Boundary Scan Logic

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Digital Boundary Scan Logic


• Testing a stand-alone chip (not mounted on

printed circuit board (PCB)) is relatively easy
because all I/O pins are controllable and
observable with external test equipment.

• Once a chip is mounted on a PCB , the test

becomes much more complex . Also difficulties in
dealing with multiple-layer boards.

• Bed-of-nails (physical probing(check) technique)

– Which is conventional method to test the on-board
components contacts with PCB

• But in the multi-layer boards, the ability of probing

using the Bed-of-nails is too hard.
What is JETAG and JTAG
(IEEE standard 1149.1)
• In the mid-1980s, a group of test engineers from several European electronics
system companies began to get together to search for possible solutions to the
problem of testing surface mount packages and multiple chip modules (MCMs).

• This group, known as the Joint European Test Action Group (JETAG), finally
concluded that the best way to address this problem is to create a serial shift-
register around the boundary of the chip similar to scan design to get I/O
accessibility of the chip.

• In 1988, JETAG was joined by representatives from North American companies

who had also been working on this problem and had come to a similar conclusion.
The combined group was renamed the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG).

• Through the efforts of JTAG, the idea of “boundary scan” was formally converted
into a test architecture and a set of associated design rules, which were quickly
approved by the IEEE as a test standard (Std. 1149.1) in 1990.
Principle of Boundary scan
• A memory element is added on each primary
input (input cell) and primary output (output
cell) of a chip is called boundary scan cell.

• The collection of boundary-scan cells is

configured into two modes
– Parallel mode : act as a parallel-in- parallel-out
shift register(capture and update)
– Serial mode : act as a Serial-in-serial-out shift

• parallel load operation(capture)

– Input side :
• signal values on PI’s are parallely captured into input
cells (IN to R1 if input cell)
– Output side
• core logic output response is parallely captured into
output cells. (core to R1 if output cell)

• parallel unload operation (update)
– Output side
• The captured values of core response in R1 are
parallely unload to the PO’s in the output cells (R1 to
R2 if output cell).
– Input side
• The captured values of PI’s in R1 are parallely passed
into the core logic through R2in the input cells (R1 (TDI)
to core in input cells through R2)
Basic boundary scan cell
• basic universal boundary-scan cell
known BC_1.

• It has four modes of operation:

– Normal
• Direct path from PI(parallel_in) to
– Update(mode=1)
• content of the update hold cell is
passed through to PO
– Capture
• PI is captured by capture scan cell
– Serial shift
• content of the capture scan cell is
passed through to SO
• Using the boundary scan core o/p cell
cells(BSC), test the i/p cell

interconnect structure
between two devices is
called Extest.
• Parallel-load from driver of
chi1 to sensor of chi2 and
serial-shift-out from sensor
of chip2. Transmitter or Driver:
Update register of output cell(R2)

Receiver or Sensor
Capture register of the input cell(R1)
• Using the boundary scan
cells(BSC), test the internal
functionality of the device is
called Intest.

• Parallel load-in from driver to

core and parallel capture
from core to sensor, then
serial-shift-out from sensor
Target Register Modes
• Whenever a register is selected
to become active between TDI
and TDO, it always possible to
perform the following three
operations on the register
– Capture : followed by
– Shift : followed by
– Update

• The order of the these

operations is fixed by the FSM
design of the TAP controller.
• Test-Logic/Reset
– All logic testing is disabled in this state and resets the IR and IR stores default values that select device ID
reg. If device ID reg is not present, then it select Bypass reg.
• Run-Test/Idle
– Idle : It retains the last state of the test logic.
– Run-Test : During this state, the TAP controller can execute an internal test, such as BIST, previously
selected by the instruction register.
• Select-DR-Scan
– This state controls whether to enter the Data Path or the Select-IR-Scan state.
• Select-IR-Scan
– This state controls whether or not to enter the Instruction Path.
– The TAPC can return to the Test-Logic-Reset state otherwise.
• Capture-IR
– In this state, the shift register bank in the Instruction Register parallely loads a pattern of fixed values on
the rising edge of TCK.
– The last two significant bits must always be "01“ checkerboard values for boundary-scan
infrastructure(tester) test
• Shift-IR
– In this state, the instruction register gets connected between TDI and TDO, and the parallel captured
pattern gets shifted-out on each rising edge of TCK and the instruction available on the TDI pin is also
shifted-in to the instruction register.
LVTAP default test starts once it
(observed from Qualcom stil file)
• The following test done by default in LVTAP
– Instruction register test(INSTREG_test)
– Bypass reg test(BYPASSREG_test)
– Internal Data register Test(INTDR_test)
(observed from Qualcom stil file)
(Bypass instruction1: 0000000000000000000000000000)
(Bypass instruction2: 1111111111111111111111111111)
• Load IR with BYPASS instruction: 000000000000000000000000000 (it selects the 1-bit Bypass reg).

• Test1: Verify that the TAP FSM can skip the SHIFT-DR state via
– IDLE -> SELECT-DR -> CAPTURE-DR(load default value 0) -> EXIT1-DR -> PAUSE-DR
• Load BYPASS register(1-bit register) with a logic one (1-bit through TDI) : scan-in 1
• Compare the standard-imposed(previous(default) loaded) value of logic zero in TDO(scan-out 0).
• End shifting in PAUSE-DR state
• Load BYPASS register with a zero(scan-in 0)(Skipping capture-DR state).
• Compare TDO with previous scanned-in value of one(scan-out 1).
• End shifting in PAUSE-DR state

• Test2 : Verify that the TAP FSM can skip the IDLE state between two DR-STATES, via
• Load BYPASS register with a logic one.
• Compare BYPASS captured value with the standard-imposed value of logic zero.
• End shifting in IDLE state
• Load IR with BYPASS instruction: 1111111111111111111111111111.
• Load BYPASS register with a logic one.
• Compare BYPASS captured value with the standard-imposed value of logic zero.
• End shifting in PAUSE-DR state
• Load BYPASS register with a zero (Skipping capture-DR state).
• Compare TDO with previous scanned-in value of one.
• End shifting in IDLE state
Where to Place Boundary-Scan Cells?

• boundary-scan cells are placed

on the device in,
– digital input ports,
– digital output ports,
– control lines of bidirectional
(IO) ports
– tristate (0Z) ports.

• The boundary-scan register is

selected by the following
– Extest
– Sample
– Preload
– Intest
Boundary scan cells for Bi-directional pins(IO)

• conceptually at least, three

boundary-scan cells are
required for bi-directional IOs
– one on the input side
– one on the output side
– one on the control(OEN) of the
IO status.

• In practice, the two IO scan

cells are usually combined into
a single multi- function cell
called aBC_7. output
Boundary-Scan Cells for tri-state (OZ) Pins

• Two boundary-scan
cells are required for
tri-state pins:
– One on the output side
– One on the status
control signal into the
output driver amplifier

driver control
Application at the Board Level
Testing a boundary scan board

• Step 1. Test the Tester (board-level boundary-scan

infrastructure test).
– It is done by select only Instruction Register(IR) and
capture the least two fixed bits “01” of IR using
Capture_IR and shift that captured “01” serially to TDO
using Shift_IR.

• Step 2. Test the boundary-scan to boundary-scan

– Use the Extest instruction to select the boundary-scan
registers to apply stimulus and capture responses across
the interconnect structures between the boundary-scan
devices on the board.

• Step 3. Test the Non-boundary-scan region

– Apply tests to the non-boundary-scan devices, such as
memory devices or unstructured clusters, that can be
accessed from the boundary-scan registers of the
boundary-scan devices.
infra-structure test

• The first test that should be performed for a PCB test is called the infra-
structure test.

• This test is used to determine whether all the components are installed

• This test take-place by using the last two bits of the instruction register
(IR) are always ``01''.

• By shifting out the IR of each device in the chain, it can be determined

whether the device is properly installed (connected).

• This is accomplished(carried-out) by making the TAP controller for IR read.

Tester Hardware
• TCK speeds are generally in the region
of 10 MHz to 25 MHz.

• The stimulus/response patterns along

with the correct value-changes on
TMS, are stored in RAM devices
mounted on the controller card.

• It hold the applied stimulus values

and collect actual response values for
comparison with the expected values.

• Overall, the test-preparation and test-

application software in the PC is
controlled under Windows 2000, XP
or NT.
Board and System-Level Boundary-Scan Control
• Bus master for chips
with boundary scan
– (a) ring architecture with
shared TMS
– (b) ring architecture with
separate TMS
– (c) star architecture
– (d) multidrop architecture
– (e) hierarchical
Pins for Custom Boundary Cell Support
IEEE_11491 Boundary Cells and Usage
Writing the IOSpecList
• To write out an IOSpecList based on the
information in the boundary scan data structures,
use the following command:
– write_io_speclist > iospeclist_file

• The IOSpecList output file contains all ports

(functional, test, and TAP) in the design and
specifies the type and location of the boundary
scan cells to be inserted on all the functional
ports.It also contains information for all JTAG
BSDL (Qualcomm)
• BSDL contains information about the boundary scan structure of a
component (chip).
• It is used to check whether the component is compliant (accommodate) to
the IEEE 1149.1 standard.
• It can be used in automatic generation of board tests for the ATE.
• It can be used to synthesize the standard 1149.1 circuit.
Various ports and #boundary scan cells(BSC)

• In : input only pin -> 1 BSC

• Buffer : A 2-state output only pin -> 1 BSC
• Out : A 3-state output only pin -> 2 BSC
• INOUT : A Bidirectional pin -> 3 BSC
• Linkage : Power,Ground,Analog,No-connect pins -> No BSC

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