3.1 Basic Psychology
3.1 Basic Psychology
3.1 Basic Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY : derived from the Greek word
‘Psyche’ meaning Soul and ‘Logos’ meaning
Study, to the Greeks, psychology is simply a study
of soul.
But, inability to define ‘Soul’ , they defined it as ‘Study of
Failure of defining ‘Soul’ and ‘Mind’, persuaded the
philosophers and psychologists to define as, “the
description and explanation of state of consciousness as
Based on further studies, it was defined as…
Psychology is defined as the scientific study of
the nature, functions and phenomena of
behaviour and mental experiences of a living
organism based on surroundings.
The term ‘Behaviour’ is :
‘Any manifestation of life activity’, and behaviour is a
collective name for :
1) Motor or conative activities - an inclination (such as an
instinct, a drive, a wish, or a craving) to act purposefully.
2) Cognitive activities- like thinking, reasoning, imaging,
of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual
3) Affective activities- like feeling happy, sad and angry,
4) behaviour at subconcious or unconscious state.
Consequently, it covers the behaviour, involving the inner
experiences and mental processes.
The nature of the subject is scientific if it
fulfils the following criteria:
Contains facts and able to support it through universal
laws and principles.
Emphasizes on search for truth.
Does not believe in sterotypes or superstitions.
Adopts methods of objective investigation, systematic and
controlled observation and scientific approach.
Helps in predicting the future developments.
Is able to turn theory into practise by having its applied
Studies, describes, explains the behaviour of living
organisms- which includes humans, insects, birds
and plants.
Behaviour based on:
1)Conative 5) Unconscious
2) Cognitive 6) Subconscious
4) Conscious
Cause Effect relationship- possesses a
universally accepted body of facts and believes in
modificaton and alterations in its principle.