Business Ethics and The Natural Environment

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• Businesses must be concerned with a com to protect
company’s responsibility to protect the environment in
which it operates. There might be direct and indirect
environmental impacts that being irresponsible may
bring to business operations.
• Companies everywhere must make the ethics of the
environment part of their business model in order to
protect of the natural resources they use to make profit
• There are many different principles on which to
draw in moral reasoning specific environmental
• The three basic pairs of principles are:
• Justice and Sustainability
• Sufficiency and Compassion
• Solidarity and Participation
Justice and Sustainability
• Equals should be treated equally unless there is an
enough basis to treat anyone or anything unfairly. It is
clearly relevant in the field of ethics called
Environmental Justice.
• Environmental Justice is concerned with the unfair
access to environmental resources
Justice and Sustainability
• Sustainability extend justice into the future. Sustainability is
meeting the needs of the current generation without sacrificing
the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. Today,
people are consuming or degrading many resources like fossil
fuel energy, topsoil and water faster than they can be
replenished by nature. This means they will not be accessible to
people in the future.
Justice and Sustainability
• The principle of justice is true in this sense because it emphasizes the
call to equitably balance the needs of those living today both the rich
and poor with upcoming generations. Thus, ethics on environment
takes the belief of fundamental fairness and extends it to embrace
thos yet to be born.
Sufficiency and Compassion
• The principle of sufficiency consents that all form of life are free to
have sufficient goods to live on and grow. It also means no one must
squander o hoard resources intended for the adequacy of all.
Keeping the standard of sufficiency obliges upon individuals to share,
to live more simply and o think creatively. On human communities
people ought to guarantee that everyone has access to the goods that
they need to live a life of dignity.
Sufficiency and Compassion
• The ethical standard of sufficiency is closely tied to the idea of moral
significance, which means that something is worthy of ethical
concern. In order to be worthy of ethical concern the needs of others
in consideration should be important, or worthy of concen. When
people consider the needs of others, like poor individuals in he
society or poor countries in the world, they are stressing the moral
principle of sufficiency. This principle helps people thin about whom
else they need to consider, to whom they have moral duties. It
underlies the practice of empathy.
Sufficiency and Compassion
• Compassion stretches the view of sufficiency to the Earth, Ethics on
environment claims the other animals, plants, and the elements like water,
soil or air are morally significant. Therefore, humans have responsibilities
to take steps so that their needs are met too.
• Most people, however, believe that other forms of life have some moral
worth, but that humans are of greater moral importance. Some think
animals are far more worthy of one’s concern than plants or elements. Yet,
they must recognize also that all animals depend, either directly or
indirectly on plants for food, and that no creatures can live without
sufficient clean water. It is simply impractical to think of the well-being of
one other creature in remoteness from their environment. Eventually, the
future of humans is attached to the interest of all other creatures.
Solidarity and Participation
• The principle of solidarity consider how people relate to each other in
community. It assumes that they are aware of their being a part of at
least one family which could be their biological family, their local
community, or their national community. However the challenge is to
consider the full range of relationships with others. In a globalized
economy, people participate in a vast, international economic
community, one in which goods and services are provided for by
those on the other side of the world. Solidarity requires people to
think of this kind of extended community, and to act in such a way
that reveals concern for the well-being of others.
Solidarity and Participation
• Participation extended the idea of solidarity to make it useful. The
demands of solidarity lead people to the principle of participations, so that
those involved in an environmental decision can figure out how it is made.
A lot of environmental problems can be traced from decisions being
organized by private individuals or companies that have extensive
implications. In some instances, in this country and others, governments
make environmental decisions without completely soliciting the approval
of the public. Time and again, Those most affected are ignorant of the
decisions or the long-term effects on their health and the welfare of their
environment. The principle of participants obliges people to recognize all of
the parties both human and non-human that are likely to be affected by a
decisions. It also tells that all parties should have a say in how the decision
is prepared. Genuine participation neccessitties transparency, implying that
each individual has admittance to the identical information that everyone
else has.
Cause of Environmental Problem
• Environmental Problems are pollution of air and water sources, cause
of erosion of soil leads to global warming, and the rise of ocean level
by global warming, as well as the loss of biodiversity. Among the main
causes of environmental problems.
High Quantity of Exhaust Gases
• Excessive amount of gases which are harmful to the environment
• Deforestation causes major problem since it decreases the number of
threes that provides oxygen and also affect rain pattern.
High number of Industries such as Mining
• Mining creates a lot of pollution since it releases particulate matter
which qualify as RPM. RPM matter can cause respiratory diseases .
Chemical Effluents
• Effluents are another by-product of industries that are release directly
into nearby aquatic life.
• As the spending power of the population increases and as cars
become available more, the number of vehicles on the road
• Smog is produce by the vehicles.
Unprecedented Construction

• Urban heat island is an effect caused due to the trapping of solar

radiation by concrete and cement. Construction causes removal of
vegetative cover which allows for better exchange of heat.

• Urban heat island is a direct cause of the unprecedented construction

activities that are being carried out right now. Urban heat island
causes trapping of pollutants.
• This heat island effect decreases air quality.
Secondary Pollutants
• Not directly emitted
• The creation of ozone from reaction between non-burnt
hydrocarbons and nitrous oxides.
• There are various other secondary pollutants and the reaction
between these pollutants cause reactions that lead to the formation
of ozone holes
• Stratospheric clouds are the main reaction sites for such pollutants
Ruinous agricultural

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