Maternity 2-1-1
Maternity 2-1-1
Maternity 2-1-1
• All changes in the mother's body during pregnancy are due to the
hormones. These changes enable her to mature the fetus, prepare
her body for labor, develop the breasts and lay down stores of fat
to provide calories for production of breast milk during
• The maternal blood volume and the number of red blood cells
• The kidneys extract waste from the blood and turn it into
first trimester and reaches its lowest level in mid trimester, this
(bulging outwards).
Breast Changes
Morning Sickness
Frequent Urination
• Each month in Ethiopian calendar has 30 days. And each year has 13
• To full fill 280 days you use the following three methods:
• The estimated age of the fetus calculated from the first day of the
2. De-worming
Existing Diseases
• The provider talks with the woman and examines her for
of an emergency.
Support person during and after the birth (e.g., family, friends)
Objectives and Procedures at Each FANC Visit
her partner.
in the urine.
The Third FANC Visit
• The third FANC visit should take place around 30–32 weeks of
• Perform the dipstick test for protein in the urine for all pregnant
The Fourth FANC Visit
• The fourth FANC visit should be occur between 36-40
weeks of gestation.
• The abdominal examination should confirm fetal lie and
• Birth preparedness, complication readiness and
emergency planning should be reviewed.
• Advice the woman on signs of normal labour and
pregnancy related emergencies.
Assessments of a Pregnant Woman
History Taking In Pregnant Women
1. Identification
• Religion
• Occupation
2. Chief Complaint
pregnancy are
5. Gynaecology History
• History of abortion
• Menstrual history
6. Past Medical History
• Illnesses may have damaged which could give rise to
complications during labour. E.g. Polio, tuberculosis,
rickets (could cause pelvic deformity),
• Epilepsy, cardiac disease, DM, HTN...Etc cause labour
7. Past Surgical History
• Past operations has the mother had, e.g. blood
transfusion, caesarean section....etc.
8. Personal and Social History
• Childhood development, educational status, living
environment, substance use & income.
9. Family History
• Family history is important because it provides
information about the health status of parents and
siblings hereditary or family disease.
Physical Examination
1. General Appearance
• Severity and acuteness of illness, posture emotional
state, facial expression and colour changes. General
appearance can be stated in well looking and sick looking.
2. Vital Sign
• B/P, Pulse, RR, To and weight.
• Thyroid gland
5. Respiratory System
• Inspect for cyanosis, character of respiration...Etc.
Shape of abdomen
Scars; observe any operation scars like, C/S, laparatomy and pelvic
Finger method
Fundal palpation:
Soft irregular bulky mass is breech, when hard round ballotable mass
is Head
2nd Manoeuvre or lateral palpation
• Fix the hand on the center of the abdomen, fix the right hand
and palpate with left hand and vise versa. The regular, linear,
rigid and smooth side is the back, FHB well heard on back side
3rd Manoeuvre or pelvic palpation
• Feel presenting part, is it hard or soft.
• Urine analysis
• Stool
2. Presentation
• Is the part of the fetus which lies at the pelvic brim or in the
lower pole of the uterus, these are:
3. Attitude
5. Position
6. Presenting Part
7. Crowning
8. Engagement
5/5 when the whole head can be palpated over the pelvis.
• Keep her head higher than her stomach when lying or sleeping.
food at all, like soil, chalk, advised they may poison her and her baby.
4. Ptyalism (Sialorrhoea)
5. Constipation
• Some pregnant women have difficulty in passing stools.
• Eat more fruits and vegetables
6. Hemorrhoids (Piles)
7. Backache
• The weight of the baby, the uterus and the amniotic fluid,
woman’s back.
9. Leucorrhea
• Reassure women who are breathless near the end of
pregnancy that is normal.
• But if a woman is also weak and tired, or if she is short of
breathe all of the time, she should be checked.