Unit 3 Tension Member

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Calculate the strength of ISA 90 x 60 x 8 mm used as a tie member

with its longer leg connected by (i) a 16 mm dia rivets, (ii) a 6 mm

fillet weld. i) rivets
d= dn + 1.5
Net Sectional area of Connected leg A1 = t (l-d- t/2)
Gross Sectional area of unconnected leg
A2 = t (b – t/2)

A net =A1 + (A2 x K)

Strength Pat = x A net
ii) Fillet weld
Net Sectional area of Connected leg A1 = t (l-d- t/2)
Gross Sectional area of unconnected leg
A2 = t (b – t/2)

A net =A1 + (A2 x K)

Strength Pat = x A net
Calculate the strength of tie member composed of 2 ISA 150 x 75
x 8, When they are i) Placed back to back with their longer legs
connected on same side of the gusset plate by 20 mm diameter
rivets. ii) Placed back to back with their longer legs connected on
both sides of the gusset plate by 20 mm diameter rivets
i) Placed back to back on same side of gusset plate:
A1 = 2t (l – d – t/2)
A2 = 2t (b – t/2)

A net = A1 + A2 x K
Strength Pat = x A net
ii) Placed back to back on both sides of gusset:

C/s Area of single ISA 150 x 75 x 8 =

A net = 2 (Ag – deduction for holes)
Strength Pat = x A net
A tie consists of 2 ISA 75 x 75 x 8 mm placed back to back
with a gusset plate 8 mm thickness between them. If 18 mm
diameter rivets are used for the connection, find the safe pull
the tie can carry, if tack rivets are not provided Assume
permissibile axial tension stress = 150 Mpa. What will be the
requird pull if tacking rivets are provided
i) When tacking rivets are not provided then both the
angles act separately as a single angle:
d= dn + 1.5
Strength of single angle
A1 = t ( l-d – b/2)
A2 = t (l – b/2)

A net = A1 + A2 x k
Strength Pat = x A net
Strength of 2 ISA = 2 x Pat
b) When tacking rivets are provided:

A net = 2 (Ag – deduction of holes)

Strength of 2 ISA P at = x A net
One ISA 100 x 65 x 10 mm is to be connected to a gusset
plate of 12 mm thickness through single rivet line. The rivet
diameter is 18 mm. Show by calculations it is advisable to
connect the longer leg to the gusset plate. Take the
permissible axial tensile stress = 150 Mpa.
a) When longer leg is connected:
d= dn + 1.5
A1 = t ( l-d – b/2) [ l= length of longer leg]
A2 = t (l – b/2)

• A net = A1 + A2 x k Pat = x A net

a) When shorter leg is connected:
d= dn + 1.5
A1 = t ( l-d – b/2) [ l= length of shorter leg]
A2 = t (l – b/2)

• A net = A1 + A2 x k Pat = x A net

• Since a) > b) it is advisable to connect longer leg to the gusset plate

Design of Axially Loaded Tension Member
• Select a section with sufficient area to carry loads
• Should not exceed design strength of the member
• Stability of tension member is minor concern
• Nature of loading and the types of stresses are ascertained
• It may be subjected to Pure axial tension or combined axial tension
and bending
• The proportioning and arrangement of the member and it end
connections should be considered in a manner that it is
appropriate and economical
• Stress concentration induced by the connected parts can be
extremely complicated.
• The designer has freedom in the selection of rolled
shapes, the resulting selection should have the following
1. Compactness
2. Its dimensions should fit into the overall dimension
of the structure
3. Connections to as many parts of the section as
possible to minimize shear stress concentration
• The tension member section selected should have
sufficient stiffness to prevent lateral deflections and
• Slenderness ratio of the member is checked and kept
below a certain maximum specified value.
• Minimum compression strength in the member is
ensured to take care of stress during shipping and
erection and perhaps due to wind or earthquake
Estimate of the area is made from the
following conditions. Larger one is taken as the
initial size estimate

• Gross section yielding =

• Net section fracture:

For plates and threaded rods
Check for:

1. Slenderness ratio limit

2. Gross section yielding
3. Block shear failure
Step by Step procedure for Design of Tension Member

1. The net area required An to carry the factored load T is

obtained by An = T/ or T/
T – factored design load
fu – ultimate strength of the material,
An – net area of cross section,
- 0.6, 0.7, or 0.8
= 1.25
• The net area calculated thus is increased suitably (10% - 25%) to
compute the tentative gross sectional area.
• The trail gross area is also determined from its yield strength by
Where fy is the yield strength of the material and = 1.1
• From IS Handbook No. I, a suitable rolled section/ built- up section
providing a cross – sectional area matching with the computed gross –
sectional area is selected
• The number of bolts ( or weld) required to make the connection is
calculated. These are arranged in a suitable pattern and the net area of
the section provided is calculated. Thereafter, effective net are is
determined if the section selected is not connected with all of its
• The slenderness ratio of the member is checked as per the IS
1. Calculate net sectional area required

2. Try a suitable section having 10 to 40% larger than

Following percentages are recommended for specific cases:
Connection Riveted Welded

Single Angle 20 – 40% 10 – 20%

Double Angle 20 – 30 % 5 – 10 %
• Calculate the A net available in the trail section.
• The trail section will be suitable if,
Anet available _ Anet required (nearly within 5% to 10%).
• Check slenderness ratio when reversal of load may occur
as per IS: 800 – 1984 as follows.
a) In any tension member in which a reversal of direct
stress due to loadother than wind or earthquake forces
occur (SR _ 180).
b) A member normally acting as a tie in a roof truss or
bracing system by subject to a possible reversal of stress
resulting from the action of or earthquake forces should
have S.R._ 350.
• Design end connections
No. of rivets required =

Arrange the rivets as far as possible such that the centre

of gravity of the section coincides with that of group of
Design an uneuqal angle section to act as a tie member 2 m long in
a roof truss if it is to carry an axial load of 150 Kn. The connection
can be riveted with hand driven rivets or fillet weld.
Take = 150 Mpa.
a) Design by riveted connection
2. Choose an unequal angle section having a sectional area
about 20% more.
First Trial Section : ISA 80 x 50 x 10 mm A =
Assume dia of rivet
d = dn + 1.5 …..Find A1, A2, K and Anet …….
Anet available > Anet required, section is unsafe
Second Trail Section:
Try 30 % more area, hence choose an ISA 100 x 75 x 8 mm, A=
Find A1, A2, K and Anet
4. Since Anet available > Anet required, therefore the section is
Strength of member, Pat = x Anet
5. Check for slenderness ratio
Effective length, le = 2m = 2000mm ,
rmin = 1.59 cm = 15.9 mm Steel table
S.R = le/rmin _ 350
Note : A limit of S.R _ is taken since the member is in roof truss
which carries forces from wind occasionally).
End Connections
Strength of 20 mm diameter hand driven rivet
a) In single shearing =
b) In bearing = xdxt
From lesser value of a) and b) Rivet value =
No. of Rivets required = / Rivet value
Provide _ rivets at a pitch = 3 x dn
Edge distance = 2 x dn
B) Design using welded connection

Try the section which has 15 to 20% more area.

i.e ISA 75 x 50 x 10 mm A = 1152
Size of fillet weld
i) Minimum size = 3mm
ii) Maximum size for rounded toe section =
Hence the size in between 3mm to 7.5mm can be adopted. Let us
adopt a size of 6 mm fillet weld connected to longer leg.
Net sectional area of connected leg
A1 = t ( l – t/2)
Gross sectional area of unconnected leg
A2 = t ( b – t/2)
K = 3A1 / (3A1 + A2)
Anet = A1 + A2 x K
Since Anet available > Anet required, the section is safe.
Strength of member, Pat = x Anet
Check for Slenderness ratio :
S.R = le/r min
End Connections
Area of cross section A=
Load to be resisted P=
This load should act at the c.g of the section, Cx = 26mm (Steel table)
Size of weld s = 6 mm
Effective length of weld required,
L= / (Pq x l x t) Pq – permissible shear stress in weld
t = 0.7 x s
The distribution of the weld should be such that the c.g of welf coincides
with the line of action of load
From Fig, total effective length of weld
X1 + X2 + 75 = 335
X1 + X2 = 260 mm
Force in weld per mm length = Pq x l x t

Taking moment of forces about bottom edge of member

P x X1 x l + P x

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