ch06 Enzymes

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6| Enzymes

© 2013 W. H. Freeman and Company


Key topics about enzyme function:

– Physiological significance of enzymes
– Origin of catalytic power of enzymes
– Chemical mechanisms of catalysis
– Mechanisms of chymotrypsin and lysozyme
– Description of enzyme kinetics and inhibition
What are enzymes?
•Enzymes are catalysts
• Increase reaction rates without being used up
• Most enzymes are globular proteins
• However, some RNA (ribozymes and ribosomal RNA) also
catalyze reactions
• Study of enzymatic processes is the oldest field of
biochemistry, dating back to late 1700s
• Study of enzymes has dominated biochemistry in the
past and continues to do so
Why biocatalysis over inorganic catalysts?
• Greater reaction specificity: avoids side products
• Milder reaction conditions: conducive to conditions in cells
• Higher reaction rates: in a biologically useful timeframe
• Capacity for regulation: control of biological pathways
- -

• Metabolites have many
potential pathways of
- Chorismate
COO mutase
OOC • Enzymes make the
desired one most
Enzymatic Substrate Selectivity

- +
OOC NH3 - +

No binding


H Binding but no reaction

Example: Phenylalanine hydroxylase

Reaction Conditions Compatible with Life


pH ≈7
Six Classes of Enzymes:
Defined by the Reactions Catalyzed
Enzyme-Substrate Complex
• Enzymes act by binding substrates
– The noncovalent enzyme substrate complex is
known as the Michaelis complex
– Description of chemical interactions
– Development of kinetic equations

kcat [ E ][ S ]
K m  [S ]
Enzyme-Substrate Complex
Enzymatic Catalysis
• Enzymes do not affect equilibrium (ΔG)
• Slow reactions face significant activation
barriers (ΔG‡) that must be surmounted
during the reaction
• Enzymes increase reaction rates (k) by
decreasing ΔG‡

kB T  G 

k exp 
 h   RT 
Reaction Coordinate Diagram
Enzymes Decrease ΔG‡
Rate Enhancement by Enzymes
How to Lower G
Enzymes organize reactive groups into close
proximity and proper orientation
• Uncatalyzed bimolecular reactions
two free reactants  single restricted transition state
conversion is entropically unfavorable
• Uncatalyzed unimolecular reactions
flexible reactant  rigid transition state conversion is
entropically unfavorable for flexible reactants
• Catalyzed reactions
Enzyme uses the binding energy of substrates to organize
the reactants to a fairly rigid ES complex
Entropy cost is paid during binding
Rigid reactant complex  transition state conversion is entropically OK
Support for the Proximity Model
The rate of anhydride formation from esters and carboxylates
shows a strong dependence on proximity of two reactive groups
(work by Thomas C. Bruice’s group).
How to Lower G
Enzymes bind transition states best
• The idea was proposed by Linus Pauling in 1946
– Enzyme active sites are complimentary to the
transition state of the reaction
– Enzymes bind transition states better than substrates
– Stronger/additional interactions with the transition
state as compared to the ground state lower the
activation barrier

Largely ΔH‡ effect

Illustration of TS Stabilization Idea:
Imaginary Stickase
Catalytic Mechanisms

– acid-base catalysis: give and take protons

– covalent catalysis: change reaction paths
– metal ion catalysis: use redox cofactors, pKa shifters
– electrostatic catalysis: preferential interactions with TS
General Acid-Base Catalysis
Amino Acids in
General Acid-Base Catalysis
Covalent Catalysis
• A transient covalent bond between the enzyme and
the substrate
• Changes the reaction Pathway
– Uncatalyzed: A—B AB
– Catalyzed: A — B  X : A — X  B  A  X : B

• Requires a nucleophile on the enzyme

– Can be a reactive serine, thiolate, amine, or
Metal Ion Catalysis
• Involves a metal ion bound to the enzyme

• Interacts with substrate to facilitate binding

– Stabilizes negative charges

• Participates in oxidation reactions

Chymotrypsin uses most of
the enzymatic mechanisms
Active Site of Chymotrypsin with Substrate
Chymotrypsin Mechanism
Step 1: Substrate Binding
Chymotrypsin Mechanism
Step 2: Nucleophilic Attack
Chymotrypsin Mechanism
Step 3: Substrate Cleavage
Chymotrypsin Mechanism
Step 4: Water Comes In
Chymotrypsin Mechanism
Step 5: Water Attacks
Chymotrypsin Mechanism
Step 6: Break-off from the Enzyme
Chymotrypsin Mechanism
Step 7: Product Dissociates
Peptidoglycan and Lysozyme
• Peptidoglycan is a polysaccharide found in many
bacterial cell walls

• Cleavage of the cell wall leads to the lysis of bacteria

• Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme

Peptidoglycan and Lysozyme
General Acid-Base + Covalent Catalysis:
Cleavage of Peptidoglycan by Lysozyme
X-ray structures of lysozyme with bound substrate analogs show
that the C-1 carbon is located between Glu 35 and Asp 52 residues.
Cleavage of Peptidoglycan by Lysozyme: Two
Successive SN2 Steps Model
• Asp 52 acts as a nucleophile to attack the anomeric
carbon in the first SN2 step
• Glu 35 acts as a general acid and protonates the
leaving group in the transition state
• Water hydrolyzes the covalent glycosyl-enzyme
• Glu 35 acts as a general base to deprotonate water in
the second SN2 step
What is enzyme kinetics?

• Kinetics is the study of the rate at which compounds

• Rate of enzymatic reaction is affected by:
– enzyme
– substrate
– effectors
– temperature
Why study enzyme kinetics?

• Quantitative description of biocatalysis

• Determine the order of binding of substrates
• Elucidate acid-base catalysis
• Understand catalytic mechanism
• Find effective inhibitors
• Understand regulation of activity
How to Do Kinetic Measurements
1) Mix enzyme + substrate
2) Record rate of substrate disappearance/product formation as a function of time
(the velocity of reaction)
3) Plot initial velocity versus substrate concentration.
4) Change substrate concentration and repeat
Effect of Substrate Concentration
Vmax [ S ]
• Ideal rate: v
Km  S

• Deviations due to:

– limitation of measurements
– substrate inhibition
– substrate prep contains inhibitors
– enzyme prep contains inhibitors
Effect of Substrate Concentration
Saturation Kinetics:
At high [S] velocity does not depend on [S]
Determination of Kinetic Parameters

Nonlinear Michaelis-Menten plot should be used to

calculate parameters Km and Vmax.

Linearized double-reciprocal plot is good for analysis

of two-substrate data or inhibition.
Lineweaver-Burk Plot:
Linearized, Double-Reciprocal
Derivation of Enzyme Kinetics Equations
• Start with a model mechanism
• Identify constraints and assumptions
• Carry out algebra ...
– ... or graph theory for complex reactions

• Simplest Model Mechanism: E + S  ES  E + P

– One reactant, one product, no inhibitors
Identify Constraints and Assumptions
• Total enzyme concentration is constant
– Mass balance equation for enzyme: ETot = [E] + [ES]
– It is also implicitly assumed that: STot = [S] + [ES] ≈ [S]

• Steady state assumption

d [ ES ]
 rate of formation of ES rate of breakdown of ES  0

• What is the observed rate? dP

v net   k[ES]
– Rate of product formation dt
Carry out the algebra
• The final form in case of a single substrate is
kcat [ Etot ][ S ]
K m  [S ]
• kcat (turnover number): how many substrate molecules
can one enzyme molecule convert per second
• Km (Michaelis constant): an approximate measure of
substrate’s affinity for enzyme
• Microscopic meaning of Km and kcat depends on the details
of the mechanism
Enzyme efficiency is limited by diffusion:
• Can gain efficiency by having high velocity or affinity
for substrate
– Catalase vs. acetylcholinesterase
Two-Substrate Reactions
• Kinetic mechanism: the order of binding of substrates
and release of products

• When two or more reactants are involved, enzyme

kinetics allows to distinguish between different kinetic
– Sequential mechanism
– Ping-Pong mechanism
Sequential Kinetic Mechanism
• We cannot easily distinguish random from ordered
• Random mechanisms in equilibrium will give
intersection point at y-axis
• Lineweaver-Burk: lines intersect
Ping-Pong Kinetic Mechanism
Lineweaver-Burk: lines are parallel
Enzyme Inhibition
Inhibitors are compounds that decrease enzyme’s activity

• Irreversible inhibitors (inactivators) react with the enzyme

• One inhibitor molecule can permanently shut off one enzyme molecule
• They are often powerful toxins but also may be used as drugs

• Reversible inhibitors bind to and can dissociate from the enzyme

• They are often structural analogs of substrates or products
• They are often used as drugs to slow down a specific enzyme

• Reversible inhibitor can bind:

• to the free enzyme and prevent the binding of the substrate
• to the enzyme-substrate complex and prevent the reaction
Competitive Inhibition

• Competes with substrate for binding

– Binds active site
– Does not affect catalysis

• No change in Vmax; apparent increase in KM

• Lineweaver-Burk: lines intersect at the y-axis
Competitive Inhibition
Competitive Inhibition
Uncompetitive Inhibition

• Only binds to ES complex

• Does not affect substrate binding
• Inhibits catalytic function

• Decrease in Vmax; apparent decrease in KM

• No change in KM/Vmax
• Lineweaver-Burk: lines are parallel
Uncompetitive Inhibition
Uncompetitive Inhibition
Mixed Inhibition

• Binds enzyme with or without substrate

― Binds to regulatory site
― Inhibits both substrate binding and catalysis
• Decrease in Vmax; apparent change in KM
• Lineweaver-Burk: lines intersect left from the y-axis
• Noncompetitive inhibitors are mixed inhibitors such
that there is no change in KM
Mixed Inhibition
Mixed Inhibition
Enzyme activity can be regulated

• Regulation can be:

– noncovalent modification
– covalent modification
– irreversible
– reversible
Noncovalent Modification:
Allosteric Regulators
The kinetics of allosteric regulators differ from
Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
Some Reversible Covalent Modifications
Zymogens are activated by
irreversible covalent modification
The blood coagulation cascade uses
irreversible covalent modification
Some enzymes use
multiple types of regulation
Chapter 6: Summary
In this chapter, we learned:

• why nature needs enzyme catalysis

• how enzymes can accelerate chemical reactions
• how chymotrypsin breaks down peptide bonds
• how to perform and analyze kinetic studies
• how to characterize enzyme inhibitors
• how enzyme activity can be regulated

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