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07 Arrays

Arrays allow storing multiple values of the same data type in a single variable. They provide an efficient way to declare variables for collections of data like student marks. A one-dimensional array declares a single variable that reserves contiguous memory locations for its elements. Two-dimensional arrays similarly reserve a block of memory with elements accessed via two indices, allowing the representation of tables of data.

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71 views16 pages

07 Arrays

Arrays allow storing multiple values of the same data type in a single variable. They provide an efficient way to declare variables for collections of data like student marks. A one-dimensional array declares a single variable that reserves contiguous memory locations for its elements. Two-dimensional arrays similarly reserve a block of memory with elements accessed via two indices, allowing the representation of tables of data.

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Introduction (Arrays)

When a program to store the roll numbers of students of a class is to be

written., then we will have 2 options:-

Suppose , students = 100

Option 1:- declare 100 different variables and store each roll no in a
Option 2:- declare a single variable in such a way that, we can store
all the roll no’s in it.

The programmer’s choice will be option-2.

In order to declare a variable, to store many values in it, we have to use the
concept of “ARRAY” .
Arrays - A collection of same data type, 1D, 2D

An array is a collection of elements of the same type that are

referenced by a common name.

Compared to the basic data type (int, float & char) it is an

aggregate or derived data type.

Array size must be a constant value. All the elements of an array

occupy a set of contiguous memory locations.
Why need to use array type?

"We have a list of 1000 students' marks of an integer type. If using

the basic data type (int), we will declare something like the

int studMark0, studMark1, studMark2, ..., studMark999;

imagine how long we have to write the declaration part by using

normal variable declaration?
By using an array, we just declare like this,
ex: int studMark[100];

This will reserve 100 contiguous memory locations for storing the
students’ marks.
Graphically, this can be depicted as in the following figure.
Eg: if we declare variable, memory will be allotted randomly
int n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7
Declaring an Array:- Like any other variable, array must be
declared before they are used.

Syntax to declare an array:

datatype arrayname[size];

Ex: int arr[10];

In single dimension array memory will be allotted contiguously

int n[10]; can hold 10 integer values.

Size of an Array:
For each integer value, 2 bytes of memory will be registered
i.e., 10*2=20 bytes of memory is registered.
Initialization of an array:- After an array is declared it must be
initialized, it will contain garbage value (any random value). An
array can be initialized at either compile time or at runtime.

Direct array initialization: It is same as ordinary variable


datatype array_name[size] = {list of values};

int marks[4] = {67, 82, 56, 77}; //fixed length//integer array
float area[2] = {23.4, 6.8}; //float array initialization
int marks[4] = {67, 82, 56, 77, 59}; //compile time error
int arr[] = {2, 3, 4}; variable lenth//compile time array
Run time array initialization:
It is done using scanf() function. This approach is usually
used for initializing large array, or to initialize array with
user specified values.

scanf(“%d”,&arr[i]); //run time array initialization.
Example: One dimensional array
int sub[5], i, total=0;
printf(“enter 5 numbers\n”);
total=total + sub[i];
printf(“total is %d\n”,total);
Linear search

• which is used to find whether a given number is present in an array and if it is

present then at what location it occurs.
• It is very simple.
• We keep on comparing each element with the element to search until the desired
element is found or list ends.
Linear search
• #include <stdio.h>
• main()
• {
• int array[20], key, i, n;
• printf("Enter the number of elements in array\n");
• scanf("%d",&n);

• printf("Enter %d integer(s)\n", n);

• for (i= 0; i < n; i++)
• scanf("%d", &array[i]);

• printf("Enter the number to search\n");

• scanf("%d", &key);
• for (i= 0; i < n; i++)
• {
• if (array[i] ==key) /*if required element found */
• {
• printf("%d is present at location %d.\n",key, i+1);
• break;
• }
• }
• if (i == n)
• printf("%d is not present in array.\n", key);
• }
Two dimensional arrays:- The simplest form of the
multidimensional array is the two dimensional array.

int a[3][4];
This array can also be declared and initialized together. Such as

int arr[][3] = {……….. {0,0,0}, {1,1,1} };

Run time initialization of two dimensional array:

Example: Two dimensional array
int b[2][3];
int i, j;

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