Arteriovenous Malformation

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Vascular malformation:
► Venous malformation
► Cavernous
► Capillary telangiectasia
► Most dangerous vascular malformation
► Congenital lesion
► Abnormal collection of vessels
wherein arterial blood flows directly
into draining veins without the
normal capillary beds
► Feeding arteries/ Nidus/ Draining veins
► Static/ Grow/ Regress
► Hemorrhage(50%)
► Seizure
► Mass effect
► Ischemia; steal phenomenon
► Headache
► Bruit
► Peds: hydrocephalus, heart failure
► Peak age: 15-20 y/o
► 10 % mortality; 30-50% morbidity
► ICH(80%)/IVH/SAH
► Risk of hemorrhage:

High feeding a. pressure/V. outflow

Hemorrhage related to AVM size
► Small AVMs are more lethal than larger ones
► Small AVMs tends to present more often as
hemorrhage than do larger ones 1
► Small AVMs are thought to have much higher
pressure in feeding artery 1, 2

1. Crawford P M, West C R, et al: Arteriovenous Malformation: Natural History

in Unoperated Patients. J Neurol Neurosuurg Psy 49:1-10,1986
2. Spetzler R F, Hargraves R W, et al: Relationship of Perfusion Pressure and
Size to Risk of Hemorrhage from Arteriovenous Malformations.
Neurosurgery 37: 851-5, 1995
Annual & Lifetime risk
of Hemorrhage
► Lifelong risk of bleeding: 2-4% per yr
► A study of 166 symptomatic AVMs with 24 year follow-up
found the risk of major bleeding was constant at 4% per
year, independent of whether the AVM presented with or
without hemorrhage 3
► The AVM Study Group:
Annual rate of rehemorrhage was 18% among pts who
had hemorrhage at presentation; 2% among pts with no
history of bleeding (306 cases) 4
► Rebleeding rate significantly lower than aneurysms.

3. Ondra SL, Troupp H, et al: The natural history of symptomatic cerebral arteriovenous
malformation: A 24-year follow-up assessment. J Neurosurg 25:387-91, 1990
AVMs & Associated Aneurysms
► 7% of pts with AVMs have aneurysms
► 75% are located on major feeding artery;
probably from increased flow 1
► The symptomatic one is treated first
► Although 66% of related aneurysms will
regress following AVM removal, this does
not always occur 4

4. Cunha M J, Stein B M, et al: The Treatment of Associated Intracranial

Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformations. J Neurosurg 77: 853-9, 1992.
Hemodynamic Effects of AVM
Pre-op effects:
► Steal phenomenon
► AVM & aneurysm
► High-flow angiopathy 7
Post-op effects:
► Normal perfusion pressure breakthrough
► Occlusive hyperemia
7. Pile Spellman JM, Baker KF, et al: High flow angiopathy: cerebral blood vessel
changes in chronic arteriovenous malformation. Am J Neuroradiol 1986; 7:811-5
Cerebral Steal Phenomenon
► Autoregulation curve shifts to left
► Despite cerebral arterial hypotension, focal
neurological deficits are rare(<10%)
► More likely to be local mass effect
Normal perfusion pressure breakthrough
► Peri-/Post-op swelling or hemorrhage
► Loss of autoregulation4 ?5
► Less than 5%
► Should be diagnosis of exclusion
► Mx: prevent post-op hypertension

4. Spetzler R F, Wilson C B, et al: Normal perfusion breakthrough theory.

Clin Neurosurg 25: 651-72, 1978
5. Young W L, Kader A, et al: Pressure autoregulation is intact after
arteriovenous malformation resection. Neurosurgery 32: 491-7, 1993
► Flow void on T1WI
or T2WI
► Feeding arteries
► Nidus
► Draining veins
► Tangle of vessels
► Large feeding artery
► Large draining veins
► Not all AVMs show up
on angiography!
Angiographically occult vascular
malformation (AOVM)
► Spetzler-Martin grade
► Outcome based on
Spetzler-Martin grade:
100 consecutive cases
operated by Spetzler
► Multidisciplinary
► Primary goal: decrease the risk of bleeding

1) Surgery: mainstay
2) Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS):
high-risk for surgery
3) TAE: adjunct to 1) & 2)
American Stroke Association recommends:
► Low grade ( I & II )- surgery alone
► Higher grade(>III)-TAE before surgery

► Eliminates risk of bleeding immediately,

seizure controls improves
► Invasive, risk of surgery
► Pre-op propranolol 20mg po QIDx3d to
minimize post-op normal perfusion pressure
breakthrough (NPPB)
► Peri-op labetalol to keep MAP 70-80mmHg
► Craniotomy
► Dural opening
► Identify the borders
► Cautery of feeding arteries
► Deep dissection of the nidus
► Securing the ventricle
► Obliterate the draining veins
► Final removal of AVM
► Post-resection BP challenge
Hemostasis/ Residual nidus/ Areas prone to NPPB
► Immediate post-op/ Peri-op angiography
Intra-Op Complication
► Premature division of venous drainage
► Extensive bleeding along the deep margin
► Post-resection NPPB/ Residual AVM

► Packthe wall with Avitene & Gelfoam

► Immediate removal of the entire AVM
Post-Op Complications
► Subgaleal fluid collection
► Sterile meningitis
► Wound infection
► Intracerebral hematoma
Post-op Deterioration
► Normal Perfusion Pressure Breakthrough 4
post-op swelling or hemorrhage
loss of autoregulation4 ?5
Mx: prevent post-op hypertension
► Occlusive Hyperemia 6
immediate: obstruction of venous outflow
delayed: venous or sinus thrombosis
Mx: adequate post-op hydration
► Rebleeding from a retained nidus
► Seizures
Radiation treatment
► Conventional radiation:
effective in< 20% of cases
► SRS: for small (Nidus<3cm) & deep AVMs
► Radiation-induced endothelial cell
proliferation→Obliteration, thrombosis
► Gamma knife/ Linac

► Non-invasive, gradual reduction of flow

► Takes 1-3 yrs to work, limited to small
Endovascular Approach (TAE)
► Op inaccessible deep or dural feeding a.
► Usually inadequate if used alone for AVM;
may recanalize

► Facilitates
OP (less bleeding) & possibly SRS
► Can’t be used alone, acute hemodynamic
change, multiple procedures
Endovascular Approach (TAE)
► Glue: N-butyl cyanoacrylate (nBCA), Lipiodol,
tantalum powder, D5W
► Embolization of the nidus through the
feeders without any significant glue entering
the draining veins
► In general, only 2-3 vessels are embolized
per session.
Endovascular Approach (TAE)
► Anesthesia: MAC/ GA
► Induced hypotension with vasoactive agents,
general anesthesia, or even brief adenosine-
induced cardiac pause at the time of
embolization to allows the glue to set
► Provocation test:
Sodium amytal & cardiac lidocaine injection
to determine that embolization will not
result in neurologic deficit
Anesthesia-related Considerations
for Cerebral AVMs
► Extensiveblood loss
► Pharmacological brain protection
► Non-pharmacological brain protection

Anesthesia-related considerations for cerebral arteriovenous malformations

Hashimoto T, Young W L, et al
Departments of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, Neurosurgery, and Neurology,
Center for Cerebrovascular Research, UCSF
Neurosurg Focus 11 (5): Article 5, 2001
► Measurement of vascular pressure
differentiate a. from v.
decision of whether a vein can be sacrificed
Anesthetic Technique
Choice of Agents
► Avoid cerebral vasodilators!!!
► General condition
► Isoflurane/N20
► Additional Barbiturate loading
► Metabolic suppression- propofol, etomidate
Brain Relaxation

► Good head position

► CSF drainage
► Diuretics/Osmotherapy
► Avoid excessive cerebral vasodilator!!!
► Modest hypocapnia with hyperventilation
Euvolemia & Pressure Control

► Euvolemia
► Optimal cerebral perfusion pressure
Induced Hypotension

► Aneurysm/ AVM
► Large AVMs with deep a. supply
► Barbiturate therapy
Fluid and Electrolyte Management
► Isotonicity
Stable cardiovascular status
Prevention of cerebral edema
Aggressive isotonic crystalloids may worsen brain
edema by decreasing colloid oncotic pressure. 6
► Euglycemia
less than 200mg/dl
6. Drummond JC, Patel PM, et al: The effect of the reduction of colloid
oncotic pressure, with and without reduction of osmolarity, on
post-traumatic cerebral edema. Anesthesiology 88:993-1002,1998
Toleration of Modest Hypothermia

► Mild hypothermia(34-35° C);

cerebral protection
► SE: drug metabolism
increased rate of myocardial ischemia
Emergence & Recovery

► Post-resection BP challenge;
Hemostasis/ Residual nidus/ Areas prone to NPPB
► BP control: most important
► NE
Postoperative Management
► BP control
SBP< 120mmHg x 2d
► BT control
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