Optical Sources

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Semiconductor Sources for

Optical Communications

Mr. Gaurav Verma

Asst. Prof.
ECE Dept.
Considerations with Optical
 Physical dimensions to suit the fiber

 Narrow radiation pattern (beam width)

 Linearity (output light power proportional to

driving current)
Considerations with Optical

 Ability to be directly modulated by varying

driving current

 Fast response time (wide band)

 Adequate output power into the fiber


 Narrow spectral width (or line width)

 Stability and efficiency

 Driving circuit issues

 Reliability and cost

Semiconductor Light Sources
 A PN junction (that consists of direct band gap
semiconductor materials) acts as the active or
recombination region.
 When the PN junction is forward biased, electrons
and holes recombine either radiatively (emitting
photons) or non-radiatively (emitting heat). This is
simple LED operation.
 In a LASER, the photon is further processed in a
resonance cavity to achieve a coherent, highly
directional optical beam with narrow linewidth.
LED vs. laser spectral width

Single-frequency laser
(<0.04 nm) Laser output is many times
higher than LED output; they
would not show on same scale
Standard laser
(1-3 nm wide)

LED (30-50 nm wide)

Light Emission

 Basic LED operation: When an electron

jumps from a higher energy state (Ec) to a
lower energy state (Ev) the difference in
energy Ec- Ev is released either
 as a photon of energy E = h (radiative
 as heat (non-radiative recombination)

In a pure Gp. IV material, equal number of holes and electrons

exist at different energy levels.
n-type material

Adding group V impurity will create an n- type material

p-type material

Adding group III impurity will create a p-type material

The Light Emitting Diode (LED)

 For fiber-optics, the LED should have a

high radiance (light intensity), fast response
time and a high quantum efficiency
 Double or single hetero-structure devices
 Surface emitting (diffused radiation) Vs
Edge emitting (more directional) LED’s
 Emitted wavelength depends on bandgap
E g  h  hc / 

 Heterojunction is the advanced junction

design to reduce diffraction loss in the
optical cavity.
 This is accomplished by modification of the
laser material to control the index of
refraction of the cavity and the width of the
 The p-n junction of the basic GaAs
LED/laser described before is called a
homojunction because only one type of
semiconductor material is used in the
junction with different dopants to produce
the junction itself.
 The index of refraction of the material
depends upon the impurity used and the
doping level.
 The Heterojunction region is actually lightly
doped with p-type material and has the highest
index of refraction.
 The n-type material and the more heavily doped p-
type material both have lower indices of refraction.
 This produces a light pipe effect that helps to
confine the laser light to the active junction region.
In the homojunction, however, this index difference
is low and much light is lost.
Gallium Arsenide-Aluminum Gallium
Arsenide Heterojunction
 Structure and index of refraction n for various types of junctions in
gallium arsenide with a junction width d.
 (a) is for a homojunction.
 (b) is for a gallium arsenide-aluminum gallium arsenide single
 (c) is for a gallium arsenide-aluminum gallium arsenide double
heterojunction with improved optical confinement.
 (d) is for a double heterojunction with a large optical cavity of width w.
Structure of a Generic Light Emitter:
Double-Heterostructure Device

Fiber optic communication systems operate in the

 850-nm,
 1300-nm, and
 1550-nm wavelength windows.
 Semiconductor sources are designed to operate
at wavelengths that minimize optical fiber
absorption and maximize system bandwidth
LED Wavelength
 ( m) 
E (eV)

 = hc/E(eV)

 = wavelength in microns
H = Planks constant
C = speed of light
E = Photon energy in eV
Bandgap Energy and Possible Wavelength
Ranges in Various Materials
 Semiconductor LEDs emit incoherent
 Spontaneous emission of light in
semiconductor LEDs produces light
waves that lack a fixed-phase
relationship. Light waves that lack a
fixed-phase relationship are referred to
as incoherent light

 The use of LEDs in single mode systems is

severely limited because they emit
unfocused incoherent light.
 Even LEDs developed for single mode
systems are unable to launch sufficient
optical power into single mode fibers for
many applications.
 LEDs are the preferred optical source for
multimode systems because they can
launch sufficient power at a lower cost than
semiconductor LDs.
Semiconductor LDs

 Semiconductor LDs emit coherent

 LDs produce light waves with a fixed-
phase relationship (both spatial and
temporal) between points on the
electromagnetic wave.
 Light waves having a fixed-phase
relationship are referred to as
coherent light.
Semiconductor LDs Cont..

 Semiconductor LDs emit more

focused light than LEDs, they are able
to launch optical power into both
single mode and multimode optical
 LDs are usually used only in single
mode fiber systems because they
require more complex driver circuitry
and cost more than LEDs.
Produced Optical Power

 Optical power produced by

optical sources can range from
microwatts (W) for LEDs to tens
of milliwatts (mW) for
semiconductor LDs.
 However, it is not possible to
effectively couple all the available
optical power into the optical
fiber for transmission.
Dependence of coupled power

The amount of optical power coupled into the

fiber is the relevant optical power. It depends
on the following factors:
 The angles over which the light is emitted
 The size of the source's light-emitting area
relative to the fiber core size
 The alignment of the source and fiber
 The coupling characteristics of the fiber
(such as the NA and the refractive index
 Typically, semiconductor lasers emit light spread
out over an angle of 10 to 15 degrees.
 Semiconductor LEDs emit light spread out at even
larger angles.
 Coupling losses of several decibels can easily
occur when coupling light from an optical source
to a fiber, especially with LEDs.
 Source-to-fiber coupling efficiency is a measure of
the relevant optical power.
 The coupling efficiency depends on the type of
fiber that is attached to the optical source.
 Coupling efficiency also depends on the coupling
 Current flowing through a semiconductor
optical source causes it to produce light.
 LEDs generally produce light through
spontaneous emission when a current is
passed through them.
Spontaneous Emission

 Spontaneous emission is the random

generation of photons within the active
layer of the LED. The emitted photons
move in random directions. Only a certain
percentage of the photons exit the
semiconductor and are coupled into the
fiber. Many of the photons are absorbed by
the LED materials and the energy
dissipated as heat.

 A light-emitting diode (LED) is a

semiconductor device that emits
incoherent light, through
spontaneous emission, when a
current is passed through it. Typically
LEDs for the 850-nm region are
fabricated using GaAs and AlGaAs.
LEDs for the 1300-nm and 1550-nm
regions are fabricated using InGaAsP
and InP.
Types of LED

The basic LED types used for

fiber optic communication
systems are
 Surface-emitting LED (SLED),
 Edge-emitting LED (ELED), and
LED performance differences (1)

 LED performance differences help link

designers decide which device is appropriate
for the intended application.
 For short-distance (0 to 3 km), low-data-rate
fiber optic systems, SLEDs and ELEDs are the
preferred optical source.
 Typically, SLEDs operate efficiently for bit
rates up to 250 megabits per second (Mb/s).
Because SLEDs emit light over a wide area
(wide far-field angle), they are almost
exclusively used in multimode systems.
LED performance differences (2)

 For medium-distance, medium-data-rate

systems, ELEDs are preferred.
 ELEDs may be modulated at rates up to 400
Mb/s. ELEDs may be used for both single
mode and multimode fiber systems.
 Both SLDs and ELEDs are used in long-
distance, high-data-rate systems. SLDs are
ELED-based diodes designed to operate in the
superluminescence mode.
 SLDs may be modulated at bit rates of over
400 Mb/s.
Surface-Emitting LEDs
 The surface-emitting LED is also known as the Burrus
LED in honor of C. A. Burrus, its developer.
 In SLEDs, the size of the primary active region is limited
to a small circular area of 20 m to 50 m in diameter.
 The active region is the portion of the LED where
photons are emitted. The primary active region is below
the surface of the semiconductor substrate perpendicular
to the axis of the fiber.
 A well is etched into the substrate to allow direct
coupling of the emitted light to the optical fiber. The
etched well allows the optical fiber to come into close
contact with the emitting surface.
Surface-emitting LED
Edge-emitting LED
LED Spectral Width

Edge emitting LED’s have slightly narrow line width

Quantum Efficiency
 Internal quantum efficiency is the ratio
between the radiative recombination rate and
the sum of radiative and nonradiative
recombination rates
int  Rr /( Rr  Rnr )
 For exponential decay of excess carriers,
the radiative recombination lifetime is n/Rr
and the nonradiative recombination lifetime
is n/Rnr
Internal Efficiency

If the current injected into the LED is I, then

the total number of recombination per second
is, Rr+Rnr = I/q where, q is the charge of an
That is, Rr = intI/q.
Since Rr is the total number of photons
generated per second, the optical power
generated internal to the LED depends on the
internal quantum efficiency
External Efficiency


External Efficiency for air

Fresnel Transmission Coefficient n2=1, n1 = n

T (0)  4n1n2 ext  1

n1  n2  2 n(n  1) 2
3-dB bandwidths
P( f )  Po / 1  (2f ) 2

Optical Power  I(f); Electrical Power  I2(f)

Electrical Loss = 2 x Optical Loss

Drawbacks of LED
 Large line width (30-40 nm)
 Large beam width (Low coupling to the fiber)
 Low output power
 Low E/O conversion efficiency
 Robust
 Linear

 Light Amplification by ‘Stimulated Emission’

and Radiation (L A S E R)
 Coherent light (stimulated emission)
 Narrow beam width (very focused beam)
 High output power (amplification)
 Narrow line width because only few
wavelength will experience a positive
feedback and get amplified (optical filtering)
Fundamental Lasing Operation

 Absorption: An atom in the ground state might

absorb a photon emitted by another atom, thus
making a transition to an excited state.
 Spontaneous Emission: Random emission of a
photon, which enables the atom to relax to the
ground state.
 Stimulated Emission: An atom in an excited state
might be stimulated to emit a photon by another
incident photon.
Howling Dog Analogy
In Stimulated Emission incident
and stimulated photons will have

 Identical energy  Identical wavelength

 Narrow linewidth
 Identical direction  Narrow beam width
 Identical phase  Coherence and
 Identical polarization
Laser Transition Processes
(Stimulated and Spontaneous

Energy Random Coherent

absorbed from release of release of
the incoming energy energy
Stimulated Emission
Fabry-Perot Laser
(resonator) cavity
Mirror Reflections
How a Laser Works
Multimode Laser Output
Spectrum (Center Wavelength)

Separation g(λ)

Optical output vs. drive current of a laser

External Efficiency
Depends on the slope

Threshold Current
Laser threshold depends on
Modulation of Optical Sources

 Optical sources can be modulated either

directly or externally.
 Direct modulation is done by modulating the
driving current according to the message
signal (digital or analog)
 In external modulation, the laser emits
continuous wave (CW) light and the
modulation is done in the fiber
Why Modulation
 A communication link is established by transmission
of information reliably
 Optical modulation is embedding the information on
the optical carrier for this purpose
 The information can be digital (1,0) or analog (a
continuous waveform)
 The bit error rate (BER) is the performance measure
in digital systems
 The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is the performance
measure in analog systems
Important parameters used to characterize
and compare different modulators

 Modulation efficiency: Defined differently depending

on if we modulate intensity, phase or frequency. For
intensity it is defined as (Imax – Imin)/Imax.
 Modulation depth: For intensity modulation it is
defined in decibel by 10 log (Imax/Imin).
 Modulation bandwidth: Defined as the high
frequency at which the efficiency has fallen by 3dB.
 Power consumption: Simply the power consumption
per unit bandwidth needed for (intensity)
Types of Optical Modulation
 Direct modulation is done by superimposing
the modulating (message) signal on the driving
 External modulation is done after the light is
generated; the laser is driven by a dc current
and the modulation is done after that
 Both these schemes can be done with either
digital or analog modulating signals
Optical Communication 61
Direct Modulation

 The message signal (ac) is superimposed on the

bias current (dc) which modulates the laser
 Robust and simple, hence widely used
 Issues: laser resonance frequency, chirp, turn on
delay, clipping and laser nonlinearity
Optical Output vs. Drive Current of a Laser
Direct Analog Modulation

I  IB
I  I B  I th

Modulation index (depth) m  I I '

Analog LED Modulation
No threshold
No clipping
No turn on
Laser Digital Modulation
(P) P(t)

Current (I)

 I 2  I1 
td   sp ln  
 I 2  I th 
Turn on Delay (lasers)

 When the driving current suddenly jumps from

low (I1 < Ith) to high (I2 > Ith) , (step input), there
is a finite time before the laser will turn on
 This delay limits bit rate in digital systems
 Can you think of any solution?

 I 2  I1 
td   sp ln  
 I 2  I th 
 Input current
 Assume step input

 Electron density
 steadily increases until
threshold value is

 Output optical power on Resonance Freq.
Delay (fr)
 Starts to increase only
after the electrons reach
the threshold
Frequency Response of a Laser

(fr) limits the

Useful Region
Laser Analog

P(t )  Pt [1  ms(t )]
Here s(t) is the modulating signal,
P(t): output optical power
Pt: mean value S(t)
The modulated spectrum

Twice the RF frequency

Two sidebands each separated by modulating frequency

Limitations of Direct Modulation

 Turn on delay and resonance frequency are the two

major factors that limit the speed of digital laser
 Saturation and clipping introduces nonlinear
distortion with analog modulation (especially in
multi carrier systems)
 Nonlinear distortions introduce second and third
order intermodulation products
 Chirp: Laser output wavelength drift with
modulating current is also another issue
The Chirped Pulse

A pulse can have a frequency that varies in time.

This pulse increases its frequency linearly in time (from red to blue).

In analogy to bird sounds, this pulse is called a "chirped" pulse.

Temperature dependency of
the laser is another issue
External Optical Modulation

 Modulation and light generation are separated

 Offers much wider bandwidth  up to 60 GHz
 More expensive and complex
 Used in high end systems
External Modulated

 Typical spectrum is double side band

 However, single side band is possible which is
useful at extreme RF frequencies
Mach-Zehnder Interferometers
Parameters to characterize
performance of optical modulation
Mach- Zehnder modulator
Mach- Zehnder modulator
Characteristics of Mach-
Zehnder modulator
Electro- absorption (EA)
Integration of EA modulator
with LD
Characteristics of EA
Mach-Zehnder Principle
Distributed Feedback Laser
(Single Mode Laser)

The optical feedback is provided by fiber Bragg Gratings

 Only one wavelength get positive feedback

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