 1.168 1.168
Reference Drawing 5696-000-DW-5221-001 5696-000-DW-5221-001

Table 3–18. Bend stiffener connector details:

Parameter Gas Export Riser Production Riser#1
& #2
Max OD (m) 1.51 1.51
Weight in air (t) 1.715 1.715
Weight in water (t) 1.492 1.492
Reference Drawing 5696-000-DW-5321-001 5696-000-DW-5321-001

Table 3–19. End-Fitting Details:

Parameter FPU End Subsea End
Length (mm) 1080 1594.3
Max OD (mm) 680 680
Weight in air (t) 1.300 1.753
Weight in water (t) 1.057 1.444
Reference Drawing 5696-000-DW-5212-001 5696-000-DW-5212-002

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Table 3–20. Pull head details:

Parameter FPU End Subsea End
Length (m) 0.314 0.232
Weight in air (t) 0.93 0.63
Weight in water (t) 0.81 0.55
Pull head SWL (t) 55 55
Reference Drawing 5696-000-DW-5311-401 5696-000-DW-5311-402

Table 3–21. Temporary Bend Stiffener Hold Back Clamp

Parameter FPU End Subsea End
Weight in air (kg) 87 Nill
Weight in water (kg) 75 Nil
Reference Drawing 4059-XG-00306750 N/A

3.3.4 Hydrodynamic Coefficients

The hydrodynamic properties are made reference to Technip document /C2/, and re-
produced below.

Description Normal Axial drag Lift Normal Axial added

drag added mass mass
Cdn Cda Cl Can Caa
Bare riser 0.7 0 0 0.8 0
Ballast section 0.7 0.15 0 0.8 0
Buoyancy module 1.05 0.8 0 0.8 0.5
Riser lying on seabed 0.7 0 0.9 2.29 0

3.4 Installation Vessels

3.4.1 Main Installation Vessel – MIV Campaign
Southern Ocean is used for laying of risers.

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Figure 3–5 MIV Southern Ocean

The Southern Ocean has the following main features:

- Dynamic Positioning – DP-2 Class

- 250T @ 10m radius AHC Knuckle Jib Main deck crane
- 110T Knuckle Jib Secondary deck Crane
- 2x 150HP work class ROV with TMS
- 2400m2 at 10T/m2 main clear deck area

Vessel dimensions are noted as follows:

Description Value
Overall length (m) 136.6
Length between perpendiculars (m) 120.4
Breadth moulded (m) 27.0
Depth main deck (m) 9.7
Max draught (m) 6.85

The RAOs data are attached in Appendix I.

An overboarding chute (radius=5.1m) is mounted on the stern. The chute has an offset of 3m
from vessel centreline. Note that in the analysis, the tension is measured at the chute exit,
which is 5m above deck.

The work platform is approx 0.5m above deck. The riser payout is taken reference at this
level. The departure angle is measured at the position 1.0m above work platform, where
buoyancy module is to be installed.

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Overboarding chute
Departure angle is
measured at the
location 1m above
work platform
Work platform

Figure 3–6 Side View of Overboarding Chute

3.4.2 Diving Support Vessel– DSV Campaign

Contractor plans to use DSV Toisa Paladin for the riser lifting and shifting from wet storage
positions, and riser pull-in to FPU.

Figure 3–7 DSV Toisa Paladin

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The DSV has the following main features:

- Dynamic Positioning – DP-2 Class

- 140T AHC main crane

The crane can take 65t dynamic load (50t static load x 1.3 DAF) at an outreach between 8m
and 20m. The crane foundation is at 25.9m aft mid-ship and 8.1m offset the centreline. The
crane tip is fixed at 30m above water and its outreach is set to 14m in the analysis.

The limitation of side lead angle of crane wire (out of boom plane) is set to 5.5 deg in the
analysis. The off lead angle (in the boom plane) has no specific limit.

Dimensions of DSV are noted as follows:

Description Value
Overall length (m) 103.7
Length between perpendiculars (m) 96.8
Breadth moulded (m) 19.7
Depth main deck (m) 7.7
Draught (m) 5.6

The RAOs data used in the dynamic analysis are attached in Appendix I.

3.5 Main Installation Equipment

Major installation equipment to be loaded onboard MIV includes reel drive system and
tensioner, as given as follows:
Reel Drive System and Tracks: Deck Tensioner:

Reel Drive System Value

Model AQPR-02F-400
Max reel weight (t) 400
Drive torque 150 Te.m at 0.5 rev/min
60 Te.m at 1 rev/min
Standard Reel Capacity (m) Width 5 – 6m
Dia 6 – 11.4m

Deck Tensioner Value

Model AQTT-10C-50
Max line pull (t) 50
Speed at full load (m/hour) Lay 1200
Recovery 600
Number of tracks 4

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Track contact length (m) 3.5

Suitable product diameter (mm) 55 – 600
Max track opening (mm) 750
Max track squeeze (kN/m/track) 426

3.6 Analysis Methodology

The installation analysis is performed using OrcaFlex (Version 9.4f). OrcaFlex is a 3D non-
linear time domain finite element program used for mooring and riser analysis. For more
information reference can be made to the OrcaFlex official website (www.orcina.com).

Static analysis models are generated to capture the step-by-step installation sequence based
on industry practice. Dynamic analysis are performed to verify the dynamic loads generated
during the offshore operation under well-defined environmental conditions are compatible
with installation spread, and the integrity of permanent items are not compromised.

The dynamic analysis is performed using regular wave theory. The wave theory selected in
the OrcaFlex model is Dean Stream regular wave (N=5). The wave frequency vessel motions
are derived from vessel RAOs.

For MIV campaign scheduled in November (no monsoon), the analysis consider a range of
wave heights and periods, typically ranging 1.0m to 1.5m significant wave height, and 4s to
6s wave period.

For DSV campaign scheduled in NW Monsoon season, the analysis consider a range of
wave heights and periods, typically ranging 1.5m to 2.0m significant wave height, and 5s to
7s wave period, refer to Table 3–2. The maximum wave height (Hmax) is 2.0 times the
significant wave height (Hs).

The wave direction in the dynamic analysis is defined with respect to installation vessel as
shown below. For riser laying, the MIV heading will be kept as the same as the lay direction
because the riser is very stiff and its departure angle is large. For riser recovery using crane,
DSV will be able to weathervane and choose the best heading.

270 deg
225 deg 315 deg

180 deg 0 deg

135 deg 45 deg

90 deg

Figure 3–8 Convention of wave directions (w.r.t vessel)

The current direction is defined with respect to lay direction, as shown.

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270 deg
225 deg 315 deg

180 deg 0 deg

135 deg 45 deg

90 deg

Figure 3–9 Convention of current directions (w.r.t lay direction)

The current is most likely to flow perpendicularly to lay direction Refer to Section 3.2.1.
Therefore the current coming from 45 deg, 90deg and 135deg will be assessed in the
analysis. The 95% percentile current speed is used in the analysis.

For risers in wet storage, 10-year return period wave and current will be used in the analysis
to assess the stability and integrity of risers, refer to Table 3–5.

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4. Analysis Results for MIV Campaign

4.1 Riser First End Initiation
4.1.1 Static Analysis
Riser installation will be initiated using a DMA. Detailed step-by-step static results are presented as follows.
Table 4–1 Static Results for Riser Initiation (Applicable for All Risers)
Step Distance Vessel Total riser Riser Pull head Top Sling Sling angle Horizontal Departure MBR (m)
No. from chute move - payout payout position above tension tension wrt vertical force on angle - IP
to DMA step (m) (m) - step seabed (m) (t) (t) (deg) DMA (t) (deg)
(m) (m)
0 15 96 4.9 16.3 0.0 71 0.0 1.9 10000
1 30 15 96 0 5.5 16.7 0.9 74 0.9 4.8 169
2 45 15 101 5 3.2 17.4 2.2 81 2.1 8.8 78
3 55 10 106 5 1.1 17.9 3.0 87 3.0 11.2 61
4 55 0 111 5 -0.3 13.7 1.1 91 1.1 7.1 24
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Riser payout is measured from riser 1st end to work
platform 0

20m sling


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4.1.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis is performed for Step 3 at which the tension on the sling reaches the peak value. Sensitivity study on wave heading and
period is given in Table 4–2. The waves coming from starboard side (0 deg to 180 deg) have been assessed. The waves coming from port
side are less critical since the overboarding chute is located at starboard side.

The most severe case is Case 9 when the wave comes from beam and with a period of 6s, as highlighted below. This wave heading and
period will be used in the dynamic analysis for MIV campaign.

Table 4–2 Sensitivity Study on Wave Heading and Period (MIV)

No. Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max top Max Sling Max Max Max Departure MBR Riser
direction (m) period direction speed tension sling angle wrt horizontal vertical departure angle - (m) min
(deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) (t) tension vertical force on force on angle - IP OOP tension
(t) (deg) DMA (t) DMA (t) (deg) (deg) (t)
1 0 1.5 4 0 0 19.4 3.5 87 3.5 0.2 9.6 0.0 36 1.2
2 0 1.5 5 0 0 18.8 3.6 87 3.6 0.2 10.2 0.0 38 1.2
3 0 1.5 6 0 0 20.5 3.9 87 3.9 0.2 9.3 0.0 35 1.1
4 45 1.5 4 45 0 19.7 3.5 87 3.5 0.2 9.9 1.2 37 1.3
5 45 1.5 5 45 0 20.5 3.7 87 3.7 0.2 10.7 1.5 38 1.4
6 45 1.5 6 45 0 20.2 3.7 87 3.7 0.2 9.2 1.4 39 1.3
7 90 1.5 4 90 0 20.2 3.4 87 3.4 0.2 10.6 1.3 42 1.4
8 90 1.5 5 90 0 21.3 3.4 87 3.4 0.2 10.2 0.9 48 1.5
9 90 1.5 6 90 0 22.6 4.3 86 4.3 0.3 9.6 0.4 34 1.1
10 135 1.5 4 135 0 19.4 3.3 87 3.2 0.2 9.3 1.0 44 1.5
11 135 1.5 5 135 0 21.2 3.6 87 3.6 0.2 10.7 1.4 41 1.3
12 135 1.5 6 135 0 21.9 4.0 87 4.0 0.2 9.2 0.3 35 1.1
13 180 1.5 4 180 0 19.2 3.3 87 3.3 0.2 8.5 0.0 39 1.3
14 180 1.5 5 180 0 21.2 3.8 87 3.8 0.2 10.5 0.0 36 1.2
15 180 1.5 6 180 0 21.8 4.1 87 4.1 0.2 8.9 0.0 34 1.0

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Table 4–3 are dynamic analysis results when a tolerance of vessel movement of +/-5m and current is included. The max top tension and the
max tension on the initiation sling are highlighted.

The maximum compression on riser is 5.0t, which is no larger than the maximum allowable value.

Note that there is a 1.5m gap between end-fitting and bend stiffener in this dynamic analysis model, as per BWO’s proposal for the temporary
bend stiffener hold back clamp. If Technip’s temporary bend stiffener stopper clamp can be delivered in time and mounted on the riser, there
will be no gap between end-fitting and bend stiffener. In the latter case, the riser top tension and the loads on DMA will be slightly reduced.
The bend radius of riser will be slightly increased.

Table 4–3 Dynamic Results for Riser First End Initiation Step 3.
No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max top Max Max Max Max Departure MBR Riser
from direction (m) period direction speed tension sling horizontal vertical departure angle - (m) min
chute to (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) (t) tension force on force on angle - IP OOP tension
DMA (m) (t) DMA (t) DMA (t) (deg) (deg) (t)
1 50 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 20.4 4.9 4.9 0.0 13.3 3.3 9 -5.0
2 55 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 22.8 4.1 4.1 0.3 13.4 3.3 16 1.2
3 60 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 24.1 5.8 5.7 1.1 13.9 2.4 14 1.9
4 50 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 18.5 3.7 3.7 0.0 12.7 2.4 11 -3.7
5 55 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 21.2 3.7 3.7 0.2 13.0 2.5 18 1.5
6 60 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 22.3 5.1 5.0 0.9 13.6 1.8 16 2.3

4.2 Riser Buoyant Section Installation

4.2.1 Static Analysis
The static results for riser buoyant section installation are presented as follows. At Step 2 when 2-off buoyancy modules are installed, the
static top tension reaches the peak.

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Table 4–4 Static Results for Buoyant Section Installation (Prod Riser #1 and #2)
Step Comment Distance Vessel Layback Total Riser Top Tension Departure MBR (m)
No. from chute move - (m) riser payout tension at TDP angle - IP
to DMA (m) step payout -Step (t) (t) (deg)
(m) (m) (m)
0 55 33 111 13.7 1.0 7.5 23.6
1 1 BM 55 0 32 116 5 14.3 0.6 5.6 16.5
2 2 BM 60 5 34 121 5 15.5 0.7 5.2 16.7
3 3 BM 65 5 32 126 5 13.9 0.6 5.8 16.9
4 4 BM 65 0 25 131 5 12.0 0.3 5.2 14.5
5 5 BM 70 5 25 136 5 10.4 0.3 6.0 14.4
6 6 BM 75 5 25 141 5 8.9 0.3 7.0 14.3
7 80 5 25 146 5 6.1 0.2 9.3 14.0
8 All BM in water 85 5 24 151 5 3.4 0.1 15.1 13.3
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Riser payout is measured from riser 1st end to
work platform

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Table 4–5 Static Results for Buoyant Section Installation (Gas Export Riser)
Step Comment Distance Vessel Layback Total Riser Top Tension Departure MBR (m)
No. from chute move - (m) riser payout tension at TDP angle - IP
to DMA (m) step payout -Step (t) (t) (deg)
(m) (m) (m)
0 55 33 111 13.7 1.0 7.5 23.6
1 1 BM 55 0 34 112 1 14.7 0.7 6.9 20.0
2 2 BM 59 4 37 116 4 15.8 0.9 6.3 19.5
3 3 BM 63 4 40 120 4 14.3 1.0 7.0 19.3
4 4 BM 63 0 32 124 4 12.4 0.7 6.7 16.9
5 5 BM 67 4 32 128 4 10.8 0.6 7.7 16.8
6 6 BM 67 0 27 132 4 9.0 0.3 7.5 14.9
7 7 BM 71 4 27 136 4 7.4 0.3 9.0 14.6
8 8 BM 75 4 26 140 4 5.8 0.2 11.4 14.2
9 85 10 33 145 5 3.4 0.3 21.2 14.5
10 All BM in water 95 10 44 150 5 2.8 0.3 31.4 14.9
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Riser payout is measured from riser 1st end to
work platform

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4.2.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis is performed for Step 2, Step 6 and Step 8. Detailed analysis results are given as below.

Table 4–6 Dynamic analysis results for Step 2

No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max Min Max Max MBR
from direction (m) period direction speed top tension tension departure departure (m)
chute to (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) tension at TDP at TDP angle - angle -
DMA (m) (t) (t) (t) IP(deg) OOP (deg)
1 54 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 19.5 1.3 -0.7 7 3.5 13
2 59 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 20.4 2.8 -1.2 7 4.5 15
3 64 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 23.2 5.4 -2.9 8 3.5 14
4 54 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 18.2 0.9 -0.2 6 2.6 14
5 59 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 19.0 1.9 -0.2 7 3.3 17
6 64 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 21.2 4.1 -1.1 8 2.6 17

Table 4–7 Dynamic analysis results for Step 6

No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max Min Max Max MBR
from direction (m) period direction speed top tension tension departure departure (m)
chute to (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) tension at TDP at TDP angle - angle -
DMA (m) (t) (t) (t) IP(deg) OOP (deg)
1 62 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 13.4 0.4 -0.9 12 9.8 11
2 67 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 13.3 1.1 -0.6 9 11.9 13
3 72 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 15.0 2.3 -0.3 7 8.2 14
4 62 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 11.0 0.2 -0.6 11 7.7 12
5 67 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 11.5 0.9 -0.2 8 9.5 14
6 72 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 12.7 1.7 0.2 6 6.5 16

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Table 4–8 Dynamic analysis results for Step 8

No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max Min Max Max MBR
from direction (m) period direction speed top tension tension departure departure (m)
chute to (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) tension at TDP at TDP angle - angle -
DMA (m) (t) (t) (t) IP(deg) OOP (deg)
1 70 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 10.6 0.2 -0.6 18 14.9 11
2 75 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 10.8 1.1 -0.3 13 17.5 13
3 80 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 15.6 2.3 0.0 10 12.6 14
4 70 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 8.6 0.1 -0.5 17 12.4 11
5 75 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 9.0 0.8 -0.1 12 14.9 14
6 80 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 10.1 1.6 0.3 9 10.4 16

It is seen that the departure angle is sensitive to wave and current for Step 6 to Step 8. It is planned to use tugger winches (via soft slings) to
hold the risers in the centreline of work platform. Some cases for Step 8 have been assessed considering two tugger winches attached, as
shown as follows. Under 1.0m Hs, the maximum tension on the tugger winch wire is 25kN, which is considered safe for the riser.

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Tugger winch
Tension=0 kN

Tugger winch
Current direction Tension=25kN under
1.0m Hs

Figure 4–1. Plan View of Vessel Stern when using Tugger Winches

4.3 Riser Lower Section and Ballast Installation

4.3.1 Static Analysis
The static results for GE riser lower section and ballast section installation are presented as follows.

For GE riser, the static departure angle is 11.1 degrees when starting to assemble the ballast section, see Step 3 in Table 4–11. For
production risers, the departure angle is relatively smaller.

Note that the tensioner will experience a maximum static tension at the last step prior to overboarding the second end of riser.

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Table 4–9 Static Results for Ballast Section Installation (Prod Riser #1)
Step Comment Distance Vessel Layback Total riser Riser Top Tension at Departure MBR
No. from chute move - (m) payout (m) payout - tension (t) TDP (t) angle - IP (m)
to DMA step step (m) (deg)
(m) (m)
0 85 24 151 3.4 0.1 14.5 13.3
1 95 10 31 156 5 3.6 0.2 16.9 14.1
2 105 10 38 161 5 3.9 0.3 18.1 14.6
3 115 10 42 171 10 4.1 0.0 13.1 12.7
4 125 10 50 183 12 5.0 0.0 8.2 9.8
5 0m ballast 135 10 57 203 20 6.7 0.0 5.5 7.6
6 10m Ballast 145 10 65 213 10 12.4 0.2 3.7 7.6
7 Install clamp 165 20 81 228 15 13.9 0.6 5.0 8.5
8 185 20 96 253 25 15.8 1.0 5.5 9.2
9 205 20 107 287 34 18.4 1.3 5.7 10.1
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Riser payout is measured from riser 1st end to
work platform



Marking for TDP

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Table 4–10 Static Results for Ballast Section Installation (Prod Riser #2)
Step Comment Distance Vessel Layback Total Riser Top Tension Departure MBR
No. from chute move - (m) riser payout - tension at TDP (t) angle - IP (m)
to DMA step (m) payout step (m) (t) (deg)
(m) (m)
0 85 24 151 3.4 0.1 14.5 13.3
1 95 10 30 156 5 3.6 0.2 16.9 14.0
2 105 10 37 161 5 3.9 0.3 18.0 14.6
3 115 10 41 171 10 4.1 0.0 13.0 12.7
4 125 10 50 181 10 4.9 0.0 9.3 10.5
5 135 10 59 191 10 5.8 0.2 8.6 9.3
6 145 10 67 201 10 6.7 0.3 8.6 8.9
7 0m ballast 155 10 74 216 15 8.0 0.4 7.7 8.3
8 10m Ballast 165 10 82 226 10 13.6 0.6 5.3 8.6
9 175 10 87 246 20 14.2 0.7 5.1 8.4
10 195 20 101 272 26 16.3 1.1 5.6 9.2
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Riser payout is measured from riser 1st end to
work platform


Marking for

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Table 4–11 Static Results for Ballast Section Installation (GE Riser)
Step Comment Distance Vessel Layback Total Riser Top Tension Departure MBR
No. from move - (m) riser payout - tension at TDP (t) angle - IP (m)
chute to step payout step (m) (t) (deg)
DMA (m) (m) (m)
0 95 44 150 2.8 0.3 32.0 14.9
1 105 10 54 163 14 3.7 0.2 25.0 14.1
2 115 10 65 179 16 4.5 0.3 15.8 7.3
3 0m Ballast 125 10 72 195 16 5.8 0.4 11.1 6.9
4 10m Ballast 135 10 79 205 10 11.1 0.6 6.5 7.2
5 21m Ballast 145 10 86 216 11 16.2 0.7 4.8 7.4
6 155 10 92 231 15 16.6 0.9 5.2 7.7
7 165 10 98 246 15 17.8 1.1 5.4 7.9
8 175 10 104 261 15 18.9 1.3 5.6 8.3
9 195 20 121 272 11 19.9 2.0 7.3 10.0
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Riser payout is measured from riser 1st end to
work platform


Marking for

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4.3.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis are performed for GE riser installation Step 3 (when riser has the smallest bend radius) and Step 9 (when the tensioner
experiences the highest tension), detailed results are given below.

Table 4–12 Dynamic Results for GE Riser Ballast Section Installation Step 3
No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max Min Max Max MBR
from direction (m) period direction speed top tension tension departure departure (m)
chute to (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) tension at TDP at TDP angle - angle -
DMA (m) (t) (t) (t) IP(deg) OOP (deg)
1 120 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 7.0 0.2 0.0 15 6.4 6.7
2 125 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 7.0 0.7 0.3 13 8.1 6.8
3 130 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 7.1 1.0 0.7 10 6.4 6.9
4 120 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 6.6 0.2 0.0 15 5.1 6.8
5 125 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 6.6 0.6 0.4 12 6.7 6.9
6 130 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 6.7 0.9 0.7 10 5.2 7.0

Table 4–13 Dynamic Results for GE Riser Ballast Section Installation Step 9
No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max Min Max Max MBR
from direction (m) period direction speed top tension tension departure departure (m)
chute to (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) tension at TDP at TDP angle - angle -
DMA (m) (t) (t) (t) IP(deg) OOP (deg)
1 190 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 24.4 1.6 1.5 9 2.3 8.9
2 195 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 24.5 2.1 1.9 8 3.3 9.6
3 200 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 24.7 2.5 2.5 7 2.3 10.6
4 190 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 22.9 1.6 1.5 9 1.9 9.1
5 195 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 23.0 2.1 2.0 8 2.8 9.7
6 200 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 23.2 2.5 2.5 7 2.0 10.6

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4.4 Riser Second End Laydown

4.4.1 Static Analysis
The static results for riser second end laydown are presented as follows.
Table 4–14 Static Results for 2nd End Laydown (Prod Riser #1)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Riser Tension MBR
No. distance move - payout- payout load distance head wire catenary at TDP (m)
from Crane step (m) total(m) - Step (t) from crane depth lead length (t)
Tip to DMA (m) tip to TDP (m) angle - (m)
(m) (m) IP (deg)
0 203 8 26.6 27 25 2.1 131 1.0 9.8
1 233 30 28 20 18.1 28 5 5.1 107 1.4 9.1
Lower section
2 243 10 28 0 18.8 33 5 6.3 109 2.0 9.5
touches target box
3 253 10 48 20 10.8 23 -15 2.4 89 0.4 10.6
4 Clamp on seabed 273 20 68 20 8.3 25 -35 2.3 71 0.3 13.7
5 293 20 88 20 6.4 25 -55 2.8 51 0.3 13.7
6 313 20 108 20 4.4 25 -75 3.3 31 0.2 13.7
7 323 10 128 20 2.5 12 -95 1.7 8 0.1 13.7
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Crane tip is set to 29m above deck and 2.5m aft chute exit.
4. The marking of TDP is 180m riser length wrt 1st end, and is
supposed to touch seabed 165m horizontal distance wrt 1st end.
5. At Step 1, the riser may be transferred from Crane to A&R winch. 0


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Table 4–15 Static Results for 2nd End Laydown (Prod Riser #2)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane wire Riser Tension MBR
No. distance move payout- payout load (t) distance head lead angle catenary at TDP (m)
from Crane - step total(m) - Step from crane depth - IP (deg) length (m) (t)
Tip to DMA (m) (m) tip to TDP (m)
(m) (m)
0 193 8 25.1 97 25 2.1 224 0.9 8.8
1 213 20 28 20 19.2 35 5 3.6 115 1.2 9.6
Lower section
2 233 20 28 0 20.0 47 5 6.2 119 2.2 13.1
touches target box
3 243 10 48 20 15.2 27 -15 4.8 89 1.2 9.8
4 263 20 68 20 8.5 30 -35 3.6 72 0.5 13.4
5 283 20 88 20 6.6 30 -55 4.2 52 0.5 13.4
6 303 20 108 20 4.6 29 -75 5.0 32 0.4 13.4
7 313 10 128 20 2.6 15 -95 3.2 8 0.1 13.4
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Crane tip is set to 29m above deck and 2.5m aft chute exit.
4. The marking of TDP is 180m riser length wrt 1st end, and is
supposed to touch seabed 165m horizontal distance wrt 1st end.
5. At Step 1, the riser may be transferred from Crane to A&R

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Table 4–16 Static Results for 2nd End Laydown (GE Riser)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Riser Tension MBR
No. distance move payout- payout load (t) distance head wire lead catenary at TDP (m)
from Crane - step total(m) - Step from crane depth angle - IP length (t)
Tip to DMA (m) (m) tip to TDP (m) (deg) (m)
(m) (m)
0 193 8 27.4 117 25 3.6 244 1.7 9.4
1 193 0 28 20 21.1 24 5 4.0 107 1.4 8.7
2 238 45 28 0 22.8 156 5 9.9 238 3.9 15.0
Lower section
3 248 10 48 20 12.4 39 -15 7.6 91 1.5 11.2
touches target box
4 258 10 68 20 8.5 30 -35 3.6 72 0.5 13.9
5 278 20 88 20 6.6 30 -55 4.2 52 0.5 13.9
6 298 20 108 20 4.6 29 -75 5.0 32 0.4 13.9
7 308 10 128 20 2.6 15 -95 3.2 8 0.1 13.9
1. DMA reference point is at pulling padeye.
2. Tolerance of vessel movement is +/- 5m.
3. Crane tip is set to 29m above deck and 2.5m aft chute exit.
4. The marking of TDP is 191m riser length wrt 1st end, and is
supposed to touch seabed 171m horizontal distance wrt 1st end.
5. At Step 1, the riser may be transferred from Crane to A&R 1

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4.4.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis is performed for GE Riser Laydown Step 0 when the static load is the highest, as presented below. The max load on crane
is highlighted.

Table 4–17 Dynamic Results for GE Riser 2nd End Laydown Step 0.
No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max crane Max crane Max MBR
crane tip direction (m) period direction speed Crane wire lead wire lead tension (m)
to DMA (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) load (t) angle - IP angle - at TDP
(m) (deg) OOP (deg) (t)

1 190 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 33.0 5.5 3.6 1.4 8

2 195 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 33.1 4.7 4.4 1.9 9
3 200 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 33.3 3.8 3.4 2.3 10
4 190 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 31.2 5.1 2.7 1.3 9
5 195 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 31.3 4.4 3.5 1.9 9
6 200 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 31.4 3.7 2.6 2.3 10

Dynamic analysis is performed for GE Riser Laydown Step 2 when the riser has been transferred to A&R winch. The max load on winch wire
is highlighted. Both 90 deg and 45 deg wave directions are assessed. Note that the vessel is able to weather vane when the riser is
transferred to A&R winch, and vessel shall take the best heading for riser recovery if required.

Table 4–18 Dynamic Results for GE Riser 2nd End Laydown Step 2.
No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max winch Max winch Max MBR
crane tip direction (m) period direction speed winch wire lead wire lead tension (m)
to DMA (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) load (t) angle - IP angle - at TDP
(m) (deg) OOP (deg) (t)

1 235 90 1.5 6 45 0.8 28.8 11.1 2.7 3.5 13

2 240 90 1.5 6 90 0.8 29.1 10.9 3.7 4.2 14
3 245 90 1.5 6 135 0.8 29.4 10.7 2.5 5.0 15

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No. Distance Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Max winch Max winch Max MBR
crane tip direction (m) period direction speed winch wire lead wire lead tension (m)
to DMA (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) load (t) angle - IP angle - at TDP
(m) (deg) OOP (deg) (t)

4 235 90 1.0 6 45 0.8 26.7 10.7 2.2 3.5 13

5 240 90 1.0 6 90 0.8 26.9 10.6 3.2 4.2 14
6 245 90 1.0 6 135 0.8 27.2 10.5 2.0 4.8 15
7 235 45 1.5 5 45 0.8 24.9 10.9 3.2 3.4 14
8 240 45 1.5 5 45 0.8 25.1 11.7 3.2 3.7 14
9 245 45 1.5 5 135 0.8 25.8 10.5 2.9 4.7 15
10 235 45 1.0 5 45 0.8 24.2 10.5 2.6 3.3 14
11 240 45 1.0 5 45 0.8 24.4 11.3 2.6 3.7 15
12 245 45 1.0 5 135 0.8 24.8 10.3 2.4 4.7 15

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5. Analysis Results for Risers during Wet Storage

5.1.1 Static Analysis
The positions of risers during wet storage are presented as follows. The positions of risers
are taken such that the riser can be recovered and pulled into FPU when it arrives at the

DMA Position 2

DMA Position 1

Nominal position of FPU

(FPU not present yet)

Prod Riser #2

Prod Riser #1
GE Riser

Gravity Base

Riser Base
GE Flowline

Prod Flowline #1

Figure 5–1 Plan View of Risers during Wet Storage

Details on the positions of the riser are given as follows. Note that the DMA will be recovered
at the end of MIV campaign and not existent during riser wet storage.

Table 5–1 Positions of Risers in Wet Storage

Item Riser 1st End wrt relevant I- Riser 2nd End Azimuth direction
tube position of FPU clearance to wrt FPU heading
X (m) Y(m) flowline (m) (deg)
GE riser 5.0 0 30 -78
Prod Riser2 -1.2 0 20 -78
Prod Riser1 -5.0 0 14 -102

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An isometric view of riser during wet storage is presented as follows.

Prod Riser #2

GE Riser

Riser Base

Lower section TDP

Prod Riser #1

GE Flowline
Prod Flowline #1

Figure 5–2 Isometric View of Risers during Wet Storage

The difference between the arc length and horizontal distance is nominally 15m for the hog
bend of production risers and 20m for GE riser. The parameters of nominal configuration and
as-laid configuration during MIV campaign as presented in Table 5–2. The maximum hog
bend height is 29.4m for GE riser and approx 27m for Production Risers.

Table 5–2 Static Results of Risers in Wet Storage

Item Comment Distance Hog Lower TDP MBR Min
between bend section TDP Tension (m) clearance
both height position (m) (t) (m)
ends (m) (m)*
GE riser 282.5 30.3 191 3.3 13.9 9.5
Prod Riser2 285 23.3 180 2.1 13.3 7.7
Prod Riser1 300.5 23.3 180 2.1 13.3 7.7
GE riser 285.0 29.4 192 4.0 15.3 10.2
Prod Riser2 As-laid 281.7 26.4 179 1.9 12.1 8.9
Prod Riser1 294.3 27.9 181 1.7 11.2 8.9
*Note: Hog bend height is measured on top of the highest buoyancy module.

5.1.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis has been run for 10-yr wave and 10-yr current (collinear). Regular wave is
used and the simulation time is 40 times wave period (sufficient to get a stable result). The
most severe case is that wave and current are from NW, as shown below.

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Figure 5–3 Wet Stored Risers under 10-yr transverse wave/current (Case 15)

For a nominal riser-seabed friction (nu=0.7), the clearance between adjacent risers is larger
than 4.0m. The bend radius of riser is larger than allowable MBR, as seen in Table 5–3. Both
ends of riser can remain at the as-laid positions without a hold back clump weight. For a
lower riser friction (nu=0.5), the minimum clearance between risers is 3.1m. It can be
concluded that the risers are stable, and clear from each other during wet storage.

Table 5–3 Dynamic Analysis Results for Wet Storage of Risers

Wave / GE Riser Prod Riser
current TDP MBR Min TDP MBR Min
No. Configuration
direction Tension (m) clearance Tension (m) clearance
(from) (t) (m) (t) (m)
1 N 3.6 13.9 9.0 2.3 13.2 7.7
2 NNE 3.6 13.8 9.5 2.3 13.2 7.7
3 NE 3.4 13.9 9.5 2.2 13.3 7.7
4 ENE 3.4 13.9 9.5 2.2 13.3 7.7
5 E 3.4 13.9 9.5 2.2 13.3 7.7
6 ESE 3.4 14.0 9.5 2.1 13.4 7.7
7 SE 3.4 14.1 9.5 2.1 13.4 7.7
8 SSE 3.3 14.0 9.5 2.0 13.3 7.7
9 S 3.2 13.8 9.5 2.0 13.2 7.7
10 SSW 3.1 13.8 9.5 2.0 13.2 7.7
11 SW 3.1 13.8 9.5 2.0 13.3 7.7
12 WSW 3.2 13.7 9.4 2.1 13.3 7.7
13 W 3.3 13.9 7.8 2.2 13.6 7.7
14 WNW 3.7 14.3 5.7 2.6 13.7 7.7
15 NW 4.0 15.2 4.5 2.6 14.0 7.7
16 NNW 3.8 14.3 7.0 2.4 13.3 7.7
17 As-laid NW 4.6 16.5 6.7 2.3 12.1 8.9

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6. Analysis Results for DSV Campaign

6.1 Riser Second End Recovery
6.1.1 Static Analysis
The 2nd End (Riser Base End) of riser will be picked up by DSV crane as shown below. The step-by-step static analysis results are given in
Table 6–1 to Table 6–3.

The riser 1st end can be pulled up to 20m above seabed prior to DSV recovering the riser 2nd end. The purpose is to apply some tension to the
winch wire and pull-in rigging in order to prevent any entangling. This does not affect the recovery of riser 2nd end.


Pull-in Winch

Figure 6–1 Recovery of Riser 2nd End

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Table 6–1 Static Results for 2nd End Recovery (Prod Riser #1)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Tension MBR (m)
No. distance move payout- payout load (t) distance from head wire lead at TDP
from Crane - step total(m) - Step crane tip to depth angle - IP (t)
Tip to FPU (m) (m) TDP (m) (m) (deg)
End (m)
0 293 125 0.9 -2 -96 0.0 0.5 11.1
1 283 -10 105 -20 4.2 18 -75 0.8 0.0 11.1
2 263 -20 85 -20 6.2 18 -55 0.7 0.0 11.1
3 243 -20 65 -20 8.1 18 -35 0.6 0.0 11.1
4 223 -20 45 -20 10.3 16 -15 0.7 0.0 11.1
5 213 -10 25 -20 16.3 26 5 3.8 0.9 9.8
6 193 -20 5 -20 25.8 35 25 3.2 1.4 10.4
7 183 -10 5 0 25.6 30 25 2.5 1.1 9.4
1. The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in analysis.
2. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser

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Table 6–2 Static Results for 2nd End Recovery (Prod Riser #2)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Tension MBR
No. distance move - payout- payout load (t) distance from head wire lead at TDP (t) (m)
from Crane step total(m) - Step crane tip to depth angle -
Tip to FPU (m) (m) TDP (m) (m) IP (deg)
End (m)
0 283 125 0.9 1 -96 0.0 0.1 12.1
1 273 -10 105 -20 4.3 21 -75 1.9 0.1 12.1
2 253 -20 85 -20 6.3 21 -55 1.6 0.1 12.1
3 233 -20 65 -20 8.2 21 -35 1.3 0.2 12.1
4 213 -20 45 -20 13.5 19 -15 2.2 0.5 9.0
5 203 -10 25 -20 18.1 37 5 3.8 1.2 12.1
6 183 -20 10 -15 22.8 106 20 3.0 1.2 9.5
1. The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in analysis.
2. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser

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Table 6–3 Static Results for 2nd End Recovery (GE Riser)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Tension MBR (m)
No. distance move - payout- payout load (t) distance from head wire lead at TDP
from Crane step total(m) - Step crane tip to depth angle - IP (t)
Tip to FPU (m) (m) TDP (m) (m) (deg)
End (m)
0 285 125 0.9 0 -96 0.0 0.0 15.1
1 275 -10 105 -20 4.3 20 -75 1.6 0.1 13.2
2 255 -20 85 -20 6.2 20 -55 1.3 0.1 13.3
3 235 -20 65 -20 8.2 19 -35 1.1 0.1 13.4
4 215 -20 45 -20 10.2 19 -15 1.0 0.1 12.8
5 205 -10 25 -20 22.3 37 5 7.7 3.0 12.5
6 185 -20 15 -10 25.1 125 15 4.9 2.1 10.4
7 170 -15 15 0 24.8 110 15 3.6 1.5 8.9
1. The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in analysis.
2. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser

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6.1.2 Dynamic Analysis

The DSV will maintain a heading of +/- 30 deg into the wave. Sensitivity study on wave heading and period is given in Table 6–4. The waves
coming 0 deg to 30 deg have been assessed. The crane off lead angle (in the boom plane) and side lead angle (out of the boom plane) are
reported, in addition to the crane load.

The slew angle of crane boom is set to 0 deg wrt riser corridor when the surface current speed is less than 0.5m/s. In order to minimise the
side lead angle, the slew angle of crane boom is set to 30 deg wrt riser corridor (towards downstream of current) when the surface current
speed is larger than 0.5m/s.

As seen from the table below, the most severe case is Case 5 when the wave comes from 30 deg and with a period of 6s, as highlighted
below. This wave heading and period will be used in the dynamic analysis for DSV campaign.

Table 6–4 Sensitivity Study on Wave Heading and Period (DSV)

Case Horizontal Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Crane Crane Max Riser
No. distance direction (m) period direction speed crane wire off wire tension MBR
from Crane (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) load (t) lead side at TDP (m)
Tip to FPU (deg) lead (t)
End (m) (deg)*
1 193 0 2.0 5 90 0.0 27.2 3.3 2.3 1.6 10.3
2 193 0 2.0 6 90 0.0 29.7 3.6 2.3 1.8 9.6
3 193 0 2.0 7 90 0.0 29.3 3.4 1.2 2.0 9.4
4 193 30 2.0 5 90 0.0 29.4 4.6 1.8 1.9 10.2
5 193 30 2.0 6 90 0.0 30.4 4.7 1.3 2.0 9.6
6 193 30 2.0 7 90 0.0 29.8 4.3 2.3 1.9 9.5
*Note: The slew angle of crane boom is set to 0 deg wrt riser corridor when the surface current speed is less than 0.5m/s.

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Dynamic analysis are performed for Prod Riser #1 Recovery Step 6 (when the DSV crane experiences the highest load), detailed results are
given below. A tolerance of vessel movement of +/- 5m is also assessed.

Table 6–5 Dynamic Results for Recovery of 2nd end of Prod Riser #1 Step 6.
Case Horizontal Wave Hs Wave Current Current Max Crane Crane Max Riser
No. distance direction (m) period direction speed crane wire off wire side tension MBR
from Crane (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) load (t) lead lead at TDP (m)
Tip to FPU (deg) (deg) (t)
End (m)
1 188 30 2.0 6 45 0.8 30.3 5.4 2.8 1.7 9.0
2 193 30 2.0 6 90 0.8 30.3 4.2 3.6 2.0 9.8
3 198 30 2.0 6 135 0.8 30.5 3.4 3.0 2.3 10.8
4 188 30 1.5 6 45 0.8 29.2 4.9 2.2 1.6 9.1
5 193 30 1.5 6 90 0.8 29.3 4.0 2.8 1.9 10.0
6 198 30 1.5 6 135 0.8 29.5 3.2 2.3 2.2 11.0

6.2 Riser First End Pull-in to FPU

6.2.1 Static Analysis
The 1st End (FPU end) of riser will be pulled onto riser balcony with FPU riser pull-in winch. The following figure shows the FPU end of riser is
picked up from seabed and then pulled into I-tube.

During the pulling in, the angle of winch wire is between 0 and 13 deg wrt vertical. Note that the I-tube has a declination angle of 9 deg. A
temporary bellmouth will be fitted below I-tube for avoid kinking the winch wire.

While the Riser 1st End has entered the I-tube, DSV can adjust its position and lay the riser on TDP target box, details refer to Step 6 and 8 in
Table 6–6 to Table 6–8.

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Table 6–6 Static Results for 1st End Pull-in (Prod Riser #1)
Step Comment FPU winch FPU winch FPU winch Horizontal DSV Crane Crane Crane Crane Riser Riser
No. wire length wire wire lead distance from move - payout- payout- load (t) wire lead 2nd End MBR
(m) tension (t) angle (deg) Crane tip to I- step total(m) step(m) angle depth (m)
tube (m) (m) (deg) (m)
0 112 0.0 0.1 183 5 25.5 2.3 25 9.3
1 101 5.6 3.3 183 0 5 0 25.5 2.3 25 9.3
2 Riser 1st end 20m HAB 90 7.6 7.8 183 0 5 0 25.5 2.3 25 9.3
3 68 11.3 13.2 183 0 5 0 25.5 2.3 25 10.8
4 35 13.6 10.9 183 0 5 0 26.2 5.6 25 15.0
5 End-fitting enters I-tube 1.6 19.6 9.0 183 0 5 0 25.3 6.8 25 17.6
6 DSV move sideway 1.5 19.0 4.6 140 -43 5 0 25.4 3.4 25 11.2
7 DSV move forward, Note (2) 1.5 19.0 4.6 140 5 5 0 25.4 3.4 25 11.2
8 Riser touch down, Note (3) 1.5 19.1 4.5 140 0 12 7 23.3 3.6 18 11.2

Step 8
Step 0 to 6

Note: (1) The riser 1st end can be pulled up to 20m above seabed prior to DSV recovering the riser 2nd End. Winch payout and load refer to Step 0 to Step 2.
(2) At Step 7, DSV moves forward to shift riser transversely and to bring the riser directly above the design corridor.
(3) The marking of TDP is 191m from 1st end, and target box is 39m from Gravity Base centre.
(4) The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in the analysis. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser head.

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Table 6–7 Static Results for 1st End Pull-in (Prod Riser #2)
Step Comment FPU winch FPU winch FPU winch Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Crane Riser Riser
No. wire length wire wire lead distance from move - payout- payout- load (t) wire lead 2nd End MBR
(m) tension (t) angle (deg) Crane tip to I- step total(m) step(m) angle depth (m)
tube (m) (m) (deg) (m)
0 112 0.0 0.0 183 10 22.8 2.9 20 9.7
1 101 5.2 2.4 183 0 10 0 22.8 2.9 20 9.7
2 Riser 1st end 20m HAB 90 7.0 6.9 183 0 10 0 22.8 2.9 20 9.7
3 68 10.8 12.9 183 0 10 0 22.9 3.4 20 10.5
4 35 12.9 10.6 183 0 10 0 22.9 6.0 20 14.4
5 End-fitting enters I-tube 1.6 18.7 8.4 183 0 10 0 22.2 7.1 20 16.1
6 DSV move sideway 1.5 18.8 4.6 145 -38 10 0 22.1 3.9 20 11.2
7 DSV move astern, Note (2) 1.5 18.8 4.6 145 30 10 0 22.1 3.9 20 11.2
8 Riser touch down, Note (3) 1.5 19.1 4.2 145 0 30 20 16.5 4.8 0 10.9

Step 0 to 6 Step 8

Note: (1) The riser 1st end can be pulled up to 20m above seabed prior to DSV recovering the riser 2nd End. Winch payout and load refer to Step 0 to Step 2.
(2) At Step 7, DSV moves astern to shift the riser transversely and to bring the riser directly above the design corridor.
(3) The marking of TDP is 191m from 1st end, and target box is 111.5m from Riser Base Flange.
(4) The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in the analysis. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser head.

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Table 6–8 Static Results for 1st End Pull-in (GE Riser)
Step Comment FPU winch FPU winch FPU winch Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Crane Riser Riser
No. wire length wire wire lead distance from move - payout- payout- load (t) wire lead 2nd End MBR
(m) tension (t) angle (deg) Crane tip to I- step total(m) step(m) angle depth (m)
tube (m) (m) (deg) (m)
0 112 0.0 0.0 170 15 24.8 3.4 15 8.8
1 101 5.6 2.6 170 0 15 0 24.8 3.4 15 8.8
2 Riser 1st end 20m HAB 90 7.5 7.1 170 0 15 0 24.8 3.4 15 8.8
3 68 10.9 10.9 170 0 15 0 24.9 4.3 15 9.8
4 35 12.1 10.9 170 0 15 0 24.2 5.5 15 11.0
5 End-fitting enters I-tube 1.6 18.3 8.7 170 0 15 0 23.2 6.9 15 9.9
6 DSV move sideway 1.5 17.9 8.0 144 -26 15 0 23.3 4.7 15 8.7
7 DSV move astern, Note (2) 1.5 17.9 8.0 144 30 15 0 23.3 4.7 15 8.7
8 Riser touch down, Note (3) 1.5 18.2 8.0 144 0 30 15 18.6 5.8 0 8.8

Step 0 to 6 Step 8

Note: (1) The riser 1st end can be pulled up to 20m above seabed prior to DSV recovering the riser 2nd End. Winch payout and load refer to Step 0 to Step 2.
(2) At Step 7, DSV moves astern to shift the riser transversely and to bring the riser directly above the design corridor.
(3) The marking of TDP is 199m from 1st end, and target box is 103.5m from Riser Base Flange.
(4) The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in the analysis. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser head.

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

6.2.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis are performed for pull-in of 1st end of Prod Riser #1 Step 1 (when riser has the smallest bend radius) and Step 5 (when the
end-fitting reaches I-tube). The most likely wave direction and period for FPU are assessed, as given below.

Table 6–9 Dynamic Results for Pull-in of 1st end of Prod Riser #1 Step 1.
Case Horizontal Wave Hs (m) Wave Current Current FPU FPU winch FPU winch Max Riser
No. distance direction period direction speed winch wire wire off wire side DSV MBR
from Crane (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) tension (t) lead (deg) lead (deg) crane (m)
tip to I-tube load (t)
1 178 30 2.0 6 45 0.8 5.9 6.4 1.2 29.4 7.7
2 183 30 2.0 6 90 0.8 6.0 7.2 1.3 29.4 8.6
3 188 30 2.0 6 135 0.8 6.0 8.1 1.1 29.5 9.4
4 178 30 1.5 6 45 0.8 5.9 6.4 1.2 28.4 7.8
5 183 30 1.5 6 90 0.8 6.0 7.2 1.3 28.5 8.6
6 188 30 1.5 6 135 0.8 6.0 8.1 1.1 28.6 9.3

Table 6–10 Dynamic Results for Pull-in of 1st end of Prod Riser #1 Step 5.
Case Horizontal Wave Hs (m) Wave Current Current FPU FPU FPU Max Riser
No. distance direction period direction speed winch winch wire winch DSV MBR
from Crane (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) wire off lead wire side crane (m)
tip to I-tube tension (t) (deg) lead (deg) load (t)
1 178 30 2.0 6 45 0.8 20.0 7.7 7.8 30.7 14.4
2 183 30 2.0 6 90 0.8 20.4 12.6 9.2 30.0 15.8
3 188 30 2.0 6 135 0.8 21.0 16.7 6.6 29.7 15.1
4 178 30 1.5 6 45 0.8 19.9 7.1 6.9 29.4 14.8
5 183 30 1.5 6 90 0.8 20.2 11.6 8.0 28.9 16.1
6 188 30 1.5 6 135 0.8 20.7 15.5 5.6 28.7 15.4

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

6.3 Riser Second End Laydown

6.3.1 Static Analysis
For Prod Riser #1, the lower section will be laid over the gravity base, as shown in Figure 6–2 and step-by-step static results are given in
Table 6–11.


Friction clamp

Riser Base

Target box for TDP Gravity base

Figure 6–2 Prod Riser #1 Lay over Gravity base

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

Table 6–11 Static Results for 2nd End Laydown (Prod Riser #1)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Tension MBR
No. distance from move - payout- payout load (t) distance from head wire lead at TDP (m)
Crane Tip to I- step total(m) - Step crane tip to depth angle - (t)
tube (m) (m) (m) TDP (m) (m) IP (deg)
Riser touches
0 down 140 12 23.2 32 18 3.8 1.4 11.1
1 150 10 22 10 18.6 30 8 4.9 1.4 10.0
2 160 10 32 10 13.1 31 -2 4.7 0.9 11.1
3 170 10 42 10 11.5 32 -12 4.8 0.8 11.1
4 Clamp docking 180 10 52 10 9.5 38 -22 4.3 0.4 11.1
5 190 10 62 10 8.8 32 -32 4.9 0.7 11.1
Note: The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in the analysis. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser head.

After docking the friction clamp on the gravity base, the riser will be laid towards Riser Base in a curved configuration, as shown in Figure 6–3.
The suitable layback for this curved lay is 20 to 40m.

Gravity base DSV


Figure 6–3 Prod Riser #1 Laydown in a Curved Configuration

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

Step-by-step static results for lay down of Prod Riser #2 and GE Riser are given as follows.

Table 6–12 Static Results for 2nd End Laydown (Prod Riser #2)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Riser Tension MBR (m)
No. distance move - payout- payout load (t) distance head wire catenary at TDP
from Crane step total(m) - Step from crane depth lead length (t)
Tip to I-tube (m) (m) tip to TDP (m) angle - (m)
(m) (m) IP (deg)
0 Riser touches down 145 30 16.6 36 0 4.9 109 1.4 11.0
1 165 20 50 20 13.0 30 -20 6.0 84 1.3 9.7
2 185 20 70 20 8.3 35 -40 5.1 69 0.7 11.2
3 205 20 90 20 6.3 34 -59 6.0 48 0.6 11.2
4 220 15 110 20 4.1 28 -80 4.6 27 0.3 11.2
5 220 0 125 15 2.6 9 -95 0.4 8 0.0 11.2
Note: The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in the analysis. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser head.

Table 6–13 Static Results for 2nd End Laydown (GE Riser)
Step Comment Horizontal Vessel Crane Crane Crane Horizontal Riser Crane Riser Tension MBR (m)
No. distance move - payout- payout load (t) distance head wire catenary at TDP
from Crane step total(m) - Step from crane depth lead length (t)
Tip to I-tube (m) (m) tip to TDP (m) angle - (m)
(m) (m) IP (deg)
0 Riser touches down 144 30 18.8 27 0 5.8 102 1.9 8.7
1 164 20 50 20 10.3 31 -20 4.2 86 0.7 10.3
2 184 20 70 20 8.2 33 -40 4.7 68 0.7 10.3
3 204 20 90 20 6.2 33 -60 5.6 48 0.6 10.3
4 219 15 110 20 4.0 26 -80 4.1 26 0.2 10.3
5 219 0 125 15 2.6 8 -95 0.0 8 0.0 10.3
Note: The crane tip is fixed at 30m above water in the analysis. Crane wire payout is measured from crane tip to riser head.

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

6.3.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis are performed for Prod Riser #1 Laydown Step 0 (when the DSV crane experiences the highest load), detailed results are
given below. A tolerance of vessel movement of +/- 5m is also assessed.

Table 6–14 Dynamic Results for Laydown of 2nd end of Prod Riser #1 Step 0.
Case Horizontal Wave Hs (m) Wave Current Current Max Crane Crane Riser
No. distance from direction period direction speed crane wire off wire side MBR
Crane tip to I- (deg) (s) (deg) (m/s) load (t) lead (deg) lead (deg) (m)
tube (m)
1 135 30 2.0 6 45 0.8 27.6 7.3 4.6 10.2
2 140 30 2.0 6 90 0.8 27.1 4.1 6.1* 10.8
3 145 30 2.0 6 135 0.8 27.1 1.3 4.3 11.6
4 135 30 1.5 6 45 0.8 26.5 6.8 3.8 10.3
5 140 30 1.5 6 90 0.8 26.2 3.9 5.2 10.9
6 145 30 1.5 6 135 0.8 26.2 1.2 3.5 11.6
*Note: When irregular wave is used in the analysis, the crane wire side lead angle will be less than 5.5deg for all cases.

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1

6.4 Riser Tie-in to Riser Base

Approx 18m long riser section needs to be buoyed off to make the flange connection.
Calculation for required spacing of temporary buoys is given below.

Table 6–15 Spacing of Temporary Buoys

Item Length (m) Weight in Unit weight Individual Required
water in water buoyancy spacing for
flooded flooded (t) buoyancy
(t/m) (t/m) (m)
End-fitting 1.594 1.444 0.906 1.80 1.99
Bare riser section 0.237 0.90 3.80

With 5 temporary buoys on riser, the riser end-fitting can be floated to 1.2m height above
seabed, which is slightly higher than the tie-in flange level. The positions of individual buoys
set in the analysis model are given in Table 6–16.

1-off 1.8t buoy

4-off 0.9t buoy

End-fitting is 1.2m
above seabed

Grout bags

Figure 6–4 Riser Subsea End with 5 buoys

Table 6–16 Positions of Individual Buoys

Buoyancy Actual individual Buoy off length Total buoy off Position of
No. buoyancy (t) by individual length (m) buoyancy wrt
buoyancy (m) flange (m)
1 1.80 3.10 3.10 1.55
2 0.90 3.80 6.89 4.80
3 0.90 3.80 10.69 8.79
4 0.90 3.80 14.49 12.59
5 0.90 3.80 18.29 16.39

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Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1


No Title
1 MIV Southern Ocean RAOs

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MIV RAO origin (m): Phase origin (m):
x y z x y
60.365 0 10.119 ~ ~

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 0°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0009 141.7 0 0 0.0045 139.1 0 0 0.024 146.4 0 0
3.5 0.0005 95.9 0 0 0.0079 66.7 0 0 0.039 62.9 0 0
4.2 0.0007 27.7 0 0 0.017 70 0 0 0.088 62.3 0 0
5.2 0.011 193.3 0 0 0.043 359.2 0 0 0.256 345 0 0
6.3 0.049 301.3 0 0 0.071 136.2 0 0 0.615 116.2 0 0
7 0.066 334.5 0 0 0.164 197.7 0 0 0.633 151.4 0 0
8.4 0.175 74.9 0 0 0.043 221.4 0 0 1 239.4 0 0
9 0.284 83.3 0 0 0.107 354.9 0 0 1.259 248.3 0 0
9.7 0.404 86.5 0 0 0.265 1.6 0 0 1.415 252.6 0 0
10.5 0.52 87.9 0 0 0.427 2.6 0 0 1.446 255.3 0 0
10.6 0.542 88.1 0 0 0.459 2.6 0 0 1.438 255.7 0 0
10.8 0.564 88.2 0 0 0.49 2.5 0 0 1.427 256.2 0 0
11 0.585 88.4 0 0 0.52 2.5 0 0 1.412 256.6 0 0
11.2 0.606 88.5 0 0 0.549 2.4 0 0 1.394 257 0 0
11.4 0.626 88.7 0 0 0.578 2.3 0 0 1.373 257.5 0 0
11.6 0.645 88.8 0 0 0.606 2.2 0 0 1.35 257.9 0 0
12.1 0.683 89 0 0 0.658 1.9 0 0 1.296 258.8 0 0
12.6 0.718 89.2 0 0 0.706 1.6 0 0 1.236 259.6 0 0
12.8 0.735 89.3 0 0 0.728 1.5 0 0 1.203 260 0 0
13.1 0.751 89.4 0 0 0.749 1.4 0 0 1.169 260.5 0 0
13.4 0.767 89.5 0 0 0.769 1.2 0 0 1.135 260.9 0 0
13.7 0.782 89.6 0 0 0.788 1.1 0.0001 152.7 1.099 261.3 0 0
14 0.796 89.6 0 0 0.806 0.98 0 0 1.063 261.7 0 0
14.6 0.823 89.8 0 0 0.838 0.77 0.0001 82.1 0.989 262.4 0 0
15.7 0.859 89.9 0 0 0.878 0.51 0 0 0.876 263.5 0 0
18 0.907 90 0 0 0.929 0.24 0 0 0.69 265.1 0 0
20.9 0.943 90.1 0 0 0.962 0.1 0 0 0.516 266.5 0 0
25.1 0.967 90.1 0 0 0.981 0.04 0 0 0.362 267.6 0 0
29.9 0.98 90.1 0 0 0.991 0.01 0 0 0.257 268.3 0 0

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 15°

S urge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0004 132.1 0.0016 128.2 0.0045 198 0.013 7.5 0.025 183.1 0.0034 107.3
3.5 0.0016 82.4 0.0021 164.1 0.0069 95.9 0.019 252.8 0.039 98.2 0.0077 199
4.2 0.001 27.9 0.0041 172.7 0.017 87.5 0.045 239.9 0.087 88.1 0.017 186.5
5.2 0.01 197.9 0.01 202 0.046 13.6 0.123 193.5 0.249 359.4 0.033 220
6.3 0.046 308.2 0.0043 328 0.077 155.6 0.16 14.4 0.614 123.6 0.039 53.4
7 0.059 348.3 0.013 308.5 0.173 198.5 0.261 29.2 0.592 163.7 0.028 222.5
8.4 0.197 78 0.035 83.2 0.023 288.4 0.197 92.9 1.086 242.4 0.182 199.5
9 0.302 84.4 0.061 86.3 0.149 357.7 0.215 130.4 1.315 249.7 0.218 195.6
9.7 0.415 87 0.09 88 0.305 1.6 0.299 160.5 1.438 253.4 0.238 192.4
10.5 0.523 88.1 0.118 89 0.461 2.4 0.443 179.5 1.444 255.8 0.241 189.5
10.6 0.544 88.2 0.124 89.2 0.491 2.4 0.481 182.3 1.432 256.2 0.24 189
10.8 0.564 88.4 0.129 89.4 0.52 2.3 0.522 184.9 1.418 256.6 0.238 188.4
11 0.583 88.5 0.135 89.5 0.549 2.3 0.568 187.2 1.4 257 0.235 187.9
11.2 0.602 88.6 0.14 89.6 0.577 2.2 0.621 189.3 1.379 257.5 0.232 187.4
11.4 0.621 88.8 0.146 89.8 0.604 2.1 0.68 191.1 1.356 257.9 0.228 186.9
11.6 0.639 88.9 0.151 89.8 0.63 2 0.75 192.6 1.33 258.3 0.224 186.3
12.1 0.673 89.1 0.161 90 0.68 1.8 0.93 194.5 1.274 259.1 0.212 185.3
12.6 0.706 89.3 0.171 90.1 0.725 1.5 1.203 193.9 1.21 259.9 0.197 184.3

12.8 0.721 89.4 0.176 90.2 0.746 1.4 1.399 192.2 1.177 260.3 0.187 184
13.1 0.736 89.5 0.18 90.2 0.766 1.2 1.658 188.8 1.143 260.8 0.175 184.2
13.4 0.75 89.6 0.184 90.3 0.784 1.1 2.002 182.6 1.108 261.2 0.161 185.5
13.7 0.764 89.6 0.188 90.4 0.802 1 2.432 172.4 1.072 261.5 0.147 189.6
14 0.777 89.7 0.192 90.7 0.819 0.9 2.849 156.2 1.036 261.9 0.141 198.1
14.6 0.802 89.8 0.201 91.2 0.849 0.71 2.627 115.4 0.962 262.7 0.175 204.3
15.7 0.835 89.9 0.213 90.9 0.887 0.47 1.387 87 0.851 263.7 0.176 194.5
18 0.88 90 0.228 90.6 0.934 0.22 0.622 79.6 0.669 265.3 0.139 188.5
20.9 0.912 90.1 0.239 90.4 0.964 0.09 0.344 81 0.5 266.6 0.104 186.1
25.1 0.935 90.1 0.247 90.3 0.983 0.03 0.201 83.8 0.35 267.6 0.074 184.7
29.9 0.948 90.1 0.251 90.2 0.991 0.01 0.129 85.9 0.248 268.3 0.052 183.9

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 30°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0012 249.4 0.0036 337 0.0044 287.2 0.022 108.2 0.025 286 0.0072 325.8
3.5 0.0008 293.3 0.0027 58.8 0.0079 202.3 0.044 2.1 0.035 187 0.013 53.2
4.2 0.0009 297.2 0.0055 103.2 0.013 159.7 0.045 326.6 0.09 152.5 0.025 92
5.2 0.0073 227.3 0.021 163.1 0.049 50.2 0.185 198.5 0.239 48 0.047 168.1
6.3 0.033 335.9 0.018 317.9 0.118 191.1 0.394 20.1 0.543 147.9 0.042 41
7 0.059 44.3 0.018 326.3 0.17 198.1 0.442 40.1 0.608 207.8 0.118 212.6
8.4 0.253 84.2 0.098 85.4 0.137 0.01 0.369 119.5 1.313 249.2 0.382 196.8
9 0.345 86.9 0.149 87.2 0.28 1.4 0.466 150.6 1.444 253.1 0.432 193.4
9.7 0.437 88 0.202 88.3 0.423 1.9 0.649 172.5 1.476 255.4 0.452 190.5
10.5 0.522 88.6 0.254 89.2 0.558 1.9 0.922 187.3 1.415 257.2 0.445 187.9
10.6 0.538 88.7 0.264 89.3 0.584 1.9 0.993 189.7 1.394 257.6 0.441 187.3
10.8 0.554 88.8 0.274 89.5 0.609 1.9 1.07 191.8 1.37 257.9 0.435 186.8
11 0.569 88.9 0.284 89.6 0.633 1.8 1.158 193.8 1.345 258.3 0.429 186.3
11.2 0.584 89 0.293 89.7 0.656 1.7 1.257 195.5 1.318 258.6 0.421 185.8
11.4 0.598 89.1 0.303 89.8 0.679 1.7 1.37 197 1.289 259 0.412 185.3
11.6 0.612 89.2 0.312 89.9 0.7 1.6 1.503 198.2 1.259 259.4 0.402 184.7
12.1 0.638 89.3 0.33 90 0.741 1.4 1.849 199.6 1.195 260.1 0.379 183.6
12.6 0.663 89.5 0.347 90.1 0.778 1.2 2.376 198.7 1.128 260.9 0.348 182.4
12.8 0.675 89.6 0.354 90.1 0.795 1.1 2.757 196.7 1.093 261.2 0.329 182
13.1 0.686 89.6 0.362 90.1 0.811 0.99 3.259 193.1 1.058 261.6 0.305 182
13.4 0.697 89.7 0.369 90.2 0.827 0.89 3.926 186.8 1.023 262 0.277 183.1
13.7 0.708 89.8 0.375 90.3 0.841 0.8 4.763 176.4 0.987 262.3 0.247 187.5
14 0.718 89.8 0.382 90.6 0.854 0.72 5.57 160 0.952 262.7 0.233 197.6
14.6 0.737 89.9 0.398 91.1 0.879 0.56 5.123 118.9 0.88 263.3 0.299 206
15.7 0.763 90 0.419 90.9 0.909 0.38 2.697 90 0.774 264.3 0.306 195.3
18 0.797 90.1 0.445 90.6 0.947 0.18 1.206 81.9 0.605 265.7 0.243 188.9
20.9 0.823 90.1 0.464 90.4 0.971 0.07 0.666 82.7 0.45 266.9 0.182 186.4
25.1 0.84 90.1 0.478 90.3 0.986 0.03 0.389 85 0.315 267.8 0.128 184.9
29.9 0.851 90.1 0.486 90.2 0.993 0.01 0.25 86.7 0.223 268.5 0.091 184.2

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 45°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0008 2.7 0.0028 22.2 0.0041 129.6 0.026 297.8 0.023 111 0.007 33.6
3.5 0.0013 132.3 0.0038 258.8 0.008 349.7 0.064 170.6 0.031 332.9 0.021 228.5
4.2 0.0033 182.4 0.011 297.8 0.017 266.3 0.067 70.3 0.086 267.5 0.032 312.3
5.2 0.0057 297.9 0.017 122.2 0.038 127.9 0.105 342 0.294 115.5 0.088 78.8
6.3 0.036 73.6 0.033 327.5 0.156 209.8 0.527 33.6 0.453 220.6 0.077 212
7 0.122 89.3 0.039 56.3 0.071 170.4 0.433 72.5 1.069 253.1 0.312 201.8
8.4 0.312 89.8 0.214 86.3 0.378 6.9 0.613 154.4 1.544 256.3 0.568 192.1
9 0.377 89.7 0.282 87.5 0.5 3.6 0.795 173.4 1.521 257.3 0.596 189.6
9.7 0.437 89.5 0.348 88.4 0.608 2.3 1.047 187.8 1.434 258.2 0.593 187.2

10.5 0.49 89.4 0.412 89.2 0.705 1.7 1.408 198.8 1.299 259.3 0.561 184.9
10.6 0.5 89.4 0.424 89.3 0.723 1.6 1.502 200.6 1.268 259.6 0.552 184.4
10.8 0.509 89.5 0.436 89.4 0.74 1.5 1.607 202.3 1.237 259.8 0.541 183.9
11 0.519 89.5 0.448 89.5 0.756 1.4 1.726 203.8 1.204 260.1 0.53 183.4
11.2 0.528 89.5 0.46 89.6 0.772 1.3 1.862 205.2 1.172 260.4 0.517 182.8
11.4 0.536 89.6 0.471 89.7 0.788 1.2 2.02 206.3 1.138 260.7 0.504 182.3
11.6 0.545 89.6 0.482 89.7 0.802 1.1 2.204 207.2 1.105 261 0.489 181.7
12.1 0.561 89.7 0.503 89.8 0.83 0.98 2.69 207.9 1.037 261.6 0.455 180.3
12.6 0.576 89.8 0.523 89.9 0.854 0.83 3.437 206.4 0.969 262.2 0.412 178.7
12.8 0.584 89.9 0.532 89.9 0.866 0.75 3.977 204.1 0.936 262.6 0.385 177.9
13.1 0.591 89.9 0.54 89.9 0.876 0.68 4.692 200.2 0.902 262.9 0.352 177.4
13.4 0.597 89.9 0.548 90 0.886 0.61 5.642 193.6 0.869 263.2 0.311 178
13.7 0.604 90 0.555 90.1 0.896 0.55 6.832 182.9 0.836 263.5 0.264 182.6
14 0.61 90 0.562 90.4 0.905 0.49 7.979 166.3 0.803 263.8 0.236 196.4
14.6 0.622 90.1 0.582 90.9 0.921 0.38 7.321 124.6 0.739 264.3 0.332 210
15.7 0.638 90.1 0.608 90.7 0.941 0.26 3.843 94.9 0.645 265.2 0.356 197.4
18 0.66 90.2 0.638 90.5 0.965 0.12 1.714 85.6 0.5 266.4 0.282 189.8
20.9 0.677 90.2 0.661 90.3 0.981 0.05 0.944 85.4 0.37 267.4 0.211 187
25.1 0.689 90.1 0.678 90.2 0.991 0.02 0.551 86.8 0.258 268.2 0.148 185.5
29.9 0.696 90.1 0.688 90.2 0.995 0.01 0.354 88 0.182 268.7 0.105 184.7

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 60°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0024 37.4 0.0075 111.4 0.0076 19.5 0.042 168.2 0.021 20.4 0.018 140
3.5 0.0018 229.2 0.0074 332.7 0.0087 187.6 0.075 7.1 0.027 184.9 0.028 0.95
4.2 0.0057 50.4 0.024 129.9 0.015 38 0.136 185.4 0.088 44.2 0.049 161.2
5.2 0.01 105.2 0.039 324.9 0.071 213.3 0.448 12.7 0.213 208 0.044 47
6.3 0.086 113.3 0.07 50.7 0.03 174.1 0.373 87.1 1.039 282.7 0.346 193
7 0.184 107 0.172 77.5 0.286 46.2 0.517 137.8 1.651 274.3 0.526 189.7
8.4 0.314 94.4 0.384 85.6 0.708 9 0.898 183.3 1.519 262 0.631 185.3
9 0.346 92.4 0.452 86.9 0.774 4.8 1.097 195.4 1.364 261.2 0.618 183.7
9.7 0.373 91.2 0.517 88 0.825 2.6 1.371 205.6 1.198 261.1 0.583 182
10.5 0.396 90.5 0.578 88.8 0.869 1.5 1.785 213.8 1.029 261.6 0.53 180
10.6 0.4 90.4 0.59 88.9 0.877 1.4 1.896 215.2 0.996 261.8 0.518 179.5
10.8 0.404 90.4 0.601 89 0.884 1.3 2.022 216.4 0.964 262 0.505 179
11 0.408 90.4 0.612 89.2 0.892 1.1 2.165 217.4 0.932 262.2 0.491 178.4
11.2 0.412 90.3 0.623 89.2 0.899 1 2.329 218.3 0.9 262.4 0.476 177.8
11.4 0.416 90.3 0.634 89.3 0.905 0.93 2.52 219 0.869 262.6 0.461 177
11.6 0.419 90.3 0.644 89.4 0.912 0.84 2.745 219.5 0.838 262.9 0.444 176.2
12.1 0.426 90.3 0.664 89.5 0.924 0.68 3.34 219.3 0.779 263.3 0.408 174.2
12.6 0.433 90.3 0.683 89.6 0.935 0.54 4.258 216.9 0.721 263.8 0.362 171.4
12.8 0.437 90.3 0.691 89.6 0.94 0.48 4.924 214.2 0.693 264.1 0.333 169.5
13.1 0.44 90.3 0.699 89.6 0.944 0.43 5.805 209.9 0.666 264.3 0.297 167.5
13.4 0.443 90.3 0.706 89.7 0.949 0.38 6.975 203 0.639 264.6 0.249 165.9
13.7 0.446 90.4 0.712 89.8 0.953 0.34 8.442 191.8 0.613 264.8 0.185 168.6
14 0.449 90.4 0.718 90 0.957 0.29 9.854 174.8 0.587 265.1 0.132 192.5
14.6 0.455 90.4 0.736 90.6 0.964 0.22 9.032 132.3 0.537 265.5 0.26 221.2
15.7 0.463 90.4 0.763 90.6 0.973 0.15 4.735 101.5 0.465 266.2 0.307 202.6
18 0.474 90.3 0.793 90.3 0.984 0.07 2.107 90.6 0.358 267.1 0.246 192.4
20.9 0.482 90.3 0.816 90.2 0.991 0.03 1.159 89 0.263 267.9 0.183 188.8
25.1 0.489 90.2 0.834 90.2 0.996 0.01 0.675 89.2 0.183 268.6 0.129 187.1
29.9 0.493 90.2 0.845 90.1 0.998 0 0.433 89.7 0.129 269 0.091 186.2

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 75°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3.1 0.0013 297.7 0.0026 336.3 0.0073 313.8 0.052 113.9 0.024 272.8 0.022 171.9
3.5 0.0028 347.8 0.011 91.2 0.0072 63.8 0.069 231.1 0.045 55.7 0.024 19.2
4.2 0.0015 176.6 0.047 312.9 0.023 194.1 0.295 342.9 0.086 215.7 0.094 28.5
5.2 0.012 103.4 0.1 28.5 0.049 26.9 0.216 98 0.526 301.2 0.287 171.7
6.3 0.076 139 0.272 69.1 0.383 53.5 0.503 156.6 1.29 303.5 0.474 173.7
7 0.15 122.4 0.386 77.2 0.773 39.3 0.62 178.5 1.511 284.4 0.495 175.1
8.4 0.207 99.6 0.557 84 1.022 9.6 0.966 212.9 1.015 264.7 0.452 174.7
9 0.215 96 0.61 85.7 1.016 5.2 1.183 221.5 0.849 263 0.418 173.8
9.7 0.221 93.7 0.662 87.1 1.007 2.8 1.489 228.4 0.705 262.4 0.377 172.4
10.5 0.225 92.4 0.712 88.1 1.001 1.4 1.958 233.3 0.581 262.8 0.332 169.9
10.6 0.226 92.2 0.722 88.3 1 1.3 2.085 234 0.559 263 0.322 169.2
10.8 0.227 92 0.731 88.4 0.999 1.1 2.228 234.6 0.537 263.1 0.312 168.4
11 0.228 91.9 0.74 88.6 0.998 0.96 2.39 235 0.516 263.3 0.302 167.5
11.2 0.229 91.8 0.749 88.7 0.998 0.83 2.576 235.2 0.496 263.5 0.292 166.3
11.4 0.23 91.7 0.758 88.8 0.997 0.72 2.792 235.3 0.477 263.7 0.281 165
11.6 0.231 91.6 0.767 88.9 0.997 0.62 3.046 235.1 0.458 264 0.27 163.4
12.1 0.233 91.5 0.783 89 0.996 0.46 3.717 233.7 0.422 264.4 0.245 158.9
12.6 0.234 91.4 0.799 89.2 0.996 0.34 4.748 230.1 0.388 264.9 0.215 151.5
12.8 0.236 91.3 0.806 89.2 0.996 0.29 5.495 226.8 0.372 265.1 0.197 145.6
13.1 0.236 91.3 0.812 89.2 0.996 0.25 6.483 221.9 0.356 265.3 0.174 136.9
13.4 0.237 91.2 0.818 89.2 0.996 0.21 7.794 214.4 0.341 265.6 0.143 123
13.7 0.238 91.2 0.822 89.3 0.996 0.18 9.438 202.6 0.326 265.8 0.1 96.9
14 0.239 91.2 0.826 89.5 0.996 0.15 11.02 185.1 0.311 266 0.062 31.5
14.6 0.241 91.1 0.841 90.2 0.996 0.1 10.106 141.6 0.284 266.4 0.15 267.3
15.7 0.244 91 0.866 90.3 0.997 0.06 5.298 109.4 0.245 266.9 0.18 221
18 0.248 90.8 0.894 90.2 0.998 0.02 2.357 96.5 0.187 267.7 0.144 201.7
20.9 0.251 90.6 0.916 90.1 0.999 0.01 1.295 93.2 0.137 268.4 0.107 195.5
25.1 0.254 90.4 0.933 90.1 0.999 0 0.754 92.1 0.095 268.9 0.075 192.5
29.9 0.256 90.3 0.944 90 1 0 0.484 91.7 0.067 269.2 0.053 191.1

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 90°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0013 147 0.054 220.7 0.01 239.9 0.074 202.3 0.025 200.1 0.028 38.6
3.5 0.003 204.8 0.076 276.9 0.02 305.6 0.055 245 0.034 241.4 0.058 92.3
4.2 0.01 254.6 0.139 357.8 0.072 6 0.052 33.5 0.058 307.4 0.132 127.5
5.2 0.03 262.8 0.298 46.5 0.261 50.1 0.097 112.1 0.155 342.5 0.152 127.3
6.3 0.056 231.3 0.437 66.5 0.722 52.3 0.141 220.4 0.344 316.7 0.118 120.2
7 0.055 196.9 0.516 73.9 1.086 36.1 0.329 249 0.373 274 0.097 119.3
8.4 0.025 160.8 0.64 82.3 1.168 8.7 0.858 257 0.162 217.9 0.086 109.1
9 0.018 158.6 0.683 84.4 1.122 4.6 1.116 257.8 0.111 206.6 0.083 102.4
9.7 0.013 161.6 0.726 86 1.083 2.4 1.461 258.1 0.073 197.6 0.082 95.6
10.5 0.01 167.5 0.768 87.3 1.053 1.1 1.973 257.3 0.047 190.7 0.085 88.8
10.6 0.0097 168.8 0.776 87.5 1.049 0.94 2.109 256.9 0.043 189.6 0.087 87.5
10.8 0.0094 169.9 0.784 87.7 1.044 0.79 2.261 256.4 0.039 188.5 0.089 86.1
11 0.009 171 0.792 87.9 1.04 0.66 2.433 255.9 0.036 187.6 0.091 84.6
11.2 0.0087 172 0.8 88 1.036 0.56 2.63 255.2 0.033 186.7 0.094 83.1
11.4 0.0084 173 0.808 88.2 1.033 0.46 2.857 254.3 0.03 185.9 0.098 81.5
11.6 0.0081 173.8 0.815 88.3 1.03 0.38 3.123 253.2 0.027 185.2 0.104 79.7
12.1 0.0076 175.3 0.83 88.5 1.024 0.25 3.824 250.1 0.022 183.9 0.118 75.5
12.6 0.0071 176.4 0.844 88.7 1.019 0.16 4.898 244.9 0.018 182.9 0.141 69.3
12.8 0.0068 176.9 0.85 88.7 1.017 0.12 5.673 240.9 0.016 182.5 0.159 64.9
13.1 0.0066 177.3 0.856 88.7 1.016 0.09 6.698 235.3 0.015 182.1 0.182 58.9
13.4 0.0063 177.7 0.86 88.8 1.014 0.07 8.058 227.1 0.013 181.8 0.214 50.4
13.7 0.0061 178 0.864 88.8 1.012 0.05 9.763 214.7 0.012 181.5 0.253 37.7
14 0.0059 178.3 0.866 89 1.011 0.03 11.405 196.5 0.011 181.3 0.289 19.2
14.6 0.0054 178.7 0.878 89.8 1.008 0.01 10.465 151.9 0.0088 180.9 0.255 334.2
15.7 0.0048 179.2 0.902 90 1.006 0 5.489 118 0.0063 180.5 0.127 299.8
18 0.0037 179.6 0.93 90 1.003 360 2.442 102.8 0.0035 180.2 0.054 284

20.9 0.0028 179.9 0.95 90 1.001 360 1.342 97.7 0.0018 180.1 0.028 278.5
25.1 0.002 180 0.966 90 1 0 0.781 95.1 0.0008 180 0.016 275.7
29.9 0.0015 180 0.977 90 1 0 0.501 93.8 0.0004 180 0.01 274.3

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 105°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.007 271.4 0.028 95 0.0085 84.1 0.03 47.1 0.019 225.8 0.04 111.6
3.5 0.0096 1.7 0.032 167.8 0.017 154.9 0.044 297 0.0065 334 0.105 201.1
4.2 0.02 108.3 0.051 310.8 0.018 271.1 0.207 334.4 0.123 112.4 0.269 274.4
5.2 0.03 200 0.176 32.5 0.151 42.3 0.374 354.5 0.467 145.3 0.419 320.8
6.3 0.077 263.5 0.328 62.1 0.601 47.2 0.454 347.4 0.852 142.1 0.464 342.5
7 0.122 267.4 0.423 71.7 0.954 30.6 0.542 332.3 0.993 131 0.457 350.8
8.4 0.176 269.3 0.576 81.5 1.07 5.8 0.89 304.4 0.864 110.6 0.411 1.4
9 0.192 269.4 0.627 83.6 1.044 2.5 1.112 296.3 0.766 105.8 0.39 4.4
9.7 0.207 269.1 0.676 85.3 1.022 0.92 1.43 288.9 0.663 101.9 0.364 7.3
10.5 0.218 268.7 0.723 86.7 1.008 0.22 1.914 281.7 0.563 98.9 0.336 10.5
10.6 0.22 268.6 0.732 86.9 1.006 0.15 2.044 280.2 0.543 98.4 0.33 11.3
10.8 0.222 268.6 0.741 87.1 1.004 0.08 2.189 278.7 0.524 97.9 0.324 12.2
11 0.223 268.5 0.749 87.3 1.003 0.03 2.354 277 0.506 97.5 0.319 13.2
11.2 0.225 268.5 0.758 87.4 1.002 360 2.543 275.3 0.487 97.1 0.314 14.3
11.4 0.226 268.5 0.766 87.6 1 360 2.761 273.5 0.469 96.7 0.309 15.5
11.6 0.228 268.5 0.774 87.8 1 359.9 3.018 271.5 0.452 96.3 0.306 16.9
12.1 0.231 268.5 0.79 88 0.998 359.9 3.692 266.6 0.418 95.7 0.302 20.3
12.6 0.233 268.5 0.805 88.2 0.997 359.9 4.726 259.8 0.385 95.1 0.31 24.4
12.8 0.234 268.5 0.812 88.3 0.997 359.9 5.474 255.1 0.37 94.8 0.322 26.4
13.1 0.236 268.6 0.818 88.3 0.997 359.9 6.462 248.7 0.354 94.6 0.344 27.9
13.4 0.237 268.6 0.824 88.3 0.997 359.9 7.774 239.8 0.339 94.4 0.379 28
13.7 0.238 268.7 0.828 88.4 0.996 359.9 9.418 226.8 0.325 94.1 0.43 24.8
14 0.239 268.7 0.83 88.5 0.996 359.9 11.001 207.9 0.31 93.9 0.483 16.5
14.6 0.241 268.8 0.841 89.3 0.997 359.9 10.094 162.1 0.283 93.5 0.448 351
15.7 0.244 268.9 0.866 89.7 0.997 359.9 5.295 126.7 0.245 93 0.276 338.8
18 0.248 269.2 0.894 89.8 0.998 360 2.356 109.2 0.187 92.2 0.167 342.3
20.9 0.251 269.4 0.916 89.9 0.999 360 1.295 102.2 0.137 91.6 0.115 345.9
25.1 0.254 269.6 0.933 89.9 0.999 360 0.754 98.2 0.095 91.1 0.078 348.1
29.9 0.256 269.7 0.944 89.9 1 0 0.484 95.9 0.067 90.8 0.055 349.3

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 120°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0064 30.1 0.015 209 0.007 183 0.025 208.2 0.013 91.3 0.049 200.4
3.5 0.0092 157.8 0.028 334.1 0.011 5.2 0.056 266.4 0.013 136.1 0.06 333.7
4.2 0.02 325.3 0.045 144.7 0.018 190.4 0.154 123 0.078 326.3 0.138 113.2
5.2 0.034 93.8 0.058 225.7 0.084 276.7 0.216 125.1 0.176 144.3 0.226 285.2
6.3 0.017 269.4 0.08 67.6 0.225 17.3 0.252 43 1.031 147.2 0.507 327.3
7 0.113 278.6 0.2 76 0.539 15.1 0.417 14.4 1.468 130.2 0.607 339.2
8.4 0.262 273 0.409 82.6 0.803 359.2 0.822 337.2 1.401 110.2 0.634 350.9
9 0.307 272.2 0.475 84 0.833 357.9 1.024 325.1 1.286 106.1 0.612 354.3
9.7 0.348 271.3 0.537 85.3 0.859 358 1.304 313.5 1.151 102.7 0.579 357.4
10.5 0.382 270.5 0.595 86.4 0.885 358.5 1.728 302.2 1.006 100 0.534 0.61
10.6 0.388 270.3 0.606 86.6 0.891 358.6 1.842 299.9 0.976 99.5 0.524 1.3
10.8 0.393 270.2 0.616 86.8 0.896 358.7 1.971 297.6 0.947 99 0.514 2.1
11 0.399 270.1 0.627 87 0.902 358.8 2.116 295.2 0.917 98.6 0.504 2.9
11.2 0.404 270 0.637 87.1 0.907 359 2.283 292.7 0.888 98.2 0.494 3.7
11.4 0.409 269.9 0.647 87.3 0.913 359.1 2.477 290.2 0.859 97.8 0.483 4.7
11.6 0.414 269.8 0.657 87.4 0.918 359.2 2.704 287.4 0.83 97.4 0.473 5.8
12.1 0.422 269.7 0.676 87.7 0.928 359.3 3.303 281.2 0.773 96.8 0.455 8.6

12.6 0.431 269.6 0.693 87.9 0.937 359.5 4.224 273.1 0.717 96.1 0.445 12.4
12.8 0.434 269.6 0.702 87.9 0.942 359.5 4.891 267.8 0.69 95.9 0.447 14.7
13.1 0.438 269.6 0.709 88 0.946 359.6 5.772 260.8 0.663 95.6 0.457 17.1
13.4 0.442 269.5 0.716 88 0.95 359.6 6.943 251.3 0.637 95.3 0.483 19
13.7 0.445 269.5 0.722 88 0.954 359.7 8.41 237.7 0.611 95.1 0.528 18.9
14 0.448 269.5 0.725 88.1 0.958 359.7 9.823 218.3 0.586 94.8 0.585 14.5
14.6 0.454 269.5 0.736 89 0.964 359.8 9.014 171.4 0.536 94.4 0.57 356.1
15.7 0.462 269.6 0.762 89.4 0.973 359.8 4.73 134.6 0.465 93.7 0.398 347.4
18 0.474 269.6 0.793 89.6 0.984 359.9 2.107 115 0.358 92.8 0.267 349.6
20.9 0.482 269.7 0.816 89.7 0.991 360 1.159 106.4 0.263 92 0.19 351.8
25.1 0.489 269.8 0.834 89.8 0.996 360 0.675 101 0.183 91.4 0.131 353.2
29.9 0.493 269.8 0.845 89.9 0.998 360 0.433 97.8 0.129 91 0.093 354

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 135°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0015 146.1 0.0079 345.9 0.0027 36.4 0.024 272.3 0.0045 190.5 0.018 323.2
3.5 0.0032 334.6 0.012 132.6 0.0055 232.1 0.061 115.3 0.01 5.4 0.035 117.6
4.2 0.012 207 0.027 356.3 0.02 71.3 0.141 311.5 0.032 195.7 0.063 336
5.2 0.029 23 0.046 196.9 0.072 249 0.268 146.8 0.204 5.4 0.129 135.2
6.3 0.036 83.6 0.058 214.4 0.184 287.7 0.428 135.1 0.473 139.3 0.201 320.7
7 0.043 286.1 0.049 123 0.262 326.3 0.358 97.9 1.116 127.4 0.42 334.3
8.4 0.246 273.7 0.232 87.1 0.523 345.8 0.562 8.2 1.47 111.7 0.6 345.4
9 0.324 273.2 0.301 86.2 0.596 349.4 0.75 348.7 1.456 108.3 0.608 348.9
9.7 0.401 272.4 0.367 86.2 0.665 352.8 1.001 332.6 1.387 105.1 0.596 352.3
10.5 0.469 271.4 0.428 86.6 0.734 355.7 1.363 318 1.271 102.2 0.564 355.7
10.6 0.481 271.2 0.44 86.8 0.748 356.1 1.458 315.2 1.243 101.7 0.556 356.4
10.8 0.493 271 0.451 86.9 0.761 356.6 1.565 312.3 1.215 101.2 0.547 357.1
11 0.504 270.9 0.462 87 0.775 357 1.685 309.3 1.185 100.7 0.538 357.9
11.2 0.515 270.7 0.474 87.1 0.788 357.3 1.822 306.4 1.155 100.2 0.528 358.7
11.4 0.526 270.6 0.484 87.2 0.801 357.7 1.981 303.3 1.124 99.8 0.518 359.6
11.6 0.536 270.5 0.495 87.4 0.813 358 2.166 300 1.093 99.3 0.507 0.63
12.1 0.555 270.3 0.515 87.6 0.837 358.5 2.655 292.8 1.029 98.5 0.486 3.1
12.6 0.572 270.1 0.534 87.7 0.859 358.8 3.403 283.8 0.964 97.8 0.469 6.5
12.8 0.58 270 0.543 87.8 0.87 359 3.944 278 0.931 97.4 0.465 8.7
13.1 0.588 270 0.552 87.8 0.88 359.1 4.659 270.6 0.899 97.1 0.468 11.3
13.4 0.595 269.9 0.559 87.8 0.889 359.3 5.609 260.7 0.866 96.8 0.484 13.9
13.7 0.602 269.9 0.566 87.8 0.898 359.4 6.799 246.7 0.834 96.4 0.519 15.1
14 0.609 269.9 0.57 87.8 0.906 359.4 7.947 226.9 0.801 96.1 0.569 12.8
14.6 0.621 269.8 0.582 88.7 0.922 359.6 7.302 179.2 0.738 95.6 0.573 358.1
15.7 0.638 269.8 0.607 89.2 0.941 359.7 3.838 141.2 0.645 94.8 0.427 350.4
18 0.66 269.8 0.638 89.5 0.965 359.9 1.713 120 0.5 93.6 0.299 351.8
20.9 0.677 269.8 0.661 89.6 0.981 360 0.944 109.9 0.37 92.6 0.216 353.5
25.1 0.689 269.9 0.678 89.8 0.991 360 0.55 103.4 0.258 91.8 0.15 354.7
29.9 0.696 269.9 0.688 89.8 0.995 360 0.354 99.5 0.182 91.3 0.106 355.4

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 150°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0014 23.1 0.0047 109 0.0021 244.1 0.011 107.8 0.0094 345.9 0.01 100.9
3.5 0.0011 210.2 0.0052 317.4 0.0029 116.8 0.027 305.8 0.009 259.9 0.016 302
4.2 0.0061 115 0.0096 220.4 0.0087 333 0.031 198.2 0.036 181.6 0.037 243.4
5.2 0.023 326.7 0.012 54.4 0.037 173.2 0.054 323 0.172 358.8 0.094 108.9
6.3 0.042 78.7 0.059 220.5 0.212 264.2 0.426 151.7 0.22 53.1 0.02 80.5
7 0.014 97.9 0.047 198.2 0.275 278 0.441 130.2 0.591 111.5 0.186 336.2
8.4 0.186 272.6 0.11 95.8 0.348 323.4 0.344 45.2 1.275 112.5 0.415 342.4
9 0.286 273.5 0.161 89.9 0.42 336.2 0.446 12.4 1.394 110.3 0.447 345.8

9.7 0.394 273 0.214 87.8 0.506 345.5 0.627 348.6 1.431 107.3 0.458 349.2
10.5 0.495 272 0.265 87.3 0.601 352 0.896 330 1.384 104.3 0.448 352.7
10.6 0.514 271.8 0.275 87.3 0.621 353 0.966 326.6 1.366 103.7 0.443 353.4
10.8 0.533 271.6 0.285 87.3 0.64 353.8 1.044 323.2 1.346 103.1 0.438 354.2
11 0.55 271.4 0.294 87.4 0.66 354.6 1.131 319.8 1.323 102.6 0.433 354.9
11.2 0.568 271.3 0.304 87.4 0.679 355.3 1.23 316.4 1.299 102 0.426 355.7
11.4 0.584 271.1 0.313 87.4 0.698 356 1.344 312.9 1.272 101.5 0.42 356.6
11.6 0.6 270.9 0.322 87.5 0.716 356.5 1.477 309.3 1.245 101 0.412 357.6
12.1 0.63 270.7 0.339 87.6 0.752 357.4 1.824 301.3 1.185 100.1 0.396 359.9
12.6 0.657 270.4 0.356 87.7 0.785 358.1 2.352 291.7 1.121 99.2 0.382 3.1
12.8 0.67 270.3 0.363 87.7 0.801 358.4 2.732 285.5 1.087 98.8 0.377 5.2
13.1 0.683 270.3 0.371 87.7 0.816 358.6 3.234 277.8 1.054 98.4 0.376 7.8
13.4 0.694 270.2 0.378 87.7 0.83 358.8 3.901 267.6 1.019 98 0.384 10.6
13.7 0.706 270.1 0.384 87.6 0.844 359 4.737 253.2 0.984 97.6 0.407 12.6
14 0.716 270.1 0.388 87.7 0.856 359.2 5.545 233.2 0.949 97.3 0.444 11.4
14.6 0.736 270 0.398 88.5 0.88 359.4 5.108 184.9 0.879 96.6 0.457 359
15.7 0.762 269.9 0.419 89.1 0.91 359.6 2.692 146.1 0.774 95.6 0.354 351.6
18 0.797 269.9 0.445 89.4 0.947 359.8 1.206 123.7 0.605 94.3 0.254 352.6
20.9 0.823 269.9 0.464 89.6 0.971 359.9 0.666 112.7 0.45 93.1 0.186 354.1
25.1 0.84 269.9 0.478 89.7 0.986 360 0.389 105.2 0.315 92.1 0.13 355.2
29.9 0.851 269.9 0.486 89.8 0.993 360 0.25 100.8 0.223 91.5 0.092 355.9

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 165°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0023 308.9 0.0012 337.7 0.0014 101.7 0.0083 342.9 0.011 316.8 0.0027 338.3
3.5 0.0021 160.4 0.003 205.2 0.0025 333.6 0.011 144.7 0.0097 181.7 0.0059 217.7
4.2 0.0043 35.5 0.004 177.5 0.0084 294.1 0.041 164.2 0.021 76.3 0.016 126.1
5.2 0.016 292 0.014 26.8 0.049 143.4 0.111 329 0.077 320.9 0.018 89.7
6.3 0.032 70.6 0.027 223.3 0.176 252.7 0.209 159.6 0.374 23.8 0.047 115.1
7 0.039 107.8 0.031 210 0.298 262.6 0.276 139.9 0.365 73 0.056 346.6
8.4 0.133 269.9 0.041 106.6 0.29 301.4 0.189 72.6 1.064 112.4 0.201 341
9 0.243 273.2 0.067 94.1 0.332 322.3 0.208 32.8 1.277 111.5 0.228 344.1
9.7 0.369 273.4 0.096 89.6 0.412 338.1 0.291 0.91 1.398 108.8 0.241 347.5
10.5 0.493 272.4 0.124 88 0.515 348.5 0.432 338.2 1.412 105.7 0.242 351
10.6 0.517 272.2 0.13 87.9 0.538 350 0.469 334.2 1.404 105 0.241 351.8
10.8 0.54 272 0.135 87.8 0.56 351.3 0.51 330.4 1.392 104.4 0.239 352.5
11 0.562 271.8 0.141 87.8 0.583 352.5 0.556 326.5 1.377 103.8 0.237 353.3
11.2 0.584 271.6 0.146 87.7 0.605 353.5 0.608 322.8 1.359 103.2 0.234 354.1
11.4 0.605 271.4 0.151 87.7 0.628 354.4 0.668 318.9 1.338 102.7 0.231 354.9
11.6 0.626 271.2 0.156 87.7 0.65 355.2 0.737 315 1.315 102.1 0.228 355.8
12.1 0.664 270.9 0.166 87.7 0.693 356.5 0.917 306.6 1.262 101.1 0.22 358.1
12.6 0.699 270.6 0.176 87.8 0.733 357.5 1.19 296.5 1.203 100.1 0.212 1.2
12.8 0.716 270.5 0.18 87.8 0.753 357.9 1.386 290.1 1.171 99.7 0.209 3.3
13.1 0.732 270.4 0.185 87.7 0.771 358.2 1.645 282.2 1.138 99.2 0.208 5.8
13.4 0.747 270.3 0.189 87.7 0.789 358.5 1.988 271.8 1.104 98.8 0.211 8.7
13.7 0.761 270.3 0.192 87.6 0.805 358.7 2.419 257.3 1.069 98.4 0.222 11.1
14 0.775 270.2 0.195 87.6 0.821 358.9 2.836 237 1.033 98 0.242 10.6
14.6 0.801 270.1 0.201 88.4 0.85 359.2 2.619 188.5 0.961 97.3 0.252 359.3
15.7 0.835 270 0.213 89 0.887 359.5 1.384 149.2 0.85 96.2 0.199 352.2
18 0.88 269.9 0.228 89.3 0.934 359.8 0.622 126 0.669 94.7 0.145 352.9
20.9 0.912 269.9 0.239 89.5 0.964 359.9 0.344 114.3 0.5 93.4 0.106 354.3
25.1 0.935 269.9 0.247 89.7 0.983 360 0.201 106.4 0.35 92.4 0.074 355.5
29.9 0.948 269.9 0.251 89.8 0.991 360 0.129 101.6 0.248 91.7 0.053 356.1

Displacemfor draugh6m, Direction 180°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw
Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase

(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3.1 0.0021 262.1 0 0 0.0012 84.8 0 0 0.007 271.2 0 0
3.5 0.0024 135 0 0 0.0035 328.4 0 0 0.0086 130.5 0 0
4.2 0.0044 14.6 0 0 0.0054 274.5 0 0 0.029 63.5 0 0
5.2 0.013 277.4 0 0 0.05 141 0 0 0.072 286.6 0 0
6.3 0.027 65.6 0 0 0.158 247.3 0 0 0.414 21.3 0 0
7 0.045 109.6 0 0 0.298 258.8 0 0 0.359 53.8 0 0
8.4 0.114 268.1 0 0 0.281 293.1 0 0 0.98 112.1 0 0
9 0.226 273 0 0 0.309 316.2 0 0 1.225 111.9 0 0
9.7 0.357 273.5 0 0 0.382 334.9 0 0 1.376 109.4 0 0
10.5 0.49 272.6 0 0 0.486 347 0 0 1.414 106.2 0 0
10.6 0.515 272.4 0 0 0.509 348.7 0 0 1.41 105.5 0 0
10.8 0.54 272.1 0 0 0.533 350.2 0 0 1.401 104.9 0 0
11 0.564 271.9 0 0 0.556 351.6 0 0 1.389 104.3 0 0
11.2 0.587 271.7 0 0 0.58 352.8 0 0 1.374 103.7 0 0
11.4 0.61 271.5 0 0 0.603 353.8 0 0 1.355 103.1 0 0
11.6 0.632 271.3 0 0 0.627 354.7 0 0 1.334 102.5 0 0
12.1 0.673 271 0 0 0.672 356.2 0 0 1.285 101.5 0 0
12.6 0.711 270.7 0 0 0.715 357.3 0 0 1.228 100.5 0 0
12.8 0.729 270.6 0 0 0.735 357.7 0 0 1.196 100 0 0
13.1 0.746 270.5 0 0 0.755 358 0 0 1.164 99.5 0 0
13.4 0.763 270.4 0 0 0.774 358.3 0 0 1.13 99.1 0 0
13.7 0.779 270.3 0 0 0.792 358.6 0.0001 98.2 1.096 98.7 0 0
14 0.794 270.2 0 0 0.808 358.8 0 0 1.06 98.3 0 0
14.6 0.822 270.1 0 0 0.839 359.2 0.0001 43.8 0.987 97.5 0 0
15.7 0.858 270 0 0 0.879 359.5 0 0 0.875 96.4 0 0
18 0.907 269.9 0 0 0.929 359.8 0 0 0.69 94.8 0 0
20.9 0.943 269.9 0 0 0.962 359.9 0 0 0.516 93.5 0 0
25.1 0.967 269.9 0 0 0.981 360 0 0 0.362 92.4 0 0
29.9 0.98 269.9 0 0 0.991 360 0 0 0.257 91.7 0 0

DSV RAO origin (m): Phase origin (m):
x y z x y
-4.4 0 8.7 45 0

Direction: 0
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)
3 0.001 80 0 0 0.006 68 0 0 0.018 97 0 0
4 0.007 131 0 0 0.009 23 0 0 0.019 153 0 0
4.5 0.023 90 0 0 0.013 123 0 0 0.197 14 0 0
5 0.022 28 0 0 0.072 16 0 0 0.131 152 0 0
5.5 0.085 75 0 0 0.036 121 0 0 0.648 38 0 0
6 0.097 142 0 0 0.262 65 0 0 0.622 14 0 0
6.5 0.051 152 0 0 0.351 39 0 0 0.114 149 0 0
7 0.052 4 0 0 0.249 16 0 0 0.788 123 0 0
7.5 0.151 56 0 0 0.072 12 0 0 1.329 96 0 0
8 0.254 86 0 0 0.109 168 0 0 1.657 75 0 0
8.5 0.351 108 0 0 0.266 147 0 0 1.821 57 0 0
9 0.436 126 0 0 0.397 132 0 0 1.875 42 0 0
9.5 0.51 141 0 0 0.504 119 0 0 1.859 30 0 0
10 0.573 154 0 0 0.59 108 0 0 1.803 18 0 0
10.5 0.626 165 0 0 0.66 99 0 0 1.725 9 0 0
11 0.671 174 0 0 0.716 90 0 0 1.636 0 0 0
11.5 0.71 178 0 0 0.762 83 0 0 1.543 7 0 0
12 0.742 170 0 0 0.799 76 0 0 1.451 14 0 0
12.5 0.769 164 0 0 0.83 70 0 0 1.362 19 0 0
13 0.793 158 0 0 0.855 65 0 0 1.278 25 0 0
13.5 0.812 153 0 0 0.875 61 0 0 1.199 29 0 0
14 0.83 149 0 0 0.893 56 0 0 1.125 33 0 0
14.5 0.845 145 0 0 0.907 53 0 0 1.057 37 0 0
15 0.857 141 0 0 0.919 49 0.001 129 0.994 41 0 0
16 0.878 135 0 0 0.938 44 0 0 0.882 47 0 0
17 0.895 130 0 0 0.952 39 0 0 0.786 52 0 0
18 0.907 126 0 0 0.962 35 0 0 0.704 56 0 0
19 0.917 122 0 0 0.969 31 0 0 0.634 59 0 0
20 0.925 119 0 0 0.975 28 0 0 0.573 62 0 0
25 0.949 108 0 0 0.989 18 0 0 0.368 73 0 0

Direction: 15
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0 0 0.012 40 0.009 102 0.073 47 0.014 175 0.004 5

4 0.003 171 0.009 175 0.01 7 0.032 152 0.025 168 0.003 14
4.5 0.021 112 0.002 27 0.021 94 0.096 112 0.199 11 0.015 50
5 0.032 2 0.006 21 0.065 35 0.015 27 0.197 119 0.03 85
5.5 0.088 89 0.017 75 0.067 105 0.122 92 0.667 24 0.033 8
6 0.087 155 0.02 137 0.283 56 0.229 25 0.525 28 0.029 93
6.5 0.036 128 0.008 178 0.34 31 0.299 30 0.233 166 0.113 65
7 0.071 22 0.013 51 0.215 8 0.338 74 0.927 115 0.192 33
7.5 0.171 65 0.038 75 0.032 38 0.355 111 1.428 90 0.253 6
8 0.271 92 0.064 98 0.153 161 0.358 142 1.715 70 0.293 16
8.5 0.362 114 0.088 118 0.306 143 0.353 169 1.847 53 0.316 35
9 0.443 131 0.109 134 0.432 128 0.345 167 1.878 38 0.324 50
9.5 0.512 146 0.127 148 0.534 115 0.339 145 1.846 26 0.324 63
10 0.57 158 0.143 160 0.616 105 0.337 125 1.78 15 0.317 74
10.5 0.619 168 0.157 170 0.682 95 0.343 107 1.695 6 0.307 84
11 0.661 178 0.169 179 0.735 87 0.358 90 1.602 3 0.294 92
11.5 0.696 175 0.179 174 0.778 80 0.384 74 1.507 10 0.279 99
12 0.726 168 0.188 167 0.813 74 0.426 60 1.415 16 0.265 105
12.5 0.751 161 0.195 161 0.841 68 0.49 48 1.326 22 0.25 111
13 0.773 156 0.202 155 0.865 63 0.586 38 1.243 27 0.235 115
13.5 0.791 151 0.208 151 0.884 59 0.74 30 1.165 31 0.219 119
14 0.807 147 0.212 147 0.9 55 0.977 33 1.092 35 0.202 123
14.5 0.821 143 0.216 143 0.914 51 1.263 48 1.025 39 0.182 128
15 0.832 140 0.218 140 0.925 48 1.397 72 0.963 42 0.171 136
16 0.852 134 0.222 133 0.942 42 1.319 122 0.854 48 0.173 146
17 0.867 129 0.229 128 0.955 37 0.771 148 0.761 53 0.164 148
18 0.878 124 0.233 124 0.964 33 0.491 146 0.681 57 0.147 150
19 0.888 121 0.236 120 0.971 30 0.358 141 0.613 60 0.133 153
20 0.895 118 0.239 117 0.977 27 0.281 136 0.554 63 0.12 155
25 0.917 108 0.247 108 0.99 17 0.13 119 0.356 73 0.078 164

Direction: 30
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0.001 40 0.011 143 0.009 112 0.076 156 0.018 46 0.004 142

DSVRAOs 1of7
4 0.011 29 0.011 119 0.008 111 0.1 173 0.07 71 0.023 52
4.5 0.008 133 0.003 145 0.042 23 0.12 60 0.149 100 0.021 170
5 0.058 55 0.02 29 0.033 121 0.094 133 0.389 56 0.069 38
5.5 0.082 131 0.036 112 0.153 67 0.319 54 0.601 19 0.018 9
6 0.048 161 0.026 166 0.31 27 0.478 10 0.215 102 0.136 79
6.5 0.041 1 0.008 53 0.269 4 0.577 61 0.694 123 0.297 42
7 0.13 58 0.055 70 0.09 25 0.629 102 1.309 93 0.43 12
7.5 0.224 88 0.106 95 0.117 167 0.647 136 1.674 71 0.522 12
8 0.31 112 0.154 115 0.287 144 0.643 165 1.843 53 0.575 32
8.5 0.387 130 0.198 133 0.426 128 0.629 170 1.886 38 0.6 49
9 0.452 146 0.236 148 0.536 115 0.613 148 1.855 25 0.604 63
9.5 0.507 159 0.269 160 0.622 104 0.602 127 1.784 14 0.594 75
10 0.553 170 0.297 171 0.69 94 0.601 109 1.692 4 0.575 85
10.5 0.592 179 0.321 180 0.745 86 0.615 91 1.592 4 0.551 93
11 0.624 173 0.342 172 0.788 78 0.646 75 1.492 12 0.524 101
11.5 0.652 166 0.359 165 0.823 72 0.7 61 1.394 18 0.496 107
12 0.675 160 0.374 159 0.851 66 0.784 48 1.301 24 0.468 113
12.5 0.694 154 0.387 153 0.874 61 0.907 38 1.214 29 0.44 117
13 0.711 149 0.399 149 0.892 57 1.09 29 1.134 33 0.412 121
13.5 0.725 145 0.408 145 0.908 53 1.336 30 1.06 37 0.383 125
14 0.737 141 0.416 141 0.921 49 1.638 37 0.992 41 0.353 129
14.5 0.748 138 0.422 137 0.931 46 1.816 52 0.929 44 0.327 134
15 0.757 134 0.427 134 0.94 43 1.904 68 0.872 47 0.308 140
16 0.772 129 0.436 129 0.954 38 1.726 98 0.771 52 0.291 148
17 0.784 125 0.445 124 0.964 34 1.333 124 0.686 57 0.277 152
18 0.793 121 0.453 120 0.972 30 0.937 135 0.613 60 0.254 154
19 0.8 118 0.459 117 0.977 27 0.688 133 0.551 64 0.23 156
20 0.806 115 0.463 115 0.981 24 0.541 130 0.498 66 0.208 158
25 0.824 106 0.477 106 0.992 16 0.251 116 0.319 75 0.135 166

Direction: 45
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0 0 0.001 107 0.006 134 0.037 78 0.031 34 0.016 28

4 0.008 176 0.006 134 0.019 42 0.14 94 0.103 87 0.035 84
4.5 0.041 52 0.018 6 0.038 110 0.067 160 0.242 75 0.077 52
5 0.062 136 0.041 106 0.093 72 0.345 60 0.432 33 0.029 28
5.5 0.029 145 0.031 170 0.219 7 0.555 12 0.265 138 0.16 80
6 0.049 24 0.016 49 0.221 24 0.695 68 0.743 110 0.38 38
6.5 0.129 70 0.083 77 0.058 75 0.775 112 1.396 78 0.562 5
7 0.209 100 0.156 103 0.189 150 0.807 147 1.763 58 0.685 21
7.5 0.28 123 0.226 125 0.373 131 0.805 176 1.897 41 0.755 41
8 0.342 141 0.288 143 0.512 117 0.785 160 1.895 27 0.784 58
8.5 0.393 156 0.342 157 0.616 105 0.759 138 1.825 15 0.785 72
9 0.436 169 0.389 170 0.694 94 0.737 117 1.723 4 0.768 83
9.5 0.472 179 0.428 180 0.753 85 0.726 99 1.609 5 0.74 93
10 0.501 172 0.462 171 0.799 77 0.733 81 1.494 13 0.706 101
10.5 0.526 164 0.49 164 0.835 70 0.76 65 1.384 20 0.669 108
11 0.546 158 0.514 157 0.863 64 0.814 51 1.281 26 0.631 114
11.5 0.563 152 0.535 151 0.886 59 0.898 38 1.186 31 0.594 119
12 0.578 147 0.553 146 0.904 54 1.022 27 1.099 36 0.557 124
12.5 0.59 142 0.568 142 0.919 50 1.199 18 1.02 40 0.521 128
13 0.601 138 0.581 138 0.931 47 1.432 17 0.948 44 0.485 131
13.5 0.61 135 0.592 135 0.941 43 1.706 21 0.883 47 0.448 134
14 0.617 132 0.602 132 0.949 40 2.019 29 0.824 50 0.412 138
14.5 0.624 129 0.609 129 0.956 38 2.153 42 0.77 53 0.382 142
15 0.63 126 0.615 126 0.961 35 2.229 56 0.721 55 0.359 146
16 0.64 122 0.626 122 0.97 31 2.063 81 0.635 59 0.332 154
17 0.647 118 0.636 118 0.977 28 1.662 102 0.564 63 0.313 158
18 0.653 115 0.645 115 0.981 25 1.299 122 0.503 66 0.293 160
19 0.658 113 0.653 112 0.985 22 0.964 122 0.452 69 0.266 161
20 0.662 110 0.659 110 0.988 20 0.761 120 0.408 71 0.241 163
25 0.674 103 0.677 103 0.994 13 0.354 110 0.261 78 0.157 169

Direction: 60
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0.003 13 0.009 143 0.001 132 0.039 9 0.035 141 0.017 146
4 0.034 98 0.022 10 0.031 161 0.132 143 0.187 27 0.074 15
4.5 0.026 174 0.035 138 0.079 38 0.371 33 0.229 100 0.038 160
5 0.026 16 0.007 127 0.122 39 0.557 45 0.398 122 0.258 60
5.5 0.086 73 0.063 66 0.079 98 0.69 102 1.007 63 0.487 13
6 0.147 106 0.15 102 0.154 126 0.767 144 1.605 38 0.656 20
6.5 0.201 132 0.238 128 0.41 107 0.795 177 1.888 24 0.758 44
7 0.247 151 0.32 149 0.6 98 0.787 157 1.904 12 0.806 64
7.5 0.285 167 0.392 165 0.717 90 0.758 134 1.802 1 0.816 79

DSVRAOs 2of7
8 0.316 179 0.453 178 0.79 81 0.723 113 1.662 8 0.802 91
8.5 0.341 170 0.506 171 0.838 74 0.693 94 1.516 16 0.772 101
9 0.361 161 0.55 162 0.873 67 0.676 76 1.379 24 0.735 110
9.5 0.378 154 0.587 154 0.898 60 0.679 59 1.253 30 0.694 117
10 0.392 148 0.619 148 0.917 55 0.705 43 1.141 36 0.652 122
10.5 0.404 142 0.646 142 0.932 50 0.759 28 1.041 40 0.611 127
11 0.413 138 0.669 138 0.943 46 0.844 16 0.952 45 0.571 132
11.5 0.422 134 0.689 134 0.952 42 0.964 5 0.874 48 0.534 135
12 0.428 130 0.707 130 0.96 39 1.128 3 0.804 52 0.498 138
12.5 0.434 127 0.721 127 0.966 36 1.343 6 0.742 55 0.462 140
13 0.439 124 0.734 124 0.971 33 1.613 5 0.687 57 0.427 143
13.5 0.444 122 0.745 122 0.975 31 1.925 1 0.637 60 0.391 145
14 0.448 119 0.754 120 0.978 29 2.189 11 0.592 62 0.356 147
14.5 0.451 117 0.761 118 0.981 27 2.363 24 0.552 64 0.326 151
15 0.454 116 0.767 116 0.983 25 2.44 37 0.516 66 0.303 155
16 0.459 113 0.778 113 0.987 22 2.291 63 0.453 69 0.278 162
17 0.463 110 0.788 110 0.989 20 1.9 84 0.401 71 0.264 166
18 0.466 108 0.797 108 0.991 17 1.56 106 0.358 73 0.252 168
19 0.469 106 0.805 106 0.993 16 1.17 109 0.321 75 0.23 169
20 0.471 104 0.811 104 0.994 14 0.926 109 0.289 77 0.209 169
25 0.478 99 0.831 99 0.997 9 0.433 104 0.185 83 0.136 173

Direction: 75
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0.01 131 0.017 66 0.035 140 0.07 144 0.084 70 0.04 40

4 0.035 78 0.024 23 0.034 84 0.329 46 0.272 80 0.205 63
4.5 0.07 120 0.085 74 0.04 151 0.447 117 0.576 16 0.38 1
5 0.101 148 0.172 122 0.153 68 0.533 164 1 18 0.509 41
5.5 0.126 169 0.263 152 0.392 42 0.574 162 1.396 33 0.582 68
6 0.146 174 0.349 174 0.708 38 0.576 137 1.574 36 0.611 87
6.5 0.162 161 0.425 170 0.935 41 0.551 115 1.49 38 0.611 102
7 0.176 151 0.492 158 1.019 43 0.513 96 1.313 41 0.593 113
7.5 0.187 143 0.55 148 1.036 42 0.473 78 1.142 45 0.565 122
8 0.196 137 0.6 140 1.032 40 0.442 59 0.998 49 0.532 129
8.5 0.203 131 0.642 134 1.024 37 0.43 40 0.878 53 0.498 134
9 0.209 127 0.679 129 1.018 34 0.444 21 0.778 56 0.464 139
9.5 0.214 123 0.71 124 1.012 31 0.487 4 0.693 59 0.431 142
10 0.218 120 0.737 121 1.009 28 0.558 10 0.622 62 0.4 145
10.5 0.222 117 0.76 118 1.006 26 0.655 21 0.562 65 0.372 148
11 0.225 115 0.78 115 1.004 24 0.781 30 0.51 67 0.345 150
11.5 0.227 113 0.797 113 1.002 22 0.939 37 0.465 69 0.321 151
12 0.229 111 0.813 111 1.001 20 1.14 41 0.426 71 0.298 152
12.5 0.231 109 0.826 109 1.001 19 1.391 40 0.391 72 0.275 152
13 0.233 108 0.838 108 1 17 1.694 35 0.361 74 0.25 152
13.5 0.235 106 0.848 107 1 16 2.01 26 0.334 75 0.224 152
14 0.236 105 0.856 106 0.999 15 2.297 13 0.31 76 0.197 154
14.5 0.237 104 0.862 105 0.999 14 2.497 1 0.288 77 0.172 157
15 0.238 103 0.868 104 0.999 13 2.558 15 0.269 78 0.154 162
16 0.24 102 0.877 102 0.999 11 2.41 42 0.236 80 0.141 173
17 0.242 100 0.886 100 0.999 10 2.019 64 0.208 81 0.14 179
18 0.243 99 0.895 99 0.999 9 1.717 89 0.186 83 0.142 179
19 0.244 98 0.902 98 0.998 8 1.296 95 0.166 84 0.131 179
20 0.245 97 0.909 97 0.998 7 1.029 96 0.15 85 0.12 179
25 0.248 95 0.928 95 0.998 5 0.482 96 0.096 89 0.078 178

Direction: 90
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0 0 0.066 100 0.027 153 0.145 92 0.052 8 0.049 33

4 0 0 0.184 162 0.122 34 0.31 162 0.095 135 0.084 103
4.5 0 0 0.256 139 0.224 52 0.345 137 0.118 143 0.09 115
5 0.001 134 0.327 124 0.421 60 0.352 121 0.179 134 0.09 121
5.5 0.001 112 0.397 114 0.714 56 0.332 110 0.237 112 0.087 123
6 0.001 79 0.461 107 1.028 42 0.289 103 0.245 79 0.081 122
6.5 0.001 47 0.52 103 1.192 27 0.229 96 0.189 47 0.075 121
7 0 0 0.573 99 1.205 16 0.156 90 0.123 23 0.069 118
7.5 0 0 0.62 97 1.169 9 0.076 78 0.078 7 0.063 116
8 0 0 0.661 95 1.129 5 0.03 32 0.05 3 0.058 113
8.5 0 0 0.698 94 1.097 3 0.116 75 0.032 11 0.054 110
9 0 0 0.73 93 1.074 2 0.217 81 0.022 18 0.051 108
9.5 0 0 0.757 92 1.056 1 0.327 84 0.014 25 0.048 105
10 0 0 0.781 92 1.043 1 0.446 85 0.01 34 0.047 103
10.5 0 0 0.802 91 1.034 1 0.578 86 0.007 46 0.046 101
11 0 0 0.821 91 1.027 0 0.729 86 0.005 62 0.046 99
11.5 0 0 0.837 91 1.021 0 0.908 86 0.004 83 0.046 97

DSVRAOs 3of7
12 0 0 0.851 91 1.017 0 1.126 84 0.003 105 0.048 95
12.5 0 0 0.864 91 1.014 0 1.404 82 0.003 123 0.052 92
13 0 0 0.875 91 1.011 0 1.709 70 0.004 136 0.055 83
13.5 0 0 0.885 91 1.009 0 2.035 57 0.004 144 0.059 72
14 0 0 0.892 91 1.007 0 2.327 42 0.004 150 0.061 59
14.5 0 0 0.899 91 1.006 0 2.51 25 0.005 155 0.06 43
15 0 0 0.904 91 1.005 0 2.593 9 0.005 158 0.057 28
16 0 0 0.912 90 1.003 0 2.45 21 0.005 163 0.046 3
17 0 0 0.921 90 1.002 0 2.062 45 0.005 166 0.033 29
18 0 0 0.929 90 1.001 0 1.652 63 0.006 168 0.024 50
19 0 0 0.936 90 1.001 0 1.338 80 0.006 169 0.017 73
20 0 0 0.942 90 1 0 1.063 83 0.006 171 0.012 78
25 0 0 0.961 90 0.999 0 0.499 88 0.006 174 0.004 85

Direction: 105
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0.01 131 0.016 94 0.029 151 0.055 78 0.093 60 0.076 112
4 0.035 80 0.06 4 0.033 172 0.337 8 0.324 127 0.314 114
4.5 0.07 122 0.131 0 0.09 176 0.444 14 0.584 102 0.436 101
5 0.102 151 0.213 9 0.248 167 0.501 33 0.91 79 0.514 89
5.5 0.127 172 0.295 18 0.499 146 0.515 49 1.201 55 0.553 79
6 0.147 172 0.372 26 0.787 120 0.498 63 1.384 31 0.566 70
6.5 0.163 160 0.442 33 0.971 94 0.463 78 1.413 9 0.56 62
7 0.176 151 0.504 39 1.031 74 0.42 93 1.313 9 0.544 56
7.5 0.187 143 0.558 45 1.038 61 0.381 109 1.169 23 0.52 51
8 0.196 137 0.605 49 1.031 51 0.356 129 1.027 33 0.493 46
8.5 0.203 131 0.646 53 1.023 44 0.354 149 0.904 41 0.465 42
9 0.209 127 0.681 57 1.016 39 0.381 169 0.799 48 0.436 39
9.5 0.214 123 0.712 60 1.011 34 0.438 175 0.711 53 0.408 36
10 0.218 120 0.738 62 1.008 31 0.52 161 0.637 57 0.381 34
10.5 0.222 117 0.761 65 1.005 28 0.627 150 0.574 61 0.356 32
11 0.225 115 0.781 67 1.003 25 0.758 142 0.52 64 0.332 30
11.5 0.227 113 0.798 69 1.002 23 0.92 134 0.474 66 0.31 29
12 0.229 111 0.814 70 1.001 21 1.124 128 0.433 68 0.29 29
12.5 0.231 109 0.827 72 1 19 1.378 118 0.398 70 0.275 28
13 0.233 108 0.839 73 1 18 1.704 108 0.367 72 0.263 29
13.5 0.235 106 0.85 74 0.999 16 2.019 90 0.339 74 0.259 29
14 0.236 105 0.858 76 0.999 15 2.291 71 0.314 75 0.259 27
14.5 0.237 104 0.865 77 0.999 14 2.471 52 0.293 76 0.258 25
15 0.238 103 0.87 78 0.999 13 2.555 34 0.273 77 0.253 21
16 0.24 102 0.879 79 0.999 12 2.408 0 0.239 79 0.229 12
17 0.242 100 0.887 80 0.999 10 2.017 28 0.211 81 0.195 6
18 0.243 99 0.895 81 0.998 9 1.607 48 0.188 82 0.165 3
19 0.244 98 0.902 82 0.998 8 1.295 66 0.168 84 0.14 2
20 0.245 97 0.909 83 0.998 7 1.029 71 0.152 85 0.125 2
25 0.248 95 0.928 85 0.998 5 0.482 80 0.097 89 0.079 2

Direction: 120
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0.003 8 0.009 2 0.03 125 0.033 119 0.045 122 0.032 175
4 0.034 100 0.034 7 0.04 144 0.19 106 0.113 158 0.069 152
4.5 0.026 172 0.036 52 0.078 172 0.338 175 0.138 166 0.156 144
5 0.025 19 0.016 147 0.091 152 0.456 113 0.545 178 0.393 170
5.5 0.086 76 0.089 82 0.106 175 0.539 66 1.176 142 0.589 162
6 0.146 109 0.175 55 0.264 176 0.584 30 1.707 105 0.716 140
6.5 0.201 133 0.259 35 0.467 152 0.599 0 1.962 72 0.785 122
7 0.246 152 0.335 19 0.62 128 0.594 26 1.978 46 0.811 107
7.5 0.284 167 0.403 5 0.722 109 0.579 49 1.87 26 0.808 95
8 0.315 180 0.461 5 0.789 95 0.563 70 1.719 10 0.788 84
8.5 0.341 170 0.512 15 0.836 83 0.555 90 1.562 3 0.756 76
9 0.361 161 0.554 22 0.87 73 0.56 110 1.415 13 0.719 68
9.5 0.378 154 0.59 29 0.896 65 0.584 128 1.282 22 0.679 62
10 0.392 148 0.621 35 0.915 59 0.63 144 1.164 29 0.639 57
10.5 0.404 142 0.648 40 0.93 53 0.699 159 1.06 35 0.599 52
11 0.413 138 0.671 44 0.942 48 0.796 172 0.968 40 0.561 48
11.5 0.421 134 0.691 48 0.951 44 0.925 176 0.887 45 0.525 45
12 0.428 130 0.708 51 0.959 40 1.096 166 0.815 49 0.492 42
12.5 0.434 127 0.723 54 0.965 37 1.316 153 0.751 52 0.462 40
13 0.439 124 0.736 57 0.97 34 1.592 138 0.695 55 0.437 39
13.5 0.444 122 0.748 59 0.974 32 1.909 121 0.644 58 0.419 38
14 0.448 119 0.758 62 0.977 30 2.178 100 0.599 60 0.41 36
14.5 0.451 117 0.766 64 0.98 27 2.355 78 0.558 62 0.402 34
15 0.454 116 0.772 65 0.983 26 2.434 57 0.521 64 0.392 30
16 0.459 113 0.781 68 0.986 23 2.287 18 0.457 68 0.358 23

DSVRAOs 4of7
17 0.463 110 0.79 71 0.989 20 1.881 13 0.405 71 0.312 17
18 0.466 108 0.798 73 0.991 18 1.473 35 0.361 73 0.27 14
19 0.469 106 0.805 74 0.993 16 1.169 54 0.323 75 0.237 12
20 0.471 104 0.811 76 0.994 14 0.926 60 0.292 77 0.212 11
25 0.478 99 0.831 81 0.997 9 0.433 73 0.186 83 0.136 7

Direction: 135
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0 0 0.011 53 0.011 125 0.029 35 0.003 143 0.012 135
4 0.008 177 0.01 2 0.019 81 0.056 135 0.056 85 0.052 142
4.5 0.042 54 0.027 57 0.037 141 0.2 36 0.26 161 0.108 165
5 0.062 138 0.051 4 0.119 149 0.413 118 0.291 147 0.025 75
5.5 0.03 145 0.037 73 0.21 165 0.524 176 0.312 167 0.253 120
6 0.048 27 0.04 162 0.195 123 0.574 123 0.997 167 0.468 156
6.5 0.128 72 0.101 104 0.099 133 0.595 79 1.582 128 0.625 176
7 0.208 101 0.171 73 0.215 166 0.6 42 1.902 96 0.723 153
7.5 0.28 124 0.237 51 0.378 150 0.597 10 2.006 69 0.774 134
8 0.341 142 0.297 33 0.511 132 0.591 18 1.982 48 0.791 119
8.5 0.393 157 0.349 19 0.612 117 0.588 42 1.893 31 0.785 106
9 0.436 169 0.393 8 0.69 104 0.59 65 1.776 17 0.764 95
9.5 0.472 179 0.432 2 0.75 93 0.604 85 1.651 5 0.734 86
10 0.501 172 0.464 11 0.796 84 0.633 104 1.528 4 0.699 78
10.5 0.526 164 0.492 18 0.833 76 0.68 121 1.411 13 0.662 71
11 0.546 158 0.516 24 0.861 69 0.749 136 1.303 20 0.625 66
11.5 0.563 152 0.536 30 0.884 63 0.845 150 1.204 26 0.588 61
12 0.578 147 0.554 35 0.903 57 0.978 163 1.114 32 0.552 56
12.5 0.59 142 0.57 39 0.918 53 1.162 175 1.033 36 0.519 53
13 0.601 138 0.584 43 0.93 49 1.401 169 0.959 41 0.489 50
13.5 0.61 135 0.596 46 0.94 45 1.683 148 0.892 44 0.466 48
14 0.617 132 0.606 49 0.948 42 1.956 126 0.832 48 0.452 46
14.5 0.624 129 0.614 52 0.955 39 2.142 101 0.777 51 0.443 43
15 0.63 126 0.621 55 0.961 36 2.221 77 0.727 53 0.433 40
16 0.64 122 0.63 59 0.97 32 2.057 33 0.64 58 0.399 32
17 0.647 118 0.638 63 0.976 28 1.658 3 0.568 62 0.35 26
18 0.653 115 0.646 65 0.981 25 1.246 26 0.507 65 0.306 22
19 0.658 113 0.653 68 0.985 23 0.963 44 0.455 68 0.27 19
20 0.662 110 0.659 70 0.987 20 0.76 51 0.411 70 0.243 18
25 0.674 103 0.677 77 0.994 13 0.354 67 0.262 78 0.157 11

Direction: 150
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0.001 41 0.011 12 0.002 2 0.087 14 0.011 156 0.006 129

4 0.012 30 0.005 22 0.019 15 0.128 17 0.027 54 0.04 174
4.5 0.009 132 0.005 62 0.049 119 0.044 161 0.056 124 0.058 121
5 0.059 58 0.026 77 0.047 122 0.216 31 0.427 157 0.092 164
5.5 0.083 133 0.043 7 0.19 145 0.393 108 0.438 136 0.029 15
6 0.049 160 0.034 61 0.307 157 0.473 169 0.225 173 0.191 102
6.5 0.04 4 0.031 168 0.256 106 0.498 139 0.908 172 0.349 141
7 0.129 59 0.068 124 0.094 84 0.499 95 1.477 135 0.469 171
7.5 0.223 89 0.115 89 0.123 173 0.493 57 1.809 104 0.547 165
8 0.31 112 0.161 65 0.285 161 0.486 24 1.952 79 0.589 146
8.5 0.386 131 0.203 46 0.422 144 0.482 5 1.973 58 0.606 130
9 0.452 146 0.24 31 0.531 128 0.482 30 1.924 41 0.605 116
9.5 0.507 159 0.272 19 0.618 114 0.49 53 1.839 27 0.593 105
10 0.553 170 0.3 8 0.687 103 0.508 74 1.736 15 0.572 95
10.5 0.592 179 0.323 1 0.741 93 0.538 93 1.627 5 0.548 87
11 0.624 173 0.343 9 0.785 85 0.584 110 1.52 4 0.521 79
11.5 0.651 166 0.361 16 0.82 77 0.649 126 1.417 12 0.493 73
12 0.675 159 0.376 22 0.849 71 0.74 140 1.32 18 0.466 68
12.5 0.694 154 0.389 27 0.872 65 0.87 153 1.23 24 0.438 63
13 0.711 149 0.4 32 0.891 60 1.049 169 1.147 29 0.413 59
13.5 0.725 145 0.41 36 0.907 56 1.293 173 1.071 34 0.391 56
14 0.737 141 0.42 40 0.92 52 1.578 150 1.002 38 0.377 54
14.5 0.748 138 0.427 44 0.93 48 1.803 122 0.938 42 0.371 52
15 0.757 134 0.432 47 0.939 45 1.896 93 0.879 45 0.367 48
16 0.772 129 0.44 52 0.954 39 1.721 41 0.777 51 0.341 39
17 0.784 125 0.446 56 0.964 35 1.298 0 0.69 55 0.298 31
18 0.793 121 0.453 60 0.971 31 0.923 24 0.617 59 0.26 27
19 0.8 118 0.459 63 0.977 28 0.687 38 0.554 63 0.232 24
20 0.806 115 0.463 66 0.981 25 0.54 44 0.501 65 0.209 22
25 0.824 106 0.477 74 0.992 16 0.25 63 0.321 75 0.136 14

Direction: 165

DSVRAOs 5of7
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0 0 0.011 126 0.01 141 0.088 133 0.015 44 0.006 107

4 0.003 172 0.006 9 0.017 76 0.051 43 0.04 42 0.025 132
4.5 0.022 115 0.006 6 0.041 68 0.078 81 0.124 166 0.003 102
5 0.032 1 0.007 147 0.053 148 0.055 30 0.301 110 0.053 152
5.5 0.088 92 0.021 52 0.12 114 0.186 63 0.629 168 0.035 125
6 0.088 157 0.024 14 0.301 174 0.258 130 0.327 108 0.051 58
6.5 0.036 129 0.017 91 0.334 128 0.284 175 0.419 164 0.139 112
7 0.07 24 0.022 169 0.211 83 0.287 127 1.098 161 0.215 147
7.5 0.17 66 0.044 117 0.04 82 0.282 86 1.572 126 0.269 175
8 0.27 93 0.068 86 0.149 179 0.276 51 1.835 98 0.303 163
8.5 0.362 114 0.09 64 0.301 161 0.272 19 1.945 75 0.321 145
9 0.442 131 0.111 46 0.427 143 0.271 9 1.956 56 0.327 130
9.5 0.511 146 0.129 32 0.529 128 0.274 33 1.909 40 0.325 117
10 0.57 158 0.145 20 0.612 115 0.282 56 1.83 27 0.317 106
10.5 0.619 169 0.158 9 0.678 104 0.297 76 1.736 16 0.306 96
11 0.661 178 0.17 1 0.732 95 0.319 94 1.635 6 0.292 88
11.5 0.696 174 0.18 7 0.775 87 0.353 110 1.534 3 0.278 81
12 0.726 168 0.188 14 0.81 79 0.4 125 1.437 10 0.263 75
12.5 0.751 161 0.196 20 0.839 73 0.467 138 1.345 17 0.249 70
13 0.773 156 0.202 25 0.863 67 0.566 151 1.258 22 0.234 65
13.5 0.791 151 0.208 30 0.883 62 0.721 163 1.178 27 0.22 61
14 0.807 147 0.214 34 0.899 58 0.96 177 1.103 32 0.208 59
14.5 0.821 143 0.219 38 0.913 54 1.226 144 1.035 36 0.206 58
15 0.832 140 0.222 42 0.924 50 1.389 107 0.972 40 0.211 55
16 0.852 134 0.225 48 0.942 44 1.201 37 0.86 46 0.2 42
17 0.867 129 0.229 52 0.955 39 0.755 8 0.766 51 0.17 34
18 0.878 124 0.233 56 0.964 35 0.49 26 0.685 56 0.148 31
19 0.888 121 0.236 60 0.971 31 0.358 35 0.616 59 0.133 28
20 0.895 118 0.239 63 0.976 28 0.281 41 0.557 62 0.12 25
25 0.917 108 0.247 72 0.99 18 0.13 60 0.357 73 0.078 16

Direction: 180
Period(s) SurgeAmp SurgePhase SwayAmp( SwayPhase( HeaveAmp( HeavePhase( RollAmp RollPhase( PitchAmp PitchPhase( YawAmp YawPhase
(m/m) (deg) m/m) deg) m/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) deg) (deg/m) (deg)

3 0.001 78 0 0 0.012 95 0 0 0.005 40 0 0

4 0.007 132 0 0 0.016 93 0 0 0.044 71 0 0
4.5 0.023 92 0 0 0.034 47 0 0 0.15 150 0 0
5 0.022 25 0 0 0.064 143 0 0 0.233 93 0 0
5.5 0.085 78 0 0 0.092 106 0 0 0.654 180 0 0
6 0.098 144 0 0 0.287 163 0 0 0.45 112 0 0
6.5 0.052 152 0 0 0.349 136 0 0 0.256 158 0 0
7 0.05 7 0 0 0.246 89 0 0 0.957 170 0 0
7.5 0.15 57 0 0 0.076 62 0 0 1.475 134 0 0
8 0.254 86 0 0 0.105 176 0 0 1.78 105 0 0
8.5 0.35 108 0 0 0.26 167 0 0 1.922 81 0 0
9 0.436 126 0 0 0.391 149 0 0 1.956 62 0 0
9.5 0.51 141 0 0 0.498 133 0 0 1.925 45 0 0
10 0.573 154 0 0 0.585 120 0 0 1.856 31 0 0
10.5 0.626 165 0 0 0.656 108 0 0 1.767 19 0 0
11 0.671 174 0 0 0.713 98 0 0 1.67 9 0 0
11.5 0.709 177 0 0 0.759 90 0 0 1.571 0 0 0
12 0.742 170 0 0 0.797 82 0 0 1.474 7 0 0
12.5 0.769 164 0 0 0.828 76 0 0 1.382 14 0 0
13 0.792 158 0 0 0.853 70 0 0 1.294 20 0 0
13.5 0.812 153 0 0 0.874 65 0 0 1.213 25 0 0
14 0.83 149 0 0 0.891 60 0 0 1.137 30 0 0
14.5 0.844 145 0 0 0.906 56 0 0 1.067 34 0 0
15 0.857 141 0 0 0.918 52 0.001 123 1.003 38 0 0
16 0.878 135 0 0 0.937 46 0 0 0.888 44 0 0
17 0.895 130 0 0 0.951 40 0 0 0.791 50 0 0
18 0.907 126 0 0 0.961 36 0 0 0.708 54 0 0
19 0.917 122 0 0 0.969 32 0 0 0.637 58 0 0
20 0.925 119 0 0 0.975 29 0 0 0.576 61 0 0
25 0.949 108 0 0 0.989 18 0 0 0.37 72 0 0
5.5 0.095 94 0.021 -46 0.158 130 0.221 79 0.621 -160 0.026 -117
6 0.085 160 0.021 21 0.296 -171 0.268 142 0.233 -120 0.06 66
6.5 0.03 -106 0.015 108 0.28 -118 0.271 -162 0.594 170 0.147 115
7 0.09 28 0.026 -157 0.147 -80 0.261 -111 1.25 -154 0.219 149
7.5 0.195 67 0.048 -112 0.043 -163 0.257 -65 1.686 -121 0.27 176
8 0.296 94 0.073 -83 0.195 -176 0.267 -23 1.917 -94 0.3 -163
8.5 0.388 115 0.095 -62 0.337 -158 0.293 13 2.004 -72 0.315 -145
9 0.467 132 0.115 -45 0.455 -141 0.337 44 1.999 -54 0.319 -130
9.5 0.535 146 0.133 -30 0.552 -126 0.403 71 1.941 -38 0.315 -117
10 0.592 159 0.148 -19 0.63 -114 0.498 93 1.854 -25 0.305 -106

DSVRAOs 6of7
10.5 0.64 169 0.162 -8 0.693 -103 0.641 113 1.753 -14 0.292 -97
11 0.68 178 0.173 0 0.744 -94 0.875 131 1.648 -5 0.277 -90
11.5 0.713 -174 0.182 8 0.785 -85 1.261 159 1.544 4 0.264 -85
12 0.742 -167 0.19 15 0.819 -78 1.733 -160 1.445 11 0.266 -82
12.5 0.766 -161 0.196 21 0.846 -72 1.917 -111 1.351 17 0.279 -74
13 0.786 -156 0.202 26 0.869 -66 1.722 -67 1.263 23 0.272 -64
13.5 0.804 -151 0.208 30 0.888 -62 1.351 -31 1.181 28 0.25 -56
14 0.818 -147 0.213 34 0.903 -57 1.004 -8 1.106 32 0.227 -51
14.5 0.831 -143 0.217 38 0.916 -53 0.772 6 1.037 36 0.21 -48
15 0.842 -139 0.22 42 0.927 -50 0.621 13 0.974 40 0.197 -45
16 0.861 -133 0.226 47 0.944 -44 0.446 24 0.861 46 0.174 -40
17 0.875 -128 0.231 52 0.956 -39 0.346 32 0.766 51 0.156 -35
18 0.885 -124 0.235 56 0.965 -34 0.282 39 0.686 55 0.14 -32
19 0.894 -121 0.238 60 0.972 -31 0.237 45 0.617 59 0.127 -28
20 0.901 -118 0.24 63 0.977 -28 0.203 49 0.557 62 0.115 -26
25 0.921 -108 0.247 73 0.99 -18 0.113 64 0.357 72 0.075 -17

DSVRAOs 7of7
FPU RAO origin (m): Phase origin (m):
x y z x y
0 0 16 ~ ~

Displacement RAOs Direction 0°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.00022 13 0 0 0.00014 -134 0 0 4.50E-06 -112 0 0
3.5 0.00052 2 0 0 0.00055 -138 0 0 2.10E-05 -116 0 0
4 0.0012 -121 0 0 0.002 140 0 0 5.00E-05 143 0 0
4.5 0.0024 -86 0 0 0.0042 -156 0 0 0.00011 -142 0 0
5 0.0048 89 0 0 0.056 29 0 0 0.00048 -6 0 0
5.5 0.0096 -91 0 0 0.021 -170 0 0 0.00087 164 0 0
6 0.0077 132 0 0 0.027 74 0 0 0.00078 80 0 0
6.5 0.0068 68 0 0 0.048 -13 0 0 0.0013 -3 0 0
7 0.0028 -45 0 0 0.079 -75 0 0 0.0021 -61 0 0
7.5 0.0039 16 0 0 0.114 -117 0 0 0.0028 -109 0 0
8 0.025 41 0 0 0.137 -151 0 0 0.004 -144 0 0
8.5 0.054 42 0 0 0.162 177 0 0 0.0048 -162 0 0
9 0.069 41 0 0 0.197 154 0 0 0.0045 -179 0 0
9.5 0.063 34 0 0 0.218 139 0 0 0.0039 152 0 0
10 0.042 7 0 0 0.216 126 0 0 0.0045 118 0 0
10.5 0.047 -63 0 0 0.2 111 0 0 0.0061 97 0 0
11 0.101 -92 0 0 0.187 91 0 0 0.008 87 0 0
11.5 0.17 -99 0 0 0.191 68 0 0 0.0097 82 0 0
12 0.244 -102 0 0 0.216 49 0 0 0.011 80 0 0
12.5 0.318 -102 0 0 0.256 34 0 0 0.012 80 0 0
13 0.388 -102 0 0 0.305 24 0 0 0.013 80 0 0
13.5 0.453 -102 0 0 0.357 17 0 0 0.013 80 0 0
14 0.513 -101 0 0 0.408 12 0 0 0.013 81 0 0
14.5 0.568 -100 0 0 0.457 9 0 0 0.013 81 0 0
15 0.618 -100 0 0 0.503 7 0 0 0.013 82 0 0
15.5 0.664 -99 0 0 0.545 5 0 0 0.013 82 0 0
16 0.707 -99 0 0 0.582 4 0 0 0.013 83 0 0
16.5 0.747 -98 0 0 0.616 3 0 0 0.013 83 0 0
17 0.785 -98 0 0 0.647 2 0 0 0.012 83 0 0
17.5 0.821 -98 0 0 0.674 2 0 0 0.012 84 0 0
18 0.855 -97 0 0 0.699 2 0 0 0.012 84 0 0
18.5 0.888 -97 0 0 0.72 1 0 0 0.012 84 0 0
19 0.92 -97 0 0 0.74 1 0 0 0.011 84 0 0
19.5 0.951 -97 0 0 0.758 1 0 0 0.011 84 0 0
20 0.982 -96 0 0 0.774 1 0 0 0.011 85 0 0
21 1.041 -96 0 0 0.801 1 0 0 0.01 85 0 0
22 1.098 -96 0 0 0.824 0 0 0 0.0097 85 0 0
23 1.154 -95 0 0 0.842 0 0 0 0.0092 86 0 0
24 1.208 -95 0 0 0.858 0 0 0 0.0088 86 0 0
25 1.262 -95 0 0 0.872 0 0 0 0.0085 86 0 0
26 1.315 -95 0 0 0.883 0 0 0 0.0081 86 0 0
28 1.42 -94 0 0 0.902 0 0 0 0.0075 86 0 0
30 1.525 -94 0 0 0.917 0 0 0 0.007 87 0 0
35 1.782 -93 0 0 0.941 0 0 0 0.006 87 0 0
40 2.037 -93 0 0 0.956 0 0 0 0.0052 88 0 0
50 2.545 -92 0 0 0.973 0 0 0 0.0041 88 0 0
100 5.084 -92 0 0 0.993 0 0 0 0.002 89 0 0
200 10.16 -91 0 0 0.998 0 0 0 0.001 90 0 0
500 25.42 -93 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.00041 90 0 0

Displacement RAOs Direction 22.5°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase

(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.00027 175 0.0035 -138 0.00014 134 4.40E-05 160 1.80E-06 137 3.90E-05 60
3.5 0.00068 -179 0.0025 -100 0.0012 89 3.50E-05 -137 4.20E-05 118 3.30E-05 63
4 0.0015 131 0.0032 140 0.0026 41 9.50E-05 159 6.40E-05 43 6.30E-05 -9
4.5 0.0034 -171 0.0044 -136 0.0052 129 0.0002 -115 0.00013 149 0.00013 54
5 0.0038 25 0.0075 9 0.074 -34 0.00022 33 0.00054 -74 0.0001 -141
5.5 0.0074 -128 0.011 -147 0.021 149 0.00049 -118 0.001 127 0.00016 68
6 0.0082 97 0.0087 108 0.033 32 0.00049 154 0.00092 43 0.00029 -68
6.5 0.006 -17 0.019 37 0.057 -45 0.0013 70 0.0015 -34 0.00018 -170
7 0.0077 -41 0.012 -13 0.088 -100 0.0013 51 0.0021 -91 0.00027 145
7.5 0.013 35 0.013 -84 0.115 -141 0.00069 -33 0.0033 -136 0.00014 23
8 0.036 49 0.011 -108 0.144 -178 0.0021 -84 0.0044 -158 0.00048 -5
8.5 0.05 49 0.0041 -131 0.188 157 0.0034 -88 0.0043 -176 0.00049 1
9 0.045 42 0.0018 57 0.217 142 0.0041 -86 0.0038 154 0.00021 43
9.5 0.026 3 0.0063 5 0.216 129 0.0039 -80 0.0045 119 0.0005 143
10 0.044 -75 0.013 -15 0.198 113 0.0029 -65 0.0062 98 0.0011 158
10.5 0.098 -94 0.019 -8 0.184 91 0.0016 8 0.0081 88 0.0017 163
11 0.163 -100 0.026 56 0.192 67 0.0066 90 0.0098 83 0.0022 167
11.5 0.232 -102 0.117 149 0.223 47 0.021 141 0.011 81 0.0024 169
12 0.301 -102 0.204 -140 0.269 33 0.023 -154 0.012 80 0.0028 165
12.5 0.367 -102 0.206 -114 0.321 23 0.017 -130 0.013 80 0.0031 166
13 0.428 -102 0.214 -104 0.374 17 0.014 -120 0.013 80 0.0033 167
13.5 0.485 -101 0.225 -100 0.426 12 0.012 -114 0.013 81 0.0035 169
14 0.536 -100 0.238 -97 0.476 9 0.01 -111 0.013 81 0.0036 169
14.5 0.582 -100 0.252 -95 0.522 7 0.0094 -109 0.013 82 0.0036 170
15 0.625 -99 0.265 -94 0.564 5 0.0086 -107 0.013 82 0.0036 171
15.5 0.664 -99 0.278 -94 0.602 4 0.008 -106 0.013 83 0.0036 171
16 0.701 -98 0.291 -93 0.636 3 0.0075 -104 0.012 83 0.0036 172
16.5 0.735 -98 0.304 -93 0.667 2 0.007 -104 0.012 83 0.0036 172
17 0.768 -97 0.316 -92 0.694 2 0.0066 -103 0.012 84 0.0036 173
17.5 0.798 -97 0.328 -92 0.718 2 0.0063 -102 0.012 84 0.0036 173
18 0.828 -97 0.339 -92 0.739 1 0.006 -101 0.011 84 0.0036 173
18.5 0.857 -97 0.351 -92 0.758 1 0.0057 -101 0.011 84 0.0036 174
19 0.885 -96 0.362 -92 0.776 1 0.0055 -100 0.011 85 0.0036 174
19.5 0.912 -96 0.373 -92 0.791 1 0.0052 -100 0.01 85 0.0035 174
20 0.939 -96 0.384 -91 0.805 1 0.005 -100 0.01 85 0.0035 174
21 0.991 -95 0.405 -91 0.829 0 0.0047 -99 0.0096 85 0.0035 175
22 1.041 -95 0.426 -91 0.848 0 0.0044 -98 0.0091 86 0.0034 175
23 1.091 -95 0.446 -91 0.865 0 0.0041 -98 0.0087 86 0.0034 175
24 1.14 -95 0.466 -91 0.878 0 0.0039 -97 0.0083 86 0.0034 176
25 1.188 -94 0.487 -91 0.89 0 0.0036 -97 0.0079 86 0.0034 176
26 1.236 -94 0.507 -91 0.9 0 0.0035 -97 0.0076 86 0.0033 176
28 1.331 -94 0.546 -91 0.916 0 0.0032 -96 0.007 87 0.0033 177
30 1.425 -94 0.586 -91 0.929 0 0.0029 -96 0.0065 87 0.0033 177
35 1.66 -93 0.684 -91 0.95 0 0.0024 -95 0.0056 87 0.0032 177
40 1.894 -93 0.781 -90 0.962 0 0.0021 -94 0.0048 88 0.0032 178
50 2.361 -92 0.976 -90 0.977 0 0.0016 -93 0.0038 88 0.0031 178
100 4.701 -91 1.949 -90 0.994 0 0.00079 -92 0.0019 89 0.0031 179
200 9.392 -92 3.896 -90 0.999 0 0.00039 -91 0.00095 90 0.003 180
500 23.49 -93 9.739 -90 1 0 0.00016 -91 0.00038 90 0.003 -178

Displacement RAOs Direction 45°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.00097 -64 0.0023 -60 0.0014 -122 9.00E-05 -4 3.70E-05 -120 4.70E-05 119
3.5 0.0018 143 0.0054 -171 0.0027 92 9.70E-05 177 6.40E-05 98 0.00011 19
4 0.0031 176 0.0096 -170 0.0061 136 0.00026 -138 0.00013 140 0.00017 26
4.5 0.0066 -67 0.015 -16 0.0089 -83 0.00059 10 0.00023 -43 0.00025 141
5 0.003 -141 0.02 -173 0.117 157 0.00071 -130 0.00099 119 0.00032 -18
5.5 0.0064 109 0.026 58 0.041 9 0.00096 113 0.0019 0 0.00039 -103
6 0.012 -48 0.022 0 0.051 -74 0.0016 65 0.0013 -67 0.00054 145

6.5 0.0053 -46 0.022 -93 0.074 -133 0.00094 0 0.002 -131 0.00041 83
7 0.013 76 0.022 -136 0.1 177 0.0022 -71 0.0032 -167 0.0007 8
7.5 0.025 85 0.016 160 0.154 142 0.0037 -84 0.0034 172 0.00078 -7
8 0.022 118 0.02 105 0.205 127 0.0044 -86 0.003 128 0.0002 -6
8.5 0.034 -153 0.019 71 0.208 116 0.0038 -84 0.0052 89 0.00084 166
9 0.085 -123 0.017 15 0.176 98 0.0022 -72 0.0082 81 0.002 167
9.5 0.144 -112 0.028 -29 0.172 65 0.0015 51 0.011 79 0.0032 169
10 0.202 -107 0.038 -38 0.224 39 0.0066 83 0.012 79 0.0041 170
10.5 0.258 -105 0.025 -12 0.298 26 0.016 95 0.013 79 0.0047 172
11 0.31 -103 0.092 116 0.37 18 0.036 110 0.014 80 0.0051 174
11.5 0.358 -102 0.468 166 0.435 14 0.079 152 0.014 80 0.0048 174
12 0.403 -101 0.676 -133 0.493 11 0.072 -147 0.014 81 0.0053 166
12.5 0.443 -100 0.607 -110 0.544 8 0.047 -124 0.014 81 0.0058 168
13 0.478 -100 0.578 -102 0.591 6 0.035 -115 0.013 82 0.006 169
13.5 0.51 -99 0.573 -98 0.632 5 0.028 -110 0.013 83 0.006 170
14 0.539 -98 0.579 -96 0.669 4 0.024 -108 0.012 83 0.006 171
14.5 0.565 -98 0.59 -95 0.701 3 0.021 -106 0.012 84 0.006 172
15 0.588 -97 0.604 -94 0.73 2 0.019 -104 0.012 84 0.0059 172
15.5 0.611 -97 0.62 -93 0.755 2 0.017 -103 0.011 84 0.0058 173
16 0.632 -96 0.635 -93 0.778 1 0.016 -102 0.011 85 0.0058 173
16.5 0.652 -96 0.652 -92 0.797 1 0.014 -101 0.01 85 0.0057 174
17 0.671 -96 0.668 -92 0.814 1 0.014 -101 0.0099 85 0.0056 174
17.5 0.69 -95 0.685 -92 0.83 1 0.013 -100 0.0096 85 0.0056 174
18 0.708 -95 0.702 -92 0.843 1 0.012 -99 0.0092 86 0.0055 175
18.5 0.726 -95 0.719 -92 0.855 0 0.011 -99 0.0089 86 0.0054 175
19 0.744 -95 0.736 -91 0.866 0 0.011 -99 0.0086 86 0.0054 175
19.5 0.761 -95 0.753 -91 0.875 0 0.01 -98 0.0084 86 0.0053 175
20 0.779 -95 0.77 -91 0.884 0 0.0099 -98 0.0081 86 0.0052 175
21 0.814 -94 0.804 -91 0.898 0 0.0091 -97 0.0077 87 0.0052 176
22 0.848 -94 0.838 -91 0.91 0 0.0084 -97 0.0073 87 0.0051 176
23 0.882 -94 0.872 -91 0.92 0 0.0079 -97 0.0069 87 0.005 176
24 0.916 -94 0.907 -91 0.928 0 0.0074 -96 0.0066 87 0.005 176
25 0.951 -93 0.941 -91 0.935 0 0.007 -96 0.0062 87 0.0049 177
26 0.985 -93 0.976 -91 0.941 0 0.0066 -96 0.006 87 0.0048 177
28 1.054 -93 1.045 -91 0.951 0 0.006 -95 0.0055 88 0.0048 177
30 1.123 -93 1.115 -91 0.958 0 0.0055 -95 0.0051 88 0.0047 177
35 1.296 -92 1.29 -90 0.97 0 0.0045 -94 0.0043 88 0.0046 178
40 1.471 -92 1.466 -90 0.978 0 0.0039 -93 0.0037 88 0.0045 178
50 1.824 -92 1.821 -90 0.986 0 0.003 -93 0.003 89 0.0044 179
100 3.606 -91 3.609 -90 0.997 0 0.0015 -91 0.0015 89 0.0043 -180
200 7.193 -92 7.203 -90 0.999 0 0.00073 -91 0.00072 90 0.0043 -179
500 18 -94 18 -90 1 0 0.00029 -91 0.00029 90 0.0043 -178

Displacement RAOs Direction 67.5°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.0019 -134 0.008 -138 0.0036 -126 6.40E-05 127 7.80E-05 -124 0.00014 57
3.5 0.0034 -65 0.017 -76 0.007 -53 7.50E-05 78 0.00018 -51 0.00021 112
4 0.0057 108 0.019 103 0.013 108 0.00013 -74 0.00033 121 0.00044 -65
4.5 0.0073 -24 0.021 -15 0.021 -21 0.00061 147 0.00054 -36 0.00068 153
5 0.00066 146 0.04 -121 0.179 -46 0.00013 23 0.0016 -112 0.00063 79
5.5 0.0089 -85 0.04 -175 0.067 146 0.001 -42 0.0036 164 0.00084 -6
6 0.019 163 0.039 122 0.073 124 0.0016 -54 0.0015 123 0.00087 -58
6.5 0.023 -178 0.041 74 0.098 88 0.0013 -62 0.0028 71 0.0012 -127
7 0.042 -155 0.04 21 0.117 55 0.00028 -77 0.0057 51 0.0023 -157
7.5 0.081 -142 0.064 -29 0.161 20 0.0014 107 0.0092 49 0.0034 -169
8 0.134 -133 0.106 -52 0.266 -1 0.0041 103 0.012 54 0.0044 -175
8.5 0.189 -123 0.148 -63 0.404 -7 0.0077 101 0.014 61 0.0051 -178
9 0.234 -115 0.181 -69 0.533 -6 0.013 100 0.015 68 0.0056 -179
9.5 0.266 -109 0.195 -73 0.635 -4 0.02 100 0.014 73 0.0058 180
10 0.288 -105 0.175 -77 0.709 -2 0.03 103 0.014 77 0.0059 180

10.5 0.306 -102 0.097 -96 0.76 -1 0.049 108 0.013 79 0.0058 -178
11 0.32 -100 0.222 156 0.797 0 0.087 121 0.012 81 0.0054 -175
11.5 0.332 -99 1.042 179 0.825 0 0.166 160 0.011 82 0.0041 -177
12 0.342 -98 1.385 -126 0.847 1 0.137 -140 0.01 83 0.0048 163
12.5 0.351 -97 1.161 -106 0.864 1 0.083 -118 0.0097 84 0.0053 167
13 0.359 -96 1.047 -99 0.88 1 0.059 -110 0.0091 85 0.0053 170
13.5 0.366 -95 0.994 -96 0.893 0 0.046 -105 0.0085 86 0.0052 171
14 0.373 -95 0.97 -94 0.904 0 0.038 -103 0.008 86 0.005 173
14.5 0.379 -94 0.96 -93 0.914 0 0.032 -101 0.0076 86 0.0049 173
15 0.386 -94 0.959 -93 0.922 0 0.028 -100 0.0071 87 0.0048 174
15.5 0.392 -94 0.963 -92 0.93 0 0.025 -99 0.0068 87 0.0046 174
16 0.399 -94 0.971 -92 0.936 0 0.023 -98 0.0064 87 0.0045 175
16.5 0.405 -93 0.982 -92 0.942 0 0.021 -98 0.0061 87 0.0044 175
17 0.412 -93 0.994 -91 0.947 0 0.02 -97 0.0059 88 0.0043 175
17.5 0.419 -93 1.008 -91 0.951 0 0.018 -97 0.0056 88 0.0042 176
18 0.426 -93 1.023 -91 0.955 0 0.017 -96 0.0054 88 0.0042 176
18.5 0.433 -93 1.039 -91 0.959 0 0.016 -96 0.0052 88 0.0041 176
19 0.441 -93 1.055 -91 0.962 0 0.015 -96 0.005 88 0.004 176
19.5 0.448 -93 1.073 -91 0.964 0 0.014 -96 0.0048 88 0.004 176
20 0.456 -93 1.09 -91 0.967 0 0.014 -95 0.0046 88 0.0039 177
21 0.472 -92 1.127 -91 0.971 0 0.012 -95 0.0044 88 0.0038 177
22 0.488 -92 1.166 -91 0.974 0 0.012 -95 0.0041 88 0.0038 177
23 0.504 -92 1.205 -91 0.977 0 0.011 -94 0.0039 88 0.0037 177
24 0.521 -92 1.245 -90 0.979 0 0.01 -94 0.0037 88 0.0036 177
25 0.538 -92 1.287 -90 0.981 0 0.0094 -94 0.0035 89 0.0036 178
26 0.555 -92 1.328 -90 0.983 0 0.0089 -94 0.0033 89 0.0035 178
28 0.59 -92 1.413 -90 0.986 0 0.008 -93 0.003 89 0.0034 178
30 0.625 -92 1.5 -90 0.988 0 0.0073 -93 0.0028 89 0.0034 178
35 0.716 -92 1.72 -90 0.992 0 0.006 -93 0.0024 89 0.0033 179
40 0.808 -92 1.945 -90 0.994 0 0.0051 -92 0.002 89 0.0032 179
50 0.996 -91 2.402 -90 0.996 0 0.004 -92 0.0016 89 0.0032 179
100 1.956 -92 4.727 -90 0.999 0 0.0019 -91 0.00079 90 0.0031 180
200 3.898 -93 9.417 -90 1 0 0.00095 -91 0.00039 90 0.003 -178
500 9.782 -96 23.52 -90 1 0 0.00038 -90 0.00016 90 0.0031 -175

Displacement RAOs Direction 90°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 4.10E-05 21 0.021 -25 0.0035 -29 0.00024 -10 1.80E-05 -20 2.20E-05 34
3.5 0.001 -152 0.051 -138 0.0082 -166 0.00054 -120 3.70E-05 161 0.0001 49
4 0.0018 151 0.066 131 0.016 99 0.00043 -163 8.20E-05 124 0.00012 57
4.5 0.003 139 0.129 66 0.041 46 0.0038 60 0.00018 30 0.0001 6
5 0.0049 117 0.139 15 0.162 -45 0.001 -141 0.00027 -76 0.00019 37
5.5 0.02 121 0.194 -13 0.148 -12 0.0018 -166 0.002 -35 0.00018 27
6 0.0073 124 0.248 -32 0.229 -31 0.0029 171 0.00059 7 0.00015 13
6.5 0.0084 129 0.295 -45 0.353 -39 0.0044 152 0.00069 13 0.00014 -10
7 0.0096 143 0.336 -54 0.517 -41 0.0064 138 0.00084 26 0.00014 -34
7.5 0.01 163 0.367 -62 0.705 -38 0.0091 128 0.00094 46 0.00018 -52
8 0.0093 -175 0.389 -67 0.879 -31 0.013 121 0.00092 68 0.00024 -59
8.5 0.0077 -153 0.401 -72 0.998 -23 0.017 117 0.0008 90 0.00029 -64
9 0.0059 -136 0.398 -76 1.056 -16 0.023 114 0.00063 110 0.00036 -67
9.5 0.0043 -123 0.374 -80 1.075 -11 0.032 113 0.00047 124 0.00046 -68
10 0.0032 -114 0.317 -87 1.073 -8 0.045 114 0.00035 135 0.00061 -67
10.5 0.0024 -108 0.216 -111 1.064 -5 0.067 118 0.00027 144 0.00086 -62
11 0.0018 -105 0.364 177 1.054 -4 0.115 129 0.0002 150 0.0014 -51
11.5 0.0013 -105 1.409 -171 1.044 -2 0.211 168 0.00016 156 0.0024 -12
12 0.00097 -109 1.789 -120 1.035 -2 0.17 -133 0.00012 161 0.0018 47
12.5 0.00076 -119 1.459 -102 1.028 -1 0.101 -111 1.00E-04 164 0.001 68
13 0.00066 -134 1.288 -96 1.023 -1 0.07 -103 8.00E-05 167 0.00069 76
13.5 0.00065 -148 1.203 -93 1.019 -1 0.054 -100 6.60E-05 170 0.00051 80
14 0.0007 -159 1.158 -92 1.016 -1 0.044 -98 5.40E-05 172 0.00041 82

14.5 0.00077 -166 1.133 -91 1.013 0 0.037 -96 4.50E-05 173 0.00034 83
15 0.00085 -170 1.122 -91 1.011 0 0.032 -95 3.80E-05 174 0.00028 84
15.5 0.00094 -173 1.118 -91 1.009 0 0.029 -95 3.30E-05 175 0.00025 84
16 0.001 -175 1.12 -91 1.008 0 0.026 -94 2.90E-05 175 0.00022 85
16.5 0.0011 -176 1.125 -90 1.007 0 0.024 -94 2.50E-05 175 0.00019 85
17 0.0012 -177 1.134 -90 1.006 0 0.022 -93 2.20E-05 176 0.00018 85
17.5 0.0013 -178 1.144 -90 1.005 0 0.02 -93 2.00E-05 176 0.00016 86
18 0.0014 -178 1.157 -90 1.004 0 0.019 -93 1.80E-05 176 0.00015 86
18.5 0.0014 -178 1.171 -90 1.004 0 0.018 -93 1.60E-05 176 0.00014 86
19 0.0015 -179 1.186 -90 1.003 0 0.017 -93 1.50E-05 176 0.00012 86
19.5 0.0016 -179 1.203 -90 1.003 0 0.016 -93 1.40E-05 176 0.00012 86
20 0.0017 -179 1.22 -90 1.003 0 0.015 -92 1.20E-05 176 0.00011 86
21 0.0019 180 1.256 -90 1.002 0 0.014 -92 1.10E-05 176 9.60E-05 87
22 0.0021 180 1.294 -90 1.002 0 0.013 -92 9.40E-06 176 8.60E-05 87
23 0.0023 180 1.334 -90 1.001 0 0.012 -92 8.30E-06 176 7.70E-05 87
24 0.0025 -180 1.376 -90 1.001 0 0.011 -92 7.40E-06 175 7.00E-05 87
25 0.0027 -180 1.419 -90 1.001 0 0.01 -92 6.70E-06 175 6.40E-05 87
26 0.0029 -180 1.462 -90 1.001 0 0.0097 -92 6.10E-06 175 5.80E-05 87
28 0.0034 -180 1.551 -90 1.001 0 0.0088 -91 5.10E-06 175 4.90E-05 87
30 0.0039 -180 1.643 -90 1 0 0.008 -91 4.40E-06 175 4.20E-05 87
35 0.0053 -180 1.878 -90 1 0 0.0065 -91 3.30E-06 176 2.80E-05 87
40 0.0069 -180 2.119 -90 1 0 0.0056 -91 2.60E-06 176 1.70E-05 87
50 0.011 -180 2.61 -90 1 0 0.0043 -91 1.90E-06 176 2.70E-06 78
100 0.043 -180 5.121 -90 1 0 0.0021 -90 1.00E-06 178 4.10E-05 -90
200 0.172 -180 10.19 -90 1 0 0.001 -90 8.01E-07 179 0.0001 -90
500 1.074 -180 25.45 -90 1 0 0.00041 -90 7.45E-07 -180 0.00027 -90

Displacement RAOs Direction 112.5°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.0029 -143 0.0047 19 0.00057 44 3.00E-05 -31 4.40E-05 -155 0.00014 46
3.5 0.0051 -130 0.013 53 0.0022 51 0.00011 -179 7.90E-05 -122 0.00033 55
4 0.0081 18 0.011 -171 0.0033 168 0.00012 -45 0.00017 22 0.00046 -161
4.5 0.0097 -141 0.008 53 0.0071 49 0.00071 -114 0.00034 -165 0.00072 34
5 0.0078 143 0.045 -81 0.058 28 0.00063 -71 0.00096 134 0.00054 -37
5.5 0.014 -133 0.041 -111 0.098 137 0.0014 -32 0.0047 54 0.0009 -161
6 0.019 6 0.02 175 0.052 148 0.002 -28 0.001 -34 0.0012 152
6.5 0.021 8 0.023 106 0.046 129 0.0016 -32 0.0027 -93 0.0014 92
7 0.033 41 0.014 33 0.024 12 0.00038 -63 0.0058 -109 0.0024 53
7.5 0.069 61 0.042 -48 0.134 -23 0.0015 144 0.0092 -111 0.0036 36
8 0.121 71 0.088 -65 0.284 -21 0.0042 133 0.012 -108 0.0046 26
8.5 0.176 78 0.133 -74 0.432 -16 0.0078 127 0.014 -103 0.0053 19
9 0.222 85 0.169 -80 0.556 -11 0.013 123 0.014 -97 0.0058 14
9.5 0.255 89 0.186 -86 0.649 -7 0.02 121 0.014 -94 0.006 11
10 0.279 91 0.178 -97 0.715 -4 0.03 122 0.013 -91 0.0062 7
10.5 0.298 93 0.156 -130 0.761 -2 0.049 125 0.013 -90 0.0064 4
11 0.313 93 0.342 178 0.795 -1 0.087 137 0.012 -89 0.0067 1
11.5 0.327 93 1.167 -167 0.822 -1 0.166 175 0.011 -89 0.0077 4
12 0.338 93 1.452 -117 0.844 0 0.138 -127 0.01 -88 0.0068 15
12.5 0.348 94 1.19 -99 0.862 0 0.083 -105 0.0096 -88 0.0059 13
13 0.357 94 1.062 -94 0.878 0 0.059 -98 0.009 -88 0.0056 10
13.5 0.364 94 1.003 -91 0.892 0 0.046 -94 0.0085 -88 0.0053 9
14 0.372 94 0.975 -90 0.903 0 0.038 -93 0.008 -88 0.0051 8
14.5 0.378 94 0.964 -90 0.913 0 0.032 -91 0.0075 -88 0.005 7
15 0.385 93 0.962 -90 0.922 0 0.028 -91 0.0071 -88 0.0048 6
15.5 0.392 93 0.965 -90 0.93 0 0.025 -90 0.0068 -88 0.0047 6
16 0.398 93 0.973 -90 0.936 0 0.023 -90 0.0064 -88 0.0046 5
16.5 0.405 93 0.983 -89 0.942 0 0.021 -90 0.0061 -88 0.0045 5
17 0.412 93 0.995 -89 0.947 0 0.02 -90 0.0059 -88 0.0044 5
17.5 0.419 93 1.009 -89 0.952 0 0.018 -90 0.0056 -88 0.0043 4
18 0.426 93 1.023 -90 0.955 0 0.017 -90 0.0054 -88 0.0042 4

18.5 0.433 93 1.039 -90 0.959 0 0.016 -89 0.0052 -88 0.0041 4
19 0.441 93 1.056 -90 0.962 0 0.015 -89 0.005 -88 0.004 4
19.5 0.448 93 1.073 -90 0.964 0 0.014 -89 0.0048 -88 0.004 4
20 0.456 93 1.091 -90 0.967 0 0.014 -89 0.0046 -88 0.0039 3
21 0.472 92 1.128 -90 0.971 0 0.012 -89 0.0044 -88 0.0038 3
22 0.488 92 1.166 -90 0.974 0 0.012 -89 0.0041 -88 0.0038 3
23 0.504 92 1.205 -90 0.977 0 0.011 -89 0.0039 -88 0.0037 3
24 0.521 92 1.246 -90 0.979 0 0.01 -89 0.0037 -88 0.0036 3
25 0.538 92 1.287 -90 0.981 0 0.0094 -89 0.0035 -89 0.0036 2
26 0.555 92 1.328 -90 0.983 0 0.0089 -89 0.0033 -89 0.0035 2
28 0.59 92 1.413 -90 0.986 0 0.008 -89 0.003 -89 0.0034 2
30 0.625 92 1.5 -90 0.988 0 0.0073 -89 0.0028 -89 0.0034 2
35 0.716 92 1.72 -90 0.992 0 0.006 -89 0.0024 -89 0.0033 1
40 0.808 92 1.945 -90 0.994 0 0.0051 -90 0.002 -89 0.0032 1
50 0.996 91 2.402 -90 0.996 0 0.004 -90 0.0016 -89 0.0032 1
100 1.957 92 4.727 -90 0.999 0 0.0019 -90 0.00079 -90 0.0031 0
200 3.898 93 9.417 -90 1 0 0.00095 -90 0.00039 -90 0.003 -2
500 9.782 96 23.52 -90 1 0 0.00038 -90 0.00016 -90 0.0031 -5

Displacement RAOs Direction 135°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.0013 24 0.003 114 0.00021 -166 4.50E-05 -111 1.80E-05 26 8.10E-05 -115
3.5 0.0029 157 0.0016 -94 0.00016 -34 7.10E-05 -48 4.30E-05 134 0.00013 -5
4 0.0049 142 0.0075 -57 0.001 -80 0.0001 -32 9.30E-05 128 0.00013 -10
4.5 0.007 -129 0.011 84 0.0033 5 0.00038 96 0.00025 -72 0.00021 50
5 0.0083 83 0.014 -85 0.042 -106 0.0003 -27 0.00083 60 0.00032 -136
5.5 0.012 -68 0.028 102 0.03 36 0.00068 146 0.00083 -75 0.0003 146
6 0.016 -175 0.015 92 0.03 -16 0.0014 151 0.00083 -177 0.00073 -1
6.5 0.016 122 0.025 -109 0.024 -75 0.00062 -150 0.0017 95 0.00063 -50
7 0.011 25 0.037 -126 0.054 175 0.0019 -70 0.003 62 0.0007 -134
7.5 0.026 -25 0.033 -159 0.132 159 0.0035 -64 0.0029 37 0.00083 -172
8 0.028 -15 0.033 172 0.171 159 0.0041 -65 0.0025 -24 0.00053 132
8.5 0.032 53 0.031 165 0.141 159 0.0037 -67 0.0052 -64 0.001 51
9 0.076 90 0.026 -176 0.064 143 0.0021 -76 0.0083 -72 0.0022 30
9.5 0.134 99 0.031 -144 0.063 35 0.0013 150 0.01 -75 0.0032 22
10 0.191 102 0.044 -138 0.159 15 0.0065 129 0.012 -77 0.0042 17
10.5 0.247 102 0.066 -161 0.25 10 0.016 130 0.013 -79 0.0049 13
11 0.3 101 0.176 174 0.332 7 0.036 141 0.013 -81 0.0056 9
11.5 0.35 100 0.58 -166 0.404 6 0.079 -180 0.014 -82 0.0066 10
12 0.395 99 0.745 -115 0.468 4 0.072 -122 0.014 -83 0.0064 15
12.5 0.437 98 0.639 -98 0.526 3 0.047 -101 0.013 -83 0.0062 13
13 0.474 98 0.596 -92 0.577 2 0.035 -93 0.013 -84 0.0062 11
13.5 0.506 97 0.584 -90 0.622 1 0.028 -90 0.013 -84 0.0061 10
14 0.536 97 0.586 -89 0.661 1 0.024 -88 0.012 -84 0.0061 9
14.5 0.562 97 0.596 -89 0.696 0 0.021 -87 0.012 -84 0.006 8
15 0.587 96 0.608 -89 0.726 0 0.019 -87 0.012 -85 0.0059 8
15.5 0.609 96 0.622 -89 0.753 0 0.017 -87 0.011 -85 0.0059 7
16 0.63 96 0.638 -89 0.776 0 0.016 -87 0.011 -85 0.0058 7
16.5 0.651 96 0.653 -89 0.796 0 0.014 -87 0.01 -85 0.0057 6
17 0.67 96 0.67 -89 0.814 0 0.014 -87 0.0099 -85 0.0056 6
17.5 0.689 95 0.686 -89 0.829 0 0.013 -87 0.0096 -86 0.0056 6
18 0.708 95 0.703 -89 0.843 0 0.012 -87 0.0092 -86 0.0055 5
18.5 0.726 95 0.72 -89 0.855 0 0.011 -87 0.0089 -86 0.0054 5
19 0.744 95 0.736 -89 0.866 0 0.011 -87 0.0086 -86 0.0054 5
19.5 0.761 95 0.753 -89 0.875 0 0.01 -87 0.0084 -86 0.0053 5
20 0.779 94 0.77 -89 0.884 0 0.0099 -87 0.0081 -86 0.0053 5
21 0.813 94 0.804 -89 0.898 0 0.0091 -87 0.0077 -87 0.0052 4
22 0.848 94 0.838 -89 0.91 0 0.0084 -87 0.0072 -87 0.0051 4
23 0.882 94 0.873 -89 0.92 0 0.0079 -87 0.0069 -87 0.005 4
24 0.916 94 0.907 -89 0.928 0 0.0074 -87 0.0066 -87 0.005 3

25 0.951 93 0.941 -89 0.935 0 0.007 -87 0.0062 -87 0.0049 3
26 0.985 93 0.976 -89 0.941 0 0.0066 -88 0.006 -87 0.0048 3
28 1.054 93 1.045 -89 0.951 0 0.006 -88 0.0055 -88 0.0048 3
30 1.123 93 1.115 -90 0.958 0 0.0055 -88 0.0051 -88 0.0047 3
35 1.297 92 1.29 -90 0.97 0 0.0045 -88 0.0043 -88 0.0046 2
40 1.471 92 1.466 -90 0.978 0 0.0039 -88 0.0037 -88 0.0045 2
50 1.824 92 1.821 -90 0.986 0 0.003 -89 0.003 -89 0.0044 1
100 3.606 91 3.609 -90 0.997 0 0.0015 -89 0.0015 -89 0.0043 0
200 7.193 92 7.203 -90 0.999 0 0.00073 -90 0.00072 -90 0.0043 -1
500 18 94 18 -90 1 0 0.00029 -89 0.00029 -90 0.0043 -2

Displacement RAOs Direction 157.5°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.00014 -38 0.0034 -80 0.00012 -142 4.00E-05 -139 7.70E-06 -67 4.70E-05 122
3.5 0.00077 -90 0.00065 66 0.00064 0 3.00E-05 137 1.00E-05 -29 1.30E-05 137
4 0.0017 114 0.0017 -81 0.00098 -19 3.40E-05 -65 2.80E-05 115 2.70E-05 -11
4.5 0.0044 139 0.0017 -91 0.0018 -56 3.60E-05 -154 9.90E-05 161 9.70E-05 -5
5 0.0056 -76 0.0052 85 0.024 113 5.10E-05 76 0.00045 -105 6.30E-05 123
5.5 0.011 98 0.011 -77 0.019 -126 0.00034 -21 0.00029 54 8.70E-05 -31
6 0.015 -37 0.0068 69 0.013 114 0.00017 51 0.00067 -44 0.00036 173
6.5 0.015 -132 0.024 88 0.03 8 0.0012 127 0.0012 -130 0.00014 13
7 0.018 150 0.0076 118 0.051 -40 0.0013 144 0.0015 151 0.00043 -23
7.5 0.0082 76 0.015 -129 0.048 -97 0.00069 -136 0.0029 95 0.00032 -83
8 0.024 -41 0.02 -135 0.086 -159 0.002 -78 0.004 71 0.00048 -143
8.5 0.044 -61 0.02 -154 0.143 -179 0.0032 -68 0.0039 48 0.00047 -167
9 0.042 -75 0.018 -169 0.167 173 0.0038 -65 0.0035 11 0.0002 141
9.5 0.021 -112 0.017 -170 0.152 165 0.0037 -63 0.0043 -29 0.00052 42
10 0.035 141 0.017 -160 0.112 152 0.0026 -63 0.0061 -52 0.0011 27
10.5 0.089 119 0.021 -161 0.068 119 0.0004 -145 0.008 -64 0.0017 21
11 0.153 111 0.046 178 0.073 56 0.0062 148 0.0097 -71 0.0023 16
11.5 0.223 106 0.165 -165 0.131 25 0.021 -176 0.011 -76 0.0029 14
12 0.292 104 0.239 -115 0.2 14 0.023 -118 0.012 -78 0.0031 17
12.5 0.36 102 0.224 -98 0.271 8 0.017 -97 0.013 -80 0.0033 15
13 0.422 101 0.224 -92 0.338 5 0.014 -90 0.013 -81 0.0034 13
13.5 0.48 100 0.232 -90 0.401 3 0.012 -87 0.013 -82 0.0035 12
14 0.532 99 0.243 -89 0.458 2 0.01 -86 0.013 -82 0.0036 11
14.5 0.579 99 0.255 -89 0.509 1 0.0094 -85 0.013 -82 0.0036 10
15 0.623 99 0.268 -89 0.555 0 0.0086 -84 0.013 -83 0.0036 9
15.5 0.662 98 0.28 -89 0.596 0 0.008 -84 0.013 -83 0.0037 9
16 0.699 98 0.293 -89 0.632 0 0.0075 -84 0.012 -83 0.0037 8
16.5 0.734 97 0.305 -89 0.664 0 0.007 -84 0.012 -84 0.0036 8
17 0.766 97 0.317 -89 0.692 0 0.0066 -84 0.012 -84 0.0036 7
17.5 0.798 97 0.328 -89 0.716 0 0.0063 -84 0.012 -84 0.0036 7
18 0.828 97 0.34 -89 0.738 -1 0.006 -85 0.011 -84 0.0036 7
18.5 0.856 96 0.351 -89 0.758 0 0.0057 -85 0.011 -85 0.0036 6
19 0.884 96 0.362 -89 0.775 0 0.0055 -85 0.011 -85 0.0036 6
19.5 0.912 96 0.373 -89 0.791 0 0.0052 -85 0.01 -85 0.0035 6
20 0.938 96 0.384 -89 0.805 0 0.005 -85 0.01 -85 0.0035 6
21 0.99 95 0.405 -89 0.829 0 0.0047 -85 0.0096 -85 0.0035 5
22 1.041 95 0.426 -89 0.848 0 0.0044 -86 0.0091 -86 0.0034 5
23 1.091 95 0.446 -89 0.865 0 0.0041 -86 0.0087 -86 0.0034 5
24 1.14 95 0.467 -89 0.878 0 0.0039 -86 0.0083 -86 0.0034 4
25 1.188 94 0.487 -89 0.89 0 0.0036 -86 0.0079 -86 0.0034 4
26 1.236 94 0.507 -89 0.9 0 0.0035 -86 0.0076 -86 0.0033 4
28 1.331 94 0.546 -89 0.916 0 0.0032 -87 0.007 -87 0.0033 3
30 1.425 94 0.586 -89 0.929 0 0.0029 -87 0.0065 -87 0.0033 3
35 1.66 93 0.684 -90 0.95 0 0.0024 -87 0.0056 -87 0.0032 3
40 1.894 93 0.781 -90 0.962 0 0.0021 -88 0.0048 -88 0.0032 2
50 2.361 92 0.976 -90 0.977 0 0.0016 -88 0.0038 -88 0.0031 2
100 4.701 91 1.949 -90 0.994 0 0.00079 -89 0.0019 -89 0.0031 1

200 9.392 92 3.896 -90 0.999 0 0.00039 -89 0.00095 -90 0.003 0
500 23.49 93 9.739 -90 1 0 0.00016 -89 0.00038 -90 0.003 -2

Displacement RAOs Direction 180°

Surge Sway Heave Roll Pitch Yaw

Period Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase Ampl. Phase
(s) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (m/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg) (rad/m) (deg)
3 0.00032 -117 2.15E-10 137 0.00022 -64 1.60E-12 90 1.60E-06 -178 2.40E-12 -90
3.5 0.00018 94 1.56E-10 -149 0.00013 -134 2.50E-12 -90 1.30E-05 81 1.80E-12 90
4 0.0011 -128 8.60E-11 85 0.00086 111 3.60E-12 90 3.00E-05 -118 1.00E-12 -90
4.5 0.003 -132 3.72E-10 98 0.0012 16 1.80E-11 116 7.70E-05 -95 1.60E-12 -90
5 0.0049 -23 1.10E-10 -85 0.022 132 1.40E-11 -90 0.00041 -15 9.40E-12 174
5.5 0.01 172 2.94E-10 -74 0.0082 -105 1.50E-11 2 0.00073 104 1.50E-11 3
6 0.012 12 6.07E-10 -54 0.014 167 3.30E-11 -18 0.00055 9 2.00E-11 178
6.5 0.016 -92 1.50E-09 83 0.02 54 6.20E-11 115 0.0011 -97 1.10E-11 168
7 0.016 178 1.30E-09 98 0.047 -24 1.12E-10 135 0.0016 -164 2.40E-11 -11
7.5 0.015 112 5.03E-10 -162 0.067 -61 6.90E-11 166 0.0021 128 2.30E-11 -44
8 0.012 -12 1.20E-09 -129 0.064 -110 8.50E-11 -95 0.0036 86 2.40E-11 -120
8.5 0.041 -60 1.30E-09 -138 0.098 -161 1.87E-10 -72 0.0045 64 3.40E-11 -153
9 0.061 -75 1.20E-09 -152 0.146 179 2.64E-10 -65 0.0041 43 2.40E-11 -174
9.5 0.058 -88 1.10E-09 -157 0.165 170 2.96E-10 -62 0.0036 8 1.30E-11 90
10 0.036 -117 1.00E-09 -150 0.152 161 2.74E-10 -60 0.0043 -30 4.50E-11 35
10.5 0.037 154 1.10E-09 -144 0.115 149 1.73E-10 -59 0.006 -54 8.40E-11 25
11 0.092 121 1.80E-09 -170 0.072 121 1.09E-10 165 0.0079 -66 1.21E-10 19
11.5 0.161 111 7.10E-09 -164 0.066 60 8.35E-10 -173 0.0096 -72 1.59E-10 16
12 0.236 106 1.20E-08 -116 0.119 25 1.10E-09 -117 0.011 -76 1.83E-10 17
12.5 0.311 104 1.20E-08 -98 0.186 12 8.90E-10 -96 0.012 -78 1.98E-10 16
13 0.382 102 1.20E-08 -93 0.256 7 7.50E-10 -89 0.013 -80 2.11E-10 14
13.5 0.448 101 1.30E-08 -90 0.322 4 6.61E-10 -86 0.013 -81 2.21E-10 12
14 0.509 100 1.40E-08 -89 0.384 2 5.98E-10 -84 0.013 -81 2.28E-10 11
14.5 0.564 100 1.50E-08 -89 0.44 1 5.50E-10 -84 0.013 -82 2.33E-10 10
15 0.615 99 1.60E-08 -89 0.491 0 5.11E-10 -84 0.013 -82 2.37E-10 10
15.5 0.662 99 1.60E-08 -89 0.536 0 4.78E-10 -83 0.013 -83 2.39E-10 9
16 0.705 98 1.70E-08 -89 0.577 0 4.50E-10 -83 0.013 -83 2.40E-10 9
16.5 0.745 98 1.80E-08 -89 0.613 -1 4.25E-10 -84 0.013 -83 2.41E-10 8
17 0.784 98 1.90E-08 -89 0.644 -1 4.04E-10 -84 0.012 -83 2.41E-10 8
17.5 0.82 97 2.00E-08 -89 0.672 -1 3.84E-10 -84 0.012 -84 2.41E-10 7
18 0.854 97 2.10E-08 -89 0.697 -1 3.67E-10 -84 0.012 -84 2.40E-10 7
18.5 0.888 97 2.10E-08 -89 0.72 -1 3.51E-10 -84 0.012 -84 2.39E-10 7
19 0.92 97 2.20E-08 -89 0.74 -1 3.37E-10 -84 0.011 -84 2.39E-10 6
19.5 0.951 96 2.30E-08 -89 0.757 -1 3.24E-10 -84 0.011 -85 2.38E-10 6
20 0.982 96 2.40E-08 -89 0.773 -1 3.12E-10 -85 0.011 -85 2.37E-10 6
21 1.041 96 2.50E-08 -89 0.801 0 2.90E-10 -85 0.01 -85 2.35E-10 5
22 1.098 96 2.60E-08 -89 0.824 0 2.72E-10 -85 0.0097 -85 2.33E-10 5
23 1.153 95 2.80E-08 -89 0.842 0 2.56E-10 -85 0.0092 -86 2.31E-10 5
24 1.208 95 2.90E-08 -89 0.858 0 2.42E-10 -86 0.0088 -86 2.30E-10 5
25 1.262 95 3.00E-08 -89 0.872 0 2.29E-10 -86 0.0085 -86 2.28E-10 4
26 1.315 95 3.20E-08 -89 0.883 0 2.18E-10 -86 0.0081 -86 2.27E-10 4
28 1.42 94 3.40E-08 -89 0.902 0 1.99E-10 -86 0.0075 -86 2.25E-10 4
30 1.525 94 3.70E-08 -89 0.917 0 1.83E-10 -86 0.007 -87 2.23E-10 3
35 1.782 93 4.30E-08 -89 0.941 0 1.53E-10 -87 0.006 -87 2.19E-10 3
40 2.037 93 4.90E-08 -90 0.956 0 1.31E-10 -87 0.0052 -88 2.17E-10 2
50 2.546 92 6.20E-08 -90 0.973 0 1.03E-10 -90 0.0041 -88 2.14E-10 2
100 5.084 92 1.24E-07 -90 0.993 0 5.00E-11 -90 0.002 -89 2.10E-10 1
200 10.16 91 2.48E-07 -90 0.998 0 2.50E-11 -90 0.001 -90 2.09E-10 0
500 25.42 93 6.19E-07 -90 1 0 1.00E-11 -90 0.00041 -90 2.09E-10 -2

Project: FPU for Terang Sirasun Batur Field Doc. No
Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1


Dwg No Title
5696-000-DW-5430-001 Flexible Riser Configuration 16” Gas Export Riser
5696-000-DW-5430-002 Flexible Riser Configuration 16” Production 2 Riser
5696-000-DW-5430-003 Flexible Riser Configuration 16” Production 1 Riser
5696-000-DW-5430-004 General Arrangement of Riser System (Top View)
5696-000-DW-5252-001 Riser Gravity Base – General Arrangement
Project: FPU for Terang Sirasun Batur Field Doc. No
Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1


No Title
1 Tensioner Squeeze Calculation
Tensioner Squeeze Calculation

Project: TSB Installation

Subject: GE Riser
Prepared by: ZQY
Date: 14-Oct-11

Parameter Value Comment

Riser weight in air (kg/m), full of seawater 333.0 Riser weight in air (kg/m), empty
Riser weight in water (kg/m), full of seawater 96.0 Riser weight in water (kg/m), empty
Riser crushing strength (kN/m/track) 1020 Refer to 1724-TMS-U-RA-0001
Tensioner squeeze capacity (kN/m/track) 426 Aquatic tensioner AQTT-10C-50
Friction coefficient (lowest of internal and external) 0.09 Between tensioner pad and riser

Number of tensioners 1
Number of tracks 4
Track contact length (m) 3.5 Aquatic tensioner AQTT-10C-50
Safety factor on tensioner setting 1.0
Safety factor on friction coefficient 1.2
Overboarding chute angle (deg) 105
Chute Exite Height (m) 10
Water depth (m) 96
Riser departure angle (degree) 5 See Note 2
Additional weight (t) 6.2 Ballast Section
Static bottom tension (t) 0.97
Horizontal distance
distance, ii.e.,
e layback (m) 31 7
Minimum bending radius at touch down point (m) 10.1 Conservative value, see Note 3
Vertical distance (m) 106.0
Catenary arc length (m) 115.7
Catenary arc length over vertical distance 1.09

Static top tension (t) 19.9

Dynamic amplification factor of installation tension 1.24
Dynamic top tension (t) 24.7 Under 1.5m Hs
Lay chute friction coefficient 0.20 Based on wet riser outsheath
Recovery load (t) 35.0 Dynamic top tension plus friction

Minimum required squeeze (kN/m/track) 327

Minimum required tensioner squeeze pressure (bar) 184
Maximum tensioner squeeze pressure (bar) 239 Limited by tensioner capacity
1. Input cells are filled with green colour and output cells are filled with blue colour.
2. Riser departure angle is typically 2 to 20 degrees for water depth 1000 to 30m
3. The bending radius is larger in reality when taking account for Riser's bending stiffness.
4. Tensioner squeeze pressure can be calculated according to tensioner user manual.
Project: FPU for Terang Sirasun Batur Field Doc. No
Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1


No Title
1 Analysis for Lifting of Riser Gravity Base
2 Analysis for Lifting of DMA
Analysis for Lifting of Gravity Base

Analysis for Lifting of Gravity Base

According to DNV-RP-H103

1. Introduction
This spreadsheet is used to determine characteristic forces occurring when lifting the object through the
splashzone and fully submerged in water.

Based on the largest loads determined herein, one may draw conclusions about maximum crane capacity
required, and max wave height limitation for occurrence of snapping.

Gravity acceleration: g ≔ 9.81 ⋅ m ⋅ s −2
Sea water density: ρw ≔ 1025 ⋅ kg ⋅ m −3

Density of steel: ρsteel ≔ 7850 ⋅ kg ⋅ m −3

Design wave condition

Significant wave height: Hs ≔ 1.5 ⋅ m

Hydrodynamic coefficients
(refer to DNV-RP-H103)
Drag coefficient in oscillatory flow Cd ≔ 2.4
(twice that in steady flow):

Added mass coefficient Ca ≔ 0.58

(considered as a plate):

Slamming coefficient: Cs ≔ 5

2. Input Data of Gravity Base

2.1 General parameters
Gross mass in air: mobj ≔ 71.9 tonne mobj = 71.9 tonne
Length: LL ≔ 5 ⋅ m
Width: WW ≔ 5 ⋅ m

Height: HH ≔ 1 ⋅ m

Overall volume: Vobj ≔ LL ⋅ WW ⋅ HH Vobj = 25 m 3

Date: 22/8/2011 Page 1 of 6 Originated by: ZQY

Analysis for Lifting of Gravity Base

Projected area on horizontal

plane: Ap ≔ WW ⋅ LL Ap = 25 m 2

Diameter of vent type #1:

ODhole1 ≔ 0.168 m ODhole1 = 0.17 m
Quantity of vent type #1:
Nhole1 ≔ 16
Diameter of vent type #2:
ODhole2 ≔ 0.219 m ODhole2 = 0.22 m
Quantity of vent type #2:
Nhole2 ≔ 32

π ⋅ ODhole1 2 π ⋅ ODhole2 2
Area of all vents: Avent ≔ Nhole1 ⋅ ――――+ Nhole2 ⋅ ――――
4 4 Avent = 1.56 m 2

2.2 Parameters of object in splash zone

(when the bottom of object is just above sea surface)
Mass in splash zone: mobj_splash ≔ mobj
mobj_splash = 72 tonne

Displaced volume in splash zone: Vi_splash ≔ 0 m 3

Vi_splash = 0 m 3

Static load in splash zone: Fstatic_splash ≔ ⎛⎝mobj_splash − ρw ⋅ Vi_splash⎞⎠ ⋅ g Fstatic_splash = 71.925 tonnef

Distance from waterplane to COG

of submerged part of object: d≔0 d=0

Drag area: Ap_splash ≔ 0 m 2 Ap_splash = 0 m 2

Slam area: Aslam ≔ Ap − Avent

Aslam = 23.44 m 2

Mean water line area: Aw ≔ Ap − Avent

Aw = 23.44 m 2

Added mass:
A33i_splash ≔ Ca ⋅ ρw ⋅ Vi_splash A33i_splash = 0 tonne

2.3 Parameters of object fully submerged

(when the top of object is just under sea surface)

Mass fully submerge: mobj_sub ≔ mobj

mobj_sub = 72 tonne
Displaced volume: Vi_sub ≔ 22 m 3
Vi_sub = 22 m 3

Static load : Fstatic_sub ≔ ⎛⎝mobj_sub − ρw ⋅ Vi_sub⎞⎠ ⋅ g

Fstatic_sub = 49.367 tonnef
Depth of object when fully submerged: depth ≔ 0.5 ⋅ m
depth = 0.5 m
Drag area: Ap_sub ≔ Ap Ap_sub = 25 m 2

π ⋅ LL ⋅ WW 2
Added mass (considered A33i_sub ≔ Ca ⋅ ρw ⋅ ――――― A33i_sub = 58.365 tonne
as a plate): 4

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Analysis for Lifting of Gravity Base

3. Hydrodynamic Forces through the Splash Zone

3.1 Crane tip motions

The heave, vertical velocity and the acceleration below are taken from OrcaFlex model and they are
measured at the crane tip position when wave comes from 150 to 210 deg or -30 to 30 deg. The worst
case is considered in this calculation.

――――→ ―――― ―→ ―――― ―→

⎛⎡ 0.051 ⎤ ⎞ ⎛⎡ 0.080 s −1 ⎤ ⎞ ⎛⎡ 0.126 s −2 ⎤ ⎞ ⎡4⎤
ηct ≔ 0.140 ⋅ Hs⎟
⎜⎢ ⎥ ⎜⎢ −1 ⎥ ⎟ ⎜⎢ −2 ⎥ ⎟
⎜⎢ ⎥ ⎟ vct ≔ ⎜⎢ 0.176 s ⎥ ⋅ Hs⎟ act ≔ ⎜⎢ 0.222 s ⎥ ⋅ Hs⎟ Tz ≔ ⎢ 5 ⎥ ⋅ s
⎝⎣ 0.258 ⎦ ⎠ ⎢ ⎥
⎜⎝⎢⎣ 0.270 s −1 ⎥⎦ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝⎢⎣ 0.284 s −2 ⎥⎦ ⎟⎠ ⎣6⎦

Hook Lowering Velocity: vH ≔ 0.25 ⋅ m ⋅ s −1 ⎡ vH ⎤

⎢ ⎥
vc ≔ ⎢ vH ⎥
⎢⎣ vH ⎥⎦

3.2 Wave kinematics

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.4

Characteristic wave amplitude:

(assuming the lowering through the ⎡ 0.9 ⎤ ⎡ 1.35 ⎤

splash zone can be finished within 30
minutes; otherwise, ζa=1.0*Hs) ζa ≔ ⎢ 0.9 ⎥ ⋅ Hs ζa = ⎢ 1.35 ⎥ m
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.9 ⎦ ⎣ 1.35 ⎦

Characteristic vertical water particle velocity:

―――――― →
⎛ −4 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ d ⎞
⎜ ⎛ 2⋅π ⎞ ――― ⎟
Tz 2 ⋅ g
vw ≔ ⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜――
⎟⋅e ⎟
⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎠

Characteristic vertical water particle acceleration:

――――――― →
⎛ −4 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ d ⎞
⎜ ⎛ 2⋅π ⎞
2 ――― ⎟
Tz 2 ⋅ g
aw ≔ ⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜――
⎟ ⋅e ⎟
⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎠

⎡ 2.121 ⎤ ⎡ 3.331 ⎤
vw = ⎢ 1.696 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1 aw = 2.132 ⎥ m ⋅ s −2

⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.414 ⎦ ⎣ 1.48 ⎦
3.3 Slamming impact force
Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.5

Slamming impact velocity: ―――――→

vs ≔ ⎛⎝vc + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
vct 2 + vw 2 ⎞⎠

Slamming impact force:

1 ―→
Fslam ≔ ― ⋅ ρw ⋅ ⎛⎝Cs ⋅ Aslam⎞⎠ ⋅ vs 2

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Analysis for Lifting of Gravity Base

⎡ 2.374 ⎤ ⎡ 339 ⎤
vs = 1.967 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1
⎢ Fslam = ⎢ 232 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.721 ⎦ ⎣ 178 ⎦

3.4 Varying buoyancy force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.6

Change in volume of displaced

water from still water surface to ―――――→
wave crest or wave trough: δV ≔ ⎛⎝Aw ⋅ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
ζa 2 + ηct 2 ⎞⎠

Varying buoyancy force: Fρ ≔ ⎛⎝ρw ⋅ δV ⋅ g⎞⎠

⎡ 32 ⎤ ⎡ 319 ⎤
δV = ⎢ 32 ⎥ m 3 Fρ = ⎢ 322 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 33 ⎦ ⎣ 331 ⎦

3.5 Mass (inertia) force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.7

Mass (inertia) force:

⎛ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
2 2⎞
Finertia ≔ ⎜⎝ ⎛⎝⎛⎝mobj_splash + A33i_splash⎞⎠ ⋅ act⎞⎠ + ⎛⎝⎛⎝ρw ⋅ Vi_splash + A33i_splash⎞⎠ ⋅ aw⎞⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎡ 14 ⎤
Finertia = ⎢ 24 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 31 ⎦
3.6 Drag force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.8

Characteristic vertical relative velocity
between object and water particle: ―――――→
vr ≔ ⎛⎝vc + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
vct 2 + vw 2 ⎞⎠

Drag Force: Fdrag ≔ 0.5 ⋅ ρw ⋅ Cd ⋅ Ap_splash ⋅ vr 2

⎡ 2.37 ⎤ ⎡0⎤
vr = ⎢ 1.97 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1 Fdrag = ⎢ 0 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.72 ⎦ ⎣0⎦

3.7 Combined hydrodynamic force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.9

2 2 ⎡ 456 ⎤
Fhyd_splash ≔ ⎛⎝Fdrag + Fslam⎞⎠ + ⎛⎝Finertia − Fρ⎞⎠
Fhyd_splash = 378 ⎥ kN

⎢ ⎥
⎣ 349 ⎦

3.8 Characteristic total force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.4.2

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Analysis for Lifting of Gravity Base

Characteristic total force in splash zone:

Maximum dynamic force: Fmax_splash ≔ Fstatic_splash + Fhyd_splash

Minimum dynamic force: Fmin_splash ≔ Fstatic_splash − Fhyd_splash

⎡ 1161 ⎤ ⎡ 250 ⎤
Fmax_splash = ⎢ 1083 ⎥ kN Fmin_splash = ⎢ 327 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1054 ⎦ ⎣ 356 ⎦

4. Hydrodynamic Forces at Depth

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4

4.1 Wave kinematics

Characteristic vertical water particle ―――――――― ―→

acceleration: ⎛ 2 ⎞
⎜⎛ 2⎞ ⎛ π ⎞
− 2 ⋅ ― ⋅ ――

⎛ 2⋅π ⎞ ⎟
aw_sub ≔ ⎜⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜―― ⋅e ⎝ z ⎠
T g
⎟ ⎟
⎝⎜⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎠
Characteristic vertical water particle
―――――― ―→
⎛ −4 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ depth ⎞
⎜ ⎛ 2⋅π ⎞ ―――― ⎟
Tz 2 ⋅ g
vw_sub ≔ ⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜――
⎟ ⋅ e ⎟
⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎠

Characteristic vertical relative velocity ――――――→

between object and water particle: vr_sub ≔ ⎛⎝vc + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
vct 2 + vw_sub 2 ⎞⎠

⎡ 2.937 ⎤ ⎡ 1.87 ⎤ ⎡ 2.124 ⎤

aw_sub = ⎢ 1.967 ⎥ m ⋅ s −2 vw_sub = ⎢ 1.565 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1 vr_sub = ⎢ 1.837 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.4 ⎦ ⎣ 1.337 ⎦ ⎣ 1.647 ⎦

4.2 Inertia force

⎛ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
2 2⎞ ⎡ 239 ⎤
Finertia_sub ≔ ⎜⎝ ⎛⎝⎛⎝mobj_sub + A33i_sub⎞⎠ ⋅ act⎞⎠ + ⎛⎝⎛⎝ρw ⋅ Vi_sub + A33i_sub⎞⎠ ⋅ aw_sub⎞⎠ ⎟⎠
Finertia_sub = ⎢ 165 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 126 ⎦

4.3 Drag force

――→ ⎡ 139 ⎤
Fdrag_sub ≔ 0.5 ⋅ ρw ⋅ Cd ⋅ Ap_sub ⋅ vr_sub 2
Fdrag_sub = 104 ⎥ kN

⎢ ⎥
⎣ 83 ⎦

4.4 Combined hydrodynamic force

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Analysis for Lifting of Gravity Base

Fhyd_sub ≔ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Finertia_sub 2 + Fdrag_sub 2 ⎡ 276 ⎤
Fhyd_sub = 195 ⎥ kN

⎢ ⎥
⎣ 151 ⎦

4.5 Characteristic total force

Maximum dynamic force: Fmax_sub ≔ Fstatic_sub + Fhyd_sub

Minimum dynamic force: Fmin_sub ≔ Fstatic_sub − Fhyd_sub

⎡ 760 ⎤ ⎡ 208 ⎤
Fmax_sub = 679 ⎥ kN
⎢ Fmin_sub = ⎢ 289 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 635 ⎦ ⎣ 333 ⎦

5.0 Summary
Maximum load on crane hook:

At splash zone: Fmax_splash_all ≔ max ⎛⎝Fmax_splash⎞⎠

Fmax_splash_all = 118.4 tonnef
DAFsplash ≔ ――――― DAFsplash = 1.65

Full submerged: Fmax_sub_all ≔ max ⎛⎝Fmax_sub⎞⎠

Fmax_sub_all = 77.5 tonnef

DAFsub ≔ ――――
Fstatic_sub DAFsub = 1.57

Snapping check (refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.4.3):

Fmax_hyd_splash ≔ max ⎛⎝Fhyd_splash⎞⎠

Fmax_hyd_splash = 456 kN

Fmax_hyd_sub ≔ max ⎛⎝Fhyd_sub⎞⎠

Fmax_hyd_sub = 276 kN

Snapping_check_splash ≔ if ⎛⎝max ⎛⎝Fhyd_splash⎞⎠ < 0.9 ⋅ Fstatic_splash , “No snapping” , “Snapping may occur”⎞⎠

Snapping_check_splash = “No snapping”

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Analysis for Lifting of Initiation DMA

Analysis for Lifting of Initiation DMA

According to DNV-RP-H103

1. Introduction
This spreadsheet is used to determine characteristic forces occurring when lifting the object through the
splashzone and fully submerged in water.

Based on the largest loads determined herein, one may draw conclusions about maximum crane capacity
required, and max wave height limitation for occurrence of snapping.

Gravity acceleration: g ≔ 9.81 ⋅ m ⋅ s −2
Sea water density: ρw ≔ 1025 ⋅ kg ⋅ m −3

Density of steel: ρsteel ≔ 7850 ⋅ kg ⋅ m −3

Design wave condition

Significant wave height: Hs ≔ 1.5 ⋅ m

Hydrodynamic coefficients
(refer to DNV-RP-H103)
Drag coefficient in oscillatory flow Cd ≔ 2.0
(twice that in steady flow):

Added mass coefficient: Ca ≔ 0.68

Slamming coefficient: Cs ≔ 5

2. Input Data of Object

2.1 General parameters
Gross mass in air: mobj ≔ 25.2 tonne mobj = 25.2 tonne
Length: LL ≔ 2.5 ⋅ m
Width: WW ≔ 2.5 ⋅ m

Height: HH ≔ 1.5 ⋅ m

Overall volume: Vobj ≔ LL ⋅ WW ⋅ HH Vobj = 9 m 3

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Analysis for Lifting of Initiation DMA

Projected area on horizontal

plane: Ap ≔ WW ⋅ LL Ap = 6.25 m 2

2.2 Parameters of object in splash zone

(when the bottom of object is just above sea surface)
Mass in splash zone: mobj_splash ≔ mobj
mobj_splash = 25 tonne

Displaced volume in splash zone: Vi_splash ≔ 0 m 3

Vi_splash = 0 m 3

Static load in splash zone: Fstatic_splash ≔ ⎛⎝mobj_splash − ρw ⋅ Vi_splash⎞⎠ ⋅ g Fstatic_splash = 25.209 tonnef

Distance from waterplane to COG

of submerged part of object: d≔0 d=0

Drag area: Ap_splash ≔ 0 m 2 Ap_splash = 0 m 2

Slam area: Aslam ≔ Ap

Aslam = 6.25 m 2

Mean water line area: Aw ≔ Ap

Aw = 6.25 m 2

Added mass:
A33i_splash ≔ Ca ⋅ ρw ⋅ Vi_splash A33i_splash = 0 tonne

2.3 Parameters of object fully submerged

(when the top of object is just under sea surface)

Mass fully submerge: mobj_sub ≔ mobj

mobj_sub = 25 tonne
Displaced volume: Vi_sub ≔ Vobj
Vi_sub = 9.375 m 3

Static load : Fstatic_sub ≔ ⎛⎝mobj_sub − ρw ⋅ Vi_sub⎞⎠ ⋅ g

Fstatic_sub = 15.596 tonnef
Depth of object when fully submerged: depth ≔ 0.75 ⋅ m
depth = 0.75 m
Drag area: Ap_sub ≔ Ap Ap_sub = 6.25 m 2

Added mass: A33i_sub ≔ Ca ⋅ ρw ⋅ Vobj A33i_sub = 6.534 tonne

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Analysis for Lifting of Initiation DMA

3. Hydrodynamic Forces through the Splash Zone

3.1 Crane tip motions

The heave, vertical velocity and the acceleration below are taken from OrcaFlex model and they are
measured at the crane tip position when wave comes from 150 to 210 deg or -30 to 30 deg. The worst
case is considered in this calculation.

――――→ ―――― ―→ ―――― ―→

⎛⎡ 0.100 ⎤ ⎞ ⎛⎡ 0.157 s −1 ⎤ ⎞ ⎛⎡ 0.247 s −2 ⎤ ⎞ ⎡4⎤
ηct ≔ 0.262 ⋅ Hs⎟
⎜⎢ ⎥ ⎜⎢ ⎥ ⎟ ⎜⎢ ⎥ ⎟
⎜⎢ ⎥ ⎟ vct ≔ ⎜⎢ 0.329 s −1 ⎥ ⋅ Hs⎟ act ≔ ⎜⎢ 0.414 s −2 ⎥ ⋅ Hs⎟ Tz ≔ ⎢ 5 ⎥ ⋅ s
⎝⎣ 0.499 ⎦ ⎠ ⎢ ⎥
⎜⎝⎢⎣ 0.523 s −1 ⎥⎦ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝⎢⎣ 0.548 s −2 ⎥⎦ ⎟⎠ ⎣6⎦

Hook Lowering Velocity: vH ≔ 0.25 ⋅ m ⋅ s −1 ⎡ vH ⎤

vc ≔ ⎢ vH ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ vH ⎥⎦

3.2 Wave kinematics

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.4

Characteristic wave amplitude:

(assuming the lowering through the ⎡ 0.9 ⎤ ⎡ 1.35 ⎤

splash zone can be finished within 30
minutes; otherwise, ζa=1.0*Hs) ζa ≔ ⎢ 0.9 ⎥ ⋅ Hs ζa = ⎢ 1.35 ⎥ m
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.9 ⎦ ⎣ 1.35 ⎦

Characteristic vertical water particle velocity:

―――――― →
⎛ −4 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ d ⎞
⎜ ⎛ 2 ⋅ π ⎞ ―――Tz 2 ⋅ g

vw ≔ ⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜―― ⎟⋅e ⎟
⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎠

Characteristic vertical water particle acceleration:

――――――― →
⎛ −4 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ d ⎞
⎜ ⎛ 2⋅π ⎞
2 ――― ⎟
Tz 2 ⋅ g
aw ≔ ⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜――
⎟ ⋅ e ⎟
⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎠

⎡ 2.121 ⎤ ⎡ 3.331 ⎤
vw = ⎢ 1.696 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1 aw = ⎢ 2.132 ⎥ m ⋅ s −2
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.414 ⎦ ⎣ 1.48 ⎦

3.3 Slamming impact force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.5

Slamming impact velocity: ―――――→

vs ≔ ⎛⎝vc + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
vct 2 + vw 2 ⎞⎠

Slamming impact force:

1 ―→
Fslam ≔ ― ⋅ ρw ⋅ ⎛⎝Cs ⋅ Aslam⎞⎠ ⋅ vs 2

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Analysis for Lifting of Initiation DMA

⎡ 2.384 ⎤ ⎡ 91 ⎤
vs = ⎢ 2.017 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1 Fslam = ⎢ 65 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.867 ⎦ ⎣ 56 ⎦

3.4 Varying buoyancy force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.6

Change in volume of displaced

water from still water surface to ―――――→
wave crest or wave trough: δV ≔ ⎛⎝Aw ⋅ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
ζa 2 + ηct 2 ⎞⎠

Varying buoyancy force: Fρ ≔ ⎛⎝ρw ⋅ δV ⋅ g⎞⎠

⎡ 8⎤ ⎡ 85 ⎤
δV = ⎢ 9 ⎥ m 3 Fρ = ⎢ 88 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 10 ⎦ ⎣ 97 ⎦

3.5 Mass (inertia) force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.7

Mass (inertia) force:

⎛ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
2 2⎞
Finertia ≔ ⎜⎝ ⎛⎝⎛⎝mobj_splash + A33i_splash⎞⎠ ⋅ act⎞⎠ + ⎛⎝⎛⎝ρw ⋅ Vi_splash + A33i_splash⎞⎠ ⋅ aw⎞⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎡ 9⎤
Finertia = ⎢ 16 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 21 ⎦
3.6 Drag force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.8

Characteristic vertical relative velocity
between object and water particle: ―――――→
vr ≔ ⎛⎝vc + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
vct 2 + vw 2 ⎞⎠

Drag Force: Fdrag ≔ 0.5 ⋅ ρw ⋅ Cd ⋅ Ap_splash ⋅ vr 2

⎡ 2.38 ⎤ ⎡0⎤
vr = ⎢ 2.02 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1 Fdrag = ⎢ 0 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.87 ⎦ ⎣0⎦

3.7 Combined hydrodynamic force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.3.9

2 2 ⎡ 119 ⎤
Fhyd_splash ≔ ⎛⎝Fdrag + Fslam⎞⎠ + ⎛⎝Finertia − Fρ⎞⎠
Fhyd_splash = 98 ⎥ kN

⎢ ⎥
⎣ 95 ⎦

3.8 Characteristic total force

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.4.2

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Analysis for Lifting of Initiation DMA

Characteristic total force in splash zone:

Maximum dynamic force: Fmax_splash ≔ Fstatic_splash + Fhyd_splash

Minimum dynamic force: Fmin_splash ≔ Fstatic_splash − Fhyd_splash

⎡ 366 ⎤ ⎡ 129 ⎤
Fmax_splash = ⎢ 345 ⎥ kN Fmin_splash = ⎢ 150 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 342 ⎦ ⎣ 153 ⎦

4. Hydrodynamic Forces at Depth

Refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4

4.1 Wave kinematics

Characteristic vertical water particle ―――――――― ―→

acceleration: ⎛ 2 ⎞
⎜⎛ 2⎞ ⎛ π ⎞
− 2 ⋅ ― ⋅ ――

⎛ 2⋅π ⎞ ⎟
aw_sub ≔ ⎜⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜―― ⋅e ⎝ z ⎠
T g
⎟ ⎟
⎝⎜⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎠
Characteristic vertical water particle
―――――― ―→
⎛ −4 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ depth ⎞
⎜ ⎛ 2⋅π ⎞ ―――― ⎟
Tz 2 ⋅ g
vw_sub ≔ ⎜ζa ⋅ ⎜――
⎟ ⋅ e ⎟
⎝ ⎝ Tz ⎠ ⎠

Characteristic vertical relative velocity ――――――→

between object and water particle: vr_sub ≔ ⎛⎝vc + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
vct 2 + vw_sub 2 ⎞⎠

⎡ 2.758 ⎤ ⎡ 1.756 ⎤ ⎡ 2.022 ⎤

aw_sub = ⎢ 1.889 ⎥ m ⋅ s −2 vw_sub = ⎢ 1.504 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1 vr_sub = ⎢ 1.832 ⎥ m ⋅ s −1
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1.361 ⎦ ⎣ 1.3 ⎦ ⎣ 1.768 ⎦

4.2 Inertia force

⎛ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
2 2⎞ ⎡ 46 ⎤
Finertia_sub ≔ ⎜⎝ ⎛⎝⎛⎝mobj_sub + A33i_sub⎞⎠ ⋅ act⎞⎠ + ⎛⎝⎛⎝ρw ⋅ Vi_sub + A33i_sub⎞⎠ ⋅ aw_sub⎞⎠ ⎟⎠
Finertia_sub = ⎢ 36 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 34 ⎦

4.3 Drag force

――→ ⎡ 26 ⎤
Fdrag_sub ≔ 0.5 ⋅ ρw ⋅ Cd ⋅ Ap_sub ⋅ vr_sub 2
Fdrag_sub = 22 ⎥ kN

⎢ ⎥
⎣ 20 ⎦

4.4 Combined hydrodynamic force

Date: 22/8/2011 Page 5 of 6 Originated by: ZQY

Analysis for Lifting of Initiation DMA

Fhyd_sub ≔ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
Finertia_sub 2 + Fdrag_sub 2 ⎡ 53 ⎤
Fhyd_sub = 42 ⎥ kN

⎢ ⎥
⎣ 40 ⎦

4.5 Characteristic total force

Maximum dynamic force: Fmax_sub ≔ Fstatic_sub + Fhyd_sub

Minimum dynamic force: Fmin_sub ≔ Fstatic_sub − Fhyd_sub

⎡ 206 ⎤ ⎡ 100 ⎤
Fmax_sub = 195 ⎥ kN
⎢ Fmin_sub = ⎢ 111 ⎥ kN
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 193 ⎦ ⎣ 113 ⎦

5.0 Summary
Maximum load on crane hook:

At splash zone: Fmax_splash_all ≔ max ⎛⎝Fmax_splash⎞⎠

Fmax_splash_all = 37.3 tonnef
DAFsplash ≔ ――――― DAFsplash = 1.48

Full submerged: Fmax_sub_all ≔ max ⎛⎝Fmax_sub⎞⎠

Fmax_sub_all = 21 tonnef

DAFsub ≔ ――――
Fstatic_sub DAFsub = 1.35

Snapping check (refer to DNV-RP-H103 Section 4.4.3):

Fmax_hyd_splash ≔ max ⎛⎝Fhyd_splash⎞⎠

Fmax_hyd_splash = 119 kN

Fmax_hyd_sub ≔ max ⎛⎝Fhyd_sub⎞⎠

Fmax_hyd_sub = 53 kN

Snapping_check_splash ≔ if ⎛⎝max ⎛⎝Fhyd_splash⎞⎠ < 0.9 ⋅ Fstatic_splash , “No snapping” , “Snapping may occur”⎞⎠

Snapping_check_splash = “No snapping”

Date: 22/8/2011 Page 6 of 6 Originated by: ZQY

Project: FPU for Terang Sirasun Batur Field Doc. No
Riser Installation Analysis 4059-CA-00213956, Rev.1


No Title
1 DMA Drawing
2 DMA Bearing Capacity Check



Mass 25,153 kg
This drawing is the property of Gaylin International Pte Ltd and
must not be disclosed to any third party, reproduced in part or
in whole or used in any manner whatsoever without the written GAYLIN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD
approval of Gaylin International Pte Ltd

Clump weight, 25 tons


KCBL 12/03/2011
A4 901001
SCALE 1:20 Z:\Database\Bin\Drawings SHEET 1 OF 2
Bearing Capacity Check for a Simple DMA

Project: TSB
Prepared by: ZQY
Version: 0

Initiation Load
Horizontal Load, Fh (t) 5.7
Vertical Load, fv (t) 1.1 Note: Positive load means upwards

DMA Details
(Note: No skirt)
Mass (t) 25.2
Volume (m^3) 9.4
Submerged Weight, Fv (t) 15.6
Length, L (m) 2.50
Width, B (m) 2.50

Soil Data
(Note: Sand only)
Internal Friction angle,T (deg) 33
Submerged unit weight (kN/m3) 7

Vertical Capacity
(refer to DNV Classification Notes 30.4 Seciton 4.4)

Bearing capacity factor, Nq 26.09

Bearing Capacity factor, Nr 24.44
Load factor, i 0.23
Shape factor, s 0.91
Depth factor, d 1
Bearing Capacity, qu (kN/m2) 44.3
Veritcal bearing capacity, Qu (kN) 277
Veritcal bearing capacity, Qu (t) 28.2

Safety Factor 1.8

Horizontal Capacity
Friction angle between soil and steel (deg) 28
Friction coefficient between soil and steel 0.53
Horizontal holding capacity (t) 7.7 EŽƚĞ͗,ŽƌŝnjŽŶƚĂůŚŽůĚŝŶŐĐĂƉĂĐŝƚLJс;&ǀͲĨǀͿΎƚĂŶ;TͲϱͿ
Safety factor 1.4

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