Pregnancy Diagnosis: Peng Xuebing, M.D. Dept of Obs/Gyn Beijing Fu Xing Hospital Capital Medical University
Pregnancy Diagnosis: Peng Xuebing, M.D. Dept of Obs/Gyn Beijing Fu Xing Hospital Capital Medical University
Pregnancy Diagnosis: Peng Xuebing, M.D. Dept of Obs/Gyn Beijing Fu Xing Hospital Capital Medical University
3 weeks
Ovulation age
The expected date of delivery (EDD)
Naegele’s rule:
calculate from the last menstrual period
add 1 year and 7 days to the LMP and
subtract 3 month ;
or add 7 days to the LMP and add 9 month.
for example:
LMP: Sep. 11th. 2015
the due date is 9(-3)/11(+7)=6/18( June 18th, 2016)
1. Cessation of menstruation
• Most obvious and most important symptoms;
• Should discriminate with endocrine disorder,
breast-feeding period and amenorrhoea due
to oral contraceptives or uterine/ uterine
2. Morning sickness: nausea (80-85%), vomiting (52%),
• mostly occur at about 6 weeks and ease/disappear at 12
• may sometimes persist throughout pregnancy;
• believed to be caused by hormones of pregnancy especially
hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin);
• may be severe enough to warrant hospital admission:
hyperemesis gravidarum.
3. Frequency of micturition:
↑plasma volume and ↑urine production;
pressure effect of the uterus on the bladder.
pregnancy 12
2. Hegar sign: cervix may seem to separate from
uterine fundus. softening of the lower uterine
segment (cervix and isthmus);
Yolk sac
Pregnancy Tests
3. Cervical mucus examination (Dried cervical
mucus examined microscopically):
• The endocervical mucosal cells produce copious
amounts of a tenacious mucus that obstruct the
cervical canal soon after conception;
• progesterone secretion—even without a reduction
in estrogen secretion—acts promptly to lower
sodium chloride concentration to levels that
prohibit ferning;
• a beaded or cellular appearance.
• Photomicrograph of cervical
mucus obtained on day 11 of
the menstrual cycle.
(a ferning appearance)
• Photomicrograph of dried
cervical mucus obtained
from the cervical canal of a
woman pregnant at 32 to 33
weeks. The beaded pattern
is characteristic of
progesterone action on the
endocervical gland mucus
composition. (a beaded or
cellular appearance)
Pregnancy Tests
4. Basal body temperature (BBT):
higher for 18 days, possible pregnancy;
higher for 21 days, probable pregnancy.
5. Progesterone test:
20mg/day im. for 3 days;
be possible pregnancy if no vaginal bleeding
7 days later.
• For the woman who is in reproductive age,
we should always concern about whether
she has got pregnancy or not.
The periods of gestation :
• The first / early trimester: to extend from
conception through to 13 gestational weeks;
• The second / mid-trimester: to extend from 14
gestational weeks to the end of 27 gestational
• The third/ late trimester: to extend from 28 to 40
gestational weeks.
The second- and the third-trimester
Symphysis-fundal height
36 (SFH):
Xiphi sternum
Be estimated to be the
32,40number of weeks
28 gestation in centimetres
umbilicus 24 (at 30 wks the SFH
20 shoultd be 30cm±2cm):
16 ±2cm for 20-36 wks
Symphysis 12
±3cm for 36-40 wks
±4cm at 40 wks
Fetal movement
AC Fetal weight
Ultrasound Assessment
• Fetal lie,
fetal presentation,
fetal position
• Placenta
• Fetal heart
• Amniotic fluid volume
• Genetic screen: 18-20 weeks gestation
Ultrasound Assessment
• The uterus may measure small for dates:
Wrong dates;
Intrauterine growth restriction;
Abnormal lie of the fetus.
• The uterus may measure large for dates:
Wrong dates;
Multiple pregnancy;
Presence of fibroids.
Fetal electrocardiography (FECG)
Frank--- Single
Complete --- Double
footling ---
footling ---
Fetal presentations
Fetal position
• The relationships of the fetal
presenting parts and the maternal
• Presenting parts:
head presentation --- occiput
breech presentation --- sacrum transverse
face presentation --- mentum anterior
shoulder presentation --- scapular
• The relationship of the part of
the fetus that presents in the
pelvis to the four quadrants of the
maternal pelvis, identified by
initial L (left), R (right), A
(anterior) and P (posterior);
• The presenting part is also
identified by initial O (occiput),
M (mentum), S(sacrum) and Sc
Fetal positions
Fetal attitude variations
fetal lie, fetal presentation and fetal position