Lecture 2

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Advanced Marine Vehicles

Lecture 2
Lt Cdr M Omer PN
Advanced Marine Vehicles
Sustention Triangle
• The "sustention triangle" is a commonly
used device for characterizing ship
types. It is a conceptual device for
understanding what makes the boat float

• Each corner represents one of three

principle methods of staying afloat

• At the top, we have dynamic lift, bottom

left is buoyant lift, bottom right is
powered lift

• Any surface marine vehicle we can

conceive of will sit somewhere within this
triangle and will use proportions of these
three main types of lift to stay afloat
Sustention Triangle
Sustention Triangle
• A planning hull: this type of hullform
uses significant amount of dynamic lift
created by hydrodynamic forces acting
on the body

• A surface effect ship: this type of hull

is a cross between a hovercraft and a
catamaran so its uses partly powered
lift and partly buoyant lift

• A wing in ground effect: more akin to

aircraft, make use of ground effect to
achieve extremely fast speeds

• HYSWAS (Hydrofoil Small Water Plane

Area Ship): cross between hydrofoil
Problem with Sustention Triangle
The sustention triangle is unable to distinguish between hydrofoils and WIGs: both
are classed as dynamic lift craft
Sustention Cube
Sustention Cube
• First Axes: Static or Dynamic Lift Does the lift of the
craft require that the craft be moving

Barge is the epitome of static lift craft

Planing hull is dynamic lift craft

• Second Axes: Aero or Hydro Lift Aerostatic or

aerodynamic; Hydrostatic or hydrodynamic Lift
Barges are hydrostatic lift craft
Planing hull is hydrodynamic lift craft
Airships are aerostatically lift crafts
Airplanes or WIG are aerodynamically lift craft

• Third Axes: Powered or Passive Lift: whether the lift is due to the active motion of
some component of the craft, or on the other hand is the lift due to the basic shape
• Planing hull and airplanes are passive lift craft but hovercraft is powered or active lift craft
Sustention Cube
• There are 08 corners of the cube, all corners are defined
by the combination of these
• Passive or Active · Hydro- or Aero- · -Static or –Dynamic

• Thus the eight corners are:

Passive Hydrostatics Conventional ships and barges
Passive Hydrodynamics
Passive Aerostatics
Passive Aerodynamics
Active Hydrostatics
Active Hydrodynamics
Active Aerostatics
Active Aerodynamics
Sustention Cube
• There are 08 corners of the cube, all corners are defined
by the combination of these
• Passive or Active · Hydro- or Aero- · -Static or –Dynamic

• Thus the eight corners are:

Passive Hydrostatics Conventional ships and barges
Passive Hydrodynamics Planing craft and Hydrofoils
Passive Aerostatics
Passive Aerodynamics
Active Hydrostatics
Active Hydrodynamics
Active Aerostatics
Active Aerodynamics
Sustention Cube
• There are 08 corners of the cube, all corners are defined
by the combination of these
• Passive or Active · Hydro- or Aero- · -Static or –Dynamic

• Thus the eight corners are:

Passive Hydrostatics Conventional ships and barges
Passive Hydrodynamics Planing craft and Hydrofoils
Passive Aerostatics Blimp or airships
Passive Aerodynamics
Active Hydrostatics
Active Hydrodynamics
Active Aerostatics
Active Aerodynamics
Sustention Cube
• There are 08 corners of the cube, all corners are defined
by the combination of these
• Passive or Active · Hydro- or Aero- · -Static or –Dynamic

• Thus the eight corners are:

Passive Hydrostatics Conventional ships and barges
Passive Hydrodynamics Planing craft and Hydrofoils
Passive Aerostatics Blimp or airships
Passive Aerodynamics Airplanes and WIG
Active Hydrostatics
Active Hydrodynamics
Active Aerostatics
Active Aerodynamics
Sustention Cube
• There are 08 corners of the cube, all corners are defined
by the combination of these
• Passive or Active · Hydro- or Aero- · -Static or –Dynamic

• Thus the eight corners are:

Passive Hydrostatics Conventional ships and barges
Passive Hydrodynamics Planing craft and Hydrofoils
Passive Aerostatics Blimp or airships
Passive Aerodynamics Airplanes and WIG
Active Hydrostatics Hovercraft
Active Hydrodynamics
Active Aerostatics
Active Aerodynamics
Sustention Cube
• There are 08 corners of the cube, all corners are defined
by the combination of these
• Passive or Active · Hydro- or Aero- · -Static or –Dynamic

• Thus the eight corners are:

Passive Hydrostatics Conventional ships and barges
Passive Hydrodynamics Planing craft and Hydrofoils
Passive Aerostatics Blimp or airships
Passive Aerodynamics Airplanes and WIG
Active Hydrostatics Hovercraft
Active Hydrodynamics Hydrofoil using Fletner rotors
Active Aerostatics
Active Aerodynamics
Sustention Cube
• There are 08 corners of the cube, all corners are defined
by the combination of these
• Passive or Active · Hydro- or Aero- · -Static or –Dynamic

• Thus the eight corners are:

Passive Hydrostatics Conventional ships and barges
Passive Hydrodynamics Planing craft and Hydrofoils
Passive Aerostatics Blimp or airships
Passive Aerodynamics Airplanes and WIG
Active Hydrostatics Hovercraft
Active Hydrodynamics Hydrofoil using Flettner rotors
Active Aerostatics Helicopter
Active Aerodynamics Gyrocopter
Planing Hull
• The concept is to raise the hull in the water, by the application of a dynamic
supporting force, to reduce the wetted surface area of the hull
Planing Hull
• The pressure distribution over the wetted hull of a displacement vehicle in motion

• As a result, trim of the vehicle adjusts to a new equilibrium

• If the hull is suitably shaped, the hydrodynamic forces developed due to forward
motion can lift the substantial proportion of the hull out of water

• The wetted surface area is thus less than the at low speed

• Hence, the viscous resistance (frictional resistance) Rv reduces

• Though aerodynamic resistance increases but not significantly

• Thus RT becomes smaller than the conventional displacement ship at same speed
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy
• When a fixed plate is held normal to and
symmetrically across an inviscid, steady, free
jet of water

• The jet divides evenly about the stagnation

point and escapes along the surface
• If the ambient pressure surrounding the jet and the rear of the plate is constant.

• The momentum of jet destroyed and give rise to a force in an opposite direction of
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy
• Alternatively, plate itself experience and
equal and opposite reaction

• Or, it can be understood that this force is the

result of distribution of pressures on wetted
flat surface
• The pressure on the wetted surface of the plate reduces from a stagnation value at
X to at the edges Y
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination

𝑺𝒕 𝒑𝒂

Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination
• Now the plate is rotated to some inclination
angle relative to the direction of jet
• Symmetry is lost, large proportion of jet is
pushed downwards

• The stagnation streamline is neither completely straight nor coincident with the line
of jet

• Thus the reaction force does not act at stagnation point but at the centre of
pressure X which is at some distance aft of

• There are two components of force ; a vertical component and horizontal

component parallel to is (drag)
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination

𝑹 𝑺𝒕

Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination

Typical velocity and pressure distribution (in dimensionless form) on wetted planning surface
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination
• The normal force and the location of center
of pressure can be ascertained from the
pressure distribution over the wetted surface

• can be deduced from a consideration of

changes in either momentum flux or energy flux of the water in the vicinity of plate

• We assume that the main bulk of water far upstream, far downstream and far below
the plate is stationery

• The only energy imparted to the water is that thrown forward from the underside of
the plate
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination
• Since ambient pressure is assumed to be
constant, then is constant along the

• And due to non-viscous assumption, the

thrown water must have uniform velocity
relative to the plate
• The absolute velocity of this water is thus the vector sum of the plate velocity and
the relative velocity of the water tangential to the plate
𝜶 /𝟐 𝛼 / 2
𝟐 𝑽 c o s
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination
• The mass flow rate of the water thrown
forward is

per unit width

• Where is the depth of water at the leading

edge of the plate
• By continuity, must equal the depth of the stagnation streamline below the
streamline well upstream from the plate

• Hence the energy flux supplied by unit width of the plate must be
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination
• And this equals the rate at which work is
done on the water by unit width of the plate
that is

𝜶𝜶𝑭 sin 𝜶
• Energy flux
• Hence
Planing Hull
Flat Plate Analogy with inclination

Since has been assumed small the vertical dynamic force can be written as

Vertical force is dependent on (relative velocity of thrown water), the depth of

water and the incidence angle
Planing Hull
Hull Geometry of Planing Hull
• On flat surface, local surface pressures on
the wetted surface are very high e.g.

• If

• For
Planing Hull
Hull Geometry of Planing Hull
• On flat surface, local surface pressures on the wetted surface are very high and
give rise to an uncomfortable ride

• These higher pressures can be decreased by adopting round bottom hull

• The flat stern of a hull is there to limit the sinkage of stern when the boat speeds up

• However, at higher speeds a fine entry to the water is necessary

• The fore body of rounded hulls has to get narrower and little use can be made of
the internal space

• Better results are obtained at high speed if the original flat plate remain as such
near the stern but the under surface of the plate is transformed into an increasingly
pronounced V
Planing Hull
Hull Geometry of Planing Hull
• To achieve good planing results and preserve the flat plate characteristics, the side
of the craft meet the undersurface V at hard angles

• Craft exhibiting this type of geometry are thus said to possess a hard chine, V
bottom hull
• Many of the present high speed boats are of this kind

• The angle which a V hull makes with the horizontal is

called the deadrise angle
• Moreover the wetted beam is not infinite, so concept
Hard angle
of aspect ratio will be used
Planing Hull
Hull Geometry of Planing Hull
• Moreover the wetted beam is not infinite, so concept of aspect ratio will be used

Mean wetted beam

• Similarly the length of wetted plan profile of the
Plan area of the wetted surface
planning hull varies across the breadth
Planing Hull
Forces on Planing Hull - Assumptions
• Assuming geometric symmetry about the fore and aft vertical plane

• Assuming boat as a rectangular box with a mean wetted beam a wetted length
and a trim angle

• The transom of the boat is usually unwetted, since the water cannot follow the rapid
change of contour of stern
Planing Hull
Forces on Planing Hull
Name of Force Symbol Description
Hydrostatic Force Acting at the center of pressure on the
bottom of the hull
Hydrodynamic Force Resulting from variation of pressure over
the wetted hull and acting at the
hydrodynamic center on the bottom of hull
Skin Friction Force Force acting on the wetted hull
Thrust Force Thrust produced by a propulsor to
maintain the steady forward velocity

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