Introduction To Chemistry

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Karol Ghannan
Eleonore Lalaurie
Moles and equations
Masses of atoms and molecules

Relative atomic mass, Ar

Atoms of different elements have different masses. When
we perform chemical calculations, we need to know how
heavy one atom is compared with another. The mass of a
single atom is so small that it is impossible to weigh it
directly.The mass of other atoms is found by comparing
their mass with the mass of carbon-12 atoms. This is
called the relative atomic mass, Ar.
Isotopes are atoms that have the same
number of protons but different numbers
of neutrons

We represent the nucleon number by a number

written at the top left-hand corner of the atom’s
symbol, e.g. 20Ne

We use the term relative isotopic mass for the mass

of a particular isotope of an element on a scale where
an atom of carbon-12 has a mass of exactly 12 units.
For example, the relative isotopic mass of carbon-13
is 13.00. If we know both the natural abundance of
every isotope of an element and their isotopic masses,
we can calculate the relative atomic mass of the
element very accurately. To find the necessary data
we use an instrument called a mass spectrometer (see
box on mass spectrometry).
The relative molecular mass of a compound
(Mr) is the
relative mass of one molecule of the
compound on a scale where the carbon-12
isotope has a mass of exactly 12 units. We find
the relative molecular mass by adding up the
relative atomic masses of all the atoms present
in the molecule.

Relative formula mass

For compounds containing ions we use the
term relative formula mass. This is calculated
in the same way as for relative molecular
mass. It is also given the same symbol, Mr. For
example, for magnesium hydroxide:
Reacting masses
When reacting chemicals together we may need to know
what mass of each reactant to use so that they react
exactly and there is no waste. To calculate this we need
to know the chemical equation. This shows us the ratio
of moles
of the reactants and products – the stoichiometry of the
equation. The balanced equation shows this
stoichiometry. For example, in the reaction
Fe2O3 + 3CO 2Fe + 3CO2
1 mole of iron(III) oxide reacts with 3 moles of carbon
monoxide to form 2 moles of iron and 3 moles of carbon
dioxide. The stoichiometry of the equation is 1 : 3 : 2 :
3. The large numbers that are included in the equation
(3, 2 and 3) are called stoichiometric numbers.
In order to find the mass of products formed in a
chemical reaction we use:
■ the mass of the reactants
■ the molar mass of the reactants
■ the balanced equation.
The stoichiometry of a reaction
We can find the stoichiometry of a reaction if we know the amounts
of each reactant that exactly react together and the amounts of each
product formed.
For example, if we react 4.0 g of hydrogen with 32.0 g of oxygen we
get 36.0 g of water. (A values: H = 1.0, O = 16.0)
The empirical formula of a compound is the simplest whole
number ratio of the elements present in one molecule or
formula unit of the compound. The molecular formula of a
compound shows the total number of atoms of each element
present in a molecule.
Table 1.2 shows the empirical and molecular formulae for a
number of compounds.
▪ The formula for an ionic compound is always its
empirical formula.

▪ The empirical formula and molecular formula for

simple inorganic molecules are often the same.

▪ Organic molecules often have different empirical and

molecular formulae.

Compounds containing a simple metal ion and non- metal ion are
named by changing the end of the name of the non-metal element to -
sodium + chlorine sodium chloride zinc + sulfur zinc sulfide

Compound ions containing oxygen are usually called -ates. For

example, the sulfate ion contains sulfur and oxygen, the phosphate
ion contains phosphorus and oxygen.
Using state symbols
We sometimes find it useful to specify the
physical states of the reactants and products in
a chemical reaction. This is especially
important where chemical equilibrium and
rates of reaction are being discussed (see
Chapter 8 and Chapter 9). We use the
following state symbols:
■ (s) solid
■ (l) liquid
■ (g) gas
■ (aq) aqueous (a solution in water).

Balancing ionic equations

When ionic compounds dissolve in water, the ions separate from
each other. For example:
Solutions and concentration

Calculating the concentration of

a solution
The concentration of a solution is the amount
of solute dissolved in a solvent to make 1 dm3
(one cubic decimetre) of solution. The solvent
is usually water. There are 1000 cm3 in a cubic
decimetre. When 1 mole of a
Atomic structure
Elements and atoms

Every substance in our world is made up from

chemical elements. These chemical elements
cannot be broken down further into simpler
substances by chemical means. A few
elements, such as nitrogen and gold, are found
on their own in nature, not combined with
other elements. Most elements, however, are
found in combination with other elements as
Inside the atom

The structure of an atom

Every atom has nearly all of its mass
concentrated in a tiny region in the centre of
the atom called the nucleus. The nucleus is
made up of particles called nucleons. There are
two types of nucleon: protons and neutrons.
Atoms of different elements have different
numbers of protons.

Masses and charges: a summary

Electrons, protons and neutrons have
characteristic charges and masses. The values
of these are too small
to be very useful when discussing general
chemical properties. For example, the charge
on a single electron
is –1.602 × 10–19 coulombs.

All atoms of the same element have the

same number of protons. However, they
may have different numbers of neutrons.
Atoms of the same element that have
differing numbers of neutrons are called
How many protons, neutrons and electrons?

In a neutral atom the number of

positively charged protons in the
nucleus equals the number of
negatively charged electrons outside
the nucleus. When an atom gains or
loses electrons, ions are formed,
which are electrically charged.

The magnesium ion has a charge of 2+ because it

has 12 protons (+) but only 10 electrons (–).
The isotopic symbol for an ion derived from sulfur-
is 33S2–. This sulfide ion has 16 protons, 17 neutrons
(because 33 – 16 = 17) and 18 electrons (because
16 + 2 = 18).
Chemical bonding
Types of chemical bonding

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